Multilingual translation vs. English-fits-all in South African news media

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After the demise of apartheid, the ANC government in South Africa elevated nine African languages to the status of official languages, on a par with the two official languages during the apartheid regime (1948–1991), Afrikaans and English. With eleven official languages in this vast country, the home of some 50 million people, one may expect a high level of translational activities, as is seen in, for instance, the EU, with 23 official languages - one of which happens to be English. However, although English plays an important role in the European media, it has an all but dominant role in South African media. To the extent that translation is found in South African media, it tends to be either between English and Afrikaans or from an African language into English, not from English into an African language. This paper establishes a theoretical framework distinguishing between varying degrees of visibility in (media) translation, and exemplifies various translational phenomena typical of the special conditions found in South Africa, with the local use of English as a de facto lingua franca reinforced by the global success of Anglophone culture
TidsskriftAcross Languages and Cultures
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)189-216
StatusUdgivet - 2010

ID: 20623367