The Author Strikes Back. The author-translator dialogue as a special kind of paratext

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Many internationally published writers supply their translators with additional comments on the work to be translated. The aim of this paper is to study the kind of information that authors choose to convey to their translators, and to reflect on the degree in which, besides conveying factual and lexical information, they are also supplying guidelines for the ‘right’ interpretation and translation of the text. Following Gerard Genette’s notion of paratext (1997 [1987]), the author’s comments and suggestions are defined as important ‘thresholds’ in the work’s way to the reader, ‘thresholds’ that might be seen too as the author’s attempt to counterbalance the threat of losing authorship inherent in the translation process.
TitelTracks and Treks in Translation Studies. : Selected papers from the EST Congress, Leuven 2010
RedaktørerCatherine Way, Sonia Vandepitte, Reine Meylaerts, Magdalena Bartlomiejczyk
Antal sider20
ForlagJohn Benjamins Publishing Company
ISBN (Trykt)9789027224590
ISBN (Elektronisk)9789027271426
StatusUdgivet - 2013

ID: 49413890