Tris Hedges

Tris Hedges

PhD fellow

I am a PhD Fellow employed within the 'Who are We' research group. My research typically finds itself at the intersections of phenomenology, social ontology, and feminist philosophy. I am particularly interested in discussions surrounding discrimination, normalisation, gender, sexuality, and group identity.



Current research

My project is (tentatively) titled Us and Them: Alienation and Normalisation in Intergroup Relations. In this project, I investigate different forms of group identity, the constitutive significance of the 'Them' or the 'Third' for we-experiences, and I explore how power relations modulate, motivate, and obscure the ways in which we identify with/against each other. Within the scope of the research group, I aim to investigate first-person plural experiences which result from identity categories, intergroup relations, and antagonistic encounters. In relation to this, I have also written multiple papers on the phenomenology of oppressive group-based discrimination from the perspective of the discriminator.


Besides my PhD project I am bringing phenomenological accounts of sexuality into dialogue with contemporary discussions in trans, queer, and feminist philosophy to examine experiences of sexual normalisation. I am working on two papers. In the first, I develop an account of affective self-doubt and examine its normalising function in relatoin to erotic desire. In the second, I analyse how we can be inhibtied at the level of erotic (and affective) intentionality due to norms of (but not limited to) cisheterosexism.


If you'd like to hear more about my work, gain access to a draft, or collaborate, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.




Fall 2023

Lecture/Seminar in Applied Phenomenology (BA Course)                   

University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Fall 2022

Seminar in Ethics and Meta-ethics (BA Course)

University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Lecture/Seminar in Applied Phenomenology (BA Course)                   

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

ID: 291062810