Events from 2016 and earlier
4 Jan. 2018, 13:00
Renegotiating Responsibility
28 Sept. 2017, 10:00-12:00
Vocabulary in academic speaking
13 Sept. 2017, 13:15-15:00
PhD-præforsvar ved Nils Voisin Schultz
11 Sept. 2017, 15:15-17:00
PhD-præforsvar ved Troels Hughes Hansen
1 Sept. 2017, 9:00-17:00
KU Literary Festival
7 June 2017, 14:15-16:00
PhD pre-defence - Jakob Skovgaard
1 June 2017, 13:00
PhD defence - Christian Damm Pedersen
9 Dec. 2016, 10
Grammatical constructions – cross-linguistic and intra-linguistic variability
25 Nov. 2016, 13:15-14:45
Lecture by Paul North
4 Nov. 2016, 13:15-14:45
Lecture by Julia Rosenthal
27 Oct. 2016, 17
Engerom Linguistic Circle
14 Oct. 2016, 13:00
PhD defence - Kimberly Chopin
16 Sept. 2016, 13:15-14:45
Lecture by David E. Wellbery
7 June 2016, 10am
Engerom Seminar in American History
20 May 2016, 14
PhD pre-defence - Astrid Rasch
12 May 2016, 10am
Lecture by Margarida Marques
9 May 2016, 3pm
Text and Image - PhD seminar with Barbara Bohac and François Bon
9 May - 11 May 2016
LUNAS 2016
20 Apr. 2016, 10am
Lecture by Richardo Reis
1 Apr. 2016, 13:00
PhD defence - Joseph Ballan
2 Mar. 2016, 13
Foredrag af Jonas Kreienbaum
15 Jan. 2016, 13:00
PhD defence - Ezequiel Mercau
9 Dec. 2015, 15
Lecture by Bruce Buchan
25 Nov. 2015, 11:00-12:00
Foredrag af Ekaterina Kozhevnikova
5 Nov. 2015, 11
Translation Studies Cross-Over II
4 Nov. 2015, 15
Lecture by Bruce Clunies Ross
30 Oct. 2015, 9:30
Knowing Savagery - From Renaissance to Romanticism
1 Oct. 2015, 15
Indigenous Voices in Sydney
16 June 2015, 9am
Lecture by Diane Larsen-Freeman
13 May 2015, 3pm
Zoë Wicomb in Dialogue with Ann Langwadt
6 May 2015, 3pm
Lecture series Art and Movement
18 Feb. 2015, 1pm
Lecture by Birgit Henriksen
16 Dec. 2014, 1pm
Riots in French Culture
6 Nov. - 7 Nov. 2014
CALL FOR PAPERS: Comparative Studies in Migration and Memory
3 Nov. - 4 Nov. 2014
Language in the new media, norm, variation, language change
19 Sept. 2014, 1pm
Cultural responses to environmental disaster in Australia
17 Sept. 2014, 13:00-16:20
Seminar with Alister Cumming
This is an Engerom Focus Event organized by the research platform Language in higher education.
7 May 2014, 10:15-11:30
Lecture by Caroline Elkins
30 Apr. 2014, 12:15
Lecture by Nancy Cook
29 Apr. 2014, 14
Seminar with Matthew Klugman and Claire McLisky
9 Apr. 2014, 15:15-17:00
Seminar with Bill Schwarz and Stephen Howe
31 Mar. 2014, 14
Lecture by Bridget Bennett
24 Mar. 2014, 11:15-13:00
Seminar with John M. MacKenzie
14 Mar. 2014, 14:00-15:15
The United Kingdom & the Future of Scotland
6 Mar. 2014, 13
Teacher Talk and Teacher Cognition
26 Feb. 2014, 14
Comparative Studies in Migration and Memory
Participants are asked to prepare a short presentation (around ten minutes) on their interests and research ideas connected to this theme.
Please note that the subject area is not centred on any particular region or discipline, nor do individual projects do not have to make comparisons.
These will develop from our common interests in the personal experience and collective representation of migration.
26 Feb. 2014, 10:15-11:00
Lecture by Andrew S.Thompson