Søs Haugaard

Søs Haugaard

External Lecturer

I primarily teach early British lliterature, which is also the area in which I have publications.

Further,  have taught modern British literature, includning courses on Victorian literature and Modernism.

I have supervised a number of master's theses on subjects like Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe and Virginia Woolf.

In recent years, I have also been teaching English language,  includning grammar and translation studies.

For a number of years I have been an occasional contributor to radio and television programmes about Shakespeare and Renaissance Studies--for an example, listen here: 4. division | Dårlig flymad og upassende opførsel i magteliten | DR LYD

In addition to this, I regularly give talks and public lectures on subjects such as Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde and Jane Austen. Likewise, I am an occasional lecturer on  in-service training courses for uppper-secondary school teachers and other professionals.

ID: 964815