Medlem af: Politics and the Arts Standing Group (Ekstern organisation)

Aktivitet: Medlemskab - typerMedlemskab af forskningsnetværk

Julio Hans C. Jensen - Medlem

The Politics and the Arts Group is committed to the interdisciplinary study of art as a form of political discourse. The conjuction 'politics and the arts' has increasingly attracted interest within political theory and international politics, cultural studies, cultural policy and art research. Politics and the Arts is an established field of research within the social sciences, and it has been Standing Group of The European Concertium for Political research since 1996. The Group regularly organises conferences and panels at major international events as well as in national level. We keep on creating discussions among scholars, researchers, artists and cultural practitioners. Our research projects have focused around the issues of terror and art, violence and non-violence, visual and other artistic representations of international conflicts, questions of politicising the literature and poetic form and narrative practices, and critique of media representations. Recently, we have discussed the issues of Art as political and historical witness.
2015 → …

Ekstern organisation

NavnMedlem af: Politics and the Arts Standing Group

ID: 148558796