Petra Daryai-Hansen

Petra Daryai-Hansen

Associate Professor - Promotion Programme


2015-Present: Associate Professor, Department of English, German and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen

2018-2021: Visiting Associate Professor, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

2015: Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Identity, Roskilde University

2015-2018: Docent, University College Copenhagen

2012-2014: Assistant Professor, Department of Culture and Identity, Roskilde University

2011-2013: Course coordinator and lecturer, Department of Intercultural Communication and Management, Copenhagen Business School

2009-2011: External lecturer, Department of Culture and Identity, Roskilde University

2007-2011: Course coordinator and language consultant, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1990-2011: Translator, e.g. for Arte and SFB



2010: PhD, Cultural Encounters, Roskilde University, ‘Begegnungen mit fremden Sprachen. Sprachliche Hierarchien im sprachenpolitischen Diskurs im Dänemark und Deutschland der Gegenwart’

2000: First State Examination in German and French, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany


Academic administration

2020-Present: Coordinator of cross disciplinary courses and degrees, Department of English, German and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen

2016-2018: Head of the Foreign Language Education Programme, University College Copenhagen

2014-2015: Head of the Language Profiles in French, German and Spanish, Roskilde University

2012-2014: Deputy head of the Language Profiles in French and German, Roskilde University

2011-2013: Course coordinator, Department of Intercultural Communication and Management, German Area Studies, Copenhagen Business School


International Committees, Boards and Panels, e.g.

2020-2024: Member, International Advisory Board, Education for plurilingualism: Metalinguistic awareness in early instructed language learning (MetaLearn), National Research Foundation, Norway

2020-2021: Appointed member, Ad-Hoc Working Group for preparing a Draft Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers on the contribution of plurilingual education to democracy, Council of Europe

2019: Appointed member, Review Panel for research project grants into migration and integration, Swedish Research Council

2019: Member, Scientific Committee, International Conference on Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts (LIEMC19)

2019: Member, Scientific Committee, International Conference on Multilingual and Multicultural Learning: Policies and Practices

2019: Member, Scientific Committee, International Conference on Multilingual Awareness & Multilingual Practices (MAMP19)

2019: Member, Scientific Committee, EDiLiC Conference 2019

2019: Appointed expert, Report on access to language education and policies promoting equality in comprehensive education in EU countries, University of Jyväskylä

2018-2019: Member, Evaluation committee for postdoctoral position, Department of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen

2018: Member, Scientific Committee, International Conference on Multilingualism and Multilingual Education (ICMME18)

2018: Member, Scientific Committee, International Conference on Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts  

2017-Present: Member, Outer International Assessment Board, Irish Research Council

2017: Member, Scientific Committee, International Conference on Multilingualism and Multilingual Education (ICMME17)

2014-Present: Appointed member, International Committee, representative of the Nordic and Baltic countries, Education et Diversité Linguistique et Culturelle (EDiLiC)


National Committees, Boards and Panels, e.g.

2020-Present: Member, Strategic Committee, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen

2019-Present: Member, Research Committee, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen

2019-Present: Member, PhD Committee, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

2019-Present: Appointed member, Advisory Board, KursKultur 2.0, EU’s Interreg-programme

2019-Present: Member, Advisory Board, Udvikling af undervisningsforløb og digitale læremidler til fremmedsprog i folkeskolen, The National Centre for Foreign Languages NCFF

2019-Present: Appointed member, Faggruppe for tysk, Ministry of Education

2019-Present: Member, Advisory Board, The National Centre for Foreign Languages NCFF.

2019: Member, Advisory Board, Udformning af lokal sprogstrategi på Nørre Fælled Skole, The National Centre for Foreign Languages, NCFF.

2018-Present: Appointed member, Advisory Board, kultKIT: dansk-tyske møder, EU’s Interreg-programme

2017-Present: Appointed member, Working Group on Adjusting the Academic Minimum Standards, Ministry of Education

2017-Present: Appointed member, Fagligt forum for tysk, Ministry of Education

2016-Present: Appointed member, Quality assurance of General Certificate of Lower Secondary Education in German, Ministry of Education

2016-Present: Appointed member, Think Tank about Language, Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening

2016: Appointed member, Curriculum group in German, Ministry of Education

2015-2017: Member, Advisory Board, kultKIT, EU’s Interreg-programme

2014-Present: Member, Consortium for Language and Subject Matter Didactics in Primary and Lower Secondary School, University of Copenhagen

2014-2016: Member, Board committee, ECML-DK

2012-2016: Chairman, InfoDOK

2013-2014: Member, Department Council, Roskilde University

ID: 131853010