Hanne Jansen

Hanne Jansen


Relevant Academic Education

1999 Ph.D. in Italian Linguistics, University of Copenhagen (topic of the thesis: A contrastive inter- and intralinguistic analysis of the ‘Informational Density’ in Italian and Danish, written and oral parallel texts)
1991 Master of Arts (cand.mag.), University of Copenhagen. Major subject: Italian studies. Minorsubject: Philosophy (topic of the thesis: Syntactic derivations & the level of abstraction in essayistic texts. A contrastive study based on Italian/Danish translational data)

Current Position

since August 2003 Associate Professor at the Section of Italian Studies, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen

Teaching areas: Primarily Translation & Text Analysis. Founder and coordinator of the Graduate Program in Translation Studies

Relevant Work Experience

January-August 2003 Fixed-term Lecturer at the Section of Italian Studies, Department of Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen

2000-2002 Assistant Professor at the Section of Italian Studies, Department of Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen

1991-1994 Part-time Lecturer same place

1985- Literary Translator (Italian-Danish)

More CV added May 2012

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