Association for Jewish Studies (Ekstern organisation)

Aktivitet: Medlemskab - typerMedlemskab af forskningsnetværk

Inge Birgitte Siegumfeldt - Medlem

The AJS's major programs and projects include an annual scholarly conference, featuring more than 150 sessions; a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, AJS Review, published by Cambridge University Press; a biannual magazine, AJS Perspectives, that explores methodological and pedagogical issues; Positions in Jewish Studies, the most comprehensive listing of Jewish Studies job opportunities; Resources in Jewish Studies, an online guide to Jewish Studies programs, grant opportunities, professional development resources, electronic research tools, and doctoral theses; the Jordan Schnitzer Book Awards, which recognize outstanding research in the field; the Legacy Heritage Jewish Studies Project, in cooperation with the Legacy Heritage Fund, in support of innovative public programming; and the new Berman Foundation Dissertation Fellowships

Body type: International Scholarly Association
1 jan. 2000

Ekstern organisation

NavnAssociation for Jewish Studies


  • Jewish Studies

ID: 173283893