Martyn Richard Bone

Martyn Richard Bone


  1. Udgivet

    "A fine loud grabble and snatch of AAA and WPA": Faulkner, Wright, Hurston, Bontemps and the Depression South

    Bone, Martyn, 2021, A History of the Literature of the U.S. South. Stecopoulos, H. (red.). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, s. 263-81 19 s.

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  2. Udgivet

    Review of: Sarah Robertson, Poverty Politics: Poor Whites in Contemporary Southern Writing.

    Bone, Martyn, 2021, I: MFS - Modern Fiction Studies. 47, 3, s. 590-592

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  3. Udgivet

    Review-essay of Shawn Chandler Bingham and Lindsey A. Freeman, eds., The Bohemian South: Creating Countercultures, from Poe to Punk.

    Bone, Martyn, 2021, I: The Southern Quarterly: A Journal of Arts and Letters in the South. 57, 4 (summer 2020), s. 62-67 6 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Review of: Timothy Hampton, Bob Dylan's Poetics: How the Songs Work. (New York: Zone Books, 2019.)

    Bone, Martyn, maj 2021, I: Journal of American Studies. 55, 2, 2 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Straw Dogs and the Transnational Making of Nations’ Regions

    Bone, Martyn, dec. 2021, I: Mississippi Quarterly. 73, 4, s. 431-55 26 s.

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