"’Fremmedelementer’, ’rollemodeller’ og ’fortyskede danskere'";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2024-09-27";"13:00";"";"15:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.2.11";"Forelæsning med Tobias de Fønss Wung-Sung, København. Forelæsningen belyser, forskellige danske forståelser af det tyske mindretal i Sønderjylland gennem det 20. århundrede.";"’Fremmedelementer’, ’rollemodeller’ og ’fortyskede danskere’: Historiske nedslag i forskellige opfattelser af det tyske mindretal i Danmark Forelæsning med Tobias de Fønss Wung-Sung, København. Resumé Forelæsningen belyser, forskellige danske forståelser af det tyske mindretal i Sønderjylland gennem det 20. århundrede. Selvom tysk kultur of sprog altid har været tilstedeværende i området, var det først med grænsedragningen i 1920, at man officielt kunne tale om et tysk mindretal inden for landets grænser. Og selvom grænsen var både demokratisk draget og senere blev beskrevet som forbilledlig, har opfattelserne af tyskheden i Sønderjylland gennem tiden langt fra altid været ukompliceret eller udviklet sig lineært. Tobias de Fønss Wung-Sung er postdoc på Københavns Universitet, og har skrevet ph.d. indenfor mindretallenes historie i det dansk-tyske grænseland efter Anden Verdenskrig. Om Tysk Fredag Fredagsforelæsningerne er åbne for alle. De giver nye perspektiver på tysk og tysksproget samfund, kultur og historie og tematiserer også tysk-transnationale emner. Alle er velkomne. Koordinator: professor Detlef Siegfried Se oversigten over arrangementer i forelæsningsrækken" "Festival de Literatura Copenhague";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies and Aurora Boreal®";"2024-09-26";"";"2024-09-27";"";"South Campus, room 4A-0-68";"Kom til litteraturfestival for spansksprogede litteratur med deltagelse af en lang række forfattere og intellektuelle fra den spansktalende verden.";"Kom til litteraturfestival for spansksprogede litteratur med deltagelse af en lang række forfattere og intellektuelle fra den spansktalende verden. I år med deltagelse af bl.a. Fernando Savater, Andrés Trapiello og Juan David Correa. Mere information om litteraturfestivalen" "Quartiere des Ankommens";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk Fredag";"2024-09-20";"13:00";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.2.11";"Vortrag von David Templin, Osnabrück.";"Migration, städtischer Raum und soziale Infrastrukturen in Hamburg im 20. Jahrhundert Vortrag von David Templin, Osnabrück. Abstract Die Geschichte europäischer Städte und der Wandel städtischer Räume ist auf das Engste mit Formen des Zuzugs und der Migration verbunden. Dabei bildeten sich immer wieder Räume heraus, die besonders stark von Migration und Migrant*innen geprägt waren. Die Herausbildung, Bedeutung und Entwicklung solcher „Ankunftsquartiere“ steht im Fokus des Vortrages und soll mit Blick auf die norddeutsche Großstadt Hamburg um 1900 und um 1970 untersucht werden. Während Ankunftsquartiere als zentrale Standorte migrationsbezogener sozialer Infrastrukturen Prozesse des Ankommens von Migrant*innen in der lokalen Stadtgesellschaft beförderten, fungierten sie zugleich als bedeutsame Knotenpunkte in grenzüberschreitenden, transnationalen Netzwerken von Migrant*innen. Schließlich geht der Vortrag auf die öffentliche Wahrnehmung solcher Quartiere ein, die sich mit dem Anstieg internationaler Migration seit den 1960er Jahren grundlegend veränderte. Bio Dr. David Templin ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS) der Universität Osnabrück und vertritt dort aktuell die Professur für Neueste Geschichte und Migrationsgeschichte. Über „Tysk Fredag“ Die Freitagsvorträge sind für jedermann zugänglich. Sie eröffnen neue Perspektiven auf die deutsche und deutschsprachige Gesellschaft, Kultur und Geschichte und thematisieren auch deutsch-transnationale Themen. Jeder ist willkommen. Koordinator: Professor Detlef Siegfried Veranstaltungsübersicht der Vortragsreihe" "Goethe-instituttets kulturarbejde";"Tysk Fredag / Detlef Siegfried";"2024-09-13";"13:15";"";"15:00";"ENGEROMs bibliotek, bygning 23, 3. sal";"Præsentation af Goethe-instituttets kulturarbejde og reception på ENGEROMs bibliotek i anledning af bogdonation.";"Præsentation af Goethe-instituttets kulturarbejde og reception på ENGEROMs bibliotek i anledning af bogdonation." "Goethe-instituttets kulturarbejde";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2024-09-13";"13:00";"";"15:00";"Engeroms bibliotek, bygning 23, 3. sal";"Præsentation og reception på Engeroms bibliotek i anledning af bogdonation fra Goethe-instituttet.";"I anledning af at Goethe-instituttet har doneret en stor samling tysk skønlitteratur til Engeroms bibliotek holder vi en festlig reception kombineret med Tysk Fredag. Vi indleder kl. 13.15 med velkomst og taler ved: Viceinstitutleder for forskning, Robert Rix, Engeroms fagbibliotekar, Maria Jørgensen og leder af Goethe-instituttet i København, Barbara Honrath. Derpå vil Mareike Wittler fortælle om Goethe-instituttets aktuelle arbejde med at formidle tysk kultur både i Danmark og internationalt. Der afsluttes med vin og snacks. Alle er velkomne til denne udgave af Tysk Fredag, hvor vi fejrer det gode samarbejde med Goethe-instituttet, Engeroms bibliotek og tysk kultur. Om Tysk Fredag Fredagsforelæsningerne er åbne for alle. De giver nye perspektiver på tysk og tysksproget samfund, kultur og historie og tematiserer også tysk-transnationale emner. Alle er velkomne. Koordinator: professor Detlef Siegfried Se oversigten over arrangementer i forelæsningsrækken" "Early Modern Artificial Intelligence";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Christian Benne";"2024-06-18";"16:00";"";"17:30";"South Campus, room 4A-0-68";"William Egginton (Johns Hopkins) in conversation with Kevin Jon Heller and Katrine Helene Andersen.";"William Egginton (Johns Hopkins) in conversation with Kevin Jon Heller and Katrine Helene Andersen. As the world grapples with the promises and threats of AI, at the extreme ends of both wish-fulfilment and nightmare stands a common premise: the machine that not only follows instructions, but also chooses, invents, designs, and controls. For some commentators, of course, we have already crossed that threshold. For others, we never will. What do we mean when we talk about (artificial) human intelligence? Early modern Europe (with protagonists such as Llull, Cervantes, Descartes, Leibniz, and even Kant) provides us with a key moment in a story that will help us to unearth some of the basic problems and unspoken assumptions of today’s AI catastrophists and apologists alike. Christian Benne chairs the event. William Egginton is the Decker Professor in the Humanities, chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, and Director of the Alexander Grass Humanities Institute at Johns Hopkins University. His most recent books are The Rigor of Angels: Borges, Heisenberg, Kant (2023), named in several best of 2023 lists, including The New York Times and The New Yorker; and Alejandro Jodorowsky: Filmmaker and Philosopher (2023). Kevin Jon Heller is Professor of International Law and Security at UCPH’s Centre for Military Studies. Katrine Helene Andersen is associate professor at UCPH’s Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies." "AfterFamily – a conversation across disciplines";"Andrea Bidoli (Centre for Medical Science and Technology Studies) and Amanda Grimsbo Roswall (Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies)";"2024-05-23";"09:45";"";"14:30";"South Campus, room 15A.2.11";"One-day in-person event with talks by Sophie Lewis, Maria Marti Castaner and Christina Lupton.";"In popular culture, the Family – in its nuclear or extended form - is considered a pillar of society and a central element of human existence, something often viewed as natural and necessary. But what is a family? Who should – or should not – constitute one? In addition to these central questions, many others are raised every day, both in homes and in parliaments, in academia and in religious spaces: Are people having too many or not enough children? Should the State help people reproduce? Who should take care of children and how? These questions come together in complex constellations with concepts such as gender, class, race, biology, as well as patriarchy, capitalism, culture and tradition, freedom and oppression. Given that the Family constitutes both the foundation for many people’s private lives and a key area of debate in public politics, discussions range across several disciplines, not limited to philosophy and ethics, law, economics, science and technology. Please join us at our event AfterFamily, as we will have the pleasure to have author and theorist Sophie Lewis addressing maybe the most taboo of all these questions: Should we abolish the Family? Following Lewis’ keynote, Asst. Prof. Maria Marti Castaner will give a talk on whether normative motherhood is harmful and Prof. Christina Lupton will present her research on the way first person writing speaks to the question of childcare. AfterFamily is a one-day in-person event organized by researchers from the Centre for Medical Science and Technology Studies (MEST) and the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (Engerom) of UCPH. The event is sponsored by the VELUX Foundation and Engerom. Programme Time Activity 09:45-10:00 Arrival and coffee/tea 10:00-10:15 Welcome 10:15-11:00 Abolish Which Family? Care communization and the Black American family Keynote by Sophie Lewis 11:00-11:30 Discussion and Q&A 11:30-12:30 Lunch break 12:30-13:15 Normative Motherhood is Making Us Sick Talk by Maria Marti Castaner 13:15-13:30 Break 13:30-14:15 Whose Got the Kids? Talk by Christina Lupton 14:15-14:30 Closing remarks Bio: Sophie Lewis Sophie Lewis is a writer and independent scholar living in Philadelphia. She is currently at work on a third book manuscript entitled Enemy Feminisms, forthcoming with Haymarket in February. Her first two books, both published by Verso Books, are Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family (2019) and Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation (2022). Sophie’s essays and articles appear in academic journals like Feminist Theory as well as literary ones like n+1, Harper’s, and the London Review of Books. Sophie has a PhD in Geography at Manchester University, as well as an MA Politics from the New School, and a BA in English literature from Oxford University, which was followed by an MSc in Environmental Policy (also at Oxford). Dr. Lewis teaches short courses on social and critical theory at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research, open to all and online. She also has a visiting affiliation with the Center for Research on Feminist, Queer and Transgender Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. You can find her lectures and writings at lasophielle.org, and become a subscriber at patreon.com/reproutopia. Abstracts Abolish Which Family? Care communization and the Black American family Sophie Lewis For over two centuries, utopians of various stripes have raised the banner of the “abolition of the family”: the positive supersession of the capitalist privatization of care, including patriarchy’s prevalent mode of possessive maternalism. From the “phalansteries” of the first self-described “feminists” to the “red love” vision of the most radical Bolsheviks to the anti-imperialist lesbian-feminist efflorescence of the United States in the Long Sixties, radical movements have sought to denaturalize the institution of motherhood and imagine the communization of care. But whose families (i.e., whose private nuclear households) are most at stake in this particular field of abolitionism? U.S. settler-colonialism and chattel slavery has involved both making and breaking kinship forms, while the institutions of marriage and custody, the combined and uneven mechanisms of family policing, foster-care, adoption, and so-called child welfare generally, remain deeply co-constitutive with white supremacy. How does this history frame present-day articulations of the politics of family abolitionism? Whose Got the Kids? Christina Lupton, University of Copenhagen. This is a paper about the way first person writing speaks to the question of childcare. In poststructuralist terms is almost a given that the first person can be used positively to activate new stances and positions in the world. It is for this reason, as Eve Sedgwick asserts, that the term queer is best used in the first person. But when the first person writer speaks of the children in his or her care, that performative has other less negative affordances. Where are the children as one writes? My examples range here, from recent texts by Olga Ravn, Ben Lerner, and Kate Zambreno, back to first person writing from the 1960s which approaches more directly this problem of labor that is raised by the text itself. The widest ambition of my argument is that we have lost in the recent turn to autofiction many of the original promises of life writing as a political form closely enmeshed in the politics of care. Normative Motherhood is Making Us Sick Maria Marti Castaner, University of Copenhagen This paper argues that we will continue to misunderstand post-partum depression – both in the epistemological sense of misplacing its causes and explanation and in its therapeutic sense of ultimately failing to tackle it – if we don’t properly articulate how normative motherhood is essential to its etiology. Based on the qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with nine women with lived experience of post-partum depression and health nurses in the Danish universal perinatal care program, we show how we cannot explain post-partum depression without normative motherhood. We illustrate the ways in which normative motherhood is displayed and internalized in the everyday life of mothers and discuss whether maternal care can be re-designed free of normative pressures. Registration Participation is free of charge and open to all, but registration is preferred. You can register by writing to Andrea Bidoli. Please contact the organizers Andrea Bidoli and Amanda Grimsbo Roswall with queries and comments. " "Alternative Dänemark. Kosmopolitismus im westdeutschen Alternativmilieu 1965-1985";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2024-05-17";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.1.11";"Forlesung von Professor Detlef Siegfried, Universität Kopenhagen.";"Forlesung von Professor Detlef Siegfried, Universität Kopenhagen. Abstract Viele linksalternative Jugendliche aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland schauten in den 1970er Jahren begeistert nach Dänemark. Die Republik Christiania in Kopenhagen, die Tvind-Schulen, das Festival von Roskilde, eine der ersten Parteien der Neuen Linken, freier Zugang zu Pornografie und Asyl für Rudi Dutschke – all dies zog das Interesse des alternativen Milieus auf sich. Kleiner und überschaubarer, vor allem aber liberaler und egalitärer wirkte der nördliche Nachbar im Vergleich mit der Bundesrepublik. Der Historiker Detlef Siegfried stellt sein im letzten Jahr erschienenes Buch über den Kosmopolitismus im westdeutschen Alternativmilieu vor. Im Fokus stehen Wahrnehmungen und Praktiken in der alternativen Szene, die einem postnationalen Selbstverständnis entsprangen. Wohin sollte der Versuch, die Nation als Bezugspunkt der eigenen Identität zu überwinden, führen? Welche Alternativen zur kapitalistischen Gesellschaft jenseits nationaler Grenzen wurden diskutiert? Welche Rolle spielten dabei Entwicklungen und Erfahrungen in Dänemark? Über Tysk fredag Die Freitagsvorlesungen sind für jedermann zugänglich. Sie eröffnen neue Perspektiven auf die deutsche und deutschsprachige Gesellschaft, Kultur und Geschichte und thematisieren auch deutsch-transnationale Themen. Jeder ist willkommen. Koordinatorin: Anna Sandberg" "Berlusconis arv og den nye højrefløj";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk og podcasten Colloseum";"2024-05-16";"17:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 4A-0-56";"Podcasten Colosseum inviterer i samarbejde med Italienskfaget ved Københavns Universitet til en aften om Berlusconi og moderne italiensk politik.";" Podcasten Colosseum inviterer i samarbejde med Italienskfaget ved Københavns Universitet til en aften om Berlusconi og moderne italiensk politik. Kom bag om mennesket, mediemogulen og magtmennesket, der har tegnet italiensk politik de seneste tre årtier. Hør historien om den visionære og charmerende forretningsmand fra Milano, der blev en af verdens rigeste mænd, skabte et medieimperium og blev Italiens premierminister hele tre gange. Bliv klogere på hans mafiaforbindelser, skattefusk og bunga-bunga festerne, men også på den visionære forretningsmand og politiker, der efterlader sig en arv, der har splittet det politiske landskab i Italien. Er Italien, med Giorgia Meloni i spidsen, på vej ud ad et farligt, fascistoidt spor? Hvad er tendenserne både politisk og kulturelt i landet? Og hvem er Elly Schlein? Dét og meget mere kan du få svar på, ved at tilmelde dig dette spændende event. Tilmeld dig ved at skrive til schoukommunikation@outlook.dk Deltagelse koster 50 kr. for studerende, og ellers 75 kr. Betal venligst beløbet inden arrangementet via Mobilepay på 26221912 eller via netbank til Merkur andelskasse konto: Reg: 8401 konto nr.: 0004242782 husk dit navn i notefeltet. Ellers kan man betale via Mobilepay i døren. Der vil være mulighed for at købe kaffe, vin og vand til studievenlige priser. Arrangementet er på dansk. Oplægsholdere Alberte Bové Rud, Ph.D.-studerende ved DIIS Bjørn Thomassen, Professor på RUC Gert Sørensen, dr.phil. Simon Cecchin Birk, ph.d. Moderator William Schou, vært på podcasten Colosseum. Kontaktpersoner Pia Schwarz Lausten og William Schou." "Hvor går EU's grænse?";"Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier og Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2024-05-03";"15:00";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Debatmøde: Grib chancen - mød fremtidens EU-profiler";"Grib chancen: Mød fremtidens EU-profiler Er du klar til at dykke ned i de store EU-spørgsmål sammen med nogle af de mest fremtrædende kandidater til Europa-Parlamentsvalget? Sæt kryds i kalenderen og vær med, når Københavns Universitet, Amager (Søndre Campus) åbner dørene for en unik mulighed for at møde og høre fra: Kira Peter-Hansen (SF) – Spidskandidat Mads Strange (LA) – Nr. 2 på listen Magnus Barsøe (S) – Nr. 4 på listen Per Clausen (EL) – Spidskandidat Sigrid Friis (RV) – Spidskandidat Disse toneangivende stemmer vil dele deres visioner, ideer og planer for EU. Gå ikke glip af denne chance for at stille spørgsmål, debattere og blive inspireret. Studerende fra Tysk, Fransk, Spansk, Religion, Polsk og Russisk har formuleret relevante og skarpe spørgsmål til kandidaterne. Kom og vær en del af samtalen, der former fremtidens Europa. Vi ser frem til at byde dig velkommen til en eftermiddag fyldt med indsigtsfulde diskussioner og engagerende dialoger. Tilmelding til arrangementet." "Dannelse i dag – hvad kan vi bruge begrebet til på humaniora?";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk fredag";"2024-04-30";"15:15";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, Engeroms bibliotek bygning 23, 3. sal";"Paneldiskussion om dannelsesbegrebets relevans og potentiale med dekan Kirsten Busch Nielsen, adjungeret prof. Per Øhrgaard og prof. Janus Mortensen i samtale med studerende fra ENGEROM.";"Paneldiskussion om dannelsesbegrebets relevans og potentiale med dekan Kirsten Busch Nielsen, adjungeret prof. Per Øhrgaard og prof. Janus Mortensen i samtale med studerende fra ENGEROM. Abstract Vi vil med denne diskussion sætte dannelse og humaniorastudier i centrum. Dannelse føres typisk tilbage til den Humboldtske tænkning omkring 1800 med forestillingen om enheden af forskning og uddannelse. ”Bildung” kan imidlertid ikke oversættes til uddannelse eller kompetence. Det peger på noget større, der omfatter viden, fornuft og følelser såvel som åndelig autonomi. Og dannelse foregår i det sociale rum, i en udveksling med andre. I diskussionen vil vi spørge, om denne forestilling stadig er relevant - eller kan genopfindes? Giver begrebet dannelse mening for unge og studerende, eller er det vigtigere med karrierelæring og trivsel? Er dannelse vigtig for humaniorastudier? Og for samfundet? Er der en forbindelse mellem dannelse og fremmedsprog? Og hvad vil ”digital dannelse” sige? I panelet vil dekan Kirsten Busch Nielsen, adjungeret professor emer. Per Øhrgaard og professor Janus Mortensen (CIP) være i samtale med studerende fra ENGEROM. Om Tysk fredag Fredagsforelæsningerne er åbne for alle. De giver nye perspektiver på tysk og tysksproget samfund, kultur og historie og tematiserer også tysk-transnationale emner. Alle er velkomne. Koordinator: Anna Sandberg" "Pragmatische Variation und Höflichkeit im Deutschen";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2024-04-26";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.1.11";"Vorlesung von Tanja Ackermann (Bielefeld).";"Vorlesung von Tanja Ackermann (Bielefeld). Abstrakt Pragmatsche Variabilität bezieht sich auf die Tatsache, dass Sprachnutzer:innen eine ganze Bandbreite an Optionen zur Verfügung steht, kommunikativ zu handeln. So kann man im Deutschen z.B. eine Bitte äußern, indem man den expliziten Imperativ Komm mal her! verwendet, eine konventionalisierte indirekte Strategie wie Könntest du mal herkommen? nutzt oder eine nicht-konventionalisierte Form wie Du stehst da schlecht wählt. Tanja Ackermann beleuchtet in ihrem Vortrag Variablen bei der Realisierung höflichkeitssensitiver Ausdrücke. Hierzu präsentiert sie Daten aus einer breit angelegten Online-Fragebogenstudie mit Teilnehmenden aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Im Fokus steht die Rolle der regionalen Herkunft und anderer Sozialvariablen wie Alter oder Geschlecht bei der Realisierung von Bitten und Vokativen (z.B. Anna, Mausi). Nicht zuletzt wird sie auch auf aktuelle methodologische Überlegungen zur Erforschung pragmatischer Variation eingehen, die derzeit im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts ‚Variantenpragmatik des Deutschen. Kommunikative Muster im Vergleich‘ (siehe variprag.net) diskutiert werden. Tanja Ackermann ist seit 2023 Professorin an der Universität Bielefeld für Germanistische Linguistik mit dem Schwerpunkt Sprachvariation und Sprachwandel, insbesondere deutsche Grammatik und Pragmatik (indirekte Sprechakte, Im/politeness und Expressivität) und am trinationalen Projekt: ‚Variantenpragmatik des Deutschen: kommunikative Muster im Vergleich‘ beteiligt. Über Tysk fredag Die Freitagsvorlesungen sind für jedermann zugänglich. Sie eröffnen neue Perspektiven auf die deutsche und deutschsprachige Gesellschaft, Kultur und Geschichte und thematisieren auch deutsch-transnationale Themen. Jeder ist willkommen. Koordinatorin: Anna Sandberg" "Pop & pailletter – med politisk punch?";"Tea Sindbæk Andersen";"2024-04-24";"16:30";"";"18:30";"Søndre Campus, room 12.1.62";"Dette eftermiddagsseminar sætter fokus på brændende tematikker i årets Eurovision.";"Dette eftermiddagsseminar sætter fokus på brændende tematikker i årets Eurovision – både de musikalske og de politiske. Formelt er Eurovision en upolitisk popfest. Men det er også altid en kampplads for aktuelle politiske projekter og problemstillinger. Geopolitik, økonomi & brain drain, køn- & identitetspolitik, sundhedskollaps, mentalt helbred og nation branding er blandt de mange tematikker, som adresseres gennem sange, shows, sære interventioner og sure kommentarer." "Leah Price on “Bibliotherapy and Human Flourishing”";"The CEMES research group Thinking the European Republic of Letters.";"2024-04-23";"15:00";"";"17:00";"South Campus, room 24.4.07 ";"Reading group with Virginia Langum, Professor of English Literature at Umeå University.";"Reading group with Virginia Langum, Professor of English Literature at Umeå University. In this session, co-hosted with the Modes of Literature (MOL) research group, we will read together an essay by Leah Price entitled ""Bibliotherapy and Human Flourishing"" (2022). Virginia Langum, professor of English literature at Umeå University, will briefly introduce the text and explain why she chose this particular chapter for discussion. The aim is to open up a broader conversation about questions of reading and the relationship between the objects of literary criticism and its methods. The event will be followed by a wine reception. Please register if you would like to stay for the reception (by email to Irina Hron), but you are also welcome to just show up on the day. Bio Virginia Langum is professor of English literature at Umeå University, Sweden. Her research concerns medicine, literature and culture, particularly the connections between the body and religious experience, as well as medicine and ethics, extending from the Middle Ages to our own period. She is currently working on illness experience and historical medical tourism in the 19th century." "The Remains of Emily Shore: Illness Experience in the Archive";"The CEMES research group Thinking the European Republic of Letters.";"2024-04-22";"10:30";"";"12:00";"South Campus, room 24.4.07 ";"Lecture by Virginia Langum, Professor of English literature at Umeå University.";"Lecture by Virginia Langum, Professor of English literature at Umeå University. One recurring feature of how both medical humanities and literary scholars think about illness writing is its specificity to late twentieth century and twenty-first century. This talk will explore what historical sources can contribute to discussions about the writing of illness experience. Moderator: Irina Hron Bio Virginia Langum is professor of English literature at Umeå University, Sweden. Her research concerns medicine, literature and culture, particularly the connections between the body and religious experience, as well as medicine and ethics, extending from the Middle Ages to our own period. She is currently working on illness experience and historical medical tourism in the 19th century." "Det danske frisind – set med danske og tyske øjne";"Detlef Siegfried og Tobias de Fønss Wung-Sung";"2024-04-19";"15:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.2.01";"Lancering af forskningsprojekt.";"Fredag den 19. april 2024 lancerer vi vores projekt ”Det danske frisind – set med danske og tyske øjne”, som er finansieret af Augustinusfonden som en del af deres ”kulturarv”-satsning. Vi undersøger spørgsmålet om, hvordan ”frisind” i den seksuelle sfære er blevet set som et specifikt dansk kendetegn. Vi er meget glade for, at Steen Bo Frandsen fra SDU og Pernille Taagaard Dinesen fra KØN – Gender Museum Denmark vil bidrage med oplæg og være vores sparringspartnere i diskussionen. Program 15:00 - 15:10 Velkommen 15:10 - 15:30 De dansk-tyske relationer i historisk forskning – et overblik (Steen Bo Frandsen, Odense) 15:30 - 15:50 Gender Museum Denmarks arbejde og strategi (Pernille Taagaard Dinesen, Aarhus) 15:50 - 16:20 'Frisind' i Danmark og Vesttyskland, ca. 1950-1990”. Projektpræsentation (Detlef Siegfried/Tobias de Fønss Wung-Sung, København) 16:20 Spørgsmål og kommentarerAfslutning og reception Det ville glæde os meget, hvis I har tid og lyst til at være med." "First Lines in Paul Auster’s Narrative Prose";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / The Paul Auster Research Library and The Paul Auster Society";"2024-04-19";"13:30";"";"17:00";"Online on Zoom";"Online colloquium.";"Online colloquium. Abstract Is the most important sentence in a book is the first sentence? Is it that “[e]verything follows from it,” as Paul Auster argues? “The first words have to stop the reader in his tracks and tell him that he’s in a different place now, that he’s entered the world of the book.” (2017). Needless to say, a beginning cannot be understood in and of itself. It relates in multiple ways to what precedes it (e.g. language, culture, a canon, a set of critical and/or creative thoughts) and to what follows it (e.g. the narrative trajectory it announces, epitomizes, informs and/or determines). First lines take many forms that, each in their way, implant if only imperceptibly, certain expectations in the reader’s mind and invite us to approach the ensuing story in particular ways. With a special focus on the conceptual and emotional power concentrated in narrative beginnings, this colloquium will look at Paul Auster’s verbal and visual work to address such questions as: How do first lines affect and/or inform the story they open? To what do they refer? How do we respond to different types of verbal inception? Is there congruency between the beginning and ending? Speakers I.B. Siegumfeldt, (University of Copenhagen) James Peacock, (Keele University) Aliki Varvogli, (University of Dundee) Francois Hugonnier, (University of Angers) Programme 13:30 Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 678 1369 8144Passcode: 110167 13:45 Welcome 14:00 I.B. Siegumfeldt “The most important sentence in a book is the first sentence.” Types of Beginnings in Paul Auster’s Narrative Prose 14:30 James Peacock “These are the last things, she wrote”: Paul Auster’s In the Country of Last Things, Metalepsis and the Problem of Witness 15:00 Break 15:15 Aliki Varvogli ""It was the summer that men first walked on the moon"": Historicizing Paul Auster 15:45 Francois Hugonnier “According to family legend”: condensation in 4 3 2 1 16:15 Panel discussion " "Om kunstnerne Friedrich og Carmiencke i 1800-tallets romantiske billedkunst";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk fredag";"2024-04-19";"13:15";"";"15:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.1.11";"Dobbeltforelæsning ved Lilian Munk Rösing og Sine Krogh: Sanselighed, visualitet og politik i tysk-dansk romantik.";"Dobbeltforelæsning ved Lilian Munk Rösing og Sine Krogh: Sanselighed, visualitet og politik i tysk-dansk romantik Abstract Med afsæt i 250-året for Caspar David Friedrichs fødsel tematiserer Lilian Munk Rösing (litterat) og Sine Krogh (kunsthistoriker) forskellige typer af romantik i dette bidrag til ”Tysk fredag”. I dag står Friedrich for de fleste som den mest ikoniske tyske romantiker i 1800-tallet. Med dette års fejring af kunstnerens fødsel kan det være svært at forestille sig, at hans popularitet i samtiden aftog og at han kort efter sin død i 1840 røg ud i langvarig glemsel. Munk Rösing, der netop er bogaktuel med Friedrichs farver (Turbine), fokuserer i oplægget på sanseligheden og det materielle i kunstnerens malerier, hans skildring af en menneskefremmed natur og hans blikomvendinger. Mens Friedrich – efter sin uddannelse ved Kunstakademiet i København - helst ikke forlod sin tyske hjemegn ved Dresden, var den yngre landskabsmaleri H.J. Carmiencke fra Hamburg en optimistisk kosmopolit. Han håbede, at hans lykke var gjort i København, men endte med at udvandre til New York, hvor han døde i 1867. Modsat Friedrich er hans kunst stor set ukendt i dag. Krogh tematiserer Carmienckes problemer i dansk kunstliv, for krig og politiske konflikter gjorde hans tyske stil upopulær blandt de nationalsindede. Med denne dobbeltforelæsning introduceres visualitets- og kunsthistorie som en vigtig del af kulturhistoriske studier, og vi inviterer derfor til en lystvandring i romantikkens billedverden. Præsentation Lilian Munk Rösing er litteraturlektor ved Københavns Universitet og litteraturkritiker ved Politiken. Forfatter til bl.a. Anna Anchers rum (2018) og Friedrichs farver (2023). Sine Krogh er kunsthistoriker og postdoc i forskningsprojektet Dansk-tyske kulturer 1773-1864: Konflikt og samhørighed. Har tematiseret den dansk-tyske forbindelse i en række udgivelser, senest i Krogh (red.), I nederlagets skygge. Andre kunsthistoriker om 1800-tallet (2023) og Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann (2024) Om Tysk fredag Fredagsforelæsningerne er åbne for alle. De giver nye perspektiver på tysk og tysksproget samfund, kultur og historie og tematiserer også tysk-transnationale emner. Alle er velkomne. Koordinator: lektor Anna Sandberg, annas@hum.ku.dk" "Child Survivors: Important Historical Sources in Documenting the History of the Holocaust and its Aftermath";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies in collaboration with the CEMES Research Group on European Memory Cultures.";"2024-04-05";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.1.11";"Lecture by Joanna Michlic (London & Lund).";"Lecture by Joanna Michlic (London & Lund). Abstract In this lecture, I examine the three major post-1945 waves of child Holocaust testimonies. I discuss the presence in the early post-war testimonies, of what is known in the study of late post-war testimonies, as secret and communal memories (Christopher Browning). My main argument is that the three waves of child survivors’ testimonies have to be studied together to understand the full impact of the genocidal past on different stages of young survivors’ lives. Only then could we write the full collective biography of young survivors? This talk is dedicated to the memory of my dear colleague, friend, and mentor Prof. Lawrence L. Langer (1929- 2024). About Tysk fredag The Friday lectures are open to everyone. They provide new perspectives on German and German-language society, culture and history and thematize German-transnational topics. Everyone is welcome. Coordinator: Anna Sandberg," "Touches of Nature: Explorations of Distant Touch in German and British Romanticism";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2024-04-04";"14:00";"";"";"South Campus. Auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Martin Fog Arndal.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Martin Fog Arndal. Abstract Touches of Nature examines the emergence and possibility of a form of distant touch in writings from the German and British Romantic periods. Focusing on the works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Friedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis), Karoline von Günderrode, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, this dissertation explores how the terms touch and Berührung are used in order to develop an idea of touch that transgresses its meanings as either actual-physical contact or emotional change. In particular, this dissertation aims to explore instances of nature’s distant touches as experiences in which these authors communicate a sensation of being touched by nature, a sensation that is felt both on and below the skin. It is, in other words, tactile, emotional, and distant. These authors, as this study argues, explore the possibilities of these touches within the emerging notion of an organic conception of nature, in which natural forces are thought of as inherently active, partly material, and able to exert effects that potentially could be felt. In combination with discourses of natural philosophy (Naturphilosophie), physiology, aesthetics, and physics, Wollstonecraft, Novalis, Günderrode, and Coleridge expand upon the powers of touch, making it effective in the natural world. Following this, this dissertation finds that in certain touching moments, the subject is led beyond a connection with material reality and comes into contact, though briefly, with a set of deeper connections that tie everything together into a larger whole. What these Romantics feel in nature’s distant touch is, hence, both a bond to the world as well as the very bond that structures that world. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Anna Lena Sandberg, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Kristin Gjesdal (Temple University, USA) Professor Felix Sprang (Universität Siegen, Germany) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Martyn Bone (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At KUB South Campus (Humanities, Law, and ITU), Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6 " "Queering the archive";"Tobias de Fønss Wung-Sung and Amanda Grimsbo Roswall";"2024-04-04";"12:00";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 27.0.09";"Seminar.";"In this seminar on the archive in queer and feminist studies, students from Engerom and NorS come together to discuss how archives can be used and formed within the scopes of their fields. Readings (students find these on Absalon, others are welcome to contact the organizers): Ann Cvetkovitz: “In the Archive of Lesbian Feelings,” in: An Archive of Feelings, Duke University Press, 2003: 239-271. Kate Eichhorn: “Introduction,” in: The Archival Turn in Feminism: Outrage in Order, Namur: Temple University Press, 2013: 1-24. The seminar is open for all. No registration necessary. Coffee and cake kindly sponsored by Engerom. Programme Introducing archive 12:15 - 12:20 Welcome 12:20 - 13:00 Tobias de Fønss Wung-Sung on Cvetkovich: “In the Archive of Lesbian Feelings” Amanda Grimsbo Roswall on Eichhorn: The Archival Turn in Feminism Using the archive 13:15 - 14:00 Emilie Dahlmann Olsen (IKK) on her MA thesis Magnus Kaslov (SMK) on his PhD project Q&A Entering the archive 14:15 - 14:35 Nynne Overlund (KB) 14:35 - 15:00 Round tables " "Migrant Representations – Life Story, Investigation, Picture";"Faculty of Humanities";"2024-03-18";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Doctoral defense by Associate Professor Peter Leese.";"Doctoral defense by Associate Professor Peter Leese. Official opponents Professor Emeritus Peter Gatrell, University of Manchester Professor Lyndsey Stonebridge, University of Birmingham Chair of the defense: Dean, Professor Kirsten Busch Nielsen The defense is open to the public and will be conducted in English. The dissertation can be obtained here: Migrant Representations | Liverpool University Press Opponents ex auditorio may sign up at the Chair of the defense. About the dissertation Migrant Representations: Life-story, Investigation, Picture (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press / Oxford University Press (US edition / online; 2022; pp. 304)Peter Leese, Associate Professor, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen. Short description ‘Migrant Representations’ explores the depiction of migrant experiences from the late 18th to the early 21st century through a series of contrasting, comparative case studies. Two questions frame my account. First, how were the lives of migrants rendered in the past? Second, how has the contemporary figure of the migrant (asylum seeker, benefits scrounger, self-made entrepreneur, etc) been constructed historically, politically and aesthetically? The book contextualises, analyses and compares accounts from migrants who have connections with Britain, with comparisons or parallel cases from elsewhere. The analysis of life-stories is complemented by the theme of investigation: how politically motivated observers, journalists, anthropologists have interpreted the lives and experiences of migrants. The interplay between self-representation and the investigation of the migrant experience is discussed in the third section of the study, which gathers visual evidence from both groups. Throughout I explore the sense-making procedures (talking, writing, filming), social networks (family, community, diaspora) and cultural resources (history, language, genres) used by migrants and their observers. My intention is not to give a comprehensive overview or ‘history of migration’ but to acknowledge and investigate the varieties of migrant experience, to more fully recognise singularity. Extended description How do migrants see themselves? How are migrants seen and understood by their host societies? In our global age of mobile labour, instant opinion and intense social division, these two questions demand deeper and more complex understanding. As a serial migrant who moved from England to Poland (1992-2009) and then to Denmark (in 2009), I see these questions as vivid, practical concerns affecting the everyday life of my Anglo-Polish-Danish family. My individual life story of migration informs and enhances my professional perspective on the migrant. As a social and cultural historian, with an expertise in trauma studies, I use my varied disciplinary background, wide geographical expertise and eclectic methodologies in my innovative approach to the study of migrants. Migrant Representations: Life-story, Investigation, Picture, my recently published monograph with Liverpool University Press (in the UK; and Oxford University Press in the US) employs a unique methodology and structure to investigate its subject. My monograph consists of a sequence of ‘snapshot moments’ that examine the figure of the migrant in Britain, in Europe, and globally, at particular times from the late 18th to the early 21st century. The study proceeds through this series of contrasting, comparative case studies to address two research questions. First, how have images of movement, mobility and settlement been constructed in speech, writing and picture by individuals who have first-hand experience of migration: for instance, in the diary of an Irish labourer, the films and photographs of a Lithuanian refugee, or the tape-recorded letters of an Indian doctor? Second, how have speech, writing and picture been used to make ‘outside’ representations of the migrant, for example, a missionary’s report, journalist’s photographs or next-door neighbour’s letters? By considering these two broad questions, I investigate how migrants understand themselves and how others perceive or fail to see them. As a historian and serial migrant, I am fascinated by changes in migrant representation across time: I am eager to better understand how documents (police reports, social surveys, family photographs, among others) are produced and interpreted as knowledge. These research questions are traditionally answered within nation-state or ethnic-group studies, but the globalised conditions of 21st-century mobility require an altogether new methodology. My investigation is, therefore, a transnational, comparative and often micro-historical act of past making. It is a reading of historical changes, communicative events and individual life stories, which incorporates the Indian subcontinent, the Americas, eastern and western Europe, as well as parts of Africa. I examine cases connected to, but also contrasting with, Britain. Migrant Representations crosses thematic and geographical boundaries; I am particularly interested in personal stories that illuminate wider themes, but I also contextualise individuals and themes by the use of macro-historical overviews. In place of a continuous narrative, my study will use three contrasting analytic categories: psychological, social and visual. In its geographical reach, my book compares life stories from both within and outside the western and English-speaking world. In each chapter I focus on two contrasting cases. The analysis of these instances of ‘Self-representation’ in Part One will be complemented by the theme of ‘Investigation’ in Part Two. Here I consider how various journalists, social scientists and film-makers have interpreted the lives and experiences of migrants. The interplay between ‘Self-representation’ and ‘Investigation’ is discussed in Part Three, ‘Picture’, which gathers visual evidence from both the migrants and the investigators. Throughout, the study explores the sense-making procedures (talking, writing, filming), social networks (family, community, diaspora) and cultural resources (history, language, genre) used by migrants and their observers. My aim is not to give a comprehensive ‘history of migration’ overview, but to acknowledge and explore the varieties of migrant representation, to raise critical questions and to recognize singularity. Migrant Representations constitutes a transnational cultural history from below; its comparative perspective juxtaposes non-western and western accounts on an equal footing to give new insights. There is, to my knowledge, no precedent for, or previous example of, such a history. My approach reflects a particular understanding of historical knowledge best summarised by Raphael Samuel, who sees such a history as ‘a hybrid form of knowledge, syncretising past and present, memory and myth, the written record and the spoken word’. To achieve this kind of hybrid synthesis, I ‘triangulate’ the migrant figure via telling, interpreting and looking in order to consider how our understandings of migration and migrants have changed. In conceiving and constructing this study, I have drawn on not only professional historical practice, but also a broader critical-interpretive dissenting tradition. In particular, I have been inspired by the highly praised, innovative and influential non-fiction trilogy (1967-82) by John Berger, writer, and Jean Mohr, photographer. Especially their second book, A Seventh Man (1975), is an illuminating expression of changes in the aesthetics of migrant representation from the later 20th century. Berger and Mohr’s model of investigation into the lives of the culturally deprived is fundamental to my new readings. My monograph will not replicate Berger and Mohr’s aesthetic moves, but on a far larger historical and geographical scale will seek to humanise, bring new insights, and more fully acknowledge the varieties of migrant experience. Additionally, my ongoing parallel research into histories of trauma has proven highly relevant to a deeper understanding of the social and psychological processes of migration and related memory formation. Trauma, troubled memories and the remembered self are important aspects of the migrant experience; understanding them is crucial to comprehend changing self-interpretations of migrants across their lifetimes. Migrant Representations is a provocative intervention in scholarly and public debates on global mobility. Its central concern is a radically new appreciation of the imaginative, psychological and social processes related to movement, adaptation and settlement. The book’s hybrid synthesis of narrative psychology, social and cultural history as well as textual analysis generate innovative, transferable and trans-disciplinary methodologies. It monograph reveals a fuller, historicised understanding of the interaction between cultures, personal memory procedures and public discourses surrounding the image of the migrant. This unique and revealing study engages both general readers and scholars from across a range of disciplines. Short description in Danish 'Migrantrepresentationer' udforsker skildringen af ​​migrantoplevelser fra slutningen af ​​det 18. til det tidlige 21. århundrede gennem en række kontrasterende, komparative casestudier. To spørgsmål indrammer min fortælling. Det første er, hvordan blev migranternes liv fortalt/husket i fortiden? Det andet spørgsmål er, hvordan blev den moderne migrantfigur (asylansøger, kontanthjælpsmodtager, selvstændig iværksætter osv.) konstrueret historisk, politisk og æstetisk? Bogen kontekstualiserer, analyserer og sammenligner beretninger fra migranter, der har forbindelser til Storbritannien, sammenlignet med lignede eller sideløbende cases fra andre steder. Analysen af ​​livshistorier suppleres med undersøgelsestemaet: Hvordan politisk motiverede observatører, journalister, antropologer har fortolket migranters liv og oplevelser. Samspillet mellem selvrepræsentation og undersøgelsen af ​​migrantoplevelsen diskuteres i studiets tredje afsnit, som samler visuelle beviser fra begge grupper. Igennem hele skildringen, udforsker jeg de meningsskabende handlemåder (at tale, skrive, filme), sociale netværk (familie, samfund, diaspora) og kulturelle ressourcer (historie, sprog, genrer), der bruges af migranter og deres observatører. Hensigt er ikke at give et omfattende overview eller 'migrationshistorie', men at anerkende og undersøge de forskellige migranterfaringer, for at skabe en mere dybdegående anerkendelse af det enkelte menneske. " "Literary Studies at KU: Projects, Practices, Provocations";"Department of Arts and Cultural Studies / Stefanie Heine & Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Maria Damkjær and Tina Lupton";"2024-03-18";"";"";"";"South Campus, room 15A-0-13";"Every year Stefanie Heine, Maria Damkjær and Tina Lupton gather literature researchers from across the University of Copenhagen for a collegiate conference.";"Annual conference Every year Stefanie Heine, Maria Damkjær and Tina Lupton gather literature researchers from across the University of Copenhagen for a collegiate conference. Programme 08:30 Setting up 09:00 Panel 1 Chair: Sune Auken: Genre and sustainability in Isaac Asimov’s The Caves of Steel Maria Damkjær: Fantasy Book Culture Jan Gustafsson: Ecosemiotics and materiality in literature 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Panel 2 Chair: Troels Andersen: Reading Utopia: Rainald Goetz and Ernst Bloch Anton Juul: “It lasts forever”: On temporality and “conservative” promiscuity in Techno Lars Troels Møller: Lucía Sánchez Saornil and Judith Butler: Transgressing the heterosexual matrix through poetry 12:30 Lunch sponsored by ENGEROM 13:30 Panel 3 Chair: Mons Bissenbakker: “I will never write what they ask me at the clinic” – Narrative strategies against the cisgender gaze Linus Nikolaj Carlsen: Autism as Strategic Metaphor Tobias Skiveren: The Doxa of Dignity: Dying Well with Susan Sontag and Maria Gerhardt 15:00 Coffee break 15:30 Panel 4 Chair: Martyn Bone: (Neo)colonialism, Racial Classification, and “Negro” Activism in Tiphane Yanique’s Land of Love and Drowning Christian Dahl: Cervantes’ Persiles: Undoing History with the Greek Novel Emilie Dybdal: “To All the Children Who Have Had to Forget Themselves”: Exploring Colonial Guilt and Forgiveness in Iben Mondrup’s Greenland Trilogy 18.00 Dinner at Scarpetta (at own expense; price DKK 300 per person. Please sign up by 15 February by emailing Maria Damkjær) Organizers Stefanie Heine (Department of Arts and Cultural Studies) Maria Damkjær (Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies) Tina Lupton (Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies)" "Things ceasing to be: Cormac McCarthy’s environmental vision";"Stefanie Heine (Department of Arts and Cultural Studies) and Martyn Bone (Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies).";"2024-03-15";"10:00";"";"17:00";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"One-day symposium.";"This one-day symposium will consider the career of U.S. author Cormac McCarthy in the wake of his death in June 2023. McCarthy is recognized as one of the most significant U.S. authors of the twentieth and early twenty-first century. His career spanned six decades and twelve novels, from The Orchard Keeper (1965) to Stella Maris (2023). All the Pretty Horses (1992) won the National Book Award for Fiction; The Road (2006) won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction; and Blood Meridian (1985) was named by the New York Times Book Review among the best U.S. novels of the last twenty-five years, second only to Toni Morrison’s Beloved (1987). All the Pretty Horses, The Road, and No Country for Old Men (2007) were adapted into major films: the Coen brothers’ adaption of No Country won four Academy Awards including Best Film. McCarthy also wrote plays, screenplays, and short stories. The symposium will pay particular attention to McCarthy’s environmental vision. In 2007, Guardian columnist and activist George Monbiot declared The Road to be “the most important environmental book ever written.” Yet already by that point, McCarthy’s writing had been engaging for four decades with issues of significant interest to the environmental humanities. The event is sponsored by the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (Engerom); the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies (IKK); the Center for Applied Ecological Thinking (CAPE); Engerom’s Environmental Humanities research group; IKK’s Art and Earth research group; and the US Embassy, Copenhagen. Programme 10:00 - 10:05 Welcome (Stefanie Heine and Martyn Bone) 10:05 - 11:00 Panel #1 (chair: Thomas Bjerre, University of Southern Denmark, Odense) Stefanie Heine (University of Copenhagen): “Floating Worlds, Floating Words: Geoaesthetics and the Writing Process of Blood Meridian” Rune Graulund (University of Southern Denmark, Odense): “Desert Globalgothic: Or, The Dead Meridian of the West in the Planetary Emergency” 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break 11:30 - 12:45 Keynote #1 Harry Stecopoulos (University of Iowa): “Cormac McCarthy and the Aesthetics of Extractivism” 12:45 - 13:45 Lunch 13:45 - 15:15 Panel #2 (chair: Isak Winkel Holm, University of Copenhagen) Tore Rye Andersen (University of Aarhus): “Whited Meridian: Cormac McCarthy, the Bomb, and the Anthropocene” Rasmus Rahbek Simonsen: “In Lieu of a World: Scarcity and Material Determinism in The Road” Martyn Bone (University of Copenhagen): “Flooded, Wasted Landscapes: Recycling Faulkner in Child of God” 15:15 - 15:45 Coffee break 15:45 - 17:00 Keynote #2 Jay Watson (University of Mississippi): “Environmental Lost Cause-ism: McCarthy’s Diagnostic Vision in The Road"" Abstracts Floating Worlds, Floating Words: Geoaesthetics and the Writing Process of Blood Meridian Stefanie Heine (University of Copenhagen) Based on archival research at the Wittliff Collection, I will elucidate the composition of landscape descriptions in Blood Meridian, combining a textual-genetic approach with a poetological and ecocritical perspective. Parsing how distinctive compositional practices function as a language-internal resistance against anthropocentrism and nomenclature, I will look closely at moments where written matter reveals a weak non-human agency. In Blood Meridian, desert terrain is staged as an elemental medium generating aesthetic effects. The geological and elemental forces in many desert descriptions are inseparable from forces of language and textual matter. In the passages from Blood Meridian I will discuss, one can observe a correlation of elemental and written matter assuming form. The elemental form-building and decomposition processes described in the passages (geological formations or figures emerging and disappearing in a desert landscape) resemble the processes of form-building and decomposition one can observe in the traces of the writing process when investigating the text’s drafts. In other words: the development of written matter in the novel-in-progress sometimes corresponds to geological processes like erratics and plate tectonics. For example, a pivotal landscape description in Blood Meridian is concerned with continental drift, which, in one draft is described as “floating worlds”. In McCarthy’s drafts, we encounter clusters of “floating words”: erratic textual blocs that are rewritten again and again, sometimes torn apart, moved around in the manuscripts, and placed in different locations of the novel. Terror Nullius: Desert Gothic in J.M. Coetzee and Cormac McCarthy Rune Graulund (University of Southern Denmark, Odense) The talk will trace the development of colonial desert histories in order to outline different stages of assimilation of and to desert regions as a national landscape. In this, the concept of terra nullius is important. This idea of the desert as ‘nobody’s land’ should in principle have made it more easily subsumed by the imperialist project. However, with the eventual elision from terra nullius on to what will in the talk be termed ‘terror nullius’, it becomes clear over time that this has historically not been the case. In a comparative reading of J. M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians (1980) with Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian (1985), the talk will argue that the horror of gothic can be expressed in the horrible clarity of glaring sunlight as well as it can in the obfuscation of darkness, albeit with a different inflection. In the negative aesthetic of the colonial terrain, the desert becomes a site of unsight in that, as is expressed by Coetzee as in McCarthy, atrocities remain easily hidden. Cormac McCarthy and the Aesthetics of Extractivism Harry Stecopoulos (University of Iowa) Over the past twenty years, extractivist theory has revolutionized the way humanists and social scientists understand resource capitalism, broadly defined. For Eduardo Gudynas, extractivism is “measured by the three characteristics of: (1) physical indicators (volume and weight); (2) environmental intensity; and (3) destination,” and any theory of this depletory practice must highlight these factors. Other scholars have pushed back against this circumscribed understanding of extractivism, arguing that even as “extractivìsmo” may have originated in Latin American examinations of oil and mining, the theory has broader application. For Verónica Gago & Sandro Mezzadra, “extraction cannot be reduced to operations linked to raw materials turned commodities at the global level…Extraction also targets the labor and life of populations, aiming at extracting value from them.” This emphasis on “the labor and life of populations” has proven crucial to how thinkers like Gago understand what she dubs “body-territory…a practical concept that demonstrates how the exploitation of common, community…territories involves the violation of the body of each person, as well as the collective body, through dispossession.” In my talk, I draw on the expanded definition of extractivism articulated by Martín Arboleda, Gago and Mezzara, Saskia Sassen, and other theorists to reconsider the aesthetics and politics of Cormac McCarthy’s ecological vision. Examining well-known works like All the Pretty Horses and Blood Meridian, and lesser-known texts like Cities on the Plain and The Passenger, I contend that McCarthy manifests a sensitivity to the interrelation of bodies and territories that overlaps with the work of these thinkers. In Blood Meridian, for example, the Judge’s interest in extracting potassium nitrate and sulfur cannot be separated from his homicidal quest for the scalps of Indigenous people. Yet I also argue that McCarthy approaches extraction in the converse manner, treating various practices of digging, excavation, and exploration as activities that don’t lead to the acquisition of minerals or labor or bodies but rather result in objects or animals of limited value, or nothing at all. Consider the anonymous figure making countless small holes in the epilogue to Blood Meridian or the feral pups excavated in Cities on the Plain or the ruined oil rig explored in The Passenger. Committed to the idea that, as one character in All the Pretty Horses puts it, “there’s still a lot of money in the ground,” McCarthy’s characters dig and disinter in the hopes of finding treasure, but their extractive designs often end up absurdist failures. McCarthy offers a critique of resource capitalism not only by depicting a postapocalyptic world as in The Road but also by representing extractivism as a neo-Beckettian pantomime endlessly repeated—a tragic performance that exhausts us as surely as it destroys the planet. Whited Meridian: Cormac McCarthy, the Bomb, and the Anthropocene Tore Rye Andersen (Aarhus University) When the cover image of Cormac McCarthy’s much-anticipated novel The Passenger was first released, Reddit-users were quick to point out that the cover of the novel most of all resembled a pamphlet of the kind that religious cults usually hand out – a pamphlet promising a golden dawn. A few skeptical users speculated that the golden glow on the cover didn’t originate in Paradise or a bright future, and when the slipcased version of the two novels was published, the source of the golden light was finally revealed as the atomic bomb, or the Bomb, for short. The Bomb is evidently a central theme in The Passenger and Stella Maris, and in my paper I will analyze how it is portrayed across the two novels. I will also argue that the Bomb may to some extent have present all along in the margins of McCarthy’s fiction, and that its centrality in his last two novels can best be described as a natural culmination of his longstanding interest in humanity’s abuse of the natural world. Moreover, I will argue that this persistent interest in important ways anticipate current debates on the Anthropocene – the notion that we have entered a new geological period where human activities have now reached an extent where they leave a lasting impact on the planet. In Lieu of a World: Scarcity and Material Determinism in The Road Rasmus Simonsen This paper examines the nature of scarcity in the post-apocalyptic world of The Road. With the world as we know it gone, McCarthy paves the way for a discussion of a new material ontology that depends on the dissolution of conventional agency. For this reason, the paper focuses on the enduring presence of things themselves to show how self-determinism gives way to a kind of material determinism that in turn orders the agency of the characters and the violent circumstances that they are exposed to and participate in to varying degrees. To this end, the paper moves away from the subject-centered readings that dominate scholarship on The Road to show instead that the “deterministic” quality of relations in the novel is a function of its exploration of interobjectivity and the “thingness” of things. The novel suggests that once a thing’s referent is forgotten, its “sacred idiom” is erased and the world is reduced to “a raw core of parsible entities” (McCarthy 88). Slowly, in the novel, the presence of things fades from the human gaze, as exemplified by the fact that, travelling through the wasteland, “the boy [used to] sometimes pick up something and carry it with him for a while but he didnt do that any more” (200). Turning to the perspective of things opens the novel to a new set of relations and connections that are not bound by the concept of human intentionality. Developing what I call the “deterministic materiality” of the novel, my argument explores moments of rest in the novel—what we could also call its narratological sojourns—to consider the fading thingness of the world that nevertheless makes room for a kind of objective metaphysics. A Flood of Imitation: Recycling Faulkner’s Wasted Landscapes in Child of God Martyn Bone (University of Copenhagen) Cormac McCarthy is no stranger to comparisons with William Faulkner. Orville Prescott’s New York Times review of The Orchard Keeper (1965) opined that McCarthy’s debut employed “so many of Faulkner’s literary devices and mannerisms that he half submerges his own talents beneath a flood of imitation.” Eight years later, The Washington Post declared Child of God (1973) to be “an extraordinary book” while lauding McCarthy as “a genuine heir to the Faulkner tradition.” This presentation reconsiders the intertextual relationship between Faulkner and McCarthy’s fiction by reading Child of God with reference to what Susan Scott Parrish calls the “modern aesthetics of ecological crisis” permeating Faulkner’s work, especially As I Lay Dying (1930). McCarthy “recycles” Faulkner in Sineád Moynihan’s sense of moving beyond familiar debates about “literary worth and value” associated with “‘recycling’ a canonical text” to address “all that is framed as ‘waste’ (including human beings).” I also take seriously (and somewhat literally) Prescott’s early charge that McCarthy’s fiction is “submerge[d]” in “a flood of imitation”: in As I Lay Dying and Child of God, land and people alike are laid waste by catastrophic flooding, as well as deforestation and despoliation. The novel’s mapping of wasted land and “wasted humans” (Zygmunt Bauman)—not only Ballard but also the corpses he accumulates--builds to an extreme weather event. Child of God’s flood recycles the equivalent sequence in As I Lay Dying: Ballard’s attempt to cross the swollen creek includes a log looming over Lester much like the log that bears down on the Bundrens’ cart. McCarthy’s flood sequence is harder to historicize, however, than Faulkner’s, which mediates the 1927 Mississippi flood. On one hand, Ballard’s “vitriolic invocation for the receding of the waters” may index how humans have become God-like (or child-of-God-like) in our destructive belief that we can command the environment. On the other, the log’s “animate ill will” may suggest that ultimately we exercise little control over a wasted world recast in our name: the Anthropocene. Environmental Lost Cause-ism: McCarthy’s Diagnostic Vision in The Road Jay Watson (University of Mississippi) Interestingly but also fittingly, the US South is emerging as an important locus for speculative climate fictions or “cli-fi”: fables of rising sea levels, superstorms, species loss, zoonotic disease, resource wars, global weirding, cultural collapse, and other unintended consequences of planetary-scale terraforming on regional ground. In what follows, I want to take up Cormac McCarthy’s 2006 novel The Road, the first SF novel to win the Pulitzer Prize for fiction, as an example of how southern writers have turned to speculative fiction to interrogate a form of environmental melancholy and nostalgia I call Holocene lost cause-ism, and to entertain potential alternatives to its stultifying symptoms. The environmental signature of the planetary-scale catastrophe that occasions the narrative—perhaps an impact event, perhaps volcanism, perhaps an act of war—is climate derangement: the descent of bone-chilling cold as the atmosphere fills with particulate matter, and the constant threat of wildfires after the cessation of photosynthesis reduces the forests of the former US South to massive tinderboxes of standing deadwood. The climate disaster brings cultural disintegration in its wake, a spiral of ecological cause and social effect that invites comparisons with our current specter of the Anthropocene. The novel’s focal character is a deeply melancholic personality, a widower and father whose sharply focused mourning for his wife is dwarfed by interminable grief for the entire world wiped out by the catastrophe, a lost oikos whose affordances he tends to evoke, and encrypt, in environmental terms. As he struggles to keep life in himself and his young son, his primary survival strategies reveal the telltale symptoms of Holocene lost cause-ism: his psychic overinvestments (1) in the road network and other elements of petromodern infrastructure that still stretch across the novel’s devitalized landscapes, (2) in houses and dwellings that evoke a no longer tenable sedentary life, and (3) in the humanistic worldview he clings to against the seeming meaninglessness of existence on a dying planet. Against this obsolescent and dangerous Holocene mentality, The Road poses the emergent Anthropocene and posthuman orientation of the son as a literal child of environmental collapse. McCarthy, in other words, employs a generational scheme to test Holocene and Anthropocene sensibilities against the exigencies of climate change and mass extinction. " "Elena Ferrantes geniale romaner";"Foreningen Dante Alighieri, København";"2024-03-14";"15:30";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 4A.0.56";"Foredrag ved lektor, PhD, Pia Schwarz Lausten.";"Ingen ved med garanti, hvem der gemmer sig bag pseudonymet Elena Ferrante. Men hendes romaner - især romankvartetten Min geniale veninde - er blevet slugt af millioner af læsere verden over og omsat til spillefilm, tv-serier og en teaterforestilling. Foredraget ved lektor, PhD, Pia Schwarz Lausten analyserer en række gennemgående temaer, der findes i hele forfatterskabet fra debuten i 1992, Besværende kærlighed, til den seneste roman Voksnes løgnagtige liv (2019): det kvindelige venskab, billedet af Napoli, mor-datter forholdet og skriften. Også Ferrantes skrivestil, poetik og spørgsmålet om forfatterens identitet bliver berørt. Det er ingen forudsætning at have læst værkerne. Der afsættes tid til spørgsmål til slut. Foredraget holdes på dansk og er gratis, men tilmelding er nødvendig ved at skrive til: Presidente@dante-alighieri-cph.dk I romanzi geniali di Elena Ferrante Conferenza di Pia Schwarz Lausten, professore associato, PhD. Nessuno sa con certezza chi si nasconde dietro lo pseudonimo di Elena Ferrante. Ma i suoi romanzi - in particolare il quartetto L’amica geniale - sono stati divorati da milioni di lettori in tutto il mondo e trasformati in film per il cinema, in serie televisive e spettacoli teatrali. La conferenza presenta la sua opera dall'esordio nel 1992 con L’amore molesto a I giorni dell’abbandono (1998) e La figlia oscura (2006) fino al quartetto napoletano su Lila ed Elena (2011-2014) e all’ultimo romanzo La vita bugiarda degli adulti (2019). Saranno analizzati dei temi centrali come l'amicizia femminile, l’immagine di Napoli, il rapporto madre-figlia e la scrittura, nonché lo stile della Ferrante. Verrà trattata anche la questione dell'identità dell'autore. Non è necessario aver letto le opere. Porta con te amici anche se non sono soci dell’associazione Dante Alighieri! La conferenza si terrà in danese. Registrazione alla conferenza necessaria: Presidente@dante-alighieri-cph.dk " "Seminar on literature and the environment";"Environmental Humanities research group, Engerom; the Art and Earth research group, IKK; and the Center for Applied Ecological Thinking (CApE), ToRS. ";"2024-03-13";"15:00";"2024-03-13";"17:30";" South Campus, room 23.4.39";"Seminar with Professor Jay Watson (University of Mississippi) and Professor Harilaos Stecopoulos (University of Iowa).";"With Jay Watson & Harilaos Stecopoulos On Wednesday 13 March, Professor Jay Watson (University of Mississippi) and Professor Harilaos Stecopoulos (University of Iowa) will be joining us for a double-header seminar. Jay will be presenting a talk entitled ""Caribbean Counterseascape: Monique Roffey’s Swimmer Ecology"" and Harry will be presenting ""The Heat of Modernity: Thermal Violence and Universal Energy in Richard Wright’s Native Son"". The presentations will be followed by a Q&A/discussion. Jay and Harry will also be keynote speakers at the symposium on Cormac McCarthy’s environmental vision which takes place on Friday 15 March. Please contact Dr. Martyn Bone (Engerom) or Dr. Stefanie Heine (IKK) for more information. Bios Jay Watson is the Howry Professor of Faulkner Studies at the University of Mississippi. He is the author of four books including Fossil-Fuel Faulkner: Energy and Modernity in the US South (Oxford University Press, 2022), William Faulkner and the Faces of Modernity (Oxford UP, 2019), and Reading for the Body: The Recalcitrant Materiality of Southern Fiction, 1893-1985 (U of Georgia P, 2012), and Forensic Fictions: The Lawyer Figure in Faulkner (U of Georgia P, 1993). He has also edited or coedited eleven other books. His articles have appeared in PMLA, American Quarterly, American Literature, Modern Fiction Studies, The Cormac McCarthy Journal, and numerous others. He has published chapters in numerous books including William Faulkner in Context, Cormac McCarthy in Context, Approaches to Teaching the Works of Cormac McCarthy, The Cambridge History of the Literature of the U.S. South, and Ecocriticism and the Future of Southern Studies. He has won the University of Mississippi’s Liberal Arts Professor of the Year and Humanities Teacher of the Year awards. From 2009 to 2012 he served as President of the William Faulkner Society, and since 2011 he has directed the annual Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha conference at the University of Mississippi. Harilaos Stecopoulos is a Professor of English at the University of Iowa. He is the author of Telling America’s Story to the World: Literature, Internationalism, Cultural Diplomacy (Oxford University Press, 2022) and Reconstructing the World: Southern Fictions and US Imperialisms, 1898-1976 (Cornell University Press, 2008). He is the editor of A History of the Literature of the U.S. South (Cambridge, 2021) and Race and the Subject of Masculinities (Duke University Press, 1997). He is currently working on two book projects: “A Keen Sense of Power: Richard Wright, Energy, and the Violence of Extraction” and “Entangled Words: Diplomacy and the Making of American Literature.” He has published articles and book chapters on Ralph Ellison, Stuart Hall, Langston Hughes, James Weldon Johnson, Alice Walker, and Richard Wright. Between 2013 and 2019, he was the editor of The Iowa Review." "Kvindernes Internationale Forskningsdag";"Postdoc Sine Krogh og lektor Anna Sandberg";"2024-03-08";"14:15";"";"15:15";"Biblioteket, Engerom, bygning 23, 3. sal";"Vi fejrer Kvindernes Internationale Kampdag med korte oplæg ved instituttets forskere.";" Vi fejrer Kvindernes Internationale Kampdag med korte oplæg ved instituttets forskere. Kom og hør om feminisme og kvinder, der har sat deres aftryk på historien - fra fortid til nutid. Alle interesserede er velkomne! Der serveres en forfriskning. For kontakt: Sine Krogh Program Tid Aktivitet 14.15 Velkomst (v. Sine Krogh) 14.20 Anna Sandberg (lektor)Dansk-tyske aktører i salonkulturen omkring 1800 14.25 Maria Damkjær (lektor) Kvinder på tryk i 1800-tallets Storbritannien 14.30 Sine Krogh (postdoc) Køn og karaktermord: Om maleren Elisabeth Jerichau Baumanns eftermæle 14.35 Lene Østermark-Johansen (professor) Om Kvindelig Læseforening i fin-de-siècle København 14.40 Lars Troels Møller (ph.d.) Lucía Sánchez Saornil – digteren og feministen 14.45 Amanda Grimsbo Roswall (ph.d.) Solidaritet på skrift: Litterære praksisser i den franske kvindebevægelse 14.50 Lamia Moghnieh (postdoc) Women and Psychiatry in Modern Lebanon 14.55 Pia Schwarz Lausten (lektor) Det ’narrative venskab’: En feministisk fortolkning af Elena Ferrantes Min geniale veninde. 15.00 Irina Hron (lektor) A short Herstory of Skin 15.05 Afrunding (v. Anna Sandberg) " "Philosophie als Roman – Jena 1800. Die Republik der freien Geister";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2024-03-08";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.1.11";"Vortrag von Dr. Peter Neumann (Berlin/Hamburg).";"Vortrag mit Dr. Peter Neumann (Berlin/Hamburg). Abstract Jena 1800: Mit den Ideen der Französischen Revolution geraten nicht nur die politischen Verhältnisse in Europa ins Wanken. Eine ganze Generation von jungen Dichtern und Philosophen beschließt, die Welt neu zu denken. Die führenden Köpfe – darunter die Brüder Schlegel mit ihren Frauen, der Philosoph Schelling und der Dichter Novalis – treffen sich in der thüringischen Universitätsstadt an der Saale, um eine „Republik der freien Geister“ zu errichten. Sie stellen nicht nur gesellschaftliche Traditionen in Frage, sie revolutionieren mit ihrem Blick auf das Individuum und die Natur zugleich auch unser Verständnis von Freiheit und Wirklichkeit – bis heute. Farbig und leidenschaftlich erzählt Peter Neumann von dieser ungewöhnlichen Denkerkommune, die nicht weniger vorbereitete als den geistigen Aufbruch in die Moderne. Kann man Philosophie als einen Roman erzählen? Darüber diskutiert Dr. Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen (Kopenhagen) mit dem Autor Dr. Peter Neumann (Berlin/Hamburg). Über Tysk fredag Die Freitagsvorlesungen sind für jedermann zugänglich. Sie eröffnen neue Perspektiven auf die deutsche und deutschsprachige Gesellschaft, Kultur und Geschichte und thematisieren auch deutsch-transnationale Themen. Jeder ist willkommen. Koordinatorin: Anna Sandberg" "Mundtlighed i fremmedsprogsfagene og verden ind i sprogundervisningen";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2024-03-07";"08:30";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 4A.0.69";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk på Københavns Universitet inviterer til en gymnasiedag, hvor I kan komme og høre om aktuel forskning af relevans for sprogfagene, som kan inspirere jeres egen undervisning.";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk på Københavns Universitet inviterer for tredje år i træk til en gymnasiedag, hvor I kan komme og høre om aktuel forskning af relevans for sprogfagene, som kan inspirere jeres egen undervisning. Gymnasiedagen finder sted torsdag den 7. marts 2024 og temaerne vil være mundtlighed i fremmedsprogsfagene og verden ind i sprogundervisningen. Praktiske informationer Det koster 300 kroner at deltage i dagen, og beløbet dækker materialer og forplejning. Tilmeld dig Engeroms gymnasiedag. Tilmelding skal ske senest den 1. marts 2024. Program 8:30 - 9:00 Ankomst og morgenmad 9:00 - 9:15 Velkomst ved dekan Kirsten Busch NielsenIntroduktion til programmet ved Anna Sandberg Første del: Mundtlighed i fremmedsprogsfagene 9:15 - 10:00 Slobodanka Dimova: Fra Teori til Praksis: Fremme Mundtlig Fluency i UndervisningenDette oplæg fokuserer på den praktiske anvendelse af teorier om fluency i udviklingen af elevers mundtlige færdigheder. Vi vil udforske, hvordan teoretiske koncepter som ""psycholinguistic model"" og ""interactional model"" kan oversættes til konkrete undervisningsmetoder. Gennem eksempler og interaktive øvelser vil jeg demonstrere, hvordan lærere kan skabe et læringsmiljø, der fremmer naturlig og flydende kommunikation. Målet er at inspirere til en effektiv undervisning, der inkluderer håndgribelige redskaber til at styrke elevers mundtlige kompetencer. 10:00 - 10:15 Kort kaffepause 10:15 - 11:00 Lars Behnke: Hvad kan tyskere og danskere lære om hinanden?” – ”Was könnenDeutsche und Dän*innen übereinander lernen?Dette var spørgsmålet i et online-tandem-projekt mellem danske tyskstuderende og tyskedanskstuderende i efteråret 2023. For at finde svar tog de ud og lavede mundtlige interviews ibegge lande. Det indsamlede materiale indgik i en tysk-dansk quiz-app, som de studerende selv harudviklet. I mit oplæg vil jeg præsentere projektet som et eksempel på et meningsfuldt arbejde medmundtlighed i undervisningen af tysk som fremmedsprog. 11:00 - 12:00 Sprogspecifik workshop. Ideer til materialer og undervisningsformer med fokus påmundtlighed i engelsk (4A.0.56), fransk (4A.0.68), italiensk (4A.1.46), spansk (4A.1.68) og tysk(4A.1.15). 12:00 - 13:00 Frokost Anden del: Verden ind i sprogundervisningen 13:00 - 13:45 Simon Cecchin Birk: Populismens mange ansigterDe seneste tre årtier har populismen i stigende grad vundet indpas i Europa, men hvordan kan vigenkende og forstå fænomenet? Med afsæt i en klar teoretisk ramme giver oplægget en praktiskindføring i den særligt illustrative italienske populisme, trækker tråde til både venstre- oghøjreorienterede populister i andre europæiske lande, og kommer med inspiration til, hvordan manmed fordel kan arbejde med den kontekstspecifikke populisme i sprogfagenes undervisning. 13:45 - 14:30 Ulla Rahbek: Flygtningefiguren i engelsksproglig nutidslitteraturI dette oplæg vil fokus være på flygtningefiguren i den anglofone nutidslitteratur.Flygtningelitteratur bringer ikke bare verden ind i det engelske sprog – den tematiserer også mødetmellem etik og æstetik på en måde, der kan åbne op for produktive klassediskussioner omlitteraturens rolle i dagens samfund. 14:30 - 14:45 Kort pause med kaffe og kage 14:45 - 15:30 Workshop om verden ind i sprogfagene. Hvordan kan fremmedsprogene arbejdevidere med samfundsrelevante temaer som populisme og flygtningefiguren istudieretningsprojekter og undervisningsforløb? (lokaler 4A.0.56, 4A.0.68, 4A.1.15, 4A.1.46,4A.1.68) 15:30 - 16:00 Anna Sandberg: Om Engeroms brobygningsaktiviteter og tilbud til gymnasiet 16:00 - 17:00 Opsamling, afrunding og reception " "Translationskultur und Agency der TranslatorInnen";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2024-03-01";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.1.11";"Forlesung von Tatsiana Haiden (Universität Wien).";"Forlesung von Tatsiana Haiden (Universität Wien). Abstract Das Konzept Translationskultur basiert auf der Feldtheorie, u. a. legt sie den Fokus auf die AkteurInnen der Translation, das Kapital, aber es vermeidet die Konzepte Feld und Habitus. Im deutschsprachigen Raum hat sich das Konzept als produktiver Rahmen für die Untersuchung der Agency der TranslatorInnen gezeigt. Das ist sehr übergreifend und kann deswegen in unterschiedlichsten Fallstudien angewendet werden. Das ist ein Vorteil, aber gleichzeitig eine Herausforderung, weil man von einer Beschreibung einer Translationskultur eine tiefere und breitere Analyse erwartet. Um das zu lösen, habe ich in meiner Dissertation ein Modell für die Analyse einer Translationskultur entwickelt. Ich habe die Translationskultur eines Verlages untersucht und die Rolle der ÜbersetzerInnen bei der Verlagsentwicklung in der Zwischenkriegszeit bewiesen. Über Tysk fredag Die Freitagsvorlesungen sind für jedermann zugänglich. Sie eröffnen neue Perspektiven auf die deutsche und deutschsprachige Gesellschaft, Kultur und Geschichte und thematisieren auch deutsch-transnationale Themen. Jeder ist willkommen. Koordinatorin: Anna Sandberg" "”Topmøde” om Europa: ambassadører møder studerende";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk samt CEMES (Center for Moderne Europastudier), Københavns Universitet / Tysk fredag";"2024-02-29";"15:15";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"De tre ambassadører fra Polen, Tyskland og Frankrig gæster Søndre campus og deltager i en samtale med sprog- og kulturstuderende om Europa nu og i fremtiden.";"Abstract De tre ambassadører fra Polen, Tyskland og Frankrig gæster Søndre Campus og deltager i en samtale med studerende om Europa nu og i fremtiden. I et panel vil de tre store staters repræsentanter give korte oplæg og indgå i en samtale med sprog- og kulturstuderende på Det Humanistiske Fakultet. I anden halvdel af arrangementet åbnes der op for spørgsmål fra studerende og publikum. De centrale fælleseuropæiske temaer, demokrati, sikkerhed og klima, vil være omdrejningspunkter i samtalen. Polen, Tyskland og Frankrig har siden Tysklands genforening haft et særligt statssamarbejde (i den såkaldte Weimar-trekant) og kaldes ofte for motorer i EU, der er vigtige for europæisk politik i en krisetid. Arrangementet er en enestående mulighed for dialog mellem ambassadører og studerende. Arrangementet vil foregå på engelsk. Tilmelding nødvendig. Program Velkomst ved prorektor for Københavns Universitet David Dreyer Lassen Indføring i programmet ved lektor på Engerom, Anna Sandberg Panelsamtale med ambassadørerne: Antoni Falkowski (Polen), Christophe Parisot (Frankrig) og Pascal Hector (Tyskland) samt studerende Catharina Evald (Franskstudiet), Martin Jessen (Polskstudiet) og Eva Sabine Koch (Tyskstudiet), der efterfølges af diskussion med salen modereret af studerende Mads Jedzini. Afrunding ved institutleder på Engerom, Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen Deltagerne bydes på et glas vin uden for auditoriet Tilmelding Arrangementet er åbent for alle, men kræver tilmelding (tilmeldingen lukker kl. 12 den 29. februar). Om Tysk fredag Fredagsforelæsningerne er åbne for alle. De giver nye perspektiver på tysk og tysksproget samfund, kultur og historie og tematiserer også tysk-transnationale emner. Alle er velkomne. Koordinator: lektor Anna Sandberg, annas@hum.ku.dk" "Sproglig opmærksomhed via en flersprogethedsdidaktik";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2024-01-05";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Natascha Drachmann forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Et læreplans- og multicasestudie på tværs af sprogfag og klassetrin i grundskolen Natascha Drachmann forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Læs afhandling (PDF) Bedømmelsesudvalget Professor Anne Holmen, forperson (Københavns Universitet) Lektor Kristine Kabel (Aarhus Universitet) Professor Heike Speitz (Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge) Leder af forsvaret Lektor Jan Juhl Lindschouw (Københavns Universitet) Kopi af afhandlingen kan læses: Ved informationsskranken på KUB Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 I læsesalen (øst) på Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Den Sorte Diamant), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 På Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Emil Holms Kanal 6 " "Sproglig opmærksomhed via en flersprogethedsdidaktik";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2024-01-05";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 22.0.11";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Natascha Drachmann";"Et læreplans- og multicasestudie på tværs af sprogfag og klassetrin i grundskolen Public defence of PhD thesis by Natascha Drachmann. Read thesis (Read-only PDF) Assessment committee Professor Anne Holmen (Chair)University of Copenhagen Associate professor Kristine KabelAarhus University Professor Heike SpeitzUniversitetet i Sørøst-Norge, Norway Moderator of the defence Associate professor Jan Juhl LindschouwUniversity of Copenhagen Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: at the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities; in Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), and at Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies Emil Holms Kanal 6, DK-2300 Copenhagen S." "Skarp af erkendelse og bitter af længsel: Ingeborg Bachman's intellectual legacy";"CEMES (""Thinking the European Republic of Letters”) and ENGEROM";"2023-12-06";"17:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 14-3-46 ";"Panel debate with Alexander Bareis, Sabrina Ebbersmayer, Irina Hron, Jørgen Herman Monrad and Judyta Preis (moderator: Christian Benne).";" The event is in danish. Read more about the event (in Danish)." "Skarp af erkendelse og bitter af længsel: Ingeborg Bachmanns intellektuelle arv";"CEMES og Engerom ("" Thinking the European Republic of Letters ”)";"2023-12-06";"17:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 14.3.46 ";"Paneldebat med Alexander Bareis, Sabrina Ebbersmayer, Irina Hron, Jørgen Herman Monrad og Judyta Preis (Ordstyrer: Christian Benne). ";"I anledning af Ingeborg Bachmanns død for 50 år siden inviterer vi til paneldebat med Alexander Bareis, Sabrina Ebbersmayer, Irina Hron, Jørgen Herman Monrad og Judyta Preis (Ordstyrer: Christian Benne). Der vil være efterfølgende vinreception. Alle er velkomne! Kontakt Christian Benne for mere information om arrangementet. Arrangementet er støttet af Østrigs Ambassade " "Andrea Wulf: Den tyske romantik og opfindelsen af selvet";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk fredag i samarbejde med Goethe-instituttet.";"2023-12-06";"15:30";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 23.4.39";"Forelæsning.";"Bestsellerforfatteren vil tale om sin bog ”Prægtige rebeller. De første romantikere og opfindelsen af selvet”, som netop er udkommet i en dansk oversættelse (v. Nanna Lund). Forelæsningen finder sted på tysk, og bagefter er der mulighed for at stille spørgsmål på engelsk og tysk. Diskussionen modereres af Anna Sandberg, Engerom. I sin bog Die fabelhaften Rebellen. Die frühen Romantiker und die Erfindung des Ich fortæller Andrea Wulf ikke kun om den nok mest turbulente vennekreds i tysk åndshistorie, men forklarer også, hvorfor vi op til i dag er udspændt mellem selvoptagethed og de nervepirrende muligheder affødt af den frie vilje. At vælge mellem individets rettigheder og ansvar for fællesskabet er ligeså vanskeligt i dag som dengang. Mens den Franske Revolution forandrede Europas politiske landskab, tog de unge romantikere fra Jena fat på åndens revolution. Til denne kreds af rebeller hørte Schlegel-brødrene, Novalis, filosofferne Fichte, Schelling og Hegel, men også Goethe og Schiller samt videnskabsmanden Alexander von Humboldt og forfatteren Caroline Schlegel. Deres tænkning var optaget af selvets kreative magt, kunstens og videnskabens betingelser, samspillet mellem menneske og natur og den sande betydning af frihed. Andrea Wulf er født i Indien, opvokset i Tyskland og bor i London. Hendes verdensbestseller Alexander von Humboldt und die Erfindung der Natur er oversat til 27 sprog og har vundet en lang række priser. Andrea Wulf skriver desuden for New York Times, Financial Times, The Atlantic og The Guardian. Hun er medlem af PEN American Center og fellow i Royal Society of Literature. Tysk Fredag/Freitagsvorlesungen Kurze Vorträge, Gespräch und Fragen (auf Deutsch und Dänisch). Anschließend gehen alle, die noch Lust haben, gemeinsam in die Fredagsbar (Ambarssaden). Alle Freitagsvorlesungen." "Nordic seminar 2023";"Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics with the Danish Association of Certified Translators and Interpreters (DACTI) and the Danish Society of Translators and Interpreters";"2023-11-30";"10:30";"2023-12-01";"14:00";"South Campus, room 15A-0-13";"A two-day seminar on interpreting in the Nordic countries.";"Interpretation in the Nordic countries: current political and professional issues We are very proud to organize the 12th Nordic Seminar in Copenhagen this year. This two-day seminar is hosted by the University of Copenhagen in collaboration with the Danish Association of Certified Translators and Interpreters and the Danish Society of Interpreters. We look forward to presenting a wide range of inspiring and skilled speakers to elaborate on this year’s theme: Interpreting in the Nordic Countries, and current political and professional issues. Sharing knowledge and experience between the Nordic countries will raise awareness of the importance of having a well-educated force of interpreters in public administration. The seminar will also focus on the professional issues met by interpreters at work, and in particular how this intersects with political issues. For further information, please see our website. Please see the programme, and registration form." "Black Death, Social Death, and the Hunting Ritual in William Faulkner’s “The Bear”";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Martyn Bone";"2023-11-29";"16:00";"";"17:30";"South Campus, room 12-0-37";"In our second PhD work-in-progress seminar of the fall semester, Shiyu Zhang will present a section of his project on ritual in William Faulkner’s fiction.";"In our second PhD work-in-progress seminar of the fall semester, Shiyu Zhang will present a section of his project on ritual in William Faulkner’s fiction. Shiyu will pre-circulate the paper (around 15-20 pages maximum) by 20 November, and we will begin with Shiyu introducing the paper and his project before opening up for questions and discussion. If you would like to attend, please contact me for a copy of the pre-circulated paper. Abstract “The Bear,” the fifth story within William Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses, stands as one of the most acclaimed hunting narratives in the U.S. literary canon. The story documents (white) men’s obsession with Old Ben, the mythical alpha male black bear, as it is manifested in a grand annual ritual: the bear hunt. The story culminates with the related deaths of Ben and Sam's fathers, a mixed-blood huntsman of both Native American and African American descent. Scholarship on Faulkner’s story has paired the deaths of these two “black” characters and noted the racialized discourse and racialized violence sustained in white men’s hunting adventures. Yet the hunting ritual’s systematic reenactment of the cultural strategies of social death, as a condition of ontological black death, remains largely overlooked. In this paper, I want to suggest that the hunt’s investment in perpetuating black social death is critical to scholarly understanding of how Faulkner interrogates the southern hunting ritual’s complicity in the ideology of race. I will investigate the implementation and intensification of “natal alienation” – for sociologist Orlando Patterson, the defining quality of social death – through the ritual of the bear hunt: in the tracking, hunting, and killing of Ben, and the death of Sam." "Geschlecht in der deutschen Grammatik - Paarformeln, Genus, Großschreibung";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2023-11-24";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Damaris Nübling (Mainz) im Gespräch mit Mirjam Schmuck. Ein Ereignis in der Reihe ""Tysk fredag"".";"Damaris Nübling (Mainz) im Gespräch mit Mirjam Schmuck. Ein Ereignis in der Reihe ""Tysk fredag"". Wie Damaris Nübling in ihrem Vortrag zeigen wird, sind (historische) Geschlechtervorstellungen u.a. in Form von Genus auch in den Tiefen der deutschen Grammatik fest verankert, ohne dass wir uns dessen bewusst sind. Genus hat bis heute massiven Anteil an der Produktion der Zweigeschlechtlichkeit und der asymmetrischen sprachlichen Repräsentation von Frauen und Männern. In historischen Daten werden Frauenbezeichnungen, gleich den Bezeichnungen für Personen mit niedriger sozialer Stellung, noch signifikant häufiger kleingeschrieben als Bezeichnungen für Männer. Syntaktisch läuft die Ehefrau bis heute dem Mann hinterher und kann auch namenlos bleiben, z.B. Helmut Kohl und seine Frau (Hannelore). Præsentation Damaris Nübling lehrt und forscht an der Universität Mainz mit Forschungsschwerpunkten u.a. in den Bereichen Sprachgeschichte/Sprachwandel, Genderlinguistik und Onomastik (Namenforschung). Sie leitete zahlreiche Forschungsprojekte u.a. innerhalb der DFG-Forschergruppe ""Un/doing Differences. Praktiken der Humandifferenzierung"" an der Universität Mainz zur Benennung von Transgendern. Aktuell ist sie Co-Leiterin des Projekts ""Genderbezogene Praktiken bei Personenreferenzen: Diskurs, Grammatik, Kognition”. Tysk Fredag/Freitagsvorlesungen Kurze Vorträge, Gespräch und Fragen (auf Deutsch und Dänisch). Anschließend gehen alle, die noch Lust haben, gemeinsam in die Fredagsbar (Ambarssaden). Alle Freitagsvorlesungen." "Occultism and Popular Culture in Europe";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen ";"2023-11-22";"";"2023-11-23";"";"South Campus, room 4A.1.15.";"To launch the research program for the newly formed Dark Arts Research Group: Studies in Gothic, Horror and the Occult, 1750-Present, there will be a two-day hybrid conference between 22 November and 23 November 2023.";"To launch the research program for the newly formed Dark Arts Research Group: Studies in Gothic, Horror and the Occult, 1750-Present in the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies at the University of Copenhagen, there will be a two-day hybrid conference between 22 November and 23 November 2023 titled: ‘Occultism and Popular Culture in Europe.’ The aim is to explore the many ways that horror, gothic and occultic topics have been communicated, presented, and packaged for broad audiences from the late eighteenth century to today. We are especially interested in the ways different kinds of media technology, ranging from print and woodcut illustrations to photography and film have shaped conceptions of horror, gothic and the occult. We are delighted to have two fantastic keynote speakers lined up for the event: Mathias Clasen, Aarhus University; and Richard Noakes, University of Exeter. Registration In-person attendance Please sign up for in-person attendance at the conference. Registration for in-person attendance ends on 31 October. Online attendance To register for the online part of the conference on 23 November, please use the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/q9Cagxn0p6 Conference theme There has been a long cultural fascination with the macabre, horrific, and downright creepy across European society. From the early popular novels of writers such as Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818), and the incredible visual spectacles of fairground phantasmagoria, to the growth of professional mediumship from the mid 1800s onward, and the telepathic radio experiments of the early twentieth century, Europeans have been entranced by all things spooky and ghoulish. The nineteenth century in particular was a tumultuous age of transformation, where conceptions of reality unraveled before people’s eyes. Media and technology unleashed a phantasmagoric panorama of alternate realities, and the specter of invisible agents. Interpretations and encounters at the margins of common understanding of how naturalistic and technological systems work fostered beliefs, superstitions, and myths. The ethereal presence of communications without bodies suggested the possibility of supernatural forces at play. It was within this ever-changing social climate that interests in the occult, the gothic, the extraordinary, and the horrible flourished. So much of the popular conversations surrounding the rise and growth of occultic media during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries connected to debates surrounding human belief, perception, trust, and the standards of scientific evidence. Stories about exposure and fraud were rife within this context. These issues continue to remain important in our modern age when media sensationalism is so endemic. To a certain extent, a study of popular occulture in Europe around the turn of the twentieth century, and the ways in which practitioners and challengers manipulated new media technologies to present carefully crafted stories to broad publics, links to our own contemporary discussions in the twenty-first century about media deception and fake news. A study of the rise of popular occulture in Europe, therefore, provides important historical lessons for understanding the continued surgency of media misperception that is rampant today. Programme Day 1: Wednesday 22 November 2023 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM Registration 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Welcome Address with Robert Rix 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM: Session 1 Efram Sera-Shriar, University of Copenhagen Things That Go Bump in the Night: Harry Price, the Crawley Poltergeist, and the Emergence of Paranormal Photojournalism. Emma Merkling, Durham University/Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art Spiritualism, Spectacle, and Stereoscopy: The Case of ‘Margery’ Crandon. Sam Houlberg, University of Cambridge Spirit Photography and a Spiritual Understanding of Modernity in the United States and Europe, 1869-1925. 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Coffee Break 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: Session 2 Martin Babička, University of Oxford / Czech Institute of Contemporary History Politics for All–or Horoscope: Occult Television Programmes and Postsocialist Transformation. Jennifer Cooke, Newcastle University Coupled Bodies, Distorted Bodies – How Horror Game Mechanics Encourage Propagation of Player Belief in Cultural Folklore. Gennaro Ambrosino, University of Warwick “The Eyes are a Telegraph of the Soul”: The Emergence of the Concept of Telepathy and Ghostly Thought-Transference in Italian Popular Culture. Tim Rudbøg, University of Copenhagen The Early Theosophical Society and Occulture. 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM: Session 3 Eleonora Paklons, University of Antwerp Spectacular Spectres: The Magic Lantern and the Projection of Ghosts in Fin-de-siècle Popular Culture. Hannah Welslau, University of Antwerp Otherworldly Amusement: Searching for Spirits at Belgian Fairgrounds. Thibaut Rioult, University of Antwerp The Re-Enchantment of Magic Performing Occulture to Revive Illusionism, the Bizarre Magick Movement (60’s-90’s). Kurt Vanhoutte, University of Antwerp The Real Dream: Performing Occult Science in Magic Performance. 3:30 PM - 3:45 PM Coffee Break 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM: Keynote 1 Mathias Clasen, Aarhus University On the Appeal of Horror Media and the Benefits of Playing with Fear. 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Wine Reception 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Conference Dinner Day 2: Thursday 23 November 2023 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM Registration 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Welcome Address with Efram Sera-Shriar 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM: Session 4 Robert Rix, University of Copenhagen The Print Medium is the Message: The Prophecies Joanna Southcott. Daniel Ogden, Uppsala University Frankenstein and the Popular London Theatre of the 1820s Daniela Lindfors, University of Cambridge A Novel-ish Horror: Contextualising Mike Flanagan's Hauntings Universe 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Coffee Break 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: Session 5 Catherine van Reenen, University of Manitoba Photography and the Challenges of Empirical Observation in Psychical Research: The Technical Apparatus of T.G. Hamilton’s Teleplasm Experiments. Jens Erik Mogensen, University of Copenhagen The Materialized Hand and Other Kinds of Ectoplasmic Phenomena in 20th-Century Danish Spiritualism. Matthew L. Tompkins, Lund University Genuine Fake Mind Reading: Using Fraudulent Mediumship Methods to Explore Extraordinary Beliefs about AI and Neurotechnologies. Kristof Smeyers, University of Antwerp How to Look (Away): Popular Physical Phenomena of Mysticism in Modern Britain and Ireland. 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Keynote 2 Richard Noakes, University of Exeter “They’re Here!!!”: Spirits, Media Technologies, and Packaging the Occult. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM: Online Lightning Talks 1 Janette Leaf, Birkbeck, University of London The Shapeshifting Scarab on Screen: Did Early Cinema Kill Richard Marsh’s 1897, The Beetle? Tom Graham, Birkbeck, University of London Unreasoning Terror: Why the More You Know About Ghosts, the Less You Know About the Ghosts. Avery Curran, Birkbeck, University of London ‘I Again Solicit the Use of Your Friendly Columns’: The New Motor and the Spiritualist Periodical Press. Maria Vara, Athens School of Fine Arts Magic, Illusion and Deception in Late 18th-Century Europe: Revisiting the Story of the Bleeding Nun. 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM Coffee Break 4:45 PM - 5:30 PM: Online Lightning Talks 2 Miranda Ruth Larsen, University of Tokyo From Lily Dale to London: How Spiritualism’s Intercontinental Flows Shaped Mediumship and Seances in Popular Culture. Serena Keshavjee, University of Winnipeg The Art of Ectoplasm: 100 Years of Photographing “Ghosts”. Emily Vincent, Durham University ‘[I]n Constant Touch with My Father’: W. T. Stead Beyond the Grave. 5:30 PM - ONWARD Post-Conference Drinks at Bar " "Präsentationen von MA-Arbeiten / Specialepræsentationer fra tyskstudiet";"Institut for Engelsk, Romansk og Germansk / Tysk fredag";"2023-11-17";"13:15";"";"15:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.2.01";"Präsentationen von MA-Arbeiten.";" Tenna Arpe: ”Film og den audiovisuelle færdighed i sprogundervisningen i gymnasiet. En empirisk undersøgelse.” Johanne Emilie Blücher og Jonas Emil Klüver-Kristensen: ”Femern Bælt-forbindelsen: En diskursanalytisk undersøgelse i et oversættelsesperspektiv.” Frederikke Pi Møller Pedersen: ""Die transnationalen Beziehungen der lesbischen Bewegungen in Dänemark und Deutschland in den 1970er Jahren in Bezug auf das Frauenlager auf Femø und den Prozess gegen Marion Ihns und Judy Andersen"". Tysk Fredag/Freitagsvorlesungen Kurze Vorträge, Gespräch und Fragen (auf Deutsch und Dänisch). Anschließend gehen alle, die noch Lust haben, gemeinsam in die Fredagsbar (Ambarssaden). Alle Freitagsvorlesungen." "War, Climate Change, Racism: How Memory shapes Europe today.";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2023-11-10";"10:15";"";"11:45";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.50 and zoom";"Professor Astrid Erll gives an honorary doctor lecture.";"Professor Astrid Erll gives an honorary doctor lecture. The lecture is introduced by Dean Kirsten Busch Nielsen, Faculty of Humanities. Abstract The war in Ukraine, accelerating climate change, and tenacious racism – these are just a few of the challenges Europeans see themselves faced with today. It may sound surprising, but to a large extent, these are problems of collective memory. So, how can the interdisciplinary study of memory help us understand and address these challenges? The war in Ukraine is fueled by Russian misconstructions of the past, which were a long time in the making (such as a sweeping ‘victim narrative’ ranging from Mongol invasions through the Great Patriotic War to today’s NATO). Our inability to react fast and adequately to climate change (despite seeing the evidence of floods and draughts at our very doorsteps) has also to do with ingrained habits of (not) thinking and (not) acting, which are passed on from generation to generation. And the fact that racism and antisemitism lingers in Europe and can suddenly erupt with full force is a result of the mechanism of collective memory, where nothing is ever fully forgotten. This lecture is an introduction to the research of a relatively new field – memory studies - which connects history, sociology and psychology with language, media and culture studies, in order to understand how we construct the past and how the past shapes our present and future. Tysk Fredag/Freitagsvorlesungen Kurze Vorträge, Gespräch und Fragen (auf Deutsch und Dänisch). Anschließend gehen alle, die noch Lust haben, gemeinsam in die Fredagsbar (Ambarssaden). Alle Freitagsvorlesungen." "Remembering activism and the agency of the aesthetic";"Anne Folke Henningsen & Tea Sindbæk Andersen";"2023-11-09";"13:30";"";"16:30";"University of Copenhagen, South Campus, room 4A.1.60";"Lecture by Ann Rigney (Utrecht).";"Lecture by Ann Rigney (Utrecht). Part of the lecture series FACING THE PAST: Qualitative approaches in memory and heritage studies: 6 Nov: Politics of storytelling and administrations of memory. 6 Nov: Memory of religious traces in contemporary culture. 7 Nov: A Momentary Ontology of Heritage: community attachments to the past in an urban World Heritage Site in Istanbul. 9 Nov: Remembering Activism and the Agency of the Aesthetic." "The polyfunctional subjunctive: A functional-cognitive approach to the Italian subjunctive";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2023-11-09";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.50";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Anders Andersen.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Anders Andersen. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Kirsten Jeppesen Kragh, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Mario Squartini (University of Turin, Italy) Professor Verner Egerland (University of Lund, Sweden) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Mirjam Schmuck (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library (KUB) South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6 " "A Momentary Ontology of Heritage: community attachments to the past in an urban World Heritage Site in Istanbul";"Anne Folke Henningsen & Tea Sindbæk Andersen";"2023-11-07";"13:30";"";"16:30";"University of Copenhagen, South Campus, room 4A.1.60";"Lecture by Chris Whitehead (Newcastle).";"Lecture by Chris Whitehead (Newcastle). Part of the lecture series FACING THE PAST: Qualitative approaches in memory and heritage studies: 6 Nov: Politics of storytelling and administrations of memory. 6 Nov: Memory of religious traces in contemporary culture. 7 Nov: A Momentary Ontology of Heritage: community attachments to the past in an urban World Heritage Site in Istanbul. 9 Nov: Remembering Activism and the Agency of the Aesthetic." "Memory of religious traces in contemporary culture";"Anne Folke Henningsen & Tea Sindbæk Andersen";"2023-11-06";"15:15";"";"17:00";"University of Copenhagen, South Campus, room 4A.1.60";"Lecture by Maria Asavei (Charles University Prague).";"Lecture by Maria Asavei (Charles University Prague). Part of the lecture series FACING THE PAST: Qualitative approaches in memory and heritage studies: 6 Nov: Politics of storytelling and administrations of memory. 6 Nov: Memory of religious traces in contemporary culture. 7 Nov: A Momentary Ontology of Heritage: community attachments to the past in an urban World Heritage Site in Istanbul. 9 Nov: Remembering Activism and the Agency of the Aesthetic." "Politics of storytelling and administrations of memory";"Anne Folke Henningsen & Tea Sindbæk Andersen";"2023-11-06";"13:15";"";"15:00";"University of Copenhagen, South Campus, room 4A.1.60";"Lecture by Sara Dybris McQuaid (Aarhus).";"Lecture by Sara Dybris McQuaid (Aarhus). Part of the lecture series FACING THE PAST: Qualitative approaches in memory and heritage studies: 6 Nov: Politics of storytelling and administrations of memory. 6 Nov: Memory of religious traces in contemporary culture. 7 Nov: A Momentary Ontology of Heritage: community attachments to the past in an urban World Heritage Site in Istanbul. 9 Nov: Remembering Activism and the Agency of the Aesthetic." "USA's stemme, Europas skæbne";"";"2023-11-01";"13:30";"2023-11-01";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A.0.13 // Zoom";"Hør Engeroms ekspertpanel udfolde hvordan USA’s kommende præsidentvalg kan påvirke Europa.";"Hvert fjerde år holder verden vejret, når USA går til stemmeurnerne for at vælge sin præsident. I en verden, hvor geopolitiske spændinger stiger og gamle alliancer knager i fugerne, vil udfaldet af valget komme til at præge udviklingen af den globale verdensorden og Europas plads i den. Men hvordan påvirker det amerikanske præsidentvalg den politiske situation i Europa? Det spørgsmål stiller vi til et panel af forskere fra Institut for engelsk, germansk og romansk på Københavns Universitet. På baggrund af deres indgående kendskab til Frankrig, Spanien, Tyskland, Storbritannien samt de europæiske højreradikale bevægelser vil de diskutere de komplekse forbindelser mellem det amerikanske præsidentvalg og Europas politiske landskab. Efter debatten vil der være mulighed for at stille spørgsmål til panelet. Ordstyrer Katrine Helene Andersen Paneldeltagere Morten Rievers HeibergGeorg Walter WinkAnna Lena SandbergJørn BoisenRobert William Rix Arrangementet streames via Zoom. " "Mindretal som vindue til verden";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk fredag";"2023-10-27";"13:15";"";"15:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.2.01";"Camilla Hansen (UC Syd, Aabenraa) i samtale med Petra Daryai-Hansen. Et arrangement i rækken “Tysk fredag”.";"Om Nord-og Sydslesvigs mindretal som bidrag til forståelse af flersprogethed og flerkulturalitet Camilla Hansen (UC Syd, Aabenraa) i samtale med Petra Daryai-Hansen. Et arrangement i rækken “Tysk fredag”. Sammenfatning Hvad kan vi lære af den særlige kontekst som mindretallene i Nord- og Sydslesvig befinder sig i? Hvordan kan mindretallene bidrage til forståelsen af aspekter som flerkulturalitet og flersprogethed? I foredraget vil jeg først præsentere den særlige setting, der gør sig gældende for begge mindretal og derefter perspektivere nogle af de udfordringer man oplever her til en flertalssammenhæng. Præsentation Camilla Franziska Hansen er cand.scient.soc, ph.d. og lektor ved University College Syddanmark (UC SYD). I sin forskning er hun særlig optaget af to- og flersprogethed, nabosprogsdidaktik og interkulturalitet. Hun har skrevet en række artikler om disse emner, senest om sprogpædagogikken i det danske og det tyske mindretal samt om to- og flersprogethed. Camilla er til daglig projektleder ved Center for Mindretalspædagogik. Tysk Fredag/Freitagsvorlesungen Kurze Vorträge, Gespräch und Fragen (auf Deutsch und Dänisch). Anschließend gehen alle, die noch Lust haben, gemeinsam in die Fredagsbar (Ambarssaden). Alle Freitagsvorlesungen." "”GOL!”";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Kristian Aagaard og Pia Schwarz Lausten";"2023-10-26";"15:00";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.50";"Seminar og paneldebat.";"Syditaliensk fodbold – en kampplads for andet end sport? Seminar og paneldebat. Siden maj 1898 er der blevet konkurreret om det italienske mesterskab i herrefodbold og det er kun sket fire gange, at en fodboldklub fra Syditalien har vundet det årlige mesterskab. Hvorfor skulle der gå 72 år, inden en syditaliensk klub vandt fodboldmesterskabet for første gang? Hvorfor skulle der gå yderligere 17 år, før det lykkedes igen, og yderligere 33 år mellem det tredje og fjerde mesterskab (i 1990 og 2023)? Hvilken sammenhæng er der mellem disse kendsgerninger på den ene side og de kulturelle, politiske og økonomiske forskelle, der findes mellem Nord- og Syditalien på den anden? Afspejler fodboldsporten disse særlige italienske, historiske forhold? Er fodbold en kampplads for andre problematikker end sport? Disse og andre spørgsmål vil blive belyst af dagens oplægsholdere. Efter fire korte oplæg af ca. 15 minutters varighed inviteres til diskussion - også med publikum. Karsten Krogh, cand.mag. i engelsk, journalist Historien om italiensk klubfodbold – med fokus på Napoli Morten Heiberg, professor ved Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk Forholdet mellem Nord- og Syditalien i et historisk-politisk perspektiv siden 1861 Kristian Aagaard, cand.mag. i data science og italiensk Cagliari Campione - Syditaliens første (fodbold)mesterskab Jonas Neivelt, cand.mag. i historie og italiensk Catenaccio, Salernitana og Machiavelli - catenaccio som italiensk selvforståelse Michael Madsen, tidligere fodboldspiller i A.S. Bari Interview og samtale om hans erfaringer fra sin tid i Bari (1998-2001) Seminaret foregår på dansk og alle er velkomne. Tilmelding er dog nødvendig af hensyn til bestilling af kaffe og kage. Tilmeld dig senest den 20. oktober ved at sende en mail til Pia Schwarz Lausten. Skriv fodbold i emnefeltet samt antallet af deltagere." "The Nutmeg’s Curse";"";"2023-10-13";"13:00";"2023-10-13";"15:00";"University of Copenhagen, South Campus, Room 10.3.28";"In this public talk acclaimed author Amitav Ghosh will discuss his recent book The Nutmeg’s Curse with debater, lecturer and author Carsten Jensen.";"The Asian Dynamics Initiative is pleased to invite you to a public talk by acclaimed author Amitav Ghosh where he will present his recent book The Nutmeg’s Curse and engage in discussion with debater, lecturer, and author Carsten Jensen. Ghosh’s other works, which are in the genres of climate change, climate fiction, and histories of capitalism include The Sea of Poppies, The Glass Palace, and The Great Derangement. The Nutmeg’s Curse: “In 1621, Dutch East India Company soldiers went on a genocidal rampage in the Banda Islands, a tiny archipelago that at the time produced the world’s entire supply of once-lucrative nutmeg. In the fate of those islanders massacred for a tree, and in the exploitation that ensued, Ghosh spies the seeds of today’s climate crisis, reframing colonialism as ‘the project of muting and subduing the Earth’. It’s a powerful, personal polemic in which storytelling plays an essential role. Ghosh also has a solution to propose, one that requires us to summon radical empathy and draw deep on indigenous beliefs from around the world.” The Nutmeg’s Curse | Fiction | The Guardian We look forward to welcoming you to this timely talk in October! Register for the event. Programme Time Activity 13:00-13:15 Introduction by Ravinder Kaur 13:15-14:15 Talk with author Amitav Ghosh 14:15-14:40 Discussion with Carsten Jensen 14:40-15:00 Audience Q&A 15:00 Farewell Full event information Read The Guardian's review The Nutmeg’s Curse Purchase The Nutmeg’s Curse Watch an interview with Ghosh on The Nutmeg’s Curse Read more about Amitav Ghosh and his work Facebook Event Invitation " "Crack-Up Capitalism";"Asian Dynamics Inivitative";"2023-10-09";"14:00";"2023-10-09";"16:00";"University of Copenhagen, South Campus, 10.3.28";"Public Talk: Author Quinn Slobodian (Professor of History at Wellesley College) with Rune Lykkeberg (Dagbladet Information).";"The Asian Dynamics Initiative is pleased to invite you to a public talk with historian Quinn Slobodian, bestselling author of Crack-Up Capitalism. Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy. During this public talk, Historian Quinn Slobodian will discuss his “revelatory” bestseller with journalist Rune Lykkeberg from Dagbladet Information. His previous work on The Globalists and Market Civilizations, are all landmark studies of the histories of capitalism. Crack-Up Capitalism follows the most notorious radical libertarians from Milton Friedman to Peter Thiel-around the globe as they search for the perfect space for capitalism. Historian Quinn Slobodian leads us from Hong Kong in the 1970s to South Africa in the late days of apartheid, from the neo-Confederate South to the former frontier of the American West, from the medieval City of London to the gold vaults of right-wing billionaires, and finally into the world's oceans and war zones, charting the relentless quest for a blank slate where market competition is unfettered by democracy. A masterful work of economic and intellectual history, Crack-Up Capitalism offers both a new way of looking at the world and a new vision of coming threats. Full of rich details and provocative analysis, Crack-Up Capitalism offers an alarming view of a possible future. Crack-Up Capitalism by Quinn Slobodian (saxo.com) We look forward to welcoming you to this stimulating talk. Register for the event. Programme Time Activity 14:00 Introduction by Ravinder Kaur 14:15 Talk with author Quinn Slobodian 15:15 Discussion with Rune Lykkeberg 15:40 Audience Q&A 16:00 Farewell Full event information Purchase Crack Up Capitalism Read a review of Crack Up Capitalism Listen to a podcast with Quinn and Rune Read more about Quinn Slobodian Facebook Event Invitation " "Gegenhochschulen in Westdeutschland";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2023-09-29";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Susanne Schregel im Gespräch mit Detlef Siegfried. Ein Ereignis in der Reihe ""Tysk fredag"".";"Gegenhochschulen in Westdeutschland. Eine Geschichte alternativer Formate des Lehrens und Lernens von den 1960er Jahren bis heute Susanne Schregel im Gespräch mit Detlef Siegfried. Ein Ereignis in der Reihe ""Tysk fredag"". Abstrakt Gegenhochschulen auszurufen war eine imaginative Praxis zwischen Wissenschaft, Kunst und Politik, die sich in der Bundesrepublik seit den 1960er-Jahren großer Beliebtheit erfreute. Dieser Vortrag erschließt historische Variationsbreiten der Handlungsform und legt dar, wie diese einen Schwebezustand zwischen utopischem Entwurf, fiktiver Institution und erlebbarem Ort präfigurativer Politik konstituierte. Die im Zuge dessen etablierten Repertoires stehen bis in die Gegenwart zur Verfügung, um Wissensansprüche zu artikulieren sowie soziale und bildungsbezogene Reformvorschläge zu entfalten. Präsentation Susanne Schregel forscht zur Wissenschafts- und Wissensgeschichte, zur Geschichte des Politischen, der Geschichte sozialer Bewegungen und der Geschichte der Intelligenz und Begabung. Sie wurde 2010 an der TU Darmstadt mit einer Studie zur Geschichte der neuen Friedensbewegung promoviert. Anschließend arbeitete sie als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der interdisziplinären a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne, am Historischen Institut der Universität Köln, am Arbeitsbereich Zeitgeschichte der Universität Konstanz sowie an der Professur für Historische Erziehungswissenschaft an der Uni Halle-Wittenberg. Ihre Arbeit wurde durch Fellowships und Stipendien zahlreicher Forschungsinstitutionen unterstützt. Zu diesen zählen das IKKM Weimar, das Deutsche Historische Institut London, das Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities Edinburgh (EURIAS), das Historische Kolleg München sowie die Humboldt-Stiftung (Feodor-Lynen- Forschungsstipendium, 2023/24). Tysk Fredag/Freitagsvorlesungen Kurze Vorträge, Gespräch und Fragen (auf Deutsch und Dänisch). Anschließend gehen alle, die noch Lust haben, gemeinsam in die Fredagsbar (Ambarssaden). Alle Freitagsvorlesungen." "Kontrafaktik der Gegenwart. Politisches Schreiben als Realitätsvariation";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2023-09-22";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Michael Navratil Im Gespräch mit Anna Lena Sandberg. Ein Ereignis in der Reihe ""Tysk fredag"".";"Michael Navratil Im Gespräch mit Anna Lena Sandberg. Ein Ereignis in der Reihe ""Tysk fredag"". Abstrakt Nicht-realistische Erzählformen sind in der Gegenwart überaus populär, haben aber immer wieder den Verdacht des politischen Eskapismus auf sich gezogen. In meinem Vortrag möchte ich zeigen, dass gerade das kontrafaktische Erzählen eine hohe Affinität zum politischen Schreiben aufweist. Vorgestellt wird ein fiktionstheoretisches Modell zur Beschreibung der Kontrafaktik: zu signifikanten Realitätsvariationen innerhalb fiktionaler Medien. Sodann wird die besondere politische Valenz der Kontrafaktik anhand einer Reihe von Bespielen alternativgeschichtlicher und dystopischer Texte und Filme herausgearbeitet. – Bei dem Vortrag handelt es sich um eine Vorstellung meiner Dissertationsschrift, die 2022 erschienen ist und mit dem Open access-Award des De Gruyter-Verlags ausgezeichnet wurde. Präsentation Michael Navratil ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Fachbereich Neuere deutsche Literatur an der Universität Stuttgart. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen im Bereich Fiktionstheorie, politisches Schreiben und der Verbindung von Literatur und Körperdiskursen (Psychologie, Sexualität, Gesundheit). Ein aktuelles Buchprojekt beschäftigt sich mit der neo-modernen Poetik im Werk Daniel Kehlmanns. Tysk Fredag/Freitagsvorlesungen Kurze Vorträge, Gespräch und Fragen (auf Deutsch und Dänisch). Anschließend gehen alle, die noch Lust haben, gemeinsam in die Fredagsbar (Ambarssaden). Alle Freitagsvorlesungen." "Nordic Association for Romantic Studies Workshop 2023";"Nordic Association for Romantic Studies (NARS) and Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2023-09-14";"";"2023-09-15";"";"South Campus. room 4A-0-56";"The Nordic Association for Romantic Studies (NARS) will host a major meeting to revitalise the forum.";"The Nordic Association for Romantic Studies (NARS) will host a major meeting to revitalise the forum. NARS has previously been very active when it comes to organising conferences, publishing a peer-reviewed journal (see Romantik - Journal for the Study of Romanticism as well as V&R eLibrary), and promoting Romantic studies in the Nordic countries. We therefore cordially invite everyone in the Nordic countries working on Romanticism to participate in a workshop meeting where we can network, exchange ideas, and discuss plans for future Nordic collaboration. See abstracts. Thursday 14 September 12:00-13:00 Registration and lunch 13:00-13:10 Welcome 13:10-13:55 Session 1: Gender Chair: Paula Henrikson Mari Komnæs, Lund: “Bodies, Work or Working Bodies” Anna Sandberg, Copenhagen: “Women Writers in Danish Romanticism and Golden Age Literature” Hélène Ohlsson, Karlstad: “The Things that Surrounded Emilie Högqvist 14:00-15:10 Session 2: Perception & philosophy Chair: Cian Duffy Martin Arndal, Copenhagen: “’What if in certain cases Touch acted by itself’? Coleridge on Touch and experiencing nature” John Öwre, Lund: “The Limits of Seeing: Sense Perception and Philosophy in the Works of William Wordsworth and S.T. Coleridge” Cille Hvass Holm, Aarhus: “(Re)constructing the Romantic: Making Sense of the World with Poetic Science” Mats Dahllöv, Stockholm: “Benjamin Höijer – The Philosopher of Swedish Romanticism?” Sebastian Ørtoft Rasmussen: “Geological Sensibility at the Dawn of the Anthropocene 15:10-15:40 Coffee break 15:40-16:40 Meeting: Rebooting NARS 16:45-17:30 Session 3: Romantic topoi Chair: Lis Møller Markus Floris Christensen, Flensburg: “Night in Romanticism” Roland Lysell, Stockholm: “Time, Dream and Thought in Shelley’s Drama Hellas Franziska Bergman, Aarhus: “Alexander von Humboldt and Gothic Literature” 17:30-18:15 Session 4: Cultural memory Chair: Robert Rix Casper Virkkula, Uppsala: “Romantic Temporalities. The Use of Ancient and Medieval ‘Pasts’ in Swedish Romanticist Literature” Jorunn Joiner, Lund: “Remembering the Ancient North in Britain’s Long Eighteenth Century” Anders Mortensen, Lund: Viking Culture and Romanticism: CSS international conference in Lund, Autumn 2024 19:00 Dinner Friday 15 September 09:30-10:00 Coffee 10:00-11:00 Session 5: National and transnational Chair: Paula Henrikson Katarina Båth, Umeå: “Schiller’s Aesthetic Education Today” Ellen Rees, Oslo: “Norwegian Romantic Nationalisms (NORN)” Jules Kielmann: “Models of Romanticism – Romanticism as Model?” Peter Henning, Umeå: “Key and Almqvist: Visions of Modernity” 11:10-11:55 Session 6: Visual art Chair: Cian Duffy Anna Schramm Vejlby, Fuglsang Kunstmuseum: “Closed circuit” Tonje Haugland Sørensen, Bergen: “Norwegian wood – a reconsideration of Danish and Norwegian landscape paintings from 1780 to 1850” Lilian Munk Rösing, Copenhagen: “Sublimity and Fragments in Caspar David Friedrich’s Da Eismeer (1823)” 11:55-12:15 Closing remarks: What’s next? 12:15-13:00 Lunch, Museum Tour " "From Early Childhood to Adulthood: Transitions, Continuity, and Disruptions in Plurilingual Education";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Research group Languages and Cultures in Education (LaCiE), Petra Daryai-Hansen.

 edilic2023@hum.ku.dk";"2023-06-28";"";"2023-06-30";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.50, Emil Holms Kanal 4, 2300 Copenhagen S, building 23 ";"10th International Conference of the Education and Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Association (EDiLiC).";"From Early Childhood to Adulthood: Transitions, Continuity, and Disruptions in Plurilingual Education The 10th International Conference of the Education and Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Association (EDiLiC) will take place in-person at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, on 28-30 June 2023. The Association EDiLiC aims to contribute to the dissemination and discussion of knowledge developed in the field of education and linguistic and cultural diversity. We are welcoming scholars and educational practitioners to present their work at the 10th International EDiLiC Conference. Participation is possible through the presentation of papers, workshops, and panel session with three papers on the same topic. So far, the EDiLiC conferences have been held in France, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland. Copenhagen as the venue for the 10th EDiLiC conference in 2023 opens new opportunities for collaborations between the Nordic countries and the countries that are traditionally represented in EDiLiC. The 10th International Conference of the Association EDiLiC will be a forum for dialogue between all those engaged in research and practice in plurilingual education, pluricultural education, Content and Language Integrated Learning, and the intersections between these fields, with a particular focus on spaces of transitions, continuity, and disruptions across educational levels and learning contexts. In relation to vertical transitions, the conference is interested in contributions focusing on progressions and disruptions between preprimary, primary, secondary, and tertiary education, e.g., taking into account epistemological and cognitive, socio-cultural and institutional transitions across educational levels. In relation to horizontal transitions, contributions could, e.g., analyze and discuss the potential and the challenges associated with the transition between plurilingual education in formal and non-formal contexts and the integration of home languages. Furthermore, the intersections between plurilingual education, pluricultural education, and Content and Language Integrated Learning could be discussed. The conference also raises the question of how to build bridges to the labour market. Programme Confirmed collaborative plenary speakers are: Britta Hufeisen & Anne Holmen Heike Speitz, Tom Steffensen, Anne Pitkänen-Huhta & Åsta Haukås Nathalie Auger & Danièle Moore Petra Daryai-Hansen, Natascha Drachmann & Line Krogager Andersen Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer & Joana Duarte Ulrike Jessner & Elisabeth Allgäuer-Hackl See the final conference programme, the instruction on how to sign up for parallel sessions at the EDiLiC conference and the book of abstracts. Please add and find comments concerning the languages used in the parallel sessions in our shared document in Google Docs. Please find the last updates of the conference programme. If there are last-minute changes, they will be registered in our Google Docs document. Information about the EDiLiC association's General Assembly which will take place on Thursday, June 29 at 5:15 pm, in person only: Convocation Minutes of the last General Assembly, Thessaloniki 2021 Sub-themes The following five sub-themes will set the context for the submission of proposals. All sub-themes cover the fields of plurilingual education, pluricultural education, and Content and Language Integrated Learning. They are structured based on a specific level of investigation, going from the nano, micro, meso, and macro level to the supra level. Sub-theme 1 – the individual learner (nano-level) Sub-theme 2 – the class, the group, the teaching sequence, and the teacher (micro level) Sub-theme 3 – the institutions, e.g., kindergarten, schools, universities (meso level) Sub-theme 4 – the educational system, state, region (macro level) Sub-theme 5 – international, comparative perspectives (supra level) Submissions Submissions can be proposed as a paper presentation based on research (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion); workshop based on educational or didactic practices (60 minutes, including presentation and interaction with the participants); panel session with three papers on the same topic (90 minutes, including presentations and discussion). Abstracts for papers, workshops, and panel session must be written in two of the languages of the conference (Danish, English, French, Norwegian, Swedish). Abstracts for papers and workshops should be between 250 and 350 words. The abstracts (paper presentation and panel session) should provide information about the theoretical underpinnings and research methodology. When submitting your abstract, you will be asked to indicate to which sub-theme you would like to contribute and to include three keywords. If you would like to propose a panel session, an overall abstract of the panel session should be submitted by the panel organizer and include the title of the three papers. The abstracts for each of the three panel session papers should be submitted separately, making a cross-reference to the panel session title. All proposals will be blind examined by two anonymous evaluators. Each author can submit no more than three proposals (either solo or as co-author). See the conference call (pdf). Please submit your abstract Please include your summary in our style sheet Conference languages The languages of the conference are English, French, and the Scandinavian languages. The languages used in the plenary talks will be announced in the conference program. Presentation of papers, workshops, and panel sessions can take place in English, French, and the Scandinavian languages. Abstracts must be written in two of the languages of the conference. The languages chosen for the presentations of papers, workshops, and panel sessions will be announced in the final program. Registration and fees The conference registration fee covers attendance at the conference, lunch, coffee/tea, a certificate of participation and a certificate of attendance (if applicable). The conference dinner will take place at the restaurant in The Danish Royal Playhouse offering a formidable harbor view and a menu, prepared from seasonal ingredients from local producers, and is not included in the conference registration fees. Regular registration until 1 February 2023 (Compulsory for those holding a paper presentation/workshop/panel) EDiLiC member (conference registration fee): 130 euros. Please sign up for the EDiLiC association membership here. Non-EDiLiC member (conference registration fee): 210 euros Late registration until 1 May 2023 EDiLiC member (conference registration fee): 150 euros. Please sign up for the EDiLiC association membership here. Non-EDiLiC member (conference registration fee): 230 euros Payment of the EDiLIC Association membership fee must be made at the same time as the payment of the conference registration fee. Please register, pay the fees, and order the conference dinner here Some other important information Internet access KU Guest (please do not use Safari). Do you need help? Please contact: Support Center, room 13A.1.53 (building 13, first floor), Monday-Friday: 8am - 4pm. PowerPoint presentations Please upload your PowerPoint presentation. Parallel sessions Please see the document How to sign up for parallel sessions at the EDiLiC conference.Deadline: June 23. The conference dinner – How to find it Do you need help finding The Royal Playhouse in Copenhagen from the University of Copenhagen? Please see the final conference programme, page 6. Participants who are presenting a paper/conducting a workshop Please remember to bring your PowerPoint presentation on a USB memory stick. Bring something sweet We ask all of you to bring something sweet, e.g. some chocolate, from the country where you live to share with everybody. We will all enjoy the treats in one of the coffee breaks. Conference publication The participants will be invited to submit their contribution for publication in a thematic volume in the Nordic Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (NJLTL). NJLTL is an international open-access journal. Based on the principle that research should be free and accessible, all publications in NJTLT are available free of charge from the journal’s website. The journal has two sections. The main section contains double-blind, peer-reviewed articles. The forum section features shorter articles of general interest, e.g., contributions from educators and students about hands-on experiences in the classroom. Articles may be written in Danish, English, French, German, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swedish. See open call: Nordic Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (NJLTL), Vol. 12 No 1, 2024. Organizing committee Anne Holmen Anne Pitkänen-Huhta Britta Hufeisen Christine Erna Elisabeth Möller-Omrani Danièle Moore Heike Speitz Line Krogager Andersen Line Møller Daugaard Natascha Drachmann Nathalie Auger Petra Daryai-Hansen (coordinator, contact: edilic2023@hum.ku.dk) Solveig Willum (communication, contact: edilic2023@hum.ku.dk) Tom Steffensen Ulrike Jessner Åsta Haukås See the review committee for the 10th Conference of the EDILIC Association. How to find us Address: University of Copenhagen, South Campus, Emil Holms Kanal 4, 2300 Copenhagen S, building 23 Keynotes / Conférences pléniaires: Auditorium 23.0.50 (building 23, ground floor, room 50 / bâtiment 23, rez-de-chaussé, salle 50) The easiest way to travel to South Campus by public transport is by metro. Take line M1 to Islands Brygge Station. From the station you have a 5-minute walk to the campus area. Follow Njalsgade all the way up to Emil Holms Kanal. Follow Njalsgade all the way up to Emil Holms Kanal. Follow Emil Holms Kanal until you reach building 23. Auditorium 23.0.50 is in building 23 at the ground floor. Bus line 33 runs from the town hall square to South Campus. You can plan your journey around Copenhagen by using the journey planner Rejseplanen.dk (in Danish, English, and German). Registration, coffee breaks and lunch HUMCantine, building 23, 1st floor, University of Copenhagen, South Campus, Emil Holms Kanal 4, 2300 Copenhagen S Parallel sessions / Sessions parallèles See the programme and view map of South Campus. More information on how to find us. Accommodation Please book your accommodation early, to avoid last minute prices. Hotels close to the conference, ranked by price, starting with the most affordable: Wakeup Copenhagen Bernstorffsgade Cabinn Metro Danhostel Copenhagen City Hotel Amager Bryggen Guldsmeden Hotel Copenhagen Celebration at the 10th EDiLiC conference of two members of the PE-LAL project’s international advisory board Plurilingual birthday greetings for Professor Åsta Haukås The second day of the conference started with a birthday celebration of Professor Åsta Haukås (University of Bergen), a dear Norwegian colleague, expert, and strong Scandinavian and international voice within the field of plurilingual education. Colleagues from near and far had sent birthday greetings for Åsta, and all greetings were collected in the following video which was played at the beginning of the day in the auditorium. Din internetbrowser understøtter ikke iframes. Det betyder, at videoen Birthday video in connection with EDiLiC conference ikke kan afspilles. Plurilingual birthday song for Professor Heike Speitz The start of the third and last day of the conference was also dedicated to birthday celebration. This time, the congratulations went to Professor Heike Speitz (University of South-Eastern Norway), a dear Norwegian colleague and (inter)national expert within the field of plurilingual education and CLIL. First, a full auditorium joined in singing the German birthday song Zum Geburtstag viel Glück. Then, everyone sang the birthday song in another language of own choice in synchronization. It turned out to be a wonderful plurilingual song! Happy birthday / Joyeux anniversaire / Tillykke med fødselsdag " "L’éducation plurilingue de la petite enfance à l’âge adulte: Transitions, continuités et ruptures";"Département des études anglaises, germaniques et romanes, Université de Copenhague, Danemark, Groupe de recherche Languages and Cultures in Education (LaCiE), Petra Daryai-Hansen.

 edilic2023@hum.ku.dk";"2023-06-28";"";"2023-06-30";"";"Campus Sud, auditorium 23.0.50, Emil Holms Kanal 4, 2300 Copenhague S, bâtiment 23 ";"10ème congrès international de l’association EDiLiC";"L’éducation plurilingue de la petite enfance à l’âge adulte: Transitions, continuités et ruptures Le 10ème congrès international de l’association Éducation et Diversité Linguistique et Culturelle (EDiLiC) aura lieu en présentiel à l’Université de Copenhague, Danemark, du 28 au 30 juin 2023. L'Association EDiLiC a pour but de contribuer à la diffusion et à la discussion des connaissances développées dans le domaine de l'éducation et de la diversité linguistique et culturelle. Nous invitons les universitaires et les praticiens de l'éducation à présenter leur travail lors du 10e congrès international EDiLiC. La participation est possible par la présentation de communications basées sur la recherche, d’ateliers et des panels se composant de trois communications sur le même thème. Jusqu'à présent, les congrès EDiLiC ont eu lieu en France, en Grèce, en Hongrie, en Pologne, au Portugal, en Espagne et en Suisse. Copenhague, qui accueillera le 10ème congrès EDiLiC en 2023, ouvre de nouvelles possibilités de collaboration entre les pays nordiques et les pays traditionnellement représentés à EDiLiC. Le 10ème congrès international de l'association EDiLiC sera un forum pour contribuer au dialogue entre et avec tous ceux qui sont engagés dans la recherche et l'éducation plurilingue, l'éducation pluriculturelle et l’enseignement d'une matière intégrée à une langue étrangère (EMILE), ainsi que dans les intersections entre ces domaines, avec un accent particulier sur les espaces de transitions, de continuité et de ruptures à travers les niveaux éducatifs et les contextes d'apprentissage. En ce qui concerne les transitions verticales, le congrès est intéressé par des contributions axées sur la progression et les ruptures entre l'enseignement préprimaire, primaire, secondaire et supérieur, par exemple en tenant compte des transitions épistémologiques et cognitives, socioculturelles et institutionnelles entre les niveaux d'enseignement. En ce qui concerne les transitions horizontales, les contributions pourraient, par exemple, analyser et discuter le potentiel et les défis associés à la transition entre l'éducation plurilingue dans des contextes formels et non formels, et l'intégration des langues familiales. En outre, les intersections entre l'éducation plurilingue, l'éducation pluriculturelle et l’EMILE pourraient être discutées. Le congrès soulève également la question de savoir comment nous pouvons établir des liens vers le marché du travail. Programme Les conférences plénières, collaboratives, seront données par : Britta Hufeisen & Anne Holmen Heike Speitz, Tom Steffensen, Anne Pitkänen-Huhta & Åsta Haukås Nathalie Auger & Danièle Moore Petra Daryai-Hansen, Natascha Drachmann & Line Krogager Andersen Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer & Joana Duarte Ulrike Jessner & Elisabeth Allgäuer-Hackl Veuillez trouver ici le programme final du congrès, l’instruction Comment s'inscrire aux sessions parallèles au congrès EDiLiC et le livre de résumés. Intégrez et trouvez des commentaires concernant les langues utilisées dans les sessions parallèles dans notre document partagé dans Google Docs. Il y a eu des changements de dernière minute. Veuillez trouvez le programme mis à jour ici. Si il y aura des changements de dernière minute, ils seront enregistrés dans notre document Google Docs. Information sur l'Assemblée Générale de l'association EDiLiC, qui se tiendra le jeudi 29 juin à 17h15, en personne uniquement: Convocation Procès-verbal de la dernière Assemblée Générale, Thessalonique 2021 Les sous-thèmes Les sous-thèmes et les questions suivantes définiront le contexte de la soumission des propositions. Tous les sous-thèmes couvrent les domaines de l'éducation plurilingue, de l'éducation pluriculturelle et de l'EMILE. Ils sont structurés en fonction d'un niveau d'investigation spécifique, allant du niveau nano, micro, méso et macro au niveau supra. Sous-thème 1 - l'apprenant individuel (niveau nano) Sous-thème 2 - la classe, le groupe, la séquence d'enseignement, l'enseignant (niveau micro) Sous-thème 3 - les institutions, par exemple, les jardins d'enfants, les écoles, les universités (niveau méso) Sous-thème 4 - système éducatif, état, région (niveau macro) Sous-thème 5 - perspectives internationales et comparatives (niveau supra) Soumissions des propositions Les propositions à soumettre peuvent avoir les formats suivants communication basée sur la recherche (20 minutes pour la présentation et 10 minutes pour la discussion); atelier basé sur des pratiques pédagogiques ou didactiques (60 minutes, comprenant présentation et interactions avec les participants); panel se composant de trois communications sur le même thème (90 minutes, comprenant présentations et interactions avec les participants). Les résumés des communications, panel et ateliers doivent être rédigés dans deux des langues du congrès (danois, anglais, français, norvégien, suédois). Les résumés à soumettre doivent comprendre entre 250 et 350 mots et les résumés des communications et panels doivent contenir un cadre théorique et la méthodologie de recherche. Lors de la soumission de votre résumé, il vous sera demandé d'indiquer à quel sous-thème vous souhaitez contribuer et d'inclure trois mots-clés. Pour les propositions de panel, un résumé général de la session et le titre des trois communications doivent être soumis par l’organisateur du panel. Les résumés de chacune des communications doivent être envoyés séparément, en faisant référence au titre de la session du panel. Toutes les propositions feront objet d’une évaluation à l’aveugle par deux évaluateurs. Chaque auteur peut envoyer un maximum de trois propositions (seul auteur ou co-auteur). Consultez l’appel à communication. Nous vous prions de soumettre votre résumé ici. Veuillez intégrer votre résumé dans notre feuille de style. Langues du congrès Les langues du congrès sont l'anglais, le français et les langues scandinaves. Les langues utilisées dans les conférences plénières seront annoncées dans le programme du congrès. Les communications basées sur la recherche, les ateliers et les panels peuvent avoir lieu en anglais, en français et dans les langues scandinaves. Les résumés doivent être rédigés dans deux des langues du congrès. Les langues choisies pour les présentations de communications basées sur la recherche, les ateliers et les panels seront annoncées dans le programme final. Inscription et frais Les frais d'inscription au congrès couvrent la participation au congrès, le déjeuner, le café/thé, un certificat de participation et un certificat de présence (le cas échéant). Le dîner du congrès aura lieu au restaurant du Théâtre Royal Danois offrant une vue imprenable sur le port et un menu préparé à partir d'ingrédients de saison provenant de producteurs locaux. Inscription régulière jusqu'au 1er février 2023 (Obligatoire pour celles/ceux qui présenteront une communication basée sur la recherche/un atelier/panel.) Membre d'EDiLiC (frais d'inscription au congrès) : 130 euros. Veuillez vous inscrire pour devenir membre de l'association EDiLiC ici. Non-membre de l'EDiLiC (frais d'inscription au congrès) : 210 euros Inscription tardive jusqu'au 1er mai 2023 Membre d'EDiLiC (frais d'inscription au congrès) : 150 euros. Veuillez vous inscrire pour devenir membre de l'association EDiLiC ici. Non-membre de l'EDiLiC (frais d'inscription au congrès) : 230 euros Le paiement de la cotisation à l'association EDiLIC doit être effectué en même temps que le paiement des frais d'inscription au congrès. Veuillez vous inscrire, payer les frais d’inscription et le dîner de la conférence ici. Autres informations importantes Accès internet KU Guest (veuillez ne pas utiliser Safari). Avez-vous besoin d’aide? Veuillez contacter: Support Center, salle 13A.1.53 (bâtiment 13, premier étage), lundi-vendredi, 8h-16h. Diaporamas du congrès Nous vous invitons à partager votre diaporama ici. Sessions parallèles Veuillez consulter le document Comment s’inscrire aux sessions parallèles sur la page d’accueil du congrès. Date limite: 23 juin. Le dîner du congrès – Comment le trouver? Avez-vous besoin d'aide pour trouver le théâtre royal de Copenhague depuis l’Université de Copenhague? Veuillez consulter le programme finale, page 6. Tous les participants qui présentent un article ou sont responsables d'un atelier N'oubliez pas d'apporter votre présentation sur une clé USB. Quelque chose de sucré Nous vous demandons d'apporter quelque chose de sucré, p.ex. du chocolat, du pays où vous habitez – nous dégusterons ces friandises ensemble lors d'une pause café. Bourses à la participation au congrès S’inscrivant dans sa politique de développement et de soutien de ses membres, l'association EDILIC offrira jusqu’à 5 bourses, d'un montant maximum de 300 euros chacune pour soutenir la participation de congressistes en présentiel dont une communication aura été acceptée lors du 10e congrès EDILIC de Copenhague du 28 au 30 juin 2023. Pour être éligible à une bourse contribuant à la participation en présentiel aux frais de congrès, le/la candidat.e doit être cotisant.e de l’association Edilic au moins à partir de 2021 (congrès de Thessalonique en ligne). Une seule candidature par candidat.e éligible sera acceptée. Les membres EDILIC peuvent présenter une demande de bourse dans l'une des trois catégoriessuivantes : Membres de longue date de l'association EDILIC - membres continus depuis 6 ans ou plus (1 bourse ). Membres étudiants- doctorants de l’association Edilic. L’obtention du diplôme ne doit pas être effective avant la fin du congrès. Une preuve du statut d'étudiant doit être jointe à la demande (2 bourses). Membres EDILIC résidant dans l'un des pays désignés par l'Association européenne pour la recherche en éducation (EERA) comme pays à faible PIB (2 bourses). Consultez l’appel bourse (pdf)Veuillez intégrer votre demande dans le formulaire de candidature Publication du congrès Les participants seront invités à soumettre leur contribution pour publication dans un volume thématique du Nordic Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (NJLTL). NJLTL est une revue internationale en libre accès. Partant du principe que la recherche doit être gratuite et accessible, toutes les publications de NJTLT sont disponibles gratuitement sur le site web du journal. Le journal comporte deux sections. La section principale contient des articles évalués en double aveugle. La section forum contient des articles plus courts d'intérêt général, par exemple des contributions d'éducateurs et d'étudiants sur des expériences pratiques en classe. Les articles peuvent être rédigés en danois, anglais, français, allemand, norvégien, espagnol et suédois. Consultez l’appel à textes : Nordic Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (NJLTL), Vol. 12 No 1, 2024. Comité d'organisation Anne Holmen Anne Pitkänen-Huhta Britta Hufeisen Christine Erna Elisabeth Möller-Omrani Danièle Moore Heike Speitz Line Krogager Andersen Line Møller Daugaard Natascha Drachmann Nathalie Auger Petra Daryai-Hansen (coordinator, contact: edilic2023@hum.ku.dk) Solveig Willum (communication, contact: edilic2023@hum.ku.dk) Tom Steffensen Ulrike Jessner Åsta Haukås Veuillez trouver le comité d'évaluation du 10e congrès de l'association EDiLiC ici. Comment nous trouver? Adresse: Université de Copenhague, Campus Sud, Emil Holms Kanal 4, 2300 Copenhague S, bâtiment 23Conférences pléniaires: Auditorium 23.0.50 (building 23, ground floor, room 50 / bâtiment 23, rez-de-chaussé, salle 50) Le moyen le plus simple de se rendre au Campus Sud par les transports publics est le métro. Prenez la ligne M1 jusqu'à la station Islands Brygge (direction Vestamager). Depuis la station, vous avez 5 minutes de marche pour rejoindre le campus. Suivez Njalsgade jusqu'à Emil Holms Kanal. Suivez Emil Holms Kanal jusqu'au bâtiment 23. L'auditorium 23.0.50 se trouve dans le bâtiment 23, au rez-de-chaussée. La ligne de bus 33 relie la place de l'hôtel de ville au Campus Sud. Vous pouvez planifier votre voyage dans Copenhague en utilisant le planificateur d'itinéraire Rejseplanen.dk (en danois, anglais et allemand). Accueil des participant-e-s, pause café, déjeuner HUMCantine, bâtiment 23, 1er étage Université de Copenhague, Campus Sud, Emil Holms Kanal 4, 2300 Copenhague S Parallel sessions / Sessions parallèles: Voir le programme et la carte du Campus Sud (version pdf). Plus d'informations. Hébergement Veuillez réserver votre hébergement à l'avance, afin d'éviter les prix de dernière minute. Hôtels à proximité de la conference, rangés par prix, en commençant par les plus abordables: Wakeup Copenhagen Bernstorffsgade Cabinn Metro Danhostel Copenhagen City Hotel Amager Bryggen Guldsmeden Hotel Copenhagen " "Der Osten: eine westdeutsche Erfindung";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk i samarbejde med Goethe-Instituttet i København";"2023-06-22";"17,30";"";"19:00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Samtale (på tysk) med professor Dirk Oschmann, Leipzig.";"Samtale (på tysk) med Dirk Oschmann (Leipzig), om ”Der Osten: eine westdeutsche Erfindung“. Med bogen Der Osten: Eine westdeutsche Erfindung har den tyske litteraturprofessor Dirk Oschmann fra Leipzig ramt tidsånden. Efter blot få måneder er den allerede udkommet i 10. oplag og er for tiden den mest omdiskuterede bog i Tyskland. Uden at tage munden for fuld og uden at være flabet, beskriver Oschmann den tyske genforening i 1990 som historien om et traume, der er formet af tyskernes personlige erfaringer med genforeningen. Det er essentielt, at traumet endeligt bearbejdes, for konsekvenserne kan mærkes helt frem til i dag og truer folkestyrets fremtid. I en samtale med forfatteren vil Christian Benne (Københavns Universitet) forsøge at lodde den aktuelle tyske sindsstemning, ikke mindst i lyset af de globale kriser. Dirk Oschmann betragtes som en intellektuel, der er præget af den litterære modernisme i mellemkrigstiden, men også af tysk klassicisme. Den klassicistiske tradition forventes normalt ikke at tage del i aktuelle politiske debatter. Vi spørger, hvad der alligevel fik ham til det? Vi taler også om Kafka og Schiller og selvfølgelig om øst og vest, identitet og medier, Ukraine og demokrati, kort sagt: om Tysklands intellektuelle forfatning. Pris: Fri entré, gratis billet er dog påkrævet (bestilles via Goethe-Insituttet)" "The revival of colonialism? Memory politics, arts and activism";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Jessica Ortner";"2023-06-19";"10:00";"";"17:00";"South Campus, Auditorium 4A-0-68";"What is the relevance of doing research in colonialism today? This seminar shows that despite the temporal distance, colonialism is a surprisingly actual topic.";"What is the relevance of doing research in colonialism today? This seminar shows that despite the temporal distance, colonialism is a surprisingly actual topic. It brings together scholars that approach this question from different points of view, academic disciplines, and in various European contexts. It is common to all these approaches that they deal with the role of cultural memory and deep past as ways of thinking about past colonialism, as a way of analyzing present debates about the way how these forgotten pasts challenge fixed national identities, and as a means of understanding why these colonial pasts reemerge and how they function as a pretext for renew colonial endeavours. It is one of the core tasks of this seminar to show that postcolonialism is not limited to overseas empires but took place and continues to take place within the Nordic and Eastern European areas. Secondly, it will show how colonialism keeps haunting present societies, not only stirring “writing back” by the colonized but also forcing the former colonizers to rearrange their collective memories. Besides presenting how these discussions are dealt with in literary writings, the seminar offers investigations of the deep past of Aboriginal colonialism as presented in public artworks by Indigenous artists, discussions about the assemblage of ‘items’, objects and scripts including items of social, cultural and spiritual importance that where translocated from Greenland, and Iceland to Denmark and from Namibia to Germany. The question if the former colonizers have the right to keep or – as is the case in Germany – even exhibit these objects as part of an ethnologic collection fuels ongoing debates, showing that processes of reconciliation and restitution in the Scandinavian and German context are by far not resolved. Furthermore, the conference presents the case of Italy, in which the issue of colonialism only recently has come to the fore and, finally, the case of colonialism in Eastern Europe showing that Ukrainians' previous experiences of colonialism and postcolonialism presently are revived in the new attempt of Russia to conquer Ukraine. Programme 09:45 Welcome 10:00 Rosanne Kennedy, Australian National University Decolonizing Public Memory: Imagining the Deep Past Through the Arts 10:45 Rósa María Hjörvar, University of Iceland An island empire – Icelandic Postcoloniality and the Politics of Memory Discussant: Jessica Ortner 11:30 Coffee 12:00 Astrid Nonbo Andersen, DIIS Historical Justice, Reconciliation, and Restitution in Scandinavia 12:30 Magdalena Zolkos, University of Jyväskylä Learning to Remember Together: Postcolonial Restitution of Objects and Remembrance In-Common.Discussant: TBA 13:15 Lunch 14:15 Yuliya Yurchuk, Södertörn University Decolonizing and Gendering of Memory in Ukraine: reflections on the Culture of Violence in the Times of War 14:45 Anne Folke Henningsen, University of Copenhagen Postcolonial memory activism in Berlin – from grassroots to senateDiscussant: Tea Sindbæk Andersen 15:30 Coffee and cake 16:00 Jessica Ortner, University of Copenhagen German colonialism: mnemonic and literary perspectives 16:30 Pia Schwarz Lausten, University of Copenhagen Postcolonial Ekphrasis. Memories of Italian Colonialism in Igiaba Scego’s WorkDiscussant: Kirsten Thisted 17:15 Concluding remarks 19:00 Conference dinner " "Acting by Writing";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2023-06-16";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Jytte Lyngvig.";"Voltaire's critical texts and the emerging intellectual field Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Jytte Lyngvig. Assessment Committee Professor Charles Lock, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Anne Beate Maurseth (University of Bergen) Professor Glenn Roe (Sorbonne Université) Moderator of the defence Head of Department Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, KUB South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6 " "Intertextual networks of the French Enlightenment: the ModERN Project";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies and DH-Cult ";"2023-06-15";"11:00";"";"12:00";"South Campus, room 24.0.11";"Seminar by Glenn Roe, Professor of French Literature and Digital Humanities in the Faculty of Letters at Sorbonne University on the ModERN Project - Modelling Enlightment.";"The ERC-funded ModERN Project - Modelling Enlightenment. Reassembling Networks of Modernity through data-driven research – is a five-year project whose primary goal is to establish a new ‘data-driven’ literary and intellectual history of the French Enlightenment; one that is both more comprehensive and more systematic in terms of its relationship to the existing digital cultural record, and one that challenges subsequent narratives of European Modernity. To accomplish this, ModERN is deploying a unique combination of cutting-edge computational technologies, a conceptual framework that merges actor-network theory with data-driven discovery, and traditional critical and textual methods, all of which are used to scrutinise the digital archive of the Enlightenment period in France and its aftermath. Specifically, the project employs new techniques for large-scale text analysis and deep neural network language modelling developed in the digital humanities and artificial intelligence communities to identify and analyse conceptual and intertextual networks over an unprecedented collection of 18th- and 19th-century texts. In the context of this seminar, project PI Glenn Roe will present the initial stages of the project, including corpus construction, large-scale text alignment, noise reduction using BERT and other Large Language Models (LLMs), and preliminary network analyses. Glenn Roe is Professor of French Literature and Digital Humanities in the Faculty of Letters at Sorbonne University. He has written several books on the Enlightenment and Digital Humanities, including The Passion of Charles Péguy: Literature, Modernity, and the Crisis of Historicism, Oxford University Press (2014), the edited volume: Digitizing Enlightenment, with Simon Burrows, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment (2020), Voltaire’s Correspondence: Digital Readings, with Nicholas Cronk, Cambridge University Press (2020), and the forthcoming L’Encyclopédie, chantier des humanités numériques." "Memoria delos libros que son: Spanish Manuscripts at the Arnamagnæan Collection";"The Book of Books Project , the Arnamagnæan Institute and the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (EnGeRom)";"2023-06-14";"";"2023-06-15";"";"University of Copenhagen, South Campus, room 27.2.23 (Salen)";"The Book of Books Project , the Arnamagnæan Institute and the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies invite to the workshop Memoria delos libros que son”: Spanish Manuscripts at the Arnamagnæan Collection.";"The Book of Books Project , the Arnamagnæan Institute and the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies invite to the workshop Memoria delos libros que son”: Spanish Manuscripts at the Arnamagnæan Collection. Registration Attendance is free but registration is required. To register please send an email to rhv@hum.ku.dk or agnasso@hum.ku.dk by 12 of June. Programme Wednesday 14 June 8.30-9.00 Registration. Tea and coffe. 9.15-9.30 Introduction. René Hernández-U. Copenhagen 9.30-10.00 Guy Lazure-U. WindsorSeville, the Spanish Republic of Letters and the origins of the Arnamagnæan collection of Spanish manuscripts 10.00-10.30 Matilde Malaspina-U. Copenhagen“A buscar por todo el mundo los libros de valor”: an initial approach to the content, the form and the meanings of AM 376 fol. 11.00-11.30 Joana I. Duyster Borreda-U. CopenhagenThe importance of Spanish libraries for Danish collectors: the Escorial, the library of the Count Duke of Olivares and private collections 11.30-12.00 N. Kivilcim Yavuz-U. LeedsManuscripts in the Arnamagnæan Collection from the library of Gaspar de Guzmán , Count Duke of Olivares 13.30-14.30 Natasha Fazlic, Suzanne Reitz and Signe Smedemark Arnamagnæan Institute-U. CopenhagenWorkshop for speakers : challenges and perspectives in the conservation of the Spanish manuscripts at the Arnamagnæan collection 15.00-15.30 Francisco Bautista Pérez-U . SalamancaSpanish humanists and historians in the library collection of Cornelius Lerche 15.30-16.00 Rosa María Rodríguez Porto-U . Santiago de CompostelaFuero Juzgo and the Spanish manuscripts of the Arnamagnæan collection Thursday 15 June 9.30-10.00 Tea and Coffee 10.00-10.30 Laura C. Viñas Caron-U . CopenhagenBiocodicological investigation of a medieval palimpsest: AM 795 4to from the Arnamagnæan collection 10.30-11.00 René Hernández-U. CopenhagenMiscellaneity and history in the making: preliminary observations on AM 831 4to 11.30-12.00 Matthew DriscollArnamagnæan Institute U. Copenhagen Conclusions and future prospects " "In The Age of Epimodernism. The “istorical novel”";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2023-06-09";"14:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 22.0.47";"Lecture by Emmanuel Bouju, Professor of Comparative Literature (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle).";"Lecture by Emmanuel Bouju, Professor of Comparative Literature (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle). Abstract Since the present has no sequel, and no established future, it’s always difficult to give it a name. The “post” solution has long prevailed, obscuring the fact that “post-ness” can itself have an “afterwards”. But is the present still postmodern? I am going to propose in this talk that we get over post-ness in the company of another prefix: epi a prefix of remarkable richness and complexity. Epimodernism would thus set up six different relations to the heritage of modernism, by reworking its postmodern critique and rebooting, with all due post-irony, its ambition of new forms of engagement. I’ll be taking the example of what I have called “the istorical novel”, without an h. Bio Emmanuel Bouju is currently Professor of Comparative Literature at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, director of the CERC and honorary Senior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France. He’s been Visiting Prof. at IU in Bloomington and Harvard U. Prof. Bouju’s publications include Réinventer la littérature : démocratisation et modèles romanesques dans l’Espagne post-franquiste (with a préface by Jorge Semprún, 2002), La transcription de l’histoire. Essai sur le roman européen de la fin du vingtième siècle (2006), Fragments d’un discours théorique (2016 and 2023), and Épimodernes. Nouvelles « leçons américaines » sur l’actualité du roman (2020)––to be published very soon in English at Palgrave-MacMillan." "XIII Congresso degli Italianisti della Scandinavia. Panorama attuale dell’italianistica in Scandinavia";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Pia Schwarz Lausten, Hanne Jansen and Erling Strudsholm";"2023-06-07";"09:00";"2023-06-09";"18:00";"South Campus, rooms 4A-0-56, 4A-0-68 & 4A-0-69";"Conferenza.";" Photo by Jasparbang - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=90691442 Il congresso degli italianisti scandinavi si è tenuto per la prima volta nel 1963, e sin da quella data i ricercatori scandinavi nel campo dell’italianistica si sono riuniti in uno dei i paesi nordici ogni tre anni. L'obiettivo del congresso del 2023 è quello di creare un panorama attuale della ricerca sulla lingua e sulla cultura italiana nei paesi nordici con interventi su argomenti provenienti da un ampio spettro di campi quali: letteratura antica, moderna e contemporanea, teoria letteraria, filologia, linguistica testuale, variazione linguistica, didattica delle lingue straniere, traduttologia, storia, politica e affari sociali. Programma definitivo (pdf) Riassunti (pdf) Iscrizione e pagamento entro il 31 maggio. La quota dell’iscrizione (€ 50/35) copre i pranzi e le pause caffè." "Doing Things with Literary Theory";"Stefanie Heine (stefanie.heine@hum.ku.dk), Maria Damkjær maria.damkjaer@hum.ku.dk), Tina Lupton (tinalup@hum.ku.dk)";"2023-06-02";"08:30";"2023-06-02";"17:30";"South Campus, room 15A-0-13";"At this event we elebrate UCPH scholars working with literature, literary theory, and literary history across all areas of the university and the world. All are welcome.";"How do we practice literary criticism at the University of Copenhagen today? What does literary criticism enable us to do and say? Which methods and strands of theory are we working with, how do we use them, and why? Researchers from literary studies at UCPH present how they use literary criticism to do cultural or media history, comparison, or politics; how they work with materiality, or with discourse; and how they investigate and celebrate literature’s forms and traditions. This an open event to celebrate UCPH scholars working with literature, literary theory, and literary history across all areas of the university and the world. Everyone is invited to come and learn about the new and exciting work being done in this emerging field and participate in the conversation that unites us. Programme Time Activity 08:30 Setting up 09:00-10:30 Panel 1 Chair: Stefanie Heine Joanna Beaufoy: Assembling Light and Emotion: A Distance-Reading Approach to Artificial Lighting and Emotions in French Nineteenth-century Literature Emilie Dybdal: Renegotiated: Danish Literature as a Stage for Imagining Danish-Greenlandic Relations Christa Holm Vogelius: Science Studies and the City Tobias Skiveren: Postcritique and the Problem of the Lay Reader 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-12:30 Panel 2 Chair: Maria Damkjær Martin Arndal: Literary Touch Christian Benne: I Don’t Do Doing. A Case for Literary Philosophy Agus Djaja Soewarta: Theological Materialism: Walter Benjamin’s Theory of Language Bo Ærenlund Sørensen: Margins of Perception in Contemporary Chinese Literature 12:30-13:30 Lunch break 13:30-15:00 Panel 3 Chair: Irina Hron Jeppe Barnwell: Reading Ethically between the Documentary and the Fictional Sophie Wennerscheid: Applied Literary Food Studies Kirsten Thisted: Between Missionary and Monster: Mourning the Loss of Danish Supremacy over Greenland 15:00-15:30 Coffee break 15:30-17:00 Panel 4 Chair: Tina Lupton Alexander Knopf: Time and Not-Being: A Reading of Günther Anders’s “Letters from the Dead” Niels Nykrog: Early Modern Tragedy Between Calvary and Parnassus Kirsten Ogilby: Very Agreeable Correspondents: Mapping Antiquarian Research Networks in the Eighteenth Century 17:30 Dinner at Scarpetta (please let Stefanie know if you are joining us – DKK 300 per person) " "Engerom’s Postdoc and Visiting Researcher Symposium";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2023-06-01";"13:15";"";"16:15";"South Campus, room 27.0.09";"Thursday 1 June 2023, 13:15–16:15, South Campus, room 27.0.09.";"Thursday 1 June 2023, 13:15–16:15, South Campus, room 27.0.09. Programme 13:15 Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen and Robert Rix Introduction 13:20 Carl-Henrik Bjerström The Multiple Legacies of the Spanish Civil War in Revolutionary Cuba 13:35 Pradipto Roy COVID-19 and Mental Health in India (virtual participation) 13:50 Anna Iskra “What Never Happened.” Viral Absurdity and Affective Dysphoria in Pandemic-Era Shanghai (virtual participation) 14:05 Daria Schwalbe COVID-19 and mental health in Russia and the Arctic – emotional responses and psychological consequences 14:20 Felipe Szabzon COVID-19 and Mental Health in Colombia 14:40 Coffee Break 15:00 Alexander Knopf Günther Anders’ Aesthetics: Sensousness in the Technological World 15:15 Gabriel Abarca-Brown Transcultural Psychiatry in Latin America: A Historical and Anthropological Approach 15:30 Shilpi Rajpal The Mental Hygiene Movement; Birth of the Global Mental Health in India and Beyond 15:45 Irina Hron Writing (on) Human Skin 16:00 Conclusion A wine reception in the Administration Hallway (24.2) will follow after the programme, Abstracts Carl-Henrik Bjerstrom: The Multiple Legacies of the Spanish Civil War in Revolutionary Cuba In this talk I will present some of the results of my recent research on Cuban volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, focusing on a couple of figures who had an important impact on the radical politics of the Circum-Caribbean at the beginning of the Cold War. There is a relatively extensive historiography on Cuban involvement in the Spanish conflict during the war years (1936-1939), but little research has been done on the multiple ways in which the legacy of the war was present in Caribbean leftist politics long after the battle for Spain had ended. As this talk will demonstrate, Cuban politics offered several opportunities for veterans of the Spanish Civil War to remobilize after their time in Spain and prolong their commitments to radical transnational or internationalist projects. In this sense, the legacy of the Spanish Civil War continued to be present in Cuba both practically and symbolically, although the exact meaning of this legacy was continually contested. Pradipto Roy: COVID-19 and Mental Health in India (virtual participation) This working paper problematizes the concerns relating to mental health in south Asia during the pandemic. Going through various professional and lay journals, social media write ups, select books and newspaper reviews and so, this paper charts the discourses and priorities regarding mental health as had surfaced during the pandemic. The literature review is being complemented with perspectives from the fieldwork that was conducted in India and Bangladesh. In conclusion, I argue the need for inclusion of more interdisciplinary perspectives (especially from the humanities) in the practice of biomedical psychiatry, and why and how cross-cultural psychiatry could offer more in terms of building sustainable public mental health care approaches in the region. Anna Iskra: “What Never Happened.” Viral Absurdity and Affective Dysphoria in Pandemic-Era Shanghai (virtual participation) At the height of the pandemic in China, local mental health services providers had their hands full. In this talk, we will journey through the affective landscapes of Shanghai’s middle-class urbanites, as narrated by local psychological counselors who operate in the country’s vibrant and loosely regulated therapeutic milieu. Pandemic policies hit Shanghai hard, which culminated in the infamous two-month lockdown. While the authorities managed to temporarily contain the spread of the virus, negative affects proliferated in the city with a truly viral force. As gloominess spread, state propaganda and official media circulated enthusiastic reports on fighting the pandemic with “positive energy” (zheng nengliang), generating dysphoric feelings among citizens mentally worn out by draconian pandemic policies. This study is an anthropological investigation into the frictions generated in the clash between state-constructed affective regimes that promote positive thinking and disseminate politics of hope and trust in the political status quo, and various tribes of “affective aliens” among Chinese urbanites that resist performative positivity by embodying gloominess. The accounts of psychological counselors contest the dominant narrative of pandemic-induced anxiety and depression as primarily marked by withdrawal and passivity. Instead, such affects can be re-imagined as modes of resilience under authoritarian policies that question the censoring impact of the politics of “positive energy.” Daria Schwalbe: COVID-19 and mental health in Russia and the Arctic - emotional responses and psychological consequences It has been repeatedly pointed out that the long-term psychological consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic might still be underway, as the massive and complicated nexus of emotions and pain is only beginning to be understood. In this talk I will focus on people’s emotional responses to the pandemic and the psychological consequences it entailed in Greenland and Russia, scrutinizing the role of culture and context for mental health in Greenland, and the meaning and function of ‘anxiety’ in Russia, as it comes to the fore in textual and visual representations and the unique vocabularies of anxiety that have emerged in the context of the pandemic. Felipe Szabzon: COVID-19 and Mental Health in Colombia I am returning from a 6-month fieldwork in Colombia as part of my research at the “Covid-19 and global mental health” project. During this time, I had the opportunity to talk to various people working with mental health in the country, from policymakers at all levels of public administration to practitioners of various disciplines, academics, activists and patients and family organizations. As in many parts of the globe, in Colombia mental health has gained increased visibility since the emergence of the pandemic of the COVID-19. The public recognition of this topic has pressed local authorities to create innovative responses creating a panacea of interventions across the country with oftentimes contradictory conceptions and understandings about mental health. At the same time, the country is now under an intense debate about the implementation of a major health reform, to which mental health has remained silent. In this talk, I will present the initial findings of this fieldwork and reflect on the main roadblocks to mental healthcare policy and potential paths for advocacy within the health reform debate. Alexander Knopf: Günther Anders’s Aesthetics: Sensousness in the Technological World Günther Anders (1902-1992) became known for his pioneering philosophical works on technology and, in particular, his two-volume book The Obsolescence of Man (1956/1980). In this talk, I will argue that Anders aimed at a theory of experience just as Walter Benjamin had called for in his text “On the program of future philosophy” from 1917. However, unlike Benjamin had envisioned, Anders took human sensuousness as a starting point. According to Anders, the impact of technology on all sensual faculties such as perception, emotions and the imagination changes experiences entirely and dramatically. In his writings, though, Anders did not limit himself to the realm of theory. With his aesthetics, as I term this approach, he rather experimented with literary strategies to counter the effects of technology. He combined, so to say, reflection and performativity in order to facilitate a new experience through reading. Gabriel Abarca-Brown: Transcultural Psychiatry in Latin America: A Historical and Anthropological Approach I focus on the findings of two research projects in medical anthropology and the history of transcultural psychiatry. In the first project, I investigated how new discourses on migration, multiculturalism, and mental health have risen in post-dictatorship neoliberal Chile (1990-2019). Specifically, I explore the interactions between health and social institutions, mental health practitioners, “psy” technologies, and Haitian and Dominican migrants, highlighting migrants’ subjectivation processes and everyday life. In the second one, I examined the historical and anthropological roots of mental health practitioners’ structural based-approach in their work with migrants. I show how this approach resulted from a public health and community psychiatry tradition in Chile -and Latin America- whose roots lie in health policies developed during the reformist governments of the 1960s and 1970s, as well as in multicultural and gender policies promoted by the state since the 1990s. Shilpi Rajpal: The Mental Hygiene Movement; Birth of the Global Mental Health in India and Beyond This paper will investigate an era when the mind sciences gained control and defined every aspect of the so-called ideal citizen. A novel taxonomy creating moralistic ideals, establishing rules and a utopian vision created a cultural program which attempted to preserve decaying imperialism and bourgeoning nationalism. The definition of ideal citizenship was also invented in the colonies. This paper is largely based on Quarterly Bulletin of the Indian Association for Mental Hygiene. The Indian Association was based in Calcutta besides had sub-committees in Delhi, Lahore, Shimla, Southern India and Ceylon. The notions of mental health were tied to controlling and guiding of emotions, habits, time and energy The psychiatrist was needed much like a priest in channelising the inner self. The selfhood was defined and managed through ‘courage’, ‘faith’ and ‘self-will’ which were regarded as cornerstones in mobilizing human energy. Irina Hron: ‘Writing (on) Human Skin’ The aim of this paper is to explore the vital interplay of skin, the practice of writing/reading, and literature alongside the introduction of a new concept: skin writing. Most of what we know about skin today is still based upon medical and biophysical premises. Dermal phenomena, however, are grounded in the connection of biology, psychology, and cultural practices. This goes far beyond an empirical understanding of human skin, and instead ties in with the aesthetic idea in the Kantian sense. My presentation sets out to uncover a series of depictions of human skin which cannot be explored empirically, but only aesthetically. " "Det praksisfilofiske blik fra neden";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2023-05-24";"16:00";"";"18:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.1.11";"Boglancering og reception i anledning af udgivelsen af Wolfgang Fritz Haug, Det praksisfilofiske blik fra neden. Bidrag 2007-2021.";"Boglancering og reception i anledning af udgivelsen af Wolfgang Fritz Haug, Det praksisfilofiske blik fra neden. Bidrag 2007-2021. Bogen er redigeret af Klaus Schulte, Rolf Czeskleba-Dupont og Hartmut Haberland og udgives af Selskabet til Forskning i Arbejderbevægelsens Historie (SFAH). Baggrund Ifølge den tyske filosof Wolfgang Fritz Haug er teori sammenhængsviden. Hans mangeårige arbejde drejer sig om at kortlægge de historisk-epistemologiske, ideologiteoretiske, metodologiske og almen filosofiske implikationer af Marx’ hovedværk Kapitalen. Kritik af den politiske økonomi og dets tilblivelsestrin og om at anvende disse erkendelser i analysen af nutidens transnationale hightech- og online kapitalisme. Trods det at hans navn mange steder i den tysktalende del af verden nævnes i samme åndedrag som f.eks. Oskar Negt, er han endnu meget ukendt i Danmark. Bortset fra Haugs gennembrudsværk Kritikken af vareæstetikken fra 1971, hvis hovedkapitel i sin tid hurtigt udkom på dansk og dannede afsæt til en brederes modtagelse i Danmark, har de fleste af hans arbejder hidtil kun været kendt blandt tysk-, engelsk- eller spansklæsende specialister. Receptionen afholdes samme sted og tid som præsentationen, og der vil være forfriskninger samt indledninger ved professor Detlef Siegfried og lektor emeritus Gert Sørensen." "Voices and Silences: from Edmond Jabès to Paul Auster/Voix et silences: d’Edmond Jabès à Paul Auster";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / MoL research group";"2023-05-12";"14:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, room 24.0.26";"The event is in French and English.";"The event is in French and English. We are honoured to be able to host one of the most important scholars of Auster’s work, François Hugonnier who is an Associate Professor of American Literature at the University of Angers. He is the author of several pieces on Paul Auster’s poetry and fiction, including a monograph entitled Les interdits de la représentation. Paul Auster, Jerome Rothenberg (ed. Otrante, 2022). In collaboration with I. B. Siegumfeldt, co-edited a collection of essays with and about Paul Auster (New Avenues in Paul Auster’s Twentieth-Century Work, LISA e-journal, 2020). He has also published a book-length study of Don DeLillo’s 9/11 novel Falling Man (Paris-Nanterre U P, 2016)." "Antiautoritärer Kommunismus in der Weimarer Republik";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2023-05-12";"13:15";"";"14:30";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Rhena Stürmer (Leipzig) im Gespräch mit Detlef Siegfried (Kopenhagen).";"Der Linkskommunismus entstand zu Beginn der 1920er Jahre als eine weitere politische Strömung innerhalb der linken Arbeiterbewegung. In Deutschland vereinte er in Gestalt einer eigenen Partei – der Kommunistischen Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands (KAPD) – 1920 knapp 40.000 Menschen, deren Forderungen sich aus dem revolutionären Elan der frühen 1920er speisten und die sich explizit von der KPD und der zunehmend autoritären Entwicklung in der Sowjetunion absetzten. Zentral waren für die Linkskommunisten die Rolle der Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter in den Betrieben – dort sollte die Willensbildung und der kämpferische Zusammenschluss erfolgen. Bis Mitte der 1920er Jahre war die KAPD aktiver Teil der politischen Landschaft Weimars; sie lieferte sich einen theoretischen Schlagabtausch mit den linken Intellektuellen dieser Zeit und beteiligte sich an den damaligen Streiks, Enteignungskämpfen und Räterepubliken. Ab 1923 erfolgte der rapide Niedergang der Partei. Allerdings hat diese Bewegung bei ihren Anhängerinnen und Anhängern Spuren hinterlassen, die über die Zeit der KAPD hinausreichen. Ich werde anhand zweier Biographien sowohl die Ursprünge und Entstehungsbedingungen linkskommunistischer Ideologie und Praxis als auch die veränderte politische Praxis nach 1923 vorstellen. Rhena Stürmer, M.A., born in 1989, studied history, cultural studies and cultural history at the Free University of Berlin and the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and has been working on her doctorate at the Viadrina since 2018 on the topic „Weimar Left Communists between Party and Social Movement. A cultural-historical Collective Biography“ (supervisor: Prof. Werner Benecke). 2018 to 2022, she was a fellow of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, and since October 2022 she is a research assistant at the Chair of 19th-21st Century History (Prof. Dirk van Laak) at the Leipzig University. Recent publication: Political Education Work in the German Empire and the Weimar Republic. Change and continuity in the educational understanding of the left communist educator Dr. Karl Schröder [in German], in: Andreas Braune/Sebastian Elsbach/Ronny Noak (eds.), Bildung und Demokratie in der Weimarer Republik,. Series „Weimarer Schriften zur Republik“, vol. 19, Stuttgart 2022, pp. 273-288. Über Tysk Fredag/Freitagsvorlesungen Kurze Vorträge, Gespräch und Fragen (auf Deutsch und Dänisch). Anschließend gehen alle, die noch Lust haben, gemeinsam in die Fredagsbar (Ambarssaden)" "Engeromic recognitions: Fernando Pessoa";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2023-05-03";"13:15";"";"17:30";"South Campus, Auditorium 23.0.43";"Engerom will be hosting a major symposium on Wednesday 3 May from 13:00 to 17:00 celebrating the work of the European poet Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935).";"Engerom will be hosting a major symposium on Wednesday 3 May from 13:00 to 17:00 celebrating the work of the European poet Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935). Our guest speakers will be Richard Zenith, author of the prize-winning biography, Fernando Pessoa: An Experimental Life (2021) and the translator of Pessoa's works published by Penguin, including The Book of Disquiet (2002); and Paulo de Medeiros, Professor of Modern and Contemporary World Literature at the University of Warwick and author of Pessoa's Geometry of the Abyss: Modernity and the Book of Disquiet (2013). Pessoa is famous for having written under numerous names which he termed heteronyms, none of which he acknowledged; for each heteronym, he would create a biography, a character, a style, and use of genres, each to be distinguished from the work published under the name of 'Fernando Pessoa'. It has been said that there are six or seven major poets in modern Portuguese literature, all of whom turned out to be Pessoa. Richard Zenith has investigated the question of Pessoa's authorship more thoroughly than anyone else, and even he cannot be sure that all the heteronyms have been identified. Among the themes to be discussed: Modernism as a European movement: the role of translation in transcending national traditions and shaping a polyglot canon. Impersonality as an aesthetic principle: Pessoa was exactly contemporary with T.S. Eliot. Multiple personalities as a creative strategy or psychological condition: as many selves as languages? Selves as styles and registers? The challenge of the heteronyms to both biographers and literary critics. The colonial and the post-colonial: Pessoa was raised in South Africa and his entire education was in English, yet he chose to write almost all his poetry in Portuguese. (Almost all his heteronyms are Portuguese, though an Englishman or two may lurk among them.) Pessoa's work in its historical context: the politics of South Africa and Portugal. Modernism, Astrology and the Occult Programme 13:15-14:00 Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen Welcome Paulo de Medeiros (University of Warwick) Presentation: Seeing in the Dark: Fernando Pessoa, Singularity, and World Literature 14:00-14:15 Coffee break 14:15–15:30 Richard Zenith (translator and author of Pessoa: an experimental life) Round table 15:30–15:40 Short break 15:40–16:15 Polyglot Pessoa: readings of poems in Engeromic languages 16:30–17:30 Reception For further information, please contact one of the organisers: Ana Vera Carl-Henrik Bjerstrom Charles Lock " "At oversætte Shakespeare - til læseren eller til scenen?";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Det Socialfaglige Udvalg på engelsk";"2023-05-01";"15:00";"";"18:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.04.01";"En 3-timers samtale om oversættelse og skuespil mellem Shakespeareoversætter Niels Brunse og skuespillerne Kristoffer Helmuth og Peter Høgsbro Toftegaard.";"Niels Brunse – Kristoffer Helmuth – Peter Høgsbro Toftegaard Det Socialfaglige Udvalg på engelsk byder alle på Engerom velkommen til en 3-timers samtale om oversættelse og skuespil mellem Shakespeareoversætter Niels Brunse og skuespillerne Kristoffer Helmuth og Peter Høgsbro Toftegaard. Facilitator: Emil Birk Hartmann" "Translating Shakespeare – for The Reader or The Theatre";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / ’Det Socialfaglige Udvalg’ under the English Study";"2023-05-01";"15:00";"";"18:00";"South Campus, room 24.04.01";"A talk about translation and acting by the Shakespeare translator Niels Brunse and the actors Kristoffer Helmuth and Peter Høgsbro Toftegaard.";"Niels Brunse – Kristoffer Helmuth – Peter Høgsbro Toftegaard ’Det Socialfaglige Udvalg’ under the English Study are inviting everybody at Engerom to a talk about translation and acting by the Shakespeare translator Niels Brunse and the actors Kristoffer Helmuth and Peter Høgsbro Toftegaard. Facilitator: Emil Birk Hartmann" "THE QUEER ARCHIVE?";"Tina Lupton and co-hosted by Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies and the Centre for Gender, Sexuality and Difference.";"2023-04-25";"13:00";"";"15:00";"room 22.0.11, South Campus, University of Copenhagen";"Lecture by Kevil Brazil, Associate Professor, University of Southampton. ";"Kevil Brazil, Associate Professor, University of Southampton and Humboldt Fellow at the FU, Berlin, 2022-23. Author of What Ever Happened To Queer Happiness? (2022). This lecture will draw on Brazil’s new work with the Pine Walk Collection - a collection of music tapes, found by chance, recoding the music of gay clubs in New York across the 70s and 80s. It will use this to think about what constitutes a collective queer archive. Precirculated reading. Precirculated readings Anyone coming to the lecture is invited to read the introduction to Turning Archival: The Life of the Historical in Queer Studies in preparation. " "Präsentation studentischer Abschlussarbeiten";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2023-04-21";"13:15";"";"14:30";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Weitere Einzelheiten folgen.";"Masterabsolventinnen Ida Svingen Mo (Universität Kopenhagen) und Mechthild Milewczyk (Freie Universität Berlin) im Gespräch mit Solveig Willum (KU). Leben und Fiktion: Korrespondenzen zwischen Brigitte Reimanns Tagebüchern und ihrem Roman Franziska Linkerhand Ida Svingen Mo (Universität Kopenhagen, Masterstudiengang Tysk Sprog og Kultur). Dieser Vortrag untersucht die Korrespondenzen zwischen Brigitte Reimanns Tagebüchern und ihrem Roman Franziska Linkerhand. Der Vortrag beruht auf eine Masterarbeit dazu. Die Schriftstellerin Brigitte Reimann (1933-1973) lebte und arbeitete in der DDR. 25 Jahre nach ihrem Tod wurden ihre Tagebücher veröffentlicht, und haben einen neuen Blick auf Reimanns literarische Werke ermöglicht. In diesem Vortrag gilt der Blick ihrem Kultroman, das posthum veröffentlichte Werk Franziska Linkerhand (1974) über eine junge, rebellische und idealistische Architektin in der DDR. Der Roman ist der klassischen Moderne zuzuordnen und bricht mit den Doktrinen des sozialistischen Realismus sowie mit vielen Tabus in der DDR. Inwiefern haben die autobiographischen Tagebücher Reimanns ihren Roman beeinflusst – stilistisch und thematisch? Diese Verbindungen werden anhand von diarischer und autobiographischer Gattungstheorie untersucht und vorgestellt. Zusätzlich werden spezifische weibliche Erfahrungen im Roman und in den Tagebüchern anhand der écriture féminine von der französischen Philosophin und Schriftstellerin Hélène Cixous betrachtet. Eure Heimat ist unser Albtraum - Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Heimat-Begriff im Deutsch als Fremdsprache Unterricht Mechthild Milewczyk M.A. (Freie Universität Berlin, Studiengang - Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Kulturvermittlung). Heimat wird oft mit einem Ort verbunden, an dem man zu Hause ist – ein sicherer, wohlbehüteter Ort oder ein positives Gefühl. Was ist aber, wenn Heimat zum Albtraum wird? In der Arbeit wird der Heimat-Begriff im deutschsprachigen Raum in seiner jüngeren Entwicklung betrachtet und anhand der Essaysammlung ""Eure Heimat ist unser Albtraum"" von Fatma Aydemir und Hengameh Yaghoobifarah (2019) für das sprachliche, kulturelle und literarische Lernen im DaF-Kontext fruchtbar gemacht. Dabei dient das Konzept der Postmigrantischen Gesellschaft als grundlegender Zugang der Argumentation, sowie die Rolle von literarischen Texten in gesellschaftlichen Diskursen (Hille/ Schiedermayer, Altmayer), welches zur Förderung eines ""Diskurs-Lesens"" (Kramsch 2006, 2011) der Lerner*innen führen soll. Die Arbeit beinhaltet abschließend drei exemplarische Unterrichtseinheiten, in denen eine mögliche Behandlung im fremdsprachlichen Literaturunterricht didaktisch-methodisch geplant wurde. Über Tysk Fredag/Freitagsvorlesungen Kurze Vorträge, Gespräch und Fragen (auf Deutsch und Dänisch). Anschließend gehen alle, die noch Lust haben, gemeinsam in die Fredagsbar (Ambarssaden) " "Gloominess as Resilience. Contesting Hegemonic Affective Regimes in Pandemic-Era China";"Department of English, German and Romance Studies / Ana Antic";"2023-04-19";"14:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, room 5B-1-08";"Talk by Anna Iskra, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen.";"Talk by Anna Iskra, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen. Abstract In this talk, we will journey through the affective landscapes of Shanghai’s middle-class urbanites, narrated by local psychological counsellors operating in the country’s vibrant and loosely regulated therapeutic milieu. Pandemic policies hit Shanghai hard, which culminated in the infamous two-month lockdown. While the authorities managed to temporarily contain the spread of the virus, negative effects proliferated in the city with a truly viral force. As gloominess spread, state propaganda and official media circulated enthusiastic reports on fighting the pandemic with “positive energy” (zheng nengliang), generating dysphoric feelings among citizens mentally worn out by draconian pandemic policies. This study is an anthropological investigation into the frictions generated in the clash between state-constructed affective regimes that promote positive thinking and disseminate politics of hope and trust in the political status quo, and various tribes of “affective aliens” among Chinese urbanites that resist performative positivity by embodying gloominess. The accounts of psychological counsellors contest the dominant narrative of pandemic-induced anxiety and depression as primarily marked by withdrawal and passivity. Instead, such effects can be re-imagined as modes of resilience under authoritarian policies that question the censoring impact of the politics of “positive energy.” About Anna Iskra is an anthropologist interested in the intersections between state power, psy-sciences, and selfhood. She conducted research in different field sites across China, where she explored local psy-spiritual networks. Anna is a Postdoctoral Fellow, currently at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen. She can be reached at annaiskra@hum.ku.dk. This study is part of a larger project “Covid-19 and global mental health: The importance of cultural contexts” (Principal Investigator: Dr Ana Antić), hosted by the Department of English, Germanic and Romance studies at the University of Copenhagen and funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation." "Vom Tod der Dialekte und anderen Mythen";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2023-04-14";"13:15";"";"14:30";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Hanna Fischer (Universität Rostock) im Gespräch mit Mirjam Schmuck (Kopenhagen).";"Regionalsprachliche Variation im Deutschen Hanna Fischer (Universität Rostock) im Gespräch mit Mirjam Schmuck (Kopenhagen). Wie regional sprechen die Deutschen? Wann sterben die Dialekte aus? Kann und soll man sie retten? Welche Rolle spielt regionales Sprechen heute im Deutschen? Wie positionieren sich Forschung und Gesellschaft? Diese Fragen wird Hanna Fischer in ihrem Vortrag und im anschließenden Gespräch mit Mirjam Schmuck (Kopenhagen) erörtern. Dabei wird sie auch aus aktuellen Forschungsprojekten u.a.am Forschungszentrum Deutscher Sprachatlas berichten sowie über Aktivitäten auf gesellschaftlicher und sprachpolitischer Ebene zur Stärkung der Dialekte. Über Tysk Fredag/Freitagsvorlesungen Kurze Vorträge, Gespräch und Fragen (auf Deutsch und Dänisch). Anschließend gehen alle, die noch Lust haben, gemeinsam in die Fredagsbar (Ambarssaden)" "Elevers og kandidaters kognitioner om sprog";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk ";"2023-04-12";"14:30";"";"16:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.3.01";"Foredrag ved Mette Skovgaard Andersen, Centerleder for det Nationale Center for Fremmedsprog (NCFF) Øst.";"Foredrag ved Mette Skovgaard Andersen, Centerleder for det Nationale Center for Fremmedsprog (NCFF) Øst. De seneste år har NCFF gennemført to store undersøgelser af fremmedsprogsundervisning og -studier. Den første er en omfattende barriereanalyse af folkeskole- og gymnasieelevers kognitioner om fremmedsprog og fremmedsprogsundervisning mhp at afdække årsager til til- og fravalg af sprogfag på det overliggende niveau. Den anden er en undersøgelse over to år blandt studerende på teoretisk pædagogikum inden for sprogfagene. Undersøgelsen kortlægger kandidaternes oplevede match mellem de kompetencer, den viden og de færdigheder, de har erhvervet sig på universitetet og de kompetencer, den viden og de færdigheder, de oplever at have brug for i gymnasielærerjobbet. I dagens oplæg vil Mette Skovgaard Andersen præsentere resultaterne og diskutere, hvilke udfordringer, der på den baggrund tegner sig for universiteterne, og hvilken yderligere viden, der er behov for." "Mindretal som vindue til verden";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2023-03-24";"13:15";"";"14:30";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Camilla Franziska Hansen (UC Syd, Center for Mindretalspædagogik) im Gespräch mit Petra Daryai-Hansen (Kopenhagen).";"Camilla Franziska Hansen (UC Syd, Center for Mindretalspædagogik) im Gespräch mit Petra Daryai-Hansen (Kopenhagen). Über Tysk Fredag/Freitagsvorlesungen Kurze Vorträge, Gespräch und Fragen (auf Deutsch und Dänisch). Anschließend gehen alle, die noch Lust haben, gemeinsam in die Fredagsbar (Ambarssaden)" "La journée de la Francophonie";"Københavns Universitet & Institut Français";"2023-03-23";"13:30";"2023-03-23";"16:30";"Søndre Campus, lokale 23.0.49";"Frankofonidagen sætter i år fokus på frankofone tegneserier.";"Frankofonidagen sætter i år fokus på frankofone tegneserier. Kom og bliv introduceret til de frankofone tegneseriers verden og mød den internationalt anerkendte tegneserieskaber Terkel Risbjerg og hør ham fortælle om sit arbejde. Terkel Risbjerg bor i Frankrig og udgiver sine værker på fransk i samarbejde med Anne-Caroline Pandolfo. Parret står bl.a. bag den anmelderroste Løvinden en tegneseriebiografi om Karen Blixen. Arrangementet foregår på fransk. Program 13:30-13:45 Discours d’ouverture de Mme Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen, cheffe du département EnGeRom de KUA et de Mme Elida Petoshati, présidente du Groupe des ambassadeurs francophones au Danemark et Ambassadrice d'Albanie 13:45-14:15 Panorama de la bande dessinée francophone (M. Christophe Parisot, Ambassadeur de France au Danemark) 14:15-14:30 Pause café 14:30-15:15 Interview du bédéiste Terkel Risbjerg par M. Simon Hartling, professeur associé au département EnGeRom de KUA + échanges avec la salle 15:15-16:00 Buffet des ambassadeurs francophones " "Digitale oversættelsesværktøjer og sprog og køn";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2023-03-16";"08:30";"";"16:00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk inviterer gymnasielærere til en sprogdag om fremmedsprog. Emnerne er brugen af digitale oversættelsesværktøjer i fremmedsprogsundervisningen og forholdet mellem sprog og køn.";"Torsdag den 16. marts 2023 inviterer Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk ved Københavns Universitet til en sprogdag for gymnasielærere i fremmedsprog. Emnerne for dagen er brugen af digitale oversættelsesværktøjer i fremmedsprogsundervisningen og forholdet mellem sprog og køn. Digitale oversættelsesværktøjer i fremmedsprogsundervisningen Den del, der vedrører brug af digitale oversættelsesværktøjer, vil tage sit afsæt i den store frustration, som mange gymnasielærere i fremmedsprog oplever, nemlig at eleverne bruger digitale oversættelsesværktøjer som en genvej til at lære fremmedsprog. Resultatet bliver ofte, at eleverne ikke lærer det pågældende fremmedsprog, og at underviserne har vanskeligt ved at vurdere elevernes reelle niveau i fremmedsproget. Ved at sætte fokus på dette emne vil vi både adressere de konkrete udfordringer, der er forbundet med brug af digitale oversættelsesværktøjer i fremmedsprogsundervisningen, og komme med idéer til, hvordan digitale oversættelsesværktøjer kan anvendes som et didaktisk redskab til at forbedre elevernes fremmedsprogskompetencer. Sprog og køn Den del, der vedrører sprog og køn, vil tage sit afsæt i den stigende bevidsthed, særligt hos den yngre del af befolkningen, på ikke blot at inkludere de binære køn, han- og hunkøn, men også non-binære køn i sprogbrugen. Denne øgede bevidsthed påvirker bl.a. måden, hvorpå man underviser i fremmedsprog, der har grammatisk køn som bl.a. i de romanske sprog og tysk. Men det er også interessant at diskutere, hvordan denne problemstilling påvirker et sprog som engelsk, der ligesom dansk ikke har grammatisk køn. I løbet af dagen vil der blive fokuseret på, hvordan sprog og køn adresseres i forskellige sprog, og der vil også blive fremlagt og diskuteret en række idéer til, hvordan man didaktisk griber opgaven an med at undervise i sprog og køn i fremmedsprogsfagene. Dagen vil både bestå af faglige oplæg og workshops om digitale oversættelsesværktøjer og sprog og køn. Pris Det koster 300 kroner at deltage i gymnasiedagen. Beløbet dækker materialer og forplejning. Tilmelding Tilmeld dig her senest den 9. marts 2023 Program 8.30 Ankomst samt morgenkaffe og morgenbrød 9.00 Velkomst Dekan Kirsten Busch Nielsen 9.15 Digital translation tools: friend or foe? (oplæg på engelsk) Marian Flanagan, ekstern lektor i engelsk og oversættelsesstudier (Københavns Universitet) 10.00 Oversættelsesmaskiner i sprogundervisningen – Hvad siger eleverne? Danièle Eychenne, pædagogisk konsulent (Københavns Professionshøjskole) 10.30 Kaffepause 10.45 Workshops om digitale oversættelsesværktøjer med skriftlig afrapportering (lokaler: 4A-0-56, 4A-0-68, 4A-1-46, 4A-1-60 og 4A-1-68) 12.00 Frokost 13.00 Gender-gaga or equality? Gender-sensitive language use in German (oplæg på engelsk) Mirjam Schmuck, lektor i tysk ved Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (Københavns Universitet) 13.30 Inklusivt fransk – potentialer og udfordringer Nicolai Witthøft, ph.d.-stipendiat (Stockholm Universitet) 14.00 Køn i sprogundervisningen Louise Friis Arfaoui og Maria Gavilan (Roskilde Gymnasium) 14.30 Kaffe og kage 14.45 Sprogspecifikke workshops om sprog og køn i engelsk (lokale 4A-0-56), fransk (lokale 4A.0.68), italiensk (lokale 4A-1-46), spansk (lokale 4A-1-60) og tysk (lokale 4A-1-68) Mundtlig afrapportering i plenum 16.00 Afslutning og reception " "New Wave";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2023-03-10";"13:15";"";"14:30";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Philipp Theisohn (Universität Zürich) im Gespräch mit Christian Benne (Kopenhagen).";"Überlegungen zu einer alternativen Poetik der deutschen 1980er Jahre Im Gespräch mit Christian Benne (Kopenhagen) spricht Philipp Theisohn über die Frage, ob es eine literarische „New Wave“ gibt und gibt: Wer die deutschsprachige Literatur um 1980 verstehen will, steht vor dem Problem, dass die eigentlichen ästhetischen Umwälzungen dieser Zeit nicht auf dem etablierten literarischen Feld anzutreffen sind. Wer Handke, Grass oder Walser liest, der ahnt nichts von der Radikalität, mit der eine seltsame Mixtur aus Punk, Schizotheorie und Retroavantgarde neue Wege der poetischen Welterschließung in Deutschland wie Dänemark ausfindig macht. Über Tysk Fredag/Freitagsvorlesungen Kurze Vorträge, Gespräch und Fragen (auf Deutsch und Dänisch). Anschließend gehen alle, die noch Lust haben, gemeinsam in die Fredagsbar (Ambarssaden)" "Realidades Paralelas";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Iberian and Latin American Studies Research Forum (ILAS)";"2023-03-10";"13:00";"";"18:00";"South Campus, room 24.4.11";"Seminario sobre las interacciones entre el mundo material y las esferas ficcionales, oníricas y virtuales.";"Seminario sobre las interacciones entre el mundo material y las esferas ficcionales, oníricas y virtuales. 13h15 Panel 1 Alejandro Lozano (USalamanca) Ficción y realidad de lo virtual en el metaverso Gabriel Abarca-Brown (KU) Realidades, sueños y vudú haitiano en Santiago, Chile Maria Elena Ansotegui Martinez (KU) Habrá una vez: de la ficción a la realidad (o al revés) 14h45 Coffee break 15h15 Panel 2 Patricia Lopez Ruiz (UMurcia) La realidad trabaja en abierto misterio. Figuraciones del yo en la literatura de principios del siglo xx. Fernando Pessoa, Antonio Machado y Miguel de Unamuno Ana Vera (KU) Realidades ficcionadas en los cines ibéricos de la crisis Jan Gustafsson (KU) Fotografía, metaficción y autoficción – Teoría, ejemplos empíricos y una experiencia personal Julio Jensen (KU) La idea de la autonomía del arte en la literatura actual. Un comentario a “Hombre con minotauro en el pecho” de Enrique Serna 17h Reception Información de contacto: jhcj@hum.ku.dk y ana.vera@hum.ku.dk " "REAL DOLLS";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2023-02-24";"13:15";"";"14:30";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Susanne Regener (Universität Siegen) im Gespräch mit: Irina Hron (Kopenhagen).";"Zur Kulturgeschichte von Sexpuppen Im Gespräch mit: Irina Hron (Kopenhagen) denkt Susanne Regener über Sexpuppen, so genannte Real Dolls, nach. Sie sind inzwischen Luxusgüter. Ihr Marktwert steigt in der westlichen sowie der asiatischen Welt. Besonders menschenähnlich ausgestaltete Exemplare dieser Spezies sind neuerdings mit künstlicher Intelligenz ausgestattet. In erster Linie sind es heterosexuelle Männer, die nicht allein sexuelle Befriedigung suchen, sondern auch eine Partnerin fürs Leben. Wer mit Real Dolls verkehrt, wird in Internetforen Teil einer Sphäre von Außenseitern, die eigene kommunikative und visuelle Regeln und ästhetische Ansprüche entwirft und verhandelt. Der Vortrag untersucht das popkulturelle Phänomen der Objektliebe, die Sexpuppe und ihre medialen Darstellungsweisen in kulturhistorischer Absicht. Welche Bedeutung hat das Agieren mit Puppen für die das Verhältnis der Geschlechter zu einander? Wird diese Liebe zum Objekt in unserer Gesellschaft zu etwas ‚Normalem‘? Susanne Regener wird eingeführt und vorgestellt von Detlef Siegfried (Kopenhagen). Susanne Regener ist Professorin für Mediengeschichte und Visuelle Kultur an der Universität Siegen und war zehn Jahre lang als adjungeret professor bei ENGEROM an der Universität Kopenhagen tätig. Sie arbeitet zu medialen Darstellungen von gesellschaftlichen Außenseiter:innen und zur Frage: Wer ist der/die/das Andere? Sie lebt in Berlin und Siegen. Über Tysk Fredag/Freitagsvorlesungen Kurze Vorträge, Gespräch und Fragen (auf Deutsch und Dänisch). Anschließend gehen alle, die noch Lust haben, gemeinsam in die Fredagsbar (Ambarssaden)" "The populist turn: a comparative study of three decades of populism in Italy";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2023-02-24";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Simon Cecchin Birk.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Simon Cecchin Birk. Assessment Committee Professor Morten Rievers Heiberg, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Daniele Albertazzi (University of Surrey) Associate Professor Susi Meret (Aalborg University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Georg Wink (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies Emil Holms Kanal 6 Preface On a late September evening in 2019, I had an aperitivo with two long-time friends of my family at an outdoor bar table in Verona’s historical marketplace, Piazza delle Erbe. While sipping his Spritz, Chiara’s husband Ivano lamented the state of journalism in Italy. As he stressed, one could no longer trust the leading newspapers as they were all in the hands of the same powerful people. The only newspaper that he occasionally found worth reading was Il Fatto Quotidiano. It covered corruption and other abuses of public office in the mainstream parties such as Partito Democratico, which traditional newspapers, including la Repubblica, tended to downplay or ignore, he explained. I remember thinking that it was no coincidence that the newspaper led by the notorious Marco Travaglio also happened to be the newspaper closest to the protest party that Ivano had voted on in 2013 and 2018. I also concluded that it was no accident when he used la Repubblica and Partito Democratico as examples. After all, he had loyally read the former progressive and now more centrist newspaper and supported the centre-left party and its predecessor for years. As a middle-class public servant, he had always leaned left, and he still had a “peace” rainbow flag hanging from the window above the front door of his house. Like many Italians, Ivano had also always been highly sceptical of his country’s political class. Over the last decades, he had become deeply disenchanted. “Nothing changes”, as he put it that evening, “you understand, we keep electing politicians that are all the same, politicians that are only thinking about their career”. Conversations such as the one I had with Ivano have helped shape my view on populism. They have left me unconvinced by descriptions of the phenomenon as nothing more than superficial rhetoric or strategy adopted by demagogues in pursuit of power. Instead, they have made me gravitate toward explanations that start by viewing populism as a set of ideas. To be sure, these can be appropriated. However, they can also be part of a coherent political outlook wherein elites conspire against the people, depriving them of their voice and status. While it has a great capacity to mobilize the masses, it could also have a more profound imprint on political action. Thus, this dissertation will follow the logic of populism and examine its most important manifestations during the last three decades of Italian politics. " "Buchvorstellung zu Günther Anders, Die Totenpost. Elegien";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk fredag";"2023-02-17";"13:15";"";"14:30";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Im Gespräch mit Christian Benne (Kopenhagen) erzählt Alexander Knopf von der atemberaubenden Entdeckung eines Gedichtzyklus im Nachlass des deutsch-jüdischen Philosophen und Schriftstellers Günther Anders.";"Buchvorstellung zu Günther Anders, Die Totenpost. Elegien Im Gespräch mit Christian Benne (Kopenhagen) erzählt Alexander Knopf von der atemberaubenden Entdeckung eines Gedichtzyklus im Nachlass des deutsch-jüdischen Philosophen und Schriftstellers Günther Anders, in dem sich persönliches Schicksal und die tragische Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts verdichten. Über Tysk Fredag/Freitagsvorlesungen Kurze Vorträge, Gespräch und Fragen (auf Deutsch und Dänisch). Anschließend gehen alle, die noch Lust haben, gemeinsam in die Fredagsbar (Ambarssaden)" "Culture and the Mind";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Ana Antic & Competence Centre for Transcultural Psychiatry (Mental Health Center Ballerup)";"2023-02-01";"15:00";"";"16:00";"Psykiatrisk Center Ballerup, Maglevænget 21, Ballerup";"Professor Ana Antic will discuss the ongoing project of establishing The Centre for Culture and the Mind at the University of Copenhagen in collaboration with the Competence Centre for Transcultural Psychiatry at Mental Health Center Ballerup.";"To what extent are psychological conditions translated from one culture to another and made universal? Is the human psyche the same across cultures? And do people experience mental disorders, in the same way, no matter what language they speak? Professor Ana Antic will discuss the ongoing project of establishing The Centre for Culture and the Mind at the University of Copenhagen, based at the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, in collaboration with the Competence Centre for Transcultural Psychiatry at Mental Health Center Ballerup. Registration Please register by emailing MWES0061@regionh.dk and state whether you wish to participate in person or online." "Litteratur og filosofi i oversættelse";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Johanne Gormsen Schmidt, Kristian Olesen Toft og Amanda Grimsbo Roswall";"2023-01-12";"14:15";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-0-13";"Engerom inviterer til åbent seminar om, hvordan fransk og engelsk litteratur og filosofi bliver oversat til dansk i dag.";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk inviterer til åbent seminar om, hvordan fransk og engelsk litteratur og filosofi bliver oversat til dansk i dag. Danske oversættelser af franske og engelske værker sætter fokus på behovet for oversættelse fra modsatrettede vinkler: dels stiger behovet for at have franske værker i dansk oversættelse, dels kan man spørge, om der længere er et stort behov for oversættelse fra engelsk. Det er de overordnede problemstillinger, som panelfinalisterne vil diskutere ud fra deres forskellige faglige ståsteder og roller i forhold til oversat filosofi og litteratur på dansk. Der vil blive serveret kaffe, the og kage i pausen mellem de to paneler. Alle er meget velkomne. Spørgsmål kan sendes til Amanda Grimsbo Roswall. Program 14.15 Introduktion 14.30-15.30 Fransk litteratur og filosofi på dansk Lilian Munk Rösing (IKK, KU) At give tanken og sansningen sprog. Om de Beauvoirs erindringer fra oversætterens perspektiv Anna Cornelia Ploug (RUC) Sexe, gender, køn og ‘andet’. Om filosoffen de Beauvoir på dansk Gustav Hoder (Forlaget Aleatorik) Om at udgive fransk faglitteratur på et dansk mikroforlag 16.00-17.00 Hvorfor oversætte fra engelsk? Martyn Bone (EGR, KU) Teaching and Reading Nella Larsen in Denmark Søren Gosvig Olesen (KOMM, KU) Filosofien og det engelske sprog Dea Antonsen (Laboratoriet for Æstetik & Økologi) Forlagspraksis som intervention " "Annie Ernaux-seminar";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Simon Hartling";"2022-12-07";"15:00";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Nørder og nysgerrige hylder årets Nobelpris i litteratur.";"Nørder og nysgerrige hylder årets Nobelpris i litteratur Nobelprisen i litteratur gik i år til den franske forfatter Annie Ernaux. Det vil vi fejre med et seminar, der ser på forfatterskabet med forskerens, forfatterens, franskmandens, oversætternes og litteraturkritikerens briller. Seks oplægsholdere præsenterer hver deres indfaldsvinkel til Annie Ernaux' værker - både dem der foreligger på dansk og dem, der endnu ikke gør. Program 15.00 Lisbeth Verstraete Hansen og Simon Hartling Velkomst 15.05 Éric Viala « J’écris pour venger ma race ». Une écriture contre la bourgeoisie 15.25 Lilian Munk Rösing og Birte Dahlgreen Om at læse og oversætte Ernaux, med særligt fokus på Les Années 15.55 Christina Hesselholdt Om inspiration fra Pigen fra ’58. Udvalgt steder i romanen Feje blade sammen op mod vinden 16.20 Tue Løkkegaard Om brugen af toget og andre steder i Journal du dehors og La Vie extérieure 16.45 Bodil Skovgaard Nielsen Om La Place og efterdønningerne af Ernaux' metode " "Being Muslim, Performing Mexicanness: Religious Identity Negotiations among Muslim Immigrants in Mexico";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2022-12-07";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Nik Mohammad Hasif bin Mat.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Nik Mohammad Hasif bin Mat. Assessment Committee Associated Professor Jan Gustafsson, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Susanne Klengel (Freie Universität Berlin) Professor Shamsul Amri Baharuddin (National University of Malaysia) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Robert Rix (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6. " "Conferencia u debate: El reto de la sociedad civil en España ante la emergencia climática ";"";"2022-12-06";"11:15";"";"13:00";"Aula 24.1.45 ";"";"El reto de la sociedad civil en España ante la emergencia climática Prof. Dr. David Àlvarez Rivas. Facultad de Ciencias de la Información. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. El impacto de las actividades humanas sobre los ecosistemas del planeta ha significado la toma de importantes medidas por parte de la comunidad internacional: Agenda 2030 de la ONU para el desarrollo sostenible, Acuerdo de París sobre el cambio climático y las COP (Conference Of the Parties). Son políticas públicas de gran presencia en los medios de comunicación. En esta charla se tratará de las posiciones adoptadas en España por la Sociedad Civil: activistas, ONGDs y universidades, entre otras agrupaciones. " "Gender-Gaga oder Gleichberechtigung? Geschlechtsgerechte Sprache zwischen Populismus und Wissenschaft (Tysk fredag)";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2022-12-02";"13:00";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.3.07";"Miriam Lind, Mainz.";" Vortrag mit Miriam Lind, Mainz. Die öffentliche Debatte, inwiefern geschlechtliche Vielfalt sprachlich in Personen-bezeichnungen abgebildet werden kann und soll, wird seit der Einführung eines dritten positiven Geschlechtseintrags ""divers"" Ende 2018 besonders hitzig geführt. In dieser Diskussion werden sowohl von rechts-konservativer Seite („Gender-Stern etc. sind anti-demokratisch und ein Verfall westlicher Kultur“) als auch von links-aktivistischen Positionen („Das generische Maskulinum ist sprachliche Gewalt“) immer stärker polarisierende bis populistische Perspektiven vertreten, zwischen denen wissenschaftlich fundierte Standpunkte, die sich der vereinfachten Schwarz-Weiß-Dichotomie medialer Darstellung widersetzen, kaum Gehör finden. Der Vortrag stellt die unterschiedlichen Positionen zum Thema dar und zeigt auf, warum die Frage nach geschlechtergerechter Sprache aus wissenschaftlicher Perspektive komplexer und nuancenreicher ist als es auf den ersten Blick den Anschein zu haben scheint." "Buchvorstellung “Transcultural Memory and European Identity in Contemporary German-Jewish Migrant Literature” (Tysk fredag)";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2022-11-25";"13:00";"";"15:00";"UCPH South Campus, room 24.3.07";"Jessica Ortner, University of Copenhagen.";"Wandel der Erinnerungskultur in deutschsprachiger Migrationsliteratur nach 1989 Jessica Ortner, University of Copenhagen. Das Jahr 1989 bedeutete nicht nur einen Wandel der bipolaren Weltordnung, sondern auch einen Wandel deutscher und europäischer Erinnerungskulturen. Sowohl politisch als auch ästhetisch wird seitdem die brisante Frage ausgehandelt, wie eine „symmetrische“ europäische Erinnerungslandschaft zu schaffen ist in der die Verbrechen des kommunistischen Regimes die gleiche Anerkennung erhalten wie die herausragende Erinnerung an den Holocaust. Migration, so die These des vorgestellten Buches, bedeutet nicht nur die Überschreitung geographischer Grenzen, sondern ebenso den Eintritt in einen anderen Erinnerungsrahmen. Ab 1989 kam über 200.000 jüdische Migranten aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion nach Deutschland und fanden sich in einer Erinnerungskultur wieder, in der das Gedenken an den Holocaust eine übergeordnete Rolle spielt und in dem Juden oft als Opfer per se stereotypisiert werden. Das Buch stellt eine Reihe von Texten jüdischer Migrations-Autoren vor, die den Holocaust mit Verbrechen Stalins und des kommunistischen Systems verschränken und sowohl implizit Kritik am deutsche Erinnerungsrahmen üben als auch die Anerkennung des Genozids im ehemaligen Ostblock einfordern. Transcultural Memory and European Identity in Contemporary German-Jewish Migrant Literature." "Personal Sources in Migration Studies: life stories, letters and dreams";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / ";"2022-11-25";"13:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, room 24.4.01";"Workshop with presentations by Tony Kushner, Sonia Cancian and Gabriel Abarca-Brown.";"Workshop with presentations by Tony Kushner, Sonia Cancian and Gabriel Abarca-Brown. Writing with and without ego documents: migration in the English pastoralTony Kushner, James Parkes Professor of History, University of Southampton The Migrant Letter of the 20th Century and Today: Is there a shift in sensibilities?Sonia Cancian, McGill Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal, Canada, ARC Centre of Excellence in the History of Emotions, University of Western Australia Haitians’ dream practices and the imagination of other futures in adversity in ChileGabriel Abarca-Brown, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen Chair: Peter Leese, University of Copenhagen" "Paradigms";"Faculty of Humanities";"2022-11-24";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.50";"Doctoral dissertation Defence by Kirsten Jeppesen Kragh.";"The pathway of one lexical entity into multiple grammatical paradigms Doctoral dissertation Defence by Kirsten Jeppesen Kragh. Official opponents Professor Anna Carlier, Sorbonne Université Emeritus Professor Nigel Vincent, University of Manchester Leader of Defence Dean, Professor Kirsten Busch Nielsen The defence is public and will be conducted in English. The thesis is available for review: At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies At the University of Copenhagen Library, KUB South Campus Online access to the thesis (pdf) Summary in English (pdf) Summary in Danish (pdf) Ex-Auditorio opponents must sign up with the Leader of Defence." "Sprachenpolitik in mehrsprachigen Ländern (Tysk fredag)";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2022-11-11";"13:00";"";"15:00";"UCPH South Campus, room 21.0.47";"Vortrag mit Christina Späti, Fribourg und FernUni Schweiz.";"Vortrag mit Christina Späti, Fribourg und FernUni Schweiz. Mehrsprachigkeit, sei sie individuell oder gesellschaftlich, ist in den meisten Staaten die Regel. Kriege, Migrationsbewegungen oder die Globalisierung haben zu dieser sprachlichen Vielfalt beigetragen. Der staatliche Umgang mit Mehrsprachigkeit ist aber je nach Land sehr unterschiedlich. Während in einigen Staaten der sprachliche Assimilationsdruck groß ist, versucht man in anderen Ländern, mit Sprachrechten die Minderheiten zu schützen und zu stärken. Das Referat beleuchtet aus vergleichender Perspektive die Herausbildung von verschiedenen Formen von Mehrsprachigkeit und unterschiedliche sprachenpolitische Lösungsansätze. Christina Späti ist ordentliche Professorin für Zeitgeschichte an der Universität Fribourg und FernUni Schweiz. Zu ihren Forschungsschwerpunkten gehören der Holocaust und seine Nachgeschichte, Antizionismus, Antisemitismus und Orientalismus, vergleichende Sprachenpolitik in mehrsprachigen Ländern und die 68er Bewegung." "Forum for renæssancestudier";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Forum for renæssancestudier";"2022-11-09";"16:00";"";"18:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.2.11";"Forum for renæssancestudier inviterer til foredrag.";"Forum for renæssancestudier inviterer til foredrag: PhD Lise Hindsberg (Københavns Universitet): Repræsentationen af englemusik og engledans i renæssancens billeder og sacre rappresentationi Professor Lene Østermark-Johansen (Københavns Universitet): Isadora Duncan danser Botticellis Primavera" "Podcasts, Audiobooks, and Podiobooks";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tina Lupton";"2022-11-09";"15:15";"";"17:00";"South Campus, room 24.1.11";"Talk by Matthew Rubery, Professor of Modern Literature, Queen Mary, University College London.";"Talk by Matthew Rubery, Professor of Modern Literature, Queen Mary, University College London. This presentation examines podcasting’s impact on contemporary literary culture. Since its emergence at the beginning of the twenty-first century, podcasting has evolved from a niche way to share sound files into a widely used means of distributing spoken word recordings for public consumption. The talk will trace how the podcasting boom is shaping the contours of prominent sonic art forms including audiobooks as well as an emerging one known as “podiobooks,” a hybrid format that capitalizes on the distinctive qualities of podcasting as a literary medium. Professor Rubery’s research focuses on modern literature, media, and reading practices. His books include: The Novelty of Newspapers: Victorian Fiction after the Invention of the News (Oxford, 2009) The Untold Story of the Talking Book (Harvard University Press, 2016) Other books that he has edited or co-edited include: Audiobooks, Literature, and Sound Studies (Routledge, 2011) Secret Commissions: An Anthology of Victorian Investigative Journalism (Broadview, 2012) Further Reading (Oxford, 2020) His latest book is titled Reader’s Block: A History of Reading Differences (Stanford, 2022)." "Neuerscheinungen auf dem deutschen Buchmarkt (Tysk fredag)";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Detlef Siegfried";"2022-11-04";"19:30";"";"";"Portland Towers, Göteborg Plads 1, 12. Stock, 2150 København (Nordhavn)";"Vortrag mit Rainer Moritz, Hamburg.";"Rainer Moritz, Hamburg: Neuerscheinungen auf dem deutschen Buchmarkt (zusammen mit der Deutschen Botschaft und Dansk-Tysk Selskab). Die Veranstaltung findet statt um 19.30 in den Portland Towers, Göteborg Plads 1, 12. Stock, 2150 København (Nordhavn)." "Bogreception";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet";"2022-11-04";"14:15";"";"";"administrationsgangen på 2. sal, bygn. 24, Søndre Campus";"Vi afholder en bogreception for alle nye bøger udgivet indenfor det sidste år af forskere på Engerom. ";"Vi vil gerne fejre bogen! Derfor afholder vi en bogreception for alle nye bøger udgivet indenfor det sidste år af forskere på Engerom. Bøgerne vil være udstillet, og forfatterne/redaktørerne vil kort præsentere dem. For at fejre de nye udgivelser, vil vi byde på et glas bobler. " "‘That Gentleman of Yours …’";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2022-11-02";"15:15";"";"16:30";"South Campus, room 24.2.07";"Some Speculations of Niccolò Machiavelli on Cesare Borgia. Lecture by Academic Language Consultant Sophie Swerts Knudsen, Center of Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use (CIP), University of Copenhagen.";"Some Speculations of Niccolò Machiavelli on Cesare Borgia Abstract In this lecture, Academic Language Consultant Sophie Swerts Knudsen, will explain the importance of the political and geographical map of ‘Italy’ at the end of the 15th century and situate the powers that ruled. She will then discuss Pope Alexander VI and his son Cesare Borgia and their dynastical ambitions to re-arrange the fragmented map of the peninsula and to create a buffer state for the Papal territories with Cesare on the throne. Finally, she will elaborate on Cesare Borgia’s historic meetings with the Florentine envoy Niccolò Machiavelli: encounters that inspired the writing of ‘the Prince’. Here, she will introduce some of the speculations of Machiavelli towards the man he considered the prototype of ‘the ruler’. Bio Sophie Swerts Knudsen is an Academic Language Consultant at the Center of Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use (CIP) at The University of Copenhagen in Denmark. She holds an MA in Translation Studies in English, Dutch, and Italian from the Lessius University College Antwerp, affiliated with the Catholic University, Leuven in Belgium." "Sie bekommt ihr Fahrrad geklaut. Aktuelle Ergebnisse zum bekommen-Passiv im Deutsch (Tysk fredag)";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2022-10-28";"13:00";"";"15:00";"UCPH South Campus, room 24.5.07";"Vortrag mit Gudrid Gudjónsson.";"Vortrag mit Gudrid Gudjónsson Dieser Vortrag wird eine Masterarbeit über das sogenannte bekommen-Passiv vorstellen. Dies bietet Studierenden und Sprachinteressierten die Möglichkeit zu erfahren, wie eine sprachwissenschaftlich ausgerichtete Masterarbeit mit dem Thema Sprachverwandlungen, bzw. Grammatikalisierung aussehen könnte. Die Masterarbeit befasst sich mit dem bekommen-Passiv im Standarddeutschen – sie bekommt ihr Fahrrad geklaut (bekommen/kriegen + Part. II) – welches auf Basis korpuslinguistischer Daten untersucht wurde. Ziel war es zu untersuchen, inwieweit das bekommen-Passiv heute grammatikalisiert ist, d.h. wie fortgeschritten die Sprachverwandlung dieser Passivform ist. In Anbetracht dieser Frage wurden insges. knapp 1.500 Belege aus dem geschriebensprachlichen Korpus (DeReKo) und dem gesprochensprachlichen Korpus (FOLK) aufbereitet und nach u.a. semantischer Rolle des Subjekts und Art des Objekts sortiert. Dazu wurden zwei Unterrichtsvorschläge gegeben, wie das bekommen-Passiv zur didaktischen Umsetzung einbezogen werden könnte. " "Kulturbegreber og interkulturalitet i franskfagets begynderundervisning";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2022-10-28";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale15A-0-13";"Stephanie Kim Löbl forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En mixed methods-undersøgelse af samspillet mellem lærer, læremiddel og styredokument Stephanie Kim Löbl forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Bedømmelsesudvalg Professor Anne Holmen, forperson (Københavns Universitet) Professor Susana Silvia Fernández (Aarhus Universitet) Professor Eva Thue Vold (Universitetet i Oslo) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Anita Berit Hansen (Københavns Universitet) Kopier af afhandlingen kan læses ved: Informationsskranken på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek (KUB Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Den Sorte Diamant), læsesalen (øst) Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Emil Holms Kanal 6 " "(Annulliert) REAL DOLLS: Zur Kulturgeschichte von Sexpuppen (Tysk fredag)";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2022-10-14";"13:00";"";"15:00";"Lokale 24.5.07";"(Annulliert) Vortrag mit Susanne Regener, Siegen";"(Annulliert) Vortrag mit Susanne Regener, Siegen Sexpuppen, so genannte Real Dolls, sind inzwischen Luxusgüter. Ihr Marktwert steigt in der westlichen sowie der asiatischen Welt. Besonders menschenähnlich ausgestaltete Exemplare dieser Spezies sind neuerdings mit künstlicher Intelligenz ausgestattet. In erster Linie sind es heterosexuelle Männer, die nicht allein sexuelle Befriedigung suchen, sondern auch eine Partnerin fürs Leben. Wer mit Real Dolls verkehrt, wird in Internetforen Teil einer Sphäre von Außenseitern, die eigene kommunikative und visuelle Regeln und ästhetische Ansprüche entwirft und verhandelt. Der Vortrag untersucht das popkulturelle Phänomen der Objektliebe, die Sexpuppe und ihre medialen Darstellungsweisen in kulturhistorischer Absicht. Welche Bedeutung hat das Agieren mit Puppen für die das Verhältnis der Geschlechter zu einander? Wird diese Liebe zum Objekt in unserer Gesellschaft zu etwas ‚Normalem‘? Susanne Regener ist Professorin für Mediengeschichte und Visuelle Kultur an der Universität Siegen und war zehn Jahre lang als adjungeret professor bei ENGEROM an der Universität Kopenhagen tätig. Sie arbeitet sie zu medialen Darstellungen von gesellschaftlichen Außenseiter:innen und zur Frage: Wer ist der/die/das Andere? Sie lebt in Berlin und Siegen." "When Rock was Dangerous: The Social History of Rock ‘n’ Roll in 1960s Hamburg (Tysk fredag)";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, ";"2022-10-07";"13:00";"";"15:00";"UCPH South Campus, room 24.5.07";"Vortrag mit Julia Sneeringer, New York";"Early rock’n’roll brought together young people, sex, and music at a time when that combination was still new and volatile. Hamburg’s early rock’n’roll scene, centered in clubs around the red-light district St. Pauli, was a site of cultural exchange: people across lines of nationality, class, and gender came together to experience the pleasures of difference and experiment with new ways of inhabiting the body. This made it a key incubator of the transnational youth culture so central to our understanding of the 1960s. It reflected the era’s changing social norms, with both liberatory possibilities and lingering prejudices. This modern music scene was also connected to a long history of popular culture and its global flows of people and products. The history of early rock ‘n’ roll in St. Pauli offers an alternative way of thinking about Germany’s 20th century, interrogating what culture does at specific moments in history by considering where it does it. Julia Sneeringer is Professor of History at Queens College und The Graduate Center, City University of New York. Read Julia Sneeringers book on this topic." "Mikroforlag og oversat litteratur";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Tysk sprog og kultur";"2022-10-06";"14:00";"";"16:00";"Lokale 15.A.2.13";"Paneldiskussion";"Indgår i temarækken Tysk fredag - men afholdes torsdag 6. oktober. Paneldiskussion ”Mikroforlag og oversat litteratur” med Mads Peder Lau Pedersen fra Sidste Århundrede, Andreas Vermehren Holm fra Forlaget Virkelig, Marie Andersen fra Palomar og Marie Vinter fra Vinter Forlag samt oversætterne (tidligere og nuværende tyskstuderende) Karen Tortzen, Søren Porsmose, Kathrine von Holst og Troels Thorborg Andersen. Panelet vil diskutere oversættelse af tysk (og europæisk) kvalitetslitteratur og de unge oversætteres og mikroforlagenes rolle i det danske udgivelseslandskab. Hvordan ser mikroforlagene selv deres opgave? Hvilken rolle spiller oversættelse som kulturformidling? Hvordan udvælges værker – både klassikere og nye udgivelser - til oversættelse? Hvordan er arbejdsprocessen fra antagelse over redaktion til udgivelse og lancering? Er de mange mikroforlag en dansk solstrålehistorie, eller er der risici og sårbarheder? Hvordan er forholdet mellem de små og store forlag? Hvilke forestillinger driver de mindre/nye forlæggere? Hvordan opleves det at være ung oversætter, og er det en profession, der kan anbefales sprogstuderende? Paneldebatten indgår som del af en oversættelsesworkshop med besøg af den tysk-russiske forfatter Lena Gorelik. Det er arrangeret af Anna Sandberg og Marianne Kirk i samarbejde med Goethe-instituttet og støttet af Statens Kunstfond. " "Workshop om oversættelse og udgivelse af ny tysk litteratur";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (Anna Sandberg og Marianne Kirk) og Goethe Instituttet ";"2022-10-06";"";"2022-10-07";"";"Se de enkelte arrangementer";"";"Vi gentager succesen fra 2020 og inviterer til en to-dages workshop om oversættelse af tysk (og europæisk) kvalitetslitteratur den 6. og 7. oktober 2022 på tyskstudiet ved Københavns Universitet. I år har vi inviteret den tysk-russiske forfatter Lena Gorelik, hvis værker vi skal arbejde med at oversætte. Vi åbner workshoppen torsdag eftermiddag med en paneldebat om litterær oversættelse, som er åben for alle, der interesserer sig for forlagsvirksomhed og oversat litteratur. Her deltager unge oversættere sammen med forlagene Vinter, Sidste Århundrede, Virkelig og Palomar. Om aftenen er alle velkomne til en offentlig oplæsning og samtale med Lena Gorelik på Goethe-instituttet. Fredag vil der være en heldagsworkshop om litterær oversættelse. Her har vi inviteret de to oversættere Søren Porsmose og Nanna Lund til at komme og arbejde sammen med os. På workshoppen vil der både foregå fælles diskussioner og arbejde (individuelt og i grupper) med oversættelse af udvalgte tekststykker fra Lena Goreliks værker. Oversættelsesworkshoppen er for nuværende og tidligere studerende samt andre med interesse for litterær oversættelse. Deltagelse er gratis. Til workshoppen fredag er der dog et begrænset antal pladser, og vi vil derfor ved tilmelding bede om en prøveoversættelse af et kort uddrag fra Lena Goreliks seneste roman Wer wir sind (2021) samt hendes debut Meine weißen Nächte (2004). Program: litterær oversættelse og tysk forfattermøde Paneldiskussion om mikroforlag og oversat litteratur Med deltagelse af Andreas Vermehren Holm fra Forlaget Virkelig, Marie Vinter fra Forlaget Vinter, Marie Andersen fra Forlaget Palomar, Mads Peder Lau Pedersen fra Sidste Århundrede samt oversætterne (nuværende eller tidligere tyskstuderende) Kathrine von Holst, Karen Tortzen, Søren Porsmose og Troels Thorborg Andersen. Moderatorer: Anna Sandberg og Marianne Kirk, Engerom. Panelet vil diskutere oversættelse af tysk (og europæisk) kvalitetslitteratur og de unge oversætteres og de små forlags rolle i det danske udgivelseslandskab. Hvordan ser mikroforlagene selv deres opgave? Hvilken rolle spiller oversættelse som kulturformidling? Hvordan udvælges værker – både klassikere og nye udgivelser - til oversættelse? Hvordan er arbejdsprocessen fra antagelse over redaktion til udgivelse og lancering? Er de mange mikroforlag en dansk solstrålehistorie, eller er der risici og sårbarheder? Hvordan er forholdet mellem de små og store forlag? Hvilke forestillinger driver de mindre/nye forlæggere? Hvordan opleves det at være ung oversætter, og er det en profession, der kan anbefales sprogstuderende? Tid: Torsdag den 6. oktober 2022 kl 14-16. Sted: Københavns Universitet, Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Kbh. S, Lokale: 15A.2.13 Gratis og åbent for alle. Paneldiskussionen indgår også i Tysk Fredag. Oplæsning og samtale med forfatter Lena Gorelik Samtalen med Lena Gorelik modereres af Jessica Ortner, ph.d og lektor med speciale i jødisk immigrationslitteratur i Tyskland. For mere information se Goethe- Instituttets kalender. Tid: Torsdag den 6. oktober kl. 17.30-18.30 Sted: Goethe Instituttet. Frederiksborggade 1, 4. th, 1360 København K (Kultorvet) Gratis og åbent for alle. Oversættelsesworkshop og forfattermøde: Lena Gorelik Lena Gorelik, født i Sankt Petersborg i 1981, kom til Tyskland som såkaldt ”kontingentflygtning” i 1992 sammen med sin russisk-jødiske familie. Hendes første roman Meine weißen Nächte fra efteråret 2004 blev af Magazin bücher kaldt ""den bedste nye roman om Tyskland og en absolut fantastisk bog"". Gorelik har siden udgivet bøger, essays, reportager og modtaget en række litterære priser. I 2021 udkom hendes meget roste erindringsroman Wer wir sind. Også i forbindelse med Ruslands krig i Ukraine har Gorelik skrevet flere artikler om Rusland til de tyske dagblade. Deltagelse i oversættelsesworkshoppen kræver tilmelding senest fredag den 16. september 2022 til Marianne Kirk: rxj288@hum.ku.dk, som vil sende tekst til prøveoversættelse og yderligere information. Deadline for prøveoversættelse er den 19. september 2022. Tid: Fredag den 7. oktober kl. 9-18. Sted: Københavns Universitet, Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Kbh. S, Lokale: 4A.0.56 og 4A.0.68 Deltagelse inkl. forplejning er gratis, men kræver tilmelding og prøveoversættelse. Workshoppen vil delvist foregå på tysk. Program for oversættelsesworkshop og forfattermøde 9.00-9.30: Velkomst med kaffe og croissanter. Inddeling i grupper 9.30-10.00: Fælles læsning af tekstuddrag fra Lene Goreliks romaner Wer wir sind og Meine weißen Nächte med henblik på oversættelse (tilsendes ved tilmelding). 10.00-11.30: Forfattermøde: Lena Gorelik fortæller om baggrunden for de to romaner. Kreativ skrive- og oversættelsesøvelse om flersprogede tekster, kulturforskelle og (u)oversættelighed. 11.30-12.00: Pause med vand og frugt 12.00-13.30: Oversættelsesworkshop - session 1. Holdet deles i to grupper. Gruppe 1 arbejder med Nanna Lund om oversættelse af Wer wir sind og gruppe 2 med Søren Porsmose om Meine weißen Nächte. 13.30-14.30: Frokost 14.30-16.00: Oversættelsesworkshop - session 2. Grupperne bytter: Gruppe 2 arbejder med Nanna Lund om oversættelse af Wer wir sind og gruppe 1 med Søren Porsmose om Meine weißen Nächte. 16.00-16.30 Kaffe og kage 16.30-17.00: Nanna Lund og Søren Porsmose giver en kort individuel feedback på prøveoversættelsen 17.00-18.00: Fælles afrunding. Tak for denne gang og et glas vin " "PhD Meet&Greet";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2022-10-05";"13:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-56";"PhD event. All are welcome.";"PhD event. All are welcome. Programme 13:00 Martin Arndal Short introduction 13:10 Aisara Yessenova Writing strategies and practices of multilingual teenagers in Denmark 13:25 Yao Zhang Exploring Problem Sources of Disfluency in Second Language Production in Consecutive Interpreting 13:40 Shiyu Zhang The Lynching Ritual in William Faulkner's Light in August 13:55 Johanne Kirkeby ’Vi skal på floor I aften’ 14:10 Break 14:30 Dea Jespersen Do lower secondary school students perform better when writing in English with or without internet access? 14:45 Amanda Grimsbo Roswall Essays, Feminisms, Activisms 15:10 Kristian Olesen Toft Derrida Translating ‘Geschlect’ 15:35 Annika Milena Schimpff Language anxiety experienced by German and French heritage speakers in Denmark " "Crossdressing før og nu – København, Paris, Napoli";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2022-10-04";"16:15";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus,lokale 24.4.01";"Samtale om kønsidentitet, mode, litteratur, og sprog med Professor emeritus Ditlev Tamm";" Foto: Jonas Pryner for Uniavisen Semestret er skudt i gang, og det fejrer vi på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk ved at invitere til en samtale om kønsidentitet, mode, litteratur, og sprog med Professor emeritus Ditlev Tamm Ditlev Tamm, som også er kendt som professor på høje hæle fra DR’s programserie af samme navn, udgav i 2021 bogen Skabt som mand og kvinde (Gyldendal) om den franske præst, crossdresser og medlem af Det Franske Akademi, Abbé de Choisy (1644-1724). Med afsæt i bogen vil lektor Pia Schwarz Lausten styre samtalen. Efterfølgende inviterer instituttet på snack og et glas bobler. Alle er velkomne!" "Festival de Literatura Copenhague ";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk m.fl.";"2022-09-27";"";"2022-09-30";"";"Flere steder - se programmet";"Litteraturfestival med akademiske oplæg og oplæsninger af forfattere fra den spansk- og portugisisktalende verden.";"Fra 27. til 30 september finder den 10. udgave af Festival de Literatura Copenhague sted. Festivalen byder på en bred vifte af akademiske oplæg og oplæsninger af forfattere fra den spansk- og portugisisktalende verden. En række forskere fra Engerom deltager med oplæg. I år afholder vi desuden ”Tarde diplomática” med deltagelse fra alle de relevante ambassader, ligesom der vil være præsentation af bøger og specialer. Oplæggene er på dansk eller spansk. Alle er velkomne. Få mere information, og se programmet på festivalens hjemmeside. " "Inaugural lecture for Christian Benne and Lene Østermark-Johansen";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2022-09-09";"14:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Christian Benne: Thinking with texts. Literary studies and/as/of philosophy.Lene Østermark-Johansen: How to do things with words and images – a speculative approach.";" Thinking with texts. Literary studies and/as/of philosophy Christian Benne This lecture argues both historically and systematically for a closer relationship between literary studies and philosophy. It envisions literary philosophy as a major contribution to contemporary debates on the future and relevance of the humanities by highlighting its critical potential vis à vis disciplinary and conceptual boundaries. How to do things with words and images – a speculative approach Lene Østermark-Johansen Do images primarily unfold within space and literature within time, as the German philosopher G. E. Lessing (1729-1781) stated in his Laokoön (1766)? Or can the boundaries between the two be blurred, and what happens if we do so? This lecture argues for the great potential in a more flexible approach to the sister arts in both teaching and research and suggests that just as time and space are inseparable, so are word and image. After the presentations, a reception will be held in the 24.2 corridor" "Christian Benne, Kopenhagen: “Thinking with texts. Literary studies and/as/of philosophy"" (Tysk fredag)";"";"2022-09-09";"14:00";"";"16:00";"Lokale 23.0.49";"Christian Benne’s inaugural lecture as full professor of European Literature and Intellectual History at The University of Copenhagen argues both historically and systematically for a closer relationship between literary studies and philosophy.";"Christian Benne’s inaugural lecture as full professor of European Literature and Intellectual History (with a focus on German) at The University of Copenhagen argues both historically and systematically for a closer relationship between literary studies and philosophy. It envisions literary philosophy as a major contribution to contemporary debates on the future and relevance of the humanities by highlighting its critical potential vis à vis disciplinary and conceptual boundaries." "Aktivisme / feminisme: ”De gule veste”, fransk aktivisme og feministiske metoder";"FLiK (Forum for franske litteratur- og kulturstudier), Institut for Engelsk Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet";"2022-08-29";"16:00";"2022-08-29";"18:00";"Søndre campus, lokale 4a.0.68";"Hør Anne-Sofie Dichman (Statskundskab, KU) fortælle om sin forskning i ”De gule veste” og den sociale bevægelses politiske potentiale i Frankrig i dag.";"Kom og hør Anne-Sofie Dichman (ph.d.-studerende, Statskundskab, KU, bidragsyder til Dagbladet Information samt Frankrigskommentator ved bl.a. DR’s Orientering og Deadline) fortælle om sin forskning i ”De gule veste” og den sociale bevægelses politiske potentiale i Frankrig i dag. I efteråret 2018 gik aktivister på gaden i Frankrig for at protestere mod en planlagt stigning i priser på brændstof. Siden har les gilets jaunes (De gule veste), som bevægelsen sidenhen blev kendt som, fyldt meget i det politiske landskab i Frankrig og tiltrukket sig opmærksomhed fra hele verden. Bevægelsen står i opposition til ikke blot regeringen og den franske præsident, Emmanuel Macron, som de ser som repræsentant for en velbjerget fransk elite. De står også i opposition til det repræsentative demokrati mere generelt, hvilket de historisk lave valgdeltagelser ved de seneste franske valg er symptom på. De gule veste kæmper for et deltagerdemokrati med decentralisering af magten og borgerinddragelse. Ifølge dem er det den bedste måde, hvorpå Frankrig kan blive et grønt land med social retfærdighed. Anne-Sofie Dichmans oplæg vil blive efterfulgt af en samtale (medieret af Amanda Grimsbo Roswall, ph.d.-studerende, Engerom, KU) om den feministiske teori, der ligger bag Dichmans forskning, og hvordan hun anvender den i praksis, når hun følger en gruppe kvinder fra ”De gule veste” i deres demokratiske engagement. Derefter vil der være mulighed for at stille spørgsmål til Dichmans forskning og til emnerne berørt i samtalen, herunder ”De gule veste”, aktivisme i Frankrig og feministisk teori og metode i samfundsvidenskaberne og humaniora. Efter arrangementet vil gæsterne blive budt på et glas bobler eller appelsinjuice.Arrangementet er åbent for alle. Alle henvendelser angående arrangementet kan rettes til Amanda Grimsbo Roswall (agro@hum.ku.dk)." "The myth of the Secret Germanies";"Carlotta Santini (Marie Curie Fellow University of Copenhagen, CNRS/ENS) Christian Benne (University of Copenhagen)";"2022-06-09";"";"2022-06-11";"";"South Campus, room 4A-1-46 & Nørregade 10, Udvalgsværelse 3";"Diffusion conference sponsored by the University of Copenhagen, the laboratory Pays Germaniques of the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris and the European Commission.";"Diffusion conference sponsored by the University of Copenhagen, the laboratory Pays Germaniques of the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris and the European Commission. Programme Thursday 9 June South Campus, room 4A-1-46 14:15 Conference opening / Greetings Chair: Christian Benne (University of Copenhagen) 14:30 Carlotta Santini (CNRS-ENS/University of Copenhagen) The myth of the Secret Germanies/Der Mythos des Geheimen Deutschland 15:20 Paul Fleming (Cornell University) The Latent and the Manifest: ‘Secret Germany’ in German (Mytho) Poetics 16:10 Coffee break Chair: Daniel Weidner (Universität Halle) 16:30 George S. Williamson (Florida State University) Early Romanticism and the Idea of Secret Germany 17:20 Christian Benne (University of Copenhagen) Lessings 'Geheimnis' Friday 10 June South Campus, room 4A-1-46 Chair: Glenn W. Most (Chicago University/Max Planck Institute, Berlin) 09:00 Alexander Knopf (University of Copenhagen) Work on The picture of Frederick II from Romanticism to the Third Reich 09:50 Enno Rudolph (Luzern) Das Geheimnis und die Nation. Zur Aktualität von Ernst Kantorowicz 10:40 Coffee break Chair: Carlotta Santini (CNRS-ENS/University of Copenhagen) 11:00 Daniel Weidner (Halle) Underground, Ark, and Hidden Tradition. The Poetics of a Secret German Judaism 11:50 Bruno Karsenti (EHESS, Paris) German denationalization and Jewish tradition. A reading of Scholem 12:40 Lunch break Chair: Alexander Knopf (University of Copenhagen) 14:30 Charles Lock (University of Copenhagen) Emigrating toward inwardness: reflections on Amery, Celan, Adler 15:20 Gianluca Solla (Verona) „Denn Bleiben ist nirgends“: wie kann man seine Epoche herausfordern? 16:10 Coffee break Chair: Glenn W. Most (Chicago University / Max Planck Institute, Berlin) 16:30 Barbara Picht (Viadrina, Frankfurt) Bildungsutopien im Vergleich: Das Geheime Deutschland, ‚Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter‘ und das ‚Nachleben der Antike' 17:20 Antje Wessels (Leiden) Aufgabe des Vergleichs. Uroffenbarung und mystisches Schweigen bei Walter F. Otto Saturday 11 June Nørregade 10, Udvalgsværelse 3 Chair: Carlotta Santini (CNRS-ENS/University of Copenhagen) 09:00 Esther Oluffa Pedersen (Roskilde) Are Artificial Myths a Modern Invention? An Examination into Ernst Cassirer’s Ideas in The Myth of the State 09:50 Luca Crescenzi (Università di Trento/Istituto italiano di Studi Germanici) Thomas Manns „höheres Deutschtum“ 10:40 Coffee break Chair: Christian Benne (University of Copenhagen) 11:00 Gerard Raulet (Sorbonne) Kleine Geheimnisse und heimliche Strategien. Philologische Kämpfe um Hölderlins 'geheimes Deutschland' 11:50 Robert Norton (Notre Dame) Secret Germany. Stefan George and His Circle: Twenty Years Later Sponsors The conference is sponsored by the University of Copenhagen, the laboratory Pays Germaniques of the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris and the European Commission. " "The politics of clinic and critique in Southern Brazil";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Ana Antic";"2022-06-03";"15:00";"";"17:00";"South Campus, room 4A-0-69";"Talk by Associate Professor Dominique P. Béhague, Department of Medicine, Health, and Society, Vanderbilt University, Nashville (USA) & Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, King’s College London, London (UK).";"Talk by Associate Professor Dominique P. Béhague, Department of Medicine, Health, and Society, Vanderbilt University, Nashville (USA) & Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, King’s College London, London (UK). Abstract To what extent can experiments in “psychiatric reform” open a space for the dismantling of enduring structures of inequity and oppression? What assumptions about “the social” do those participating in psychiatric reform often make? How do these assumptions limit possibilities for “social change”? I explore these questions by drawing on a historical ethnography of how Brazil’s psychiatric reforms shaped young people’s lives beginning in the 1990s, following the end of the country’s 20 year-long military dictatorships. Reformists were inspired by psychoanalysis, Marxist-inspired social medicine, radical anti-psychiatry writers, and Foucauldian theories of governmentality. The ideals of psychiatric reform were not merely aspirational. Though a minority, some young users of therapy co-created – together, and sometimes in tension with clinicians, teachers, and parents – the politicising clinic: a space that challenged the imperative for a “cure,” stretched definitions of “care,” and encouraged engagement with social injustice and political oppression. Fast forward to 2022 and all traces of the politicizing clinic have seemingly vanished. Dominating the Brazilian landscape today one finds a proliferation of diagnoses – attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, anxiety, and depression – that indicate bio-neuro developmental dysfunction and the need for targeted, often pharmacological, treatments. I theorise this history by exploring, ethnographically, how different kinds of “critique” and “reflexivity” were enacted, arranged, and normalised in the clinic and the everyday, by clinicians and young people. Building on Eve Sedgwick’s analysis of the hermeneutics of suspicion, my argument is that narrow applications of “critique” nurtured weak forms of resistance to bio-reductionism. To unsettle this hermeneutic, I put my young interlocutors’ theories of power into conversation with Georges Canguilhem’s concept of the milieu and with feminist writings on prefigurative politics and decolonial pedagogies. Attention to the ways young people interacted with systems of oppression from the vantage point of an imagined not-yet, creating what I conceptualise as unthreading affective politics, shows how the politicizing clinic is in existence today and might yet still flourish." "The Legacy of the Past in Brexit Britain";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Faculty of Humanities";"2022-06-03";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 21.0.54";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Tóra Djurhuus.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Tóra Djurhuus. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Peter Leese, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Mark Eaton (Aarhus University) Professor Elizabeth Buettner (University of Amsterdam) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Robert Rix (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6. Abstract “Although the British Empire came to a rapid conclusion in the decades following the Second World War, the memory of empire has continued to influence ideas of national identity and purpose and has certainly also shaped Britain’s approach to European cooperation. This thesis brings together ideas from memory studies and British Euroscepticism, as it examines how the cultural memory of empire has been used in political and cultural debates in Britain to create a narrative of national identity, especially in relation to the European Union, and, in turn, what this means for Britain’s ability to carve out a future role for itself outside the EU. In terms of memory theory, I rely on the terms ‘pre’ and ‘remediation’ which describe the process through which cultural memory is generated, maintained, and, yet, constantly reconstructed according to contemporary times and challenges. The thesis takes its point of departure in written material produced by key political players in the Eurosceptic/Brexit debate such as Boris Johnson and Daniel Hannan and texts from the editorial and comment sections of the Daily Telegraph, the Sunday Telegraph, and the Daily Mail. Based on an analysis of recurring tropes in the primary source material (from 1995-2017), my argument is twofold: Firstly, I argue that references to the British Empire were common in the debate on Europe in the early 1960s, yet that these disappeared following the 1975 referendum, only to be resurrected – in a completely different and reimagined form – in the immediate years leading up to the Brexit referendum. Secondly, I argue that pro-Brexit actors mobilised the cultural memory of empire when making their respective arguments against membership of the European Union. Yet this mobilisation occurred in coded form. In other words, what I refer to as the ‘imperial dimension’ of British Eurosceptic rhetoric manifested itself largely in the way in which Eurosceptics talked about Britain’s global connections and free trade. In this sense, in British Eurosceptic debate, ‘the imperial dimension’ functioned as a readymade rhetorical resource through which an alternative, better future for Britain outside the EU could be articulated”." "Schelling and the Danes - the Danes and Schelling";"Prof. Dr. Christian Benne & Dr. Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen in collaboration with the International Schelling Society and the Søren Kierkegaard Society";"2022-06-01";"";"2022-06-03";"";"South Campus, room 22.0.47";"Seminar.";" Seminar. Programme Wednesday 1 June 14:00 Dalia Nassar & Kristin Gjesdal (Editors). Professor Dalia Nassar, Dr Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen & Dr Cæcilie Varslev-Pedersen Book panel (English): Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century: The German Tradition (Oxford University Press 2021) 16:00 Registration and coffee 16:30 Welcome 17:00 Prof. Lore Hühn The Evil in Nature? Schelling and the European Debate on the Philosophy of Nature 18:30 Reception Thursday 2 June Natural Philosophy and Natural Science: Schelling, Sibbern, Steffens and H.C. Ørsted 10:00 Dr Jesper L. Rasmussen Schelling's natural philosophy in the context of her Danish reception at Steffens and H.C. Ørsted 11:00 Prof. Peter Wolsing Sibbern's speculative cosmology with a view to Schelling's natural philosophy 12:00 Lunch break Poetry and narration: Schelling and H.C. Andersen 14:00 Dr Christoph Binkelmann The romantic relationship between nature and the spirit world. Schelling's theory of the novel with a view to Andersen's improviser 15:00 Coffee break The sculptural art: Schelling and Thorvaldsen 15:30 Dr Margrethe Floryan ""A Pillar of Image Can Embrace Me"": Aesthetic-Liturgical Considerations on Thorvaldsen's Christ Statue. According to Herder and Kierkegaard 16:30 Prof. Tanehisa Otabe About the Beginnings of Art. To Schelling's theory of sculptural art Friday 3 June Struggle over God and the world: Schelling, Jacobi, Grundtvig and H.C. Ørsted 10:00 Prof. Dr Christian Danz About dead dogs, ghosts and nothing. Schelling and Jacobi in the dispute over God 11:00 Mag.art. Kristoffer Garne The Danish ""Pantheism Struggle""? The debate between H.C. Ørsted and N.F.S. Grundtvig 12:00 Lunch break The Reality: Schelling and Kierkegaard 13:30 Prof. Dr Marcela García Reality in Schelling's Late Philosophy 14:30 Prof. Dr Philipp Schwab What is actuality? Schelling’s Impact on Kierkegaard 15:30 Coffee break 16:00 Prof. Dr Anders Moe Rasmussen The Schelling-Jacobi Debate as a Precursor of Kierkegaard’s Critique of Schelling’s Late Philosophy Reception and Transformation: Schelling in Romantic Contexts 17:00 Prof. Dr Dalia Nassar From Biology to Ecology. Schelling and Romantic Organicism " "Being Muslim, Becoming Citizen: Religious Identity negotiations among Muslim Immigrants in Mexico";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Faculty of Humanities";"2022-05-30";"09:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 24.0.07";"Pre-defence of PhD Thesis by Nik Hasif.";"Pre-defence of PhD Thesis by Nik Hasif. Assessment Committee Dr Ken Chitwood (University of Southern California). Supervisor Associate Professor Georg Walter Wink (University of Copenhagen)" "Se moquer de la philosophie";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Forum for Franske Litteratur- og Kulturstudier (FLiK) / Anna Cornelia Ploug og Kristian Olesen Toft";"2022-05-25";"12:30";"";"18:45";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-0-13";"Forårsseminar med korte oplæg om dansk forskning i fransk filosofi.";" Fransk filosofi og dens problemer Forårsseminar med korte oplæg om dansk forskning i fransk filosofi. Oplæg på dansk. 12.30-14.15 Lilian Munk Rösing: Images malgré tout – Tænkning er montage. Om en pointe hos Georges Didi-Huberman Martin Fog Lantz Arndal: C’est dans ce que je sens en moi que je vois au-dehors – Étienne Bonnet de Condillac og berøringens kunst Kristian Olesen Toft: S’il y a lieu de traduire – Jacques Derridas khora 14.45-16.45 Anna Cornelia Ploug: Il n’y a pas de problème nu – Jean Hyppolite og filosofiens logik Bjarke Mørkøre Stigel Hansen: La philosophie hante le monde – Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe og spørgsmålet: Hvad er filosofi? Amanda Grimsbo Roswall: Lumineuses, nous. Sans une, ni deux – Luce Irigaray og kollektivitet Søren Gosvig Olesen: Il n’existe pas de mécanique pensante – Alain og traditionen for undervisning i fransk filosofi 17.15-18.45 Anne Sejten: Le monde est toujours « déjà là » avant la réflexion – Maurice Merleau-Ponty og da fransk filosofi gik æstetikkens vej Troels Krarup: A = A? – Metode mellem tænkningens og jordlagenes arkæologi Adam Diderichsen: Sort forfatter, hvid oversætter – Lidt om tiden og kontekstens betydning for det at oversætte Frantz Fanon " "Book Talk Event";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2022-05-24";"14:00";"";"15:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 23.3.46A";"Kom med til en hyggelige eftermiddag med fokus på amerikansk litteratur, hvor tre forfattere vil fortælle om deres nyeste udgivelser.";"Kom med til en hyggelige eftermiddag med fokus på amerikansk litteratur, hvor tre forfattere vil fortælle om deres nyeste udgivelser. De tre forfattere er: Sarah Gleeson-White - Associate Professor of English på University of Sydney.Sarah vil fortælle om The New William Faulkner Studies, som hun er redaktør på. Derudover har Sarah udgivet bøger som Twentieth Century-Fox: The Annotated Screenplays (2017) og Strange Bodies: Gender and Identity in the Novels of Carson McCullers ( 2003). Hun interesserer sig for amerikansk og afrikansk amerikansk litteratur og film fra 1900-1950 og er senest begyndt på en bog ved navn Literature in Motion: Film and the Formations of U.S. Literary Culture, 1890s-1930s. Michael Bibler – Associate Professor of English på Louisiana State University.Michael vil fortælle om hans aktuelle bogprojekt: The Queerness of Things Just as They Are.Bogen udforsker queer litteratur, kunst, musik og skæve performances og rummer diskussioner af John Waters, The B-52s, Truman Capote, RuPaul, Nick Cave og en serie af komedie film om det provinsielle Texas. Sharon Monteith – Distinguished Professor of American Literature and Cultural History på Nottingham Trent University.Sharon er netop i gang med at færdiggøre hendes bog The Civil Rights Movement’s Literary Histories og vil fortælle om SNCC – the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commitee (studenternes koordinerede ikke-volds-komité) på baggrund af hendes nyeste udgivelse SNCC’s Stories: The African American Freedom Movement in the Civil Rights South. Bogen har netop vundet The American Studies Network Book Prize. Der serveres kaffe, kolde drikke og frugt med mulighed for at snakke med forfatterne og høre mere om deres bøger. " "Where the New World Is – Literature about the U.S. South at Global Scales";"Faculty of Humanities";"2022-05-23";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Doctoral defence by Martyn Bone.";"Doctoral defence by Martyn Bone. Official opponents Sharon Monteith, distinguished Professor of American Literature and Cultural History (Nottingham Trent University) Michael Bibler, Associate Professor of English (Louisiana State University) Chair of the defence Dean, Professor Kirsten Busch Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) The defence is open to the public and will be conducted in English. The dissertation can be obtained from Where the New World Is (ugapress.org) at a total cost of $64.95 Opponents ex Auditorio may sign up at the Chair of the defence." "The future of reading in Scandinavia";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / The research project Lockdown Reading";"2022-05-20";"";"";"";"South Campus, room 4A-1-68";"Workshop with five roundtables.";"Reading is a hot question in language, arts, and cultural studies departments all over the world. In understanding reading as a key human activity, how should we approach it academically? For who is reading important? What does reading mean in terms of socialization and cultural transfer of ideas? How does reading change, historically and with new technological advances, and what is the status of reading today? How do we conceive of the relation between the literary scholar’s own reading of a text and the ways literature is being read and used in other settings? Is there a distinctive Scandinavian perspective on reading? At the Department of English, Germanic, and Romance Studies at the University of Copenhagen, the research project Lockdown Reading has taken on these questions in the event of the global Covid-19 pandemic. Now we want to invite scholars from all over Scandinavia to contemplate where this discussion is going in the future. With this workshop, we make it possible for researchers who work with questions about reading in various ways to meet and exchange ideas. We wish to establish a forum, where researchers who do not cross paths on a day-to-day basis can engage in a common discussion across universities in Scandinavia. The program is shaped around five round table discussions and collective reading of a text chosen by the organizers. The workshop is open to everyone, and you are more than welcome to attend just part of the program. Programme 09:30 Arrival 10:00 Welcome 10:10 Roundtable 1: How do digital platforms and digital life influence reading ingeneral and/or methodologically? 11:00 Break 11:10 Roundtable 2: How does reading shape thought, and/or what effects candeep/absorbed reading bring the reader? 12:00 Lunch 13:10 Roundtable 3: What is the role of reading in everyday life, and/or how canreading be studied as an everyday or lay activity? 14:00 Break 14:15 Roundtable 4: How is reading involved in the making of a text, and/or whatwould it mean to do a just reading of a text? 14:55 Break 15:15 Roundtable 5: How is reading related to its performance and setting, and/orwhat are the implications of reading in the social? 15:55 Break 16:10 The Future of Reading? Collective reading: ‘Human and Machine Cultures of Reading: A Cognitive-Assemblage Approach’ by Katherine Hayles 16:50 Concluding remarks 17:00 Break 18:30 Dinner for roundtable participants, Pirlo, Strandlodsvej 42a, 2300 Copenhagen S Participants Roundtable 1 Sara Tanderup Linkis, Lund University Jens Bjerring-Hansen, University of Copenhagen Mathies Græsborg Aarhus, University of Southern Denmark Anne Mangen, University of Stavanger Roundtable 2 Kristiane Hauer, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University Christina Lupton, University of Copenhagen Juan Toro, University of Southern Denmark Christian Benne and Irina Hron, Zoom connection from Vienna Roundtable 3 Gitte Balling, University of Copenhagen Ben Davies, University of Portsmouth Tobias Skiveren, Aarhus University Line Dalsgård, Aarhus University Roundtable 4 Stefanie Heine, University of Copenhagen Stefan Kjerkegaard, Aarhus University Maria Damkjær, University of Copenhagen Roundtable 5 Louise Mønster, Aalborg University Mette Steenberg, Aarhus University Solveig Daugaard, University of Copenhagen Organizers Johanne Gormsen Schmidt, University of Copenhagen Amanda Grimsbo Roswall, University of Copenhagen Registration Please write to the organizers Johanne Gormsen Schmidt or Amanda Grimsbo Roswall if you would like to attend. If you have any questions or comments about the workshop, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by sending an email to the organizers. Text for collective reading Katherine Hayles: “Human and Machine Cultures Reading: A Cognitive-Assemblage Approach,” PMLA 133.5 (2018), pp. 1225-1242." "ENGEROM-forskernetværk om emner inden for humanistisk klimaforskning får besøg af professor Katherine Richardson";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2022-05-18";"15:00";"";"16:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.2.62 ";"ENGEROM-forskernetværk om emner inden for humanistisk klimaforskning får besøg af professor Katherine Richardson.";"ENGEROM-forskernetværk om emner inden for humanistisk klimaforskning får besøg af professor Katherine Richardson. Katherine Richardson er leder af Sustainability Science Center, som er det center på KU, der I længst tid har arbejdet tværfagligt med sustainability, og som har en styregruppe med medlemmer fra alle fakulteter. Her fra HUM er det Dorthe Gert Simonsen og Nina Toudal Jessen, der er medlemmer. Sustainability Science Center, som har dette formål: ”The purpose of the Sustainability Science Centre is to catalyse, facilitate and coordinate research and educational initiatives at the University of Copenhagen in order to address issues relevant to the sustainable development of society.”, link: https://sustainability.ku.dk/about/ Vi vil få mulighed for at høre om Katherines erfaringer med brede samarbejder og til at drøfte de idéer, som vi har her på instituttet. Alle er velkomne." "CANCELLED: Danish accent in two different L2's";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / ”Norm, Variation, Language Change”";"2022-05-16";"15:15";"";"17:00";"";"CANCELLED: Presentation by Pernille Berg Johnsson and Lars Behnke.";"CANCELLED: Observations on the phonetics of Danish learners' L2 French and L2 German Presentation by Pernille Berg Johnsson and Lars Behnke. The event has been postponed. A new date will be announced later." "AFLYST: Tysk torsdag - Sonic Meditations & der Amen Break:";" Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk";"2022-05-12";"15:00";"";"17:00";"TBA";"AFLYST: Vorlesung von Holger Schulze (Universität Kopenhagen).";"AFLYST: Eine Reise in historische, methodische und literarische Aspekte des Hörens und der Klänge Vorlesung von Holger Schulze (Universität Kopenhagen)." "Moderniteten er fossil. Om humanistisk klimaforskning";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Pia Schwarz Lausten";"2022-05-11";"15:15";"";"16:30";"Søndre Campus, lokale 21.1.21";"Foredrag af professor emerita Lene Koch.";"Foredrag af professor emerita Lene Koch. Miljøhumaniora handler om alt det der er på spil for vores forståelse af menneskelig handlen og menneskeligt ansvar, når mennesker bliver geologiske aktører og vores historiske tidsskala bliver viklet ind i geologiske epoker. Med erkendelsen af, at den moderne kultur er uløseligt forbundet med et voldsomt forbrug af fossile brændstoffer, har mange forskere peget på, at det antropocæne perspektiv vil kunne ændre humanvidenskabernes vurdering af det moderne samfunds grundlag og grundbegreber som fx modernitet, frihed og globalisering. Grundlæggende kulturelle forestillinger om det moderne som et fremskridt i forhold til det traditionelle, om det sekulære som et fremskridt bort fra det religiøse, om individets selvfølgelige forrang frem for kollektivet er under omvurdering. Det kan føre til en radikal omvurdering af basale kulturelle og politiske værdier som menneskeværd, frihed, vækst og fremskridt. Oplægget diskuterer disse aspekter og fremhæver de fagområder indenfor miljøhumaniora, der udfordrer grundforestillinger om homo sapiens’ prærogativer frem for andre af planetens livsformer." "Becoming a multilingual health professional in vocational education – two adult migrants’ translanguaging trajectories";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2022-05-11";"14:00";"";"15:30";"South Campus, room 24.1.07";"Lecture by Maiju Strömmer, Jyväskylä (Finland).";"Lecture by Maiju Strömmer, Jyväskylä (Finland). Abstract In Finland, the amount of migrant students in vocational education is increasing. Their educational backgrounds, language repertoires and prior knowledge are diverse, and research is needed to gain understanding on how their prior knowledge and multilingual resources could be acknowledged, supported and deployed for field-specific (language) learning. To contribute to this effort, we draw on theoretical approaches of translanguaging and language architecture (García & Kleyn 2016; Li 2018; Flores 2020). Both concepts challenge the rigid boundaries between different languages and dismantle the hierarchies between the academic language and learners’ existing language resources. Thus, the concepts promote the integration of student’s multilingual resources in the content studies. This ethnographic study focuses on two multilingual students studying the vocational qualification in social and health care. Small stories analysis (Georgakopoulou 2015) is applied to analyse their translanguaging trajectories while becoming multilingual health professionals. The data consists of ethnographic observations, interviews, and audio-recorded interactions conducted in the nursing programme in vocational education. The official language of instruction is Finnish, but the students are encouraged to integrate their multilingual resources for their vocational development. The analysis illustrates how translanguaging not only deepens the multilingual students’ understanding of field-specific content but also enables them to strategically use and strengthen their multilingual resources and become independent Finnish language users. The study is part of a research project “Building Blocks: Developing second language resources for working life” (University of Jyväskylä, PI: professor Minna Suni, funded by Academy of Finland). This interdisciplinary project explores the Finnish language resources needed and developed by adult immigrants whose aim is to get employed in their own field in Finland. References Flores, N. 2020. From academic language to language architecture: Challenging raciolinguistic ideologies in research and practice. Theory Into Practice, 59:1, 22-31. García, O. & Kleyn, T. 2016. Translanguaging theory in education. In García & Kleyn (Eds.) Translanguaging with multilingual students: learning from classroom moments. New York, London: Routledge, pp. 9-33. Georgakopoulou, A. 2015. Small Stories Research: Methods – analysis – outreach. In A. De Fina & A. Georgakopoulou (Eds.), The Handbook of Narrative Analysis. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 255-271. Li, W. 2018. Translanguaging as a Practical Theory of Language. Applied Linguistics, 39 (1), 9-30. " "Efter valget: Hvad nu, Frankrig?";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2022-05-06";"16:00";"";"18:00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Frankrigs næste præsident er fundet. Men hvordan kommer Nationalforsamlingen til at se ud? Og hvilket flertal vil den nye præsident regere med?";"Frankrigs næste præsident er fundet. Men hvordan kommer Nationalforsamlingen til at se ud? Og hvilket flertal vil den nye præsident regere med? Det er omdrejningspunktet for paneldebatten om det franske præsident- og parlamentsvalg. Her vil paneldeltagere analysere valgresultatet og diskutere, hvilke faktorer der kan blive udslagsgivende for en fremtidig Nationalforsamling, og hvilken betydning det får for Frankrig og Europa. I panelet er: Mads Christoffersen, sociolog og forfatter til ”De Gule Veste har Ordet”. Florence Villesèche, lektor på CBS Karin Mørch, journalist på DR Jørn Boisen, lektor på KU Der vil blive serveret en lille forfriskning til arrangementet. Alle interesserede er velkomne. Der er ingen tilmeldingsfrist. Man møder bare op." "AFLYST: Tysk torsdag – Karrieremuligheder med tysk";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk i samarbejde med i samarbejde med Tysk Alumneforening";"2022-05-05";"15:00";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"AFLYST: Kandidater fortæller om deres professioner og vej til nuværende job i forlagsverdenen, Det tyske Handelskammer og gymnasieskolen.";"Arrangementet er aflyst. Arrangementet indgår i temarækken Tysk torsdag - Nye perspektiver på tysk kultur og samfund." "Conversations on Iberian Studies: Challenges and Opportunities (#CISCO)";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Ana Vera & Sacramento Roselló-Martínez";"2022-05-05";"";"2022-05-06";"";"South Campus, room 4A-0-56 and live stream on Zoom, Meeting ID: 613 4102 6377, Passcode: 143461";"Two-day international conference.";"The conference seeks to contribute to the current debate on Iberian Studies, an epistemological, academic, and institutional field that takes the Iberian Peninsula as interconnected, multilingual cultural and literary systems (e.g. Resina 2009; Isasi & Fernandes 2013; Gimeno Ugalde 2017; Solà & Pinheiro 2020). The global development of Iberian Studies as a field of inquiry challenges national and monolingual traditions and offers a pathway to the future of research and teaching in modern languages. The contributions to this two-day conference present the work of International and Nordic scholars and encourage us to think innovatively about the challenges and opportunities that Iberian Studies presents for the humanities in Denmark. Conference Programme Thursday, 5 May 09:00 Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen, Head of the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (UCPH) Welcome Irune Arratibel Irulegui, Consejera de Educación de España (Embajada de España) Welcome by the organizers Opening Session: Welcome 09:30 Keynote speaker: Esther Gimeno Ugalde (University of Vienna)Chair: Ana Vera Mapping Iberian Studies: origins, potential and challenges 10:30 Coffee Break 10:45 Panel 1: Iberian and Transatlantic studies Robert Patrick Newcomb (UCDavis – on Zoom) Elective Affinities: Iberian, Luso-Hispanic, and Transatlantic Studies as Modes of Comparison Yarí Pérez Marín (University of Durham) Literary studies and the history of science in current appraisals of early modern Iberian contexts Santiago Perez Isasi (University of Lisbon) Some recent disciplinary crossings in current (literary) Iberian Studies: Digital Humanities, Gender Studies, translation studies Mario Santana (University of Chicago) Is there a place for Iberian Studies? Chair: Tina Lupton 12:45 Lunch Break 14:00 Panel 2: Media, Film and Iberian studies Sally Faulkner (University of Exeter) Spain’s first Feminist Films: Feminism and Francoism, Margarita y el lobo (Bartolomé, 1969) Santiago Fouz-Hernández (Durham University) Asking for the moon? Re-thinking Iberia through Bigas Luna’s La teta y la luna thirty years later Iván Villarmea (University of Coimbra) Prefiguring life beyond all crises: participatory strategies of self-representation in contemporary Iberian documentary fiction Chair: Ana Vera 15:15 Coffee Break 15:30 Panel 3: Politics, International Relations and Iberian Studies José Magone (Berlin School of Economics and Law – on Zoom) Portugal and Spain in a changing European Union. The pitfalls of Southern European capitalism in a turbulent world Lea Heyne (ICS – University of Lisbon – on Zoom) A new Iberian exceptionalism? Comparing the populist radical right electorate in Portugal and Spain Lasse Thomassen (Queen Mary University of London) What comes after Populism? From Podemos through Unidas Podemos to the Broad Front Moderator: Morten Heiberg 16:45 Coffee Break 17:00 Panel 4: Research Projects, Digital Humanities and Initiatives in Iberian Studies Sally Faulkner Invisibles e Insumisas: Leading Women in Portuguese and Spanish Cinema and Television 1970-1980 (AHRC) Diana Pelaz Flores MUNARQAS: Mujeres en las Monarquías Ibéricas (Spain/EU) Diana González Martin (on Zoom) TransMigrArts (Horizon Europe 2020) 18:30 Presentation of Pleibéricos and other initiatives within Iberian Studies 20:00 Conference Dinner Friday, 6 May 09:00 Panel 5: Medieval Iberian cultures Rosa Rodriguez Porto (University of Santiago de Compostela) The contested territory of Iberian medieval art (on Zoom) Kim Bergqvist (University of Stockholm) Locating Iberia within Medieval Europe and in the World: the relationship of Iberian Studies to the disciplines of medieval history and literature Diana Pelaz Flores (University of Santiago de Compostela) Medieval Iberian Queenship from a Comparative Perspective: the MUNARQAS project Chair: Sacramento Roselló-Martínez 10:15 Coffee Break 10:30 Panel 6: Mutilingual Iberian Literatures Angela Fernandes (University of Lisbon) Bringing together the “Siglo de Oro” and contemporary authors: Spanish literature in Portuguese translation since 1975 Katiuscia Darici (University of Turin) Displacements. Hybrid identities in the Iberian Literatures Christian Claesson (University of Lund) Comparative Spain Chair: Katrine Helene Anderson 12:00 Lunch Break 13:00 Panel 7: Las materias de español y portugués en los sistemas educativos noruego, sueco y danés Berit Grønn (Høgskolen i Østfold, Norway) La situación del español y el portugués como lengua extranjera en la formación reglada noruega Rakel Österberg (Stockholms Universitet, Sverige) La situación actual del español como lengua extranjera en Suecia: posibilidades y desafíos Natalia Morollón Martí (Københavns Universitet, Danmark) El español como lengua extranjera en Dinamarca Chair: Nieves Hernández-Flores (tbc) 14:15 Coffee Break 14:30 Panel 8: Cultural history, memory and Iberian Studies Joana Duyster Borreda (University of Copenhagen) The Nation-State, Catalonia and international commemorations 1880-1925 Teresa Pinheiro (University of Chemnitz) Iberian Transitional Memories – Decentralizing the Nation-State Juan Carlos Cruz Suárez (University of Stockholm) Memory and Iberian Studies. Contradictions between Politics and Culture Chair: Carl-Henrik Bjerstrom 16:00 Coffee Break 16:15 Keynote speaker: Antonio Sáez Delgado (University of Évora) Españolizar el mundo”: apropiaciones literarias y tensiones ideológicas entre España y Portugal a principios del siglo XX Chair: Sacramento Roselló-Martínez 17:30 Concluding remarks and Farewell 18:45 Cultural Activity Screening of Jamón, Jamón, Bigas Luna at the Danish Film Institut with presentation by Santiago Fouz-Hernández. Read more Sponsors " "Mixed-methods in the study of language learning strategies of bilingual students in Denmark";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / ”Norm, Variation, Language Change”";"2022-05-03";"15:15";"";"17:00";"South Campus, room 24.4.07";"Presentation by Aisara Yessenova.";"Presentation by Aisara Yessenova. Abstract Currently, the focus in second language acquisition research is shifting from teaching methods to concerns with learner agency and language learning strategies (Hajar, 2019). Strategies reinforce learning and refer to “actions chosen by learners to learn or regulate the learning of the language” (Griffiths, 2015, p. 476). Although the strategy research has been flourishing since the seminal publication on good language learners (Rubin, 1975), there is a need for more novel research methods. In this vein, my presentation is aligned with rethinking methods in strategy research that had been predominantly quantitative. Specifically, I will discuss methodological choices underpinning my mixed-methods PhD project on language learning strategies among multilingual learners in Danish public schools. I will share my considerations on incorporating learner-centred methods and balancing “insider-outsider” perspectives of being a language educator and a Danish learner myself. I will draw on my proposed methodology as well as previous research worldwide. References Hajar, A. (2019). International Students' Challenges, Strategies and Future Vision: A sociodynamic perspective. Multilingual Matters. Griffiths, C. (2015). What have we learnt from good language learners? ELTJ, 69(4), 425– 433. doi:10.1093/elt/ccv040. Rubin, J. (1975). What the ""Good language learner"" can teach us. TESOL Quarterly, 9(1), 41-51. doi: 10.2307/3586011" "Mnemonic Migration – Transcultural Transmissions, Translations and Circulations of Memory Across and Into Contemporary";"See information at the bottom left";"2022-04-27";"";"2022-04-29";"";"South Campus, rooms 15A-0-13 (27 and 29 April) and 11C-0-08 (28 April)";"This conference aims to explore how memory travels through the aesthetic medium of literature and are translated into new local communities of remembering.";"Transcultural transmission, translation and circulation of memory across and into contemporary Europe This conference aims to explore how memory travels through the aesthetic medium of literature and are translated into new local communities of remembering. The conference concentrates on the travelling of memories (Erll 2011) within or into the cultural, geographical and symbolic boundaries of Europe, perhaps fostering new knowledge and attention to events that are otherwise marginalized in a Westernized perspective on the European past and identity. Programme Wednesday, 27 April 14:00-14:15 Opening 14:15-16:15 Panel 1 Memory, Migration, Materiality 16:15-16:45 Break 16:45-18:15 Panel 2 Reader Positions and Mnemonic Migration Thursday, 28 April 09:30-11:30 Panel 3 Representation and Circulation of Bosnian War Memories 11:30-12:00 Break 12:00-13:00 Keynote 1 (Astrid Erll) Deep Histories of Mnemonic Migration: An Odyssey 13:00-14:00 Lunch 14:00-16:00 Panel 4 Multidirectional Memory, Connection, Remediation 16:00-16:30 Break 16:30-18:30 Panel 5 Post-Socialist Memory in New Contexts 19:00 Conference dinner Friday, 29 April 09:30-11:30 Panel 6 Translation and Circulation 11:30-12:00 Break 12:00-13:00 Keynote 2 (Rebecca Walkowitz) Additional Languages: The Translated Fiction of Lahiri and Luiselli 13:00-14:00 Lunch 14:00-16:00 Panel 7 Iceland-Ireland: Memory, Literature, Culture on the Atlantic Periphery 16:00-17:00 Closing round table Panels Panel 1: Memory, Migration, Materiality Chair: Eneken Laanes Asmaa Hassaneen: From Royal Copenhagen to Kitsch Coffee Cups Wealth and Poverty in the Travelling Memories of Palestinian Immigrants in Selected Texts and Interviews John Greaney: Samuel Beckett: Mnemonic Migration, and the Location of Cultural Memory Thomas van de Putte: From Travelling to Travelled Memory Hanna Meretoja: Past Worlds as Spaces of Possibility: Agency and its Limits in Jenny Erpenbeck’s Heimsuchung (Visitation) Panel 2: Reader Positions and Mnemonic Migration Chair: Barbara Tönquist-Plewa Hanna Teichler: Remembering Forced Labour Migration: Recombinant Selves in Anglophone Literature Jessica Ortner: The Puzzled Reader: Gabs of Indeterminacy in Bosnian War memory Kaisa Kaakinen: Mediation of Local Memories to Heterogeneous Readerships – The Case of Aleksandar Hemon’s The Lazarus Project Rafael Pérez Baquero: Remembering Conflict and Exile Beyond the National Frame: Max Aub’s Depiction of the Spanish Civil War From a Transnational Gaze Pérez Baquero Panel 3: Representation and Circulation of Bosnian War Memories Chair: Vered Vinitzky-Seroussi Aigi Heero: Remembering Višegrad: Memories of Childhood and War in Saša Stanišić’s Novel How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone Dina Abazovic: Where You Come From Under Pressure: Two Novels About the Bosnian War Fedja Wierød Borčak: The Value of Returning Memories: How Memory Accounts by Bosnian-Herzegovinian Émigré Writers are Received in Bosna and Herzegovina Tea Sindbæk Andersen: Transmitting Bosnian war memories into the Danish and British public: circulation and reception of literature of the Bosnian war Panel 4: Multidirectional Memory, Connection, Remediation Chair: Jessica Ortner Colin Davis: The Circulation of Memory From Buchenwald to Stalinism and the Bosnian Genocide: Semprun, Goethe and Carola Neher Unni Langås: Two Stops on the Itinerary of Anne Frank’s Diary Biljana Markovic: Odyssean Memory and the Refugee Crises, Tracing Transcultural and Transtemporal Mnemonic Relationality in Poetry Silvia Riva: Camp Antechambers and Dress Rehearsals: Memories of “Minor” Genocides of the Twentieth Century in Contemporary French-Language Fiction Panel 5: Post-Socialist Memory in New Contexts Chair: TBA Eneken Laanes: Katja Petrowskaja’s Translational Poetics of Memory Anja Tippner “People Would Close Their Eyes to Think Back to a Past and Tell Untruths About It Until They Were True”: Literature After Memory Studies and Migratory Aesthetics Anita Pluwak: Red Princess, Black Widow and Other Stories: Popular Reception of Political (Auto)biographies from Postsocialist Poland Jan Schwarz The Historical Novel as World Literature of Memory in Contemporary Europe: Olga Tokarczuk’s Kiegi Jakubowe (The Books of Jacob, 2014) Panel 6: Translation and Circulation Chair: Fedja Wierød Borčak Mónika Dánél: Shared Memories – Remediation as Accented Reading Una Tanović: On Prosthetic Memories and Phantom Limbs: Self-Translation and Pseudotranslation in Bekim Sejranović’s Tvoj sin Huckleberry Finn/Din sønn, Huckleberry Finn (2015) and Alen Mešković’s Ukulele jam (2011) Stijn Vervaet: Translating Memories of the Bosnian War: Translingual Writers as Memory Brokers Jakob Lothe: Variants of Memory and Narrative in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day Panel 7: Iceland-Ireland: Memory, Literature, Culture on the Atlantic Periphery: Panel and Book launch Chair: Tea Sindbæk Andersen Gunnþórunn Guðmundsdóttir: Iceland – Ireland: Transnational Memories of Crises in Álfrún Gunnlaugsdóttir’s Siglingin um síkin and Conor O’Callaghan’s Nothing on Earth Ásta Kristín Benediktsdóttir: The Past That Never Was: Sjón and Jamie O’Neill’s Queer Historical Fiction Fionnuala Dillane: Crimes on the Atlantic Periphery: Irish and Icelandic Writings From the Edge Organisers The conference is organized in cooperation between the joined research project Mnemonic Migration: Transnational Circulation and Reception of Wartime Memories in post-Yugoslav Migrant Literature (Independent Research Fund Denmark, Jessica Ortner, Tea Sindbæk Andersen) and the ERC project Translating Memories: The Eastern European Past in the Global Arena (project leader Eneken Laanes)." "Flersprogethedsdidaktik: Minoritets- og majoritetselevers udvikling af sproglig opmærksomhed i folkeskolens sprogfag";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Sprog i uddannelsessystemet (Languages in Education)";"2022-04-25";"15:15";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.1.57";"Oplæg af Natascha Drachmann.";"Oplæg af Natascha Drachmann." "30 år med tv-tekstning, sprogkontakter og anglicismer";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2022-04-22";"14:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Afskedsforelæsning med Henrik Gottlieb.";"Afskedsforelæsning med Henrik Gottlieb. I forelæsningen ser Henrik Gottlieb tilbage på sin fortid som tv-tekster og KU-underviser i Danmarks mest læste teksttype – og viser hvordan bl.a. tekstning som sprog- og kulturformidling bidrager til den anglificering af dansk vi ser i disse år. Efter forelæsningen er der reception på ENGEROM (2. sal)." "Italian Screen Studies and Videographic Criticism";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Italian Lectures";"2022-04-21";"15:15";"";"17:00";"TBA";"Presentation by Alan O'Leary, Associate Professor (Aarhus University).";"Presentation by Alan O'Leary, Associate Professor (Aarhus University). The presentation will be in English. The number of seats will be limited so registration is required. Please register with Agnethe Grazia Sørensen Calledda." "AFLYST: Tysk torsdag – Fremmedelementer, rollemodeller og ”fortyskede” danskere?";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk";"2022-04-21";"15:00";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"AFLYST: Forelæsning v. Tobias de Fønss Wung-Sung (Københavns Universitet).";"Historiske nedslag i forskellige opfattelser af det tyske mindretal i Danmark Forelæsning v. Tobias de Fønss Wung-Sung (Københavns Universitet). ARRANGEMENTET ER AFLYST! Arrangementet indgår i temarækken Tysk torsdag - Nye perspektiver på tysk kultur og samfund." "Tysk torsdag – Tyskkandidater præsenterer deres specialer";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk";"2022-04-07";"15:00";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"To kandidater fra tysk præsenterer deres specialer.";"To kandidater fra tysk præsenterer deres specialer: Birgitte Simone Schmidt: Christa Wolfs Medea. Stimmen (1996). Untersuchung und Erprobung einer feministischen Übersetzungspraxis Manfred Christiansen: 100 år efter delingen af Slesvig. Kvalitative forskningsinterviews, diskursanalyse og visuelle metoder. Arrangementet indgår i temarækken Tysk torsdag - Nye perspektiver på tysk kultur og samfund." "Olaf Scholz der ""neue Merkel"". Metaphorical Uses of Personal Names and the Role of Gender";" Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / ”Norm, Variation, Language Change”";"2022-04-06";"15:15";"";"17:00";"Soundre Campus, room 24.2.01";"Presentation by Mirjam Schmuck.";"Presentation by Mirjam Schmuck. Abstract As purely referential linguistic units, prototypical names are semantically empty. However, when used in metaphors, names regain semantics based on salient properties of the name bearer. Angela Merkel, for example, is known for her perseverance, a quality also attributed to Olaf Scholz. The name bearer must therefore be familiar to the public for the metaphor to make sense and, what is more, abstractions from semantic properties closely linked to the name bearer (e.g., professional domain) proceed only gradually. Strikingly, even in highly conventionalized metaphors, natural gender remains an obstacle for metaphorical uses, particularly with male names used for women. Based on corpus data (German Reference Corpus, COW-Corpus), it is argued that the impact of gender is twofold: First, a male gender bias of names used in metaphors can be observed – both as a target and as a source for metaphorical comparison. Second, also highly conventionalized metaphors (Mozart, Napoleon) are used almost exclusively for men. _____________________ Thurmair, Maria (2002): Der Harald Juhnke der Sprachwissenschaft. Metaphorische Eigennamenverwendungen. Deutsche Sprache 30, 1-27. Thurmair, Maria (2020): Eigennamen in Vergleichen: von der Angela Merkel des Sports bis zum Mercedes unter den Bundespräsidenten. In: Kempf, Luise et al. (ed.): Linguistik der Eigennamen. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 305–329. Wee, Lionel (2006): Proper names and the theory of metaphor. In: Journal of Linguistics 42, 355–371" "Krigen i Ukraine – Perspektiver fra Vesteuropa";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2022-04-05";"15:00";"";"16:30";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01 og på Zoom";"I dette seminar kan du blive klogere på både den forudgående europapolitiske udvikling og på, hvordan krigen med ét slag har ændret spillereglerne i det politiske landskab i Frankrig og Tyskland og Storbritannien.";"Hver dag bringer nyt om de politiske, økonomiske og menneskelige konsekvenser af krigen i Ukraine, som vi ikke på nuværende tidspunkt har set det fulde omfang af. Men vi kan se, at krigen allerede nu har sat dybe aftryk i de europæiske samfund.I dette seminar kan du gennem fire korte forskeroplæg blive klogere på både den forudgående europapolitiske udvikling og på, hvordan krigen med ét slag har ændret spillereglerne i det politiske landskab i Frankrig, Tyskland og Storbritannien. Der vil være mulighed for at stille spørgsmål til forskerne efter hvert oplæg, der varer et kvarter. Seminaret finder sted på Søndre Campus i lokale 24.4.01 og livestreames på Zoom. Alle er velkomne! Program 15.00 Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen Velkomst 15.05 Morten Heiberg Hvorfor er der krig i Europa? Et kritisk blik på tyve års fejlslagen europapolitik 15.25 Jørn Boisen Tilbage til de Gaulle. Er Frankrig stadig undtagelsen i europæisk sikkerhedspolitik? 15.45 Detlef Siegfried (på Zoom fra München) Kontekster og risici af en ’Zeitenwende’ i tysk udenrigspolitik 16.05 Robert William Rix Farvel til Londongrad: Russiske penge i britisk samfund og politik 16.25 Afsluttende spørgsmål " "Tysk torsdag – Litteraturen mellem norm og afvigelse";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk i samarbejde med i samarbejde med Den østrigske Ambassade";"2022-03-31";"15:00";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Poetikforelæsning v. den østrigske forfatter Franzobel.";"Poetikforelæsning v. den østrigske forfatter Franzobel. Resumé I denne forelæsning får vi besøg af den prisbelønnede østrigske forfatter Franzobel (f. 1967), som dels vil tale om sin poetik, dels indgå i en samtale med udgangspunkt i sine romaner og teaterstykker. Blandt hans seneste værker kann nævnes Die Eroberung Amerikas (2021), Sarajevo 14 oder Der Urknall Europas (2017) og Das Floß der Medusa (2017) - sidstnævnte roman udkom i 2020 i dansk oversættelse (‚Medusas flåde‘). Hans værker, som er oversat til 23 sprog, er bl.a. kendetegnet ved sprogspil og en særlig anarkistisk form for humor. Et centralt emne i poetik-forelæsningen vil være forholdet mellem normer og normbrud, både i æstetisk henseende og i forhold til den litterære offentligheds konventioner og uskrevne regler. Arrangementet indgår i temarækken Tysk torsdag - Nye perspektiver på tysk kultur og samfund." "Sprog, karriere og overgange";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2022-03-30";"09:00";"2022-03-30";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 4A-0-69";"Sprogdag for gymnasielærere i fremmedsprog. Emnerne for dagen er brobygning mellem gymnasium og universitet og karrierelæring.";"Onsdag den 30. marts 2022 inviterer Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk ved Københavns Universitet til en sprogdag for gymnasielærere i fremmedsprog. Emnerne for dagen er brobygning mellem gymnasium og universitet og karrierelæring. Brobygningsdelen vil især have fokus på, hvordan gymnasiet kan forberede fremmedsprogselever til de videregående uddannelser, og hvad universitetet kan gøre for at sikre en god overgang mellem gymnasium og universitet inden for fremmedsprogene. Brobygning skal her forstås både mere snævert - som forberedelse til at læse sprogfag på de videregående uddannelser - og mere generelt som sprog som almen studiekompetence i mange andre fag end fremmedsprogene. Karrierelæringsdelen vil handle om, hvordan og hvorfor fremmedsprogsfagene er relevante i et karriereperspektiv. Hvilke kompetencer giver gymnasiets sprogfag til eleverne, som de kan tage med sig i deres fremtidige professionelle virke? Og hvordan kan gymnasielærerne bedre synliggøre karrierelæringsperspektivet over for deres fremmedsprogselever? Dagen vil både bestå af faglige oplæg og workshops om brobygning og karrierelæring. Tilmelding Det koster 250 kroner at deltage i gymnasiedagen. Beløbet dækker materialer og forplejning. Tilmeldingsfristen er den 23. marts 2022. Tilmeld dig her. Program Kl. 09.00 Ankomst samt morgenkaffe og morgenbrød (4A-0-69). Kl. 09.30 Velkomst ved Dekan Kirsten Busch. Kl. 09.45 ”Akademisk literacy i et brobygningsperspektiv med eksempler fra engelsk, fransk, italiensk, spansk og tysk” ved Jan Lindschouw, lektor i fransk og fremmedsprogspædagogik ved Københavns Universitet. Kl. 10.30 Kaffepause. Kl. 10.45 Sprogspecifikke workshops om brobygning i engelsk (4a.0.56), fransk (4a.1.60), italiensk (4a.1.46), spansk (4A-0-68) og tysk (4A-1-68). Kl. 12.00 Frokost. Kl. 13.00 ”Et erhvervsperspektiv på tysk og fransk” ved Irene Simonsen og Lotte Weilgaard Christensen, lektorer ved Institut for Design og Kommunikation, Syddansk Universitet. Oplægget præsenterer resultater fra en interviewundersøgelse, der som en inspiration til brobygning mellem videregående uddannelse og erhvervsliv har haft til formål at afdække danske virksomheder og institutioners behov for tysk- og/eller franskkompetencer. Der fokuseres på de afdækkede behov for sprog i forskellige virksomheder og jobfunktioner. I caseeksempler fra praksis beskrives de perspektiver, der arbejdsmæssigt kan ligge i at beherske et fremmedsprog. Kl. 13.45 ”Sprog som (strategisk) ressource - en refleksion med eksempler fra det danske arbejdsmarked” ved Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen, Institutleder ved Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet og Mette Skovgaard Andersen, Centerleder ved det Nationale Center for Fremmedsprog. Kl. 14.30 Kaffe og kage. Kl. 14.45 Workshops om karrierelæring (lokaler 4A-0-56, 4A-0-68, 4A-1-46, 4A-1-60, 4A-1-68). Kl. 15.45 Opsamling på workshops (4A-0-69) Kl. 16.30 Afslutning og reception (4A-0-69) " "Før valget";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Jørn Boisen";"2022-03-25";"14:00";"";"16:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-0-13";"Jørn Boisen skal her til foråret afholde en seminarrække som optakt til det franske præsidentvalg. Dette arrangement er det tredje.";"Jørn Boisen skal her til foråret afholde en seminarrække som optakt til det franske præsidentvalg. Dette arrangement er det tredje. Intro Hvad er valgkampens temaer? Hvad er vigtigt for de franske vælgere? Hvordan prøver de forskellige kandidater at markere sig? Hvad med Europa? Og hvordan skal det hele gå? Præsidentvalg i Frankrig I april skal franskmændene vælge ny præsident. Også denne gang tegner det til at blive en begivenhedsrig affære med mange kandidater en polariseret og frustreret befolkning og et uforudsigeligt resultat. Uanset hvordan det går, er valgkampene de mest intense øjeblikke i det franske demokrati. De stiller skarpt ikke blot på det politiske liv, men på hele samfundet. Hvorfor er franskmændene så utilfredse? Hvad er der galt med republikken? og hvad ønsker franskmændene? Jørn Boisen skal her til foråret afholde en seminarrække for de franskstuderende som optakt til det franske præsidentvalg. Datoerne er følgende tre fredage kl. 14-16: 11/2, 4/3 og 25/3. Herudover kommer der et afsluttende seminar i april måned (dato udmeldes senere)." "Tysk torsdag – Habeck und Frau Baerbock";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk i samarbejde med Dansk-tysk Selskab";"2022-03-24";"15:00";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Vorlesung von Mirjam Schmuck (Universität Kopenhagen).";"Sprachliches doing gender bei der Personenreferenz im Deutschen Vorlesung von Mirjam Schmuck (Universität Kopenhagen). Zusammenfassung Zur Referenz auf Personen stehen im Deutschen unterschiedliche Kombinationen aus meist Amtstitel, Ruf- und Familienname ([Außenministerin] [Annalena] Baerbock) zur Verfügung. In informellen, nähesprachlichen Texten kommen zudem Anredenomen (Frau Baerbock) und Definitartikel (die Baerbock) hinzu. Auffälligerweise ist für die Wahl der Referenzform neben den bekannten Faktoren (Formalität der Situation, Alter und sozialer Status des Referenten) auch das Geschlecht entscheidend. Nicht nur wird auf Frauen häufiger mit Ruf- und Familienname statt mit blankem Familiennamen referiert, auch Anredenomen und Definitartikel stehen bevorzugt zur Referenz auf Frauen. Dieser offensichtlichen Relevantsetzung von Geschlecht (doing gender) durch Vermeidung des eher männlich besetzten blanken Familiennamens für Frauen in nähesprachlichen Texten wird im Vortrag datenbasiert (Webkorpus DECOW) nachgegangen. Die Veranstaltung ist Teil der Themenreihe Deutscher Donnerstag – Neue Perspektiven auf die deutsche Kultur und Gesellschaft" "Sprog, samfund og humanioras væsentlighed";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2022-03-18";"14:00";"";"16:00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11 eller via Zoom";"Professor Peter Harder, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (Københavns Universitet) holder afskedsforelæsning.";"Professor Peter Harder, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (Københavns Universitet) holder afskedsforelæsning. Forelæsningen slentrer igennem et antal små og store iagttagelser om disse tre emner i en blanding af erindringsglimt og yndlingspointer, og prøver at fremmane det uendelig store i det uendelig små. Blandt de forhold jeg håber på at få til at falde på plads ved denne lejlighed, er betydningen af sociale konstruktioner og deres forhold til virkelighedens kausale struktur, dannelse og samspillet mellem subjektivitet og fællesskab, grammatik som menneskeligt grundtræk, forståelsen af hvordan nationale identiteter kan fungere som broer til international sammenhængskraft, samt betingelserne for at finkultur og humanistisk videnskab kan spille den rolle samfundet har brug for." "Tysk torsdag – Tysk-dansk historie i medier";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk i samarbejde med Dansk-tysk Selskab";"2022-03-17";"15:00";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Forfatter og dokumentarist Anna Elisabeth Jessen om brugen af tysk-dansk historie i forskellige medier: roman, radiodrama og podcast.";"Forfatter og dokumentarist Anna Elisabeth Jessen om brugen af tysk-dansk historie i forskellige medier: roman, radiodrama og podcast. Moderator: journalist Steen Bille. Arrangementet sker i samarbejde med Dansk-Tysk Selskab. Resumé Hvordan gør man tysk politisk kultur og teaterkultur levende? Forfatter og dokumentarist Anna Elisabeth Jessen fortæller om sin brug af dansk-tysk historisk stof i sin roman Om hundrede år og om de to tyske radiomontager og podcasts, Asta und Frede og Tod eines Stasi-Agenten, som hun har tilrettelagt for tysk radio. Det kommer til at handle om tysk-dansk konflikt i grænselandet, den gamle filmdiva Asta Nielsen i hemmelige optagelser og en død Stasiagent. Arrangementet indgår i temarækken Tysk torsdag - Nye perspektiver på tysk kultur og samfund." "Personlige pronominer i romanske sprog – norm, variation, forandring";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / ”Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring”";"2022-03-09";"15:15";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.2.01";"Oplæg v/ Thomas Olander, Kirsten J. Kragh, Erling Strudsholm, Lene Schøsler.";"Oplæg Italienske personlige pronomener Thomas Olander, INSS I moderne standarditaliensk hedder de enklitiske oblikke pronomener for første og anden person pluralis ci og vi. I dialekter og ældre tekster finder man også ne (sjældent ni) og ve. Mange identificerer de pronominale former ci, ne og vi etymologisk med de homofone adverbier ci, ne og vi, der går tilbage til latin (*)hince, inde og ibi. Ifølge en alternativ opfattelse er det dog kun ci der har en egentlig adverbiel oprindelse, hvorimod pronomenerne ne og vi går tilbage til de latinske pronomener nōs og uōs. I dette foredrag analyserer jeg materialet historisk og argumenterer for at det var det mere eller mindre tilfældige lydlige sammenfald af de pronominale former ne og vi (fra latin nōs og uōs) med adverbierne ne og vi (fra latin inde og ibi) der førte til at det ældre pronomen ne blev erstattet af adverbiet ci (fra latin (*)hince.) Tiltaleformer på fransk og italiensk i et diasystematisk perspektiv Kirsten J. Kragh og Erling Strudsholm, ENGEROM Vores oplæg omhandler forskellige kommunikationsstrategier med hensyn til formalitet og høflighed, og hvordan disse forskelle relaterer sig til de diasystematiske dimensioner. Vores kontrastive tilgang omfatter tiltaleformer på fransk og italiensk sammenlignet med danske, tyske og engelske normer og brug. Både romanske og germanske sprog har to systemer af tiltalepronomener med forskellige niveauer af formalitet. Der er dog betydelige forskelle i brug på de respektive sprog, både typologiske og interlingvistiske. Forskellige sprogområder har forskellige konventioner for kommunikation og høflighed, og vi mener at tiltaleformer afspejler sådanne sociokulturelle forskelle. Vores analyser af disse forskelle er forankret i de diasystematiske dimensioner, med særligt fokus på den diafasiske variation og sammenhængen med diastratisk betingede faktorer." "Det nye politiske landskab (2017-2022)";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Jørn Boisen";"2022-03-04";"14:00";"";"16:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-0-13";"Jørn Boisen skal her til foråret afholde en seminarrække som optakt til det franske præsidentvalg. Dette arrangement er det andet.";"Jørn Boisen skal her til foråret afholde en seminarrække som optakt til det franske præsidentvalg. Dette arrangement er det andet. Intro Præsidentvalget i 2017 sprængte den velkendte politiske struktur i Frankrig i stumper og stykker. Hvordan gik det til, at de gamle partier, der sad på magten i et halvt århundrede, blev totalt udraderet? Hvordan kunne en næsten ukendt kandidat vinde valget? Hvor står partierne nu? Er venstrefløjen definitivt død? Har de borgerlige fundet sig selv igen? Og hvorfor stemmer hver tredje på det ekstreme højre? Præsidentvalg i Frankrig I april skal franskmændene vælge ny præsident. Også denne gang tegner det til at blive en begivenhedsrig affære med mange kandidater en polariseret og frustreret befolkning og et uforudsigeligt resultat. Uanset hvordan det går, er valgkampene de mest intense øjeblikke i det franske demokrati. De stiller skarpt ikke blot på det politiske liv, men på hele samfundet. Hvorfor er franskmændene så utilfredse? Hvad er der galt med republikken? og hvad ønsker franskmændene? Jørn Boisen skal her til foråret afholde en seminarrække for de franskstuderende som optakt til det franske præsidentvalg. Datoerne er følgende tre fredage kl. 14-16: 11/2, 4/3 og 25/3. Herudover kommer der et afsluttende seminar i april måned (dato udmeldes senere)." "Forskning i miljø, klima og bæredygtighed på ENGEROM";"Robert Rix og Charlott Hoffmann Jensen";"2022-02-25";"13:15";"";"15:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.1.11";"Forskning i miljø, klima og bæredygtighed på ENGEROM.";"Program 13.15 Velkomst Robert Rix, VILF 13.20 Oplæg om strategiske ansøgningsmuligheder med tid til spørgsmål Mie Morthorst og Mille Møllegaard, HUM 13.50 Diskussion: hvordan kan vi omsætte det til ansøgninger i ENGEROM-regi? Hvad kan ENGEROMs forskere bidrage med som partner i et strategisk projekt? 14.30-15.00 Opsamling og næste skridt: hvilke planer er i støbeskeen i forlængelse af tidligere møder Anna Sandberg og Pia Lausten Oplæg på dansk, men spørgsmål og kommentarer på engelsk er velkomne. Tilmelding på charlott@hum.ku.dk" "Flygtningesituationen i Italien";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Italienske forelæsninger";"2022-02-24";"15:15";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-1-11";"Oplæg v/ lektor Susi Meret, Aalborg Universitet.";"Lektor Susi Meret (Aalborg Universitet) præsenterer sin forskning på området, hvorefter postdoc Katrine S. Kohl fra Centre for Advanced Migration Studies (AMIS) stiller spørgsmål og diskuterer, bl.a. ud fra en sammenligning med forholdene i Danmark. Moderator: Lektor Pia Schwartz Lausten. Arrangementet foregår på dansk. Tilmelding til arrangementet er nødvendig og foregår til Agnethe Grazia Sørensen Calledda. Et arrangement i serien Italienske forelæsninger." "Republikkens tilstand";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Jørn Boisen";"2022-02-11";"14:00";"";"16:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-0-13";"Jørn Boisen skal her til foråret afholde en seminarrække som optakt til det franske præsidentvalg. Dette arrangement er det første.";"Jørn Boisen skal her til foråret afholde en seminarrække som optakt til det franske præsidentvalg. Dette arrangement er det første. Intro Hvordan går det egentlig i Frankrig efter 5 år med Macron, gule veste og corona? Hvorfor er franskmændene det mest ulykkelige folk i verden? Hvordan fungerer velfærdsstaten, demokratiet i Den 5. Republik, økonomien og den grønne omstilling. Præsidentvalg i Frankrig I april skal franskmændene vælge ny præsident. Også denne gang tegner det til at blive en begivenhedsrig affære med mange kandidater en polariseret og frustreret befolkning og et uforudsigeligt resultat. Uanset hvordan det går, er valgkampene de mest intense øjeblikke i det franske demokrati. De stiller skarpt ikke blot på det politiske liv, men på hele samfundet. Hvorfor er franskmændene så utilfredse? Hvad er der galt med republikken? og hvad ønsker franskmændene? Jørn Boisen skal her til foråret afholde en seminarrække for de franskstuderende som optakt til det franske præsidentvalg. Datoerne er følgende tre fredage kl. 14-16: 11/2, 4/3 og 25/3. Herudover kommer der et afsluttende seminar i april måned (dato udmeldes senere)." "Tysk torsdag – Dresden";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk i samarbejde med Dansk-tysk Selskab";"2022-02-10";"15:00";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Præsentation og visning af filmen Where to With History af instruktør Hans Christian Post. ";"Dresden. Præsentation og visning af filmen Where to with history af instruktør Hans Christian Post. Arrangementet er et samarbejde med Dansk-tysk Selskab og åbent for alle. Om filmen Siden 1990 har Dresden med held genopbygget det skønne, barokke centrum, som byen mistede under de voldsomme bombardementer i februar 1945. Men i de senere år er det genopbyggede glansbillede begyndt at krakelere. Hver mandag aften indtager den højreradikale bevægelse Pegida de genopbyggede kulisser for højlydt at protestere mod regering, flygtninge og indvandrere; og i meningsmålingerne står det højreekstreme parti AfD stadig stærkere i Dresden og omegn. Filmen undersøger denne udvikling og viser, hvordan alt i Dresden, selv arkitekturen, synes at være fanget i en ødelæggelseshistorie, som ikke vil gå væk. Arrangementet indgår i temarækken Tysk torsdag - Nye perspektiver på tysk kultur og samfund." "CANCELLED: Writing the European Self across Centuries: Walter Pater’s Imaginary Portraits";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-12-10";"CANCELLED";"";"";"";"CANCELLED: Inaugural lecture by professor Lene Østermark-Johansen";"CANCELLED: Inaugural lecture by professor Lene Østermark-Johansen" "Goliarda Sapienzas ""Kunsten at glædes"" - en klassiker forud for sin tid";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Italienske forelæsninger";"2021-12-08";"15:15";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-0-13";"Oplæg v/ Lorens Juul Madsen, oversætter, og Louise Dorthea Vind, forlægger.";"Oplæg v/ Lorens Juul Madsen, oversætter, og Louise Dorthea Vind, forlægger. Oplægget foregår på dansk. Begrænset antal pladser, tilmelding nødvendig til Agnethe Grazia Sørensen Calledda." "Nyudgivelse af Leonora Christinas franske dagbog fra 1673";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring";"2021-12-06";"15:00";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 27.0.09";"Professor emerita Lene Schøsler præsenterer den videnskabelige udgave af dagbogen.";"En kongedatters liv Nyudgivelse af Leonora Christinas franske dagbog fra 1673. Professor emerita Lene Schøsler præsenterer af den videnskabelige udgave af dagbogen. I anledning af Leonora Christinas 400-års fødselsdag den 8/7 2021 blev to versioner af hendes franske selvbiografi udgivet. De henvender sig til to forskellige typer publikum. Den ene er en dansksproget udgave med de nødvendige informationer om teksten og med illustrationer. Den anden er en videnskabelig tosproget udgave, ledsaget af en fyldig beskrivelse af Leonora Christinas manuskript, af hendes sprog, og tekstens virkningshistorie. Der er yderligere historiske kommentarer og en ikonografisk beskrivelse af samtidige portrætter. Hensigten med udgaven er at give et moderne publikum en forståelse af Leonora Christinas tekst, som den er tænkt fra hendes side. Derfor har det været nødvendigt for udgiverne at sætte sig grundigt ind i bl.a. samtidens sprog og stil, med det resultat at udgaven bryder med tidligere udgiveres opfattelse af forfatterens sproglige niveau. I den videnskabelige udgave argumenteres for at Leonora Christina på fransk, ligesom når hun skriver på dansk, er en usædvanlig talentfuld forfatter, der mestrer sprogets nuancer. Den videnskabelige udgave indgår derfor som et indlæg i debatten om udgivelse og oversættelse af ældre tekster, og skal ses som et argument for at sprog og kultur skal studeres i sammenhæng og i et historisk perspektiv. Om udgaverne En kongedatters liv. Leonora Christinas franske selvbiografi på moderne dansk. Udgivet af Marita Akhøj Nielsen og Lene Schøsler. Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab. 2021. Læs mere Leonora Christinas franske selvbiografi. Diplomatarisk udgave og dansk oversættelse. Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab. 2021. Læs mere Selvbiografien Leonora Christina ville den 8. juli være fyldt 400 år. I den anledning udkommer hendes franske selvbiografi i ny oversættelse. Selvbiografien er et kvindekulturelt hovedværk, fuldt af både overklasse- og fængselsliv, der med sit moderne sprog er klar til at erobre nye læsere. Blåtårn, den 1. maj kl. 11 om natten 1673 Leonora Christina afslutter sin selvbiografi og får den diskret ud af fængslet. Den er henvendt til en gammel ven, som skriver på et værk om lærde kvinder. Leonora skriver på fransk. Beretningen må nemlig gerne komme ud til et europæisk publikum, der kan få hendes version af historien, fatte sympati for hende og måske påvirke den danske regering til at løslade hende. Sådan gik det ikke. Leonora Christina blev siddende i Blåtårn endnu 12 lange år. Til gengæld kom hendes selvbiografi ud i lærde kredse, og tidens historikere brugte den. Men hendes eget håndskrift forsvandt sporløst engang i 1700-tallet. I 1952 dukkede det op i et gymnasiebibliotek i Hamborg, og der blev lavet en fotografisk udgave. I anledning af Leonora Christinas 400 års-fødselsdag den 8. juli 2021 bliver teksten for første gang udgivet efter originalhåndskriftet. Samtidig kommer en helt ny oversættelse af værket til moderne, letlæseligt dansk. Leonora Christinas liv var eventyrligt, og selvbiografien er spændende som en roman. Hun er så god til fransk, at hun suverænt kan fastholde sin læser i de dramatiske situationer, der afløser hinanden. Diskret ‒ og vildt manipulerende ‒ går hun hen over sin og ægtefællen Corfitz Ulfeldts mildt sagt tvivlsomme aktiviteter. I hendes optik skyldes parrets ulykker andres misundelse over det strålende power couple med de dyre vaner, inspireret af de hotteste internationale trends. Selvbiografien er et kvindekulturelt hovedværk. Det er ikke kun sit eget ekstreme overklasseliv, Leonora Christina beskriver, men alle samfundslag. Og hendes egen skæbne var reelt en social nedtur. Alligevel er hun ukueligt selvbevidst og styrer i vidt omfang de mænd, hun færdes blandt. Nu er støvet pustet af selvbiografien. Med sit moderne sprog er den klar til at erobre nye læsere." "Motivation i tyskundervisningen";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2021-11-26";"15:00";"2021-11-26";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-2-11";"Tidligere studerende, Anne Sofie Berg, vil præsentere centrale erkendelser fra sit speciale: “Mestringsmotivation i tyskundervisningen.";"Temaet er motivation i tyskundervisningen og tidligere studerende, Anne Sofie Berg, vil præsentere centrale erkendelser fra sit speciale: “Mestringsmotivation i tyskundervisningen. En undersøgelse af mestringsmotivations betydning for STX-gymnasieelevers valg om at hæve tysk fra B- til A-niveau.” Derefter holder Petra Daryai-Hansen, Anne Sofies vejleder og lektor i fremmedsprogsdidaktik, et oplæg om motivation i tyskundervisningen med særligt fokus på Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Petra tager afsæt i to projekter: ”Tyskelevers og tyskstuderendes kognition”, som blev finansieret af Det Nationale Center for Fremmedsprog, og ”CLIL in Languages Other Than English – Successful Transitions across Educational Stages”, støttet af European Centre for Modern Languages, Europarådet, og Det Nationale Center for Fremmedsprog. Efter oplægget vil der være sprøde elektroniske toner i fredagsbaren Ambarssaden i lokale 24.0.57, hvor Lars Bliesner fra Den Tyske Ambassade i Danmark vil agere DJ i et par timer. For at få en ekstra god start på weekenden har Ambarssaden været så gavmilde at sponsorere et parti Club Mate og nogle tyske øl." "Portuguese refugees in Denmark in the 1960s and early 1970s";"European Parliament Liaison Office/Europa-Huset / Ana Rita Martins Mota Vera";"2021-11-25";"17:00";"";"20:00";"Gothersgade 115";"Book launch and seminar at the European Parliament Liaison Office/Europa-Huset.";"Book launch and seminar at the European Parliament Liaison Office/Europa-Huset. The event is part of a larger European project (#ECOS), where researchers have finally begun to look at the archives and collect memories from the young people who fled the dictatorship that lasted until the Carnation Revolution on 25 April, 1974. Some of the Portuguese deserters from the colonial wars who got asylum in Denmark will tell about their personal history, and a Portuguese history Professor will tell about the radicalization process that took place in Portugal up to the coup. The seminar takes place in Danish and English. The book is handed out free of charge in connection with participation in the seminar. Portuguese refreshments with a glass of wine will be served. Registration no later than 20 November Ana Vera. Full programme (pdf) Information in Danish" "Arvefjender? Frankrig og Tyskland i historien";"Fransk Alumneforening og Tysk Alumneforening ";"2021-11-23";"17:00";"";"19:00";"Københavns Universitet, Søndre Campus, lokale 22.0.11, Emil Holms Kanal 2, 2300 København S";"Fransk Alumneforening og Tysk Alumneforening inviterer til et arrangement med oplæg og samtale med historiker Chris Bangert Larsen, professor i germansk filologi Per Øhrgaard og militærhistoriker Niels Bo Poulsen. ";"I forbindelse med 150-året for Den Fransk-Tyske Krig inviterer Fransk Alumneforening og Tysk Alumneforening til et arrangement med oplæg og samtale med historiker Chris Bangert Larsen, professor i germansk filologi Per Øhrgaard og militærhistoriker Niels Bo Poulsen. Arrangementet er gratis for alle alumner fra henholdsvis Fransk og Tysk Alumneforening. Hvornår: 23. november klokken 17.00-19.00Hvor: Søndre Campus, lokale 22.0.11, Emil Holms Kanal 2, 2300 København STilmeld dig senest: 21. november Tilmeld dig her. Program Den katastrofale triumfPræsentation af den nyudkomne danske bog om Den Fransk-Tyske Krig 1870-71ved Niels Bo Poulsen Den franske vinkelEt historisk rids fra begyndelsen til 1945ved Chris Bangert Larsen Den tyske vinkelTysklands samling og det fransk-tyske forhold fra 1945 til i dagved Per Øhrgaard Spørgsmål fra salen Mingle ledsaget af fransk og tysk riesling - tak til Jakob V. Berntsen fra FAF for at sørge for dette. Den Fransk-Tyske Krig For Tyskland førte sejren over Frankrig i krigen 1870-71 til en samling af de forskellige tyske områder i et tysk kejserrige – og en opstigning af dette til en europæisk stormagt på alle områder: økonomisk, militært, uddannelsesmæssigt, teknisk og videnskabeligt. Den europæiske magtbalance ændrede sig afgørende og viste sig i de følgende årtier stadig vanskeligere at håndtere. I 1914 gik det ikke længere: Verdenskrigen – som frem for alt var en europæisk krig – brød ud. For Frankrig betød 1871 kejserdømmets fald og indførelsen af republikken, som blev et vigtigt element i fransk selvforståelse. Udadtil, ikke mindst på grund af tabet af Alsace-Lorraine, blev forholdet til Tyskland det centrale element i fransk diplomatisk, militær og politisk tænkning." "Content and language integrated learning and plurilingual education across educational levels";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-11-22";"16:00";"";"17:00";"Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/62905485312?pwd=SDh1NDdvcVMxSndKTUloQld3MmFPZz09
Passcode: 668804";"Talk by associate professor Petra Daryai-Hansen (University of Copenhagen) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality.";"Talk by associate professor Petra Daryai-Hansen (University of Copenhagen) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality. How can we implement Content and language integrate learning (CLIL) across educational stages (primary, secondary, tertiary), both in the language classroom and in other subjects? How can we conceptualize students’ development of language awareness in the context of plurilingual education in primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary language education? And what is the connection between CLIL and plurilingual education? In the talk, I will present the initial results of two projects that I am recently coordinating: the project Plurilingual Education – Minority and Majority Students' Language Awareness across Educational Levels , financed by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, and the project CLIL in Languages Other Than English – Successful Transitions across Educational Stage, supported by the European Centre for Modern Languages, Council of Europe, and the Danish National Centre for Foreign Languages (NCFF). Petra Daryai-Hansen has kindly given permission to share her PowerPoint presentation and record her presentation. Din internetbrowser understøtter ikke iframes. Det betyder, at videoen Petra Daryai-Hansen - Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality ikke kan afspilles. " "Peripheralized Norths and Souths: Colonial Liminality, William Faulkner, and Icelandic Literature";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Twenty-First Century Anglophone World Literature research forum (Martyn Bone)";"2021-11-18";"15:00";"";"17:00";"TBA";"Guest Lecture by Dr. Jenna Sciuto (Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts).";"Guest Lecture by Dr. Jenna Sciuto (Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts)." "Nostalgia and the History of Temporalities";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Global Histories Forum";"2021-11-18";"15:00";"";"16:30";"Online via Zoom";"Lecture by Tobias Becker, Freie Universität Berlin.";"Lecture by Tobias Becker, Freie Universität Berlin." "Internationalisering 2.0";"Center for Internationalisering og Parallelsproglighed (CIP)";"2021-11-17";"09:00";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"CIP symposium 2021.";"Internationalisering og de(t) lokale sprog CIP symposium 2021. Flere oplysninger følger ..." "Linguistic Landscapes, Wearable Ideologies, and the Gender and French T-shirt project";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring";"2021-11-10";"15:00";"";"17:00";"South Campus, room 27.0.47";"Paper by Will Amos, University of Warwick.";"Paper by Will Amos, University of Warwick. Abstract Over the last fifteen years or so, interest has accelerated in Linguistic Landscape Studies (LLS), which is now an established domain of enquiry in a number of humanities and social science fields. Spawning from an empirical interest in the written language(s) of signs visible in urban settings, early LL studies sought to establish criteria by which notions such as multilingualism and language vitality, distribution, and usage patterns could be quantified and contrasted. Since about 2010 and a so-called ‘qualitative turn’, the field has evolved in a plethora of directions, both qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods, and now sees a steady flow of publications through standalone articles, monographs, edited volumes, a dedicated journal, an annual international workshop, and colloquia and panels at prevalent international conferences and symposia. This talk proposes a brief outline of the field’s history, its current debates, and principal research methods. Following outlines of work on (for example) regional language vitality in France, the global phenomenon of the ‘Chinatown’, and the expansion of ‘language’ to include smells, tattoos, and clothing, the talk will then introduce the Wearable Ideologies (WE•ID) network, and our current project about t-shirts. This cross-disciplinary project proposes methods borrowed from behavioural psychology to explore the increasingly common phenomenon of French slogans present on t-shirts marketed in the UK and elsewhere. The principal aim (so far) has been to test how far different semiotic aspects of the t-shirts (language, font, colour, and t-shirt shape) influence perceptions of femininity. The idea is to gather empirical data to test long-established, but largely hypothetical, associations of French with fashion, sophistication, wealth, and femininity, and to build towards a larger project investigating the gendered aspects of clothing, both linguistic and more broadly semiotic." "Den moderne italienske højrepopulismes historie, lederskab og ideologi";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2021-11-09";"15:15";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-1-13";"Oplæg ved Simon Cecchin Birk, ph.d.-stipendiat (Københavns Universitet) og Alberte Bové Rud, ph.d.-stipendiat (DIIS).";" Oplæg ved Simon Cecchin Birk, ph.d.-stipendiat (Københavns Universitet) og Alberte Bové Rud, ph.d.-stipendiat (DIIS). Oplægget foregår på dansk. Moderator: Gert Sørensen, lektor emeritus. Begrænset antal pladser. Tilmelding nødvendig til Agnethe Grazia Sørensen Calledda." "Merging Plurilingual and STE(A)M education to develop interculturality: Teachers’ theories and practices in context";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-11-08";"17:00";"";"18:00";"Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/62905485312?pwd=SDh1NDdvcVMxSndKTUloQld3MmFPZz09
Passcode: 668804";"Talk by professor Danièle Moore (Simon Fraser University) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality.";"Talk by professor Danièle Moore (Simon Fraser University) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality. In this talk, I discuss the potential of inquiry-based plurilingual and transdisciplinary projects to encourage critical awareness of plurality in the context of teacher training and K-12 instruction. Using international participatory and collaborative approaches to teacher-training, I examine diversely situated ecologies to explore how the theoretical lens of plurilingualism can contribute to raising awareness of translingual practice as an asset to challenge beliefs and praxis and produce alternative knowledges around teaching, learning, and researching-as-teacher-training."" Danièle Moore has kindly given permission to record her presentation. Din internetbrowser understøtter ikke iframes. Det betyder, at videoen Danièle Moore - Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality ikke kan afspilles. " "Demokratiegeschichte, Postkolonialismus, Historikerstreit 2.0: Aktuelle Debatten zur deutschen Erinnerungskultur";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-11-05";"13:15";"2021-11-05";"14:30";"South Campus, 15A.1.13";"Prof. Dr. Kirsten Heinsohn";"Prof. Dr. Kirsten Heinsohn" "Echoes of English";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-10-29";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Doctoral Defence by Associate Professor Henrik Gottlieb.";"Anglicisms in minor speech communities – with special focus on Danish and Afrikaans Doctoral Defence by Associate Professor Henrik Gottlieb. Official opponents Professor Gisle Andersen (Norwegian School of Economics) Professor Bertus van Rooy (University of Amsterdam) Read assessment (pdf) Contents & Preface (pdf) Chair of the defence Professor Kirsten Busch Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) The defence is open to the public and will be conducted in English. The dissertation can be obtained from Peter Lang. Opponents ex auditorio may sign up at the Chair of the defence. Afterwards, a reception will be held at the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies in building 24 on the 2nd floor." "Embracing Uncertainty";"Engerom";"2021-10-27";"12:15";"2021-10-27";"13:00";"15A.2.11";"Author Kirsten Tranter will discuss what it means to embrace uncertainty and be the keeper of mysteries when writing. ";"In a public lecture as part of the Creative Writing course at ENGEROM, author Kirsten Tranter will discuss what it means to embrace uncertainty and be the keeper of mysteries when writing. Abstract “Write what you know” is a common directive for beginning writers. What if we let go of this idea and instead aim to write about what we don’t know about what we know? Embracing uncertainty can be challenging, but also inspiring and liberating. What if we imagine that the job of fiction is not to answer complex human problems or existential mysteries, but to render them in specific detail? We will explore Nicole Krauss' haunting story 'The Young Painters' and other pieces of fiction that in some way are alive to mystery, that dramatize the search for meaning, and use uncertainty as a dramatic, compelling device. Bio Kirsten Tranter has published fiction, criticism, and journalism, and taught literary studies and creative writing at institutions including the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Technology, Sydney. Tranter's first novel, The Legacy, was published to international acclaim in 2010, and selected as a Kirkus Reviews Best Debut Novel of the year. The Legacy was also shortlisted for the ABIA Literary Fiction award, the ALS Gold Medal, the Indie Debut Fiction award, and longlisted for the Miles Franklin award. Tranter's second novel, A Common Loss was released in 2012, and her latest novel Hold (2016) was longlisted for the Miles Franklin award and the Voss Literary Award. Tranter is also the co-founder of The Stella Prize for Australian women’s writing, established in 2011." "CANCELLED: Plurilingual whole school policy revisited";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-10-25";"16:00";"";"17:00";"Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/62905485312?pwd=SDh1NDdvcVMxSndKTUloQld3MmFPZz09
Passcode: 668804";"The talk by professor Britta Hufeisen (Technische Universität Darmstadt) has been cancelled.";"CANCELLED: Talk by professor Britta Hufeisen (Technische Universität Darmstadt) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality. I will introduce the latest version of a plurilingual whole school policy, explain its theoretical background and outline several applied projects in which the policy is currently being implemented in both schools and universities as part of various doctoral candidate research projects. These research projects focus on aspects of feasibility, necessary conditions for successful implementation, and adapting to school/university-specific contexts. Please register for the talk here (you will register for the whole series but are not obliged to attend all talks)." "The European Dimension of Paul Auster’s Verbal and Visual Worlds";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Inge Birgitte Siegumfeldt";"2021-10-14";"";"2021-10-15";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"The Paul Auster Research Library workshop. Funded by CEMES, organized by Inge Birgitte Siegumfeldt.";"Abstract Auster’s work is predominantly set in urban America and his characters rarely travel beyond the US. Even so, in the critical reception the body of Auster’s poetry and prose is widely accepted as a belonging to a distinctly European mode of writing. This is due, in part, to the subcurrent of French thought that informs the majority of the novels via such key influences as Sartre, Blanchot, Merleau-Ponty, Ponge and even Derrida, and the pivotal significance for instance of Chateaubriand’s Memoire d’Autre Tombe in Auster’s The Book of Illusions, Appollonaire’s “La Jolie Rousse” in Auster’s 4 3 2 1, Beckett’s Waiting for Godotin Auster’s City of Glass, Thomas Mann and Kafka’s short stories in Auster’s Timbuktu and Ghosts respectively. There are also important Scandinavian influences in Auster’s work most notably Hamsun but also Kai Munk and Dreyer and Henning Carlsen (for film). At the same time, eight of Auster’s novels have been published in translation to one or more European languages prior to the American original. This workshop will explore the extent and impact of the European sources in Auster’s verbal and visual worlds, probe the reception of his work in France, the UK, Spain and Scandinavia and examine the validity of such claims as “Auster is an American entirely oriented towards Europe.” (Bruckner in Barone 1995) What exactly does it mean when critics like McKean insist that “Auster belongs decidedly to the European philosophical tradition”? (2010) How are we to understand the fact that the reception of Auster’s work would seem to be more enthusiastic in certain European countries than in the US? Invited speakers Priyanka Deshmukh, Adjunct Lecturer (Sorbonne Nouvelle University, France) Jesús Ángel González, Associate Professor of English (University of Cantabria, Spain) Francois Hugonnier, Associate Professor of American Literature (University of Angers, France) Bo Green Jensen, writer James Peacock, senior lecturer in American Studies (Keele Universiy, UK) Aliki Varvogli, Senior Lecturer in English (University of Dundee, UK) Programme 14 October 13:15 I.B. Siegumfeldt (University of Copenhagen) Welcome 13:45 Bo Green Jensen (writer) 14:30 Priyanka Deshmukh (Sorbonne Nouvelle University, France) Rewriting European Thought in Paul Auster’s The Invention of Solitude 15:15 Break 15:45-17:00 Moderator: NN (University of Copenhagen) Panel discussion 15 October 10:15 Jesús Ángel González (University of Cantabria, Spain) Cervantes and Auster: Specular Games in Auster’s Verbal and Visual Worlds 10:45 Aliki Varvogli (University of Dundee, UK) Il est un autre: American and European selves in Paul Auster's Fiction 11:30 Francois Hugonnier (University of Angers, France) From chambre de bonne to Médaille Grand Vermeil: The French background and reception of Paul Auster's work 12:15 James Peacock (Keele Universiy, UK) Paul Auster, Leo and Karl Marx: Transatlantic Perspectives 13:00 Lunch 13:45-15:00 Moderator: Martyn Bone (University of Copenhagen) Panel discussion Registration no later than 20 September 2021 to Inge Birgitte Siegumfeldt. The Event is funded by Centre for Modern European Studies (CEMES) at University of Copenhagen. Visit The Paul Auster Research Library" "Multiple Narrators and Age";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Language";"2021-10-13";"12:15";"";"13:15";"South Campus, room 15A-2-11";"In a public lecture as part of the Creative Writing course at ENGEROM, novelist Sarah Moss, will discuss her latest novel ""Summerwater"".";"In a public lecture as part of the Creative Writing course at ENGEROM, novelist Sarah Moss, will discuss her latest novel ""Summerwater"". Abstract ""Summerwater"" takes place over a rainy day in August, as several people holiday in cabins by a Scottish Loch. In it, we meet a patchwork of narrators, and several long passages surrounding long and deep views on the surrounding natural world. This lecture considers how this multiple-protagonist framework creates opportunities for worldbuilding and for unfolding different perspectives on the same narrative events. Moss further reflects on the relationship between 'nature' and writing, and whether belonging might be separated from ownership. Bio Professor Sarah Moss is the author of six novels, ""Ghost Wall"" (Granta, 2018), ""The Tidal Zone"" (Granta, 2016), ""Signs for Lost Children"" (Granta, 2015), ""Bodies of Light"" (Granta, 2014), ""Night Waking"" (Granta, 2011) and ""Cold Earth"" (Granta, 2009). She wrote a memoir of a year in Iceland, ""Names for the Sea"", published by Granta in 2012 and also shortlisted for the RSL Ondaatje Prize. She joined the staff of UCD's School of English, Drama and Film in May 2020." "Wegbereiter des Postfaktischen? Nietzsche und die Wahrheit";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-10-08";"13:15";"2021-10-08";"14:30";"South Campus, 15A.1.13 ";"Prof. Dr. Helmut Heit";"Prof. Dr. Helmut Heit" "Time and Distance in the Empire of Suspense: Communications technology and global messaging in the 19th century";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Global Histories Forum";"2021-10-07";"15:00";"";"16:30";"South Campus, room 4B-0-58";"Lecture by Professor Charles Lock, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen.";"Lecture by Professor Charles Lock, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen." "“…just as alluring as instructive…”";"

DFF-International postdoc, Dr. Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen, University of Freiburg

Associate Professor, Dr. Anna Sandberg, University of Copenhagen

";"2021-10-07";"";"2021-10-09";"";"South Campus, 15A.0.13
The conference is open to the public, no registration fee.";"Conference: Henrik Steffens’ Concept of Nature in Science, Humanities and Arts around 1800.";"Henrik Steffens’ Concept of Nature in Science, Humanities and Arts around 1800 The conference will disseminate new results from and among international scholars in the investigation of the Danish-Norwegian-German philosopher Henrik Steffens (1773-1845), a key figure in European Idealism and Romanticism. The research will provide a new understanding of his scientific and cultural role within the disciplines of philosophy, history, theology, literature and aesthetics. Henrik Steffens’ ethics and concept of nature have academic and social relevance for today’s thinking, not least in the context of climate crisis. Programme Thursday 7 October: Steffens in the Contexts of Philosophy and Idealism around 1800 16:00–16:30 Arrival and coffee 16:30–17:00 Introduction, Sandberg & Rasmussen 17:00-17.30 Höfele: Zur Kontinuität zwischen Natur und Geist. Schelling und Steffens im Dialog 17:45–19:15 First keynote Gjesdal: Nature and Politics: Staël, Günderrode, Brentano-von Arnim (online) 19:30–20:30 Reception Friday 8 October: European Perspectives on Steffens: Theology, Anthropology, Aesthetics, Politics, and Bildung 10:00–10:30 Kondrup: Lightning-man or confused person? Henrich Steffens’ Significance for Danish Romantic Literature 10:30–11:00 Garne: Inner and Outer Nature. The Legacy of Steffens in Danish Golden Age Theology 11:00–11:30 Discussion 11.30–12:00 Coffee break 12:00–12:30 Jantzen: Farbentheorie. Steffens und Runge 12:30–13:00 Bielfeldt: Steffens und Spinoza. Etwas über Russische Epistemologie 13:00–13:30 Discussion 13:30–15:30 Lunch break in the staff restaurant 15:30–16:00 Hueck: Bildung als Selbstbestimmung. Henrik Steffens über Idee und Aufgabe der Universitäten 16:00–16:30 Bergner: Der politische Steffens (online) 16:30–17:00 Discussion 17:00–18:30 Second keynote Steigerwald: Schelling and Science (online) 19:30 Conference dinner in town Saturday 9 October: Steffens’ Concept of Nature: Ecological Perspectives 10:00–10:30 Hühn: Holismus der Natur. Zu einer Grundfigur bei Steffens und Schelling 10:30–11:00 Tønnesen: Steffens’ ideas about organic meteorology. From the Totalorganismus to planetary health? 11:00–11:30 Discussion 11:30–12:00 Coffee break 12:00–12:30 Ziche: Steffens' Anthropology: 'Innere Naturgeschichte', geological anthropology, and the 'hidden mystery' in humankind 12:30–13:00 Discussion 13:00–13:30 Conclusion, Sandberg 15:00 Excursion to Bakkehuset Structure 2 x 30 minutes for two papers plus 30 minutes for discussion. Participants Prof. Dr. Kristin Gjesdal, Temple University, USA Prof. Dr. Joan Steigerwald, University of York, Canada Prof. Dr. Morton Tønnesen, University of Stavanger, Norway Prof. Dr. Benedikt Jager, University of Stavanger, Norway Prof. Dr. Johnny Kondrup, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Prof. Dr. Paul Ziche, University of Utrecht, Netherlands Cand.theol. Kristoffer Garne Dr. Philipp Höfele, University of Freiburg, Germany Johanna Hueck, University of Freiburg, Germany Dr. Marit Bergner, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany Prof. Dr. Bernd Henningsen, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany Prof. Dr. Marie-Therese Federhofer, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany Prof. Dr. Janke Klok, University of Groningen, Netherlands Prof. Dr. Bielfeldt, University of Tübingen, Germany Prof. Dr. Lore Hühn, University of Freiburg, Germany Prof. Dr. Jörg Jantzen, University of Munich, Germany " "Author meets critic: Simon Glendinning and A Philosophical History";"Centre for Modern European Studies / Thinking the European Republic of Letters";"2021-10-05";"16:15";"";"18:00";"Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 636 9948 5163
Passcode: 792623";"Simon Glendinning (Head of the European Institute and Professor in European Philosophy, London School of Economics) in conversation about his two vols. of Europe: A Philosophical History.";"Simon Glendinning, author of Europe: A Philosophical History, 2 vols 2021, in conversation with Christian Benne and Sabrina Ebbersmeyer. Chair: Bjarke Mørkøre Stigel Hansen Europe’s history has been extensively studied in terms of its political, economic, religious history, literary and cultural history. Could there be a distinctly philosophical history of Europe? Not a history of philosophy in Europe, but a history of Europe that focuses on what, in its history and identity, ties it to philosophy? In his two volumes of Europe: A Philosophical History, Simon Glendinning takes up this question, telling the story of Europe’s history as a philosophical history. In volume 1, The Promise of Modernity, Glendinning examines the conception of Europe that links it to ideas of rational Enlightenment and modernity. In volume 2, Beyond Modernity, Glendinning discusses Europe’s modern promise of universal peace, freedom and well-being for all humanity in the wake of two world wars of European origin. Simon Glendinning is Head of the European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science and Professor in European Philosophy. His work is largely concerned with the phenomenological tradition in philosophy, the divide between ‘analytic’ and ‘continental’ philosophy, deconstruction, and the turn from European Philosophy towards the Philosophy of Europe. Christian Benne is Professor of European Literature and Intellectual History and co-leader of the research group “Thinking the European Republic of Letters” at CEMES. Sabrina Ebbersmeyer is Associate Professor in Philosophy and co-leader of the research group “Thinking the European Republic of Letters” at CEMES. Bjarke Mørkøre Stigel Hansen is Postdoc at the collaborative research project “Epistemological Aspects of ‘Dialogue’: Exploring the Potential of the Second-Person Perspective”, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University" "Multilingual awareness in multilingual learning and teaching: A DMM perspective";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-10-04";"16:00";"";"17:00";"Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/62905485312?pwd=SDh1NDdvcVMxSndKTUloQld3MmFPZz09
Passcode: 668804";"Talk by professor Ulrike Jessner (Universität Innsbruck) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality.";"Talk by professor Ulrike Jessner (Universität Innsbruck) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality. In research on third language acquisition and multilingualism metalinguistic awareness has been discussed in a number of studies as a cognitive advantage. The domains of the multilingual system in which metalinguistic ability and awareness play a crucial role are linguistic development in general, the development of cognitive, metacognitive and information-processing abilities and the development of literacy skills. In the Dynamic Model of Multilingualism (Herdina & Jessner 2002) it features as an emergent property and core component of the so-called M(ultilingualism)-Factor, that is in contrast to bi- and monolingual learners multilingual learners develop new, emergent skills and abilities comprising enhanced meta- and cross-linguistic awareness, heightened monitor functions and special language learning, language management and language maintenance skills as a function of their multilingualism. In a number of studies of the DyME (Dynamics of Multilingualism with English) – group at Innsbruck University the role of multilingual awareness in a variety of language learning scenarios ranging from kindergarten to secondary schools in Austria and Italy (South Tyrol) has been focused on. It has been evidenced that language experience matters in both multilingual learning and teaching. Ulrike Jessner has kindly given permission to record her presentation and share her PowerPoint presentation. Din internetbrowser understøtter ikke iframes. Det betyder, at videoen Ulrike Jessner - Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality ikke kan afspilles. " "Hieronymusdagen 2021: Vi ser tilbage for at se frem";"Forum for Billedmedieoversættere, Dansk Oversætterforbund, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk ved KU og Forbundet Kommunikation og Sprog";"2021-09-30";"14:00";"";"18:00";"Søndre Campus, Festsalen (11C-0-08)";"10 år med Hieronymus.";"10 år med Hieronymus Hieronymusdagen 2021 bliver en fejring af oversætterdagens ti års jubilæum i København! Vi ser tilbage for at se frem og inviterer i den forbindelse oversættere og tekstere, forskere og politikere til at diskutere sproglig faglighed i lyset af tidens debatter om kompetencer, kvalitet og vilkår. Program og tilmelding Konferencen bliver støttet af Forbundet Kommunikation og Sprog, Forum for Billedmedieoversættere, Dansk Oversætterforbund, Subline, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk på Københavns Universitet og Dansk Journalistforbund." "Pop Cultures and Ecstatic States of the Body, 1950s-1980s";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, University of Leipzig";"2021-09-30";"";"2021-10-02";"";"University of Copenhagen, South Campus, Karen Blixens Vej 8, 2300 Copenhagen, room 15A.0.13";"International conference “Pop Cultures and Ecstatic States of the Body, 1950s-1980s,” which will take place at the University of Copenhagen from September 30 until October 2, 2021.";"The international conference “Pop Cultures and Ecstatic States of the Body, 1950s-1980s,” which will take place at the University of Copenhagen from September 30 until October 2, 2021, gathers more than 20 scholars from four continents to shed light on the manifold historical entanglements between pop cultures and ecstatic bodies. Embracing pop culture studies as well as the history of bodies, our conference opens up a dialogue between experts from two research fields and, thus, aims at establishing a new perspective on contemporary history that uses the corporeal dimensions of different forms of ‘losing it’ as a lens for studying the social and cultural politics of ecstasy. Moshpit3, photo: R0uge 2006. wetwebwork from London, U.K, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons During the 1950s, pop cultures became a phenomenon on a global scale. From the beginning, ecstatic states of the body – caused by the use of substances, by experimenting with different sorts of sexuality, by immersing into music and dancing, by reaching out to religion and spirituality – played an important part in pop cultures. Pop cultures and ecstatic bodies often depended on and referred to each other. States of ecstasy and trance, on the one hand, constituted driving forces in the shaping and the development of pop cultures. On the other hand, pop cultures created and spread new types of ecstasies and new practices of getting ecstatic. Relying on concepts of ‘doing ecstasy,’ ‘controlling ecstasy,’ and ‘representing ecstasy,’ the conference examines important aspects of the entanglement between pop cultures and ecstatic bodies. Case studies include, e.g., punk music, Hollywood films, and marijuana usage, and they range geographically from Europe and North America to India or Nigeria, together exploring the role of gender, race, age, spaces, travelling, and various other aspects related to the corporeal dimensions of ‘getting high.’ If you are interested in joining the conference, please register by writing an email to ecstatic_pop_cultures@gmx.de. Conference programme Thursday, 30 September 13:00 Opening of the conference by the organizers, greetings 13:30 Panel 1: Framing Ecstasy Chair: Detlef Siegfried (University of Copenhagen) Kristoff Kerl (Feodor Lynen-Fellow/University of Copenhagen): Pop Ecstasies. Reflections on Ecstatic States of the Body in the History of Pop Cultures. 14:00 Commentary by Bodo Mrozek (Berlin Center for Cold War Studies) and discussion 15:00 Break 15:30 Panel 2: Doing Ecstasy 1: Gender Chair: Carl-Henrik Bjerstrom (University of Copenhagen)Vojin Sasa Vukadinovic (Freie Universität Berlin): No Future Whatsoever. Punk as Negative Ecstasy at the End of the 1970s.Peder Clark (University of Liverpool): Big Fun. Ecstasy, Rave and Gendered Pleasure in Britain, 1988 to 1996. 16:45 Commentary by Joana-Isabel Duyster Borreda (University of Copenhagen) and discussion 17:30 Break 18:00 First Keynote: Chair: Robert P. Stephens (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Julia Sneeringer (City University New York): From Bare Bulbs to Liquid Light Shows. Music Club Environments in Hamburg-St. Pauli across the 1960s. 19:00 Discussion 20:00 Uhr: Conference Dinner Friday, 1 October 09:00 Panel 3: Doing Ecstasy 2: Travel Chair: Daniel Steinbach (University of Copenhagen) Joshua Hill (University of St. Andrews): Spanish ‘Jippies‘, Marijuana, and the Creation of a Moral Panic under Franco’s National Catholicism. Isabel Richter (University of Berkeley): ‘Drifting into Uncertainty‘. World Music, 1960-1980. 09:45 Commentary by Michael Alexander Langkjaer (University of Copenhagen) and discussion 10:30 Break 11:00 Panel 4: Doing Ecstasy 3: Spaces Chair: Kristoff Kerl (University of Copenhagen) Ralph Höger / Sebastian Knoll-Jung (University of Heidelberg): Ecstatic Violence. Pogo Culture and the Body Turn in Gig Practices from Protopunk to Hardcore. Nikolai Okunew (The Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History - ZZF Potsdam): Ecstatic Escapism. Heavy Metal Concerts in East Germany. Bob Beach (University at Albany, SUNY): „My whole body’s sent, I feel like a millionaire.“ Ecstasies (and Agonies) of Cannabis Intoxication in Jazz-era Tea Pads, 1930-1950. 12:15 Commentary by Holger Schulze (University of Copenhagen) and discussion 13:00 Lunch break 15:00 Panel 5: Controlling Ecstasy Chair: Ana Antic (University of Copenhagen)Lucky Igohosa Ugbudian (Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike): Pop Cultures and Ecstatic States of the Body. The Nigerian Experience.Jake P. Smith (Colorado College): Archeological Ecstasies. Music, Memory, and the Built Environment in the Punk and New Wave Movements.Ondrej Daniel (Charles University): Hooligan Frenzy. Ecstatic Violence and Late State Socialist East European Football. 16:15 Commentary by Florian Schleking (University of Cologne) and discussion 17:00 Pause 17:30 Second Keynote Chair: Olaf Stieglitz (Leipzig University). Juliane Fürst (Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam): Ecstasy as Prayer and Salvation. Soviet Hippies and their Kaif 18:30 Discussion 19:00 Snacks and drinks Saturday, 2 October 10:00 Panel 6: Representing Ecstasy in the Media Chair: Tobias Wung-Sung (University of Copenhagen) Karl Siebengartner (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich): Unruly Bodies. Punks, Ecstasy and Pop Culture in Western Germany.Robert P. Stephens (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University): The Ecstasy and the Agony. Hollywood and the Construction of Mental Maps of Addiction.Olaf Stieglitz (Leipzig University): A Tunnel at the End of the Light - The New Hollywood, White Masculinity, and the Limits of Ecstasy. 11:15 Commentary by Ana Vera (University of Copenhagen) and discussion 12:00 Break 12:30 Closing discussion 13:30 Farewell Organizers Kristoff Kerl (University of Copenhagen) Detlef Siegfried (University of Copenhagen) Robert P. Stephens (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) Olaf Stieglitz (University of Leipzig) " "Spansk- og portugisisksproget litteraturfestival";"ENGEROM, Casa Latinoamericana, Editorial Aurora Boreal";"2021-09-29";"";"2021-10-01";"";"Søndre Campus";"Spansk- og portugisisksproget litteraturfestival med et væld af aktiviteter på dansk, spansk og portugisisk.";"Igen i år arrangeres en spansk- og portugisisksproget litteraturfestival på Søndre Campus. Den første dag afholdes på dansk og omhandler de kulturelle og historiske udvekslinger mellem Danmark og den spansk- og portugisisksprogede verden. De to øvrige dage foregår på spansk og portugisisk og tæller en række fremtrædende forfattere og akademikere. Mød op til nogle intensive dage for at blive inspireret af et meget livskraftigt og kreativt kulturområde. Se programmet på festivalens hjemmeside. " "Decolonizing bilingualism: Translanguaging in education";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-09-27";"17:00";"";"18:00";"Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/62905485312?pwd=SDh1NDdvcVMxSndKTUloQld3MmFPZz09
Passcode: 668804";"Talk by professor emerita Ofelia García (The Graduate Center City University of New York) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality.";"Talk by professor emerita Ofelia García (The Graduate Center City University of New York) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality. Generally, education is conducted in the dominant language of the nation-state, and when bilingual education exists, a language other than that of the nation-state is additionally used. But these efforts rely on colonial understandings of language, race and gender that have produced the inequities in education that continue to create differences and oppress many. The concept of translanguaging is here offered as a way to decolonize these understandings and how to then educate in ways that start with the linguistic, cultural, and knowledge production practices of racialized bilingual/multilingual students. Ofelia García has kindly given permission to record her presentation: Din internetbrowser understøtter ikke iframes. Det betyder, at videoen Ofelia García - Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality ikke kan afspilles. " "Før valget: Hvad nu Tyskland? ";"Tyskstudiet Københavns Universitet, Tysk Alumneforening (TAF) og Den tyske ambassade  ";"2021-09-24";"13:00";"2021-09-24";"16:00";"Søndre Campus, Lokale 23.0.50";"I anledning af det tyske valg til Forbundsdagen inviterer tyskstudiet på KU til en spændende og festlig valgeftermiddag.";" I anledning af det tyske valg til Forbundsdagen inviterer tyskstudiet på KU til en spændende og festlig valgeftermiddag på universitetet. Først vil der være oplæg og paneldiskussion mellem eksperter og politikere med fokus på Tysklands forhold til Danmark og Tysklands rolle i EU. Herefter præsenterer de tyske ungdomspartier deres syn på klima, ulighed og digitalisering. Vi afslutter med et prøvevalg blandt de tilstedeværende. Oplæg og diskussioner vil foregå på både tysk og dansk. Arrangementet er gratis og tilmeldingsfristen er 1.9. til Anna Lena Sandberg, annas@hum.ku.dk. Program Velkomst ved Anna Sandberg, tyskstudiet KU Åbningstale ved Den tyske ambassadør Åbningstale ved Goethe-institutleder Barbara Honrath Første del kl. 13.00-14.30: Oplæg og paneldebat Ulla Tørnæs (Venstre, MF), Christel Schaldemose (Socialdemokratiet, EP) og Karen Melchior (Radikale, EP): Det danske forhold til Tyskland og EU Sammy Lauritsen (souschef, Europarlamentets kontor i Danmark): Tyskland i EU Moritz Schramm (lektor, SDU): Tendenser i tysk politik Ron Amir, Dansk Industri: Den dansk-tyske handelsforbindelse Musik i pausen: Ny tysk electronica og pop: Lars B. tager os på musikalsk tur gennem Hamburgs rå gader, dykker ned i Berlins mørke undergrund for igen at dukke op til Münchens funklende overflade. Anden del kl. 14.45-16.00: Præsentation af de tyske partier og prøvevalg Politikere fra de tyske ungdomspartier præsenterer partiernes syn på klima, ulighed og digitalisering Prøvevalg Valgresultat og kommentar v. Moritz Schramm Afslutning: Der serveres forfriskninger uden for auditoriet " "30 Years of Migrantifa. Migrant self-defense from Rostock to Hanau";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-09-17";"13";"";"15";"South Campus, room 15A-1-13";"Talk by Massimo Perinelli (Berlin).";"Talk by Massimo Perinelli (Berlin)." "Dante Alighieri 1321-2021";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Studenterhuset, Campus Service (KU), DOO performing arts group og Det Flyvende Teater";"2021-09-14";"15:00";"";"";"Universitetsbiblioteket i Fiolstræde";"Tværfagligt seminar, der kaster lys over udvalgte politiske, religiøse og kulturelle perspektiver i Dantes forfatterskab og med en unik teaterperformance, ED ELLI A ME, instrueret af Giuseppe Bonifati.";"For 700 år siden, natten mellem den 13. og 14. september døde Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), forfatter til Den Guddommelige Komedie. Værket rummer en af de største fortællinger i vestens kulturhistorie og har inspireret kunstnere og forfattere i århundreder. Det er et encyklopædisk værk, der involverer alle vidensområder og overskrider faglige grænser. Dante er en samlende figur, som forskere fra klassisk filologi, litteraturvidenskab, italiensk, retorik, filosofi, jura, og teologi kan mødes omkring. Vi fejrer derfor Dante med et tværfagligt seminar, der kaster lys over udvalgte politiske, religiøse og kulturelle perspektiver i Dantes forfatterskab og med en unik teaterperformance, ED ELLI A ME, instrueret til lejligheden af Giuseppe Bonifati, leder af performancegruppen Divano Occidentale Orientale & Det Flyvende Teater. Begivenheden er gratis, men kræver billetbestilling. Program 15.00 David Dreyer Lassen, prorektor for Københavns Universitet Dr. Luigi Ferrari, Italiens Ambassadør i Danmark Velkomst 15.15 Hanne Roer, lektor, Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling, KU Dantes forunderlige Beatrice 15.45 Ditlev Tamm, prof. emer. Det Juridiske Fakultet, KU Dantes værk om Monarkiet - en statsretlig perle fra dengang det handlede om kejser og pave 16.15 Pia Schwarz Lausten, lektor, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, KU Et transkulturelt perspektiv på Komedien - forholdet til Islam 16.45 Ole Meyer, oversætter Dante og hans Helvede i billeder: maleri og skulptur 17.15 Diskussion og spørgsmål fra salen 17.30 Pause i gården med salg af drikkevarer og snacks ved Studenterhuset 18.00-18.45 ED ELLI A ME. En speed-date i helvede. Performance instrueret af G. Bonifati 19.15-20.00 ED ELLI A ME. En speed-date i helvede. Performance instrueret af G. Bonifati (gentagelse af forestillingen med nyt publikum) Om ED ELLI A ME Titlen er et citat fra Dantes Den Guddommelige Komedie, hvor sætningen ”ed elli a me”, der betyder ”og han til mig” (underforstået ”og han sagde til mig”), gentages flere steder. Med titlen fremhæves således den dialog, som hovedpersonen Dante har med hundredvis af personer i de tre dødsriger, der fortæller ham om deres skæbne og om hvorfor de befinder sig netop dér, hvor de er.Der er tale om en moderne tilpasning af Den Guddommelige Komedie. Publikum føres ind i det gamle universitetsbibliotek i Fiolstræde af Dante og Vergil, som spilles af henholdsvis den spanske skuespiller Alberto Martinez Guinaldo og den danske operasanger Fritjof Fuglesang. Dante og Vergil ledsager publikum ind i det forfærdelige helvedesimperium, ”Lad alt håb fare, I der her går ind”. De infernalske skabninger, klædt i hjelme og brandmandsdragter, venter på at få besøg fra omverdenen. Alle er begejstrede over ønsket om at fortælle den historie, der brænder inde i dem som en hemmelighed, de nidkært vogter over. Publikum deltager i en speed-date i helvede, ansigt til ansigt med de forskellige væsner, der befolker det. Ideen er at tilbyde en intim og suggestiv oplevelse til publikum, der således skifter ’partner’ efter få minutter. 451 grader Fahrenheit er den temperatur, hvor syndere antændes i helvede og bliver til aske under deres tilståelser. Tilskuerne bliver introduceret til et helvede, hvor de angrende tvinges til at sone for jordiske synder ved at brænde indeni, som det sker for adskillige andre hovedpersoner i verdenslitteraturen. De infernalske skabninger vil blive personificeret af de tredive optrædende studerende fra CISPA International School of Performing Arts. Begivenheden realiseres i et samarbejde mellem italienskfaget ved Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (KU), Studenterhuset, Københavns Universitets campus service, og Giuseppe Bonifati, leder af performancegruppen Divano Occidentale Orientale & Det Flyvende Teater. Projektet er støttet økonomisk af Det Italienske Udenrigsministerium, Det Italienske Kulturministerium (Dante 2021), Det Italienske Kulturinstitut, Foreningen Dante Alighieri, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, samt Lasson Andersens Fond. Dramaturgi og instruktør: Giuseppe L. Bonifati (IT); skuespillere: Alberto M. Guinaldo som Dante (S), Fritjof Fuglesang operasanger som Vergil (DK); 30 studerende fra Copenhagen International School of Performing Arts (DK); originalmusik: Claudio Passilongo (IT); koreografi: Melody Putu (ZA); set design: Linda Sugataghy (H)." "The poetic function of language in intercultural education";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-09-13";"17:00";"";"18:00";"Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/62905485312?pwd=SDh1NDdvcVMxSndKTUloQld3MmFPZz09
Passcode: 668804";"Talk by professor emerita Claire Kramsch (UC Berkeley) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality.";"Talk by professor emerita Claire Kramsch (UC Berkeley) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality. Digital capitalism has transformed the meaning of language from an entry point into different ways of speaking, thinking, and living to a flat landscape of total equivalences and total translatability between languages. This paper revisits Jakobson’s poetic function of language and principle of equivalence (Jakobson 1960) in light of the recent developments in machine translation and in the digital “Cross-linguistic information retrieval platforms"" (CLIR) developed between 1997-2016 mentioned in Gramling (2021). I will argue that the three savoirs that in Byram’s model pertain to language competence: savoir, savoir faire and savoir comprendre are rapidly being resignified by a view of language as commodity or tool, and communication as the efficient transmission of information. Such a resignification affects also the two other savoirs: savoir s’engager and savoir être which are in danger of being reduced to sloganized activism and belief in the total translatability across languages respectively. I compare “political education” (Byram 2021) and “translingual activism” (Pennycook 2010) and show how a focus on the poetic function of language could better prepare teachers to deal with these two dimensions of intercultural language teaching. Claire Kramsch has kindly given permission to record her presentation and share her PowerPoint presentation. Din internetbrowser understøtter ikke iframes. Det betyder, at videoen Digital talk by Claire Kramsch ikke kan afspilles. References Claire Kramsch (2020). Language as Symbolic Power. Cambridge University Press. David Gramling (2021). The Invention of Multilingualism. Cambridge University Press. David Gramling will discuss his recent book with series editors, Claire Kramsch and Zhu Hua, on Monday September 20 at 5:00 pm BST in a webinar." "Festforedrag for Henrik Rye Møller";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2021-09-10";"13:15";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-1-13";"Afskedsforelæsninger for ekstern lektor Henrik Rye Møller, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, v/ Detlef Siegfried og Mette Skovgaard Andersen.";"Afskedsforelæsninger for ekstern lektor Henrik Rye Møller, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, v/ Detlef Siegfried og Mette Skovgaard Andersen. Foredrag Detlef Siegfried: Henriks Deutschland. Über einen dänischen Blick auf die DDR Mette Skovgaard Andersen: Hvordan konstruerer man en yndlings(ex)kollega? – tanker til et fælles arbejdsliv Efter de to festforedrag inviterer instituttet til en reception (fra ca. kl. 14.30) på 2. sal på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Emil Holms Kanal 6. Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne." "Danish and German as European neighbour languages – An international conference on language contact in border zones and multilingual cities";"Research forum Norm, Variation, Language Change, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-08-24";"";"2021-08-25";"";"Room 15A.0.13, South Campus, UCPH";"Two-day international conference";"Danish and German as European neighbour languages An international conference on language contact in border zones and multilingual cities In 2020 Denmark and Germany celebrated the 100th anniversary of the current Danish-German political border, which appeared on the European map as a result of a referendum held within the border region. This event is known as “Genforeningen” (“the reunification”) in Danish historiography. Other European regions were also affected by a shift of political borders in the aftermath of World War I. These borders have in common that they divided multilingual territories which are characterized by long-lasting language and dialect contact. At the same time many European cities have increased their multilingual character due to immigration, seeing the emergence of new neighbourhoods, sometimes definable within micro-geographical borders. With our conference we wish to shed light on the significance of borders for the contact varieties used in multilingual territory, both in a structural and a sociolinguistic perspective. We aim to improve our understanding of possible common and unique features in different contact situations. Registration If you would like to take part in the conference, please register before 17 August. Max capacity 50 participants, participation is free, but enrollment is necessary. Please note, that the conference will only take place on-site at the University of Copenhagen and will not be streamed online. Abstracts Read abstracts (pdf). Programme Tuesday, 24.08.2021 12.00 – 13.00: Arrival 13.00: Lunch Section A - The dynamics of neighbour languages in the Danish-German border zone 14.00 – 14.10: Welcome 14.10 – 14.55: Elin Fredsted (Flensburg): Schleswig – a region of longitudinal language contact 14.55 – 15.40: Malene Monka (Copenhagen): Danish in Nordslesvig 1864-1920 and what it means for Southern Jutlandic today 15.40 – 16.10: Coffee break 16.10 – 16.55: Nils Langer (Flensburg): Creating a Minority – on Redefining Frisianness in the Aftermath of the 1920-Referendu 16.55 – 17.40: Lars Behnke (Copenhagen/Oldenburg): Common mechanisms in border zone morphosyntax. Evidence from Northern Germany and Eastern Poland Wednesday, 25.08.2021 Section B - Contact between neighbour languages in a European perspective 9.00 – 9.45: Silvia Dal Negro (Bozen/Bolzano): German and Romance varieties in contact in Northern Italy: Exploring insertional strategies 9.45 – 10.30: Rahel Beyer (Mannheim): Do the Germanic varieties of East Lorraine (France) still belong to German? Evidence from the form of autochthonous near-standard speech 10.30 - 11.00: Coffee break 11.00 - 11.45: Peter Auer (Freiburg): Dialect divergence at the German-French state border Section C - Language contact with new neighbours: Effects in urban areas, local borders? 11.45 – 12.30: Anita Berit Hansen (Copenhagen): Pronunciation in Parisian suburbs. Effects of language contact or reallocation of working-class variants? 12.30 - 13.30: Lunch 13.30 - 14.15: Stefanie Jannedy (Berlin): Urban German and its Perception in Berlin 14.15 – 15.00: Lian Malai Madsen (Copenhagen): Linguistic fixity and fluidity – observations from urban youth language research 15.00 - 15.45: Christina Casey / Line Sandst (Aalborg): Place, coloniality, and affect in Copenhagen and New Orleans 15.45: Conference ends" "CLIL på tværs af uddannelsesniveauer";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk ved Københavns Universitet";"2021-08-24";"";"2021-08-25";"";"Online via Zoom, se links i programmet";"Et todages virtuelt symposium.";" Den 24-25/8 2021, kl.16.00-18.30 Symposiet koordineres af Petra Daryai-Hansen og Joyce Kling, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk ved Københavns Universitet, i samarbejde med Susanne Jacobsen Perez, Roskilde Universitet. Symposiet afholdes online og er gratis. Find links til zoom i programmet nedenfor. Formål med symposiet er: At danne et CLIL-netværk på tværs af uddannelsesniveauer At dele eksisterende viden og erfaringer på tværs af uddannelsesniveauer At drøfte hvad der er behov for og hvordan vi kunne gå videre CLIL goodiebag Find alle slides og andre materialer fra symposiet på CLIL goodiebag. Program 24. august Hvad er der behov for, hvordan kunne vi gå videre? Se deltagernes kommentarer, idéer, spørgsmål. Kl. 16-18.30 Link til Zoom Kl. 16.00-16.10: Velkommen til og symposiets formål ved Joyce Kling og Susanne Jacobsen Pérez Kl. 16.10-16.40: Content and Language Integrated Learning på tværs af uddannelsesniveauer – principper og praksisanbefalinger ved Petra Daryai-Hansen Hvordan kan vi arbejde med Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) på tværs af uddannelsesniveauer og sprog - hvilke praksisanbefalinger og principper kan der formuleres på tværs af uddannelsesniveauer og sprog? Med afsæt i projektet CLIL in Languages Other Than English – Successful Transitions across Educational Stages, som er finansieret af European Centre for Modern Languages ved Europarådet og som jeg koordinerer frem til 2023, giver mit oplæg et indblik i første resultater af et forskningsbaseret europæisk udviklingsprojekt med fokus på andre sprog end engelsk. Kl. 16.45-18.30 (med pause undervejs): Parallelle workshops på tværs af grundskole og gymnasiale uddannelser (se nedenfor – det er op til dig, hvilken workshop du deltager i). Workshop 1: Samfundsfaglige perspektiver på tværs ved Susanne Jacobsen Pérez Link til ZoomFN’s verdensmål i engelsk-, tysk- og franskundervisningen ved Lone Krogsgaard Svarstad, Københavns Professionshøjskole. Oplægget vil kort præsentere NCFF-projektet Motivation for fremmedsprog og FN’s Verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling. Projektet er et tværsprogligt projekt, hvor 5 lektorer og 12 lærere i efteråret 2021 skal udvikle eksemplariske undervisningsforløb til engelsk-, tysk- og franskundervisningen i udskolingen. Forløbene er baseret på cyklusmodellen for interkulturel læring (Risager & Svarstad 2020) og en task- og chunks baseret tilgang til sprogundervisning. CLIL-stifindere: Flersprogede veje til viden i gymnasiet ved Iben Schneider, Roskilde gymnasium og hovedrepræsentant for Fransklærerforeningen. Få øje på ellers usynlige aspekter i både sprogfag og samfundsfag med flersprogede og tværfaglige CLIL-projekter i gymnasiet. Tag udgangspunkt i fagenes læreplaner og skab ny viden, i stedet for reproduktion af viden; bekæmp præstationskulturen og skab i stedet motivation og dybdelæring i undervisningen i begge fag. I oplægges deles aha-oplevelser og erfaringer fra deltagende sprog- og samfundslærere i CLIL-projektet, “CLIL-stifindere: Flersprogede veje til viden i gymnasiet”. Diskussion og opsamling på padlet: Hvad er der behov for, hvordan kunne vi gå videre? og farvel ved Susanne Jacobsen Pérez. Workshop 2: Naturfaglige perspektiver på tværs ved Joyce Kling Link til Zoom Building Vocabulary – Building Communicative Competence ved Merete Olsen og Søren Hattesen Balle, Professionshøjskolen Absalon. This talk is about how EFL classrooms can support the development of communicative competence through a focus on sustainability in cross-disciplinary projects between the subjects English and Science. A substantiated discussion and examples of relevant subject-specific learning activities will be introduced with a focus on the development of academic vocabulary and communicative competence in ELT. Sprog i Science - Science i Sprog ved Anna Scharling Brun og Barbara Schønsted-Madsen, Nærum Gymnasium. Nedslag i et undervisningsforløb, der er opstået i et samarbejde mellem 2.fremmedsprog og biologi og nu udvides til andre sciencefag. Vi har fokus på karrierelæring og sprogs anvendelighed i tværfaglige sammenhænge i og uden for gymnasiet både som hoved- og tillægskompetence. Det teoretiske grundlag for mange af øvelserne er CLIL-tankegangen anvendt i praksis. Sprog på det naturvidenskabelige gymnasium AGS, Alssundsgymnasiet ved Malene Samsø Nielsen, Alssundssgymnasiet. Oplægget tager udgangspunkt i erfaringer fra projektet ’Fremmedsprogsstrategi på det naturvidenskabelige gymnasium AGS’, der har fokuseret på fremmedsprogskompetencer som anvendelsesorienteret i lokale, nationale såvel som globale kontekster. Jeg vil pege på nogle af de udfordringer vi og vores elever møder i udviklingen og arbejdet med fremmedsprog i et overvejende naturvidenskabeligt miljø og hvordan vi kan imødekomme disse i vores fremadrettede arbejde med det sproglige miljø. STEM og 2. fremmedsprog: Hvad får eleverne til at vælge det? ved Louise Westmark og Nynne Afzelius, Gefion Gymnasium. Vi vil præsentere vores overvejelser omkring, hvad der får elever til at vælge (og fravælge) hhv. STEM og 2.fremmedsprog, og hvordan disse overvejelser bla. har spillet ind på vores udformning af det CLIL-forløb, som vi er ved at starte op. Diskussion og opsamling på padlet: Hvad er der behov for, hvordan kunne vi gå videre? og farvel ved Joyce Kling. Workshop 3: Tysk på tværs af fag og niveauer ved Petra Daryai-Hansen Link til Zoom KursKultur 2.0: Autentiske dansk-tyske elevmøder og tværfaglig, interkulturel læring ved Petra Klimaszyk, Professionshøjskolen Absalon. I oplægget deles erfaring fra planlægningsfasen af projektet. I forløbet, der skal gennemføres i efteråret, samarbejder danske og tyske skoler for at styrke 8.-9. klasse elevernes sproglige og interkulturelle kompetencer. Igennem tværfaglige projekter (tysk og naturfag), der omhandler aktuelle problemstillinger som plastikaffald eller forurenede haver, og autentisk sprogbrug skal eleverne opleve, at tysk/dansk som fremmedsprog er relevante. Succesoplevelsen, at de kan klare sig i målsproget, og de har det sjovt med jævnaldre elever fra nabolandet skal motivere dem til at lære nabosproget. Erdkunde und Biologie – mal auf Deutsch ved Carl Kinze, Distriktsskole Smørum, Egedal Kommune. Die Grundschulfächer Erdkunde und Biologie bieten sich nicht nur förmlich sondern inhaltlich für den Deutsch-Unterricht an. Teils ist das Thema Landeskunde schon im Unterricht integriert, teils sind deutsche biologische und geografische Fachwörter total transparent. Das Einsteigen und Erlernen von Deutsch erfährt erfahrungsgemäß einen guten Anschub sobald man mit Deutsch ""weiterkommt"". Am Beispiel des Projekts Meer Deutsch werden die Vorteile eines CLIL-basierten Unterrichts vorgestellt. Deutsch ist eben auch ein Walfach. Mediekompetencer på tværs af niveauer ved Karen Margrethe Aarøe, UC SYD, Læreruddannelsen Campus Haderslev. Eks. 1 tager afsæt i et samarbejdsprojekt på fire niveauer om blogskrivning mellem tyskstuderende i læreruddannelsen og tyskelever i udskolingen. Eks. 2 er fra EVU og handler om deltagernes brug af ”Book Creator” til at videndele erfaringer med forløb og læremidler for bedre at kunne rammesætte elevers brug af multimodale medier til sprogtilegnelse Samfundsfaglige perspektiver i tyskfaget ved Lise Bernsten Høyer, Frederiksværk gymnasium og HF. Der gives eksempler på studieretningssamarbejde og studieture med grønt fokus i tysk og samfundsfag ”Insekten statt Fleisch?”, ”Atomausstieg - warum?” og ”Gibt es Alternativen zu Plastik?” ved Nina Westh, Nørre Gymnasium. I oplægget deles erfaringer fra undervisningsforløb, hvor eleverne ved at arbejde med aktuelle og relevante problemstillinger i et samarbejde mellem deres naturvidenskabelige studieretningsfag og tysk oplever en relevans i sprogundervisningen, et autentisk sprogbehov og en øget motivation for at arbejde med det tyske sprog og samfund. Hjælp til opfyldelse af læreplanen på de gymnasiale uddannelser vha. CLIL ved Lene Porsborg, Frederikshavn Handelsskole, formand for Handelsskolernes Tysklærerforening. Der præsenteres forslag til, hvorledes man kan opfylde følgende mål i læreplanen (HHX,STX,HTX): ”Der skal indgå materiale på engelsk samt, når det er muligt, på andre fremmedsprog.” I disse eksempler vises, hvordan man fx vha. sammenligning af tekster på forskellige sprog kan give eleverne indsigt i sprogene og forståelse for, at faglige emner ofte har deres eget ”sprog”, om end de er skrevet på forskellige nationale sprog. Desuden gives der ideer til, hvordan man kan skabe yderligere interesse for fremmedsprog i grundskolen ved samarbejde mellem lærere i gymnasiet og i grundskolen. Diskussion og opsamling på padlet: Hvad er der behov for, hvordan kunne vi gå videre? og farvel ved Petra Daryai-Hansen. 25. august Hvad er der behov for, hvordan kunne vi gå videre? Se deltagernes kommentarer, idéer, spørgsmål. Kl. 16-18.30 Link til Zoom Kl. 16.00-16.10: Velkommen til og kort opsamling fra dag 1: Hvad er der behov for, hvordan kunne vi gå videre? ved Joyce Kling og Susanne Jacobsen Pérez Kl. 16.10-16.40: Fremmedsprog i uddannelserne: behov, kvalitet og motivation ved Hanne Leth Andersen, rektor for Roskilde Universitet Fremmedsprog forekommer mere og mere usynlige i uddannelsessystemet, til trods for at der er enighed om relevansen af sprog-kulturel viden og kompetence. Jeg vil i oplægget fremlægge muligheder for at bringe fremmedsprog mere i spil – og skabe mere motivation – fra grundskole til universitet, både af hensyn til relevans, kvalitet og employability. Kl. 16.45-18.15 (med pause undervejs): Parallelle workshops (se nedenfor – det er op til dig, hvilken workshop du deltager i). Kl. 18.20-18.30: Næste skridt og farvel ved Joyce Kling og Susanne Jacobsen Pérez. Link til Zoom. Workshop 1: Fokus på de videregående uddannelser: behovsanalyser og didaktiske modeller ved Joyce Kling og Susanne Jacobsen Pérez Link til Zoom Modeller for integreret sprogundervisning – erfaringer fra videregående uddannelser ved Anne Holmen og Sanne Larsen, Center for Internationalisering og Parallelsproglighed, Københavns Universitet. På baggrund af vores arbejde med to udviklingsprojekter vedrørende integration af sprog i mellemlange og lange videregående uddannelser vil vi præsentere tre modeller, der har været afprøvet i praksis. De adskiller sig på formål, sprog og institutionel forankring. Sprogprofilen ved Roskilde Universitet ved Susanne Jacobsen Pérez og Joshua Sabih, Roskilde Universitet. I dette oplæg giver vi et indblik i, hvordan Sprogprofilen gennem CLIL-didaktik styrker de bachelorstuderendes indblik i humanistiske og samfundsvidenskabelige problemstillinger på fransk, tysk eller spansk, og udvider deres kommunikative kompetencer på disse tre sprog, så de bliver i stand til at begå sig i universitetssammenhænge på disse sprog og som vidensmedarbejdere på flersprogede arbejdspladser. Muligheder og udfordringer med CLIL i læreruddannelsen ved Robert Lee Revier og Catherine Watson, Københavns Professionshøjskole. Oplægget vil forklare motivationen for et specialiseringsmodul i CLIL på læreruddannelsen på KP og de indsigter vi har fået som resultat af modulets implementering. Vi vil især kigge på hvilke indsigter modulet har givet os i forhold til uddannelsen af engelsklærere i bredere perspektiv og give eksempler på hvordan en CLIL-tilgang kan gavne både fremmedsprog og andre fag i læreruddannelsen. Diskussion og opsamling på padlet: Hvad er der behov for, hvordan kunne vi gå videre? ved Joyce Kling og Susanne Jacobsen Pérez. Workshop 2: Erhvervsfokus og karriereperspektiv: analyser og didaktiske modeller ved Petra Daryai-Hansen Link til Zoom Undersøgelse af gevinster ved sproglige tillægskompetencer ved Jytte Lyngvig, Københavns Universitet. Ud fra egne erfaringer vidste jeg, at tillægskompetencer i sprog var en gevinst for arbejdsliv og karriere. Ved eksplorative undersøgelser har jeg vist, at det gælder bredt for ikke-sprogligt uddannede, og det gælder særligt for: ""givet mig mere interessante arbejdsopgaver"" og ""øget min værdi på arbejdsmarkedet"". Generation Global: Multilingualism and intercultural skills for a dual-competency workforce of the future ved Ana Kanareva-Dimitrovska, Aarhus Universitet. I mit oplæg vil jeg fortælle om Erasmus+-projektet Generation global som tager afsæt i, at vi i Europa har brug for unge med stærke sproglige og interkulturelle kompetencer, så de kan tackle de udfordringer, der opstår i de europæiske samfund og på fremtidens arbejdsmarked. Jeg vil derudover præsentere forskellige muligheder for, hvordan man kan inddrage erhvervslivet i fremmedsprogundervisningen samt karrierelæring. Tysk i et karriereperspektiv – erfaringer fra folkeskole og gymnasieuddannelser ved Jan Engberg, Aarhus Universitet. I de seneste år har jeg dels selv været involveret i arrangementer, hvor gymnasieelever kunne prøve kræfter med karriere-orienteret kommunikation, dels koordineret et projekt, hvor forskellige tiltag har været afprøvet på såvel folkeskole- som gymnasieniveau. Mit oplæg vil give et overblik over de forskellige typer af aktiviteter, vi har afprøvet, samt over erfaringerne herfra. Diskussion og opsamling på padlet: Hvad er der behov for, hvordan kunne vi gå videre? ved Petra Daryai-Hansen. " "Vil du gøre international karriere i EU?";"Studievejledningen på ENGEROM, DM og Danmarks EU-repræsentation i Bruxelles";"2021-06-24";"16:00";"";"";"Online";"Studievejledningen på ENGEROM og DM holder i samarbejde med Danmarks EU-repræsentation i Bruxelles et webinar om, hvordan du søger og får en stilling i EU.";"Studievejledningen på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) og Dansk Magisterforening (DM) holder i samarbejde med Danmarks EU-repræsentation i Bruxelles et webinar om, hvordan du søger og får en stilling i EU. Der er særligt fokus på jobs, der er relevante for studerende med en humanistisk baggrund, som der er stor efterspørgsel på. Du møder blandt andet to kandidater, der har startet deres karriere i EU, og hører dem fortælle om deres arbejde med kommunikation, politisk betjening, oversættelse og administration. EU-Kommissionen er hovedinitiativtager til EU-lovgivningen og spiller derfor en afgørende rolle for Europas politiske udvikling inden for områder som klima- og energipolitik, digital regulering og udenrigspolitik. Det kan du blive en del af. Oplægsholdere Kabinetschef Kim Jørgensen, EU-Kommissionen og tidl. EU-ambassadør ved Danmarks EU-repræsentation i Bruxelles. Kristian Knudsen, HR-direktør, Europa-Parlamentet. Marianne Nissen, tidl. Blue Book-stagiare, i GD Oversættelse (DGT) Søren Toft, ambassaderåd v. Danmarks EU-repræsentation, Bruxelles. Efter arrangementet vil det være muligt at blive henvist til yderligere rådgivning hos Danmarks EU-repræsentation i Bruxelles om, hvordan du søger ind i EU. Deadlines for trainee-stillinger er i juli og august måned. Webinaret er åbent for alle, og det er gratis at deltage." "Linking L2 pragmatics and intercultural understanding in the foreign language classroom";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-05-31";"16:00";"";"17:00";"Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/62905485312?pwd=SDh1NDdvcVMxSndKTUloQld3MmFPZz09
Passcode: 668804";"Talk by associate professor Troy McConachy (University of Warwick) and Natalia Morollón Martí (University of Copenhagen) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality.";"Talk by associate professor Troy McConachy (University of Warwick) and Natalia Morollón Martí (University of Copenhagen) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality. The purpose of this talk is to explore the role of metapragmatic reflection and the potential for developing intercultural understanding in the teaching and learning of L2 pragmatics. Taking the recognition of the close relationship between pragmatics and culture and the need to engage learners with this relationship as our starting point, we will then focus on interpretation and reflection as key learning processes for exploring this relationship. ​Data will be presented from language classrooms in Japan and Denmark that illustrate concrete ways that learners come to make sense of situated language use and personal experience from an intercultural perspective. Natalia Morollón Martí and Troy McConachy have kindly given permission to share their PowerPoint presentation. References McConachy, T. (2013). Exploring the meta-pragmatic realm in English language teaching. Language Awareness, 22 (2), 100-110. McConachy, T. (2019). L2 pragmatics as ‘intercultural pragmatics’: Probing sociopragmatic aspects of pragmatic awareness. Journal of Pragmatics, 151, 167-176. McConachy, T. (2018). Developing Intercultural Perspectives on Language Use: Exploring Pragmatics and Culture in Foreign Language Learning. Multilingual Matters. Morollón Mart., N. (2017). “El potencial pedagógico de la pragmática sociocultural como herramienta de mediación en la interpretación de experiencias interculturales” Sociocultural Pragmatics, 5 (1), 59-86. Morollón Mart., N. & Fernández, S. (2016). “Telecollaboration and sociopragmatic awareness in the foreign language classroom”. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching - Online Intercultural Exchange,10 (1), 34-48." "Emotions of Inclusion and Exclusion in Transnational Spaces";"";"2021-05-20";"";"2021-05-21";"";"";"This interdisciplinary workshop brings together a series of papers that examine representations of how migrants feel, manage, articulate and narrate emotions of inclusion and exclusion in the course of diverse migration experiences in the past and present across global spaces.";" ⓒ Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash Introduction Migrants and refugees typically experience inclusions and exclusions as they endeavour to settle in a new country and try to feel at home. Within these processes, emotions of inclusions and exclusions (joy, fear, rage, frustration, guilt, hope, promise, nostalgia, etc.) are negotiated by migrants and their significant others in myriad ways, as they experience them and reflect on them on a quotidian basis. Similar emotions are integrated in migrants’ experiences throughout their journeys, border crossings, departures, settlements, and movements between cultures. This interdisciplinary workshop brings together a series of papers that examine representations of how migrants feel, manage, articulate and narrate emotions of inclusion and exclusion in the course of diverse migration experiences in the past and present across global spaces. In particular, the workshop explores the agentive forces of emotions evidenced in processes of integration, as experienced by migrants and more sedentary local communities. The ultimate aim of the workshop is to underscore the degree in which emotions are significant in the analysis of mobile lives. The workshop builds on the conference “Representations of Migration and Emotions of Exclusion,” which was held at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin (20-21 March 2019) as part of the Max Planck Society research initiative “Challenges of Migration, Integration and Exclusion”. Contributions in the workshop will be included in an edited volume that examines the interrelationships between migration and emotions, exclusion and inclusion, and representations and narratives, in both local and global discourses. Organisers Dr Sonia Cancian, Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, McGill University, Montreal, Canada Dr Peter Leese, Department of English, Germanic, and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Dr Soňa Mikulová, Center for the History of Emotions, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany Programme 20 May 13:00 Sonia Cancian, Soňa Mikulová & Peter Leese Introductory Remarks 13:10 Panel 1 Chair: Peter Leese Alexandra Ridgway Living In-Between Inclusion and Exclusion: The Emotional Dimensions of Spousal Visa Holders’ Liminal Legal Status Sucharita Sen Migrating to the Colony: Cross-Racial Emotional Intimacies in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century British Indian Empire 14:10 Coffee/tea break 14:20 Panel 2 Chair: Diego Castillo Goncalves Maggie Paul ‘Bangladeshi infiltrators’ and the Politics of Fear in Hindu India Miriam Stock Envy versus Guilt – Emotions and Hierarchies in Syrian Transnational Families in the Migration Regime between the Middle East and Europe 15:20 Coffee/tea break 15:30 Panel 3 Chair: Sonia Cancian Cecilia Molesini Feeling like an Emotional Community: The Forced Migration and Integration of Germans from Silesia, Pomerania and East Prussia (1945-1955) Soňa Mikulová The Integration of German Expellees in Catholic Church in West Germany after 1945 and the Ambivalent Role of Expellee Priests 16:30 Coffee/tea break 16:40 Panel 4 Chair: Peter Leese Diego Castillo Goncalves Negotiating Exclusion within Child Migration: Legal liminality and the Process of Narrativization of the Child Migrant in the Republic of Ireland Concluding Remarks 21 May 13:00 Panel 1 Chair: Peter Leese Robyn Heckenberg Diaspora, Dispossession and Refugees in our own Land 14:00 Coffee/tea break 14:10 Panel 2 Chair: Soňa Mikulová Ondřej Daniel “Sounds of Slavic Unculturedness”: Music as Gendered, Aged and Classed Emotion of Exclusion and Inclusion in Transnational Space Javiera Cienfuegos Illanes “To Be or Not to Be”: Skilled Transmigration, Social Mobilities and Emotional Inequalities 15:10 Coffee/tea break 15:20 Panel 3 Chair: Miriam Stock Faith Kilpeläinen, Minna Zechner Older Refugees Striving for Social Inclusion in an African Urban Setting Sonia Cancian Why Stories Matter: Empathy and the Narratives of Migrants in Italy and South Africa in the early 21st century 16:20 Coffee/tea break 16:30 - 17:30 Final Discussion Abstracts Why Stories Matter: Empathy and the Narratives of Migrants in Italy and South Africa in the early 21st century Sonia Cancian, McGill University, Montreal, Canada Abstract In a 2017 report on an interview in Turin with a migrant woman from Somalia, Aisha’s demeanor conveys a need to tell her story. Through a tearful gaze, the touch of a hand, and the search for words directed to the interviewer, she lends testimony to the forms of depravity and suffering she experienced in her life, and the injustice of it all. This embodied narration of Aisha’s story struck the interviewer deeply, and later, emphatically described the scene in a report through an intersubjective lens. Empathy, a notion that explicates feelings and states of mind of openness and movement to other people's emotions, experiences, and reflections, has garnered burgeoning interest in recent years. Similarly, narratives that describe the experiences of migrants remain as relevant as ever in the interdisciplinary study of migration. How does empathy operate in the narration of migrant experiences? What inter-connections and effects are engendered at the micro- and macro-levels? This paper will endeavour to explore the concept of empathy and its weavings inside/outside narratives by examining a series of transcribed semi-structured interviews of migrant war orphans who immigrated to Italy and South Africa in the late 20th and early 21st century. Bio Dr. Sonia Cancian is a social historian with an interest in international migration and personal narratives. Before her return to Montreal in 2019, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development's Center for History of Emotions in Berlin. Much of Cancian's research is focused on postwar international migration, migrant personal correspondence, gender dynamics, intimacy, emotions and migration and family. New areas of research include post-conflict resettlement, memory and migration in the 20th and 21st century. Cancian is the author of Families, Lovers, and their Letters: Italian Postwar Migration to Canada (University of Manitoba Press). Recent publications include two volumes published in 2021: Emotional Landscapes: Love, Gender, and Migration (University of Illinois Press), co-edited by Marcelo Borges, Sonia Cancian and Linda Reeder, and Cancian’s With Your Words in My Hands: The Letters of Antonietta and Loris (McGill-Queen’s University Press). She is currently international member of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal and visiting researcher at the Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, Faculty of Law, McGill University. Negotiating Exclusion within Child Migration: Legal liminality and the Process of Narrativization of the Child Migrant in the Republic of Ireland Diego Castillo Goncalves, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Abstract This paper investigates the processes by which experiences of exclusion shaped by ‘legal liminality’ interrelate with the narrativization and production of discourses on child migration. It analyses therefore the ways by which legal liminality interacts and engages with notions of emotion across different categories of migrant children, and subsequently, how this symbiotic relationship shapes narratives and construction of representations of this population. To do so, the paper focuses on how governance strategies and legal frameworks, or change within these frameworks, have come to produce migrant children’s experiences of legal liminality, and the interrelationship between this and the process of narrativization. Firstly, the paper conducts this analysis by advancing conceptualisations of ‘legal liminality’ in light of emotional discourses present within legal frameworks. It then sets its scope of enquiry, comparatively looking at oral accounts provided by migrant children living in the Republic of Ireland, evoking a comparative standpoint between the early 2000s, when a large set of migrant children arrived in the state, with more recent social and political concerns, engaging with relevance played by time in changes or stratification of this interrelationship between emotions and migration. The paper concludes by addressing how legal liminality has influenced discourse and construction of migrant children in the Irish state. Bio Diego Castillo Goncalves is a doctoral researcher in the School of Law, Trinity College Dublin (TCD). Prior to this, Diego worked as a Legal Advisor with Asylum Access Malaysia, and as the Children’s Officer with the Irish Refugee Council. He is currently engaged in Policy and rights-based work with a national Human rights institution in Ireland. Additionally, Diego is a member of the board of Trustees of Safe Haven Ireland, a non-profit Organisation focusing on migrant integration. Diego has published in the areas of asylum, child migration, and ethics. “To Be or Not to Be”: Skilled Transmigration, Social Mobilities and Emotional Inequalities Javiera Cienfuegos, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Santiago de Chile, Chile Abstract Skilled migration is a kaleidoscopic phenomenon and the debate regarding transnational migration of professionals has moved in numerous directions. Little information about the processes lived within host communities and emerging inequalities in these societies has been addressed. Based on a comparative biographical study conducted in Santiago, Chile, and Berlin, this chapter will show how Latin American skilled migrants manage emotions in their everyday lives. The chapter is divided into four parts. Firstly, a theoretical definition of emotions will be presented, which will allow understanding their significant role in social processes. Secondly, narratives of skilled migrants' struggles will show the prominence of social stereotypes and barriers for integration. In a third section of the analysis, I will underscore the emotions associated with feelings of inequality, demonstrating the ways in which origin, profession, gender and children are entangled. The fourth section will describe the diverse ways migrants manage social stereotypes and how they perform host communities; transforming negative feelings into positive perceptions, and resolving stress points in a process of integration and recognition. The conclusion will point to the continuum of inclusion and exclusion and related constraints on transmigrants and their agency to experience creative lives. Bio Dr. Javiera Cienfuegos is an Associate Professor at Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano (Chile). Her main research areas include the family diversity, transnational migration, and social emotions, as part of the umbrella topic of transnational families, an area of study she has advanced on since 2007. Dr. Cienfuegos’s scientific chapters and articles are available in numerous languages. She is editor and co-editor of three books and special issues. Javiera Cienfuegos teaches courses in sociology on migration and emotions, and qualitative and mixed methods of social research. Currently, Dr. Cienfuegos works on a project that underscores family diversity through the visual academic- and community-based project “Familia Glocal”. The goal of this project is to make visible and rescue quotidian experiences and issues in ways that people are “doing family”. Youtube Facebook “Sounds of Slavic Unculturedness”: Music as Gendered, Aged and Classed Emotion of Exclusion and Inclusion in Transnational Space Ondřej Daniel, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Abstract This study explores a set of collective emotions associated with migration from contemporary Eastern and Southeastern Europe. For this purpose, I focus on the representations of migrants and their offspring in order to analyse emotions linked with their exclusion and inclusion expressed in the contemporary production of popular and subcultural music. In my paper, I also ask how these are affected by experiences of gender, age and class. The distinct qualities of diasporic music from contemporary Eastern and Southeastern Europe produce particular kinds of emotions. These are often instrumented by high-pitched sounds, specific rhythms and a certain loudness. Some of the musical traits reflect the regions’ associations with war and conflict, as well as joy, passion and fatalism. What results is a delimitation between a primitive and aggressive “male” side and a beautiful, proud and resistant “female” side of the region. The area is, thus, conceived as Europe’s “Other” and its signature music is seen as exotic, especially in the urban landscapes of “old Europe”. At the same time, this aesthetic captures something that some non-migrant audiences had long seen as missing from their own cultures. Bio Ondřej Daniel earned a PhD from the Institute of World History at Charles University’s Faculty of Arts, with a dissertation later published as Rock or Turbofolk: The Imagination of Migrants from the Former Yugoslavia (2013). Since 2016, he published a series of works that synthesised his research on the role of subcultures and violence in the development of post-socialist mainstream Czech culture and DIY subcultural practices. His current work examines intersections of class and xenophobia in contemporary Czech society. He is a founding member of the Centre for the Study of Popular Culture. He works in the Seminar on General and Comparative History within the Department of Global History at Charles University’s Faculty of Arts. Diaspora, Dispossession and Refugees in our own Land Robyn Heckenberg, Curtin University, Perth, Australia Abstract This is an Australian Indigenous Wiradjuri standpoint. It expresses an emotional chronicle of dispossession creating an Aboriginal diaspora. In heart wrenching contexts, Aboriginal people became refugees in their own land. Exclusion, loss of freedom, close surveillance and prohibitions, are stories framed within histories of emotion. Storylines in archives and oral histories of clan and tribal connection to Country speak of trauma, disconnection and forced removal to places far away. Policies of segregation establishing missions and reserves, were sources of homesickness and grief. Experiences created narratives resonating within a history of emotions. Yet ongoing impacts on Aboriginal society and culture through this compelling rendering of ancestral history also speaks survival, resilience, and even joy. Emotions in truth-telling contexts resonate our commonalities globally: Sami, Hawaiian and Canadian colonial experiences. From a dialectic perspective, Indigenous people are refugees in their own lands. Cultural and historical knowledge of Indigenous people through emotion and stories of feeling resonate as recordings of devastation, but also hope. Indigenous people’s story-telling describes social commentaries of interrelatedness in connection to country channelling healing and love. Attempted cultural genocide and land expulsion make way for transformative times of shared Indigenous voices, reflected globally in the amity of UNDRIP, seeking harmonious solutions. Bio Robyn Heckenberg is a Wiradjuri Academic with a binding interest in community histories, social justice, river story and community development through the arts. She explores creative education and place pedagogy as conduits for Caring for Country and ensuring greater self-determination for Indigenous Australians. Her work expresses ways for environmental issues and cultural knowledge to gain greater visibility and traction so as to better look after and care for our wondrous Mother Earth and all creation. Robyn is Associate Professor and Dean of Learning and Teaching at Centre for Aboriginal Studies at Curtin University, Perth W.A. As a woman of the Wiradjuri Nation, she is from the Murray-Darling Basin. Robyn is an Associate Researcher for the Centre for the History of Emotions, UWA. Older Refugees Striving for Social Inclusion in an African Urban Setting Faith Kilpeläinen, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland Minna Zechner, Associated Professor, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland Abstract Since refugees have been forced to leave their home country mostly due to war or political oppression, they have had to carry heavy emotional burdens caused by harsh life experiences. Alienation, lack of meaning and lack of life satisfaction are common experiences in such drastic and pervasive changes. We study the ways refugees from Kenya, Burundi, Kongo, Rwanda and Sudan in Nairobi strive for social inclusion, emphasizing the ethnos part of social inclusion including narrated emotional experiences and processes. Ethnos refers to a sense of cohesion and identification through shared values and cultural community. Demos is more about the formal rights ascribed to citizenship. Both ethnos and demos are essential in social inclusion, which we understand as a state where social relationships are built, individuals do not feel socially isolated. Social inclusion thus means the empowerment of individuals to participate in a society. It is contextual, so that in an urban setting the means for social inclusion are different from a rural context. The data for this chapter are drawn from fifteen interviews with African older refugees living in Nairobi, aged 50 and over. The age reflects the notions of ageing in Kenya, resonating certain physical attributes, reproductive experiences and roles performed in the community. Bios Faith Kilpeläinen is a postgraduate degree student at the faculty of social sciences in the discipline of social work at the University of Lapland in Finland. With a background in social work and nursing sciences she has focused to research older adults with refugee background and forced migration. Earlier she has done a study on experiences of gerontological social workers in a social welfare system, looking into their experiences with elderly clients. Minna Zechner is an Associate Professor in social work at the University of Lapland in Finland. Most of her research has to do with ageing and especially elder care. She has written text books on care and studied migration in relation to care: how transnational elder care is taking place and how migrants combine work and family life. Additionally, she has studied transnational habitus and mobility life stories of retired individuals. She has done also policy relevant research, as her main field is social policy. Qualitative and comparative research are familiar ways of working for her. At the moment she is co-leading a project on gerontological social work. Peter Leese, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Bio Peter Leese is Associate Professor of History at the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen. His publications include Narration, Migration and Identity: cross-cultural perspectives (2012) and The British Migrant Experience 1700-2000: an anthology (2002). He is also the co-editor (with Ville Kivimaki) of Trauma, Experience and Narrative in Europe after World War Two (forthcoming, 2021) and (with Julia Kohne and Jason Crouthamel) Languages of Trauma: History, Memory, and Media (2021). His current research is on processes of post-conflict reconstruction in 20th century Europe. Migrant Representations: life-story, investigation, picture is forthcoming from Liverpool University Press in 2022. The Integration of German Expellees in Catholic Church in West Germany after 1945 and the Ambivalent Role of Expellee Priests Soňa Mikulová, Center for the History of Emotions, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany Abstract This chapter explores mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion from a historical perspective on the process of integration of German refugees from the East, who came to Germany mainly between 1945 and 1950. Mikulová analyzes specific church communities in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rottenburg in the first postwar decade. Drawing from the history of emotions, she focuses on emotional expressions, practices and styles as evidenced in archival documents and secondary literature, in order to investigate already established and newly created emotional communities and their capacity to include or exclude new members. Moreover, she identifies specific building elements of exclusion, such as moments, actors, acts and reactions to it, through individual feelings of exclusion. She argues that this combination of conceptual frameworks adds further understanding of the integration process of German expellees into church communities, which could be applied to broader research of inclusion and exclusion in history and presence. Bio Soňa Mikulová received her PhD at Charles University in Prague. After joining the Center for the History of Emotions in 2017, she was also a team member of a three-year research initiative of the Max Planck Society “Challenges of Migration, Integration and Exclusion”. Currently, she is engaged in her research project on the “emotional integration” of German expellees in both German countries after 1945. Her research interest lies in memory and cultural studies, history of emotions and public history with special focus on Central Europe and Italy. Recent publications include: “German Expellees in West Germany after 1945 and their Integration into Church Communities”, in Similar but Different: Inclusion and Exclusion of Immigrant Communities Sharing Similar Cultural Backgrounds with Their Host Societies. Population Europe Discussion Paper Series, (8/2018), 35-40; “Opportunities and challenges of political activism within public history on the example of the Mittenwald protest campaign (2002–2009)” in International Public History (a special issue, forthcoming). Feeling like an Emotional Community: The Forced Migration and Integration of Germans from Silesia, Pomerania and East Prussia (1945-1955) Cecilia Molesini, University of Padua, Verona, Venice Ca’ Foscari, Italy Abstract During and after WWII millions of Germans fled or were expelled from their home in the Ostgebiete of the German Reich and subsequently integrated in post-war occupied Germany. The role of the protestant Church in their reception and care was fundamental. Pastors, for instance, used circular letters (Rundbriefe) as important instruments to keep in touch with their parishioners and to create a network among families who were dispersed throughout Germany and with whom they corresponded regularly. For this contribution I turn to both the Rundbriefe and the letters of the parishioners to analyze this phenomenon through a bottom-up approach. By comparing protestant communities from three villages in Silesia, Pomerania and East Prussia I explore the ways in which these different groups comprise the one “emotional community” and to what extent forced migration itself may be identified as a possible creator of one such community. In examining people’s narratives in the period between 1945 and 1955, common ambivalent emotions have been evidenced, based on the one hand, on their desire to become more integrated in their new surroundings, and, on the other hand, the hope to be allowed to return home. Bio Cecilia Molesini is currently completing a PhD in Historical Studies at the Universities of Padua, Verona and Venice Ca’ Foscari. Her project focuses on flight and expulsion of Germans from Silesia, Pomerania and East Prussia after World War II and their integration in West Germany up until the mid-1970s analysing ego-documents through the history of emotions’ perspective. During her doctoral studies, she spent several months conducting research in Berlin and completing a semester at the University of Cologne, courtesy of the Erasmus+ program. She graduated with degrees in Philosophy (BA), and International Relations (MA) from the University of Bologna. As part of these studies, she attended the Free University in Berlin in 2012-2013 and spent one semester at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow in 2015. Since January 2018, she has been a member of the editorial board for the journal “Ricerche di Storia Politica”. Who is being Urusai? Emotions of Indonesian Migrants towards Noise Politics in Rural Japan Median Mutiara, Nagoya University, Japan Abstract The symbolic representation of rural areas in Japan is laden with notions of ie, which are reflected in the paternalistic practices in the workplace, housing, and neighborly relationships. During my ethnographic fieldwork in Oarai, a small, dense town in eastern coast of Japan, I noticed the tension between migrants and the locals through the presence of set-up stones and barbed wires in the neighborhood. This paper aims to examine the emotions of migrants in relation to their neighbors by revealing the underlying conflict and attribution between the two groups in everyday encounters. The data is collected through in-depth interviews and sensory ethnography of three participants, and my experience as a migrant living in the neighborhood for eight months. The study finds that Japanese neighbors reprimand the migrants for noise making by complaining, reporting and attributing them with the word ‘urusai’ (literally means noisy, fussy, and annoying). Migrants perceived it as a stigma and rejection of their presence in the neighborhood, as they believed noise is not merely about the sound they made, but their unwanted presence. In its escalation, migrants started using ‘urusai’ to address Japanese neighbors, as an expression of frustration, sadness, rejection and disappointment rather than anger. It also reflects resistance towards the continuous ‘urusai acts’ by the Japanese neighbors in an attempt to expel the migrants. This study shows how noise can be a political tool to exercise power and control across space and how emotions try to resist it by challenging the notion. Bio Median Mutiara is a PhD candidate in Anthropology (migration studies) in Nagoya University, Japan. Her current research is exploring purity-impurity conceptions of Nikkei Manadonese migrants through sensory and embodied experiences in their everyday domains. Her research interests include sensory ethnography, ethnic minority integration and education, care-migration and religious practices in migration in the contexts of Indonesia and Japan. The related article on noise making is published in the journal Social Sciences, and the finding is featured in Japan’s daily newspaper, The Asahi Shimbun. Bangladeshi ‘infiltrators’ and the Politics of Fear in Hindu India Maggie Paul, University of Adelaide, Australia Abstract The clandestine (Muslim) ‘Bangladeshi migrant’ has been a referent par excellence for ‘national threat’ discourses in India. Besides making a regular appearance in emotionally charged election campaigns and propelling major deportation drives in metropolitan cities with colourful names such as Operation Flush-Out, the figure of this ‘enemy’ has been used to penalise vulnerable urban populations for long. Sankaran Krishna has aptly articulated this longstanding obsession with ‘alien infiltration’ in terms of postcolonial ‘cartographic anxiety’. The public emotion of insecurity is both the anchor to and propelled by a politics of fear; ‘the Muslim is discursively constructed as a site of fear, fantasy, distrust, anger, envy and hatred, thus generating desires of emulation, abjection and/or extermination’, says Dibyesh Anand. This narrative has even led to solid policy implications such as amendments to the only citizenship related legal statute in the country, including the latest one in November 2019, which led to unprecedented countrywide protests in early 2020. The paper would (a) explore the contemporary politics of fear around the Bangladeshi migrants by charting the progression of the narrative of ‘infiltration’ and (b) repercussions for all migrants in the country; thus, highlighting the role of public emotions in creating political discourses around migration in the South Asian context over time. Bio Maggie Paul is a researcher of South Asian politics and culture. She is currently enrolled as a doctoral candidate with the Department of Politics and IR at the University of Adelaide, Australia. Her PhD research focuses on civil society and the 'crisis' of migrant citizenship during the COVID-19 lockdown in India. Her research interests include migration and migrant citizenship practices; citizenship regimes and civil society; social theory specifically post-humanist, decolonial theory; Buddhist ethics, psychology and ecology; and philosophy of education and pedagogical innovations. Read more about Maggie Paul Living In-Between Inclusion and Exclusion: The Emotional Dimensions of Spousal Visa Holders’ Liminal Legal Status Alexandra Ridgway, Centre for Criminology, The University of Hong Kong Abstract Between inclusion and exclusion, liminality can be found. Liminality is the hyphen space of living in-between the security of inclusion and perils of exclusion; a place “betwixt and between all the recognized fixed points in space-time of structural classification” (Turner, 1967, p.97). Yet, liminality also conveys a crossover where inclusion and exclusion can be experienced simultaneously; it is a grey space in which individual “border dwellers” (Wood, 2016, p.492) may concurrently exist as the un/accepted. Migrants frequently find themselves in a space of liminal legality, described by Menijvar (2006) as the “gray area between legal categories” (p.1000). For spouse visa holders, the conditions they must fulfil before their temporary legal status is transformed into permanent residency creates an experience of liminal legality where they exist as “probationary migrant wives” (Briddick, 2019). This chapter explores the experiences of 46 women who migrated under spouse visa schemes to either Hong Kong or Melbourne, Australia and found themselves living in-between states of inclusion and exclusion. It particularly examines the emotions involved in their experiences of liminal legality and discovers that, while affective aspects of their experiences differed depending upon their personal circumstances, they were nevertheless united by their shared experience of “emotional adriftness”. Bio Dr Alexandra Ridgway completed her PhD in Sociology at The University of Hong Kong in 2020. Her thesis examined spouse visa holder's experiences of marital breakdown in Hong Kong and Melbourne, Australia and revealed how their legal status shaped their family lives both prior to, during and after divorce. Alexandra identifies primarily as a socio-legal scholar and her research interests centre upon two key themes: first, family life particularly experiences of biographical disruption and crisis; and second, migration especially how immigration law shapes social lives. Prior to beginning her doctoral program, Alexandra worked for over a decade in the community sector in Australia, specialising in family violence and working with migrant and refugee populations. She is also one of the founders of the Universitas 21 Asia Pacific Research Network of Family Migration which was established in 2017. Migrating to the Colony: Cross-Racial Emotional Intimacies in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century British Indian Empire Sucharita Sen, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Abstract From the nineteenth century, British women travelled to India with their officer husbands. Such women were referred to as the Memsahibs. Their duty was to recreate the British domestic life in India and ensure her husband’s homely comforts. The Memsahibs were restricted to the household which employed a retinue of servants and the Memsahibs’ role was to implement imperial hierarchies by her control over the servants. But unlike the British household, where domestic servants were predominantly female, in India, the majority of the servants were male. These men, not used to taking orders from women, blatantly disobeyed the Memsahibs. This problematised colonial relationships by challenging the superiority of the Memsahib vis-à-vis her servants, a premise on which colonial domestic arrangements were based. In such a household, the Indian ayah, employed as a Memsahib’s personal maid became the Memsahib’s companion, giving her emotional security in a migrant life. Drawing upon letters, diaries, housekeeping manuals and fictional narratives of the Memsahibs, I argue that while racial concerns and imperial hierarchies divided the Memsahib and the ayah, who belonged to two different cultural, class and racial backgrounds, their gendered affiliations forged cross-racial intimacies where emotional attachments existed in tandem with imperial power structures. Bio Sucharita Sen is a PhD student at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Her research interests include Social and Political History, Political Thought and Gender Studies. Envy versus Guilt – Emotions and Hierarchies in Syrian Transnational Families in the Migration Regime between the Middle East and Europe Miriam Stock, University of Education, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany Abstract Due to the civil war, many Syrian families have become suddenly transnationalized across the Middle East and Europe. This article analyses tensions, communication barriers and aligned emotions that arise in these transnational families whose members are dispersed between Syria, Lebanon, and Germany. It will show how these emotions and (non-)narrations in families reflect different experiences of exclusions which are linked to different locations in the migration system between Europe and the Middle East. This article combines three research fields, first transnational families and the re-negotiations gender roles and social status across borders, second research on emotions in migration, particularly the interdependence between emotion and space, and third the role of emotions in migration regimes and forming migrant subjectivities. The research consists of 12 qualitative interviews with Syrians in Germany and Lebanon and notes from participant observation. Emotions such as pressure, envy, guilt, shame and nostalgia are negotiated in transnational families through different means of digital communications, exchange of photos and open concealment. These emotions first reflect experiences of exclusion in different locations; second, they point towards family members living in other geographical contexts. Finally, this paper looks closely at the impact of these emotions on changing roles in transnational families, particularly in regards to gender, social status and generation. Bio Miriam Stock is an assistant professor of cultural studies and the head of the master program “integration and interculturalism” at the University of Education in Schwäbisch Gmünd. She studied human geography at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich and finished her PhD in 2012 about “gentrification, orientalism and distinction – Arab snack in Berlin”. Currently, she conducts research about young Syrian men and changing roles in transnational families in Germany, Lebanon and North Iraq. Additionally, she is active in the field of education and participation, and is head of an EU Erasmus Plus project “PARENTable – Communicating with parents of newly migrated children” (2019-2022) with partners in Turkey, Italy, Sweden and Germany (www.parent-able.com ). Miriam Stock has published research in journals such as “City, Culture and Society”, “Hommes et migration” and “Zflucht - Zeitschrift für Flüchtlingsforschung”. She is currently interested in subjects such as masculinities, emotions as well as rural-urban relations in migration research. Registration Registration is now closed. " "Language textbooks and popular geopolitics: transnational and decolonial dimensions";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-05-17";"16:00";"";"17:00";"Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/62905485312?pwd=SDh1NDdvcVMxSndKTUloQld3MmFPZz09
Passcode: 668804";"Talk by professor emerita Karen Risager (University of Roskilde) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality.";"Talk by professor emerita Karen Risager (University of Roskilde) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality. The talk deals with foreign language textbooks with special reference to their role in popular geopolitics. The discussion is based on a comparative analysis of two textbooks used in lower secondary education in Denmark: A Piece of Cake and Français Formidable, an analysis which focuses on transnational and decolonial dimensions of their representations of the world. Although the two textbooks have been produced with the same publisher, their representations of the world and their narratives of colonial history are very different in many respects – apart from the obvious differences related to the different geographical areas affected by British and French colonialism. In particular, their treatment of Africa is very different. The talk discusses the possible reasons behind the two narratives of the world and world history, showing how language textbooks are cultural products that play a more or less unintended part in contemporary popular geopolitics. Karen Risager has kindly given permission to record her presentation. Din internetbrowser understøtter ikke iframes. Det betyder, at videoen Digital talks Karen Risager ikke kan afspilles. References Risager, K. (2018) Representations of the World in Language Textbooks. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. Risager, K. (2021) Language textbooks: windows to the world. Language, Culture and Curriculum 34 (1), Special issue: The Language Textbook: Representation, Interaction & Learning, ed. by G. Canale. Risager, K. (2021) Language textbooks and popular geopolitics: Representations of the world and (post)colonial history in English and French. Journal of Postcolonial Linguistics 5, Special issue: Language and Popular Geopolitics, ed. by C. Levisen & S.S. Fernández." "Developing Intercultural Competences through a UNESCO Story Circles methodology";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-05-10";"16:00";"";"17:00";"Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/62905485312?pwd=SDh1NDdvcVMxSndKTUloQld3MmFPZz09
Passcode: 668804";"Talk by executive director of the Association of International Education Administrators Darla K. Deardorff (Duke University) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality.";"Talk by executive director of the Association of International Education Administrators Darla K. Deardorff (Duke University) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality. How can intercultural competences be developed? Join in this webinar to learn more about a highly successful intercultural methodology called Story Circles that has been piloted in all five UNESCO regions around the world as well as in the virtual environment. UNESCO Story Circles works with any group of people in a wide variety of settings using little to no resources. This structured yet adaptable intercultural methodology is used to practice key intercultural competencies such as listening for understanding. Learn more about this methodology as you think about how you could use this in your own contexts. Darla Deardorff has kindly given permission to record her presentation. Din internetbrowser understøtter ikke iframes. Det betyder, at videoen Darla Deardorff - Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality ikke kan afspilles. Links The open access Manual on Developing Intercultural Competencies: Story Circles by Darla K. Deardorff (Routledge/UNESCO, available in 5 languages. The UNESCO website on Story Circles. Check back for other resources and materials are they are added, including a launch of a Community of Practice. The just released brief introductory video to UNESCO Story Circles (2 min). The World Council on Intercultural and Global Competence (you are invited to join Working Groups there). " "Rethinking a third-place methodology for making sense of the intercultural";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-05-03";"12:00";"";"13:00";"Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/62905485312?pwd=SDh1NDdvcVMxSndKTUloQld3MmFPZz09
Passcode: 668804";"Talk by professor Adrian Holliday (Canterbury Christ Church University) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality. ";"Talk by professor Adrian Holliday (Canterbury Christ Church University) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality. I will look at the methodological implications for not starting with the common yet false notion of separate, bounded national or civilisational ‘cultures’ and related nativist views of language. The biggest challenge is not unfamiliar cultural practices, language and values, but the Centre ‘us’-‘them’ essentialist grand narratives we meet and carry with us. The biggest resource is the intercultural experience we all have since childhood. A re-thought, i.e. not ‘in-between’, third-space methodology helps us to deCentre this experience to find threads of hybridity. It is a necessarily uncomfortable, critical ethnographic space where both researchers and intercultural travellers make intersubjective sense within small culture formation on the go in everyday life. Adrian Holliday has kindly given permission to record his presentation and share his PowerPoint presentation. Din internetbrowser understøtter ikke iframes. Det betyder, at videoen Adrian Holliday - Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality ikke kan afspilles. " "Multilingual Communication Practices in Dutch Warehouses";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-04-29";"13:00";"";"14:30";"Online via Zoom";"Presentation by Bianca Dijkstra, University of Groningen: How Polish truck drivers and Dutch logistics professionals use various communicative modes to get their job done.";"Presentation by Bianca Dijkstra, University of Groningen. Abstract In Europe, international truck drivers need to navigate through diverse (linguistic) landscapes to keep the supply chain intact. In the multilingual contact zones, they encounter along their way they need to be versatile and make the most out of their linguistic resources or ‘Individual Multilingual Repertoire’ (IMR) (Pitzl, 2016, p. 298). In this presentation, I will specifically look at a case from my ethnographic fieldwork which illustrates how Polish truck drivers and Dutch logistics professionals use various communicative modes to get their job done. Reference Pitzl, M.-L. (2018). Creativity in English as a Lingua Franca: Idiom and Metaphor. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter." "Light Notes: The Sources of Maggie Nelson's The Argonauts ";"The Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-04-28";"12:15";"";"13:00";"Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/61569323318";"Talk by Heather Love (University of Pennsylvania)";"Talk by Heather Love (University of Pennsylvania) In her 2015 book The Argonauts, Maggie Nelson combines an account of everyday life in her queer household with reflections on literature, cultural criticism, gender theory, language philosophy, and more. At one point she cites Susan Sontag’s famous dictum, “‘In place of a hermeneutics, we need an erotics of art.’” Nelson sides with Sontag’s refusal of interpretation, suggesting that prestigious cultural texts should not be treated reverentially or abstractly, but should instead be folded back into the stream of experience. But Nelson goes further than Sontag, suggesting that ""even an erotics is too heavy."" In this essay, I consider Nelson’s efforts to keep things light in The Argonauts, an approach characterized by her reliance on personal anecdote and a glancing treatment of literary and philosophical sources (reflected in their reproduction in greyscale in the margins of her text). I trace Nelson’s attempts in the book to displace both a hermeneutics and an erotics of art with an aesthetics of notation, or observation. Bio Heather Love teaches English and Gender Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. She is the author of Feeling Backward: Loss and the Politics of Queer History (Harvard), the editor of a special issue of GLQ on Gayle Rubin (“Rethinking Sex”), and the co-editor of an issue of Representations (“Description Across Disciplines”). Love has written on topics including comparative social stigma, compulsory happiness, transgender fiction, the ethics of observation, spinster aesthetics and reading methods in literary studies. Her book ""Underdogs: Social Deviance and Queer Theory"" is forthcoming in September 2021 from the University of Chicago Press. " "Education for Intercultural and Democratic Citizenship";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-04-26";"12:00";"";"13:00";"Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/62905485312?pwd=SDh1NDdvcVMxSndKTUloQld3MmFPZz09
Passcode: 668804";"Talk by professor emeritus Michael Byram (Durham University) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality.";"Talk by professor emeritus Michael Byram (Durham University) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality. People can learn the skills and attitudes of intercultural communication competence and become more or less proficient. However, when people meet other ways of living and thinking (other ‘cultures’), they often respond emotionally - and negatively - and they need to learn how to deal with these reactions. In my view they need to be taught since learning may not always take place effectively without teaching. I will discuss what this implies in terms of ‘being critical’. One consequence of my assertion that criticality or ‘critical cultural awar eness’ needs to be taught, is that teachers face ethical problems: What should they encourage their learners to do? Should they be neutral? Is it possible to be neutral? I will not answer such questions but suggest how teachers can answer for themselves. Michael Byram has kindly given permission to record his presentation and share his PowerPoint presentation. This lecture is on work in progress and neither text nor slides are for quotation. Din internetbrowser understøtter ikke iframes. Det betyder, at videoen Mike Byram - Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality ikke kan afspilles. " "Challenges of Nature: International Mother Earth Day – Pachamama 2021";"Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) et al.";"2021-04-22";"19:00";"";"";"Online event";"AiiA will once again host the annual celebration of International Mother Earth Day. This year our focus will be on the many challenges that nature and the people protecting it face in 2021.";"On 22 April, AiiA will once again host the annual celebration of International Mother Earth Day. This year our focus will be on the many challenges that nature and the people protecting it face in 2021. We have the pleasure of having Anders Sanchez Barfod from Aarhus Universitet who will tell us about the challenges of biodiversity on a global as well as a local level and Misha Wolsgaard-Iversen from Oxfam IBIS who will enlighten the Indigenous Peoples fight for the environment. More is on the agenda but remains yet a surprise. What we can share with you is, that we will show a series of short videos of sustainable projects in Latin America that all share the same purpose - environmental protection. So, join us on the 22 April! Please note that the event will be online and in English. Get your free ticket! Programme 19:00 - Hello and welcome! 19:30 - Presentation - Anders Sanchez Barfod 20:15 - Break 20:30 - Presentation - Misha Wolsgaard-Iversen 21:15 - Cermony for Mother Earth - Laura Ponce-Garmann Speakers Anders Barfod Sanchez - Biologist at University of Aarhus and The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Misha Wolsgaard-Iversen - Senior Policy Advisor and Program Manager of Latin America. Laura Ponce-Garmann - Woman of Medicine, PhD, Psychomotor Sciences, and active member in AiiA Organizers International Mother Earth Day 2021 is organized and coordinated by AiiA, with the support of Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at Department of English, Germanic and Romance Languages (ENGEROM), University of Copenhagen in collaboration with: Nunca Más (Denmark) Projeto Remoma (Brazil) Mónica Licona Foundation (Panama) Alt-Poyec Tourist Services (Nicaragua) Distance State University - UNED (Costa Rica) Povl Markussen (Denmark) " "Critical and reflexive languaging in the construction of interculturality as an object of research and practice";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2021-04-19";"16:00";"";"17:00";"Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/62905485312?pwd=SDh1NDdvcVMxSndKTUloQld3MmFPZz09
Passcode: 668804";"Talk by professor Fred Dervin (University of Helsinki) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality.";"Talk by professor Fred Dervin (University of Helsinki) in the Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality. Interculturality cannot but be ideological as soon as it is constructed as an object of research, policy and practice. The broad field of interculturality in education has rarely focused on multilingual and intercultural inquiries into its own ideologies. I argue that talking about interculturality in English (as a lingua franca) and other languages requires negotiating, problematizing and critiquing again and again the words and ideas that are attached to it in order to unearth their archeologies and (hidden) economic-political agendas (amongst others). Instead of ‘brainwashing’ students of interculturality with one or two of ideologies about interculturality (e.g. the dichotomy of essentialism vs. anti-essentialism; the ideologies of intercultural competences, intercultural citizenship, Third Space, liquid interculturality), they need to be trained to treat discourses of interculturality interculturally and multilingually – doing ‘detective’ work around the ideologies that they are fed with by focusing on e.g. the way they are constructed linguistically and their utterers. The work done by my teams both in China and Finland around what will be referred to as Critical and Reflexive Languaging for Interculturality is discussed. Fred Dervin has kindly given permission to record his presentation: Din internetbrowser understøtter ikke iframes. Det betyder, at videoen Fred Dervin - Digital series of talks on plurilingualism and interculturality ikke kan afspilles. References Fred Dervin & Andreas Jacobsson (2021). Teacher Education for Critical and Reflexive Interculturality. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Fred Dervin & Ashley Simpson (2021). Interculturality and the Political within Education. London: Routledge. Fred Dervin & Mei Yuan (2021). Revitalizing Interculturality in Education: Chinese Minzu as a Companion. London: Routledge. Fred Dervin (2021). 教育的跨文化性. 中央民族大学出版社. " "Sociolinguistics and the study of transient social configurations";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Norm, Variation, Language Change (Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring)";"2021-04-09";"13:15";"";"15:00";"Online via Zoom";"Talk by Janus Mortensen (University of Copenhagen).";"Talk by Janus Mortensen (University of Copenhagen). Abstract Sociolinguistic research is often concerned with the study of relatively well-established and more or less tightly circumscribed social configurations such as speech communities or communities of practice. Recently, however, sociolinguists of various stripes have increasingly begun to take an interest in more ephemeral social configurations in which individuals from a variety of backgrounds come together for a limited period of time, typically to engage in some form of shared activity. In such contexts, the existence of sedimented social and linguistic norms cannot be assumed to be in place a priori but must be explored as emergent phenomena developing in situ as a joint effort of the participants, in an interplay with the wider social context. In this talk, I draw on research conducted as part of the TMC project to explore what a focus on transient social configurations, transient multilingual communities in particular, has to offer sociolinguistics as the study of social worlds through language. I shall be making the case that the notion of transience is valuable as a complexifying heuristic that may prompt sociolinguists to ask new research questions and try out familiar questions in new contexts." "Building art theory in the “pale of history”: American criticism and French philosophy in the end of the 20th century";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies & UMR 8547 (Copenhagen-Paris joint Phd-Seminar) / Carlotta Santini";"2021-02-25";"16:00";"";"";"Online";"Copenhagen-Paris joint PhD-Seminar 2 of 8.";" The Buildings of the Asiatic Company, seen from St. Annæ Street, Copenhagen (Painting by Vilhelm Hammershøi, 1902) Paper by Lea Jusseau (Universite de Lausanne) in the series Inceptions: exploring the common ground of modern European tradition (Text, Image, Mythos), a Copenhagen-Paris joint PhD-Seminar. The series consists of eight events during Spring 2021: 11/2 Anne-Sofie Dichman: More-than-human gender performativity­ writing up with Les Gilets Jaunes 25/2 Lea Jusseau: Building art theory in the “pale of history”: American criticism and French philosophy in the end of the 20th century 11/3 Susan Filoche-Rommé: Re-making Norse myths in the 19th century: the case of the Valkyries 25/3 Silvia Amarante: A manuscript out of place. Luigi Settembrini and the pseudotranslation “I Neoplatonici” 7/4 Kristian Olesen Toft: On Translatables. Polysemy and Dissemination in Jacques Derrida 22/4 Anders Andersen: Verbs of volition and mood (alternation) 6/5 Samuel Ducourant: A Technological Genealogy of Battery Cages used for Laying Hens 20/5 Jytte Lyngvig: To act intellectually and critically: Voltaire's fight for Newton This event is no. 2 of 8 during Spring 2021. Respondent: Katia Schneller (Ecole superieure d'art et design Grenoble-Valence). To acquire a link to the event as well as further information, please contact Marie Curie Fellow Carlotta Santini." "Revolutionary Histories – Caribbean literatures, slavery and the Gothic";"Uses of the Past and Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies (Aarhus University)";"2021-02-25";"10:00";"";"14:30";"Online via Zoom";"This seminar seeks to address the role of Caribbean literatures, particularly the transatlantic Gothic genre, in representing and reflecting on European and Caribbean revolutionary events and slave uprisings.";" Through four presentations on Caribbean literature, slavery, revolution and the Gothic genre, this seminar seeks to address the role of Caribbean literatures, and particularly the transatlantic Gothic genre, in representing and reflecting on European and Caribbean revolutionary events and slave uprisings. In 1800 the Marquis de Sade famously linked Gothic fiction to the political violence of the revolutionary era when he called Gothic novels the “necessary fruits of the revolutionary tremors felt by the whole of Europe”. The revolutionary uprisings of the Age of Revolution shook both Europe and the West Indies in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. What part did Gothic literature play in imagining and making sense of the revolutionary events in France, Saint-Domingue and Jamaica? Send an email to Stephanie Volder if you want to sign up, and you will receive a Zoom-link. The seminar is funded by Uses of the Past and Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies (Aarhus University) Presenters Brycchan Carey (Northumbria University) Marie Mulvey-Roberts (University of the West of England, Bristol) Katrine Lohmann (University of Copenhagen) Stephanie Volder (Aarhus University) Programme, abstracts and biographs (pdf)" "More-than-human gender performativity­ writing up with Les Gilets Jaunes";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies & UMR 8547 (Copenhagen-Paris joint Phd-Seminar) / Carlotta Santini";"2021-02-11";"16:00";"";"";"Online";"Copenhagen-Paris joint PhD-Seminar 1 of 8.";" The Buildings of the Asiatic Company, seen from St. Annæ Street, Copenhagen (Painting by Vilhelm Hammershøi, 1902) Paper by Anne-Sofie Dichman (UCPH, Political Science/ ENS, UMR 8547) in the series Inceptions: exploring the common ground of modern European tradition (Text, Image, Mythos), a Copenhagen-Paris joint PhD-Seminar. The series consists of eight events during Spring 2021: 11/2 Anne-Sofie Dichman: More-than-human gender performativity­ writing up with Les Gilets Jaunes 25/2 Lea Jusseau: Building art theory in the “pale of history”: American criticism and French philosophy in the end of the 20th century 11/3 Susan Filoche-Rommé: Re-making Norse myths in the 19th century: the case of the Valkyries 25/3 Silvia Amarante: A manuscript out of place. Luigi Settembrini and the pseudotranslation “I Neoplatonici” 7/4 Kristian Olesen Toft: On Translatables. Polysemy and Dissemination in Jacques Derrida 22/4 Anders Andersen: Verbs of volition and mood (alternation) 6/5 Samuel Ducourant: A Technological Genealogy of Battery Cages used for Laying Hens 20/5 Jytte Lyngvig: To act intellectually and critically: Voltaire's fight for Newton This event is no. 1 of 8. Respondent: Cecilia Åsberg (Linköping University / KTH Royal lnsitute of Technology, Stockholm). To acquire a link to the event as well as further information, please contact Marie Curie Fellow Carlotta Santini." "Rausch und Revolution";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk Fredag";"2020-12-04";"13";"";"15";"South Campus, room 12-0-25 & 12-0-35 as well as Zoom";"Vorlesung von Kristoff Kerl, Kopenhagen.";"Drogen und Sex in der BRD in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren Vorlesung von Kristoff Kerl, Kopenhagen." "The Politics of Psychiatry: Reimagining the Human Mind in the 20th Century";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2020-12-03";"15";"";"17";"24.2.01 (15 people max) and Zoom (link in text)";"Inaugural lecture by Professor (WSR) Ana Antic, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen.";" Inaugural lecture by Professor (WSR) Ana Antic, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen. Zoom-link: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/64943055789 Abstract This lecture invites the audience to consider psychiatry and psychiatric debates about the human mind as unique windows into social and cultural history. Throughout the twentieth century, psychiatric discussions tended to shed light on some of the most important moments of crisis and historical rupture: in times of major social and political transformations, the ‘sciences of the human mind’ became a polygon for re-imagining and reframing old notions about human behaviour, perceptions of authority and relations between communities. Moreover, the ‘psy’ disciplines regularly served as a site for examining the core political, social and cultural issues of the modern age (such as migration, the rise of fascism, propensity to violence, decolonisation, cultural change etc.), and were considered central to resolving some of the most pressing political problems. The lecture will explore how historians can approach and interpret different conceptualisations of the human psyche, and how a close reading of psychiatric languages and assumptions about ‘pathologies’ can reveal fundamental social and political conflicts, norms and values. It will also delve into rich and complex psychiatric archives, arguing that psychiatric documents, diagnostic instruments and patient case files offer a unique methodological opportunity to combine the writing of global history with microhistorical approaches. By turning to largely underused psychiatric archives, historians can explore how major global debates about ‘human nature’ and human psyche were rooted in micro-level ethnographic research, and how they were shaped by, and in turn shaped, local lives and experiences. The lecture weaves together the history of psychiatry with studies of everyday violence, revolution, decolonisation and cross-cultural communication, demonstrating the extraordinary intellectual and methodological potentials contained in medical humanities and inter-disciplinary explorations of the human mind." "The European Dimension of Paul Auster’s Verbal and Visual Worlds";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / The Paul Auster Research Library/Change and Exchange: Twenty-First Century Anglophone World Literature";"2020-12-03";"";"2020-12-04";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Workshop.";"Workshop." "Workshop 3 on digital tools in language research: Visualization";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Norm, Variation, Language Change (Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring)";"2020-11-27";"14";"";"16";"South Campus, room 27.1.47";"Speaker: Kim Ebensgaard Jensen (University of Copenhagen).";"Speaker: Kim Ebensgaard Jensen (University of Copenhagen). Abstract In this workshop, we introduce a number of simple digital visualization tools – all anchored in the R-platform – which can help researchers and students produce visualizations of linguistic data." "CANCELLED! Lesung und Diskussion mit dem österreichischen Autor Franzobel";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk Fredag";"2020-11-20";"13";"";"15";"";"CANCELLED! Vorgestellt von Laura Carøe Fink, Linn Sofie Børresen und Sune Kjærsgaard Dahlgreen.";"CANCELLED!" "Deutsch-Absolventen stellen ihre Masterarbeiten vor";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Tysk Fredag";"2020-11-13";"13";"";"15";"South Campus, room 12-0-25 & 12-0-35 as well as Zoom";"Vorgestellt von Laura Carøe Fink, Linn Sofie Børresen und Sune Kjærsgaard Dahlgreen.";"Laura Carøe Fink ""Vision Femernregion. En undersøgelse af kulturens rolle i grænseregionen ved Femern Bælt"" Linn Sofie Børresen ”Wir sind ein Volk. Wir auch. En analyse af mediedækningen af de fremmedfjendske attentater efter genforeningen 1991-1993” Sune Kjærsgaard Dahlgreen ”Fremmedhedens perspektiver. En sammenlignende undersøgelse af Walter Benjamins og Franz Hessels litterære fortolkninger af fremmedgørelse”" "L2 intercultural awareness and identity construction";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Sprog i uddannelsessystemet";"2020-11-04";"13:00";"";"17:15";"South Campus, room 27-1-47";"Seminar.";"Seminar. Programme 13:00-13:15 Welcome and presentation Jan Lindschouw & Natalia Morollón Martí (University of Copenhagen) 13:15-14:15 The global citizen and intercultural learning Karen Risager (Roskilde University) & Lone K. Svarstad (University College Copenhagen) 14:15-15:00 The Intercultural Dialogue: Art, Language and Identity Alba Meldialdea (Universidad de Navarra) 15:00-15:30 Coffee break 15:30-16:15 Intercultural awareness in the French as a Foreign Language classroom Stephanie Löbl (University of Copenhagen/University College Copenhagen) 16:15-17:00 Developing young learners’ intercultural competence using picture books – the attitudinal dimension in lower-primary English teaching Karoline Søgaard (University of Copenhagen/University College Copenhagen) 17:00-17:15 Concluding remarks Jan Lindschouw & Natalia Morollón Martí (University of Copenhagen) Abstracts Karen Risager & Lone K. Svarstad The Global Citizen and Intercultural Learning The lecture presents our new book that appeared this summer. It is in Danish: Verdensborgeren og den interkulturelle læring [The Global Citizen and Intercultural Learning]. The book addresses teachers and teacher educators at all educational levels and in all subjects, but with an empirical focus on the teaching of English, German and French in Danish lower secondary education. The choice of the term ‘global’ is taken very seriously in the book: Learning materials as well as the teaching itself are seen as windows to the world and as contributing in various ways to the global education of students. What images of the (complex and multicultural) world are being furthered in language teaching and other subjects such as social studies, history and geography? The six central chapters deal with different dimensions of images of the world: Where are we in the world? (a national approach) Where are we in the world? (a transnational approach) What images do we meet? (a visual literacy approach) Whom do we meet? Who are we? (a Cultural Studies approach) What problems do we take up? (a citizenship education approach) Who has written this and why? (a critical media literacy approach) In the lecture, we will present some examples of intercultural learning processes – from noticing over comparing and reflecting to interacting and acting. Among the various processes we will emphasise three: The students’ development of their identities as global citizens, their development of perspective, awareness, and their training in contextualisation – locally, nationally and globally. Alba Meldialdea The Intercultural Dialogue: Art, Language & Identity On a growing concern of postsecondary institutions for preparing students to live in a globalized world, it becomes imperative to more closely examine how best to develop pedagogical practices in SLA that could contribute to common good and intercultural dialogue. To this end, I pursue an approximation to intercultural dialogue from a sociocultural perspective that could enable study abroad students in Pamplona to sense and grow within their social situation of development while improving their language proficiency. Giving the dynamic interrelation between language and culture, I propose to use an art-based approach where art can be developed as a means of: (1) Reception and interpretation of cultural artifacts, (2) Articulation and creation of thought, and (3) Origination of intercultural bonds. Therefore, the aim of my research project is to find complementary ways of thought and expression that could enable study abroad students to project their inner-voice when confronting cultural differences in a foreign country. By blurring the boundaries between language and culture through art practices, the student might grow its intercultural sensibility, what I believe could contribute enhancing self-concept clarity. Stephanie Löbl Intercultural awareness in the French as a Foreign Language classroom To what extent is intercultural awareness a part of the practices of French teachers? And are they vocal about and/or explicitly aware of their own representation/expression? I will present data from 6 interviews and classroom observations with French teachers from all over Denmark. During the interviews we have discussed the notion of culture and intercultural competence and how they implement/use/present it in their teaching. I analyse their cultural perspective and understanding of the intercultural (communicative) competence. Most of the teachers chose to invite me into a class in which they had specific focus on culture whereas few explicitly told me it was cultureless. I will include examples from my textbook analysis when relevant. I might also present data collected via a questionnaire with 91 participants as a supplement. Karoline Søgaard Developing young learners’ intercultural competence using picture books – the attitudinal dimension in lower-primary English teaching The ability to engage in intercultural encounters is a central competence in our increasingly diverse societies, globally and locally. Intercultural competence is a central aim of teaching English in the Danish primary school according to the National Curriculum. However, research shows that this dimension of English as a subject is underdeveloped, especially in relation to young learners. The presentation will introduce a project whose aim it is to research how the teaching of English in lower-primary education can support the development of students’ intercultural competence through a picturebook-based approach. The presentation will focus on the attitudinal dimension of IC which is considered central within the field of intercultural pedagogy for young learners by earlier research, and tentatively suggest how carefully selected picture books might support the development of said dimension." "Hvad kan man bruge tysk til?";"Tysk Alumneforening i samarbejde med DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdient)";"2020-11-03";"18:00";"";"20";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Fagligt karriereevent på tyskstudiet.";"Fagligt karriereevent på tyskstudiet. Har du brug for inspiration til karriere og jobs med tysk? Der er masser af muligheder for at få et spændende arbejde efter studiet. Tysk er en mangelvare, og tyskkompetencer kan åbne mange døre både på det offentlige og private arbejdsmarked. Kom og hør fire forskellige tyskkandidater fortælle om deres vej fra studium til job til vores aften-arrangement på Søndre Campus. Det foregår i et auditorium med god plads, så vi kan overholde corona-afstandskravet. Panelet består af: Signe Hohwü Olesen: Audiobook programme manager hos Lindhardt & Ringhof Forlag/Saga Publishing Laura Aviaja Carøe Fink: Adjunkt på Køge Gymnasium og Niels Brock. Ekstern konsulent hos KultKit i Næstved Kommune Jesper Hertz: Commercial Graduate hos Carlsberg Danmark Elise Burmeister: Kommunikationsmedarbejder Universitetshospitalet Sjælland Efter oplæggene vil der være mulighed for at stille spørgsmål. Tysk Alumneforening byder i samarbejde med DAAD på en sodavand og lidt chokolade undervejs og beder alle iagttage Sundhedsstyrelsens regler: • Vask dine hænder tit, eller brug håndsprit• Host eller nys i dit ærme• Undgå håndtryk, kindkys og kram• Vær opmærksom på rengøring• Hold afstand og bed andre tage hensyn Tilmeld dig her senest den 1. november. Husk at angive din mailadresse." "Language use and conceptualizations in blogs on life with depression";"Arr. Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Sprog i uddannelsessystemet";"2020-10-30";"14";"";"16";"South Campus, room 27.0.47";"Lecture by Kim Ebensgaard Jensen.";"Lecture by Kim Ebensgaard Jensen. Abstract This talk presents a corpus-linguistic study of patterns of language use in a British corpus of blog posts about life with depression. In studying, applying corpus-analytical methods, first-hand narratives about living with and managing depression, this talk aims to 1) shed light on how people who suffer from depression linguistically encode and conceptualize the illness and their management of the illness and 2) identify patterns of language use within the genre of blogging about mental health topics. Thus, this study is a contribution to not only corpus linguistics and mental health studies, but also Internet linguistics, cognitive linguistics and register/genre studies." "Inaugural Symposium of The MSA Nordic";"The MSA Nordic, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies and Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2020-10-29";"";"2020-10-30";"";"South Campus, rooms 15A-0-13 & 10-3-28";"This conference brings together scholars of cultural and collective memory and researchers working on memory questions within related disciplines.";"(Nordic Regional Group of the Memory Studies Association) This conference brings together scholars of cultural and collective memory and researchers working on memory questions within related disciplines (oral history, heritage studies, history, ethnography, political science, psychology etc.). Keynote: Eneken Laanes (University of Tallinn): Born Translated Memories: Transnational Memory, Domestication and Foreignisation Panels and papers address issues such as: Administrations of memory and memory politics in Europe and beyond Post-colonial memory in the North and North Atlantic region Transnational memory in Europe Possibilities and limitations of “prosthetic memory” Teaching history and memory The conference is free and open to all students and staff at the University of Copenhagen, but due to corona restrictions, we need to register all on site participants. Online participation is not limited. If you would like to participate, please send a message to Tea Sindbæk Andersen. Draft pogramme The programme combines digital and online session. Thursday, 29 October 10:15 Welcome (room 15A-0-13) Zoom link 10:30-12:00 Museums, memories and representations (on site panel, room 10-3-28) Zoom link Chair: Jessica Ortner Anne Brædder & Iben Vyff (Roskilde University) A shared authority? Personal memories as museum dissemination Anna Krakus (University of Copenhagen) What Does it Mean to be Polish? Forging an Identity in Polish History Museums Olga Zabalueva (Linköping University) Making the Museum of Movements: Memory, politics and museum activism on the move Erin Cory (Malmö University) Re-membering: Telling Stories, Routing Solidarity 10:30-12:00 Administration of memories (on site panel, room 15A-0-13) Zoom link Chair: Tea Sindbæk Andersen Yuliya Yurchuk (Södertörn University) Negotiating ”Green Cultural Heritage”: between Conservation, Preservation, History and Memory. The case of Sweden Danielle Drozdzewski (Stockholm University) Political discourse, national identity politics and public opinion of refugees: A snapshot from Poland Sara Dybris McQuaid and Isabel Bramsen (Aarhus University & Lund University) The Past and Future are Present: Agonistic Dialogue and the Status of Consensus and Conflict in Northern Ireland Emil Bjørn Hilton Saggau (University of Copenhagen) Hallowed by thy war Helicopter. Reshaping the Serbian Orthodox memory of St. Jovan Vladimir after communism 12:00-13:00 Lunch and business meeting (room 15A-0-13) Zoom link 13:00-14:15 Prosthetic memory and mediation (on site panel, room 15A-0-13) Zoom link Chair: Anne Brædder Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (Lund University) Film and prosthetic memory. The reception of the Polish film “Hatred” Jessica Ortner (University of Copenhagen) Narratology of Prosthetic memory? – Literary representations of war crimes in Višegrad Tea Sindbæk Andersen (University of Copenhagen) ’Fiction keeps the memory of the war alive’ – readers’ reactions to literature of the war in Bosnia 13:00-14:15 Oral history and Memorial voices (on site panel, room 15A-0-13) Zoom link Chair: Sara Dybris McQuaid Eleonora Narvselius (Lund University) “We just moved in, and this is it”: Accommodation and private space as a site of (dis)remembrance of the vanished East-Central European populations Annemarie Majlund (Aarhus University) Pathway to the Past? Methodologies for Memories of a Contested Job: Practicing Oral History “off the record” and the Car Ride as a research event Stine Grønbæk Jensen (University of Southern Denmark) To open the drawer – transformations of the self and the social world through memory-work among former institutionalized children 14:15-14:45 Coffee (15A-0-13) 14:45-16:00 Keynote (Digital, screening in room 15A-0-13) Zoom link Chair: Jessica Ortner Eneken Laanes (University of Tallinn) Born Translated Memories: Transnational Memory, Domestication and Foreignisation 16:15 Excursion to the Danish “Freedom Museum” (Museum of Danish Resistance) 19:00 Dinner (self-paid) Friday, 30 October 09:00-10:15 Memorial voices (digital panel, screening in room 15A-0-13) Zoom link Chair: Sara Dybris McQuaid Irēna Saleniece and Maija Grizāne (Daugavpils University, Latvia) Social adaptation of Belarusian women migrant workers on Latvian-Belarusian borderland in 1950s-1970s Ulla Savolainen (University of Helsinki) Oblivion and Reception of the Soviet Repression of Ingrian Finns Maryam Adjam (Umeå University, Sweden) Echoes of the Missing: Absence as memory and heritage 09:00-10:15 Literature and memory practices (digital panel, screening in room 10-3-28) Zoom link Chair: Jessica Ortner Charles I. Armstrong (University of Agder) Exacting Justice: Seamus Heaney’s Bog Poems and the Poetry of Witness Fedja Borcak (University of Copenhagen) Two writers return with their memories: The reception of war accounts by Saša Stanišić and Alen Mešković 10:15-10:45 Coffee 10:45-12:15 Museums and National Memory (digital panel, screening in room 15A-0-13) Zoom link Chair: Sara Dybris McQuaid Riikka Taavetti (University of Helsinki) Freedom in Museums: Estonian and Finnish National Histories at Labour Museum Werstas and Vabamu Museum of Occupations and Freedom Julia Håkansson (Svaneholm Castle Museum) Old spaces, new histories: Svaneholm Castle Museum in the 21st Century Andrii Nekoliak (University of Tartu) The ‘Mounting’ Memory Regulation Regime: Poland’s 'Memory Laws' and Democracy in 1989-2020 Nadim Khoury (Lillehammer University College) Memory at the negotiating table? National Narratives and the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process 10:45-12:15 Competing Memories: Understanding Twofold Histories of Border Town (digital panel, screening in room 10-3-28) Zoom link Chair: Jessica Ortner Steen Bo Frandsen, Caroline Weber (Centre for Border Region Studies, University of Southern Denmark) Flensbourg: A Border City with Many Histories Jörg Hackmann (University of Szczecin) From Stettin / Szczecin to Stecin / Szczettin: Competing or entangled mnemonic discourses? Kimmo Katajala (University of Eastern Finland) The Old Cathedral of Vyborg as a site of memory Chloe Wells (University of Eastern Finland) Vyborg is Y/ours: Meanings and memories of a borderland city amongst young people in Finland 12:15-13:00 Lunch 13:00-14:15 Memory in Urban Spaces: A cultural psychological approach (on site panel), room 15A-0-13 Zoom link Chair: Jessica Ortner Brady Wagoner & Ignacio Brescó de Luna (Aalborg University) Making meaning of memorials Séamus A. Power (University of Copenhagen) From the Elites to the Streets: Memory and Social Change Sarah H. Awad (Aalborg University) Empty squares 13:00-14:15 Transnational, travelling and entangled memories (on site panel, room 10-3-28) Zoom link Chair: Tea Sindbæk Andersen Sune Haugbølle (Roskilde University) Entanglement and Historical Memory: Re-constituting Scandinavia in Global Palestine Lisanne Wilken (Aarhus University) Sharing and challenging memories about European pasts in national and transnational conversations on Twitter during the final of the Eurovision Song Contest Tijana Mišković (The National Gallery of Denmark and University of Copenhagen) Travelling memory in artworks by Ex-Yugoslavian artists now residing in Denmark 14:15-14:45 Coffee (15A-0-13) 14:45-16:00 Media, archives and teaching (digital panel, screening in room 10-3-28) Zoom link Chair: Tea Sindbæk Andersen Silke Arnold-de Simine (Birkbeck, University of London) Distributed Memory Dagmar Brunow (Linnaeus University) Countering colonial amnesia - Recognizing Nordic colonialism in digital film archives Astrid Rasch (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Teaching memory politics after empire Gunnthorunn Gudmundsdottir (University of Iceland) Memory, War and Histories from the Margins 14:45-16:15 Activating memory (on site panel, room 15A-0-13) Zoom link Chair: Sara Dybris McQuaid Anne Folke Henningsen (University of Copenhagen) Renaming the streets. Postcolonial memory activism in Berlin Agnes Malmgren (Lund University) Recycled solidarity. The mnemonic fuel of (inter-group) solidarity in contemporary Poland Pauline Stoltz (Aalborg University) Silence, violence and gendered resistance Astrid Nonbo Andersen A tale of two monuments – On memory politics in the entangled cities of Nuuk and Copenhagen " "Learning from Black Lives Matter";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Norm, Variation, Language Change (Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring)";"2020-10-23";"9-15";"2020-10-23";"15";"South Campus, room 27.0.09";"A one-day symposium with invited speakers.";"A one-day symposium with invited speakers." "Walking Wounded";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2020-10-08";"15:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.50";"Lecture by Sara Dybris McQuaid, Aarhus University.";"The Peace Process and Other Collateral Brexit Damages Lecture by Sara Dybris McQuaid, Aarhus University. The event will be live streamed (Meeting ID: 649 0622 5163)" "Iberoromansk litteraturfestival";"Festival Literatura Copenhague / Julio Hans C. Jensen";"2020-10-07";"";"2020-10-09";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-0-13";"En reduceret version af den årlige iberoromanske litteraturfestival afholdes 7-9/10 med indslag på dansk og spansk.";"En reduceret version af den årlige iberoromanske litteraturfestival afholdes 7-9/10 med indslag på dansk og spansk. Det er muligt at følge aktiviteterne både ved fysisk fremmøde og online. Ved fysisk fremmøde er det påkrævet at hente en gratis billet via linket ud for de enkelte punkter i programmet. " "AFLYST: Sprog, samfund og universitet";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2020-09-18";"15.00";"";"17.00";"";"AFLYST: Professor Peter Harder holder afskedsforelæsning.";"AFLYST: Professor Peter Harder holder afskedsforelæsning." "Dichterstimmen";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Anna Lena Sandberg ";"2020-06-12";"13:15";"";"15";"South Campus, room 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesung von Friederike Günther (Freie Universität Berlin).";"Hofmannsthal und Celan Freitagsvorlesung von Friederike Günther (Freie Universität Berlin)." "STORNIERT: Berliner Polyphonie?";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Anna Lena Sandberg ";"2020-05-01";"13:15";"";"15";"";"STORNIERT: Freitagsvorlesung von Anne Fleig (Freie Universität Berlin).";"STORNIERT: Freitagsvorlesung von Anne Fleig (Freie Universität Berlin)." "CANCELLED: Olive Moore, Queer Ecology and Anthropocene Modernism";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2020-04-29";"15:00";"";"17:00";"";"CANCELLED: Talk by Dr David Shackleton, Lecturer at the School of English, Communication, and Philosophy University of Cardiff. ";"CANCELLED: Talk by Dr David Shackleton, Lecturer at the School of English, Communication, and Philosophy University of Cardiff. " "CANCELLED: H.G. Wells and the Ghostly Effects of Time Trave";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2020-04-29";"10:00";"";"12:00";"";"CANCELLED: Talk by Dr David Shackleton, Lecturer at the School of English, Communication, and Philosophy University of Cardiff. ";"CANCELLED: Talk by Dr David Shackleton, Lecturer at the School of English, Communication, and Philosophy University of Cardiff." "CANCELLED: L2 Intercultural Awareness and Identity Construction";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Sprog i det danske uddannelsessystem";"2020-04-24";"9";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 4A-0-68";"CANCELLED: Seminar. ";"CANCELLED: Seminar." "Moder Jords Dag 2020";"AIIA, KU, OXFAM (IBIS), NUNCA MÁS / Georg Wink med støtte fra Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd (DUF) og Den Grønne Studenterbevægelse";"2020-04-22";"14.00";"";"16.00";"Webinar på Zoom";"Vær med til at bekræfte vores tilknytning til naturen i Den Internationale Moder Jords Dag - Pachamama - hvor mennesker verden over markerer nødvendigheden af at tage fælles ansvar for en bæredygtig fremtid.";"Vær med til at bekræfte vores tilknytning til naturen i Den Internationale Moder Jords Dag - Pachamama - hvor mennesker verden over markerer nødvendigheden af at tage fælles ansvar for en bæredygtig fremtid. Vær med til vores første virtuelle konference ""Den Internationale Moder Jords Dag/Pachamama"", som finder sted onsdag den 22. april kl. 14.00-16.00 Husk at downloade Zoom-appen inden eventet for at sikre, at det hele fungerer som det skal! Hvor end du er, slut dig til os online! Det vil du ikke gå glip af! Hjælp os: lad nyheden gå videre. Mange tak! Invitación en español y português." "CANCELLED: The Math of Poetry: Historical Prosody and Digital Humanities";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2020-04-17";"15:00";"";"17:00";"";"CANCELLED: Talks on the Digital Turn in the Humanities (4/4): Lecture by Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Digital Humanities Meredith Martin, Princeton University.";" The event is postponed until further notice. Please direct any questions to Robert Rix. Talk No. 1/4 Talk No. 2/4 Talk No. 3/4" "CANCELLED: Foreign Fighters and War Volunteers: Past and Present";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Global Europe";"2020-03-31";"10";"";"12";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"CANCELLED: Lecture by Nir Arielli (Leeds University).";"CANCELLED: Lecture by Nir Arielli (Leeds University)." "CANCELLED: Die Minderheiten beiderseits der deutsch-dänischen Grenze im Kontext der europäischen Minderheitenpolitik";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Anna Lena Sandberg ";"2020-03-27";"";"";"";"";" The event is postponed until further notice. ";" The event is postponed until further notice. " "CANCELLED: Making Out in Anne Frank’s House: Teen Romance and Catastrophic History";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Change and Exchange. 21st Century Anglophone World Literature";"2020-03-24";"";"";"";"";"The event is postponed until further notice.";"The event is postponed until further notice." "Enseigner la littérature en français à l’université en contexte non-francophone";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen";"2020-03-18";"09:00";"";"17:00";"";"Reporté à une date ultérieure.";"Reporté à une date ultérieure." "CANCELLED! Digital Humanities and the Public Sphere";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2020-03-18";"";"";"";"";"The event is postponed until further notice.";"The event is postponed until further notice. Please direct any questions to Robert Rix. This is Talk No. 3/4. See Talk No. 1/4 See Talk No. 2/4 See Talk No. 4/4" "Besøg tyskstudiet";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk";"2020-03-12";"9.00";"";"14.00";"Søndre Campus, bygning 24 & 27";"Kom og mød de tyskstuderende og underviserne. Gymnasieelever og kursister med tysk, deres lærere og andre interesserede er inviteret inden for på tyskfaget den 12/3.";" Kom og mød de tyskstuderende og underviserne og vær med i undervisningen på uddannelsens første del. Hør om fagets opbygning, hverdagen som tyskstuderende, om studieophold i Tyskland, Østrig og Schweiz samt om jobmuligheder. Hvorfor tysk? I en stadig mere globaliseret verden er solide sprogkompetencer vigtige, ikke kun inden for engelsk, men også inden for de europæiske hovedsprog. Med gode sprogkompetencer kan vi bedre forstå og kommunikere med omverdenen; med sprog åbner vi så at sige et vindue mod verden og får adgang til viden. Sprog og kultur er uløseligt forbundne, og med en uddannelse i tysk vil du få et grundigt kendskab til tysk kultur, litteratur og samfund og blive god til at tale, læse, forstå og skrive tysk. Du lærer også at oversætte mellem dansk og tysk. Danmark er historisk tæt forbundet med Tyskland, vi er begyndt at bruge Berlin som vores egen metropol, og bevægelsen over grænserne mellem landene er stor, ikke mindst fordi vores nabo også er vores vigtigste samhandelspartner. Tysk er EU’s største modersmål, og det er udbredt som fremmedsprog over det meste af Europa. Med tyskstudiet bliver du specialist i tysk historie, litteratur og sprog og får samtidig et bredt spektrum af jobmuligheder. Danske virksomheder og institutioner har brug for ansatte, der behersker tysk på højt niveau og har interkulturelle kompetencer, da tysk bruges i handel, marketing og kommunikation. Med en cand.mag.eller cand.ling.merc. i tysk har man mulighed for ansættelse både i den private og offentlige sektor, inden for fx undervisning, administration og formidling. Det er gratis at deltage, men tilmelding er nødvendig. Send en mail til fagleder Anna Sandberg senest den 1/3. Skriv hvor mange personer der deltager, og hvor I kommer fra (gymnasium/VUC). Skriv “tilmelding til besøg tyskstudiet” i emnefeltet. Program 9.00 Introduktion til tyskstudiet v/ fagleder Anna Sandberg Tyskstuderende fortæller om fag og studieliv. Studievejlederen informerer om sprogstudier 10.00 - 10.30 Forelæsning på tysk v/ Lars Behnke „Was uns das Essen über Sprache lehrt“ 10.30 - 11.00 Forelæsning på dansk v/ Anna Sandberg ”Den dansk-tyske grænse 100 år” 11.00 - 11.30 Rundvisning på Søndre Campus og samtale med studerende 11.30 - 13.00 Undervisning i faget ”tysk sprog og oversættelse” på to forskellige hold DAAD-lektor Friederike Krause og Henrik Rye Møller 13.00 - 14.00 Perspektiver med tysk Oplæg ved Den tyske Ambassade og Goethe-instituttet samt Det tyske Handelskammer. Servering af forfriskninger 14.00 Afrunding og tak for i dag Vi takker Den tyske ambassade for tilskud til arrangementet." "Infinite Neighborhoods: The Savage Detectives against World Literature";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2020-03-11";"15";"";"16:30";"South Campus, room 24.2.62";"Reading by Professor David Kurnick, Rutgers University.";"Reading by Professor David Kurnick, Rutgers University. Bio David Kurnick is Associate Professor in the English Department at Rutgers University. He is the prizewinning author of Empty Houses: Theatrical Failure and the Novel (Princeton, 2012). In addition to his research on the Victorian and modernist novel, Professor Kurnick has worked on modern Latin American fiction. He has published essays on the contemporary writers César Aira, Roberto Bolaño and Elena Ferrante and translated Julio Cortázar’s 1975 novella Fantomas versus the Multinational Vampires (Semiotext[e], 2014). His work has appeared or is forthcoming in boundary 2, ELH, PMLA, Raritan, Victorian Studies, NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction, Victorian Literature and Culture, The Henry James Review, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, The Oxford History of the Novel in English, Vol. 3: 1820-1880, Literature Compass, and Public Books." "Symposium to honour Peter Harder";"The Linguistic Circle of Copenhagen and The Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics";"2020-02-28";"09:30";"";"17:00";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";" On the occasion of professor Peter Harder’s retirement this symposium will take up two central themes in his research, the status of grammar and grammaticalization, and the role of language in society. ";" On the occasion of professor Peter Harder’s retirement this symposium will take up two central themes in his research, the status of grammar and grammaticalization, and the role of language in society. Programme 09:30 – 09:45 Peter’s role in establishing and promoting Danish Functional Grammar Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen, University of Copenhagen Grammaticalization and grammar 09:45 – 10:30 Grammaticalization and the efficiency theory of asymmetric coding Martin Haspelmath, Universität Leipzig 10:30 – 10:50 Coffee/tea 10:50 – 11:35 How do old morphological patterns mature? And how does morphological theory have to account for them? Björn Wiemer, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz 11:35 – 12:20 Psycho- and neurolinguistic implications of a functional theory of what grammar is Kasper Boye, University of Copenhagen 12:20 – 13:30 Lunch Language and society 13:30 – 14:15 Language as Culture – On the biology of ‘function’ and ‘structure’ in conventional communication Arie Verhagen, Universiteit Leiden 14:15 – 15:00 The Language of Digital Disinformation Rebecca Adler-Nissen, University of Copenhagen 15:00 – 15:30 Coffe/tea 15:30 – 16:15 Doing Politics with Words: Saving Speech Act Theory from the Speech Act Theorists Ole Wæver, University of Copenhagen 16:15 – 17:00 Towards the grand multiplex synthesis? How to get a coherent picture of language (and other social phenomena) as objects of description Peter Harder, University of Copenhagen" "Authoritarian Regimes in Southern Europe";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Ana Vera";"2020-02-25";"10:30";"";"17:00";"South Campus, room 4A-0-56";"Research seminar.";"A transnational approach Research seminar. Programme 10:30 Opening Tina Lupton, Head of Department (University of Copenhagen)Ana Vera (University of Copenhagen) 10:45 Session 1 The Metaxas dictatorship in Greece in the context of a changing European order and the Great Depression Mogens Pelt (University of Copenhagen) Catalanism and the rise of the authoritarian regimes in Europe 1880-1950 Joana Borredà (University of Oxford) 12:15 Lunch 13:30 Session 2 Ending authoritarianism in Spain. US and European responses to General Franco’s dictatorship Morten Heiberg (University of Copenhagen) The Portuguese “New State” and the diffusion of Authoritarianism models in Europe and Latin America António Costa Pinto (ICS, IULisbon) 15:00 Coffee Break 15:30 Session 3 Anti-liberal Thought: the fascist and the populist way of representing the people Goffredo Adinolfi (CIES – IULisbon) Populism: the return of classic authoritarianism or the reinvention of national identity? Ulf Hedetoft (University of Copenhagen) Free Entry " "Den dansk-tyske grænse 1920";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Anna Lena Sandberg ";"2020-02-21";"13.15";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Fredagsforelæsning med Steen Bo Frandsen (Syddansk Universitet).";"Genforening eller deling? Historisk landskab og national selvbestemmelsesret Fredagsforelæsning med Steen Bo Frandsen (Syddansk Universitet)." "Enlisting the ‘Matter of the North’ in post-Waterloo Britain";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Robert Rix";"2020-02-14";"11";"";"12";"South Campus, room 27.0.47";"Lecture by Diego Saglia (Università degli Studi di Parma).";"Lecture by Diego Saglia (Università degli Studi di Parma)." "Feet in Ancient Time: On Being an English Writer";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2020-02-07";"16:00";"";"18:00";"South Campus, room 27.0.09";"In this lecture, Award-winning novelist and literary scholar Professor Sarah Moss, will explore the personal, creative and national challenges around the idea of literary and poetic inheritance.";" Sarah Moss, Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature In this lecture, Award-winning novelist and literary scholar Professor Sarah Moss, will explore the personal, creative and national challenges around the idea of literary and poetic inheritance. She will also address important questions about her own writing identity in the face of the shifting nature of Englishness and Britishness in the Brexit era. Sarah Moss grew up in the north of England. She has BA, M. St. and D.Phil degrees in English Literature from Oxford University, where she held a Research Fellowship before academic appointments at the universities of Kent, Exeter and Iceland. She is currently Professor of Creative Writing and Director of the Writing Programme at the University of Warwick. She was appointed FRSL this year. Her first novel, Cold Earth, was published by Granta in 2009, followed by Night Waking, Bodies of Light (shortlisted for the Wellcome Prize), Signs for Lost Children (shortlisted for the Wellcome Prize), The Tidal Zone (shortlisted for the Wellcome Prize) and most recently Ghost Wall (longlisted for the Women’s Prize and shortlisted for the RSL Ondaatje Prize among others). She wrote a memoir of a year in Iceland, Names for the Sea, published by Granta in 2012 and also shortlisted for the RSL Ondaatje Prize. Her next novel, Summerwater, will be published by Picador in Sept 2020. Her books are translated into many languages including Danish (Silkefyret)." "W.E.B Du Bois's Neurological Modernity: I.Q., Afropessimism, Genre";"Anglophone World Literature and Textual Circulations";"2019-12-13";"15:00";"";"17:00";"Room 24.1.45, South Campus, UCPH";"Guest lecture by Dr. Michael Collins, King’s College, London.";"Guest lecture by Dr. Michael Collins, Senior Lecturer in Twentieth-Century American Literature and Culture, Department of English, King’s College, London. " "Die Globalisierung der Literatur: Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers und der Nobelpreis";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2019-12-13";"13";"";"15";"Campus Süd, Raum 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (8/8), diesmal mit Carlos Spoerhase (Bielefeld/Köln). ";" Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (8/8), diesmal mit Carlos Spoerhase (Bielefeld/Köln). Die Vorlesung ist öffentlich. Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich, jeder ist herzlich willkommen!" "Brexit, Northern Ireland, and the UK Election";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Robert Rix";"2019-12-13";"12";"";"13";"South Campus 24.2.62";"Join ENGEROM students and faculty for a post UK Election discussion with Dr. Sara Dybris McQuaid moderated by Robert Rix.";"Join ENGEROM students and faculty for a post UK Election discussion with Dr. Sara Dybris McQuaid moderated by Robert Rix. Sara Dybris McQuaid is Associate Professor in British and Irish History and Society at Aarhus University and an expert in conflict- and memory studies as well as Northern Ireland in particular. She holds her PhD from the Queen’s University of Belfast and runs the Centre for Irish Studies at the University of Aarhus. She has published widely on of dynamics of nationalism and unionism in Britain and Ireland, British-Irish relations and Brexit. Robert Rix is Associate Professor in British Literature and writes on a wide range of literary and historical topics pertinent to Britain from the eighteenth century to the present. His new work is on European and American representations of Greenland. Together they will discuss the results of the UK election on 12 December and the political landscape in Britain and Northern Ireland. BYO lunch – drinks provided. All are welcome." "BREXIT";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Robert Rix";"2019-12-13";"12";"";"13";"South Campus, room 24.2.62";"Sara Dybris McQuaid and Robert Rix will discuss the results of the UK election (12 December) and the political landscape in Britain and Northern Ireland.";"Join ENGEROM students and faculty for a post UK-election discussion with Dr. Sara Dybris McQuaid moderated by Robert Rix. Sara Dybris McQuaid and Robert Rix will discuss the results of the UK election and the political landscape in Britain and Northern Ireland. BYO lunch – drinks provided. All are welcome. About Sara Dybris McQuaid is Associate Professor in British and Irish History and Society at Aarhus University and an expert in conflict- and memory studies as well as Northern Ireland in particular. She holds her PhD from the Queen’s University of Belfast and runs the Centre for Irish Studies at the University of Aarhus. She has published widely on of dynamics of nationalism and unionism in Britain and Ireland, British-Irish relations and Brexit. Robert Rix is Associate Professor in British Literature and writes on a wide range of literary and historical topics pertinent to Britain from the eighteenth century to the present. His new work is on European and American representations of Greenland." "Transnational Resistance in Europe, 1936-48: findings of an international project";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Global Europe";"2019-12-12";"15:00";"";"17:00";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.50";"Guest lecture by Robert Gildea (Worcester College, Oxford).";"Guest lecture by Robert Gildea (Worcester College, Oxford)." "Mnemonic migration";"Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (Tea Sindbæk Andersen) & Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (Jessica Ortner)";"2019-12-12";"13:15";"";"16:30";"South Campus, room 24.4.01";"Kick-off seminar for a project on literature and collective memory and how it migrates between cultures and people.";" Kick-off seminar for a project on literature and collective memory and how it migrates between cultures and people. The research project Mnemonic migration investigates how memories “migrate” via the medium of literature and to what extend “immigrated” memories affect people in societies with different historical legacies. These three gust lectures will address questions of memory and reception, how events that were not personally lived can be internalised and remembered, and the roles of literature in mediating and circulating memories of the Yugoslav wars in the 1990s. Programme 13:15 – 14:00 What does it take to be remembered? Vered Vinitzky-Seroussi (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) 14:15 – 15:00 Migrating Memories of the Bosnian War: Trauma Fiction, Memory, and Citizenship Stijn Vervaet (University of Oslo) 15:15 – 16:00 Kosovo Diaspora, Migration and Prosthetic Memories Dafina Paca (University of Bristol) 16:00 – 16:30 Discussion and conclusions" "Das „Wunder von 1989“: Vom unerwarteten Ereignis zum historischen Mythos";"Fakultät für Englisch, Germanisch und Romano in Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Botschaft Kopenhagen und dem Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen";"2019-12-06";"13";"";"15";"Campus Süd, Raum 24.4.01";"Vortrag von Martin Sabrow (Potsdam). No. 4/4 in der Reihe über die Geschichte der Demokratie in Deutschland.";" Vortrag von Martin Sabrow (Potsdam). No. 4/4 in der Reihe über die Geschichte der Demokratie in Deutschland. " "Das „Wunder von 1989“: Vom unerwarteten Ereignis zum historischen Mythos (Geschichte der Demokratie in Deutschland IV)";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2019-12-06";"13";"";"15";"Campus Süd, Raum 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (7/8), diesmal mit Martin Sabrow (Potsdam).";" Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (7/8), diesmal mit Martin Sabrow (Potsdam). Die Vorlesung ist öffentlich. Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich, jeder ist herzlich willkommen!" "Latinamerika idag";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / CLAS (Center for Latinamerikastudier) og Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AiiA)";"2019-12-04";"15:15";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 27.0.09";"CLAS (Centre for Latin American Studies) på Københavns Universitet og Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AiiA) arrangerer et informationsmøde om den aktuelle udvikling i Latinamerika.";"Spredes den sociale protest i Latinamerika? I 2019 har adskillige lande i regionen, herunder Honduras, Nicaragua, Haïti, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia og for nylig Colombia, af forskellige grunde været vidne til massive demonstrationer fra forskellige sider. Kom og bliv klogere på det, der sker i Latinamerika idag. CLAS (Centre for Latin American Studies) på Københavns Universitet og Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AiiA) arrangerer et informationsmøde, hvor vi begynder med oplæg fra et panel, efterfulgt af debat som du er velkommen til at være en del af. Paneldeltagere Georg Wink, Jan Gustafsson, Morten Rievers Heiberg, Elena Ansótegui, Edwin Zurita, Michael Aliste og Teresa Conde (Baile Regional de Chiapas, México). Arrangementet afholdes på spansk." "Übersetzung, Transfer, Zensur";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2019-11-29";"13";"";"15";"Campus Süd, Raum 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (6/8), diesmal mit Andreas Benedikt Jager (Stavanger). ";"Skandinavische Literatur in den Verlagen der DDR – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung dänischer Beispiele wie Herman Bang, Peter Seeberg und Dea Trier Mørch Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (6/8), diesmal mit Andreas Benedikt Jager (Stavanger). Die Vorlesung ist öffentlich. Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich, jeder ist herzlich willkommen!" "Remembering the Postcolonial: Past Paradigms, Present Perceptions";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Anglophone World Literature and Textual Circulations";"2019-11-29";"10";"";"12";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Guest lecture by Professor John McLeod, University of Leeds.";"Guest lecture by Professor John McLeod, University of Leeds. The conceptual and critical gains of postcolonial thought have been hard won since the emergence of the field in the 1980s. Yet these days the wisdom and impact of the postcolonial are often forgotten or disparaged as new paradigms are asserted instead (e.g. ‘the decolonial’, ‘world-literature’). Such perceptions threaten to unmoor the present from postcolonialism’s vital modes of critique, and at a moment when its tools seem especially needed. This presentation confronts and contests the crisis of memory concerning postcolonial thought, and challenges the worrying fading from view of its critical resources at this crucial time.’" "Translation Studies at UCPH in the 21th Century";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Forskningsforum Oversættelse og kulturel transfer";"2019-11-28";"9.30";"";"17.00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 27.0.47";"Workshop for fakultetets forskere inden for oversættelsesstudier samt roundtable med inviterede gæster.";"Workshop for fakultetets forskere inden for oversættelsesstudier samt roundtable med inviterede gæster. Program Kl. 9.30 - 12.30 Workshop for fakultetets forskere inden for oversættelsesstudier Kl. 13.45 - 17.00 Round table med inviterede gæster Dr. Katrien Lievois, Universiteit Antwerpen, og Docent Jan Pedersen, Director of the Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies, Stockholm: ”How to organize teaching and research within Translation Studies” (åbent for interesserede kolleger)." "Novas estéticas dos movimentos sociais no Brasil";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Portuguese and Brazilian studies";"2019-11-28";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.0.26";"Guest lecture by Laura Erber (UNIRIO/UCPH).";"Guest lecture by Laura Erber (UNIRIO/UCPH). " "Computing Time: Measuring Time in Narrative Using Computational Methods";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2019-11-26";"15:00";"";"17:00";"South Campus, room 27.0.09";"Talks on the Digital Turn in the Humanities (2/4): Lecture by Professor and William Dawson Scholar Andrew Piper, McGill University, Canada.";" Talks on the Digital Turn in the Humanities (2/4): Lecture by Professor and William Dawson Scholar Andrew Piper, McGill University, Canada. Time is fundamental to the construction of narrative. There can be no narration without the passage of time, either as narrated time (the time of happening) or narrative time (the time of narrating). While the study of time in narrative has been central to the field of narratology for decades, to date we have very few examples of the large-scale study of time in narrative. In my talk, I will outline a preliminary sketch of various approaches to the computational study of time to better understand how different cultures or epochs have imagined the experience of time within narrative. Before we move to insights about time’s role within the practice of narration, we need a clearer understanding of what we mean by “time” and how it might be modeled. This talk is about exploring possible models of narrated/narrative time. Bio Andrew Piper is Professor and William Dawson Scholar in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at McGill University. He is the director of .txtLAB, a laboratory for cultural analytics, as well as author most recently of Enumerations: Data and Literary Study (Chicago 2018). Piper’s work focuses on applying the tools and techniques of data science to the study of literature and culture, with particular emphasis on questions of cultural equality. He has on-going projects that address questions of cultural capital, academic publishing and power, and the visibility of knowledge. Digital Humanities Digital technologies are transforming teaching and research in the humanities. The Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies is hosting four talks by international experts in the field. They will discuss the use of digital methodologies and tools and address the new possibilities and challenges. All are welcome to these free talks! Please direct any questions to Robert Rix. This is Talk No. 2/4. See Talk No. 1/4 See Talk No. 3/4 See Talk No. 4/4 " "Philosemitismus als Janusgesicht der Holocausterinnerung in Lena Goreliks Roman „Lieber Mischa … Du bist ein Jude!”";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2019-11-22";"13";"";"15";"Campus Süd, Raum 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (5/8), diesmal mit Jessica Ortner (Kopenhagen).";"Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (5/8), diesmal mit Jessica Ortner (Kopenhagen). Die Vorlesung ist öffentlich. Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich, jeder ist herzlich willkommen!" "Tandem Milano-Copenaghen";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Forskningsforum Sprog i det danske uddannelsessystem";"2019-11-21";"14.30";"";"16.00";"Annonceres senere";"Susanne Krarup & Lorens Juul Madsen: Samarbejde mellem danskstuderende i Milano og italienskstuderende i København i forbindelse med undervisningen i skriftlig sprogfærdighed.";"Susanne Krarup & Lorens Juul Madsen: Samarbejde mellem danskstuderende i Milano og italienskstuderende i København i forbindelse med undervisningen i skriftlig sprogfærdighed." "Arquivos coloniais e práticas de curadoria";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Portuguese and Brazilian studies";"2019-11-21";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.0.26";"Guest lecture by Daniela Agostinho (UCPH). ";"Guest lecture by Daniela Agostinho (UCPH). " "Utopizaciones en América Latina / Utopizações em América Latina";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Latin American Studies";"2019-11-21";"09:00";"";"18:00";"South Campus, room 27.0.09";"Symposium.";"Symposium." "Literature and Formats";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2019-11-15";"12:00";"2019-11-16";"17:30";"South Campus, room 24.2.62";"Formats are never just containers of content. Texts are not immaterial, fluid things that can move from one format to another without losing their identity – without becoming something else.";"Over the past decades, research into the materiality of texts has shown that readers interpret and respond to more than just the words on the page. The intellectual content of a text cannot be separated from its embodiment in a particular ‘format,’ whether this may be a book, broadside, or digital space. Texts are not immaterial, fluid things that can move from one format to another without losing their identity; without becoming something else. This symposium will explore the complex relationship between text and format. Formats are never just containers of content, and a text’s embodiment in print or as digital image may rival its narrative in both diversity and creativity. This invites a series of essential research questions. What kind of friction occurs when texts travel between formats; when they move from period to period in different covers, onto other pages, onto new screens? Can format be a generative space – for genres, for specific ideas – and can those genres and ideas then be transferred to other formats? What do literary texts lose, and gain, from transient formats? How do modern formats shape our engagement with literature of the past? Talks could touch on the following themes (but are not limited to them): Formats vs. media Formats of the page, the codex, the browser, the mp3 file Scale and size; scaling up and down as texts are reprinted How texts travel between formats How literary formats generate new texts Transient texts; ephemera Literary periods and the ways they are bridged by literary formats Stretching, squeezing, and cutting text Mise-en-page: typesetting, stereotyping, bindings: the material formats of literature and their abstract implications Programme 15 November 12 - 13 Lunch 13 - 14 Scholarship and Its Formats: Documenting the Humanities Bonnie Mak (University of Illinois) 14 - 15 Forme / Platform / Format Whitney Trettien (University of Pennsylvania) 15 - 15:30 Coffee 15:30 - 16:30 Sizes and Formats of Icelandic Manuscript Books, ca 1200-1900 Matthew James Driscoll (University of Copenhagen) 16:30 - 17:30 What Is an Edition Now? Jonathan Sachs (Concordia University, Montreal) 17:30 - 18:30 Codex Poetics: Landon, Hunt, and Clare Emily Rohrbach (University of Manchester) 16 November 09 - 10 Page Fillers in Victorian Periodicals Maria Damkjær (University of Copenhagen) 10 - 11 Miscellaneity as Form: The Case of the ""Lady’s Magazine"" (1770-1832) Jennie Batchelor (University of Kent) 12 - 13 Lunch 13 - 14 Form and Format in Byron’s Poetry Tom Mole (University of Edinburgh) 14 - 15 Between Paper and Pixels: Reformatting Jennifer Egan’s ‘Black Box’ Tore Rye Andersen (Aarhus University) 15 - 15:30 Coffee 15:30 - 16:30 Book Audio Matthew Rubery (Queen Mary University of London) 16:30 - 17:30 Pushed off the Platform: Why neither Literary Criticism nor Economics Can Adequately Model the Retailed Book Simon Frost (Bournemouth University)" "Danish and German as European neighbor languages 100 years after 'Genforeningen'";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Norm, Variation, Language Change";"2019-11-15";"10:00";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 27.0.09";"With this pre-seminar we wish to shed light on the effects of these borders on the language varieties used within these border zones around 100 years after their appearance, both in a structural and a sociolinguistic perspective. ";"In 2020 Denmark and Germany will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the current Danish-German political border, which appeared on the European map as a result of a referendum held within the border region. This event is known as “Genforeningen” (“the reunification”) in Danish historiography. Other European regions, such as for instance Alsace and South Tyrol, were also affected by a shift of political borders in the aftermath of World War I. These borders have in common that they divided multilingual territories which are characterized by long-lasting language and dialect contact. With our preseminar we wish to shed light on the effects of these borders on the language varieties used within these border zones around 100 years after their appearance, both in a structural and a sociolinguistic perspective. We aim to improve our understanding of possible common and unique features in different border zones. Participants Rahel Beyer (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, French-German) Silvia Dal Negro (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italian-German) Elin Fredsted (University of Flensburg, Danish-German) Anna Marbjerg (University of Copenhagen, Danish-German) Organizers Research forum “Norm, Variation, Language Change” at the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies: Anita Berit Hansen (lecturer in French) Erling Strudsholm (lecturer in Italian) Kim Ebensgaard Jensen (lecturer in English) Lars Behnke (research assistant in German, contact person) Programme 10:00 Welcome with coffee & tea 10:30 The language situation in the German-Danish border region today Elin Fredsted (Flensburg) 11:15 Study of covert language attitudes in the Danish minority in Germany Anna Marbjerg (Copenhagen) 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break at the campus main canteen, building 23 13:00 Dialect or Language? German, French or Franconian? Reflections on the Status of the Varieties of East Lorraine (France) Rahel Beyer (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim) 13:45 South Tyrol between de jure and de facto bilingualism Silvia Dal Negro (Bolzano/Bozen) 14:30 – 15:00 Conclusion with coffee & tea Further information The event is open to everyone, but registration is required. Please register with Erling Strudsholm. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us." "A Justiça e a questão do aborto no Brasil";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Portuguese and Brazilian studies";"2019-11-14";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.0.26";"Guest lecture by Maya Mitre (CBS).";"Guest lecture by Maya Mitre (CBS). " "Consumo e mulheres negras";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Portuguese and Brazilian studies";"2019-11-07";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.0.26";"Guest lecture by Ana Raquel Rocha (UFRJ/UCPH). ";"Guest lecture by Ana Raquel Rocha (UFRJ/UCPH). " "Mafiaen som en destabiliserende faktor i den moderne italienske stats udvikling";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2019-11-06";"15.15";"";"17.00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 23.4.39";"Gæsteforelæsning ved ekstern lektor Gert Sørensen, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet.";"Gæsteforelæsning ved ekstern lektor Gert Sørensen, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet. Forelæsningen er på dansk og varer en times tid, hvorefter der er tid til spørgsmål og diskussion. Der sluttes af med en lille reception. Alle er velkomne!" "The Kipling That Everybody Read: Narrative Strategies in the Early Short Stories of Rudyard Kipling";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-11-06";"13:00";"2019-11-06";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Inger Krarup Brøgger.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Inger Krarup Brøgger. Abstract During his own lifetime, Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) went from being one of the world’s most widely read and respected short story writers and poets to being ignored and even despised. The young Kipling was someone that everybody read, while the elderly Kipling was, as Edmund Wilson called his essay from 1941, ‘The Kipling That Nobody Read’. The Danish scholar C. A. Bodelsen stated that unlike the late Kipling, the young Kipling wrote ‘almost completely ‘straight’ stories’. This dissertation investigates the question: What narrative strategies did Kipling employ in his early stories? Were Kipling’s early stories really so ‘straight’? How different is ‘the Kipling that everybody read’ from ‘the Kipling that nobody read’? The dissertation presents close readings of some early short stories by Kipling and, in order of comparison, a few of Kipling’s late short stories are discussed. The approach is eclectic; the close readings are done with the care of a New Critic, but also employ some of the insights into voices and discourse provided by Mikhail Bakhtin. The dissertation finds that Kipling’s early stories are not so ‘straight’ as they may appear. Kipling employs narrative strategies that both participate in and undermine a colonialist discourse. The early stories are deliberately ‘artless’, and many of the narrative strategies found in Kipling’s late stories can also be found in the early stories. Kipling’s early stories contain many different voices, often 'double-voiced' discourse, and numerous literary allusions are crucial parts of Kipling’s narrative strategies. Resumé Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) gik fra at være regnet for et litterært geni af sine samtidige til glemt, ja foragtet. Den unge Kipling var en, som alle læste, mens den ældre Kipling var, som Edmund Wilson kaldte sit essay fra 1941, “The Kipling That Nobody Read”. C. A. Bodelsen hævdede, at den unge Kipling skrev næsten udelukkende ’enkle’ historier. Denne afhandling undersøger spørgsmålet: Hvilke narrative strategier brugte Kipling i sine tidlige noveller? Hvor stor forskel er der på ’den Kipling, alle læste’ og ’den Kipling, ingen læste’? Afhandlingen består af nærlæsninger af nogle af Kiplings tidlige noveller og endelig bliver fire af Kiplings sene noveller kort analyseret. Den anvendte metode er eklektisk; nærlæsninger følger den nykritiske tradition, men drager også nytte af Mikhail Bakhtins begreber om stemmer og diskurs. Afhandlingen konkluderer, at Kiplings tidlige noveller ikke er så enkle, som de umiddelbart kan synes. Kipling benytter narrative strategier, som både tager del i og underminerer en kolonialistisk diskurs. De tidlige noveller er bevidst ukunstlede, og mange af de narrative strategier, man finder i Kiplings sene noveller, er også til stede i de tidlige. Kiplings tidlige noveller indeholder mange forskellige stemmer, og ofte en flerstemmig diskurs, og utallige litterære allusioner er afgørende dele af Kiplings narrative strategier. Assessment Committee Professor Christian Benne, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Janet Montefiore (University of Kent) Professor Daniel Karlin (University of Bristol) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Robert Rix (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6, 2300 København S " "Dermographie: Literarische Haut-Schrift bei Herta Müller";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2019-11-01";"13";"";"15";"Campus Süd, Raum 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (4/8), diesmal mit Irina Hron (Göteborg/Wien). ";"Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (4/8), diesmal mit Irina Hron (Göteborg/Wien). Die Vorlesung ist öffentlich. Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich, jeder ist herzlich willkommen!" "Plurilingual students' English proficiency";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-10-28";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Rawand Samal Jalal.";"A study of Danish elementary school students' L3 proficiency Public Defence of PhD thesis by Rawand Samal Jalal. Abstract While many studies globally demonstrate the overall advantage of bilingualism - in particular in terms of third language acquisition – these findings are not repeated in Danish schools where bilingualism is often considered a disadvantage. However, third language acquisition has never been studied in the Danish context. Thus, this study investigated plurilingual students’ English proficiency skills (their L3) relative to their monolingual peers’ English proficiency skills in the context of Denmark. The participants were ninth graders from nine different schools in the greater Copenhagen area. The initial results revealed that the monolinguals outperformed the plurilinguals on their general English proficiency skills with huge differences within the plurilingual group. Subsequently, a qualitative investigation was carried out in order to understand these results; here the findings suggest that a multi-dimensional approach is called for, including the students’ response to language teaching practices. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Petra Daryai-Hansen, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Anne Dahl (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Associate Professor Susana Silvia Fernandez (Aarhus University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Jan Juhl Lindschouw (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Erik Holms Kanal 6 " "Mobility and History";"Department for English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Global Europe";"2019-10-25";"13:00";"2019-10-25";"15:00";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.50";"Inaugural Lecture by John Darwin (Nuffield College, University of Oxford).";"Seminar & Inaugural Lecture: John Darwin (Nuffield College, University of Oxford). Abstract Mobility lies at the heart of the study of global history. The movement of peoples, the exchange of goods, ideas and information, and the constantly shifting and uneven patterns of connectedness are among the profoundest forces in world history and had powerful geopolitical, cultural and economic consequences: empires, divergences, and cultural hierarchies. No continent has been more deeply involved in these processes than Europe- and so it remains." "IT i fremmedsprogsundervisningen";"Forskningsforum Sprog i det danske uddannelsessystem";"2019-10-25";"13.00";"";"15.30";"Søndre Campus, lokale 4A-0-56";"Forskningsforum Sprog i det danske uddannelsessystem på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet inviterer til et arrangement om brug af IT i fremmedsprogsundervisningen.";"Forskningsforum Sprog i det danske uddannelsessystem på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet inviterer til et arrangement om brug af IT i fremmedsprogsundervisningen. Program 13.00 - 13.15 Velkomst Tovholder Jan Lindschouw, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet 13.15 - 13.50 IT og feedback i fremmedsprogundervisning Hanne Wacher Kjærgaard, centerleder af Det Nationale Center for Fremmedsprog Vest 13.50 - 14.25 Digital teknologi og innovation i fremmedsprogs- undervisningen - en kommunikativ tilgang til sprog Amalie Colding Madsen, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet 14.25 - 14.45 Kaffe og kage 14.45 - 15.20 Telekollaboration i fremmedsprogsklasseværelse Ana Kanareva-Dimitrovska, projektkoordinator i Det National Center for Fremmedsprog Vest og Natalia Morollón Martí, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet 15.20 - 15.30 Farvel og tak for i dag Deltagelse er gratis og alle interesserede er velkomne. Tilmelding til Jan Lindschouw er nødvendig af hensyn til bestilling af forplejning." "Empreendedorismo e inovação no contexto português";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Portuguese and Brazilian studies";"2019-10-22";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.0.26";"Guest lecture by Pedro Oliveira (CBS/Nova School of Business and Economics). ";"Guest lecture by Pedro Oliveira (CBS/Nova School of Business and Economics)." "Mozambique between collapsed socialism and speculative capitalism";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Portuguese and Brazilian studies";"2019-10-22";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.0.26";"Guest lecture by Morten Nielsen (National Museum of Denmark).";"Guest lecture by Morten Nielsen (National Museum of Denmark)." "The Emerging UX of Modern Languages: Key Trends in Digital Modern Languages";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2019-10-11";"15:00";"";"17:00";"South Campus, room 27.0.17";"Talks on the Digital Turn in the Humanities (1/4): Lecture by Senior Lecturer Paul Spence, King’s College London.";" Talks on the Digital Turn in the Humanities (1/4): Lecture by Senior Lecturer Paul Spence, King’s College London. Recent years have seen growing attention to the theme of “digital modern languages,” a diffuse concept which potentially involves a range of roles and sub-fields within modern languages, and which connects with the equally diffuse, and highly practice-driven, field of the digital humanities. “Modern languages” (ML) and “digital” are two terms which have not always sat comfortably side by side, and there is still a level of epistemic unease in the relationship between the two, but in recent years, some have argued that both fields have much to gain from stronger mutual interaction. The “digital mediations” strand on the AHRC-funded “Language Acts & Worldmaking” project studies these interactions, explores the conditions for mutually enriching engagement, and analyses the role of data-driven approaches to ML education and research. In this presentation, I will explore the UX (User Experience) of Modern Languages learning in 2019. How has digital transformed the way we research, educate and learn? How could ML researchers and educators react to new developments such as DuoLingo, GoogleTranslate and ear pieces which promise to provide instant oral translation? I will also propose some, increasingly urgent, ways in which ML and DH might collaborate more closely in the future. Bio Paul Spence is a Senior Lecturer in Digital Humanities at King’s College London and has an educational background in Spanish & Spanish American Studies. In the past he has led digital research on a number of projects involving digital edition, user-generated content, innovative visualisation and digital publishing. He co-developed the multi-platform publishing framework xMod (now Kiln), which has been used in over 50 projects. His research currently focuses on digitally mediated knowledge creation, global perspectives on digital scholarship and interactions between modern languages and digital culture. He leads the “Digital Mediations” strand on the AHRC-funded Language Acts and Worldmaking project. Digital Humanities Digital technologies are transforming teaching and research in the humanities. The Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies is hosting four talks by international experts in the field. They will discuss the use of digital methodologies and tools and address the new possibilities and challenges. All are welcome to these free talks! Please direct any questions to Robert Rix. This is Talk No. 1/4. See Talk No. 2/4 See Talk No. 3/4 See Talk No. 4/4 " "Studierende präsentieren ihre Masterarbeiten";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2019-10-11";"13";"";"15";"Campus Süd, Raum 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (3/8), diesmal mit Studierende die ihre Masterarbeiten präsentieren.";"Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (3/8), diesmal mit Studierende die ihre Masterarbeiten präsentieren: Karen Sofie Dahl Vind: Kvindelig identitet og feministiske perspektiver i Ingeborg Bachmanns Malina og Elfriede Jelineks Die Liebhaberinnen. Søren Pedersen: Thomas Klings Manhattan Mundraum læst fra et intertekstuelt og Objekt-Orienteret Ontologisk perspektiv Marie Sørensen: Theodor Geiger – i eugenikkens navn. En komparativ analyse af Erbpflege (1934) og Samfund og Arvelighed (1935) Die Vorlesungen sind öffentlich. Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich, jeder ist herzlich willkommen!" "Self-Reflexive Literature and the Twenty-First Century Writing of Paul Auster";"Anglophone World Literature and Textual Circulations";"2019-10-08";"13";"";"18";"Room 27.0.09, South Campus, UCPH";"Masterclass w. guest speakers, A.Varvogli and F. Hugonnier. ";"Masterclass w. guest speakers, A.Varvogli and F. Hugonnier." "The Bandim Health Project in Guinea-Bissau";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Portuguese and Brazilian studies";"2019-10-03";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.0.26";"Guest lecture by Ane Fisker (CVIVA/SDU/Odense University Hospital).";"Guest lecture by Ane Fisker (CVIVA/SDU/Odense University Hospital)." "Hieronymusdagen 2019: Kvinder i oversættelse";"Forum for Billedmedieoversættere, Dansk Oversætterforbund, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk samt Forbundet Kommunikation og Sprog";"2019-09-30";"14";"";"20";"Søndre Campus, Festsalen (11C-0-08)";"I år er temaet: Talt sprog i oversættelse. ";" Den internationale oversætterdag 30. september afholdes i år under overskriften ”Kvinder i oversættelse”. Til Hieronymusdagen 2019 vil vi drøfte de mange facetter af køn i oversættelse, ikke bare inden for litteraturen, men også inden for bl.a. tekstning og tolkning. I den mere pragmatiske afdeling spørger vi derudover, hvilken rolle køn, alder og etnicitet m.m. spiller på markedet for oversættelse: Hvilken betydning har det fx for tildelingen af opgaver, om der er overensstemmelse mellem forfatterens og oversætterens identitet? Og hvem får priser, anerkendelse og taletid inden for oversættelse? Tilmelding åbner den 1. september 2019 kl. 9.00. Mere information om programmet følger på arrangementets hjemmeside. Vi gør opmærksom på, at der vil blive taget billeder til arrangementet." "CONVOCATORIA: Llamada a contribuciones - Seminario sobre utopía";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2019-09-30";"09:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, room 27.0.07 ";"Este seminario pretende ofrecer una perspectiva amplia e interdisciplinar del impacto que la utopía ha tenido en las diferentes expresiones culturales en el contexto hispánico.";"Seminario sobre utopía (21 de noviembre de 2019) La utopía está ineludiblemente vinculada con América desde el mismo momento en que Tomás Moro inventa este ambiguo neologismo en 1516 para referirse a una isla regida por el mejor estado político posible, situada en la geografía recién descubierta. La utopía es por tanto un concepto nacido en Europa pero cuya semilla es América, es decir es el primer término global e híbrido de un mundo que cada vez habría de ser más global e híbrido. Los últimos quinientos años nos han dejado numerosos testimonios de una relación incesante entre la utopía y América: desde el deseo europeo por alcanzar el paraíso cristiano hasta la búsqueda del paraíso primitivo destruido con la conquista, el anhelo de un mundo mejor para conquistadores y conquistados ha venido siendo denominador común en muchas de las manifestaciones artísticas, políticas y sociales del continente americano. Este seminario pretende ofrecer una perspectiva amplia e interdisciplinar del impacto que la utopía ha tenido en las diferentes expresiones culturales en el contexto hispánico. La idea de este seminario es la de compartir investigaciones aparentemente de diverso índole que posean un vínculo con la utopía. Los participantes podrán optar a formar parte de una publicación monográfica de Diálogos Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Århus, coordinada por el profesor Jan Gustafsson y la investigadora Elena Ansótegui (Universidad Copenhague) y la redacción de dicha revista. Los aportes deberán situarse principalmente en: el análisis de las manifestaciones utópicas en la cultura de América Latina a través de la historia (vg. las misiones jesuíticas, pueblo-hospital de Vasco de Quiroga, …) resistencias, tomas de conciencia y rebeliones de diferentes agentes subalternos(vg. Guamán Poma de Ayala, Tupac Amaru, revolución cubana, sandinismo, …) conceptos emergentes como la interculturalidad, decolonialidad, Sumak Kawsay o problemáticas vigentes como el medio ambiente, género, narcotráfico y su contextualización histórica de la época prehispánica y/o la época colonial. Las contribuciones deberán tratar de buscar puntos de encuentro, discusión y problematización a partir de una mirada transdisciplinaria, pues queremos estudiar la utopía desde distintas perspectivas epistémicas. El seminario se encuentra abierto a investigadores, doctorandos y alumnos de máster. Se aceptan contribuciones para comunicaciones de alrededor de 20 minutos de exposición. Los interesados en presentar una propuesta deberán mandar un título y un breve resumen de entre cinco y diez líneas a los siguientes correos: Jan Gustafsson Elena Ansótegui Las contribuciones deberán reunir las siguientes características: Ser inéditas Estar escritas en español, portugués o inglés Deberán ir acompañadas de nombre y adscripción institucional del autor/a, datos curriculares (máximo 3 líneas), título, correo electrónico y resumen. El resumen destacará las aportaciones y los aspectos relevantes del trabajo (máximo 10 líneas) Los artículos se recibirán desde la fecha de publicación de la presente convocatoria hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2019. " "O processo democrático em Angola";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Portuguese and Brazilian studies";"2019-09-26";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.0.26";"Guest lecture by José Eduardo Agualusa.";"Guest lecture by José Eduardo Agualusa." "Spansk- og portugisisksproget litteraturfestival 2019";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Casa Latinoamericana & Editorial Aurora Boreal";"2019-09-25";"";"2019-09-27";"";"Se festivalens hjemmeside";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Casa Latinoamericana & Editorial Aurora Boreal inviterer til tre dages litteraturfestival.";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Casa Latinoamericana & Editorial Aurora Boreal inviterer til tre dages litteraturfestival. Igen i år arrangeres en spansk- og portugisisksproget litteraturfestival på Søndre Campus. Den første dag afholdes på dansk og omhandler de kulturelle og historiske udvekslinger mellem Danmark og den spansk- og portugisisksprogede verden. De to øvrige dage foregår på spansk og portugisisk og tæller en række fremtrædende forfattere og akademikere. Mød op til nogle intensive dage for at blive inspireret af et meget livskraftigt og kreativt kulturområde. Download eller se program på festivalens hjemmeside." "1949 oder: Deutschland doppelt und geteilt";"Fakultät für Englisch, Germanisch und Romano in Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Botschaft Kopenhagen und dem Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen";"2019-09-20";"13";"";"15";"Campus Süd, Raum 24.4.01";"Vortrag von Norbert Frei (Jena). No. 3/4 in der Reihe über die Geschichte der Demokratie in Deutschland.";"Vortrag von Norbert Frei (Jena). No. 3/4 in der Reihe über die Geschichte der Demokratie in Deutschland." "1949 oder: Deutschland doppelt und geteilt (Geschichte der Demokratie in Deutschland III)";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2019-09-20";"13";"";"15";"Campus Süd, Raum 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (2/8), diesmal mit Norbert Frei (Jena).";" Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (2/8), diesmal mit Norbert Frei (Jena). Die Vorlesung ist öffentlich. Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich, jeder ist herzlich willkommen!" "Overburdened Peace: Competing Visions of World Order in 1918";"CEMES & Laying the Foundation";"2019-09-19";"13:00";"2019-09-19";"15:30";"South Campus, room 23.0.50";"Lecture by Professor Dr. Jörn Leonhard (Universität Freiburg).";"Lecture by Professor Dr. Jörn Leonhard (Universität Freiburg). The First World War was an industrialized mass war. The longer it lasted, the more it changed the societies that waged him, and the faster it devalued the knowledge of politicians. How should one end it? Masterfully and with an eye for the global context, Jörn Leonhard tells the story of how the world struggled, between 1918 and 1923, to create a new and peaceful world order and what this process meant for the further course of the 20th century. The high expectations, contradictory promises, overwhelming and pressing challenges and the various strategies of greater and smaller powers all played a part in the overburdened peace that came out of the Paris conference in 1919. Whether it was the carving up of old imperial lands, the internationalization of colonial practices, the creation of new states and new minorities, or the promises of lasting security arrangements and future disarmament: The way in which the war came to an end, created disappointments and conflicts that were to shape the 20th century profoundly. Discussant: Professor Nils Arne Sørensen (University of Southern Denmark). Jörn Leonhard (born 27 May 1967 in Birkenfeld) is Professor of West European History at the History Department of the University of Freiburg. From 2007 to 2012, he was co-director of the School of History at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS).[1] Hitherto his works have concentrated on the history of liberalism, nationalism, empire, and war. All are welcome. No registration. Please note that the lecture starts 12.59! Organized by CEMES& Laying the Foundation" "Jiddisch – et europæisk jødisk sprog";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2019-09-13";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesungen Herbst 2019 (1/8), diesmal mit Jan Schwarz (Lund).";"Forelæsning ved Jan Schwarz (Lund). Dette er arrangement nr. 1 (af 8) i efterårets række Tysk Fredag. Resumé Jiddisch er et fascinerende sprog som opstod i middelalderen blandt de tyske og østeuropæiske ashkenaziske jøder og som er baseret på middelaldertysk (som tyskkyndig kan man med lidt øvelse hurtigt lære at læse og forstå sproget). Jiddisch-eksperten Jan Schwarz fra Lunds universitet vil give et kort overblik over jiddisch som et europæisk sprog og fortælle hvordan der efter Anden Verdenskrig opstod et transnationalt netværk af jiddischkulturelle organisationer i Europa, USA, Argentina og Israel. Foredraget, som foregår på dansk, giver således eksempler på jiddisch sprog, litteratur og kultur i forskellige geografiske centre efter 1945. Jan Schwarz vil også præsentere sin bog Survivors and Exiles: Yiddish Culture after the Holocaust (2015). Forelæsningen er offentlig. Tilmelding er ikke påkrævet, alle er velkomne. " "XXIXe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes";"Société de linguistique romane / Université de Copenhague";"2019-07-01";"";"2019-07-06";"";"Campus Sud";"Troisième circulaire – Appel à communications.";"Troisième circulaire – Appel à communications. Lisez la revue complète ici. " "Wie theoriefähig ist die Frühromantik heute?";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Christian Benne, Alexander Knopf, Andrea Albrecht & Kirk Wetters";"2019-06-27";"";"2019-06-29";"";"Nørregade 10 & South Campus";"Internationale germanistische Tagung – Kopenhagen, 27.-29. Juni 2019.";"Internationale germanistische Tagung – Kopenhagen, 27.-29. Juni 2019. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. Wenn Sie teilnehmen möchten, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail im Voraus. Programm Donnerstag, 27. Juni Ort: Universität Kopenhagen, Nørregade 10, Treppe C, 1. Stock, Raum Udv. 3 Anreise 13.00 Snacks 13.30 – 14.00 Tagungseröffnung und Einleitung Christian Benne (Kopenhagen), Alexander Knopf (Kopenhagen), Andrea Albrecht (Heidelberg), Kirk Wetters (Yale) 14.00 – 14.45 Abkehr von der Mimesis? Zum Verhältnis von Literatur und sozialer Umwelt in der Frühromantik Dirk von Petersdorff (Jena) 14.45 – 15.30 „Pluralism ist unser innerstes Wesen“: Romantik und Demokratie Matthias Löwe (Jena) PAUSE 16.00 – 16.45 Demokratie als Herausforderung der romantischen Literatur Tilman Venzl (Heidelberg) 16.45 – 17.30 Philology and Politics – Friedrich Schlegel’s “Codex of Philology” Bruno Duarte (Lissabon) PAUSE Im Anschluss Mitgliederversammlung und Vorstandssitzung der Friedrich Schlegel-Gesellschaft 20.00 Gemeinsames Abendessen Freitag, 28. Juni 2019 Ort: Universität Kopenhagen, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 8, Raum 15-0-13 (Gebäude 15, Erdgeschoss, Raum 13) 09.00 – 09.45 Transzendentale Neuroästhetik? Friedrich Schlegels Theorie des Erhabenen im Licht der neueren Forschung Giovanna Pinna (Molise) 09.45 – 10.30 Die andere Romantik von Friedrich Schlegels ‚Georg Forster‘ Kirk Wetters (Yale) PAUSE 11.00 – 11.45 „Durch keine Theorie erschöpft“? Die Affinität poststrukturalistischer Literaturtheorie zu den Erbschaften der Frühromantik Klaus Birnstiel (Greifswald) 11.45 – 12.30 „Rhetorik constituiert das Alterthum“. Zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Funktion von Rhetorik Thomas Schirren (Salzburg) Gemeinsame Mittagspause 14.00 – 14.45 „Reflexionsmedium“. Zu Walter Benjamins Entdeckung der Romantik als Medientheorie Helmut Schanze (Siegen) 14.45 – 15.30 Hiatus 1800? – ein kritischer Blick auf Luhmanns frühromantische Epochenkonstruktion Melanie Hein (Marburg) PAUSE 16.00 – 16.45 Romantische Mereologie: Anschlüsse und Aktualisierungen Carlos Spoerhase (Bielefeld) 16.45 – 17.30 Das „Exemplarische“ und die „Originalität“ in der frühromantischen Ästhetik Tanehisa Otabe (Tokio) PAUSE 18.00 – 18.45 Die Leistung der Unfähigkeit. Überlegungen über die Rolle des Widerspruches beim frühen Schlegel Verónica Galfione (Santa Fe/Mainz) 18.45 – 19.30 Ethik der Trauer: Die Relevanz der Romantik für die Trauma-Theorie Nicole Sütterlin (Harvard) 20.00 Gemeinsames Abendessen Samstag, 29. Juni 2019 Ort: Universität Kopenhagen, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 8, Raum 15-0-13 (Gebäude 15, Erdgeschoss, Raum 13) 09.00 – 09.45 Transzendentale Neuroästhetik? Friedrich Schlegels Theorie des Erhabenen im Licht der neueren Forschung Giovanna Pinna (Molise) 09.45 – 10.30 Ethik der Trauer: Die Relevanz der Romantik für die Trauma-Theorie Nicole Sütterlin (Harvard) PAUSE 10.00 – 10.45 Der „Anfang aller Erkenntnis“. Theorie und Praxis der Polemik in der Frühromantik Alexander Knopf (Kopenhagen) 11.45 – 12.30 Gender and Sexuality between Early German Romanticism and the Frankfurt School Adrian Daub (Stanford) Anschließend Abschlussgespräch beim gemeinsamen Mittagessen" "Entangled Citizens";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-06-26";"15:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Kalathmika Natarajan.";"The Imprint of Empire and Afterlives of Indenture in Indian Diplomacy (1947-1962) Public Defence of PhD thesis by Kalathmika Natarajan. Assessment Committee Dr Ravinder Kaur, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Antoinette Burton (University of Illinois) - online participation Professor Sarah Ansari (University of London) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Gunvor Simonsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Reading and the Making of Time in the Eighteenth Century";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-05-24";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 23.0.50";"Doctoral Defence by Tina Lupton.";"Doctoral Defence by Tina Lupton. Assessment Committee Professor Charles Lock, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Helen Small (University of Oxford) Professor Katie Trumpener (Yale University) Copies of the thesis can be obtained from the following places: At Academic Books At the office of Annemarie Jensen, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, room 24.2.48 Opponents ex auditorio can sign up for the head of the defence, Dean Jesper Kallestrup. After the defence, there will be a reception in the 24.2-area." "Edition und Interpretation";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Germanic Studies";"2019-05-24";"13";"";"15";"South Campus, room 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesung (8/8) von Roland Reuß (Heidelberg).";"Freitagsvorlesung (8/8) von Roland Reuß (Heidelberg)." "Showdown Venezuela - Oil, economics and US interventions";"";"2019-05-23";"17:00";"";"19:00";"";"Two scholars analyze the current situation in Venezuela";"Two scholars analyze the current situation in Venezuela:Alejandro Márquez-Velázquez (Freie University Berlin) and Erick Gonzalo Palomares Rodriguez (Aalborg University/CLAS).Moderation: Georg Wink (University of Copenhagen/CLAS)Organizer: UNION in collaboration with CLAS and Det Interkulturelle Akademi AiiA" "Åbent seminar: Europa-parlamentsvalget 2019";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2019-05-21";"15.30";"";"18.30";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Åbent seminar i forbindelse med valget til Europaparlamentet 26. maj.";" Åbent seminar i forbindelse med valget til Europaparlamentet 26. maj. Hvad er Europas fremtid? I en tid af konstant forandring og store samfundsmæssige udfordringer er det kommende Europa-parlamentsvalg den 26. maj vigtigere end nogensinde før. Stik imod tænkningen i halvfemserne har den europæiske og globale fortætning ikke svækket tilknytningen til nationalstaterne, men styrket den. Den voksende bestanddel af nationalistiske partier, personificeret af Italiens indenrigsminister, Matteo Salvini, kalder på mindre EU, mens Frankrigs præsident, Emmanuel Macron, agiterer for mere EU. Spørgsmålet er dog ikke alene, hvorvidt Europas befolkninger fortsat ønsker europæisk integration, men også hvilken form for integration, de ønsker. Med afsæt i både et overbliksgivende europæisk perspektiv og en bred vifte af nationale europæiske kontekster lægger Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) rammer til oplysning og debat om valget og dets mulige implikationer for fremtidens Europa. Seminaret er arrangeret af Tóra Djurhuus og Simon C. Birk og støttet af CEMES (Centre for Modern European Studies). Program 15.30 Velkomst (Simon Cecchin Birk & Tóra Djurhuus, ENGEROM) 15.40 Hvad stemmer vi om d. 26 maj? (Maja K. Dionigi fra Tænketanken Europa) 16.00 Frankrig og EU (Jørn Boisen, ENGEROM) 16.20 Tyskland og EU (Detlef Siegfried, ENGEROM) 16.40 Pause 16.50 Italien og EU (Gert Sørensen, ENGEROM) 17.10 Spanien, Portugal og EU (Morten Heiberg, ENGEROM) 17.30 Pause 17.40 Hvor er EU på vej hen? (Opsamling med Uffe Østergaard) 18.00 Reception" "Saul Bellow, American Fiction, and the Great Books Tradition";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Anglophone Literature";"2019-05-15";"11";"";"13";"South Campus, room 27.0.09";"Lecture by Zachary Leader, Professor of English and Creative Writing (University of Roehampton, London).";"Lecture by Zachary Leader, Professor of English and Creative Writing (University of Roehampton, London). Abstract This is a talk about the importance of the Great Book Tradition in twentieth-century American fiction, with principal reference to the major Jewish-American novelists of the period – Bellow in particular, but also Roth and Malamud. The talk involves discussion of the role of ‘Great Books’ or ‘Humanities’ or ‘Western Civilization’ courses in American universities and of the threat such courses faced, continue to face, from attacks on the canon and the claims of multiculturalism." "Forgotten and Overlooked: A Conversation about Philosophy, History of Ideas and the Middle Ages in the Arab World";"The Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (ENGEROM), The Moroccan Embassy, L’Institut français, Den Franske Bogcafé & Forlaget Arvids";"2019-05-14";"18:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 23.0.50";"The Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (ENGEROM), The Moroccan Embassy, L’Institut français, Den Franske Bogcafé & Forlaget Arvids invite you to a lecture/debate with writer Fouad Laroui.";"The Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (ENGEROM), The Moroccan Embassy, L’Institut français, Den Franske Bogcafé & Forlaget Arvids invite you to a lecture/debate with writer Fouad Laroui. Moderator: Saer El Jaichi, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen. " "Politics of Patience";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-05-14";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Rose Løvgren.";"Lessons on sovereignty and subjectivity from failed fieldwork in Rwanda Public Defence of PhD thesis by Rose Løvgren. Abstract The thesis addresses practices of the state in Rwanda, and the experiences and reactions of those subjected to these practices. The Rwandan state has a long history of ordering and exercising intense control over its people. The most atrocious example played out from April to July in 1994 when the erstwhile government initiated a genocide attempting eradicate a whole part of the population. Since the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) overthrew this government the party has remained in power and RPF to a large extent continues the tradition of reaching into and practicing regulation over some of the most intimate aspects of life in Rwanda. The thesis pays special attention to the instability of the surfaces of the state and those subjected to its rule. It analyzes how the state’s many transgressions set in motion a multiplication of violence across social spheres, making it difficult to assess when, whether and how the state is present. The continuous changes in political agendas moreover work to effect routinized uncertainty about what the state actually wants from its subjects. Politics of Patience refers to the precarious political, social and economic situation in Rwanda that produce patient political subjectivities, and in turn to the politics effected by those subjectivities. The study is based on fieldwork as well as what I term failed fieldwork about the rehabilitation center for ‘delinquent’ male youth on Iwawa Island in Lake Kivu, amounting to 13 months. Based on fieldwork where I could do little to influence the process and which ended in deportation, I read my fragmented empirical material on different political practices together by emphasizing the examples in which state violence spills over beyond the state’s utility. Related to this form of violence, I draw on my autoethnographic experiences with sexually harassing state representatives and read them together with other forms of empirical material to highlight the ways in which local representatives of sovereignty influence the state’s agendas, even when they have little to no way to push back against directives from a centralized and omnipresent state. In a context marked by unpredictability, the thesis examines practices of patience, acceptance and compliance among those exposed to the state’s power. This focus is partly motivated by Saba Mahmood’s argument that these are understudied and undertheorized aspects of how people relate to power both in- and outside of Rwanda. The thesis analyzes acceptance in the context of understanding negative emotions as destructive and devastating to survival of extreme hardships. It moreover analyzes descriptions of a patient and compliant attitude as a response to a sense that the authorities were trying to trick my respondents into making themselves arrestable. Drawing on poststructuralist approaches to subjectivity, I characterize fragmented and shifting subjectivities whose agency does not rest in an undominated core, but in the exercise of control over the narrative they tell themselves or others. That is, even though practices of compliance may at times exhibit contradictions or a commitment to subordination, agency is retained in the continued capacity for narration. And with it, the capacity to change the story should circumstances change. Resumé Afhandlingen omhandler statens praksisser i Rwanda, samt oplevelserne og reaktionerne hos dem der bliver udsat for disse praksisser. Staten i Rwanda har en lang tradition for at udøve intens administration og kontrol over sit folk. Det grusomste eksempel fandt sted mellem april og juli i 1994, da den daværende regering igangsatte et folkedrab i et forsøg på at udrydde en del af befolkningen. Siden Rwandas Patriotiske Front (RPF) styrtede denne regering har partiet forblevet ved magten, og RPF fortsætter i høj grad statens praksis med at række ind i og regulere nogle af de mest intime aspekter af livet i Rwanda. Afhandlingen retter særlig opmærksomhed mod ustabiliteten i overfladerne på både staten og dem staten udøver sin magt på. Den undersøger hvordan statens mange overskridelser af grænser igangsætter en multiplikation af vold henover forskellige sociale sfærer, og gør det svært at afgøre hvornår, hvorvidt og hvordan staten er nærværende. De løbende skift i politiske agendaer skaber derudover gennemgående usikkerhed omkring hvad staten faktisk vil have fra sine undersåtter. Tålmodighedens politik refererer til den prekære politiske, sociale og økonomiske situation i Rwanda som producerer tålmodige politiske subjektiviteter, og omvendt til den politik der skabes af disse subjektiviteter. Studiet er baseret på feltarbejde, såvel som hvad jeg kalder mislykket feltarbejde, om rehabili-teringscenteret for ‘afvigende’ unge mænd placeret på øen Iwawa i Kivu-søen – i alt 13 måneder. Baseret på feltarbejde hvor jeg havde begrænset indflydelse på processen, og som endte i deportation, binder jeg mit fragmenterede empiriske materiale vedrørende forskellige politiske praksisser sammen ved at fokusere på de eksempler, hvori statens vold flyder over, udover hvad der er til brug for staten. Relateret til denne form for vold trækker jeg på mine autoetnografiske oplevelser med sexchikanerende repræsentanter for staten, og læser dem sammen med andre empiriske eksempler for at fremhæve de måder hvorpå lokale repræsentanter for suverænitet har indflydelse på statens agendaer, også når de stort set ingen mulighed har for at afslå direktiver fra en centraliseret og allestedsnærværende stat. I en kontekst præget af uforudsigelighed, undersøger afhandlingen praksisser præget af tålmodighed, accept og indvilligelse blandt de mennesker, staten udøver sin magt på. Motivationen for at lægge vægt på disse praksisser er delvist baseret på Saba Mahmood’s argument om, at de er lidet undersøgte og underteoretiserede aspekter af, hvordan mennesker forholder sig til magt både inden i og uden for Rwanda. Afhandlingen analyserer accept i en kontekst, hvor negative følelser opfattes som farlige og potentielt ødelæggende for overlevelse af ekstreme lidelser. Den analyserer ydermere beskrivelser af en tålmodig og indvilligende indstilling som en reaktion på en opfattelse af, at autoriteterne prøvede at narre mine respondenter til at gøre sig selv arresterbare. Ved at trække på poststrukturalistiske tilgange til subjektivitet, karakteriserer jeg fragmenterede og skiftende subjektiviteter, hvis agens ikke hviler i en udomineret kerne, men i udøvelsen af kontrol over det narrativ de fortæller sig selv eller andre. Det vil sige, at selvom praksisser præget af indvilligelse somme tider indeholder modsigelser eller en tilknytning til underordnelse, bevares agens i den fortsatte evne til at fortælle. Og dermed bevares evnen til at ændre historien, skulle vilkårene ændre sig. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Birgitte Schepelern Johansen, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Marsha henry (London School of Economics) Dr. Andrea Purdeková (University of Bath) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Marie Sandberg (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo-Institute, Karen Blixens Vej 8, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "CANCELLED: Skandinavische Literatur in den Verlagen der DDR – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung dänischer Beispiele wie Herman Bang, Peter Seeberg und Dea Trier Mørch";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Germanic Studies";"2019-05-10";"13";"";"15";"South Campus, room 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesung (7/8) von Benedikt Jager (Stavanger).";"THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED Freitagsvorlesung (7/8) von Benedikt Jager (Stavanger). " "Geschichte der Demokratie in Deutschland II";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Germanic Studies";"2019-05-03";"13";"";"15";"South Campus, room 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesung (6/8) von Alexander Gallus (Chemnitz).";"Die vertrackte Revolution. Ein Rückblick auf die Umbrüche 1918/19 nach einhundert Jahren Freitagsvorlesung (6/8) von Alexander Gallus (Chemnitz)." "Amazônia ameaçada: Populações Extrativistas e Movimentos socio-ambientais no governo Bolsonaro";"";"2019-05-02";"13:00";"";"15:00";"";"Guest lecture by Joaquim Belo (President of the CNS, National Council of Extractivist Populations in Brazil)";"Guest lecture by Joaquim Belo (President of the CNS, National Council of Extractivist Populations in Brazil)" "Sammenhæng og opløsning";"Fransk Alumneforening";"2019-04-29";"19.30";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.2.07";"Fransk Alumneforening inviterer til Marcel Proust-aften med Simon Hartling.";"En introduktion til À la recherche du temps perdu Fransk Alumneforening inviterer til Marcel Proust-aften med Simon Hartling mandag den 29. april 2019 kl. 19.30. Henimod slutningen af À la recherche du temps perdu kører hovedpersonen, Marcel, gennem Paris’ gader for at aflægge en visit hos le prince de Guermantes. Han bevæger sig igennem et område i nærheden af Champs-Élysées, som han kender fra sin barndom. Alt er så velkendt, at det er, som om friktionen forsvinder. Marcel letter fra jorden og nærmer sig ”les hauteurs silencieuses du souvenir”. Men egentlig er han nedstemt, som han kører dér, en dag lige efter Første Verdenskrig. Han har opgivet litteraturen, den giver ham ingen glæde, enten fordi han ikke er talentfuld nok, eller fordi den ikke er i stand til at formidle så meget virkelighed, som han havde håbet på. Han ved godt med sig selv, at han er en kvik fyr, men det er på en kold og steril måde. Men så træder han ud af vognen og sætter sin fod på en bestemt brosten, og alting ændrer sig. Pludselig kan han se en sammenhæng i tingene. Han får fornyet tro på, at der gives et legitimt mål for ham som forfatter og kunstner. At læse er at søge sammenhænge, søge mening, søge at forstå, om så bare dunkelt og intuitivt. Som enhver Proust-læser vil vide, så indebærer de mange tætskrevne bogsider en stor risiko for at miste fornemmelsen af sammenhæng. Som en lang rejse med bind for øjnene. Når forfatteren så til sidst tager bindet af læserens og Marcels øjne, så får man lyst til at dele det med nogen. Med dette foredrag vil jeg gerne introducere til Proust. Dermed kommer jeg til at betræde stier, som andre har trådt. Det er i Prousts tilfælde i særlig grad svært at undgå. Men jeg ønsker at formidle min læseglæde. Den euforiserende fornemmelse af sandhed og essens, der viser sig til sidst. For Prousts jeg-fortæller fornemmer jo til sidst en sammenhæng, en form for mening med livet. Men hvordan tager den sig ud? Hvorfor er den hele tiden i fare for at gå i opløsning? Det er det, jeg vil sige noget forhåbentlig meningsfuldt og sammenhængende om. Fransk Alumneforening byder i aftenens løb på kaffe, lindete, madeleines og et glas vin. Tilmelding til arrangementet skal ske senest fredag den 26/4 til franskalumne@hotmail.com. Arrangementet er gratis for medlemmer og koster 30 kroner for ikke-medlemmer." "Moder Jords Dag 2019";"Foreningen Det interkulturelle Akademi - AIIA i samarbejde med Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS) - Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM), Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet og DANIDA";"2019-04-29";"14.00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, bygning 24";"Vær med til at fejre vores samhørighed med naturen på Moder Jords Dag, hvor mennesker verden over markerer nødvendigheden af at tage fælles ansvar for en bæredygtig fremtid.";" Vær med til at fejre vores samhørighed med naturen på Moder Jords Dag, hvor mennesker verden over markerer nødvendigheden af at tage fælles ansvar for en bæredygtig fremtid. Program Kl. 14.00 - Oplæg om Moder Jord og den traditionelle medicin blandt de oprindelige folk i Bolivia (Lokale 24-0-11, KUA 1)Kl. 15.00 - Ceremoni for Moder Jord v/ Edwin Zurita (afholdes i gården mellem bygning 24 og 25, KUA 1) Mange tak til de dygtige gartnere fra Søndre Campus!" "Geschichte der Demokratie in Deutschland I";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Germanic Studies";"2019-04-05";"13";"";"15";"South Campus, room 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesung (5/8) von Rüdiger Hachtmann (Potsdam).";"Nur eine bürgerliche Revolution? Die deutsche und europäische Revolution von 1848/49 Freitagsvorlesung (5/8) von Rüdiger Hachtmann (Potsdam)." "Nur eine bürgerliche Revolution? Die deutsche und europäische Revolution von 1848/49";"Fakultät für Englisch, Germanisch und Romano in Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Botschaft Kopenhagen und dem Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen";"2019-04-05";"13";"";"15";"Campus Süd, Raum 24.4.01";"Vortrag von Rüdiger Hachtmann (Potsdam). No. 1/4 in der Reihe über die Geschichte der Demokratie in Deutschland.";" Vortrag von Rüdiger Hachtmann (Potsdam). No. 1/4 in der Reihe über die Geschichte der Demokratie in Deutschland. " "Fransk besøgsdag 2019";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Fransk";"2019-04-04";"9.00";"";"15.00";"Søndre Campus, bygning 24";"Franskfaget på Københavns Universitet slår dørene op for gymnasieelever i 2. og 3. g, der har fransk, og andre nysgerrige, der måske endda overvejer at læse fransk på universitetet. Kom og mød de franskstuderende og underviserne og vær med til at følge undervisningen på uddannelsens første del.";" Hvad kan jeg blive med en uddannelse i fransk? Hvordan er hverdagen for en franskstuderende? Hvordan er de franskstuderendes studiemiljø fagligt og socialt? Disse og mange andre spørgsmål kan du få svar på, når franskfaget på Københavns Universitet slår dørene op for gymnasieelever i 2. og 3. g, der har fransk, og andre nysgerrige, der måske endda overvejer at læse fransk på universitetet. Kom og mød de franskstuderende og underviserne og vær med til at følge undervisningen på uddannelsens første del. Hør om fagets opbygning, hverdagen som franskstuderende, studieophold i Frankrig og fransktalende lande samt jobmuligheder. Du vil også kunne høre færdige kandidater fortælle, hvordan fransk har banet vejen til netop deres job. Hvorfor er det vigtigt at kunne fransk på højt niveau? I en stadig mere globaliseret verden er solide sprogkompetencer vigtige, ikke kun inden for engelsk, men også inden for de europæiske hovedsprog. Med gode sprogkompetencer kan vi bedre forstå og kommunikere med omverden, og vi bliver samtidig bedre til at forstå os selv. Sprog og kultur er uløseligt forbundne, og med en uddannelse i fransk vil du ikke alene lære at tale og skrive fransk rigtig godt, men du vil også få et grundigt kendskab til fransk kultur, litteratur og samfund. Frankrig ligger på top 10-listen over Danmarks vigtigste samhandelspartnere. For at varetage og udbygge relationerne til Frankrig har danske virksomheder brug for ansatte, der kan fransk på højt niveau. Fransk er desuden et af hovedsprogene i EU. De europæiske organisationer har brug for ansatte, der kan varetage kommunikationsopgaver i et internationalt, herunder fransksproget, miljø. På verdensplan er fransk et af de 10 mest anvendte sprog. Det betyder, at solide sprogkompetencer inden for fransk er relevante for kommunikationen med andre områder såvel i som uden for Europa (fx Belgien, Schweiz, Canada og store dele af Afrika). Deltagelse i arrangementet er gratis, men tilmelding er nødvendig. Send en mail til Jan Lindschouw senest den 1. april 2019. Vi glæder os til at se dig og give dig en uforglemmelig dag." "Settlers as Conquerors: Free Land Policies and the Colonization of the Antebellum American West";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / American Studies Sub-section";"2019-04-03";"15:15";"";"16:00";"South Campus, room 23.3.39";"Guest Lecture by Dr. Julius Wilm.";"Guest Lecture by Dr. Julius Wilm. Abstract In early America, the notion that settlers ought to receive undeveloped land for free was enormously popular among the rural poor and social reformers. Well into the 1840s, however, Congress considered the demand fiscally and economically irresponsible. Increasingly, this led proponents to cast the idea as a military matter: Land grantees would supplant troops in the efforts to take the continent over from Indian nations and rival colonial powers. In his talk, Julius examines the free land debates of the 1790s to 1850s and reconstructs the settlement experiences under the donation laws for Florida (1842) and the Oregon Territory (1850). Following the settlements’ trajectory, he shows how the settler-imperialist experiments failed and how this led the US government to abandon the practice of delegating the conquest of territory to its citizens. Julius has recently published his first major book: Settlers as Conquerors: Free Land Policy in Antebellum America (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2018). All are welcome! Contact Joe Goddard for more details." "Das Meer als Erinnerungsort in der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Germanic Studies";"2019-03-29";"13";"";"15";"South Campus, room 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesung (4/8) von Elisa Müller-Adams (Trier).";"Freitagsvorlesung (4/8) von Elisa Müller-Adams (Trier). " "American Literary and Cultural Studies";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Center for Transnational American Studies";"2019-03-26";"09:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, room 27.1.47";"Research symposium.";"Research symposium. Program 09:00 Welcome and introduction 09:05 - 10:05 Session 1: Neo-Slavery and Unfreedom An Arab American Neo Slave narrative?: Usable Pasts in Laila Lalami’sThe Moor’s AccountMartina Koegeler-Abdi (University of Copenhagen) Contingent Archives of Unfreedom and Experimental AestheticsSilvia Schultermandl (University of Graz) 10:05 - 10:30 Break 10:30 - 12 Session 2: Climate, Bodies, and Borders in Nineteenth-Century American Literature Climate and the Body in the American Tropics during the SecondCholera Pandemic, 1828-1835Michael Boyden (Uppsala University) Cape Cod’s Savage BordersChrista Holm Vogelius (University of Copenhagen) Styling MelvilleRasmus Rahbek Simonsen (Copenhagen School of Design & Technology) 12 - 13 Lunch break 13:00 - 14:00 Session 3: Region, Adaptation and Dystopia in Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century Literature and Film (Othered) Girls on Fire: Dystopia, Reality, and Imagination in AmericanCulture and (New) OrleansSarah Hentges (University of Maine, Augusta, and University of Southern Denmark) Transnational Geographies of Literary-Cinematic Adaptation:the West Country and the Deep South in The Siege of Trencher’s Farm and Straw DogsMartyn Bone (University of Copenhagen) Abstracts of all readings (pdf)" "Tyske film fra 1989 til i dag";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk";"2019-03-22";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Fredagsforelæsning (3/8) af Steen Bille (København).";" Fredagsforelæsning (3/8) af Steen Bille (København)." "Extremismo Religioso e Ação Política no Brasil ";"";"2019-03-22";"12:00";"";"14:00";"";"Guest lecture by Priscila Santos da Costa (DTU/CLAS)";"Guest lecture by Priscila Santos da Costa (DTU/CLAS)" "Sprachkontaktzonen des Deutschen";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Germanic Studies";"2019-03-08";"13";"";"15";"South Campus, room 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesung (2/8) von Steffen Höder (Kiel) und Jan Patrick Zeller (Hamburg).";"Freitagsvorlesung (2/8) von: Steffen Höder (Kiel): ""Wo Deutsch dänisch ist: ein kontaktlinguistischer Blick auf nordische Strukturen im heutigen Deutschen"" Jan Patrick Zeller (Hamburg): „Einflüsse des Deutschen im Standardpolnischen und Schlesischen“ " "Nietzsche and Spanish Theatre";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Spanish studies";"2019-03-07";"15";"";"17";"South Campus, room 24.2.62";"Sergio Santiago Romero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) lectures (in English) about Nietzsche’s influence on Spanish Theatre.";"Sergio Santiago Romero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) lectures (in English) about Nietzsche’s influence on Spanish Theatre." "Hidrelétricas, Propaganda e política (neo)desenvolvimentista na Amazônia brasileira: impactos sociais e ambientais";"";"2019-03-01";"12:00";"";"14:00";"";"Guest Lecture by Fernanda de Souza Braga (IHE Delft Institute for Water Education)";"Guest Lecture by Fernanda de Souza Braga (IHE Delft Institute for Water Education)" "Besøg tyskstudiet på KU";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk";"2019-02-28";"9.00";"";"13.00";"Søndre Campus, Festsalen (lokale 11C-0-08) - 100 m fra metrostation ”Islands Brygge”";"Kom og mød de tyskstuderende og underviserne og vær med i undervisningen på uddannelsens første del. Hør om fagets opbygning, hverdagen som tyskstuderende, om studieophold i Tyskland, Østrig og Schweiz samt om jobmuligheder.";" Kom og mød de tyskstuderende og underviserne og vær med i undervisningen på uddannelsens første del. Hør om fagets opbygning, hverdagen som tyskstuderende, om studieophold i Tyskland, Østrig og Schweiz samt om jobmuligheder. Alle gymnasieelever og kursister med tysk, deres lærere og andre interesserede er velkomne. Deltagelse er gratis, men tilmelding er nødvendig. Send en mail til fagleder Anna Sandberg med angivelse af antal personer og gymnasium/VUC samt evt. underviser. Skriv venligst “tilmelding til besøg tyskstudiet” i emnefeltet. Hvorfor tysk? I en stadig mere globaliseret verden er solide sprogkompetencer vigtige, ikke kun inden for engelsk, men også inden for de europæiske hovedsprog. Med gode sprogkompetencer kan vi bedre forstå og kommunikere med omverdenen; med sprog åbner vi så at sige et vindue mod verden og får adgang til viden. Sprog og kultur er uløseligt forbundne, og med en uddannelse i tysk vil du få et grundigt kendskab til tysk kultur, litteratur og samfund og blive god til at tale, læse, forstå og skrive tysk. Du lærer også at oversætte mellem dansk og tysk. Danmark er historisk tæt forbundet med Tyskland, vi er begyndt at bruge Berlin som vores egen metropol, og bevægelsen over grænserne mellem landene er stor, ikke mindst fordi vores nabo også er vores vigtigste samhandelspartner. Tysk er EU’s største modersmål, og det er udbredt som fremmedsprog over det meste af Europa. Med tyskstudiet bliver du specialist i tysk historie, litteratur og sprog og får samtidig et bredt spektrum af jobmuligheder. Danske virksomheder og institutioner har brug for ansatte, der behersker tysk på højt niveau og har interkulturelle kompetencer, da tysk bruges i handel, marketing og kommunikation. Med en cand.mag.eller cand.ling.merc. i tysk har man mulighed for ansættelse både i den private og offentlige sektor, inden for fx undervisning, administration og formidling. Se program " "Portugal, the space of the Portuguese language and the European Union";"Portuguese Embassy & Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Portuguese & Brazilian Studies";"2019-02-27";"15:30";"";"17";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Talk by Augusto Santos Silva, Minister of Foreign Affairs in Portugal.";" Talk by Augusto Santos Silva, Minister of Foreign Affairs in Portugal." "Europas mange omveje";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Jørn Boisen";"2019-02-25";"15";"";"17";"Søndre Campus, bygning 24, lokale 23.0.49";"Reception for udgivelse af bogen Europas mange omveje.";"Nationale strømninger udfordrer det europæiske samarbejde og truer måske selve EU’s overlevelse. Mød forfatterne til en ny antologi, der sætter fokus på fem store europæiske landes forhold til Den Europæiske Union, og tag med på en tour-de-force ad Europas mange omveje. Forlaget Columbus byder på et let traktement, og forfatterne tager temperaturen på EU-samarbejdet fra de nationale ståsteder: Hør redaktør Hans Branner fortælle om bogen og dens anledning, Per Øhrgaard om Tyskland, Jørn Boisen om Frankrig, Simon C. Birk og Gert Sørensen om Italien, Søren Riish om Polen og Ole Helmersen om Storbritannien. Endelig svarer Uffe Østergård på spørgsmålet: Overlever EU? Arrangementet er åbent for alle interesserede." "Global Migration: Theoretical Approach, Facts & Figures";"";"2019-02-22";"12:00";"";"14:00";"";"Guest lecture by Cesar Castilla (University Hemisferios, Ecuador)";"Guest lecture by Cesar Castilla (University Hemisferios, Ecuador)" "Die Erkundung der Stadt: Eine psychogeographische Lesart von Cees Nootebooms Berlin 1989/2009 und Hanns-Josef Ortheils Die Berlinreise";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk";"2019-02-15";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Freitagsvorlesung (1/8) von Hannah Lili Böttcher (Kopenhagen).";"Freitagsvorlesung (1/8) von Hannah Lili Böttcher (Kopenhagen)." "Semesterstartsmøde for franskfaget";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Fransk";"2019-02-01";"10.00";"";"12.00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.2.07";"​​Franskfaget holder semesterstartsmøde fredag den 1. februar 2019 fra 10.00 til 12.00 i lokale 24.2.07.";"​​Franskfaget holder semesterstartsmøde på mødet vil der være information om forårets undervisning, studieturen til Strasbourg i uge 15, Frankofonidagen, Fransk årsfest, Åbent hus og mange andre franskrelevante arrangementer her i foråret. Der serveres kaffe, te og rundstykker til mødet." "Spansk semesterstartsmøde 2019";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / spansk faggruppe";"2019-02-01";"10";"";"12";"Søndre Campus, lokale 27.0.17";"Kom til orienteringsmøde fredag den 1/2, kl. 10-12. Mødet bliver afholdt på Søndre Campus i lokale 27.0.17.";"Kom til orienteringsmøde fredag den 1/2, kl. 10-12. Mødet bliver afholdt på Søndre Campus i lokale 27.0.17." "Facebook og stile";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2018-12-18";"13.00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Lene Rotne forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En undersøgelse af hvordan en gruppe danske og italienske unge skriver på Facebook og i stile og derigennem udtrykker identitet Lene Rotne forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé Unges sprog og unges skriftlige kompetencer er emner der ofte diskuteres både i Danmark og Italien. I denne afhandling undersøger jeg hvordan en gruppe danske og italienske unge i alderen 14-18 år skriver på Facebook og i stile, hvorfor de skriver som de gør i de to medier, samt hvordan de håndterer skiftet fra det ene medium til det andet. Afhandlingen kan på den måde bl.a. vise om der er grund til at være bekymret for en indflydelse fra sproget de unge anvender på Facebook, den kan vise hvordan det står til med de unges sprog når de skriver stile, og den kan pege på interessante forskelle landene imellem og vise om man fx i skolesystemerne i de to lande kan lære noget af hinanden. Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Janus Mortensen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Iørn Korzen (Copenhagen Business School) Lektor Tina Thode Hougaard (Aarhus Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Robert Rix (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Engelske, Germanske og Romanske Studier, Emil Holms Kanal 6." "Contrabandos literários, resistências epistêmicas";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Section for Portuguese and Brazilian Studies (Georg Wink)";"2018-12-17";"";"2018-12-18";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 27.0.09";"VII colóquio internacional sobre literatura brasileira contemporânea.";"VII colóquio internacional sobre literatura brasileira contemporânea A literatura brasileira contemporânea é heterogênea e de difícil delimitação – o que não impede a existência de uma divisão entre a produção considerada “legítima” e aquilo que costuma ser chamado de “subliteratura”. Subsistem, aí, zonas circum-navegadas e terras ignotas. Obras não tradicionais são rotuladas como literatura de massa, pulp fiction, literatura de banca, literatura de celebridades, escrita de blog, literatura erótica, RPG, literatura espírita, quadrinhos, literatura de autoajuda e expressões orais, como o repente, o rap e os saraus, entre outros formatos. Via de regra, ainda não são aceitas, de fato, ou até recusadas pelo campo editorial, pela crítica e pelo próprio leitor, apesar de terem pontualmente chamado a atenção do público e da academia. A discriminação se faz menos com base na própria escrita destas obras, do que a partir da condição social daquele que produz ou que consome determinadas expressões artísticas. Este VII Colóquio Internacional sobre Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, focado nos “contrabandos literários e resistências epistêmicas”, pretende abordar algumas destas expressões literárias “desautorizadas” em relação às estratégias de criação, circulação e recepção da literatura, pensando ainda suas várias funções sociais e artísticas. Pretende-se tentar captar tanto fenômenos do campo – ou subcampo – literário brasileiro quanto estratégias no interior das obras consideradas subliterárias. O colóquio – que reune pesquisadores de diversas instituições acadêmicas da América Latina, América do Norte e Europa – é resultado dos diálogos já estabelecidos entre estudiosos de literatura brasileira contemporânea de diferentes universidades do Brasil e do exterior e marca a consolidação da cooperação entre essas instituições. As diferentes procedências dos participantes apontam, também, as diferentes perspectivas teóricas e metodológicas que estarão em debate no encontro, que abrangerão desde redefinições teóricas, necessárias para a análise de obras ainda pouco estudadas, até estudos pontuais e pioneiros sobre textos e autores específicos, incluindo ainda interpretações sobre contextos culturais e sociais. Todos os trabalhos trarão como preocupação central o fazer subliterário no Brasil contemporâneo, tendo como recorte cronológico as obras produzidas a partir de 2000. Copenhague/Brasília, Dezembro de 2018 Os coordenadores Programação DIA 17 DE DEZEMBRO – SEGUNDA-FEIRA Local: Universidade de Copenhague, Njalsgade 144, 2300 København S, Edifício 27, Sala 9 9h – Recepção dos participantes e abertura do Colóquio 9h30 às 11h – MESA 1 A superfície das coisas: objetos e memória na literatura brasileira contemporâneaRegina Dalcastagnè (Universidade de Brasília) Do objeto-sujeito ao sujeito-objeto: a representação do refugiado na produção artística contemporâneaLeonardo Tonus (Universidade Paris-Sorbonne) O Império contra-ataca: representações da experiência de emigrantes brasileiros no exteriorClaire Williams (St. Peter’s College, Universidade de Oxford) Mediação: Ricardo Barberena INTERVALO 11h30 às 13h – MESA 2 Cartas à uma brasileira: sobre as palavras de Françoise Ega à Carolina Maria de JesusMaria-Clara Machado (Universidade Paris III/Universidade de Brasília) e Vinicius Gonçalves Carneiro (Universidade de Lille) A cidade não é uma só: a ressignificação da periferia em De passagem mas não a passeio e Estação terminalSandra Assunção (Universidade Paris Nanterre) Autopublicação e contra-hegemoniaSophia Beal (Universidade de Minnesota) Mediação: Lúcia Osana Zolin ALMOÇO 14h às 14h45 – MESA 3 Ficção versus realidade: o não-dito e o não-visto em Branco sai, preto ficaAnderson de Figueiredo Matias (doutorando em Literatura na Universidade de Brasília) Autoficção e internet: resistindo à tradiçãoBruna Santos Pereira (mestranda em Literatura na Universidade de Brasília) As antologias de textos homoeróticos no Brasil do século XXI: autoridades e discriminações homodissidentesDaniel Amarelo Montero (graduando na Faculdade de Filologia da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) O Sul de Veronica Stigger, ou sobre a inespecificidade na estética contemporâneaDébora Lucas Duarte (mestranda em Literatura na Universidade de Brasília) Mediação: Anderson Luís Nunes da Mata INTERVALO 15h15 às 16h00 – MESA 4 A circulação da literatura brasileira contemporânea na Espanha: o caso da revista 2384Helena González Doval e Marta Carro Pérez (graduandas na Faculdade de Filologia da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) “I write as if to save somebody’s life”: feminicide and the undeserving subject in contemporary Brazilian literatureJoana Perrone (mestranda em literatura na Universidade de Oxford) Os anos de chumbo em retrospectiva: figurações da ditadura no romance brasileiro contemporâneoJoão Pedro Coleta da Silva (mestrando em Literatura na Universidade de Brasília) Elvis & Madona: a subversão em múltiplas perspectivasPollianna de Fátima Santos Freire (doutoranda em Literatura na Universidade de Brasília) Mediação: M. Carmen Villarino Pardo *** 18h00 - RECEPÇÃO (Cortesia da Embaixada do Brasil em Copenhague)Local: Associação Dinamarquesa de Escritores, Strandgade 6, 1401 København K 19h00 às 21h – MESA DE ESCRITORES Leitura e conversa com Andrea Nunes e Fábio Fernandes Mediação: Leonardo Tonus DIA 18 DE DEZEMBRO – TERÇA-FEIRA Local: Universidade de Copenhague, Njalsgade 144, 2300 København S, Edifício 27, Sala 9 9h às 10h30 – MESA 5 Fronteiras culturais e linguísticas: sobre o rap guaraniPedro Mandagará (Universidade de Brasília) O pós-humano e o transhumanismo na poética do Ciberpajé Edgar FrancoPaulo C. Thomaz (Universidade de Brasília) Contrabandos de um jumento sedutorRicardo Barberena (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul) Mediação: Sandra Assunção INTERVALO 11h às 12h30 – MESA 6 Resistência(s) e invisibilidade(s) nas dinâmicas dos campos literário e editorial: agenciamento literário no Brasil contemporâneoM. Carmen Villarino Pardo (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) Entre vários campos: a obra de Fábio Moon e Gabriel Bá enquanto HQ e literatura, brasileira e internacionalMarcel Vejmelka (Universidade Johannes Gutenberg, Mainz/Germersheim) Detetive, leitor e crítico: mistérios no campo literário brasileiro contemporâneoPatrícia Trindade Nakagome (Universidade de Brasília) Mediação: Rachel Lima ALMOÇO 13h30 às 15h00 – MESA 7 Onde estão os leitores?: redes sociais, literatura para jovens LGBT e a sobrevivência da leituraAnderson Luís Nunes da Mata (Universidade de Brasília) Um olhar sobre os afetos e as identidades: literatura brasileira contemporânea e homossexualidade femininaVirgínia Mª Vasconcelos Leal (Universidade de Brasília) Mulherio das Letras: escrever, resistir, existirLúcia Osana Zolin (Universidade Estadual de Maringá) Mediação: Marianna Scaramucci INTERVALO 15h30 às 16h30 – Reunião de trabalho *** 20h00 – JANTARLocal: Restaurante Spiseloppen, Bådsmandsstræde 43, 1407 København K (Território Cidade Livre de Christiania) Coordenação Georg Wink (Universidade de Copenhague)Regina Dalcastagnè (Universidade de Brasília) Comissão executiva Georg Wink (Universidade de Copenhague) Ana Vera (Universidade de Copenhague)Allane Pedrotti (Universidade de Copenhague/PUC-Rio) Comissão científica Ângela Maria Dias (Universidade Federal Fluminense), Claire Williams (St. Peter’s College, Universidade de Oxford), Florencia Garramuño (Universidade de Buenos Aires), Horst Nitschack (Universidade do Chile), José Henrique Freitas (Universidade Federal da Bahia), José Leonardo Tonus (Universidade Paris- Sorbonne), Leila Lehnen (Universidade do Novo México), Maria del Carmen Villarino Pardo (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Rebecca Atencio (Universidade Tulane), Rita Terezinha Schmidt (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul), Roberto Vecchi (Universidade de Bolonha), Sophia Beal (Universidade de Minnesota), Susanne Klengel (Universidade Livre de Berlim) Organização: Apoio: Embassy of Brazil in Copenhagen " "Literaturas del yo";"Departamento de Inglés, Alemán y Rumano / Español Lengua y Cultura";"2018-12-06";"11:15";"";"15:45";"Campus sur, aula 27.0.47";"Coloquio internacional.";"En el contexto hispánico Coloquio internacional Programa 11h15 – Apertura del coloquio MESA 1 - 11h15 a 13h Juan Larrea y el fin del Yo individualKatrine Andersen (Universidad de Copenhague) Hablar de las otras, hablar de mí: el ensayo de lectura como crítica especular en tres poetas argentinas contemporáneasAna Rocío Jouli (Universidad Nacional de la Plata) La leyenda negra autobiográfica: autobiografía y autoficción en el contexto hispánicoÁlvaro Luque Amo (Universidad de Granada) Modera: Jan Gustafsson Almuerzo y café MESA 2 - 14h a 15h45 Fotografía, metaficción, autoficciónJan Gustafsson (Universidad de Copenhague) Disonancias del Yo en El río del tiempo de Fernando VallejoNatalia Villamizar (Universidad de Postdam) Las literaturas del Yo y el caso de la poesíaJulio Jensen (Universidad de Copenhague) Modera: Katrine Andersen Organizadores Álvaro Luque Amo (Universidad de Granada) Julio Jensen (Universidad de Copenhague) Jan Gustafsson (Universidad de Copenhague) " "Talking about Europe from a Swiss German and Corpus Linguistic Perspective";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2018-11-30";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Tysk Fredag - forelæsning af Dr. Noah Bubenhofer, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaft (ZHAW).";"Tysk Fredag - forelæsning af Dr. Noah Bubenhofer, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaft (ZHAW). Alle er velkomne." "Exploring interconnectedness";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies & Project Exploring Interconnectedness (Aarhus University)";"2018-11-29";"";"2018-12-01";"";"South Campus, room 27.0.47 & room 24.4.01";"Second meeting of the EurEd network.";"Constructions of European and national identities in educational media Second meeting of the EurEd network. November 29 (room 27.0.47) 12:00 - 13:00 Registration 13:00 - 13:30 Opening Katja Gorbahn (Aarhus University) Jørn Boisen (University of Copenhagen) Lasse Rodewald (German Embassy Denmark) 13:30 - 15:30 Europe and the nation Moderation: Jan Engberg Exploring 'Europe' by Digital Tools: Europe vs. Nation in German, Swiss, and Austrian New Year's AddressesKimmo Elo (University of Turku) Europe as form and content: A cross-linguistic lexicological overview on a corpus-linguistic and lexicographical basisKen Farø (University of Copenhagen) 15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break 16:00 - 18:00 EurEd-insights: Methods, first results and perspectives Moderation: Erla Hallsteinsdóttir Constructions of Europe in textbooks from imperial Germany: Approaches from digital humanities Nina Kalwa (Technical University Darmstadt), Heike Zinsmeister (Hamburg University), Katja Gorbahn (Aarhus University) Constructions of European contexts and discursive subject anchorings in text-booksMagda Telus (GEI Braunschweig), Marcus Otto (GEI Braunschweig) Reading Visual Orders. Films on Europe in an online school environmentAnja Ballis (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich) “Operation Fregin"" – on the mental modelling of nation and Europe among young people using the example of multimodal analysis of YouTube videos relevant to educational mediaStefan Hackl (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich) November 30 (room 24.4.01 & room 27.0.47) 13:15 - 17:30 National perspectives on Europe 13:15 - 14:45 “Fredagsforelæsning” (“German Friday Lecture”)Building 24, room 24.4.01 Moderation: Ken Farø Talking about Europe from a Swiss German and Corpus Linguistic Perspective Noah Bubenhofer (ZHAW School of Applied Linguistics) 14:45 - 15:15 Coffee break 15:15 - 17:30 Workshop and discussion: Small state – large state? Concepts of Eu-rope in relation to the nation Building 27, room 27.0.47 Moderation: Katja Gorbahn Introduction: Germany, Denmark and EuropeKatja Gorbahn (University of Aarhus) SwitzerlandMarkus Furrer (PH Luzern) IcelandErla Hallsteinsdóttir (University of Aarhus / Næstved Kommune) FinlandVirpi Kivioja (University of Turku) PolandBeata Mikołajczyk (Adam Mickiewicz University) More information " "Dansk akademisk ordforråd";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet ";"2018-11-23";"13.00";"2018-11-23";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Anne Sofie Jakobsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Fire undersøgelser af ordene i dansk akademisk skriftsprog Anne Sofie Jakobsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé Akademiske ordlister udviklet for engelsk, svensk og norsk har bidraget betydeligt til forståelsen af akademisk ordforråd i disse sprog. Denne ph.d.-afhandling præsenterer fire undersøgelser hvis overordnede mål det har været at identificere og beskrive dansk akademisk ordforråd samt at udvikle en dansk akademisk ordliste. Til dette formål blev der indsamlet og dannet et skriftligt akademisk korpus på 3 millioner ord, AkaDan-korpusset, samt to mindre korpusser indeholdende akademisk og alment skriftligt dansk. Resultaterne af de fire undersøgelser bidrager til vores forståelse af akademisk ordforråd generelt og af dansk akademisk ordforåd i særdeleshed og har betydning for undervisningen og tilegnelsen af akademisk dansk for både L1 og L2 studerende og lærende idet resultaterne kan anvendes til udvikling af pædagogiske redskaber og undervisningsmaterialer med et eksplicit fokus på ordforråd. Abstract Academic vocabulary lists developed for English, Norwegian and Swedish have advanced our understanding of the lexical inventories in these languages. This PhD thesis presents four studies aimed at identifying and describing Danish academic vocabulary and includes the development of a Danish academic word list. To accomplish this aim, a corpus of 3 million words of written academic Danish, the AcaDan Corpus, was compiled together with two smaller corpora of written academic and general Danish. The findings of these four studies advance our understanding of academic vocabulary, in general, and of Danish academic vocabulary, in particular. Moreover, this research has pedagogical implications for the teaching of academic Danish to both L1 and L2 students and learners as it offers a basis for the development of pedagogical tools and teaching material with an explicit focus on vocabulary. Bedømmelsesudvalget Professor Frans Gregersen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Anne Golden (Universitetet i Oslo) Professor Tess Fitzpatrick (Swansea University) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Institutleder Jørn Boisen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, Søndre Campus og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk." "Die Revolution 1918/19";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2018-11-23";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Tysk Fredag - forelæsning af PD Dr. Kirsten Heinsohn, Universität Hamburg.";"Tysk Fredag - forelæsning af PD Dr. Kirsten Heinsohn, Universität Hamburg. Alle er velkomne." "Nicaragua, yesterday and today";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS)";"2018-11-16";"18:00";"";"";"VerdensKulturCentret, Nørre Allé 7, Aula";"Poetry and Concert. Thematic afternoons about Latin America (4/4).";"Thematic afternoons about Latin America (4/4). Poetry recital by Rubén Darío and the poet Gorm Rasmussen. Concert: ""Déjanos volar"" (“Let us fly""), with Gaby Baca & Mafe Carrero." "Minorities in the social struggle in Latin America";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS)";"2018-11-15";"17:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 23.4.39";"Discussion with Gaby Baca (Nicaragua), Mafé Carrero (Nicaragua), Lizethe A. Echeverry Söderlind (Colombia) and Laura Ponce Gartmann (Ecuador). Thematic afternoons about Latin America (3/4).";"Discussion with Gaby Baca (Nicaragua), Mafé Carrero (Nicaragua), Lizethe A. Echeverry Söderlind (Colombia) and Laura Ponce Gartmann (Ecuador). Thematic afternoons about Latin America (3/4)." "Stormagterne i Europa 100 år efter første verdenskrig";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2018-11-15";"16.00";"";"17-30";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Europabevægelsen København inviterer i samarbejde med Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk på Københavns Universitet til fyraftensarrangement for at markere 100-året for afslutningen på Første Verdenskrig med våbenhvilen den 11. november 1918.";"Europabevægelsen København inviterer i samarbejde med Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk på Københavns Universitet til fyraftensarrangement for at markere 100-året for afslutningen på Første Verdenskrig med våbenhvilen den 11. november 1918. Et oplagt panel bestående af professor Morten Heiberg, lektor Peter Leese, ekstern lektor Henrik Rye Møller samt lektor og institutleder Jørn Boisen vil give et indblik i krigens årsager, dens forløb og særligt betydningen for eftertidens Europa og EU. Panelet vil i fællesskab analysere på de efterfølgende konsekvenser af krigen samt betydningen af krigen og freden for Europa og EU 100 år efter, hvor en fransk-tysk akse synes stærkere end nogensinde før og brexit er ved at resultere i et UK på kanten af Europa. Efter arrangementet vil der blive serveret et glas og snacks. NB: Tilmelding er nødvendig. Tryk her for tilmelding" """Mirar Morir: el ejército en la noche de Iguala""";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS)";"2018-11-14";"18:00";"";"";"VerdensKulturCentret, Nørre Allé 7, Aula";"Screening of the documentary ”Mirar Morir: el ejército en la noche de Iguala” (”Watching them die. The Mexican Army and the 43 disappeared”). Talk with the producer Témoris Grecko. Thematic afternoons about Latin America (2/4).";"Screening of the documentary ”Mirar Morir: el ejército en la noche de Iguala” (”Watching them die. The Mexican Army and the 43 disappeared”). Talk with the producer Témoris Grecko. Thematic afternoons about Latin America (2/4)." "”No se mata la verdad”";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS)";"2018-11-13";"17:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 27.0.17";"Screening af the documentary ”No se mata la verdad” (“The truth shall not be killed""). Talk with the producer Témoris Grecko. Thematic afternoons about Latin America (1/4).";"Screening af the documentary ”No se mata la verdad” (“The truth shall not be killed""). Talk with the producer Témoris Grecko. Thematic afternoons about Latin America (1/4)." "Saúde e Desafios Ambientais no Brasil";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS)";"2018-11-13";"10:15";"";"12:00";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Guest Lecture by Guilherme Mattos (CEFET/RJ).";"Varia Lusitana - Guest Lectures on the Portuguese, no. 7/7: Guest Lecture by Guilherme Mattos (CEFET/RJ). For further information please contact Georg Wink." "De dødes dag - Dia de los muertos";"Center for Latinamerikastudier (CLAS), Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Academia Intercultural – Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA), den mexicanske ambassade og CkulturA";"2018-11-08";"14:00";"";"21:00";"Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Vej 8, bygning 11C, lokale 08A";"Center for Latinamerikastudier på Engerom fejrer i samarbejde med Academia Intercultural – Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA), den mexicanske ambassade og CkulturA ' den mexicanske mærkedag 'De dødes dag'.";" SEE BELOW FOR ENGLISH AND SPANISH VERSIONS OF THE TEXT! De Dødes Dag i Mexico er en dag, hvor man fejrer de døde. Ifølge traditionen tror man, at de levende hjælper de døde af sted på deres nye vej. Det er nemlig kun ved at huske de døde og fejre dem, at de kan blive ved med at være nærværende og ikke forsvinde. Og derfor fejres de hvert år med en fest med musik, dans, vokslys og masser af mad, eftersom døden er en del af livet. Derfor vil vi invitere dig til at være sammen med os til De Dødes Dag og få en oplevelse af den særlige måde at se døden på. Program 14:00 Præsentation af vores alter. - Rosita Villeda (AiiA) 14:20 Dvjan Thomas synger sange fra filmen Coco 14:40 Gætteleg! Hvem er personen? 15:10 Pause 15:25 Oplæg og samtale med publikum om traditionen De Dødes Dag - México. Claudia Adeath16:00 Monolog - Musical “Frida Kahlo ... Mit hjerte synger” - Ana Hally (meksikansk skuespillerinde) 18:00 Fest 21:00 Afslutning Alle er velkomne! Organiseret af Academia Intercultural – Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA) i samarbejde med Center for Latinamerikastudier (CLAS), Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM), det Københavns Universitets Humanistiske Fakultet, den mexicanske ambassade og CkulturA. DIA DE LOS MUERTOS - Si me celebras, siempre vivo Lugar: Universidad de Cophenhague, Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Vej 8, Amager, edificio 11C- planta baja- Local 08A Fecha: 8 de noviembre del 2018 Hora: De las 14:00 hrs. a las 21:00 horas El día de los muertos en México es una celebración, ya que las raíces de este ritual nacen de la creencia de que los vivos le ayudaban a los muertos a iniciar su camino, y es solamente al recordarles y festejarles que les ayudamos a que sigan presentes y no desaparezcan... y por eso cada año se les celebra con una fiesta con música, baile, cirios y abundante comida entre las y los festejantes pues la muerte es parte de la vida. Por ello en esta ocasión queremos invitarte a que nos acompañes y así tengas una experiencia similar a esta perspectiva especial de la muerte. Programa 14:00 Presentación de nuestro altar - Rosa Villeda (AiiA) 14:20 Dvjan Thomas, interpreta las canciones de la película Coco14:40 Adivina, adivinador ¿quién es el personaje? 15:10 Pausa 15:25 Conversatorio sobre “La tradición del Día de Los Muertos” - México. Claudia Adeath 16:00 Monólogo - musical “Frida Kahlo ... Mi corazón canta” - Ana Hally (artista mexicana)17:00 Fiesta 21:00 Clausura ¡Todas y todos son bienvenidos! Organizado por Academia Intercultural – Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA) en colaboración con el Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CLAS), el Departamento de Inglés, Lenguas Germánicas y Románicas (ENGEROM), la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Copenhage, la Embajada de México, y CKulturA. Day of the Dead – If you celebrate me, I will keep on living Place: Copenhagen University, Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Vej 8, Amager, building 11C - ground floor – Local 08A Date: 8th, of November 2018Time: From 14:00 hrs. to 21:00 hrs. The day of the dead in Mexico is a celebration, born from the belief that the living are helping the dead to start their journey to the afterlife. It is only by remembering and celebrating that we help the dead remain present and not disappear... and that’s why every year the mexicans celebrate with a party with music, dancing, candles and an abundance of food for the celebrants, because death is part of life. In this vein, on this occasion we want to invite you to join us and thus have an experience similar to this special perspective of death. Program 14:00 Presentation of our altar - Rosa Villeda (AiiA) 14:20 Djavan Thomas, with songs from the movie Coco14:40 Guessing: who is the character? 15:10 Pause 15:25 Conversation about what the Day of the Dead celebrations are – México. Claudia Adeath 16:00 Monologue - musical “Frida Kahlo ... Mi corazón canta”. Ana Hally (artista mexicana) 17:00 Party 21:00 End Everyone is welcome! Organized by Academia Intercultural – Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA) in collaboration with the Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CLAS), English Department, Romantic and Germanic Languages (ENGEROM), the Humanities Faculty - University of Copenhagen, the Mexican Embassy, and CKulturA." "Dia de los muertos";"Center for Latinamerikastudier (CLAS), Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Academia Intercultural – Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA), den mexicanske ambassade og CkulturA";"2018-11-08";"14.00";"";"21.00";"Søndre Campus, Karen Blixensvej 8, bygning 11C, lokale 08A";"Centre for Latin American Studies at Engerom celebrates, in cooperation with Academia Intercultural (AIIA), The Embassy of Mexico to Denmark and CkulturA ' the Mexican holiday 'Dia de los muertos' (Spanish version via link).";" SEE SPANISH VERSION BELOW! Day of the Dead – If you celebrate me, I will keep on living Place: Copenhagen University, Søndre Campus, Karen Blixensvej 8, Amager, building 11C - ground floor – Local 08A Date: 8th, of November 2018Time: From 14:00 hrs. to 21:00 hrs. The day of the dead in Mexico is a celebration, born from the belief that the living are helping the dead to start their journey to the afterlife. It is only by remembering and celebrating that we help the dead remain present and not disappear... and that’s why every year the mexicans celebrate with a party with music, dancing, candles and an abundance of food for the celebrants, because death is part of life. In this vein, on this occasion we want to invite you to join us and thus have an experience similar to this special perspective of death. Program 14:00 Presentation of our altar - Rosa Villeda (AiiA) 14:20 Djavan Thomas, with songs from the movie Coco14:40 Guessing: who is the character? 15:10 Pause 15:25 Conversation about what the Day of the Dead celebrations are – México. Claudia Adeath 16:00 Monologue - musical “Frida Kahlo ... Mi corazón canta”. Ana Hally (artista mexicana) 17:00 Party 21:00 End Everyone is welcome! Organized by Academia Intercultural – Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA) in collaboration with the Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CLAS), English Department, Romantic and Germanic Languages (ENGEROM), the Humanities Faculty - University of Copenhagen, the Mexican Embassy, and CKulturA. DIA DE LOS MUERTOS - Si me celebras, siempre vivo Lugar: Universidad de Cophenhague, Søndre Campus, Karen Blixensvej 8, Amager, edificio 11C- planta baja- Local 08A Fecha: 8 de noviembre del 2018 Hora: De las 14:00 hrs. a las 21:00 horas El día de los muertos en México es una celebración, ya que las raíces de este ritual nacen de la creencia de que los vivos le ayudaban a los muertos a iniciar su camino, y es solamente al recordarles y festejarles que les ayudamos a que sigan presentes y no desaparezcan... y por eso cada año se les celebra con una fiesta con música, baile, cirios y abundante comida entre las y los festejantes pues la muerte es parte de la vida. Por ello en esta ocasión queremos invitarte a que nos acompañes y así tengas una experiencia similar a esta perspectiva especial de la muerte. Programa 14:00 Presentación de nuestro altar - Rosa Villeda (AiiA) 14:20 Dvjan Thomas, interpreta las canciones de la película Coco14:40 Adivina, adivinador ¿quién es el personaje? 15:10 Pausa 15:25 Conversatorio sobre “La tradición del Día de Los Muertos” - México. Claudia Adeath 16:00 Monólogo - musical “Frida Kahlo ... Mi corazón canta” - Ana Hally (artista mexicana)17:00 Fiesta 21:00 Clausura ¡Todas y todos son bienvenidos! Organizado por Academia Intercultural – Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA) en colaboración con el Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CLAS), el Departamento de Inglés, Lenguas Germánicas y Románicas (ENGEROM), la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Copenhage, la Embajada de México, y CKulturA. " "Importord i dansk";"Dansk Sprognævn (Margrethe Heidemann Andersen, Pia Jarvad) og Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (Henrik Gottlieb)";"2018-11-07";"10.00";"";"16.30";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Er dansk under pres fra engelsk, og hvordan er tilstanden i det danske sprogsamfund? Det vil Dansk Sprognævn og Københavns Universitet sammen forsøge at give svar på ved denne konference.";"Vort modersmål VAR dejligt, skriver tidligere udenrigsminister Per Stig Møller i et debatindlæg i Berlingske Tidende 12. maj 2017, hvor han giver udtryk for sin bekymring over det danske sprogs tilstand i en tid hvor nyheder omtales som breaking news, og butikkerne holder sale i stedet for udsalg. Er det danske sprog under pres? Men passer det at vores modersmål er under pres fra engelsk? Hvor stort er antallet af ord fra engelsk i tale- og skriftsprog i dag sammenlignet med tidligere? Trænger der ord fra engelsk ind i kerneordforrådet? Og hvordan er tilstanden i det danske sprogsamfund sammenlignet med andre sprogsamfund? Importord er alle ord der er lånt ind i dansk fra andre sprog, altså både låneord (der er tilpasset dansk struktur som kasse og smart) og fremmedord (der ikke er tilpasset dansk struktur som heat og facon). Det vil forskere fra ind- og udland forsøge at besvare på konferencen. Program 10.00 - 10.10 VelkomstPia Jarvad, seniorforsker, Dansk Sprognævn 10.10 - 10.40 Om Moderne Importord i NordenHelge Sandøy, professor emeritus, universitet i Bergen I foredraget vil eg sette prosjektet 'Moderne importord i språka i Norden' inn i den språkhistoriske og språkpolitiske situasjonen, og eg vil referere nokre hovudresultat som kan karakterisere likskapar og forskjellar mellom dei nordiske språksamfunna. På den måten kan foredraget tene som eit bakgrunnsteppe for oppdateringsinnlegga om dansk språk. 10.40 - 11.10 Importord i danske aviser – hvilke og hvor mange?Margrethe Heidemann Andersen, seniorforsker, Dansk Sprognævn I foredraget vil jeg fremlægge resultaterne af en sammenlignende undersøgelse af arten og mængden af importord i danske aviser fra hhv. 2000 og 2016. 11.10 - 11.30 Kaffepause 11.30-12.00 Antallet og arten af moderne importord i Nye ord i dansk 1955 til i dagJørgen Nørby Jensen, seniorkonsulent, Dansk Sprognævn Nye ord i dansk 1955 til i dag (NOiD) er Dansk Sprognævns nyordsordbog. Den beskriver tilvæksten i ordforrådet fra 1955 til i dag og opdateres løbende med nye ordbogsartikler. I foredraget vil jeg give et billede af antallet af importord i NOiD i forhold til resten af det nytilkomne ordforråd i perioden, dvs. 1955 til i dag. Desuden vil jeg belyse variationen af importord samt redegøre for hvilke typer af importord der indlånes. 12.00 - 12.30 How to loanword. Om engelske lån i dansk talesprog fra 1988 til i dagFrans Gregersen, professor emeritus, Københavns Universitet På basis af de optagelser som ligger i Sprogforandringscentrets store database om dansk talesprogs forandringer i virkelig tid, vil jeg redegøre for antal af engelske låneord fordelt på generationer og optagelsesår. Er der blevet relativt flere og i givet fald, hvorfor så det? 12.30 - 13.30 Frokost 13.30 - 14.00 Anglicismer: kriterier, kategorier og kilder. Om det danske bidrag til GLAD, den globale anglicismedatabaseHenrik Gottlieb, lektor, Københavns Universitet Danmark ligger – sammen med lande som Tyskland og Japan – i spidsen med hensyn til engelskpåvirkning. Jeg vil i dette foredrag vise at påvirkningen dels er af gammel dato, dels omfatter samtlige niveauer af sproget. Fokus vil dog ligge på indsamlingen af ord og udtryk til det internationale GLAD projekt, hvor vi har etableret nogle fælles kriterier for hvilke ord og udtryk vi vil optage i vores anglicismedatabase. 14.00 - 14.30 KerneimportordJørgen Schack, seniorforsker, Dansk Sprognævn Sprognævnsprojektet Nye danske kerneord har bl.a. til formål at frembringe en liste over danske kerneord som er direkte sammenlignelig med den liste Hanne Ruus fremlagde i Danske Kerneord. Centrale dele af den danske leksikalske norm 1-2 (1995). I foredraget sammenholdes Hanne Ruus’ kerneordsliste, som er udtaget fra et ugebladskorpus fra perioden 1970-1974, med vores nutidige liste (perioden 2012-2016). Der vil være særligt fokus på udviklingen i forrådet af kerneimportord. 14.30 - 15.00 Kerneord 1 og Kerneord 2Hanne Ruus, professor emerita, Københavns Universitet I Kerneord 1 gjorde den formelle metode til bestemmelse af ordformernes lemmatilhørsforhold at en del forventede kerneord ikke kunne registreres. I Kerneord 2 er anvendt en anden metode til bestemmelse af de enkelte ordformer i de tekstprøver der danner basis for ordlisten. I oplægget vil jeg se på hvordan det er gået de ikke bestembare ord fra Kerneord 1 i Kerneord 2-listen. 15.00 - 15.15 Kaffepause 15.15 - 15.45 Importordenes morfologiPia Jarvad, seniorforsker, Dansk Sprognævn og Andrzej Szubert, professor, universitetet i Poznan Vi vil beskrive i hvor høj grad importord tilpasser sig i morfologien og i dannelse af hybrider. Hybriderne kan bestå af et hjemligt og fremmed led eller af to led fra to forskellige sprog. De udgør en stor og vigtig gruppe blandt importordene, og deres herkomst og struktur beskrives. 15.45 - 16.15 Tidslinjer – importord over tid i høj opløsningPhillip Diderichsen, videnskabelig medarbejder, Dansk Sprognævn På basis af Sprognævnets knap 1 mia. ord store aviskorpus har vi udviklet et værktøj der kan visualisere et hvilket som helst ords brugsfrekvens over tid, ordets tidslinje. Dette tidslinjeværktøj giver mulighed for at udvide de (mere) kvalitative undersøgelser i importordsprojektet til en kvantitativ undersøgelse i stor skala og deraf følgende højere opløsning. 16.15 - 16.30 AfslutningMargrethe Heidemann Andersen, seniorforsker, Dansk Sprognævn Tilmelding og betaling Tilmelding og betaling til konferencen efter først til mølle-princippet. Sidste frist for tilmelding 29/10 2018 kl. 10. Tilmeldingen er bindende. Pris: 100 kr. Betaling dækker kaffe og frokost. Yderligere oplysninger Kontakt Margrethe Heidemann Andersen, telefon 33 74 74 01." "Polémicas acerca de la memoria de la lucha armada en Argentina";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS)";"2018-11-07";"10";"";"12";"South Campus, room 23.3.47";"Guest lecture (in Spanish) by Isabel Leite (Fluminense Federal University).";"Guest lecture (in Spanish) by Isabel Leite (Fluminense Federal University)." "A luta armada no Brasil: novas perspectivas";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS)";"2018-11-06";"10:15";"";"12:00";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Guest Lecture by Isabel Leite (UFF).";"Varia Lusitana - Guest Lectures on the Portuguese, no. 6/7: Guest Lecture by Isabel Leite (UFF). For further information please contact Georg Wink." "Adaptive Agency and Arab American Womanhood 1893-1967";"Faculty of Humanities";"2018-11-02";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Martina Koegeler-Abdi.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Martina Koegeler-Abdi. Abstract In her dissertation “Adaptive Agency and Arab American Womanhood, 1893–1967” Martina Koegeler-Abdi develops new perspectives on the cultural history of early Syrian American communities. Her analysis focuses on women’s cultural agency in managing both community formation and the ambivalences of US racial formations. Assessment Committee Deputy Head Robert William Jensen-Rix, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Carol Fadda-Conrey (Syracuse University) Professor Heike Paul (Friedrich-Alexander University) Moderator of the defence Head of Department Jørn Boisen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, German and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6 " "Brobygning i tysk: hvorfor burde og hvordan kan vi arbejde med overgangen mellem grundskolen og de gymnasiale uddannelser?";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2018-11-02";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Tysk Fredag - forelæsning af Petra Daryai-Hansen und Kirsten Lauta, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet.";"Tysk Fredag - forelæsning af Petra Daryai-Hansen und Kirsten Lauta, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet. Alle er velkomne." "Frankenstein is 200 years old!";"LiteraturHaus";"2018-10-31";"18:00";"";"20:00";"LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7";"To mark the occasion, there will be a multitude of celebratory events throughout the world under the title of Frankenreads (https://frankenreads.org). We join the 308 events already announced with an evening of readings, short talks and discussions at LiteraturHaus in Møllegade.";" In 1818, 18-year-old Mary Shelley published the first edition of Frankenstein, a novel whose story and characters rapidly assumed mythic status. The obsessed scientist Frankenstein and his monstrous creation are cultural archetypes which show no sign of ever losing their fascination or their potential for generating new books, plays, movies, images, computer games – and who can say what the future may bring? To mark the occasion, there will be a multitude of celebratory events throughout the world under the title of Frankenreads. Here in Copenhagen, we aim to join the 308 events already announced with an evening of readings, short talks and discussions. The bar will be open. There will be short presentations on the book and its enduring influence. We will also read selected extracts from the novel, and you are invited to be one of the readers – contact marhan@hum.ku.dk to join the team. Please forward this text to anyone you think may be interested." "Personlige pronominer i fransk og italiensk: synkron variation i et diakront perspektiv";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / forskningsplatformen 'Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring'";"2018-10-31";"15.15";"";"16.15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.0.07";"Foredrag v/ Kirsten Jeppesen Kragh og Erling Strudsholm, begge Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk.";"Foredrag v/ Kirsten Jeppesen Kragh og Erling Strudsholm, begge Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk. Abstract Mens latin havde et udbygget kasussystem inden for hele nomensystemet, har fransk og italiensk kun bevaret en form for kasusbøjning i forbindelse med de personlige pronomener. Med udgangspunkt i Lehmann (1985) og Andersen (2006) er det vores hypotese at diakron forandring afspejles i synkron variation. Baseret på inter- og intralingvistiske sammenligninger og med diasystematiske dimensioner som referencepunkt har vi analyseret den seneste udvikling på begge sprog. Et fælles træk for begge sprog er sondringen mellem betonede og ubetonede personlige pronomener, en sondring der ikke fandtes på latin, men som er udviklet i ældre stadier af fransk og italiensk. På trods af deres fælles udgangspunkt har de to sprog udviklet sig forskelligt, bl.a. ved at italiensk er forblevet et pro-drop-sprog, mens fransk ikke længere er det. Vi har i nogle italienske varianter observeret en brug af personlige pronomener der kan fortolkes som de første tegn på en udvikling mod det franske pronomensystem (se også Schøsler & Strudsholm 2013). Andersen, H. (2006). Synchrony, Diachrony, and Evolution. I: Competing models of Linguistic Change. Evolution and Beyond 279. Nedergaard Thomsen, O. (red.). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 59-90.Lehmann, C. (1985). Grammaticalization: synchronic varation and diachronic change. Lingua e Stile 3, 303-318.Schøsler, L. & E. Strudsholm (2013). Preservation, modification, and innovation. Paradigmatic reorganisation of the system of personal pronouns - from Latin into Modern Italian. I: Deixis and pronouns in Romance languages. Kragh, K.J. & J. Lindschouw (red.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 49-68. Alle er velkomne." "Estigma em narrativas sobre estudantes “cotistas” no ensino público";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS)";"2018-10-30";"10:15";"";"12:00";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Guest Lecture by Allane Pedrotti (PUC-Rio).";"Varia Lusitana - Guest Lectures on the Portuguese, no. 5/7: Guest Lecture by Allane Pedrotti (PUC-Rio). For further information please contact Georg Wink." "Car Wash, Crisis, and Political Cataclysm: Corruption Narratives in the Brazilian Mediascape";"Faculty of Humanities";"2018-10-24";"10:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Mads Bjelke Damgaard.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Mads Bjelke Damgaard. Abstract A wave of corruption disclosure, leaks, and media exposés engulfed the Brazilian democracy in the period 2014–2018. Below the surface of an uncommonly successful investigation into high-level corruption, undercurrents of political crisis swept President Dilma Rousseff from office through impeachment proceedings. Rousseff was ousted in 2016 by members of the political elite - themselves embroiled in the scandal going by the name of Operação Lava-Jato or “Operation Car Wash” – long before she even became indicted in the corruption case. Thus, the scandal featured a curious temporality and a displacement of crisis that dragged Rousseff, her popular presidential predecessor Lula and their party with it in the undertow. The media built up a crisis of increasing complexity as the investigations became ever more widespread in an avalanche of evidence and plea bargains. This thesis analyzes the Lava-Jato scandal as a textual system, unfolding in the Brazilian mediascape and governed by a set of narrative structures. Countering the existing hesitance of media studies to draw in narrative theory, the thesis constructs a theoretical and methodological foundation to analyze intertextual narrative structures emerging in a distributed manner across a system of news texts dealing with scandal. With this, the thesis attempts to answer why the Lava-Jato scandal ended with such surprising and self-contradictory results, and how, theoretically, narrative theory can contribute to the field of scandal studies. Inspired by Frederick Jameson’s reading of Greimas, it is argued that the intertextual narratives that underpin the production of news texts on scandal constrain and co-constitute the field of political action. Thus, to understand the outcomes of the Lava-Jato scandal, it is necessary to analyze how the disequilibrium of Brazilian democracy was symbolically solved in the narratives interpreting the scandals and the impeachment. Resumé En bølge af korruptionsafsløringer ramte Brasilien i 2014-2018. I kølvandet på en usædvanligt effektiv politiundersøgelse af politisk korruption blev landets præsident, Dilma Rousseff, suget med af bølgen og afsat gennem en rigsretssag i 2016. Bag rigsretssagen stod medlemmer af den politiske elite som selv var under efterforskning i sagskomplekset kendt som Operation Bil-Vask (Operação Lava-Jato), men afsættelsen fandt sted før Rousseff blev sigtet for korruption. Både Rousseff, hendes folkekære forgænger Lula og deres parti blev trukket med af skandalens bemærkelsesværdige temporalitet og transponering af krisestemning. Mens politiundersøgelsernes net blev bredere og bredere, byggede medierne en stadigt større og mere kompleks fortælling op om korruptionen på det højeste politiske niveau. I denne afhandling afdækkes måden hvorpå Lava-Jato skandalens tekst-system udfoldede sig igennem narrative strukturer i Brasiliens medielandskab. Trods modviljen mod narrativ teori i gængse medie-teoretiske tilgange opbygges der i afhandlingen et teoretisk og metodisk grundlag til at analysere den slags intertekstuelle narrative strukturer som opstår i et distribueret tekstunivers på tværs af nyheder om skandaler. På dette fundament forsøger afhandlingen at besvare hvorfor Lava-Jato skandalen højst overraskende betød at en korrupt vicepræsident kunne overtage magten i Brasilien. Teoretisk består bidraget i at afdække hvordan skandalestudier kan integrere narrativ teori. Med afsæt i Frederick Jamesons læsning af Greimas hævdes det her at intertekstuelle narrativer i nyhederne former og begrænser de politiske handlerum. Derfor må man forstå hvordan Brasiliens demokratiske systems uligevægt forsøges løst i disse narrativer for at forstå hvordan rigsretssagen og skandalerne udviklede sig, som de gjorde. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jan Gustafsson, chairman (Universitet of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Mauro Porto (Tulane University) Associate Professor Ester Pollack (Stockholm University) Moderator of defence Head of Department Jørn Boisen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Living il Legalities – Vivendo i Legalidades";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Latin American Studies";"2018-10-19";"";"2018-10-20";"";"South Campus, room 27.0.09";"III REBRAC International Conference.";"III REBRAC International Conference Edifício Wilson Paes de Almeida – photo Derek Pardue For millions of Brazilians modern “normal” life is just a step away from illegality. People are forced into unlawful or socially sanctioned practices and, sometimes, are actively seeking them. The illegal practices we will focus on are not simply illicit transgressions such as criminal offense or State violence, which mostly can be understood as beyond ethical and moral acceptance. Indeed, we also aim to explore phenomena of a vast grey area between the legitimate and the illegitimate: a more or less hidden field of common day-to-day practices which might be not legal any more, or not yet legalized, legal but socially not accepted, or just deemed beyond any legal normalization due to their complexity. Our objective is to explore them culturally, not legally: How do people exposed to or engaged in these practices actually carry them out? How do they justify them? What narratives do they construct around them? On what topoi of Brazilian culture, if any, are these based? What does all this mean to their daily lives? How are these practices represented, for example in media, film and literature? What moral or ethical values are at stake? Registration/Inscrições Practical information Registration for conference dinner deadline: 1 October (via the above link) Non-speakers wishing to attend (without attending conference dinner) may register until 15 October 2018. Inquiries More information" "Literature and suburban space. A comparative perspective";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2018-10-12";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Tysk Fredag - forelæsning af Adrian Daub, Stanford University.";"Tysk Fredag - forelæsning af Tysk Fredag - forelæsning af Adrian Daub, Stanford University. Alle er velkomne." "Indbydelse til specialeaften 2018";"Fransk Alumneforening";"2018-10-10";"19.30";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.2.11";"Fransk Alumneforening indbyder til specialeaften. Kom og hør om nogle af de interessante og mangfoldige franskrelaterede emner, der er blevet skrevet speciale om inden for det sidste år, eller bliv inspireret til at skrive dit eget speciale.";"Fransk Alumneforening indbyder til specialeaften. Kom og få en fransk saltvandsindsprøjtning om aktuelle problemstillinger i den fransksprogede verden. Hør om nogle af de interessante og mangfoldige franskrelaterede emner, der er blevet skrevet speciale om inden for det sidste år, eller bliv inspireret til at skrive dit eget speciale. I aftenens løb vil der både komme fokus på konkrete emner, men også på selve specialeskrivningsprocessen, dvs. hvordan man kommer fra idé til konkret produkt. Og så vil der ikke mindst blive rig mulighed for at stille spørgsmål til oplægsholderne! Følgende tre kandidater vil præsentere deres speciale: Mona Bager Jensen: Brødrene Goncourt – udfordringerne ved førsteoversættelsen og genoversættelsen I mit speciale har jeg beskæftiget mig med to værker af brødrene Edmond og Jules de Goncourt: Germinie Lacerteux fra 1865 og Les frères Zemganno fra 1879. Sidstnævnte værk blev skrevet af Edmond de Goncourt efter Jules’ død. Endvidere har jeg konsulteret de eneste danske oversættelser af disse to værker, der begge er fra slutningen af 1800-tallet. Endelig har jeg selv foretaget en oversættelse i uddrag af de to værker og sammenlignet med de tilsvarende passager i de to eksisterende oversættelser. I mit speciale har jeg især fokuseret på: 1) hvilke deformerende tendenser der kan opstå på grund af oversættelse fra et exocentrisk sprog til et endocentrisk, dvs. fra et romansk sprog til et germansk; 2) den såkaldte genoversættelseshypotese, der hævder, at en førstegangsoversættelse lægger sig tættere op ad målkulturen end en genoversættelse, der til gengæld lægger sig tættere op ad kildekulturen; 3) inddragelse via en spørgeskemaundersøgelse af en respondentgruppe med hensyn til feedback på mine egne oversættelser med henblik på en eventuel komplet genoversættelse af de to værker. Line Lehm Sletten: Sprog, sted og stedstilknytning. En undersøgelse af (aktivt) kendskab til regionalismer i la Vallée de Chamonix-Mont-Blanc I løbet af de seneste ti år er sociolingvistikken og dialektologiens tilgang til sted blevet kritiseret for at være ukritisk og endimensionel. Denne kritik af stedsbegrebet indebærer en række konsekvenser for, hvordan sted bør behandles i sprogvidenskabelige undersøgelser og mit speciale er et forsøg på at behandle sted som mere end blot en beholder for sproglig variation, men som et fokuspunkt for min undersøgelse. Jeg har på baggrund af en spørgeskemaundersøgelse beskæftiget mig med to overordnede emner: 1) sammenhængen mellem stedstilknytning og (aktivt) kendskab til regionalismer blandt informanter i la Vallée de Chamonix-Mont-Blanc og 2) en metodekritisk analyse af stedstilknytningsindekset som metodisk redskab, og her ser jeg på klassiske sociolingvistiske parametre som alder og køn. Undersøgelsen sætter dermed spørgsmålstegn ved og uddyber nogle centrale metodiske problematikker i forbindelse med sammenhængen mellem sprog, sted og stedstilknytning og er således et forsøg på at bidrage til teoridannelsen inden for dette felt. Birgitte Marie Christensen: Februar-revolutionen i Paris 1848 tolket litterært Mit speciale undersøger overordnet, hvordan februar-revolutionen i Paris 1848 tolkes litterært, herunder om litteraturen kan siges at bidrage med en anden form for belysning af begivenheden og indsigt end historie- og samfundsvidenskaben generelt. Det sker ved en værk-orienteret analyse af Flauberts næsten samtidige roman L'Éducation sentimentale fra 1869. Opgavens argumentation er at Flaubert anvender en skadedyrs-metaforik til beskrivelse af oprørerne – hvis hovedkrav om indførelse af almindelig stemmeret var funderet i idéen om politisk lighed. Spørgsmålet er derfor, om der kan siges at figurere et eksempel på litterær dehumanisering i romanen. Analysen af denne tematik sker ved inddragelse af teorier om afsky, herunder særligt en teoretisk retning som har fokus på animalisering af mennesket. Praktiske oplysninger Fransk Alumneforening byder i aftenens løb på kaffe, te, kage og et glas vin. Tilmelding til arrangementet skal ske senest den 7. oktober 2018 til franskalumne@hotmail.com Arrangementet er gratis for medlemmer og koster 30 kroner for ikke-medlemmer (kan betales kontant eller via Mobile Pay på selve aftenen)." "História da Literatura Brasileira: uma introdução";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS)";"2018-10-03";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Guest Lecture by Laura Erber (UNIRIO).";"Varia Lusitana - Guest Lectures on the Portuguese, no. 4/7: Guest Lecture by Laura Erber (UNIRIO). For further information please contact Georg Wink." """Homoaffective"" marriage and sexual politics in Brazil";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS)";"2018-10-02";"10:15";"";"12:00";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Guest Lecture by Angelo Brandelli Costa (PUCRS).";"Varia Lusitana - Guest Lectures on the Portuguese, no. 3/7: Guest Lecture by Angelo Brandelli Costa (PUCRS). For further information please contact Georg Wink." "Hieronymusdagen 2018 - Den Internationale Oversætterdag";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Dansk Oversætterforbund, Forum for Billedmedieoversættere og Forbundet Kommunikation og Sprog";"2018-09-30";"10:30";"";"18:30";"Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 8, auditorium 11C-0-08A (Festsalen)";"Årets tema: Talt sprog i oversættelse. ";" Årets tema: Talt sprog i oversættelse Vi vil i år se nærmere på det talte sprog i dramaoversættelse, tekstning, oversættelse af tegneserier, dialogpassager i skønlitteratur, tolkning (herunder tegnsprogstolkning), m.m. Der vil være oplæg ved forskere og udøvende oversættere, workshops, messe og rig mulighed for at veksle erfaringer og synspunkter med andre oversættelsesinteresserede. Online tilmelding er obligatorisk og er åben fra 1. september. Mere information og online tilmelding" "O movimento modernista Brasileiro";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS)";"2018-09-28";"10:15";"";"12:00";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Guest Lecture by Laura Erber (UNIRIO).";"Varia Lusitana - Guest Lectures on the Portuguese, no. 2/7: Guest Lecture by Laura Erber (UNIRIO). For further information please contact Georg Wink." "Intertextualidades Literárias";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS)";"2018-09-26";"13:15";"";"15:00";"South Campus, room 24.2.01";"Guest Lecture by Mariana Simoni (Institut for Latin American Studies, FU Berlin).";"Varia Lusitana - Guest Lectures on the Portuguese, no. 1/7: Guest Lecture by Mariana Simoni (Institut for Latin American Studies, FU Berlin). For further information please contact Georg Wink." "Spansk- og portugisisksproget litteraturfestival 2018";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Casa Latinoamericana og Editorial Aurora Boreal";"2018-09-26";"";"2018-09-28";"";"South Campus";"Spansk og portugisisksproget litteraturfestival med et væld af aktiviteter på dansk, spansk og portugisisk.";" For fjerde år i træk arrangeres en spansk- og portugisisksproget litteraturfestival på Søndre Campus. I lighed med tidligere år bliver den første dag afholdt på dansk og omhandler de kulturelle og historiske udvekslinger mellem Danmark og den spansk- og portugisisksprogede verden. De to øvrige dage foregår på spansk og portugisisk og tæller en række fremtrædende forfattere og akademikere. Mød op til nogle intensive dage for at blive inspireret af et meget livskraftigt og kreativt kulturområde. Se mere på festivalens hjemmeside" "Forskningsseminar";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2018-09-24";"13.15";"";"15.30";"TBA";"Kom og hør forskere fra instituttet holde oplæg om deres forskningsansøgninger.";"Kom og hør forskere fra instituttet holde oplæg om deres forskningsansøgninger. Seminaret er en del af instituttets tilbud om assistance til forskningsansøgninger. Vi håber mange vil være med til at give respons og hjælpe ansøgere til at skærpe deres ansøgning." "Latinamerika, håbets kontinent";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2018-09-21";"14.00";"";"17.00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 27.0.17";"Lektor Anne Marie Ejdesgaard Jeppesen holder afskedsforelæsning. Efter forelæsningen er der reception på ENGEROM.";" Lektor Anne Marie Ejdesgaard Jeppesen holder afskedsforelæsning. Derefter er der reception på ENGEROM. Program 14.00 - 15.00 Forelæsning v/ lektor Anne Marie Ejdesgaard Jeppesen 15.15 - 17.00Reception på ENGEROM, Søndre Campus, bygning 24, 2. sal " "Reading and Q&A with American novelist Gabriel Tallent";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Centre for Transnational American Studies";"2018-09-18";"10:00";"";"12:00";"South Campus, room 27.0.17";"In collaboration with Politikens Forlag/Hr. Ferdinand, will host a visit to campus by the young American novelist Gabriel Tallent, whose novel My Absolute Darling was widely acclaimed as one of the best to appear in 2017.";"In collaboration with Politikens Forlag/Hr. Ferdinand, will host a visit to campus by the young American novelist Gabriel Tallent, whose novel My Absolute Darling was widely acclaimed as one of the best to appear in 2017 (The word 'masterpiece' has been cheapened by too many blurbs, but My Absolute Darling absolutely is one, Stephen King). Tallent is visiting Denmark in connection with the Danish publication of My Absolute Darling (Min kæreste elskling), which appears via Hr. Ferdinand. He will join us on campus from 10:15 to 12:00, immediately following my MA course on Jesmyn Ward." "1968 in der Bundesrepublik – Revolte in einer dynamischen Gesellschaft";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2018-09-07";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Tysk Fredag - forelæsning af professor Detlef Siegfried, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet.";"Tysk Fredag - forelæsning af professor Detlef Siegfried, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet. Alle er velkomne." "Spansk semesterstartsmøde 2018";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Spansk";"2018-08-31";"14.15";"";"16";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Efterårets undervisning vil blive præsenteret, der vil blive givet vigtige informationerog være faglige indlæg af ældre studerende.";"Efterårets undervisning vil blive præsenteret, der vil blive givet vigtige informationerog være faglige indlæg af ældre studerende." "Constructions: Theoretical, Typological and Applied Perspectives";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Wojciech Lewandowski og Johan Pedersen";"2018-06-08";"09:30";"";"17:45";"South Campus, room 22.0.49";"Workshop organized by Wojciech Lewandowski og Johan Pedersen, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies.";"Workshop organized by Wojciech Lewandowski og Johan Pedersen, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies. Everyone is very welcome. Participation is free of charge. You can sign up until the day before by emailing Wojciech Lewandowski. Programme 09:30 – 10:00 Welcome and coffee 10:00 – 10:45 Towards a Multimodal Construction Grammar? Javier Valenzuela (University of Murcia) 10:45 – 11:30 Constructions in context: The reactive what-x construction in English conversation Nele Pöldvere & Carita Paradis (Lund University) 11:30 – 11:45 Coffe break 11:45 – 12:30 Well, maybe you shouldn’t go around shaving poodles: Mapping uses of the go around V-ing construction in American English Kim Ebensgaard Jensen (University of Copenhagen) 12:30 – 13:15 A Construction Grammatical Model of German Modal Particles for Second Language Teaching Kerstin Fischer (University of Southern Denmark) 13:15 – 14:30 Lunch 14:30 – 15:15 Motion Constructions in Language and Beyond: Typology, SLA and Gesture Wojciech Lewandowski (University of Copenhagen) 15:15 – 16:00 Spanish directed motion constructions: The role of learned patterns and morphological aspect Johan Pedersen (University of Copenhagen) 16:00 – 16:15 Coffee break 16:15 – 17:00 Placement event constructions in L1 and L2 Danish and Spanish Part I: Verb usage Teresa Cadierno (University of Southern Denmark) 17:00 – 17:45 Placement event constructions in L1 and L2 Danish and Spanish Part II: Beyond verbs Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano (University of Zaragoza) 19:00 Dinner" "Romanian-speaking communities: diversity, distribution and demography";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / ""Norm, variation, sprogforandring""";"2018-06-06";"15.15";"";"17.00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 22.0.49";"Foredrag v/ Dorin Lozovanu, Moldova.";"Foredrag v/ Dorin Lozovanu, Moldova. Foredraget holdes på engelsk og er åbent for alle interesserede." "Developing Early Foreign Language Learning and Purilingual Education";"";"2018-05-24";"10:00";"";"17:00";"South Campus, University of Copenhagen";"International conference on early foreign language learning, bringing together Danish, Nordic/Baltic and international researchers, teacher trainers and teachers.";" Developing Early Foreign Language Learning and Plurilingual Education – Building Bridges Between Theory and Practice International conference 24 May 2018 organized by the Consortium for language and subject matter didactics in primary and lower secondary school. As in most European countries, first and second foreign languages are now also introduced earlier in Denmark and the Nordic/Baltic countries in general. Research is inconclusive of the effect of this policy, but there is a general agreement that age should not be regarded as the only significant variable, but rather, as one of a number of variables to take into consideration, and that an earlier start requires highly skilled teachers. Early language learning must be carefully planned taking the age of the learners and their linguistic resources into consideration. The international conference is interested in investigating the following questions: How can we conceptualize and further develop earlier foreign language learning and teaching, and contribute to continuing professional development within the field? How can we integrate a plurilingual perspective within the context of early foreign language learning and teaching, taking language diversity e.g. the pupils’ first languages into account? How can we in early foreign language learning build bridges between the languages taught at school? How can we build bridges between theory and practice designing teaching materials and teacher education modules? How can we take student voices into account in order to further develop the field? How can we contribute to the societal discussions on early foreign language learning and plurilingual education? The purpose of the conference is to bring together Danish, Nordic/Baltic and international researchers, teacher trainers and teachers, and to present and discuss the final results which have been achieved in the course of two recent projects: Learning Foreign Languages at an Early Age – A New Approach with Emphasis on Plurilingualism, coordinated by The Consortium for Language and Subject Matter Didactics in Primary and Lower Secondary School and financed by A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine McKinney Møllers Fond til Almene Formaal and the Municipality of Copenhagen and the Nordplus Horizontal project Developing Early Foreign Language Learning and Teaching in the Nordic/Baltic Context. The official language of the conference is English. However, selected workshops and presentations will be held in a Scandinavian language. Conference programme See conference programme (pdf). Invited speakers Danièle Moore, Simon Frasier University, Canada Janet Enever, University of Reading, United Kingdom / Umeå University, Sweden Eva Lindgren, University of Umeå, Sweden Simon Borg, University of Leeds, UK Birgit Henriksen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Petra Daryai-Hansen, University of Copenhagen/University College Copenhagen, Denmark Abstracts See abstracts. (pdf) Conference publication The conference publication, Developing Early Foreign Language Learning and Plurilingual Education – Building Bridges Between Theory and Practice, will be published online, at the end of 2018 by The Consortium for Language and Subject Matter Didactics in Primary and Lower Secondary School, University of Copenhagen. More information will follow. Furthermore, the abstracts will be made available at the conference website. Registration and fees Registration for the conference opens in January. The registration fee includes conference materials, lunch and refreshments. Registration fee: 750 DKK/100€ Student: 300 DKK/40 €Student status must be documented. Contact the conference organizers at languageconference@hum.ku.dk for more information. Conference dinner 18-22: 750 DKK/100 € Register for the conference here. Venue Plenary and invited speaker sessions take place in room 23.0.50. All other presentations take place in building 27. Understanding the facility numbers: 23. (= building number) 0. (0=ground floor, 1= first floor) 17 (= room number) Finding the buildings. Where to stay There are many centrally located hotels in Copenhagen. Here is a selection that may be convenient for your visit, within a variety in expenses. Hotel SP34SP34 is a modern boutique hotel located in the center of Copenhagen with the Latin Quarter on one side and H.C. Ørsteds park on the other. There is a 5 min. walking distance to Nørreport Metro station (M1, M2) and many restaurant and shops close by. Rates €220-300. Hotel Ibsen Ibsen is a modern city hotel located within a walking distance to Nørreport Metro station (M1, M2). It is located in a neighborhood with lots of bars, shops and restaurants. A standard rate incl. breakfast buffet is €160-200. Wake-Up Copenhagen Wake-up offers a comfortable stay in convenient locations on a budget. There are two hotels located in Copenhagen, and we recommend Wake-up Borgergade, a 10 min. walk to Kongens Nytorv Metro station (M1, M2). Rates from €70-120. Cabinn hotels Cabinn Scandinavia is centrally located with a 5 min. walking distance to Forum Metro station (M1, M2). Cabinn Metro is located right outside the inner city but very close to Ørestaden Metro (M1). Rates from €70. Note: Many hotels are busy at this time of the year, so it might be a good idea to book as early as possible. Contact Project manager:Petra Daryai-Hansen, University of Copenhagen/ University College Copenhagen Administrative project coordinators:Hanne Thomsen, University College Copenhagen Anne Gregersen, University College Copenhagen For further information about the conference, contact: languageconference@hum.ku.dk. " "Schreibweisen der Unschärfe: Literatur – Kunst – Photographie";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2018-05-18";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 27.0.09";"Forelæsning med Philipp Ostrowicz, København, i forelæsningsrækken ""Tysk Fredag"".";"Forelæsning med Philipp Ostrowicz, København, i forelæsningsrækken ""Tysk Fredag""." "Hegel & Hamlet";"CEMES research group: 'Thinking the European Republic of Letters'";"2018-05-17";"15:15";"2018-05-17";"16:45";"South Campus, building 24, room 24.0.11";"Lecture by Professor Dr. Anselm Haverkamp, New York University. 'Alle are welcome. Arranged by CEMES,";" University of CopenhagenMay 17, 15.15-16.45 – South Campus, room 24.0.11 Lecture by Professor Dr. Anselm Haverkamp, New York University Hegel knew Shakespeare by heart. He developed his philosophy of history and his philosophy of right, as well as his lectures on aesthetics, with Shakespeare on his mind. The combination of Hegel and Shakespeare works in both directions: It helps to know Shakespeare, if one wants to understand Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, but it is also illuminating to read Hegel in order to understand the philosophical interest in Shakespeare after Herder and Goethe. Hamlet – the play and the notorious figure – is the most exemplary case, where Hegel’s philosophy needs Shakespeare, and Shakespeare needs (readers like) Hegel, in order to unfold its implicit (latent) philosophical content. Anselm Haverkamp is Emeritus Professor of English at New York University and University Professor of Philosophy at LMU Munich. He has published books in English, German and French on aesthetic theory, rhetoric and metaphorology, Shakespeare and Hölderlin, Keats and Joyce, most recently a collection of theoretical essays, Productive Digression: Theorizing Practice (Berlin/ Boston: de Gruyter, April 2017). Atpresent he teaches as Kade Visiting Professor at UCSB a Graduate Seminar on “Shakespeare and Hegel.” CEMES research group: “Thinking the European Republic of Letters” Info: christian.benne@hum.ku.dk Everyone welcome – no registration" "Literary History and Topology";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Carsten Meiner ";"2018-05-16";"";"2018-05-17";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"International research seminar.";"International research seminar with the participation of: Christopher Prendergast (University of Cambridge) Masha Belenky (George Washington University) Morgane Cadieu (Yale University) Christie McDonald (Harvard University) Susan R. Suleiman (Harvard University) Barbara Vinken (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) Knut Ove Eliassen (NTNU). Frederik Tygstrup (UCPH) Andrea Del Lungo (Université Lille 3) Anne Fastrup (UCPH) Michael Høxbro Andersen (UCPH) Peter Borum (UCPH) Carsten Meiner (UCPH) The seminar is open to all. Program Wednesday May 16 2018 22.0.11 8.45: Welcome 9.00-12.15: Literary History and Topology 9.00-10.00: Frederik Tygstrup and Carsten Meiner (University of Copenhagen): “The double Topology. Literary History” 10.00-11.00: Christopher Prendergast (University of Cam­brid­ge): “Literary History and Counterfactuals” 11.00-11.15 : Coffee 11.15-12.15 : Andrea Del Lungo (Université Lille 3) : « Sémi­o­lo­gie et histoire de la représentation littéraire. La fenêtre » 12.30-13.30: Lunch 13.30-15.45: Global literary Topology 13.30: Coffee 13.30.-14.45: Susan Suleiman and Christie McDonald (Harvard Uni­versity): “Dis­pla­ce­ment: French Global and Beyond” 14.45-15.45: Anne Fastrup (University of Copenhagen): “Func­tions of the Turk in French Literature from Gabriel Bounin to Ma­deleine de Scudéry” Thursday May 17 2018 22.0.11 9.00-12.30: Topoi and Technology 9.00.-10.00: Masha Belenky (George Washington University): “Engine of Modernity: The Omnibus and Urban Culture in Nineteenth-Century Paris” 10.00-10.15: Coffee 10.15-11.15: Morgane Cadieu (Yale University): “Intermedial Figures of an Elusive Train"" 11.15-12.15: Michael Høxbro Andersen (University of Co­pen­ha­gen): “Arriving in Paris. The Evolution of a Topos from Molière to Mabanckou” 12.30-13.30: Lunch 13.30-16.00: Topoi of Decadence 13.30-14.30: Barbara Vinken (Luwig-Maximillians-Universität Mün­chen): “The To­pos of Babylon in 19th Century Literature” 14.30-14.45: Coffee 14.30- 15.30: Peter Borum (University of Copenhagen): “Not far from Paris. Loci cor­rup­ti from Rousseau to Maspero” 15.30-16.00: Closing discussion For questions or comments on the program, please contact Amanda Grimsbo Roswall. " "En mai, fais ce qu’il te plait?";"Fransk Alumneforening";"2018-05-15";"19.30";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.2.11";"Fransk Alumneforening medlemmer og andre interesserede til et arrangement om Maj-68, hvor Henrik Prebensen, tidligere lektor i fransk historie og samfundsforhold ved KU, og vil berette dels om den komplekse begivenhed.";"I år er 50-året for Maj-68, en dato som er blevet et fast, ikonisk begreb. Men for hvad? Fransk Alumneforening indbyder medlemmer og andre interesserede til et arrangement om Maj-68, hvor Henrik Prebensen, tidligere lektor i fransk historie og samfundsforhold ved KU, og som var lektor ved Université de Nancy i maj 1968, vil berette dels om den komplekse begivenhed som den opfattes af historikere i dag, dels om sin personlige oplevelse af maj 68 som universitetslærer i Frankrig, og dermed give den individuelle vinkel og det personlige perspektiv som det nære vidnesbyrd muliggør. Fransk Alumneforening byder i aftenens løb på kaffe, te, kage og et glas vin. Tilmelding til arrangementet skal ske senest søndag den 13. maj 2018 til franskalumne@hotmail.com Arrangementet er gratis for medlemmer og koster 30 kroner for ikke-medlemmer." "Syntactic hybrids in language border zones";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Research Platform ENGEROM";"2018-05-09";"15:15";"";"";"South Campus, room 27.1.49";"Lecture by Lars Behnke, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen in the lecture series ""Norm, variation, language change"".";"Innovative solutions between internal and external variation. Evidence from Eastern Poland and Southern Denmark Lecture by Lars Behnke, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen in the lecture series ""Norm, variation, language change"". Abstract Language border varieties, i.e. varieties at the periphery of their respective dialect continua, are somewhat difficult to grasp, because they frequently disguise their border character by borrowing structures and/or forms from their neighbours. The possibilities for mutual exchange seem somewhat multiplied when the contact varieties belong to closely related languages. In my presentation I want to give examples of peculiar, contact-induced uses of function words (prepositions and conjunctions) from two such border zones – one between Denmark and Germany, the other between Poland and its Eastern neighbors – and show, how they combine structure and form from both sides of the border in innovative, “hybrid” ways. By confronting the distinct and seemingly unique phenomena I wish to raise the question, if there might be a general mechanism and/or restrictions for the mixing of morphosyntactic phenomena in border varieties." "Die kathartische Szene";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2018-05-09";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 27.0.09";"Forelæsning med Peter-André Alt, Berlin, i forelæsningsrækken ""Tysk Fredag"".";"Über Freuds Dramenverständnis Forelæsning med Peter-André Alt, Berlin, i forelæsningsrækken ""Tysk Fredag""." "Brazil, the Great Acceleration and the Future of Area Studies";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / ";"2018-05-08";"12:00";"";"14:15";"South Campus, room 24.1.26";"Talk by Georg Fischer (Aarhus University).";" Talk by Georg Fischer (Aarhus University)." "Studierende stellen ihre Abschlussarbeiten vor";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2018-05-04";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 27.0.09";"David Grünhagen og Julie Valvik præsenterer deres specialer.";"David Grünhagen og Natascha Drachmann præsenterer deres specialer. David Grünhagen: „Die gemütlichen Dänen“. Wie deutsche Handwerker den dänischen Alltag erfahren Julie Valvik: 'Ein anderer Andersen'. H.C. Andersen som inspirationskilde for Robert Walser " "The Ladies Stole Washington's Body!";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Center for Transnational American Studies (CTAS)";"2018-05-02";"15";"";"17";"South Campus, room 27.0.47";"CTAS research seminar with Dr. Kristen Brill (Lecturer in American History, University of Keele).";"Gender, Neutrality and Nationalism at George Washington's Mount Vernon in the American Civil War CTAS research seminar with Dr. Kristen Brill (Lecturer in American History, University of Keele)." "”Platt wie eine Briefmarke” – en kontrastiv semiotisk analyse af genren frimærke. Med hovedfokus på danske og tyske, herunder tysk-tyske forhold";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2018-04-20";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 27.0.09";"Forelæsning med Ken Farø, København, i forelæsningsrækken ""Tysk Fredag"".";"Forelæsning med Ken Farø, København, i forelæsningsrækken ""Tysk Fredag""." "Approximation and distancing in doctor-patient communication in Portuguese, Spanish and Galician: forms of address and other strategies";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Research Platform ENGEROM";"2018-04-19";"15:15";"";"";"South Campus, room 24.4.11";"Lecture by Sandi Michele de Oliveira, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen in the lecture series ""Norm, variation, language change"".";"Lecture by Sandi Michele de Oliveira, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen in the lecture series ""Norm, variation, language change"". Abstract Using data from audio-recorded medical consultations in Galicia and in a satellite city of Lisbon, this presentation takes a first look at some of the strategies of approximation and distancing that patients and doctors have employed. The data presented include samples from Spanish, Portuguese and Galician. The presentation will be in English." "Ecology, Sustainability and Materiality";"Centre for Modern European Studies (CEMES) and Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (ENGEROM)";"2018-04-13";"10:15";"2018-04-13";"15:30";"South Campus, room 15A-0-13";"New Research Perspectives in Cultural and Literary studies.";"New Research Perspectives in Cultural and Literary studies The increased awareness of the global climate change has led to the development of new research approaches and new methodological-theoretical discussions within the humanities: Sustainability Studies, the Material Turn and Ecocriticism are some of the important emerging fields that combine literary, cultural and historical studies in investigating new relations and hierarchies between subject and object, human and non-human, man and nature. Following from the ongoing revision and discussion of the conceptual and scientific framing and guidance of research in the humanities, especially in the light of the climate crisis, new transdisciplinary approaches are applied to seemingly well-known and also new areas and texts. The seminar consists of four presentations by German and Danish researchers, followed by responses. It will introduce to new transnational and interdisciplinary research projects on ecology, sustainability, and materiality as well as initiate a discussion of the wider epistemological significance of new paradigms such as the Antropocene. Speakers Gabriele Dürbeck, Professor, University of Vechta Hubert Zapf, Professor University of Augsburg Dariya Manova; MA, Ph.D. student, Humboldt University Berlin Adam Paulsen Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark Dorthe Gert Simonsen, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen Detlef Siegfried, Professor, University of Copenhagen Anna Sandberg, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen Programme Part one: The Anthropocene 10:15-11:30Gabriele Dürbeck (Vechta): Narratives of the Anthropocene as an inter- and transdisciplinary discourseRespondent: Adam Paulsen (Odense) 11:30-12:15Dorthe Gert Simonsen (Copenhagen): Historizing the Great Acceleration. Timing the Anthropocene Lunchbreak Part two: Ecocriticism and Sustainability 13:15-14:30Hubert Zapf (Augsburg): Literature as Cultural Ecology: Sustainable Texts Respondent: Anna Sandberg (Copenhagen) 14:30-15:30Dariya Manova (Berlin): The Discourses of Raw Materials in the Popular Literature and Press of the German Interwar PeriodRespondent: Detlef Siegfried (Copenhagen) The seminar is open. For participation, please contact Anna Sandberg. " "Demokrati i Tyskland";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2018-04-06";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Forelæsning med Karl Christian Lammers, København, i forelæsningsrækken ""Tysk Fredag""";"Fra Weimar til Bonn og Berlin Forelæsning med Karl Christian Lammers, København, i forelæsningsrækken ""Tysk Fredag""." """Broum!..."" De vidnende funktioner hos den sene Louis-Ferdinand Céline";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2018-04-03";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, bygning 23, auditorium 23.0.49";"Troels Hughes Hansen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Troels Hughes Hansen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resume Afhandlingen læser den franske forfatter Louis-Ferdinand Célines (1894-1961) sene værk – Féerie pour une autre fois I og II (1952 og 1954), Entretiens avec le professeur Y (1955), D’un château l’autre (1957), Nord (1960) og Rigodon (posthumt, 1969) – ind i et af efterkrigstidens litterære hovedspor, nemlig vidnesbyrdslitteraturen. Ud fra tekstnære analyser af såkaldt vidnende funktioner i vidnesbyrdlitteraturen efter Anden Verdenskrig etableres en teoretisk ramme om forståelsen af Célines sidste værker som udtryk for en selvbevidst tekst, der søger nærsanselig henvendelse frem for kølig overbevisning og virkelighedsgengivelse. Arbejdet med Céline og vidnesbyrdlitteraturen er uhyre kontroversielt, men åbner op for en række interessante perspektiver på såvel Célines sene produktion, som på vidnesbyrdlitteraturens mekanik og efterkrigslitteratur i det hele taget. Bedømmelsesudvalg Institutleder Jørn Boisen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Mads Rosendahl (Aarhus Universitet) Lektor Anders Engberg (Syddansk Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Robert Rix (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Emil Holms Kanal 6." "Fransk forfaldstænkning i det tidlige 21. århundrede";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2018-03-23";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 21.0.54 (""Multisalen"")";"Nils Schultz Ravneberg forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Sprog, litteratur, identitet Nils Schultz Ravneberg forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resume I det tidlige 21. århundrede har en række såkaldt neo-reaktionære franske forfattere skrevet flittigt i essays og romaner om den franske kulturs forfald og fremstillet den franske identitet som truet. På baggrund af tekster af især filosoffen Alain Finkielkraut og de skønlitterære forfatterne Richard Millet, Renaud Camus, Marc-Édouard Nabe og Michel Houellebecq kortlægger afhandlingen denne forfaldstænkning gennem analyser af dens centrale temaer: sprogets og litteraturens forfald; sammenbrud i æstetiske og kulturelle hierarkier siden 1968; tab af historisk bevidsthed og almendannelse; multikulturalisme og kommunitarisme. I afhandlingen analyseres også forfaldstænkernes udpegning af problematiske andre, dvs. personer eller grupper, der menes at udgøre en trussel mod kulturen og det franske samfund i det hele taget. Der argumenteres for, at forfaldstænkningen kan betragtes som en pessimistisk reaktion på en række reelle kulturelle forandringer, som ikke bare Frankrig, men Vesten i det hele taget har oplevet gennem de sidste årtier af det 20. århundrede og starten af det 21, alt imens den afspejler en langvarig idé- og litteraturhistorisk tradition for fransk kulturkritik. Bedømmelsesudvalg Professor Carsten Meiner, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor emerita Karin Gundersen (Universitetet i Oslo) Lektor Steen Bille Jørgensen (Aarhus Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Institutleder Jørn Boisen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, Søndre Campus og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM), Emil Holms Kanal 6, 2300 København S." "Frankofonidag 2018";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2018-03-20";"14:30";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Årets frankofonidag bliver afholdt på Søndre Campus med temaet ""Le sport et la langue française"".";" Journée de la francophonie Le sport e la langue francaise Enjeux, valeurs et identitiés 20 Mars 2018 - Copenhague" "Agribusiness, Social Mobilisation and the State in the Conflict over GMOs in Brazil";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Portuguese and Brazilian Studies";"2018-03-20";"12:15";"";"14:00";"South Campus, room 24.1.26";"Renata Campos Motta (University Aarhus/Freie University Berlin) gives a lecture in the Varia Lusitana Guest Lecture Series in English on Global Challenges for the Portuguese Speaking World.";"Renata Campos Motta (University Aarhus/Freie University Berlin) gives a lecture in the Varia Lusitana Guest Lecture Series in English on Global Challenges for the Portuguese Speaking World. For further information please contact Georg Wink." "Techno og filosofi: Om at oversætte Rainald Goetz’ ”Rave” (Buchvorstellung)";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2018-03-16";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 22.0.11";"Forelæsning med Troels Thorborg Andersen i forelæsningsrækken ""Tysk Fredag"".";"Forelæsning med Troels Thorborg Andersen i forelæsningsrækken ""Tysk Fredag"". " "Crisis y alternativas desde la sociedad civil en España";"ENGEROM, CLAS, AIIA";"2018-03-16";"10.30";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 27.0.17";"Arrangement (på spansk) med Yayo Herrero og Oscar García Agustín arrangeret af ENGEROM, CLAS og AIIA.";"La creciente crisis sistemática experimentada a escala mundial se caracteriza por la superposición de varias y diferentes crisisentre sí, políticas, financieras, sociales, climáticas y ecológicas. Este debate tomará dichas crisis como telón de fondo para ofrecernos un panel sobre las alternativas quese plantean a nivel integral al modelo políticoy económico actual desde el seno de la sociedad civil en España. Yayo Herrero Antropóloga, activistaecofeminista, directora de FUHEM y coordinadora confederal de Ecologistas enAcción. Yayo es tambiénuna in.uyenteinvestigadora y ha sidocoautora de una decena de libros relacionados con la ecología social y los ecofeminismos. Yayo Herrero estará presente en la Conferencia Internacional de Transform!Danmark el sábado 17 de marzo “Global and Institutional Crises and Red-Green Alternatives”. Oscar García Agustín Profesor del Departamento deCultura y Estudios Globales de la universidad de Aalborg. Autor de varios libros sobre discurso, institucionalización, crisis política, social y económica en la sociedad." "Una mappa del giallo italiano";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2018-03-14";"15:15";"";"17";"Søndre Campus, lokale 27.1.47";"Gæsteforelæsning (på italiensk) om den italienske krimitradition ved forfatteren Alessandro Perissinotto.";"Gæsteforelæsning (på italiensk) om den italienske krimitradition ved forfatteren Alessandro Perissinotto. Perissinotto har udgivet en række fremragende krimier og er desuden underviser ved universitetet i Torino. Indtil videre er to bøger i serien med den kvindelige hovedperson Anna Pavesi oversat til dansk: Una piccola storia ignobile (En grim lille historie), der udkom sidste år og L’Ultima notte bianca (Den sidste hvide nat), der er på trapperne, begge på Arvids Forlag. Forelæsningen bliver afholdt på italiensk. Kontakt: Pia Schwarz Lausten" "Violence and Insecure Sociality in Zona Sul, São Paulo";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Portuguese and Brazilian Studies";"2018-03-13";"12:15";"";"14:00";"South Campus, room 24.1.26";"Frida Sofie Gregersen (University of Copenhagen / Anthropology) gives a lecture in the Varia Lusitana Guest Lecture Series in English on Global Challenges for the Portuguese Speaking World.";"Frida Sofie Gregersen (University of Copenhagen / Anthropology) gives a lecture in the Varia Lusitana Guest Lecture Series in English on Global Challenges for the Portuguese Speaking World. For further information please contact Georg Wink." """Totgesagte leben länger?""";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2018-03-09";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 27.0.17";"Forelæsning med Alfred Reckendrees, København, i forelæsningsrækken ""Tysk Fredag""";"Was ist das Besondere am Rheinischen Kapitalismus? Forelæsning med Alfred Reckendrees, København, i forelæsningsrækken ""Tysk Fredag""." "Adaptive Agency in Early Arab American Womanhood, 1893-1960";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2018-03-06";"14";"";"16";"South Campus, room 27.1.49";"PhD pre-defense by Martina Koegeler-Abdi.";"PhD pre-defense by Martina Koegeler-Abdi. Discussant: Clara Juncker (Associate professor at University of Southern Denmark, SDU). The event will conclude with a small reception." "Insurgent Citizenship in Brazil";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Portugues and Brazilian Studies";"2018-03-06";"10:15";"";"12:00";"South Campus, room 24.1.26";"Einar Braathen (OsloMet) gives a lecture in the Varia Lusitana Guest Lecture Series in English on Global Challenges for the Portuguese Speaking World.";"Einar Braathen (OsloMet) gives a lecture in the Varia Lusitana Guest Lecture Series in English on Global Challenges for the Portuguese Speaking World. For further information please contact Georg Wink." "Workshop on the Current Political Situation in Brazil";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Portuguese and Brazilian Studies";"2018-03-05";"13:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, room 27.0.49";"Presentations by Celina Sørbøe (PhD fellow at Oslo Metropolitan University) & Mads Bjelke Damgaard (PhD fellow at University of Copenhagen) who will discuss the current political situation in Brazil.";"Presentations by Celina Sørbøe (PhD fellow at Oslo Metropolitan University) & Mads Bjelke Damgaard (PhD fellow at University of Copenhagen) who will discuss the current political situation in Brazil. Insurgent Citizenship in Brazil - a Case Study about Rocinha Presentation by Celina Sørbøe, PhD fellow at Urban and Regional Studies Institute (Oslo Metropolitan University) Corruption Narratives in the Brazilian Mediasphere Presentation by Mads Bjelke Damgaard, PhD fellow at Portuguese and Brazilian Studies (University of Copenhagen) Discussants Einar Braathen (Urban and Regional Studies Institute, Oslo Metropolitan University) Yuri Kasahara (Urban and Regional Studies Institute, Oslo Metropolitan University) Georg Wink (Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Portuguese and Brazilian Studies (University of Copenhagen) " "Fransk besøgsdag 2018";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Fransk";"2018-03-02";"9.00";"";"15.00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 23.0.50";"Mød franskstuderende og undervisere. På besøgsdagen har du også mulighed for at følge undervisningen på bachelor.";" Hvad kan jeg blive med en uddannelse i fransk? Hvordan er hverdagen for en franskstuderende? Hvordan er de franskstuderendes studiemiljø fagligt og socialt? Disse og mange andre spørgsmål kan du få svar på, når franskfaget på Københavns Universitet slår dørene op for gymnasieelever i 2. og 3. g, der har fransk, og andre nysgerrige, der måske endda overvejer at læse fransk på universitetet. Kom og mød de franskstuderende og underviserne og vær med til at følge undervisningen på uddannelsens første del. Hør om fagets opbygning, hverdagen som franskstuderende, studieophold i Frankrig og fransktalende lande samt jobmuligheder. Du vil også kunne høre færdige kandidater fortælle, hvordan fransk har banet vejen til netop deres job. Hvorfor er det vigtigt at kunne fransk på højt niveau? I en stadig mere globaliseret verden er solide sprogkompetencer vigtige, ikke kun inden for engelsk, men også inden for de europæiske hovedsprog. Med gode sprogkompetencer kan vi bedre forstå og kommunikere med omverden, og vi bliver samtidig bedre til at forstå os selv. Sprog og kultur er uløseligt forbundne, og med en uddannelse i fransk vil du ikke alene lære at tale og skrive fransk rigtig godt, men du vil også få et grundigt kendskab til fransk kultur, litteratur og samfund. Frankrig ligger på top 10-listen over Danmarks vigtigste samhandelspartnere. For at varetage og udbygge relationerne til Frankrig har danske virksomheder brug for ansatte, der kan fransk på højt niveau. Fransk er desuden et af hovedsprogene i EU. De europæiske organisationer har brug for ansatte, der kan varetage kommunikationsopgaver i et internationalt, herunder fransksproget, miljø. På verdensplan er fransk et af de 10 mest anvendte sprog. Det betyder, at solide sprogkompetencer inden for fransk er relevante for kommunikationen med andre områder såvel i som uden for Europa (fx Belgien, Schweiz, Canada og store dele af Afrika). Deltagelse i dette arrangement er gratis, men tilmelding er nødvendig. Send en mail til Jan Lindschouw senest den 28/2. Vi glæder os til at se dig og give dig en uforglemmelig dag." "The Language of Dissent in Paul Auster’s Poetry and Prose, 1970-2017";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2018-03-01";"14:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, room 4A-1-68";"PhD pre-defense by Jesper Præst Nielsen.";"PhD pre-defense by Jesper Præst Nielsen. Discussant: Bent Sørensen, Associate Professor at Aalborg University. The event will conclude with a small reception." "Narcotraffic in Guinea-Bissau";"Department of Media, Cognition and Communication";"2018-02-27";"12:15";"";"14:00";"South Campus, room 24.1.26";"Lecture by Henrik Vigh (University of Copenhagen, Anthropology) in the Varia Lusitana Guest Lecture Series in English on Global Challenges for the Portuguese Speaking World.";"Lecture by Henrik Vigh (University of Copenhagen, Anthropology) in the Varia Lusitana Guest Lecture Series in English on Global Challenges for the Portuguese Speaking World. For further information please contact Georg Wink." "Die neue Zwei-Klassen Gesellschaft";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2018-02-16";"13";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.4.01";"Forelæsning med Sabine Pannen i forelæsningsrækken ""Tysk Fredag"".";"Die Politik der Westöffnung und der innere Zerfall der SED-Parteibasis in den 1980er Jahren Forelæsning med Sabine Pannen i forelæsningsrækken ""Tysk Fredag""." "Patrick Leigh Fermor - to Greece with Love";"Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies";"2018-01-26";"";"2018-01-27";"";"South Campus, Building 23, room 23.0.50";"A symposium dedicated to the traveller, writer, war hero, and friend of Greece, Patrick Leigh Fermor (1915-2011).";"A symposium dedicated to the traveller, writer, war hero, and friend of Greece, Patrick Leigh Fermor (1915-2011). The symposium is open to all – for attendance on Friday please register before 21 January with tsw@hum.ku.dk Friday 26 January 14:00 - 19:00 Artemis Cooper (Biographer of Patrick Leigh Fermor)Road Block: Why Patrick Leigh Fermor’s 'Time of Gifts’ Trilogy took so long to write Chris White (Contributor, Abducting a General: the Kreipe Operation and SOE in Crete) In Paddy's Footsteps: PLF's secret war in Crete 1942 - 1944 Panayiotis (Paddy) League (Ethnomusicologist, Harvard University)Songs of the Cretan Resistance from the James A. Notopoulos Collection 18:00 - 19:00 Musical performance dedicated to Patrick Leigh Fermor and the members of the Cretan resistance. With Paddy League (violin and Cretan boulgari), Dimitris Rapakousios (Cretan boulgari), Venizelos Leventogiannis (Cretan laouto) Saturday 27 January 10:00 - 18.00 Myrto Kaouki (Benaki Museum)The Benaki Museum and the Leigh Fermor House: developments and plans Poul Joachim Stender (Priest and writer)Kardamili as a time of gifts Evita Arapoglou (Curator of Ghika – Craxton – Leigh Fermor: Charmed Lives in Greece)Patrick Leigh Fermor, Niko Ghika, John Craxton: Friendship in Greek Landscapes Adam Sisman (Editor of Patrick Leigh Fermor's correspondence) Dashing for the Post – Patrick Leigh Fermor as a letter-writer Charles Lock (Professor of English Literature, University of Copenhagen)Redeeming the Romaic: Patrick Leigh Fermor and the Idea of Greece Christopher Bakken (Writer, poet and professor of English, Allegheny College, U.S.A.)Confessions of a 21st century Philhellene: Writing under the Influence of Patrick Leigh Fermor The symposium is the last in a series of events (2009-2018) generously funded by the Sophia Scopetéa Bequest and the very last event of the programme in Grækenlandsstudier – Modern Greek Studies – at the University of Copenhagen. Open to all – for attendance on Friday please register before 21 January with tsw@hum.ku.dk Contact: Trine Stauning Willert" "Nyt år - (ny) sprogstrategi";"Fransk, Tysk, Spansk og Italiensk Alumneforening";"2018-01-09";"19.00";"";"21.30";"Søndre Campus, bygning 23, lokale 23.0.49";"Som opfølgning på efterårets arrangement om sprogfagenes værdi skydes det nye år i gang med et lignende arrangement, der tager udgangspunkt i den netop annoncerede nationale sprogstrategi for fremmedsprog i Danmark.";"I september 2016 var Fransk, Tysk, Spansk og Italiensk Alumneforening i samarbejde med Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM), KU vært for et særdeles vellykket debatarrangement om sprogfagenes værdi i Danmark. Som opfølgning på dette arrangement vil selvsamme alumneforeninger skyde det nye år i gang med et lignende arrangement med udgangspunkt i den netop annoncerede nationale sprogstrategi for fremmedsprog i Danmark. Program 19.00 Velkomst ved repræsentanter for Alumneforeningerne ved ENGEROM, KU. 19.15 – 19.45 Oplæg ved Hanne Leth Andersen om sprogstrategiens betydning for fremmedsprogene ved ENGEROM (fransk, tysk, spansk, italiensk, portugisisk). Hanne Leth Andersen er rektor på RUC og har siddet med i det udvalg i Undervisningsministeriet, der har formuleret anbefalingerne til sprogstrategien 19.45 – 20.15 Oplæg ved Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen med udgangspunkt i den nyligt udkomne debatbog Sprogløse verdensborgere. Om en uddannelsespolitik, der forsvandt, forfattet i samarbejde med professor emeritus, dr.phil. Per Øhrgaard. Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen er lektor på ENGEROM, Københavns Universitet 20.15 – 20.30 Pause med forfriskninger 20.30 – 21.00 Fremmedsprogenes udvikling eller afvikling? Oplæg ved Mette Skovgaard-Andersen Mette Skovgaard-Andersen er lektor i International Business Communication på CBS 21.00 – 21.30 Spørgsmål og diskussion 21.30 Afslutning Tilmelding Deltagelse er gratis, men tilmelding er nødvendig og sker til dette Facebook-event" "Renegotiating Responsibility";"Faculty of Humanities";"2018-01-04";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Jakob Skovgaard defends his PhD thesis.";"British Anti-Apartheid Consumer Boycott Campaigns, Late 1960s to Early 1990s Jakob Skovgaard defends his PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Professor Stuart Ward, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Håkan Thörn (University of Gothenburg) Professor Louise Bethlehem (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Moderator of defense Head of Department Jørn Boisen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Togets topologi";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2017-12-19";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Tue Løkkegaard forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En kortlægning af togets funktioner i fransk samtidslitteratur Tue Løkkegaard forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé Fransk samtidslitteratur udviser en stor interesse for offentlige rum og steder. En række samtidsforfattere fokuserer derudover på hverdagen som et fænomen, der indebærer en række sociale og politiske spørgsmål. Visse steder er særligt genkommende i samtidslitteraturen. Et af disse privilegerede steder er toget. Flere forfattere tilegner sig toget som et litterært reservoir, som kan udforske vores samtid. Det er et sted, vi kender, bruger og færdes i på en daglig basis, og som folk af alle aldre, køn, etnicitet og klasse deler med hinanden. Men det er også et rum, som vi blot synes at passere igennem på vej fra et sted til et andet. Samtidslitteraturen problematiserer imidlertid de vaner og konventioner, toget almindeligvis synes at repræsentere. Hvordan fremmedgørelse og konflikt er allestedsnærværende i vores samtid og sociale rum udforskes således gennem tilegnelsen af toget som et offentligt og fælles sted i den franske samtidslitteratur. Hermed diskuteres i afhandlingen, hvordan samtidslitteraturen positionerer og nuancerer de sociale erfaringer og kroppe, som ellers synes usynlige under vanens slør og fremskriver vores samtid som særlig konfliktfyldt Abstract French contemporary literature shows a great interest in our public spaces and places. At the same time, a number of contemporary writers focus on everyday life as a phenomenon that implies a number of social and political questions. Some places are particularly recurrent in contemporary literature. One of these privileged places is the train. Several authors appropriate the train as a literary reservoir that can explore the contemporary. It is a place, we know, use, and frequent on a daily basis, and that people of all ages, gender, race, and class share. But it is also a space through which we simply pass going from one place to another. Contemporary literature however problematizes those habits and conventions, the train normally represents. How alienation and conflict is omnipresent in the contemporary and our social spaces is explored by adopting the train as a public and common place and how literature is thus able to position and differentiate those social experiences and bodies that are otherwise invisible under the veil of habit is therefore discussed and how the contemporary is positioned as a place of conflict. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Nikolaj Lübecker (University of Oxford) Lektor Søren Frank (Syddansk Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Institutleder Jørn Boisen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån hos: Informationen på KUB Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst i Diamanten, Søren Kirkegaards Plads 1 (kun gennemsyn) Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Emil Holms Kanal 6, 2300 København S " "Studerende præsenterer deres projekter";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2017-12-15";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Søndre Campus, 23.0.49";"TYSK FREDAG: To studerende præsenterer deres specialer.";"TYSK FREDAG: To studerende præsenterer deres specialer: Menneskesmugling under nationalsocialismen og i DDR (Morten Heltoft) Was heißt eigentlich Bildung? (Benjamin Busch) Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne! Yderligere oplysninger: Christian Benne" "Den populistiske drejning";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2017-12-14";"15.00";"";"17.00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-0-13";"Seminar om populisme. Oplæg af Simon Cecchin Birk, Gert Sørensen, Jørn Boisen, Morten Heiberg og Morten Anders Heltoft.";" Seminar om populisme. Oplæg af Simon Cecchin Birk, Gert Sørensen, Jørn Boisen, Morten Heiberg og Morten Anders Heltoft. Sidste år sendte de britiske vælgere chokbølger igennem det europæiske landskab ved at stemme for en britisk udtræden af EU. En chokbølge kun overgået af den de amerikanske vælgere udløste efter valget af Donald Trump som USA’s femogfyrretyvende præsident. Fælles for begge skelsættende begivenheder - samt det seneste års nationale valg i blandt andet Frankrig, Holland og Tyskland - er den uomgængelige tilstedeværelse af populistisk politik. Men hvad er populisme og hvordan påvirker det den nærværende politiske virkelighed? Der er en forståelig forvirring omkring populisme. I massemedierne florerer populisme som et løst defineret og negativt konnoteret modeord, ofte anvendt til at kritisere politiske modstandere. I den akademiske verden, hvor sigtet ikke er at dømme, men snarere at erkende, er populister blevet beskrevet som alt fra demagoger og svindlere til demokrater og reformister. Der er her ingen konsensus om én definition af populisme, der stadigvæk er et essentially contested concept. De seneste 60 års empiriske forskning peger dog i retning af en række konstante fællestræk hos partier, der på tværs af tid og rum er blevet opfattet som populistiske. Seminaret giver, med afsæt i en teoretisk introduktion til fænomenet populisme, en række nedslag i det aktuelle og nærtstående politiske landskab. Fra Italien, hvor foregangsmanden, Silvio Berlusconi, er den mest kendte - men ikke eneste populistiske aktør; til Frankrig, hvor euroskeptiske Front National nu splitter fransk politik; samt til Spanien og Venezuela, der minder os om, at populisme ikke alene er højreorienteret; og endelig til Tyskland, der for første gang siden Anden Verdenskrigs er en vækkelse af den radikale højrefløj. Program 15:00 – En introduktion til populisme Simon Cecchin Birk (cand.mag. i italiensk sprog og kultur) 15:15 – Fra Berlusconi til Trump Gert Sørensen (dr.phil. og seniorforsker) på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, KU) 15:30 – Populisme i Frankrig Jørn Boisen (ph.d. og institutleder på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, KU) 15:45 – Populisme i Spanien og Venezuela Morten Heiberg (dr.phil. og professor på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, KU) 16:00 – Alternative für Deutschland Morten Anders Heltoft (cand.mag. i tysk sprog og kultur) 16:15 – Pause 16:25 – Diskussion, spørgsmål og kommentarer" "Second Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association";"Jessica Ordner & Tea Sindbæk Andersen for Memory Studies Association, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies & Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies";"2017-12-14";"";"2017-12-16";"";"University of Copenhagen, South Campus";"We are happy to announce that ToRS and ENGEROM will be co-hosting the Second Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association which will take place in Copenhagen. ";"We are happy to announce that ToRS and ENGEROM will be co-hosting the Second Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association (MSA) which will take place in Copenhagen on December 14-16, 2017. Hosting 77 research panels and roundtables, 8 turbo talk sessions and 69 poster presentations the conference addresses a number of crucial themes within memory studies. These include monuments, museums, politics and administration of memory, memory and activism, the digital turn, media, arts and literature, trauma, memory and psychology, migration, gender and memory, and sites and places of memory. The Memory Studies Association aims to provide the main annual networking opportunity for scholars and practitioners in the field. Speakers include: Marianne Hirsch Jan Gross Joshua Oppenheimer Aleida Asssmann Astrid Erll Ann Rigney Carol Gluck Patrick Hutton Paco Ferrandiz … and many others PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME is now ready - please extract all details from the Memory Studies Association website Additional workshops on methodology, pedagogy, and careers in memory studies will be on offer. We will also kick-start a variety of different working groups, on topics such as ""memories of migrations and diasporas,"" ""(post)colonial memories"", ""memory and trauma"" and more. Please consider getting involved in one of these groups! All are welcome to attend. The conference will feature a mini-film festival, a book raffle, and many networking opportunities. Locations Most of the conference takes place at University of Copenhagen, South Campus: Auditorium 23.0.50 (KUA1) Auditorium 22.0.11 (KUA1) Room 27.0.47 (KUA1) Room 27.0.49 (KUA1) Room 27.1.47 (KUA1) Room 27.1.49 (KUA1) Room 27.0.17 (KUA1) Room 27.0.09 (KUA1) Auditorium 4A-0-69 (KUA3) Room 4A-0-68 (KUA3) Room 4A-1-68 (KUA3) Some plenary sessions will be held at Bella Center. Please consult the conference programme for further details. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN - register and get more information on the Memory Studies Association website More information about MSA" "Quizzer & æbleskiver";"TEACH / Annette Pedersen og SAXO / Chresteria Neutzsky-Wulff";"2017-12-11";"14.00";"";"16.00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.3.11";"Sprogundervisernetværket inviterer til en julehyggelig arbejdseftermiddag om quizzer med erfaringsudveksling og hands-on.";"Sprogundervisernetværket inviterer til en julehyggelig arbejdseftermiddag om quizzer med erfaringsudveksling og hands-on. Mange bruger quizzer i sprogundervisningen, men hvordan kan vi optimere de studerendes læringsudbytte, fx i forhold til indbygget og efterfølgende feedback? Vi kigger på quizzer i Absalon og gratisprogrammet Quizlet (quizlet.com). Hvis nogen anvender andre programmer, kan vi også inkludere dem. Tilmelding Senest mandag den 11/12 til teach@hum.ku.dk I forbindelse med tilmeldingen beder vi jer ganske kort beskrive, hvordan I evt. allerede arbejder med quizzer i undervisningen, og hvilke programmer I bruger. Skriv også meget gerne eventuelle ønsker til arbejdseftermiddagen." "Jubilæumsarrangement: fejring af Lektoratsordningen og fremmedsprog";"Styrelsen for Forskning og Uddannelse, Københavns Universitet, Forbundet Kommunikation og Sprog & EU-Kommissionen i Danmark";"2017-12-07";"13:00";"";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, Festsalen, bygning 11 (11C-0-08)";"Styrelsen for Forskning og Uddannelse inviterer i samarbejde med Københavns Universitet, Forbundet Kommunikation og Sprog og EU-Kommissionen i Danmark til jubilæumsarrangement i anledningen af 80-året for Lektoratsordningen.";"Styrelsen for Forskning og Uddannelse inviterer i samarbejde med Københavns Universitet, Forbundet Kommunikation og Sprog og EU-Kommissionen i Danmark til jubilæumsarrangement i anledningen af 80-året for Lektoratsordningen. Det sker den 7. december 2017 i København. Alle er velkomne. Bemærk venligst: Deltagelse er gratis, men tilmelding er nødvendig. Frist for tilmelding er den 30. november 2017. Læs nærmere på Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriets hjemmeside" "English as a Lingua Franca in Danish Higher Education – a case of sociolinguistic change";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Norm, variation, sprogforandring";"2017-12-05";"15:15";"2017-12-05";"17:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.2.07";"Åbent foredrag af Janus Mortensen.";"Åbent foredrag af Janus Mortensen. Abstract Language change has been a key area of interest in sociolinguistics since the foundation of the discipline, and it continues to form a vibrant area of research today. Recently, however, it has been suggested that the sociolinguistic notion of change should be broadened to include phenomena that are not necessarily linguistic as such, but which nevertheless concern reconfigurations of language-society relations, for instance in the shifting language ideological value ascribed to particular language varieties or ways of speaking in the face of sociocultural change. This broader concept of change, which represents an attempt to pursue a critical interest in social change as well as language change, without giving priority to either of the two ‘sides’ of the sociolinguistic endeavour, has been referred to as sociolinguistic change (Coupland 2009, Androutsopoulos 2014, Mortensen, Coupland and Thøgersen 2017). In this talk, I will argue that the development of a wider concept of sociolinguistic change is also of relevance to the study of English as a lingua franca (ELF). In fact, I want to suggest – and illustrate by means of examples taken from research into the internationalization of Danish universities since the late 1990s – that contexts where English is used as a lingua franca offer particularly ripe sites for the study of sociolinguistic change in late modernity, and that the development of a research agenda for ‘ELF and sociolinguistic change’ holds the potential to be of considerable benefit for sociolinguistics and ELF studies alike. Androutsopoulos, Jannis. 2014. Mediatization and sociolinguistic change: Key concepts, research traditions, open issues. In Androutsopoulos (ed.) Mediatization and Sociolinguistic Change. Berlin: De Gruyter. 3– 48. Coupland, Nikolas. 2009. Dialects, standards and social change. In Marie Maegaard, Frans Gregersen, Pia Quist and Jens Normann Jørgensen (eds.) Language Attitudes, Standardization and Language Change. Oslo: Novus. 27–50. Mortensen, Janus, Nikolas Coupland & Jacob Thøgersen. 2017. Conceptualizing style, mediation, and change. In Mortensen, Coupland and Thøgersen (eds.) Style, Mediation, and Change: Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Talking Media. New York: Oxford University Press. 1–24. Note: This talk is a modified version of a paper first given at ELF and Changing English: 10th Anniversary Conference of English as a Lingua Franca 12-15 June 2017, Helsinki, Finland. (http://www.helsinki.fi/elf10/2017/). " "Ashbery Reading";"The Royal Library at UCPH South Campus";"2017-12-01";"14";"";"";"The Royal Library at UCPH South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7";"Marlene Edelstein, Janus Kodal and Andrew Miller will be giving a commemorative reading of the American poet John Ashbery's poem, Self Portrait in a Convex Mirror.";"Marlene Edelstein, Janus Kodal and Andrew Miller will be giving a commemorative reading of the American poet John Ashbery's poem, Self Portrait in a Convex Mirror. Janus Kodal is a poet and student in the English Master's Programme at the University of Copenhagen Marlene Edelstein er is a former member of the teaching staff at the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (University of Copenhagen) Andrew David Miller a part-time member of staff at the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (University of Copenhagen) " "Heinrich Böll genlæst – i anledning af hans 100-årsdag";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2017-12-01";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Søndre Campus, 24.4.01 (KUA1)";"Offentlig forelæsning ved professor emeritus Per Øhrgaard i samtale med Steen Bille.";"Offentlig forelæsning ved professor emeritus Per Øhrgaard i samtale med Steen Bille. Arrangeret i samarbejde med Dansk-Tysk Selskab. Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne! Yderligere oplysninger: Christian Benne" "Sociophonetics and World Englishes: Empirical Studies";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Engerom Linguistic Circle";"2017-11-30";"17";"";"19";"Søndre Campus, lokale 24.0.11 (KUA1)";"Engerom Linguistic Circle (ELC), ELC#9. Foredragsholdere er hhv. Ingrid Kruse og Victoria Amalie Høyer Kock, der holder oplæg om deres BA projekt.";"Engerom Linguistic Circle (ELC), ELC#9. Dette mødes foredragsholdere er: Ingrid Kruse og Victoria Amalie Høyer Kock, der holder oplæg om deres BA projekt: ""“Since we speak English, we can stay”: A Sociolinguistic Study of English Used as a Lingua Franca in a Nigerian Migrant Community in Copenhagen"" Christina Lieke Andersen, der holder oplæg om sit BA projekt: ""A sociophonetic study of rhoticity among young Bristolians"" Alle er velkomne til at deltage." "Talk: Sådan bliver du udgivet!";"Creative Writing KUA";"2017-11-28";"15.15";"";"";"Study Hub, KUB Syd, Karen Blixens Plads 7";"Kom og hør om, hvad det kræver at blive udgivet i Danmark, når Helle Stavnem og Stinne Lender deler ud af gode råd og erfaringer fra deres arbejde på Politikens Forlag.";"Kom og hør om, hvad det kræver at blive udgivet i Danmark, når Helle Stavnem og Stinne Lender deler ud af gode råd og erfaringer fra deres arbejde på Politikens Forlag. Der bliver rig mulighed for at stille spørgsmål til dem begge og få et indblik i den danske forlags- og forfatterbranche. Efter talken får alle deltagere en eksklusiv mulighed for at få personlig feedback på egne tekster! Ønsker du feedback fra en af de to redaktører, kræver det blot at du sender 1-2 siders tekst til wcx281@alumni.ku.dk senest onsdag d. 22. november kl. 12.00. Det er som altid gratis at deltage, og vi byder på kaffe og te. Har du yderligere spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at skrive til Creative Writing KUA." "Spansk i det danske uddannelsessystem";"Foreningerne AIIA (Academia Intercultural), SIF (Spansk i Folkeskolen) og Spansklærerforeningen i samarbejde med CLAS (Center for Latinamerika-studier, Københavns Universitet)";"2017-11-25";"10.00";"";"15.00";"Søndre Campus, bygning 27, lokale 27.0.09";"Temadag hvor det spanske sprogs fremtid vil blive diskuteret i lyset af de nyeste uddannelsesreformer.";"Temadag hvor det spanske sprogs fremtid vil blive diskuteret i lyset af de nyeste uddannelsesreformer. Kom og vær med til at sætte ord på vores fælles ønsker for spanskundervisningens overlevelse og konsolidering i det danske undervisningssystem! Foreningerne AIIA (Academia Intercultural), SIF (Spansk i Folkeskolen) og Spansk-lærerforeningen i samarbejde med CLAS (Center for Latinamerikastudier – Københavns Universitet) inviterer alle interesserede til et møde, hvor det spanske sprogs fremtid diskuteres i lyset af de nyeste uddannelsesreformer. Program 10.00 - 10.20 Velkomst og kort introduktion til den aktuelle debat om faget spansk i Danmark såvel som i udlandet 10.20 - 12.00 Inviterede oplægsholdere: - Morten Rievers Heiberg (professor i Spaniens historie, Københavns Universitet) - Ulla Ringgaard (redaktør på Gyldendal) - Marianne Abrahamsen (tidl. fagkonsulent i spansk) - Susana Silvia Fernández (lektor i Kommunikation og sprog, Aarhus - Universitet) - Irma Kobæk (formand for Spansklærerforeningen) - Karen Risager (professor emerita, Cultural Encounters, Intercultural Studies, RUC) - Jannie Grue (repræsentant for SIF) Vi forventer desuden deltagere fra Undervisningsministeriet og de politiske partier 12.00 - 13.00 Frokost 13.00 - 14.45 Diskussion i grupper og efterfølgende debat 14.45 - 15.00 Afslutning Mere information om programmet på www.aiia.dk, www.class.hum.dk og www.spansklaererforeningen.dk Arrangementet er blevet til som et samarbejde mellem Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) med støtte fra Det Humanistiske Fakultet og Humrådet ved Københavns Universitet." "Was von Luther übrig bleibt:";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2017-11-24";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Søndre Campus, 24.4.01 (KUA1)";"Offentlig forelæsning ved Dr. Anke Heier, Københavns Universitet.";"Der gegenwärtige massenmediale Umgang mit der historischen Person Martin Luthers Offentlig forelæsning ved Dr. Anke Heier, Københavns Universitet. Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne! Yderligere oplysninger: Christian Benne" "Om fremmedsprogenes udvikling eller afvikling";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2017-11-17";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Søndre Campus, 24.4.01 (KUA1)";"Offentlig forelæsning ved lektor Mette Skovgaard Andersen, Copenhagen Business School.";"Offentlig forelæsning ved lektor Mette Skovgaard Andersen, Copenhagen Business School. Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne! Yderligere oplysninger: Christian Benne" "William Blake: Radical Christianity, Religious Cultures, and the Politics of Print";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-11-10";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.50";"Robert W. Rix defends his doctoral dissertation.";"Robert W. Rix defends his doctoral dissertation. Official Opponents Professor Christoph Bode (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), 1st opponent Dr Sarah Haggarty (University of Cambridge), 2nd opponent Opponents ex auditorio can sign up to the head of defense. Professor Charles Lock is chairman of the assessment committee. Head of defense Professor Ulf Hedetoft, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Practical information The dissertation will made available at the Royal Library in Copenhagen or Aarhus as well as at the library of the Saxo Institute, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 8, room 12-2-39 (KUA2). The assessment committee's recommendation can be requested for DKK 1 per page by contacting the faculty's publication unit, Publi©Kom, Karen Blixens Plads 8, room 11A-0-02 or publikom@hum.ku.dk." "Unter der Oberfläche des Alltags";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2017-11-10";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Søndre Campus, 24.4.01 (KUA1)";"Offene Vorlesung von Lektor Kathrin Maurer, Syddansk Universitet.";"Stadtwahrnehmungen in der modernen Kurzprosa Offene Vorlesung von Lektor Kathrin Maurer, Syddansk Universitet. Anmeldung nicht notwendig, jeder ist willkommen! Weitere Informationen: Christian Benne" "Fejring af 100-året for den mexikanske forfatter Juán Rulfos fødsel";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Center for Latinamerikastudier";"2017-11-03";"14:00";"2017-11-03";"18:00";"Søndre Campus, lokale 27.1.47";"Oplæg i forbindelse med fejringen af 100-året for forfatterens fødsel.";" Juan Rulfo Oplægsholdere Professor Martin Zerlang (Institut for Kunst og Kulturvidenskab, KU)Juan Rulfo - the lonely storyteller Professor Charles Lock (Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, KU)Juan Rulfo and the influence of T. S. Eliot. Lektor Hans Julio Casado Jensen (Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, KU)El descenso al mundo de los muertos: Pedro Páramo como elaboración de un motivo antiquísimo. Lektor Jan GustafssonJuan Rulfo, el fotógrafo. Vin, musik og mexicanske øl!" "Frigørelsen af forbrugeren";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2017-10-27";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Søndre Campus, 24.4.01 (KUA1)";"Offentligt forelæsning af lektor Niklas Olsen, Saxo-Instituttet, Københavns Universitet.";"Politisk semantik i den tidlige Forbundsrepublik Offentligt forelæsning af lektor Niklas Olsen, Saxo-Instituttet, Københavns Universitet. Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne! Yderligere oplysninger: Christian Benne" "Literature, Lyrics and Linguistics";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / ENGEROM Linguistics Circle";"2017-10-26";"17:00";"2017-10-26";"19:00";"Søndre Campus, 24.0.11";"Engerom Linguistic Circle (ELC), ELC#8";"Engerom Linguistic Circle (ELC), ELC#8 Dette mødes foredragsholdere er Jonas Gadegaard og Mads Bolding Fenger Poulsen, der holder oplæg om hhv. ""It Don't Get No Bigger: African American Vernacular English Usage in Hip-Hop"" og ""Harbouring Hamlet: Where Harrowing Translative Travels Across Two Centuries Have Taken the Prince of Denmark"" Alle er velkomne til at deltage!" "IV Jornadas Pedagógicas de Português 2017";"";"2017-10-26";"08:30";"2017-10-28";"16:00";"Room 22.0.11 and 23.0.49 ";"Conference Theme: Perspectives and Challenges of Portuguese Language Education in Scandinavia and the World";"We would like to invite you to IV Jornadas Pedagógicas de Português, that take place at the University of Copenhagen from the 26th to the 28th of October 2017. This conference provides an opportunity for academics and professionals from various educational fields to share their knowledge, and research findings. They will discuss and reflect on current challenges and professional educational possibilities in teaching Portuguese as Mother Tongue/Native Language and PLE- Portuguese Foreign Language, both in Scandinavia and in other parts of the world with their colleagues and the academic community." "Luther, det tyske skriftsprogs fader?";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2017-10-13";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Søndre Campus, 24.4.01 (KUA1)";"Offentligt forelæsning ved Vibeke Winge, dr.phil.";"Offentligt forelæsning ved Vibeke Winge, dr.phil. Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne! Yderligere oplysninger: Christian Benne" "Fransk specialeaften";"Fransk Alumneforening";"2017-10-11";"19:30";"2017-10-11";"";"24.2.11";"Fransk Alumneforening indbyder til specialeaften";"Fransk Alumneforening indbyder til specialeaften onsdag den 11. oktober 2017 kl. 19.30 på Københavns Universitet Amager (lokale 24.2.11). Kom og få en fransk saltvandsindsprøjtning om aktuelle problemstillinger i den fransksprogede verden. Hør om nogle af de interessante og mangfoldige franskrelaterede emner, der er blevet skrevet speciale om inden for det sidste år, eller bliv inspireret til at skrive dit eget speciale. I aftenens løb vil der både komme fokus på konkrete emner, men også på selve specialeskrivningsprocessen, dvs. hvordan man kommer fra idé til konkret produkt. Og så vil der ikke mindst blive rig mulighed for at stille spørgsmål til oplægsholderne! Følgende tre kandidater vil præsentere deres speciale: Eva Holm Dideriksen: Kulturbrugeren i centrum? - Et komparativt casestudie af et års fransk og dansk kulturformidling I specialet har jeg lavet en sammenlignende undersøgelse af de kulturprojekter som presse- og kulturafdelingen ved Danmarks Ambassade i Paris organiserede i Frankrig og de projekter som Institut français du Danemark organiserede i Danmark i 2016. Baseret på kommunikations- og kulturformidlingsteori udformede jeg et kategoriseringsskema til at afgøre i hvilken grad de to institutioner inddrog modtagerlandets kulturbruger i det enkelte kulturprojekt, baseret på det enkelte projekts tilrettelæggelse. Jeg har desuden diskuteret, hvorvidt den praktiske brugerinddragelse var i overensstemmelse med Danmark og Frankrigs overordnede retningslinjer for landenes internationale kulturformidling samt hvilke forskelle og ligheder, der var i de to institutioners måder at kulturformidle på. Jeg vurderede afslutningsvis hvilken indflydelse faktorer som formidlingssprog, partnerinddragelse og kulturelt fokus kunne have på hvordan og i hvor høj grad kulturbrugeren inddrages i institutionernes kulturformidling samt hvilke kompetencer det kræves hos brugeren, for at denne kan deltage aktivt i formidlingen. Caroline Arp: Strategisk kompetence i begynderundervisningen i fransk Dette speciale er et effektstudie af folkeskoleelevers tilegnelse af strategisk kompetence igennem direkte arbejde med flersprogethedsdidaktik samt kommunikations- og sproglæringsstrategier i franskundervisningen. Både fysiske og psykiske faktorer peger på, at børn er bedre til at lære sprog end voksne. Derfor må det være en fordel for elevernes sprogkompetencer, at man med skolereformen i 2014 indførte undervisning i andet fremmedsprog (dvs. tysk og fransk) allerede på 5. klassetrin. Desuden skal sprogundervisningen i folkeskolen være kommunikativ og bygge på det funktionelle sprogsyn, og der lægges i Fælles Mål vægt på begrebet ’strategier’, herunder kommunikations- og sproglæringsstrategier. Men kan man overhovedet undervise i dette på 5. klassetrin, og i så fald hvordan? Laura Stensberg: Kulturpolitik og public service - en komparativ undersøgelse af anvendelsen af public service i danske og franske medieinstitutioner Specialet undersøger, hvilke forskelle og ligheder der findes mellem fransk og dansk kulturpolitik, og hvorledes dette afspejles i public service anvendelsen for DR og France Télévisions. Der undersøges altså hvorvidt og i så fald hvordan den danske og den franske tradition for kulturpolitik adskiller sig med udgangspunkt i anvendelsen af public service. Således undersøges public service i en dansk og fransk kontekst, hvorved begrebets anvendelse i statsejede medieinstitutioner afklares. Specialet undersøger endvidere, hvordan begrebet beskrives og italesættes i officielle statslige vedtægter som lovgivning og mediekontrakter. Fransk Alumneforening byder i aftenens løb på kaffe, te, kage og et glas vin. Tilmelding til arrangementet skal ske senest søndag den 8. oktober 2017 til franskalumne@hotmail.com Arrangementet er gratis for medlemmer og koster 25 kroner for ikke-medlemmer." """Nur was nicht aufhört, weh zu thun, bleibt im Gedächtniss” (Nietzsche)";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2017-10-06";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Søndre Campus, 24.4.01 (KUA1)";"Offene Vorlesung von Professor Dr. Günter Blamberger, Universität zu Köln.";"– Über Kleists Beunruhigungskraft Offene Vorlesung von Professor Dr. Günter Blamberger, Universität zu Köln. Anmeldung nicht notwendig, jeder ist willkommen! Weitere Informationen: Christian Benne" "Translation, Phonetics and Phonology";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / ENGEROM Linguistics Circle";"2017-09-28";"17:00";"2017-09-28";"19:00";"Søndre Campus, 24.0.11";"Møde i Engerom Linguistic Circle.";"Møde i Engerom Linguistic Circle. Dette mødes foredragsholdere er Alexandra Sahl og Michael Bach Ipsen, der holder oplæg om henholdsvis ""A study on the effect of increased CPS [characters per second] in subtitles in different media cultures"" og ""Voice onset time (VOT) in Danish and Swedish for speakers of both languages"". Alle er velkomne til at deltage!" "Vocabulary in academic speaking";"Engerom";"2017-09-28";"10:00";"2017-09-28";"12:00";"27.0.17";"Guest lecture by Dr. Averil Coxhead, Victoria University of Wellington";"Guest lecture by Dr. Averil Coxhead, Victoria University of Wellington Averil Coxhead, Senior Lecturer at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, is the author of The Academic Word List (2000, A new academic word list. TESOL Quarterly 34(2): 213-38). She has worked extensively within vocabulary research and is very interested in the applied aspects of her research in relation to language teaching. Averil’s current research projects include investigating vocabulary for academic and professional purposes in international schools, trades education, and university studies, as well as testing vocabulary size. Her publications include a number of books focusing on vocabulary: Coxhead, A. (2017). Vocabulary and English for Specific Purposes Research: Quantitative and qualitative perspectives. London: Routledge. Greene, J. Coxhead, A. (2015). Academic Vocabulary for Middle School Students: Research-Based Lists and Strategies for Key Content Areas. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing. Coxhead, A. (Ed.) (2014). New ways in teaching vocabulary, revised.Alexandria, Virginia: TESOL Inc. Coxhead, A. (2011). Using vocabulary in writing in a second language: Writing from sources. Koln : LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Coxhead, A. (2006). Essentials of teaching academic vocabulary. Boston: Houghton Mifflin " "Spansk- og portugisisksproget litteraturfestival 2017";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / spanskfaget, Casa Latinoamericana, Editorial Aurora Boreal";"2017-09-27";"";"2017-09-29";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 27.0.09";"For tredje år i træk arrangeres en spansk- og portugisisksproget litteraturfestival på ENGEROM.";"For tredje år i træk arrangeres en spansk- og portugisisksproget litteraturfestival på ENGEROM. I lighed med tidligere år bliver den første dag afholdt på dansk og omhandler de kulturelle og historiske udvekslinger mellem Danmark og den spansk- og portugisisksprogede verden. De to øvrige dage foregår på spansk og portugisisk og tæller en række fremtrædende forfattere og akademikere. Program kan ses og downloades fra festivalens hjemmeside." "De Borges a Nolan: ´Inception´ como representación posmoderna";"Engerom";"2017-09-22";"14:00";"2017-09-22";"16:00";"27.1.49";"Foredrag v. Javier Campo (Universidad del Cine, Buenos Aires)";"Som et præ-event for den spansk- og portugisisksprogede litteraturfestival afholdes dette foredrag v. film- og medieforskeren Javier Campo om paralleller ml. Borges’ forfatterskab og Christopher Nolans film Inception. Foredraget holdes på spansk." "PhD-præforsvar ved Nils Voisin Schultz";"Engerom";"2017-09-13";"13:15";"2017-09-13";"15:00";"27.1.49";"Fransk forfaldstænkning i det tidlige 21. Århundrede.";"Fransk forfaldstænkning i det tidlige 21. Århundrede. Opponent: Professor emeritus Svend Erik Larsen (Århus Universitet) 13. september, kl. 13.15-15, lokale: 27.1.49" "Latin America and the First World War";"CLAS";"2017-09-12";"12:15";"2017-09-12";"14:00";"KUA1 27.0.17";"Book Presentation, Lecture and Discussion";"Book Presentation, Lecture and Discussion Professor Stefan Rinke (Freie Universität Berlin) Discussant: Professor Charles Lock (University of Copenhagen)" "PhD-præforsvar ved Troels Hughes Hansen";"Engerom";"2017-09-11";"15.15";"2017-09-11";"17.00";"27.1.49";"’Broum!...’ De vidnende funktioner hos den sene Louis-Ferdinand Céline.";"’Broum!...’ De vidnende funktioner hos den sene Louis-Ferdinand Céline. PhD-præforsvar ved Troels Hughes Hansen Opponent: prof. Frederik Tygstrup (Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, KUA) 11. september, kl. 15.15-17, lokale 27.1.49" "Deutschland vor der Bundestagswahl";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2017-09-08";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Søndre Campus, 24.4.01 (KUA1)";"Offene Vorlesung von Karsten Voigt, Berlin.";"Herausforderungen, Erwartungen und Kandidaten Offene Vorlesung von Karsten Voigt, Berlin. Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne! Yderligere oplysninger: Christian Benne" "KU Literary Festival";"Forum for Litteraturforskning";"2017-09-01";"9:00";"2017-09-01";"17:00";"Se beskrivelse";"‘Forum for Litteraturforskning’ inviterer til litteraturfestival fredag den 1. september, og det ville glæde os meget hvis især Ph.d.-studerende og KA-studerende havde lyst til at være med. Litteraturfestivalen handler om at vise hvordan litteraturkritikken på KU ser ud i dag, give inspiration, og fejre litteraturens rolle på Københavns Universitet.";"‘Forum for Litteraturforskning’ inviterer til litteraturfestival fredag den 1. september, og det ville glæde os meget hvis især Ph.d.-studerende og KA-studerende havde lyst til at være med. Litteraturfestivalen handler om at vise hvordan litteraturkritikken på KU ser ud i dag, give inspiration, og fejre litteraturens rolle på Københavns Universitet. Formiddagens program består af inspirationsoplæg fra KU’s litteraturforskere – program her: https://kuliteraryfestival.wordpress.com. Det bliver korte, fyndige og spændende nedslag i de nyeste idéer og forskningsstrømninger på KU. Om eftermiddagen rykker festivalen til LiteraturHaus i Møllegade som en del af poesifestivalen ‘Reverse’. Her har vi to livlige debatter om litteraturkritikkens rolle i dag, med både lokale og internationale debattører. Der er gratis adgang. Programmet er her: https://www.reversecph.com/program/ Det står én frit om man vil komme til hele dagen eller blot enkelte dele. Man må meget gerne komme til eftermiddagens program selv om man ikke kunne deltage om formiddagen." "Spansk semesterstartsmøde, efterår 2017";"Engerom";"2017-09-01";"10:15";"2017-09-01";"12:00";"24.4.01";"Semesterstartsmøde Spansk.";"Semesterstartsmøde Spansk." "Fransk semesterstartsmøde, efterår 2017 ";"Engerom";"2017-09-01";"10:00";"2017-09-01";"11:30";"24.1.45";"Semesterstartsmøde for franskstuderende på andet år.";"Kære franskstuderende på andet år, Fredag den 1/9 fra 10.00 til 11.30 vil der være semesterstartsmøde for jer. Her vil I kunne høre om de kurser, I skal have på 3. semester, hvilke bøger I skal anskaffe jer, og hvad I skal forberede til første undervisningsgang. På mødet vil I også høre om relevante franskfaglige arrangementer i det kommende semester samt om næste forårs studietur til Lyon. På mødet vil vi servere kaffe, the og rundstykker. Vi skal være i lokale 24.1.45. Vel mødt! Mange hilsner Jan Lindschouw, fagleder i fransk" "PhD pre-defence - Jakob Skovgaard";"Engerom";"2017-06-07";"14:15";"";"16:00";"Room 22.0.47";"Renegotiating Responsibility: Anti-Apartheid Campaigns against British Companies, 1969-1992. PhD pre-defense by Jakob Skovgaard (Ph.d. fellow, ENGEROM)Discussant: Mads P. Sørensen (Aarhus University)";"Renegotiating Responsibility: Anti-Apartheid Campaigns against British Companies, 1969-1992. PhD pre-defense by Jakob Skovgaard (Ph.d. fellow, ENGEROM)Discussant: Mads P. Sørensen (Aarhus University)NB! The event will be in Danish." "PhD defence - Christian Damm Pedersen";"Faculty of Humanities ";"2017-06-01";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49 ";"Room 23.0.49. Christian Damm Pedersen defends his PhD thesis: African decolonisation and the fate of Britishness 1959-1965";"African decolonisation and the fate of Britishness 1959-1965 Christian Damm Pedersen defends his PhD thesis. Astract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Professor Morten Heiberg, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Casper Andersen (Aarhus University) Professor Wendy Webster (University of Huddersfield) Moderator of the defence Head of Department Jørn Boisen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6. " "The N itself-konstruktionen på tværs af domæner";"Engerom/Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring";"2017-05-31";"15";"";"17";"Lokale 24.2.07";"Af Kim Ebensgaard Jensen";"Nominalkonstruktionen ’the N itself’ har fået ganske lidt opmærksomhed i faglitteraturen. De forskere, der har beskæftiget sig med den enten nævner den kort ifbm. leksikale relationer eller fokuserer på betydningskonstruktionsprocesser uden at skele til variation. I dette ganske vist eksplorative studie, som er baseret på data i Open American National Corpus, behandles blandt andet semantisk/funktionel variation i konstruktionen på tværs af de domæner (eller registre, om man vil), der dokumenteres i korpusset. Af Kim Ebensgaard Jensen" "Fremmedsprog i Danmark";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2017-05-19";"13.15";"";"14.45";"AFLYST!";"AFLYST! Foredrag af lektor Mette Skovgaard Andersen (CBS) AFLYST!";"AFLYST! Foredrag af lektor Mette Skovgaard Andersen (CBS) AFLYST!" "Der Sammler und die Seinigen";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2017-05-05";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-1-13";"Tysk Fredag: Foredrag af dr. Pál Kelemen (Budapest/Berlin).";"Tysk Fredag: Foredrag af dr. Pál Kelemen (Budapest/Berlin). Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne! Arrangør/yderligere oplysninger: Christian Benne. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Utopía y populismo en el siglo XXI";"Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA)/Centre for Latin American Studies";"2017-05-04";"17";"";"18:45";"LUGAR: Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Njalsgade 128-130, Copenhague S. AULA: 24.2.11 ";"Lokale 24.2.11. 4. møde i forelæsningsrække om utopi og populisme. Forelæsningsrækken foregår på spansk og er arrangeret af studenterforeningen AIIA i samarbejde med CLAS.";"Curso sobre Utopia y Populismo La asociación Academia Intercultural - Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA) y el Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CLAS) de la Universidad de Copenhague organizan este curso abierto a todos los interesados. A través de un repaso histórico del pensamiento utópico y del análisis de algunas manifestaciones populistas en América y en Europa se intentarán dar respuesta a preguntas como qué se entiende por populismo y para qué nos sirven las utopías, además de la relación entre ambos términos. Este curso desea ofrecer las herramientas teóricas necesarias para construir un foro de discusión crítico en torno a estos dos términos de tan compleja definición. El curso estará a cargo de Erick Gonzalo Palomares (Ph. D. en Gobierno y Administración Pública por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid) y Elena Ansótegui (Licenciada en Humanidades por la Universidad de Burgos y en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad de Copenhague). Invitados especiales Jan Gustafsson, Ph.D., profesor del Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Copenhague. Anne Marie Ejdesgaard Jeppesen, Ph.D., profesora del Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Copenhague. Inscríbete mandando un mensaje a kontakt@aiia.dk. El curso es gratis para todos los estudiantes de la KU y los socios de AIIA. *********************************************************** Forelæsningsrækken består af 5 dobbeltlektioner (2 x 45 minutter) og er åben for alle interesserede. Tilmeld dig ved at sende en e-mail til kontakt@aiia.dk med emnet “utopia”. Gratis adgang for alle studerende ved KU samt AIIA's medlemmer." "Fernes Deutschland – so nah";"Institut für English, Germanistik und Romanistik";"2017-05-03";"15.30";"";"19";"Søndre Campus, Raum 24.4.01";"Austausch zwischen Gymnasium und Universität. Lehrende aus dem Bereich der Deutschstudien laden alle Gymnasiallehrerinnen und –lehrer zu einem Inspirationsnachmittag mit Vorträgen zu Literatur, Sprache und Kultur ein.";"Lehrende aus dem Bereich der Deutschstudien laden alle Gymnasiallehrerinnen und –lehrer zu einem Inspirationsnachmittag mit Vorträgen zu Literatur, Sprache und Kultur ein. Die Vorträge werfen verschiedene forschungsbasierte Perspektiven auf Deutsch als Fach und als Disziplin, die nützlich für Unterricht und Vermittlung sind. Einer der Vorträge widmet sich dabei einem aktuellen Thema aus der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Mit dieser Veranstaltung hoffen wir auch, den Dialog zwischen Gymnasium und Universität zu vertiefen. Die Teilnahme ist gratis! Anmeldung per Mail bis spätestens 14. April 2017 beim neuen DAAD-Lektor an der Universität Kopenhagen, Lars Behnke. Programm 15.30 Einstimmung bei Kaffee und Tee 16.00 Literatur im Sprachunterricht: Warum? Was? Wie? (Christian Benne) Der Vortrag erläutert zunächst die Gründe, die aus literaturwissenschaftlicher Sicht für den verstärkten Einsatz von Literatur im Spracherwerb sprechen. Er macht ferner konkrete Vorschläge für geeignete Texte und demonstriert schließlich, wie man mit Literatur jenseits bloßer Lektüre kreativ und produktiv arbeiten kann. Dabei kommen u.a. das Verhältnis der Literatur zu anderen Künsten, die Arbeitstechniken der Philologie, aber auch der Einsatz von digitaler Technologie zur Sprache. 16.40 Ist Deutsch dem Dänischen zu nah, um erlernt zu werden? (Lars Behnke) Um dänischen Schülern das Erlernen des Deutschen schmackhaft zu machen, wird häufig auf die große Ähnlichkeit zwischen beiden Sprachen hingewiesen. Wer als Däne mit dem Deutschlernen beginnt, bringt schon viel Wissen „von Zuhause“ mit, und das erleichtert das Lernen, so in etwa das Argument. Doch lauert in diesem Ansatz auch die Gefahr, zu viel aus der eigenen Sprache zu übertragen? Dieser Vortrag soll einen Blickwechsel versuchen: Er stellt anhand ausgewählter Beispiele aus Grammatik und Aussprache zur Diskussion, ob man dem Deutschen nicht vielleicht näherkommt, wenn man mit dem Lernen an solchen Stellen beginnt, an denen es sich deutlich vom Dänischen unterscheidet und daher fremd erscheint. Dabei soll gezeigt werden, dass ‚fremd‘ nicht immer gleich ‚schwer‘ bedeuten muss. 17.10 Die internationale Dimension im Deutschunterricht (Petra Daryai-Hansen) Laut der dänischen Gymnasialreform, die im Schuljahr 2017/18 in Kraft tritt, sollen die globalen Kompetenzen der Schüler in allen Fächern gestärkt werden. Der Vortrag wird der Frage nachgehen, was globale Kompetenzen sind, und auf der Grundlage eines Forschungsprojekts, das in den letzten Jahren vom dänischen Unterrichtsministerium finanziert wurde, diskutieren, wie die globalen Kompetenzen der Schüler im Deutschunterricht gestärkt werden können. 18.00 Abschluss bei Wein und Snacks 19.00 Ende" "Antonio Gramscis Aktualitet?";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk & Institut for Statskundskab";"2017-04-28";"8:30";"";"16:30";"CSS, Øster Farimagsgade 5, lokale 25.01.53";"I anledning af 80-året for den italienske politiske tænker Antonio Gramscis død i 1937 inviterer Institut for Statskundskab og Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk til seminar om Antonio Gramscis aktualitet.";"I anledning af 80-året for den italienske politiske tænker Antonio Gramscis død i 1937 efter en lang periode i fascistisk fængsel inviterer Institut for Statskundskab og Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, begge Københavns Universitet, til seminar om Antonio Gramscis aktualitet. Program 8.30 Kaffe, finde pladser 9.00 Gert Sørensen Velkommen! 9.15 Bob Jessop Gramsci and Cultural Political Economy Opposition: Louise Phillips and Lars Tønder Spørgsmål og debat: Moderator, Birthe Hansen 10.45 Kaffepause 11.00 Claus Bryld Gramsci set fra nord: Samme strategi i forskellig sprogdragt? Gert Sørensen Gramsci, historicismen og nyere italiensk tænkning Spørgsmål og debat: Moderator, André Sonnichsen 12.00 Frokost 13.00 Allan Dreyer Hansen Nationalt folkelige identiteter – globaliseringens og højrepopulismens udfordringer Jan Helbak Den neoliberale tænknings hegemoni som strukturpsykologisk problem Spørgsmål og debat: AS 14.00 Oscar Garcia Agustin og Martin Bak Jørgensen Solidaritet og sociale alliancer – Gramsci og flygtningekrisen Spørgsmål og debat: Moderator, Niels Boel 15. 00 Kaffe 15.30 Emil Husted Alternativets ideologi – ‘værdibaseret politik’ som identitetsmarkør og styringsmekanisme Carsten Jensen Podemos Et gramsciansk parti i en postgramsciansk verden Spørgsmål og debat: NB 16.30 Afslutning; Vand, vin, snak og snacks Henvendelse: Gert Sørensen" "Moder Jords Dag 2017";"Engerom/Centre for Latin American Studies/Academia Intercultural";"2017-04-28";"14";"";"21";"Søndre Campus, Emil Holms Kanal 6, bygning 24, lokale 24.2.07";"Vær med til at fejre Moder Jords Dag, hvor mennesker verden over markerer nødvendigheden af at tage fælles ansvar for en bægerdygtig fremtid. Academia Intercultural/ Det Interkulturelle Akademi fejrer i samarbejde med Center for Latinamerikastudier, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) ved Københavns Universitet menneskets samhørighed med naturen.";"Vær med til at fejre Moder Jords Dag, hvor mennesker verden over markerer nødvendigheden af at tage fælles ansvar for en bægerdygtig fremtid. Academia Intercultural/ Det Interkulturelle Akademi fejrer i samarbejde med Center for Latinamerikastudier, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) ved Københavns Universitet menneskets samhørighed med naturen. Program 14:00 - Seminar om Moder Jord (KUA1, 24.2.07) Velkomst v. repræsentant fra Academia Intercultural-Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AiiA) Maya Pasgaard - Uddannet biolog (KU), Phd i miljøviden og miljøpolitik (KU) og Adjunkt på Geografi (KU)Fokusområder omfatter tropisk afskovning og skovbevaring, lighed og lokalsamfund, klima- og udviklingspolitik, ekspertise- og sikkerheds-dimensioner i naturbevaring. ”Klimaforskning er globalt skævvredet - et blik på de samfundspolitiske og akademiske perspektiver”""De rigeste, mindst sårbare og mest CO2-udledende lande bidrager mest til produktion af klimaviden, mens de fattigste og mest sårbare lande halter bagefter. Samarbejde om klimaforskning er grupperet og et begrænset antal lande dominerer regionalt. Med udgangspunkt i et studie af over 15.000 videnskabelige publikationer og med fokus på spansktalende lande, lægges der op til en debat om vidensdeling og forskningssamarbejde i klimaforskning, og jeg spørger hvilken rolle humanister kan og bør spille på den ellers naturvidenskabelige arena."" Tomas Refslund Poulsen - Grøn Campus, Københavns UniversitetKUs bæredygtighedsmål og indsats. Særligt på energi og klimaOm bæredygtig hverdag på KUBæredygtighedsprojekt på Sønder Campus - med ønske om at involvere de studerendeDiskussion om hvad der optager de studerende i relation til bæredygtighed i hverdagen på KU/Sønder Campus. Debat 15:00 - Ceremoni for Moder Jord v. Laura Ponce Gartmann(Gården mellem bygning 24 og 25 KUA 1) Vi fejrer Moder Jords dag med en latinamerikansk (Ecuador) ceremoni fra andesregionen. Ceremonien er en meget gammel tradition i den kosmogoni fra regionen (skabelsesberetning) det har sine rødder for den pre-spanske erobring og som har overlevet som en synkretisme af de to kultur. I Andeskosmogonien anerkender vi at Moder Jord (Pachamama) er et levende væsen ligesom alt det, der eksisterer i perfekt harmoni i det uendelige univers. Som menneske anerkender vi, at vi er en del af alt og at vi ikke er bedre end alt det anden. Til ceremonien drikker vi chicha (en drik der stammer fra inka tiden) som bruges i ceremonier for at skabe en følelse af samhørighed. Den er laver af majs, forskellige urter og krydderurter. Den har medicinske egenskaber. Er sammensat af næringsstoffer, vitaminer og mineraler. Fremmer udskillelse af gift- og affaldsstoffer og så smager det fantastisk! Vi slutter ceremonien af med en folkedans som også er en måde at takke Moder Jord for alt det vi har fået fra hende. Den er meget simpel og hjælper med samhørighedsfølelsen Det er Laura der stå for ceremonien. Hun er en medicin kvinde, billedkunstner, danser og skuespiller og læser pt til psykomotorisk terapeut. Musik af Oxana Solé Sorokoletova som er leder af kulturprojektet ""Ballet across Borders"", freelance rejseleder, tolk, danser, videograf og naturfotograf. 16:00 - Skattejagt (sponsoreret af Academic Books) 17:00 - Musik og lidt mad/snacks (Mødestedet - ligger på Søndre Campus i Bygning 11A (det grønne område til venstre for hovedindgangen). Arrangør Center for Latinamerikastudier (CLAS) www.clas.hum.ku.dk, Academia Intercultural/Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AiiA) www.AiiA.dk OG Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) med støttet fra Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Humrådet, Academic books, og Kantina Fazer Tak til dygtige gartnere fra KUA" "Überlegungen zu einer Neuinterpretation der Revolution 1918/19";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2017-04-28";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-1-13";"Tysk Fredag: Foredrag af Prof. dr. Karl Heinrich Pohl (Kiel).";"Tysk Fredag: Foredrag af Prof. dr. Karl Heinrich Pohl (Kiel). Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne! Arrangør/spørgsmål: Christian Benne. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Foredrag af Natalia Auer og Rawand Samal Jalal";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Sprog i de videregående uddannelser";"2017-04-26";"9";"";"11";"TBA";"Hvordan kan man støtte læsning af digitale tekster? Og hvordan er flersprogede elevers kompetencer i engelsk?";"Natalia Auer Digital læsning på fremmedsprog; Hvordan kan man støtte læsning af digitale tekster? Hvordan kan digitale redskaber bruges som læsningsstøtte? Rawand Samal Jalal Flersprogede elevers kompetencer i engelsk som deres L3 sammenlignet med deres etsprogede jævnaldrenes kompetencer i engelsk som deres L2" "El populismo en América Latina";"Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA)/Centre for Latin American Studies";"2017-04-25";"17";"";"18:45";"LUGAR: Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Njalsgade 128-130, Copenhague S. AULA: 24.2.11 ";"Lokale 24.2.11. 4. møde i forelæsningsrække om utopi og populisme. Anne Marie Jeppesen: El populismo en América Latina y su relevancia para comprender el populismo de hoy. Forelæsningsrækken foregår på spansk og er arrangeret af studenterforeningen AIIA i samarbejde med CLAS.";"Curso sobre Utopia y Populismo 18:00, Anne Marie Jeppesen: El populismo en América Latina y su relevancia para comprender el populismo de hoy. La asociación Academia Intercultural - Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA) y el Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CLAS) de la Universidad de Copenhague organizan este curso abierto a todos los interesados. A través de un repaso histórico del pensamiento utópico y del análisis de algunas manifestaciones populistas en América y en Europa se intentarán dar respuesta a preguntas como qué se entiende por populismo y para qué nos sirven las utopías, además de la relación entre ambos términos. Este curso desea ofrecer las herramientas teóricas necesarias para construir un foro de discusión crítico en torno a estos dos términos de tan compleja definición. El curso estará a cargo de Erick Gonzalo Palomares (Ph. D. en Gobierno y Administración Pública por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid) y Elena Ansótegui (Licenciada en Humanidades por la Universidad de Burgos y en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad de Copenhague). Invitados especiales Jan Gustafsson, Ph.D., profesor del Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Copenhague. Anne Marie Ejdesgaard Jeppesen, Ph.D., profesora del Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Copenhague. Inscríbete mandando un mensaje a kontakt@aiia.dk. El curso es gratis para todos los estudiantes de la KU y los socios de AIIA. *********************************************************** Forelæsningsrækken består af 5 dobbeltlektioner (2 x 45 minutter) og er åben for alle interesserede. Tilmeld dig ved at sende en e-mail til kontakt@aiia.dk med emnet “utopia”. Gratis adgang for alle studerende ved KU samt AIIA's medlemmer." "Forestillinger om Tyskland og Danmark";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2017-04-21";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-1-13";"Foredragsrækken Tysk Fredag: Foredrag af Per Øhrgaard og Detlef Siegfried.";"Nationale opfattelser og selvopfattelser efter 1945 Foredrag ved professor emeritus Per Øhrgaard (CBS/KU) og professor Detlef Siegfried (KU). I samarbejde med det Dansk-Tysk Selskab. Ordstyrer: Steen Bille. Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne! Arrangør/spørgsmål: Christian Benne. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "La utopía en América Latina";"Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA)/Centre for Latin American Studies";"2017-04-18";"17";"";"18:45";"LUGAR: Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Njalsgade 128-130, Copenhague S. AULA: 24.2.11 ";"Lokale 24.2.11. 3. møde i forelæsningsrække om utopi og populisme. Jan Gustafsson: Cuba, ejemplo y paradigma de la utopía nacional. Forelæsningsrækken foregår på spansk og er arrangeret af studenterforeningen AIIA i samarbejde med CLAS.";"Curso sobre Utopia y Populismo 18:00, Jan Gustafsson: Cuba, ejemplo y paradigma de la utopía nacional. La asociación Academia Intercultural - Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA) y el Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CLAS) de la Universidad de Copenhague organizan este curso abierto a todos los interesados. A través de un repaso histórico del pensamiento utópico y del análisis de algunas manifestaciones populistas en América y en Europa se intentarán dar respuesta a preguntas como qué se entiende por populismo y para qué nos sirven las utopías, además de la relación entre ambos términos. Este curso desea ofrecer las herramientas teóricas necesarias para construir un foro de discusión crítico en torno a estos dos términos de tan compleja definición. El curso estará a cargo de Erick Gonzalo Palomares (Ph. D. en Gobierno y Administración Pública por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid) y Elena Ansótegui (Licenciada en Humanidades por la Universidad de Burgos y en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad de Copenhague). Invitados especiales Jan Gustafsson, Ph.D., profesor del Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Copenhague. Anne Marie Ejdesgaard Jeppesen, Ph.D., profesora del Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Copenhague. Inscríbete mandando un mensaje a kontakt@aiia.dk. El curso es gratis para todos los estudiantes de la KU y los socios de AIIA. *********************************************************** Forelæsningsrækken består af 5 dobbeltlektioner (2 x 45 minutter) og er åben for alle interesserede. Tilmeld dig ved at sende en e-mail til kontakt@aiia.dk med emnet “utopia”. Gratis adgang for alle studerende ved KU samt AIIA's medlemmer." "Land der Extreme. Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert";"Engerom, SAXO, den tyske ambassade og Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart";"2017-04-07";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A.1.13";"Lokale 15A.1.13. Foredrag og debat med Ulrich Herbert, Universität Freiburg. Arrangementet foregår på tysk.";"Foredrag og debat med Ulrich Herbert, Universität Freiburg. Arrangementet foregår på tysk. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Lunfardo - El Lenguaje de Buenos Aires";"Engerom/Centre for Latin American Studies";"2017-04-07";"12";"";"14";"Lokale 24.2.07";"Lokale 24.2.07. Foredrag på spansk af Ewa Stala (Jagiellonian University, Krakow)";"Foredrag på spansk af Ewa Stala (Jagiellonian University, Krakow)" "Los discursos populistas y la pulsión utópica";"Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA)/Centre for Latin American Studies";"2017-04-04";"17";"";"18:45";"LUGAR: Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Njalsgade 128-130, Copenhague S. AULA: 24.2.11 ";"Lokale 24.2.11. 2. møde i forelæsningsrække om utopi og populisme. Forelæsningsrækken foregår på spansk og er arrangeret af studenterforeningen AIIA i samarbejde med CLAS.";"Curso sobre Utopia y Populismo La asociación Academia Intercultural - Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA) y el Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CLAS) de la Universidad de Copenhague organizan este curso abierto a todos los interesados. A través de un repaso histórico del pensamiento utópico y del análisis de algunas manifestaciones populistas en América y en Europa se intentarán dar respuesta a preguntas como qué se entiende por populismo y para qué nos sirven las utopías, además de la relación entre ambos términos. Este curso desea ofrecer las herramientas teóricas necesarias para construir un foro de discusión crítico en torno a estos dos términos de tan compleja definición. El curso estará a cargo de Erick Gonzalo Palomares (Ph. D. en Gobierno y Administración Pública por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid) y Elena Ansótegui (Licenciada en Humanidades por la Universidad de Burgos y en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad de Copenhague). Invitados especiales Jan Gustafsson, Ph.D., profesor del Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Copenhague. Anne Marie Ejdesgaard Jeppesen, Ph.D., profesora del Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Copenhague. Inscríbete mandando un mensaje a kontakt@aiia.dk. El curso es gratis para todos los estudiantes de la KU y los socios de AIIA. *********************************************************** Forelæsningsrækken består af 5 dobbeltlektioner (2 x 45 minutter) og er åben for alle interesserede. Tilmeld dig ved at sende en e-mail til kontakt@aiia.dk med emnet “utopia”. Gratis adgang for alle studerende ved KU samt AIIA's medlemmer." "Tysk besøgsdag";"Engerom";"2017-03-30";"9.00";"";"14.00";"Københavns Universitet Søndre Campus, Festsalen (11C.0.08), Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 S. Tæt på metrostop ""Islands Brygge""";"Festsalen (11C.0.08). Gymnasieelever og kursister med tysk, deres lærere og andre interesserede inviteres indenfor på tyskfaget på Københavns Universitet";"BESØG TYSKSTUDIET Gymnasieelever og kursister med tysk, deres lærere og andre interesserede inviteres indenfor på tyskfaget på Københavns Universitet. Kom og mød de tyskstuderende og underviserne og vær med i undervisningen på uddannelsens første del. Hør om fagetsopbygning, hverdagen som tyskstuderende, om studieophold i Tyskland, Østrig og Schweiz samt om jobmuligheder. Deltagelse er gratis, men tilmelding er nødvendig. Send en mail til fagleder Anna Sandberg med angivelse af antal personer og gymnasium/VUC samt evt. underviser senest den 15.marts til mailadressen: annas@hum.ku.dk. Skriv venligst “tilmelding til besøg tyskstudiet” i emnefeltet. Ekstra-tilbud: Hvis du/eleverne vil deltage aktivt i undervisningen i kulturhistorie fra14-16, så angiv antal og navne. Materiale til forberedelse udsendes inden. HVORFOR TYSK? I en stadig mere globaliseret verden er solide sprogkompetencer vigtige, ikke kun inden for engelsk, men også inden for de europæiske hovedsprog. Med gode sprogkompetencer kan vi bedre forstå og kommunikere med omverdenen; med sprog åbner vi så at sige et vindue mod verden og får adgang til viden. Sprog og kultur er uløseligt forbundne, og med en uddannelse i tysk vil du få et grundigt kendskab til tysk kultur, litteratur og samfund og blive god til at tale, læse, forstå og skrive tysk. Du lærer også at oversætte mellem dansk og tysk. Danmark er historisk tæt forbundet med Tyskland, vi er begyndt at bruge Berlin som vores egen metropol, og bevægelsen over grænserne mellem landene er stor, ikke mindst fordi vores nabo også er vores vigtigste samhandelspartner. Tysk er EU’s største modersmål, og det er udbredt som fremmedsprog over det meste af Europa. Med tyskstudiet bliver du specialist i tysk historie, litteratur og sprog og får samtidig et bredt spektrum af jobmuligheder. Danske virksomheder og institutioner har brug for ansatte, der behersker tysk på højt niveau og har interkulturelle kompetencer, da tysk bruges i handel, marketing og kommunikation. Med en cand.mag.eller cand.ling.merc. i tysk har man mulighed for ansættelse både i den private og offentlige sektor, inden for fx undervisning, administration og formidling." "Fransk besøgsdag 2017";"Engerom";"2017-03-29";"9";"";"15";"Søndre Campus, bygning 22, lokale 22.0.11";"Lokale 22.0.11. Franskfaget på Københavns Universitet slår dørene op for gymnasieelever i 2. og 3. g, der har fransk, og andre nysgerrige, der måske endda overvejer at læse fransk på universitetet.";"Hvad kan jeg blive med en uddannelse i fransk?Hvordan er hverdagen for en franskstuderende?Hvordan er de franskstuderendes studiemiljø fagligt og socialt? Disse og mange andre spørgsmål kan du få svar på, når franskfaget på Københavns Universitet onsdag den 29. marts 2017 fra 9.00 til 15.00 slår dørene op for gymnasieelever i 2. og 3. g, der har fransk, og andre nysgerrige, der måske endda overvejer at læse fransk på universitetet. Kom og mød de franskstuderende og underviserne og vær med til at følge undervisningen på uddannelsens første del. Hør om fagets opbygning, hverdagen som franskstuderende, studieophold i Frankrig og fransktalende lande samt jobmuligheder. Du vil også kunne høre færdige kandidater fortælle, hvordan fransk har banet vejen til netop deres job. Hvorfor er det vigtigt at kunne fransk på højt niveau? I en stadig mere globaliseret verden er solide sprogkompetencer vigtige, ikke kun inden for engelsk, men også inden for de europæiske hovedsprog. Med gode sprogkompetencer kan vi bedre forstå og kommunikere med omverden, og vi bliver samtidig bedre til at forstå os selv. Sprog og kultur er uløseligt forbundne, og med en uddannelse i fransk vil du ikke alene lære at tale og skrive fransk rigtig godt, men du vil også få et grundigt kendskab til fransk kultur, litteratur og samfund. Frankrig ligger på top 10-listen over Danmarks vigtigste samhandelspartnere. For at varetage og udbygge relationerne til Frankrig har danske virksomheder brug for ansatte, der kan fransk på højt niveau. Fransk er desuden et af hovedsprogene i EU. De europæiske organisationer har brug for ansatte, der kan varetage kommunikationsopgaver i et internationalt, herunder fransksproget, miljø. På verdensplan er fransk et af de 10 mest anvendte sprog. Det betyder, at solide sprogkompetencer inden for fransk er relevante for kommunikationen med andre områder såvel i som uden for Europa (f.eks. Belgien, Schweiz, Canada og store dele af Afrika). Deltagelse i dette arrangement er gratis, men tilmelding er nødvendig. Send en mail til Jan Lindschouw (janl@hum.ku.dk) senest den 20. marts 2017. Vi glæder os til at se dig og give dig en uforglemmelig dag. Mange franske hilsner Stephanie Kim Löbl og Jan Lindschouw(ph.d.-studerende i fransk) (lektor i fransk og fransk fagleder)" "A qué llamamos populismo y qué es la utopía ";"Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA)/Centre for Latin American Studies";"2017-03-28";"17";"";"18:45";"LUGAR: Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Njalsgade 128-130, Copenhague S. AULA: 24.2.11 ";"Lokale 24.2.11. 1. møde i forelæsningsrække om utopi og populisme. Forelæsningsrækken foregår på spansk og er arrangeret af studenterforeningen AIIA i samarbejde med CLAS.";"Curso sobre Utopia y Populismo La asociación Academia Intercultural - Det Interkulturelle Akademi (AIIA) y el Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CLAS) de la Universidad de Copenhague organizan este curso abierto a todos los interesados. A través de un repaso histórico del pensamiento utópico y del análisis de algunas manifestaciones populistas en América y en Europa se intentarán dar respuesta a preguntas como qué se entiende por populismo y para qué nos sirven las utopías, además de la relación entre ambos términos. Este curso desea ofrecer las herramientas teóricas necesarias para construir un foro de discusión crítico en torno a estos dos términos de tan compleja definición. El curso estará a cargo de Erick Gonzalo Palomares (Ph. D. en Gobierno y Administración Pública por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid) y Elena Ansótegui (Licenciada en Humanidades por la Universidad de Burgos y en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad de Copenhague). Invitados especiales Jan Gustafsson, Ph.D., profesor del Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Copenhague. Anne Marie Ejdesgaard Jeppesen, Ph.D., profesora del Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (ENGEROM) de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Copenhague. Inscríbete mandando un mensaje a kontakt@aiia.dk. El curso es gratis para todos los estudiantes de la KU y los socios de AIIA. *********************************************************** Forelæsningsrækken består af 5 dobbeltlektioner (2 x 45 minutter) og er åben for alle interesserede. Tilmeld dig ved at sende en e-mail til kontakt@aiia.dk med emnet “utopia”. Gratis adgang for alle studerende ved KU samt AIIA's medlemmer." " Grenzen der Zugehörigkeit";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk / Tysk Fredag";"2017-03-24";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Lokale 15A.1.13";"Forelæsning af professor Doerte Bischoff (Hamburg).";"Pässe und Identitätspapiere in der deutschsprachigen Literatur Forelæsning af professor Doerte Bischoff (Hamburg). Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne!Organisation/information: christian.benne@hum.ku.dk ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Ahmadou Kourouma : un écrivain au carrefour de l’oralité et de la créativité moderne";"Engerom";"2017-03-23";"12.00";"";"13.00";"Lokale 23.2.39";"Lokale 23.2.39. Foredrag af Alain J. SISSAO, Directeur de recherche, INSS/CNRST, Burkina Faso.";" af Alain J. SISSAO, Directeur de recherche, INSS/CNRST, Burkina Faso. Résumé Ahmadou Kourouma a toujours fait la part belle à sa culture et tradition malinké dans ses œuvres. Il est l’un de ceux qui privilégient la cohabitation entre langues africaines et occidentales. On pourra noter à juste titre que son écriture s’apparente à une «oraliture» au sens où l’entend Claude Hagège. Elle charrie des interférences pour transgresser à la fois les codes normatifs et les frontières grammaticales entre écriture et oralité mais aussi entre préceptes africains et concepts occidentaux. C’est le lieu de l’expression et de l’épreuve géocritique manifestés par son principe de trangressivité. La géopolitique culturelle se manifeste chez l’auteur par l’actualisation de sa culture dans une écriture héritée de l’Occident. C’est donc par la transgression au sens géocritique; c’est-à-dire au sens de franchissement où de mezzo-crossing comme l’indique Diandué Parfait, que fleurit la géopolitique culturelle." "Foredrag af Cristina González Oñate";"Engerom";"2017-03-22";"10:15";"";"12:00";"Lokale 27.0.17";"Lokale 27.0.17. Marca ciudad (Citymarketing): una nueva manera de promocionar territorios af Cristina González Oñate, del Departamento de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Universitat Jaume I (Castellón, España). Foredraget er på spansk.";"Marca ciudad (Citymarketing): una nueva manera de promocionar territorios Af prof. Cristina González Oñate, del Departamento de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Universitat Jaume I (Castellón, España) dará una conferencia en español con el título: RESUMEN: Los países y las ciudades del mundo se han convertido en ""productos"" que utilizan la comunicación estratégica y la publicidad para resaltar sus valores. El objetivo es hacer de esa ciudad o de ese país un destino de interés para el público. En esta conferencia veremos los principales pasos para crear y comunicar este tipo de marcas territorio." "Foredrag af Peter Wolsing";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2017-03-17";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Lokale 15A.1.13";"Lokale 15A.1.13. Totalitarisme og frihedsånd. Striden om Hegels Retsfilosofi og dens aktualitet";"Totalitarisme og frihedsånd.Striden om Hegels Retsfilosofi og dens aktualitet Af lektor, ph.d. Peter Wolsing (SDU Odense). Hegels Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts (1820) hører ubestridt til blandt de mest kontrover-sielle og betydningsfulde værker i den politiske filosofis historie. I Hegels umiddelbare eftertid af-vist som et reaktionært, ideologisk forsvar for den preussiske stat (Haym) og under den kolde krig af mange (bl.a. Popper) udråbt til en ideologisk forløber for det 20. århundredes totalitære regimer, er værket de senere årtier blevet genstand for stadig mere positiv vurdering. Forskningen har for længst modereret anklagen for totalitarisme og præsenterer Hegel som en moderne, liberalt oriente-ret filosof med sans for betydningen af den Franske Revolutions politiske frihedsidealer. Trods ud-talt kritiker af demokratiet betragtes Hegel af flere som en moderat reformator mellem konservatis-me og liberalisme, hvis teori rummer klare ligheder med den moderne velfærdstat. I forelæsningen præsenteres grundtankerne i Retsfilosofien i lyset af værkets modstridende politiske tendenser. Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne!Organisation/information: christian.benne@hum.ku.dk ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "La ciudad en el Quijote";"Engerom";"2017-03-17";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 24.0.11";"Lokale 24.0.11. Foredrag af Emilio Martínez Mata, catedrático de la Universidad de Oviedo y reconocido cervantista, hablará sobre la ciudad en el Quijote.Lecturas: Don Quijote, primera Parte, extracto del cap. XXI; Don Quijote, segunda Parte, caps. LX-LXIV.";"Foredrag af Emilio Martínez Mata, catedrático de la Universidad de Oviedo y reconocido cervantista, hablará sobre la ciudad en el Quijote. Lecturas Don Quijote, primera Parte, extracto del cap. XXIDon Quijote, segunda Parte, caps. LX-LXIV." "Foredrag af Niklas Freisleben";"Forum for Litteraturforskning";"2017-03-16";"11:00";"";"";"Lokale 24.2.07";"Lokale 24.2.07. I tvivlsomme kampe - om strejkens litteraturhistorie";"I tvivlsomme kampe - om strejkens litteraturhistorie af Niklas Freisleben IKK) I løbet af 1800tallet etablerede strejken sig som en dominerende og ofte dramatisk protest- og modstandsform. Derfor har fænomenet også afsat et omfattende litterært spor i form af de talrige værker, der har portrætteret strejker. Det er denne interessante, men også generelt oversete litteraturhistoriske forbindelses- og udviklingslinje, som oplægget vil introducere. Strejkelitteraturens negligerede status skyldes bl.a., at majoriteten af dens værker tilhører i dag ringeagtede ’ideologiske’ traditioner som socialistisk realisme, arbejder- eller proletarlitteratur. Oplæggets centrale argument er imidlertid, at strejkeromanen udfordrer den gængse og implicit valoriserende forståelse af en binær modsætning mellem en modernistisk, autonom, spørgende og åben litteratur på den ene side og en bedaget, engageret, didaktisk og lukket ditto på den anden. For ved nærmere eftersyn drejer modsætningsforholdet sig ikke om flertydighed vs. entydighed, men snarere om hvor flertydigheden skal lokaliseres. Strejkelitteraturen er netop også karakteriseret ved en udpræget ambivalens, der dog ikke har rod i etableringen af en usikker udsigelse, der undviger klart definerede ideologiske positioner. Tværtimod opstår ambivalensen i teksternes kamp for at om- eller oversætte deres politiske overbevisning til billeder af konkret politisk praksis." "Foredrag af Gerhard Lauer ";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2017-02-24";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Lokale 15A.1.13";"Lokale 15A.1.13. Was heißt und zu welchem Ende nutzt man Computer in der Germanistik?";"Was heißt und zu welchem Ende nutzt man Computer in der Germanistik?. Af prof. dr. Gerhard Lauer (Göttingen). Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne!Organisation/information: christian.benne@hum.ku.dk ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Foredrag af Wolf Wucherpfennig";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2017-02-10";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Lokale 15A.1.13";"Lokale 15A.1.13. Kunst und der Vandalismus des Todes im Zeichen der Moderne";"Kunst und der Vandalismus des Todes im Zeichen der Moderne. Af prof. em. dr. Wolf Wucherpfennig (Roskilde). Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne!Organisation/information: christian.benne@hum.ku.dk ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Spansk semesterstartsmøde, forår 2017";"Engerom";"2017-01-31";"14";"";"16";"Lokale 27.0.17";"Lokale 27.0.17. Semesterstartsmøde Spansk";"Semesterstartsmøde Spansk" "Fransk semesterstartsmøde, forår 2017 ";"Engerom";"2017-01-30";"11";"";"13";"Lokale 23.2.39";"Lokale 23.2.39. Semesterstartsmøde for Fransk";"Semesterstartsmøde for Fransk" "Workshop on Knowledge Visualization";"Steering Group for Digital Humanities at the Faculty of Humanities, UCPH";"2017-01-20";"13:00";"2017-01-20";"17:00";"South Campus Room 15A.0.13";"Knowledge visualization is both a practice of growing importance in many disciplines andan emerging research field in its own right. This workshop offers an introduction to themany disciplinary and interdisciplinary uses of visualization.";"Knowledge visualization is both a practice of growing importance in many disciplines and an emerging research field in its own right. This workshop offers an introduction to themany disciplinary and interdisciplinary uses of visualization. Knowledge visualization is as old as science and scholarship, but the ongoing digitizationof sources has widened the array of relevant methods and genres of presentation. Hand drawings and photographs are being supplemented with simulations, 2D with 3D, in formats that eventually will offer dynamic, interactive, and real-time resources. Digitaldata as such are invisible and are made perceptible with the help of interfaces that join visualization with interpretation and further provide a set of access points to searching the available data. In addition, the quantity of digital data is growing rapidly. To be ‘read’ at all, they must be compressed into comprehensible forms. The workshop will focus on different approaches to the visualization of artifacts, of analytical processes, and of interpretations. How do these various approaches enter into the research process, how do they contribute to the production of findings and insights, and to the dissemination of results? The workshop aims to bring together researchers across the Faculty of the Humanities with an interest in these issues. Besides three presentations by researchers from within the Faculty of the Humanities, the artist Mette Høst will give a presentation drawing on her many years of collaboration with scientists from the Niels Bohr Institute and elsewhere. Moreover, Anna Lawaetz will present results from a recent survey about the current state of knowledge visualization within the Faculty of Humanities. After the presentations, there will be an open discussion on ‘Future perspectives and next steps.’ Is there a need for more support at the technical level? How should activities in knowledge visualization be organized? Should the next step be groups at the department or section level and/or an interdisciplinary community at the Faculty level? Programme 1.00 pm - 1.10 pmWelcome by Per Hasle, Chair, Steering Group for Digital Humanities,University of Copenhagen.1.10 pm - 1.20 pmVisualization of knowledge, why and why now?Professor Niels Ole Finnemann, IVA.1.20 pm - 1.50 pmSimple Data Visualizations in Corpus-Linguistic Research into GrammaticalConstructions. Associate Professor Kim Ebensgaard Jensen, ENGEROM2.00 pm - 2.30 pmVisualising the Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Everyday Life.Associate professor, Anne Mette Thorhauge, PhD, MEF.2.30 pm - 2.50 pmCoffee break2.50 pm - 3.20 pmCapturing Our Cultural Intangible Heritage – Motion Capture andCraft Technology, Associate Professor Eva Andersson Strand, SAXO.3.30 pm - 4.00 pmVisualization as a Method and Pathway for Scientific Consciousness,Artist, Mette Høst, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.4.10 pm - 4.25 pmResults from Survey on Knowledge Visualization. Phd Anna Lawaetz.4.25 pm - 5.00 pmOpen Forum – Future Perspectives and Next Steps. " "Foredrag af Susanne Regener og Axel Doßmann ";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-12-16";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Lokale 14.1.67, KUA2";"Lokale 14.1.67. Fabrikation eines Serienmörders: Visualisierung von Verbrechen im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert";"Fabrikation eines Serienmörders: Visualisierung von Verbrechen im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. Af Susanne Regener, Siegen/KU og Axel Doßmann, Jena. Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne!Organisation/information: christian.benne@hum.ku.dk ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Europa mellem kosmopolitisme og populisme – en debat";"Engerom";"2016-12-16";"13.15";"";"15.00";"Lokale 24.2.11";"Lokale 24.2.11. Diskussion om det for tiden meget diskuterede politiske fænomen populisme med afsæt i den tyske politolog Jan Werner-Müllers netop udgivne bog Hvad er populisme? (Informations Forlag, 2016)";"Som afslutning på vort kandidatkursus i europæisk identitetshistorie vil vi åbne en diskussion om det for tiden meget diskuterede politiske fænomen populisme med afsæt i den tyske politolog Jan Werner-Müllers netop udgivne bog Hvad er populisme? (Informations Forlag, 2016). Vi vil hver holde et oplæg, der kan danne baggrund for en videre debat. Mvh Morten Dyssel & Gert Sørensen Program: 13.15-13.40: ”Den evige fred? Kosmopolitismevisioner efter den kolde krig”, v/MD 13.45-14.05: ”Det postfaktuelle samfund og demokratiets stilling”, v/GS 14.15-15.00: Debat Alle interesserede er meget velkomne" "Grammatical constructions – cross-linguistic and intra-linguistic variability";"Norm, Variation, Language change";"2016-12-09";"10";"";"15";"Room 27.1.49";"Room 27.1.49. Seminar with Sandra Lucas (ToRS), Kim Ebensgaard Jensen, Wojciech Lewandowski and Johan Pedersen (Engerom)";"Seminar Grammatical constructions - cross-linguistic and intra-linguistic variability Variation in constructional productivity by Kim Ebensgaard Jensen (Engerom) Infinitive and subjunctive in Medieval Greek - a synthetic view of their distribution by Sandra Lucas (ToRS) Cross-linguistic variation in the expression of self- and caused-motion: a constructional approach Wojciech Lewandowski (Engerom) Data driven versus theory driven research on the variability of constructions Johan Pedersen (Engerom)" "Encuentro de profesores de español en Copenhague";"Sprog i de videregående uddannelser";"2016-12-03";"08:30";"";"17:00";"Lokale 23.4.39 samt 24.2.01, 24.2.07, 24.2.11, 24.3.07";"Lokale 23.4.39 m.fl. Seminar med Teresa Cadierno (Syddansk Universitet), Olga Esteve (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) Álvaro Sesmilo (Editorial Edinumen, Madrid).";"Seminar med Teresa Cadierno (Syddansk Universitet), Olga Esteve (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) Álvaro Sesmilo (Editorial Edinumen, Madrid) Se også http://www.edinumen.es/index.php?option=com_zoo&task=item&item_id=48&category_id=19&Itemid=104" "Foredrag af Jessica Ortner ";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-12-02";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Lokale 14.1.67, KUA2";"Lokale 14.1.67. Poetologie „nach Auschwitz“ – eine Geistergeschichte als Medium der Zeugenschaft (Buchpräsentation)";"Poetologie „nach Auschwitz“ – eine Geistergeschichte als Medium der Zeugenschaft (Buchpräsentation). Af Jessica Ortner, KU. Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne!Organisation/information: christian.benne@hum.ku.dk ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Foredrag af Ken Farø og Lene Vinther Jensen";"Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring";"2016-11-28";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 27.1.47";"Lokale 27.1.47. Cool tysk i Danmark – nu med indarbejdelse af data fra spørgeskema-undersøgelse";"Cool tysk i Danmark – nu med indarbejdelse af data fra spørgeskema-undersøgelse" "Lecture by Paul North";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-11-25";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Room 14.1.67, KUA2";"Room 14.1.67. The Yield: Kafka’s Pensées of 1917-18";"The Yield: Kafka’s Pensées of 1917-18. By Paul North, Yale. All are welcome! No registration needed.Organisation/information: christian.benne@hum.ku.dk ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Foredrag af Mads Bunch";"Forum for Litteraturforskning";"2016-11-23";"11";"";"12";"Lokale 27.1.47";"Lokale 27.1.47. Autofiktion og Modernisme: Mellem Selvfortælling og Metafiktion";"Autofiktion og Modernisme: Mellem Selvfortælling og Metafiktion Af Mads Bunch (Dansk) Præsentationen lægger op til en diskussion af, hvor grænserne går mellem autofiktion (herunder varianterne selvfortælling, dobbeltkontrakt, fri selvbiografisk konstruktion) og modernistiske og postmodernistiske narrativer, hvor den empiriske forfatters navn og andre virkelighedsreferencer indgår i fiktionsnarrativerne (fx Martin Amis, Lars von Trier, Paul Auster). Hvad er lighederne, og hvad er de fundamentale forskelle egentlig?" "Seminar - Language in higher education";"Engerom/Language in higher education";"2016-11-22";"10";"";"12";"Room 24.2.62";"Room 24.2.62. 10.00-11.00: Birgit Henriksen og Pete Westbrook: Meeting the challenges of researching L2 collocational competence in domain specific language. 11.00-12.00: Janus Mortensen og Katherine Kappa: Studying transient multilingual communities.";"Programme 10.00-11.00: Birgit Henriksen and Pete Westbrook: Meeting the challenges of researching L2 collocational competence in domain specific language. 11.00-12.00: Janus Mortensen and Katherine Kappa: Studying transient multilingual communities. Abstracts Birgit Henriksen and Pete WestbrookAn increasing number of universities across Europe are introducing English-medium instruction (EMI) study programmes, especially at Master’s level. This has led to a situation where tenured lecturers are teaching high-level academic courses to students in a language which is the L2 for both parties. To respond to the challenges of EMI, the University of Copenhagen has introduced a certification procedure involving an oral proficiency test of lecturers’ English (TOEPAS, https://cip.ku.dk/english/certification). Our study draws on data from 12 mini-lectures recorded from this test with lecturers from two different university departments (Large Animal Sciences and Mathematics). Inspired by research which has shown that even advanced L2 learners experience problems with producing consistently correct and appropriate collocations (e.g. Nesselhauf, 2005), the present study investigates the lecturers’ L2 collocational competence. Henriksen (2013) has argued that conflicting results across previous collocation studies may be due to differences in the methodological approaches taken. In addition, providing a comprehensive description of collocational use in domain specific language has posed a range of new research challenges. The focus of our study is therefore on finding ways of meeting the many challenges of researching collocational use in domain specific language. Janus Mortensen and Katherine Kappa A key assumption in sociolinguistics is that interaction within communities tends to proceed on the basis of some degree of shared understanding of social and linguistic norms. However, in transient multilingual communities, defined here as social configurations where people from diverse sociocultural and linguistic backgrounds come together (physically or otherwise) for a limited period of time around a shared activity (Mortensen and Hazel fc), such shared assumptions cannot be assumed to be in place a priori. This means that transient multilingual communities to a greater extent than other communities allow us to study the ongoing formation of social and linguistic norms. In this talk, we will briefly discuss the notion of transient multilingual communities, exemplified by data from an international student community in Denmark, and then proceed to give an introduction to a research project (Transient Multilingual Communities and the Formation of Social and Linguistic Norms) that has been designed to investigate the sociolinguistic processes of transient communities through five comparative ethnographic case studies. The project is currently at an early stage, so we look forward to a fruitful discussion with the audience." "Lecture by Julia Rosenthal ";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-11-04";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Room 14.1.67, KUA2";"Room 14.1.67. Autograph collecting from Goethe to Stefan Zweig";"Autograph collecting from Goethe to Stefan Zweig. By Julia Rosenthal, Oxford/London. All are welcome! No registration needed.Organisation/information: christian.benne@hum.ku.dk ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Tyrkere og saracenere i Ariostos Orlando furioso (1532)";"Forum for Litteraturforskning";"2016-10-28";"11";"";"12";"Lokale 27.1.47";"Foredrag af Pia Schwarz Lausten. Lokale 27.1.47.";"Foredrag af Pia Schwarz Lausten Ariostos ridderdigt Orlando Furioso (1516/1532) handler om kærlighed og galskab, om riddere og kvinder, og om kampe mellem saracenere og kristne på Karl den Stores tid. Den italienske litteraturforskning har kun sjældent behandlet digtets tematisering af islam, saracenere og tyrkere, og blandt dem der har beskæftiget siag med emnet, har der været en klar tendens til at fortolke digtets saracenere som ahistoriske figurer og digtet som udtryk for en tolerant og åben holdning overfor islam. Mit oplæg vil derimod vise, at digtet – trods eksempler på sympati for saracenerne – kan ses som en reaktion på periodens ‘tyrker-trussel’ og læses som et forsvar for den kristne civilisation og religion." "Engerom Linguistic Circle";"Engerom Linguistic Circle";"2016-10-27";"17";"";"";"Room 24.2.11";"Room 24.2.11. Engerom Linguistic Circle # 2: Intermingling languages. Engerom Linguistic Circle is a newly started student initiative for all those interested in linguistics. Two students present their findings on the neurolinguistics of bilingualism and the use of anglicisms in German.";"Engerom Linguistic Circle # 2: Intermingling languages Engerom Linguistic Circle is a newly started student initiative for all those interested in linguistics. Two students present their findings on the neurolinguistics of bilingualism and the use of anglicisms in German." "Ny forskning i grammatik";"Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring";"2016-10-27";"";"2016-10-28";"";"Lokale 11C.0.08 (Festsalen)";"Lokale 11C.0.08 (Festsalen). Seminar med Erling Strudsholm, Lisbeth Falster Jakobsen, Jan Lindschouw, Kirsten Kragh (Engerom)";"Seminar med Erling Strudsholm, Lisbeth Falster Jakobsen, Jan Lindschouw, Kirsten Kragh (Engerom)" "Sprog som studiekompetence";"CIP/Sprog i de videregående uddannelser";"2016-10-24";"12.00";"";"17";"Lokale 27.0.09";"Lokale 27.0.09. Med seminaret Sprog som studiekompetence sætter vi ikke blot fokusbaggrunden for den sprogstrategiske satsning og de erfaringer der er opbyggetover de seneste 3 år, vi ser også på, hvordan vi i praksis kan tænke på og arbejdemed sproglige kompetencer som en fagligt styrkende studiekompetence.";"Igennem de seneste 3 år har KUs sprogstrategiske satsning målrettet arbejdetmed at afdække sproglige behov og kompetencer blandt de studerende uden forsprogfagene på tværs af KU. At kunne begå sig fagligt på flere sprog kanutvivlsomt være en styrke i erhvervsmæssig sammenhæng og øge mulighedernefor at opbygge sociale og professionelle netværk. Erfaringerne fra KUssprogstrategiske satsning viser dog, at sprogkompetencer ikke bare ererhvervskompetencer eller sociale kompetencer; de er også vigtigestudiekompetencer i de fleste uddannelser. Med seminaret Sprog som studiekompetence sætter vi ikke blot fokusbaggrunden for den sprogstrategiske satsning og de erfaringer der er opbyggetover de seneste 3 år, vi ser også på, hvordan vi i praksis kan tænke på og arbejdemed sproglige kompetencer som en fagligt styrkende studiekompetence. Om derer tale om arbejdet med franske og tyske kildetekster, læsningen af komplekseteorier formidlet på engelsk eller skrivning på akademisk engelsk, så står detklart, at den rette sprogstøttende indsats i løbet af studiet kan gøre en fagligforskel for den enkelte studerende. Alle er velkomne. Af hensyn til forplejningen, vil vi meget gerne modtage din tilmelding: Program 12.00 – Ankomst – frokost (sandwich)12.30 – Velkomst ved centerleder Anne Holmen12.40 – Formålet med KU sprogstrategiske satsning – prodekan Jens ErikMogensen13.00 – Arbejdet med sprogsatsningen Baggrund – Anne Holmen (på engelsk) Resultater – Karsten Schou (på engelsk) 13.30 – Language as Study Skill – Nick Byrne, emeritus fra London School ofEconomics (på engelsk)14.00 – Diskussion (på engelsk)14.30 – Kaffe, vand, frugt, kage14.45 – Erfaringer fra pilotprojekter Lektor Karen Skriver, Biokemi Lektor Bolette Moldenhawer, Pædagogik 15.30 – Løsningstyper – Sanne Larsen/Joyce Kling/Robert Lee Revier16.00 – Diskussion16.25 – Afrunding Seminaret foregår på dansk med undtagelse af de punkter i programmet, hvorder er angivet andet." "PhD defence - Kimberly Chopin";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-10-14";"13:00";"";"";"KUA1, 21.0.54 (""Multisalen"")";"Room 21.0.54 (""Multisalen""). Kimberly Chopin defends her PhD thesis: More Danish, More English - Language Policy, Language Use, and Medium of Instruction at a Danish University";"More Danish, More English - Language Policy, Language Use, and Medium of Instruction at a Danish University Kimberly Chopin defends her PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Janus Mortensen, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Glenn-Ole Hellekjær (University of Oslo) Professor Emeritus Terrence G. Wiley (Arizona State University) Moderator of the defence Professor Anne Holmen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Njalsgade 128. " "Afskedsforelæsning ved Gert Sørensen";"Engerom";"2016-10-12";"14.15";"";"";"Lokale 22.0.11";"Lokale 22.0.11. Afskedsforelæsning ved Gert Sørensen, lektor på Italiensk. Italien og Danmark. Italien i Europa. Om at studere Italiens kulturhistorie i Danmark og hvorfor.";"Italien og Danmark. Italien i EuropaOm at studere Italiens kulturhistorie i Danmark og hvorfor «Verden er virkelig stor ogfrygtindgydende og kompliceret.Enhver handling, som bliverslynget ud mod dennekompleksitet vækkeruventede ekkoer»(Gramsci, 1917) I forlængelse af forelæsningen vil der være en reception." "Foredrag af Albert Knoll ";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-10-07";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Lokale 14.1.67, KUA2";"Lokale 14.1.67. Totgeschlagen – totgeschwiegen. Homosexuelle und andere Minderheiten im Konzentrationslager Dachau";"Totgeschlagen – totgeschwiegen. Homosexuelle und andere Minderheiten im Konzentrationslager Dachau. Af Albert Knoll, Dachau. Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne!Organisation/information: christian.benne@hum.ku.dk ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Foredrag af Lucas Oliveira";"Engerom";"2016-10-03";"15.15";"";"16.45";"Lokale 24.2.01";"Lokale 24.2.01. A Tradição 'Marginal' na Literatura Brasileira";"A Tradição 'Marginal' na Literatura Brasileira Af Lucas Oliveira (University of São Paulo)" "Hieronymusdagen 2016";"Engerom/Oversættelse";"2016-09-30";"13:00";"";"22:00";"11C.0.08/11C.0.08A (Festsalen)";"Den internationale oversætterdag fejres med fokus på temaet ”Sproglig mangfoldighed giver styrke”. Der vil i løbet af dagen – gennem en blanding af oplæg, workshops, paneldiskussioner, m.m. og med en vifte af engagerede udøvende oversættere, oversættelsesforskere, kulturdebattører o.a. – blive diskuteret forskellige spørgsmål. ";" Den internationale oversætterdag fejres med fokus på temaet: ”Sproglig mangfoldighed giver styrke”. Der vil i løbet af dagen – gennem en blanding af oplæg, workshops, paneldiskussioner, m.m. og med en vifte af engagerede udøvende oversættere, oversættelsesforskere, kulturdebattører o.a. – blive diskuteret følgende spørgsmål: Hvilken betydning har oversættelse for sproglig og kulturel mangfoldighed? Hvad mister vi, hvis der ikke er kompetente oversættere inden for de ”mindre” sprog? Hvad vinder samfund, kultur og erhvervsliv ved kompetencer inden for flere sprog? Hvordan styrker vi den sproglige og kulturelle mangfoldighed gennem oversættelse? Hvad mener den brede offentlighed om sproglig mangfoldighed? Læs mere på http://hieronymusdagen.ku.dk" "Foredrag af Lars Behnke";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-09-30";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Lokale 14.1.67, KUA2";"Lokale 14.1.67. Zwischen Nähe und Distanz – Über ein paar Schwierigkeiten, die Sprache seines Nachbarn zu lernen";"Zwischen Nähe und Distanz – Über ein paar Schwierigkeiten, die Sprache seines Nachbarn zu lernen. Af Lars Behnke, KU. Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, alle er velkomne!Organisation/information: christian.benne@hum.ku.dk ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Sprogfagenes værdi";"Engerom/Alumneforeningerne for fransk, italiensk, spansk og tysk";"2016-09-28";"19.00";"";"";"Auditorium 23.0.50, bygning 23, Københavns Universitet Amager, Njalsgade 128, 2300 Københavns S";"Auditorium 23.0.50. Alumneforeningerne for fransk, italiensk, spansk og tysk ved Københavns Universitet inviterer til debat om sprogfagenes værdi.";"Alumneforeningerne for fransk, italiensk, spansk og tysk ved Københavns Universitet inviterer til debat om sprogfagenes værdi. Program Del 1 Fem oplægsholdere, der repræsenterer sprogfagene, taler om behovet for de mindre sprogfag sproget som kerneelement i kommunikation og dannelse Oplægsholderne vil være Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen, lektor ved Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Køben-havns Universitet Irma Kobæk, formand for Spansklærerforeningen og lektor ved Roskilde Katedralskole. Camilla Stendevad Christensen, European Buyer hos PPG Industries Carina Graversen, tolk og translatør i italiensk i Alpha Lingua Petra Daryai-Hansen, lektor ved Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet og docent ved Professionshøjskolen UCC Herefter følger en 20 minutters pause, hvor alumneforeningerne byder på forfriskninger. Del 2 Fire politikere får lejlighed til at respondere på oplæggene og fremlægge deres parties syn på sprogfagenes værdi. De indbudte politikere er Mette Reissmann, uddannelses- og forskningsordfører (Socialdemokratiet) Jakob Engel-Schmidt, uddannelses- og forskningsordfører (Venstre) Henrik Dahl, uddannelses- og forskningsordfører (Liberal Alliance) Jacob Mark, undervisningsordfører og uddannelses- og forskningsordfører (SF) Herefter er der åben debat, som styres af institutleder Jørn Boisen. Indbudt er desuden repræsentanter for Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening, Dansk Erhverv, Dansk Magisterforening, Dansk-tysk Handelskammer, UC Metropol, UCC., Udenrigsministeriet, sproglærerforeningerne, m.fl. Pressen vil også være indbudt. Spørgsmål til arrangementet kan rettes til Jan Juhl Lindschouw (janl@hum.ku.dk) Arrangementer er åbent for alle!Tilmelding er ikke nødvendig!" "CIP Symposium 2016";"Center for Internationalisering og Parallelsproglighed (CIP)";"2016-09-27";"10:00";"";"16:00";"Auditorium 22.0.11, bygning 22 (KUA 1)";"";"Akademisk læsning på fremmedsprog – færdigheder og strategier CIP inviterer til sit årlige symposium tirsdag den 27. september kl. 10.00-16.00. I år er fokus på læsning inden for fagene med særlig vægt på fremmedsprog. Keynote speakers er Neil Anderson fra Univerity of Hawaii og Simon Francis Thomsen fra Biomedicinsk Institut, KU. " "Smag på frankofonien og bliv interkulturelt kompetent";"Engerom/Fransk Alumneforening";"2016-09-17";"14.00";"";"22.00";"Teologikantinen, Købmagergade 44 (ind i gården og op ad trappen til højre)";"Teologikantinen, Købmagergade 44 (ind i gården og op ad trappen til højre). Det er med stor fornøjelse at Fransk Alumneforening endnu engang kan indbyde medlemmer og andre interesserede til en sprog- og maddag. Denne gang vil forholdet mellem sprog og kultur med særligt fokus på den interkulturelle kompetence i franskundervisningen danne rammen for vores arrangement hvortil vi vil smage på hele den frankofone verden.";"Invitation til Sprog - og maddag I FAF Det er med stor fornøjelse at Fransk Alumneforening endnu engang kan indbyde medlemmer og andre interesserede til en sprog- og maddag. Denne gang vil forholdet mellem sprog og kultur med særligt fokus på den interkulturelle kompetence i franskundervisningen danne rammen for vores arrangement hvortil vi vil smage på hele den frankofone verden. Program Kl. 14.00 Velkomst Kl. 14.15 Interkulturel kompetence - hvilke(t) kulturbegreb(er) er i spil? (ved Anette Søndergård Gregersen, lektor i fransk ved UCC) Oplægget vil - med afsæt i Michael Byrams model for interkulturel kompetence - give et indblik i en diskussion af de kulturmøder, som rapporten Slutrapport fra følgeforskningsgruppen på projekt om Internationalisering i Gymnasiet fra 2015 kategoriserer på baggrund af 8 gymnasiers arbejde med inddragelse af den internationale dimension i deres sprogfag. Generelt set kan man skelne mellem et statisk, essentialistisk, etnocentristisk over for et dynamisk, kulturrelativistisk kultursyn. I det statiske kultursyn er mennesker bærere af bestemte - ofte nationale - kulturer, mens kultur i det dynamiske kultursyn skabes af mennesker i deres omgang med hinanden. Man er blevet indsocialiseret i bestemte kulturelle sammenhænge: familie, lokalsamfund, klasse, skole, kønskulturer osv., men det konkrete kulturmøde indebærer altid en forhandling af identitet, værdier, normer osv. , og det åbner for et sprogsyn, der også omfatter sprog som middel til at forhandle kultur og selvforståelse i sociale sammenhænge, hvor bestemte normer, hierarkier og magtforhold gør sig gældende - og dét på et sprog, som ikke er ens eget.Kl. 15.00 Pause med kaffe og kage Kl. 15.15 Hvad om vi talte interkulturelt? (ved cand.mag. Camilla Åkerblom) Interkulturel kompetence er et begreb, der med globaliseringen og udviklingen fra et overvejende nationalt til et multikulturelt samfund har fået øget betydning i den kulturpædagogiske debat og som anvendes i fremmedsprogsundervisningen såvel som i erhvervslivet. Alligevel finder man, at der i bekendtgørelsen (2013) for fransk i gymnasiet nævnes meget lidt om den interkulturelle kompetence og den interkulturelle dimension i det hele taget. Som cand.mag i fransk og kommende gymnasielærer i et fremmedsprog har jeg lavet en undersøgelse, hvor jeg ser nærmere på begrebets anvendelse i franskundervisningen i gymnasiet, og hvordan fransklærerne tilrettelægger deres undervisning inden for interkulturel kompetence på trods af de manglende anvisninger i bekendtgørelsen. I undersøgelsen fokuserer jeg på fransklærernes kognition, det vil sige de tanker og holdninger, som de gør sig om deres undervisning i interkulturel kompetence. Jeg vil i mit oplæg præsentere resultaterne fra min undersøgelse samt komme med et par forslag til, hvordan den kommende bekendtgørelse kunne bidrage til et større fokus på den interkulturelle dimension i franskfaget, og hvordan man som lærer kan sørge for at få det tematiseret i undervisningen. Kl. 16.00 Introduktion til de forskellige frankofone retter ved bestyrelsesmedlemmerne af FAF Kl. 16.15 Vi deles i grupper og går i køkkenet for at tilberede retterne Kl. 19.00 Frankofon middag Kl. 22.00 Det officielle program slutter Arrangementet koster 100 kr. for medlemmer og 150 kr. for (endnu) ikke-medlemmer. Du kan melde dig ind i foreningen i forbindelse med din tilmelding og opnå rabatten. Du kan vælge blot at deltage i enten sprogdelen eller maddelen. Vælger du den ene del, er det samme pris for maddelen og 25 kr. for sprogdelen, hvad enten du er medlem eller ej. Sidste frist for tilmelding er den 12. september 2016. Tilmelding foregår ved at sende en tilmeldingsmail til franskalumne@hotmail.com OG indbetale beløbet på FAF’s konto i Danske Bank 3306-3306677691 / eller betale via Mobile Pay til 26716975 (Jakob Vest Berntsen).HUSK AT PÅFØRE NAVN!!! Lokalitet: Teologikantinen, Købmagergade 44 (ind i gården og op ad trappen til højre). Vi glæder os til at se dig! De bedste hilsnerBestyrelsen i FAF" "Lecture by David E. Wellbery";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-09-16";"13.15";"";"14.45";"Room 14.1.67, KUA2";"Room 14.1.67. A Spectrum of Aesthetic Ideas: Apercu, Thick Concepts, Metaphors";"A Spectrum of Aesthetic Ideas: Apercu, Thick Concepts, Metaphors. by David E. Wellbery, Chicago. All are welcome! No registration needed.Organisation/information: christian.benne@hum.ku.dk ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Was ist eine ästhetische Idee";"Engerom/Morphomata Center for Advanced Studies, Køln";"2016-09-15";"";"2016-09-17";"";"Københavns Universitet Amager";"Workshop med offentlige foredrag. Formålet er at finde ud af, hvad Kants begreb af den ”æstetiske idé” går ud på og hvorvidt den stadig er relevant i dag som teoretisk grundlag for et tæt forhold mellem litteratur, kunst og filosofi. Alle er velkomne, tilmelding er ikke nødvendig.";"Workshop med offentlige foredrag. Formålet er at finde ud af, hvad Kants begreb af den ”æstetiske idé” går ud på og hvorvidt den stadig er relevant i dag som teoretisk grundlag for et tæt forhold mellem litteratur, kunst og filosofi. 15. september 17.15–18.00 i KUA1, lokale 27.0.47: Prof. Rüdiger Görner (London): Ästhetische Idee/ästhetische Erfahrung. Überlegungen zu einem Wechselverhältnis im Umfeld der dritten Kritik Kants 16. september 13.15-14.45 i KUA2, lokale 14.1.67: Prof. David E. Wellbery (Chicago): A Spectrum of Aesthetic Ideas: Apercu, Thick Concepts, Metaphors 15.30–16.15 i KUA1, lokale 27.0.47: Associate Prof. Kristin Gjesdal (Oslo): From Herder to Kant: the pre-history of the aesthetic idea 16.15–17.00 i KUA1, lokale 27.0.47: Associate Prof. Lilian Munk Rösing (København): The Aesthetics of Incarnation 17. september 9.30–10.15 i KUA1, lokale 27.0.47: Prof. Manfred Frank (Tübingen): Impulsreferat zur Diskussion der ästhetischen Idee Alle er velkomne, tilmelding er ikke nødvendig. Organisation/oplysninger: Christian Benne (christian.benne@hum.ku.dk)" "Semesterstartsmøde Fransk, 2. og 3. årgang";"Engerom";"2016-09-02";"10.00";"";"11.30";"Lokale 24.3.11";"Lokale 24.3.11. Semesterstartsmøde for Fransk, 2. og 3. årgang";"Semesterstartsmøde for Fransk" "Spansk semesterstartsmøde, efterår 2016";"Engerom";"2016-09-02";"10";"";"12";"Lokale 14.1.67";"Lokale 14.1.67. Semesterstartsmøde Spansk";"Semesterstartsmøde Spansk" "Fremmedsprog på dansk";"Engerom/ToRS";"2016-08-30";"13:00";"";"17:00";"KUA2, lokale 15A.2.13. Københavns Universitet Amager, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 Kbh S";"Lokale 15A.2.13. Institutterne ToRS og Engerom på Københavns Universitets Humanistiske Fakultet inviterer til konference om fremmedsprog set fra de videregående uddannelser.";" Fremmedsprog på dansk – hvad er behovet, og hvordan matcher vi det bedst? Der er udbredt enighed om, at Danmark står over for akutte sproglige og kulturelle udfordringer, og at én af dem er sprogfagenes aktuelle situation i det danske uddannelsessystem. Som svar på disse udfordringer forbereder Regeringen en national sprogstrategi. Konferencens formål er at bidrage til at kvalificere ikke bare dette arbejde men også debatten om sprog, sprogundervisning og sproguddannelser i det hele taget. Arrangementet indledes med en række korte, faglige oplæg efterfulgt af en statusberetning om arbejdet med strategien. Herefter gives ordet til repræsentanter for en række forskellige sektorer, hvor fremmede sprog er “på arbejde”, men hvis behov for fremmedsprog sjældent kommer til udtryk i undersøgelser og stillingsopslag. Program 13:00-13:05 Velkomst ved Lykke Friis, prorektor, Københavns Universitet Del I: Inden for murene 13:05-13:10 Introduktion til dagens program Lektor Tine Roesen (ToRS) 13:10-13:25 Hvad vi allerede ved: Oversigt over eksisterende undersøgelser, rapporter og anbefalinger vedrørende fremmedsprogsundervisning og –uddannelser Lektor Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen (Engerom) 13:25-13:50 Sprogstrategiske initiativer på KU Prodekan Jens Erik Mogensen (Humaniora, KU) 13:50-14:15 Sprogfag og integration af sprogelementer i andre fag Professor og centerleder Anne Holmen (Center for Internationalisering og Parallelsproglighed, KU) 14:15-14:30 Om de såkaldte “små” sprogfag, incl. præsentation af ToRS’ hvidbog om småfag Ajdunkt Tea Sindbæk Andersen (ToRS) 14:30-15:00 Kaffee – café – coffee – кофе – kafa – kawa –- 咖啡 - コーヒー – قهوة - קפה Del II: Uden for murene: de politiske rammer, synlige og usynlige behov 15:00-15:45 Arbejdet med den nationale sprogstrategi Chefkonsulent Anita Damsgaard Jensen og fuldmægtig Frederik Carsten Pedersen (Styrelsen for Videregående Uddannelser, Center for Uddannelsespolitik) 15:45-17:00 Paneldebat med korte oplæg og diskussion Johannes Riis (litterær direktør, Gyldendal) Anne Knudsen (chefredaktør, Weekendavisen) Birgitte Vedersø (rektor, Gefion Gymnasium) Sara Koch, (oversætter, Dansk Oversætterforbund) Cecilie Banke (seniorforsker, DIIS) Arne Biering (Chefkonsulent, Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste) 17:00-17:15 Mod et bæredygtigt sproglandskab for Danmark: mementoer til en velfunderet og differentieret national sprogstrategi Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen og Tine Roesen 17:15 Vin på Torvet Konferenceansvarlige: Tine Roesen (swl117@hum.ku.dk) og Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen (lvhansen@hum.ku.dk). Alle interesserede er velkomne!" "Seminar: Kultur og Klasse 123: Topologi";"Cultures of Topology";"2016-08-16";"10";"";"17";"KUA1, Bygning 24, 3. sal, lokale 07, Københavns Universitet Amager, Njalsgade 128, 2300 Kbh S";"Lokale 24.3.07. Seminar i anledning af temanummer om Topologi, K&K 123. Arrangeret af Michael Høxbro Andersen i samarbejde med Christian Dahl";"Seminar i anledning af temanummer om Topologi, K&K 123. Arrangeret af Michael Høxbro Andersen i samarbejde med Christian Dahl" "Foredrag af Alain Mabanckou";"Den Franske Ambassade og Cultures of Topology/Engerom";"2016-06-13";"17:00";"";"";"Den Franske Ambassade, Det Thottske Palæ, Kongens Nytorv 4, 1050 København K";"Den Franske Ambassade. Ytringsfriheden efter Charlie Hebdo af den fransk-congolesiske forfatter Alain Mabanckou. Arrangementet er på fransk";"Ytringsfriheden efter Charlie Hebdo af den fransk-congolesiske forfatter Alain Mabanckou. Alain Mabanckou er født i Pointe-Noire (Republikken Congo) i 1966, og begyndte sine videregående studier i Brazzaville inden han rejste til Frankrig i en alder af 22 år takket være et studielegat. Efter at have færdiggjort sit jurastudie på det parisiske universitet Université de Paris-Dauphine, arbejder han en snes år for koncernen Suez-Lyonnaise des Eaux, men begynder snart at hellige sig sit forfatterskab mere og mere og i 1998 bliver hans første roman Bleu-Blanc-Rouge udgivet af forlaget Présence Africaine. Han modtag den franske litteraturpris, le Grand Prix Littéraire de l’Afrique noire for denne roman. I dag er Alain Mabanckou professor i fransk litteratur på UCLA i Los Angeles og besøgende professor ved Collège de France for det akademiske år 2015-2016. Han er forfatter til over tyve bøger, blandt andet Mémoires de Porc-épic, som blev hædret med den franske litteraturpris, le Prix Renaudot i 2006, og han er en af de vigtigste samtidsforfattere inden for franskssproget litteratur. Arrangementet er på fransk Arrangementet er arrangeret af Den Franske Amvassade og Sapere Aude projektet Cultures of Topology " "Engerom Seminar in American History";"Engerom";"2016-06-07";"10am";"";"12pm";"Room 24.2.01";"Room 24.2.01. Feeling the Cold War: Emotions and Foreign Policy-Making in the Kennedy Administration by Kasper Grotle Rasmussen, Assistant Professor, Center for American Studies, University of Southern Denmark and Defeating Reagan: The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Human Rights, and Sanctions against South Africa by Rasmus Sinding Søndergaard, Ph.D Candidate, Department of History, University of Southern Denmark ";"Feeling the Cold War: Emotions and Foreign Policy-Making in the Kennedy Administration by Kasper Grotle Rasmussen, Assistant Professor, Center for American Studies, University of Southern Denmark This project examines the role of emotions in foreign policy-making during the presidency of John F. Kennedy, 1961-1963, specifically looking at the President and his inner circle of foreign policy advisors and their feelings in connection with events and developments such as the Berlin Crisis, the question of nuclear weapon and the overall American global role. How did these actors react to specific developments, such as Kennedy’s disastrous meeting with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in Vienna in 1961, where the American president was bested and unable to get his point across (that a nuclear deal between East and West was of paramount importance)? How were these feelings constructed (and can feelings be constructed?) and did any of them serve as catalysts for future action? Defeating Reagan: The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Human Rights, and Sanctions against South Africa Rasmus Sinding Søndergaard, Ph.D Candidate, Department of History, University of Southern Denmark In 1986 Congress overrode Reagan’s veto to make the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act the law of the land. This paper examines how the CBC utilized human rights language and extra-institutional activities to challenge Reagan’s policy of ‘Constructive Engagement’ towards South Africa. Having hitherto failed to generate legislative support for its sanction bills, the CBC began bolstering its efforts through demonstrations, staged arrests, and the creation of the Free South Africa Movement in 1984. Based on extensive archival research, the paper argues that such extra-institutional activities and the use of a human rights discourse were crucial for the imposition of sanctions. Come and join us for an exciting seminar on American political history!" "Disputatsforsvar af Christian Benne";"Engerom/Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2016-06-03";"13.00 præcis";"";"";"Lokale 23.0.50";"Lokale 23.0.50. Christian Benne forsvarer sin doktordisputats Die Erfindung des Manuskripts. Zur Theorie und Geschichte literarischer Gegenständlichkeit. Opponenter er prof. dr. Heinrich Detering, Göttingen og prof. em. dr. phil. Per Øhrgaard, København.";"Christian Benne forsvarer sin doktordisputats Die Erfindung des Manuskripts. Zur Theorie und Geschichte literarischer Gegenständlichkeit. Opponenter Prof. dr. Heinrich Detering, GöttingenProf. em. dr. phil. Per Øhrgaard, København. Forsvaret er offentligt og foregår primært på tysk. Afhandlingen kan erhverves i den almindelige (internationale) boghandel og koster 28 Euro. Bedømmelsesudvalgets indstilling kan rekvireres på papir til en pris fra 1 kr. pr. side ved henvendelse til fakultetets publikationsenhed, Publikom i KUA2, Karen Blixens Vej 4, lokale 11A.0.02. En elektronisk udgave kan rekvireres gratis. Opponenter ex auditorio kan melde sig til den, der leder forsvaret." "Europæeren Herman Bang";"CEMES/Engerom";"2016-06-02";"09:30";"2016-06-03";"16:00";"Københavns Universitet, KUA1, Karen Blixens vej 4,lokale 21.0.54 (”Multisalen”) ";"Multisalen 21.0.54. Konferencen fokuserer på tre hidtil underbelyste europæiske dimensioner af Herman Bangs værk og virke: 1) hans rolle og reception som forfatter, journalist og intellektuel, 2) hans opfattelse og beskrivelse af transnationale geografier og kulturer, 3) hans indflydelse på den kunstneriske og kulturelle kontinentalisering i årtierne op til Første Verdenskrig.";" Konference 2.-3. juni 2016, Københavns Universitet Konferencen fokuserer på tre hidtil underbelyste europæiske dimensioner af Herman Bangs værk og virke: 1) hans rolle og reception som forfatter, journalist og intellektuel, 2) hans opfattelse og beskrivelse af transnationale geografier og kulturer, 3) hans indflydelse på den kunstneriske og kulturelle kontinentalisering i årtierne op til Første Verdenskrig.Læs mere om konferencen. (About the conference) Arrangør:Center for Moderne Europastudier (CEMES) ogInstitut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk (EnGeRom)Yderligere information:Anna Sandberg (annas@hum.ku.dk) ogMorten Dyssel (mdm@hum.ku.dk)" "PhD pre-defence - Astrid Rasch ";"Engerom";"2016-05-20";"14";"";"16";"Room 25.0.26";"Room 25.0.26. Remembering Britishness: Negotiation of Identity in End of Empire Autobiography. Pre-defense by Astrid Rasch (Ph.d. fellow, ENGEROM). Opponent Wulf Kansteiner (University of Aarhus)";"Remembering Britishness: Negotiation of Identity in End of Empire Autobiography. Pre-defense by Astrid Rasch (Ph.d. fellow, ENGEROM). Opponent Wulf Kansteiner (University of Aarhus)" "Foredrag af Christine Abbt og Lucas Marco Gisi";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-05-13";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 24.4.01";"Lokale 24.4.01. Christine Abbt, Luzern: “Eigensinn und Fremdtuerei. Schweizerische (Un-)tugenden im Blick der Literatur” und Lucas Marco Gisi, Bern: Buchpräsentation des Robert Walser-Handbuchs (2015).";"Christine Abbt, Luzern: “Eigensinn und Fremdtuerei. Schweizerische (Un-)tugenden im Blick der Literatur” und Lucas Marco Gisi, Bern: Buchpräsentation des Robert Walser-Handbuchs (2015). Achtung: Anschließendem Empfang in der Schweizer Botschaft (Richelieus Allé 14, 2900 Hellerup).Begrenzte Anzahl! Um Anmeldung bis zum 8. Mai wird gebeten unter: christian.benne@hum.ku.dk ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Foredrag af Simone Betti";"Engerom";"2016-05-12";"17";"";"19";"Lokale 25.0.26";"Lokale 25.0.26. Modificazioni e trasformazioni dei paesaggi italiani: l’Italia centrale. Af prof. Simone Betti, Università di Macerata ";"Modificazioni e trasformazioni dei paesaggi italiani: l’Italia centrale. Af prof. Simone Betti, Università di Macerata Arrangeret af Gert Sørensen og Erling Strudsholm" "Lecture by Margarida Marques";"Engerom";"2016-05-12";"10am";"";"12pm";"Room 24.2.01";"Room 24.0.01. Portugal: 30 years in the EU. By Dr.ª Margarida Marques, Portuguese Secretary of State for European Affairs";"Portugal: 30 years in the EU When Portugal joined the European Union in 1986, it was a mere 12 years after the overthrow of a dictatorship that had ruled over Portugal for 48 years and was simultaneously coming to terms with the loss of its empire (the “overseas territories”), the massive influx of returnees from those lands, the establishment of a new democracy and possibilities for integration into the broader European context. This talk examines Portugal’s recent history and relationship with the European Union. By Dr.ª Margarida Marques, Portuguese Secretary of State for European Affairs " "Foredrag af Francesco Bartolini";"Engerom";"2016-05-10";"12";"";"14";"Lokale 24.3.07";"Lokale 24.3.07. La «Terza Italia». Spazi e tempi di una rappresentazione. af prof. Francesco Bartolini, Università di Macerata.";"La «Terza Italia». Spazi e tempi di una rappresentazione. af prof. Francesco Bartolini, Università di Macerata. Arrangeret af Gert Sørensen og Erling Strudsholm" "Text and Image - PhD seminar with Barbara Bohac and François Bon";"Engerom";"2016-05-09";"3pm";"";"5pm";"Room 15A.0.13";"Room 15A.0.13. Barbara Bohac (Université de Lille) Charles Baudelaire and the painter of modern life : why was it Constantin Guys and not Edouard Manet ?Francois Bon (novelist / essayist) Writing as a part of the image’s story";"Barbara Bohac (Université de Lille): Charles Baudelaire and the painter of modern life : why was it Constantin Guys and not Edouard Manet ? Baudelaire dedicated his definitive essay regarding the « Painter of Modern Life » to the minor draughtsman, Constantin Guys. In stark contrast, despite his friendship with Manet, he never wrote anything substantial about his painting. Did this poet, whose own work foreshadowed modern poetry, overlook Manet’s innovative genius? Did he not fully appreciate his art? Setting out this debate will help us acquire a better understanding of the new concept of “Modernity” that Baudelaire puts forward in his essay. It will also draw our attention to the pitfalls that await the researcher or the general reader who is interested in everyday life as an aesthetic field and wishes to speculate upon the relationship between different art forms. Francois Bon (novelist / essayist):Writing as a part of the image’s story Vilèm Flusser was the first one to suggest, if the image’s story permanently implies the use of a « tekné », even the simplest one, that writing, as a particular tool of representation, is a part of this story. Fictional hypothesis or not, it allows us to enlighten deeply the nature and the actual changes of the narrative art in the digital times, when virality and sharing are constitutive of the editing and publishing process. When the nature itself of the narrative object doesn’t separate text and image, and when the picture itself isn’t any more the spectacle of a switched-off time." "LUNAS 2016";"Engerom/Sprog i de videregående uddannelser/CIP";"2016-05-09";"";"2016-05-11";"";"Faculty of the Humanities";"The international conference Academic Language Use and Academic Literacies from a Multilingual Perspective in Nordic Educational Contexts, hosted at the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen, 9-11 May 2016.";"Academic Language Use and Academic Literacies from a Multilingual Perspective in Nordic Educational Contexts The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for the presentation and discussion of international research on academic language use and academic literacies relevant for a range of educational contexts in the Nordic setting. There is an increasing need for advanced academic skills both in upper secondary and tertiary education, and pupils, students and academic staff are expected to be able to effectively navigate a range of academic settings, both in the local languages and in English. In order to meet these challenges, we need more knowledge of a range of issues related to academic language use, and it is our hope that the conference will provide a forum for exchange of knowledge and will inspire more research in the Nordic context within this important research area. Keynote speakers Averil Coxhead, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Sylviane Granger, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium Brian Paltridge, University of Sydney, Australia See the conference website for more information: https://lunas2016.ku.dk/" "Foredrag af Barbara Vinken";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-05-06";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 24.4.01";"Lokale 24.4.01. Effi Briest - Opferkulte und die nordische Venus";"Effi Briest - Opferkulte und die nordische Venus. Af Barbara Vinken, München. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Lecture by Babette Babich";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-04-29";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 24.4.01";"Lokale 24.4.01. Archilochus and the Problem of Lyric Poetry or the Problem of the Subject in The Birth of Tragedy (in English) (This lecture replaces the cancelled lecture by Claus Zittel)";"Archilochus and the Problem of Lyric Poetry or the Problem of the Subject in The Birth of Tragedy (in English). By Prof. Babette Babich, Fordham University New York. (This lecture replaces the cancelled lecture by Claus Zittel) ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Foredrag af Troels Hughes Hansen";"Engerom/Forum for Litteraturforskning";"2016-04-27";"11.00";"";"12.00";"Lokale 27.0.49";"Lokale 27.0.49. Uoversættelighedens poetik. Om at oversætte Louis-Ferdinand Céline til dansk";"Uoversættelighedens poetik. Om at oversætte Louis-Ferdinand Céline til dansk" "Lecture by Richardo Reis";"Engerom";"2016-04-20";"10am";"";"12pm";"Room 24.2.01";"Room 24.2.01. The economic potential of the Portuguese language";"The economic potential of the Portuguese language By Richardo Reis (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)" "Foredrag af Jan Lindschouw og Lene Schøsler";"Engerom/Sprog i de videregående uddannelser/Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring";"2016-04-19";"15";"";"17";"Lokale 24.1.45";"Lokale 24.1.45. Forholdet mellem norm og variation belyst gennem Leonora Christinas Franske dagbog";"Forholdet mellem norm og variation belyst gennem Leonora Christinas Franske dagbog" "Foredrag af Petra Daryai-Hansen";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-04-15";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 24.4.01";"Lokale 24.4.01. Interkulturelle kommunikative Kompetenz. Zur Internationalisierung im Fach Deutsch am dänischen Gymnasium";"Interkulturelle kommunikative Kompetenz. Zur Internationalisierung im Fach Deutsch am dänischen Gymnasium. Af Petra Daryai-Hansen, København. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Bundesbürger im Pornoparadies. Westdeutsche Reaktionen auf die Freigabe der Pornografie in Dänemark, 1967-1973";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-04-08";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 24.4.01";"Lokale 24.4.01. Foredrag af Detlef Siegfried.";"Bundesbürger im Pornoparadies. Westdeutsche Reaktionen auf die Freigabe der Pornografie in Dänemark, 1967-1973. Af Detlef Siegfried, København. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Tysk-danske krige";"Det tysk-danske kulturvidenskabelige netværk v. Engerom & INSS/Scandinavian Studies in Cultural and Aesthetic Modernity/CEMES";"2016-04-07";"";"2016-04-08";"";"KUA2, lokale 15A.0.13";"Lokale 15A.0.13. Tværfaglig og komparativ konference om de kulturelle virkninger af ”de dansk-tyske krige” – dvs. både de præ-nationale slesvigske krige og den tyske og danske involvering i Første og Anden Verdenskrig. I fokus står de kulturelle virkninger og repræsentationer af de historiske, politiske og militære konflikter. ";"Historiske konflikter og nationale identiteter Forholdet mellem Danmark og Tyskland har i nyere tid især været præget af to historiske cæsurer: 1864 og 1945. Begge årstal signalerer krig, opbrud og nye begyndelser, men af forskellig art og politisk rækkevidde. Danmarks nederlag til Preussen i den anden slesvigske krig i 1864 resulterede i Preussens anneksion af hertugdømmerne Slesvig, Holsten og Lauenburg samt en del af Sønderjylland. Nederlaget markerede enden på det multikulturelle danske dynasti og begyndelsen på den moderne og kulturelt homogene nationalstat. I et større, tysk og europæisk perspektiv markerede krigen i 1864 Bismarcks første skridt på vej mod foreningen af Det tyske kejserrige. 1945 repræsenterer et europæisk “nulpunkt”, hvorfra det tysk-danske forhold gradvis blev normaliseret og nydefineret i takt med den europæiske integration og globaliseringen. Med denne konference ønsker vi at invitere til en tværfaglig og komparativ undersøgelse af de kulturelle virkninger af ”de dansk-tyske krige” – dvs. både de præ-nationale slesvigske krige og den tyske og danske involvering i Første og Anden Verdenskrig. I fokus står de kulturelle virkninger og repræsentationer af de historiske, politiske og militære konflikter: Hvordan blev krigserfaringerne reflekteret i forskellige kulturelle diskurser (finkulturelle såvel som populærkulturelle), og hvordan har de dansk-tyske krige bidraget til forestillinger om hhv. tysk og en dansk identitet i perioden? Arrangør: Anna Sandberg, Engerom (annas@hum.ku.dk) og Torbens Jelsbak, INSS (tjelsbak@hum.ku.dk). Det tysk-danske kulturvidenskabelige netværk/Deutsch-dänisches kulturwissenschaftliches Netzwerk* og Forskergruppen SCAM (Scandinavian Studies in Cultural and Aesthetic Modernity) under Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab*Om Det tysk-danske kulturvidenskabelige netværk/ Deutsch-dänisches kulturwissenschaftliches Netzwerk: Etableret 2007 som et forum for tværfagligt samarbejde mellem danske og tyske forskere inden for skandinavistik og moderne sprog- og kulturstudier (kulturhistorie, litteraturvidenskab, film- og medievidenskab) ved universiteterne i Köln, München, København og Aarhus. Siden 2007 har netværket afholdt fire symposier, hvis resultater er publiceret i bogform. " "Fransk aften med Bjørn Bredal";"Engerom/Fransk Alumneforening";"2016-04-06";"19:30";"";"";"Københavns Universitet Amager (KUA1), Njalsgade 128, bygning 24, 2300 København S i lokale 24.0.11.";"Lokale 24.0.11. Frankrig for alle? Fransk Alumneforening afholder en fransk aften med Bjørn Bredal, der er forstander på Borups Højskole og tidligere kulturskribent på Politiken. Oplægget tager udgangspunkt i hans seneste bog Frankrig for alle, der udkom i september 2015.";"Frankrig for alle? Fransk Alumneforening afholder en fransk aften med Bjørn Bredal, der er forstander på Borups Højskole og tidligere kulturskribent på Politiken. Oplægget tager udgangspunkt i hans seneste bog Frankrig for alle, der udkom i september 2015. I oplægget vil han bl.a. diskutere spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt der ikke blot findes en idé, Frankrig, som er fælles for alle franske, men også en idé, Frankrig, som er fælles for alle mennesker. Fransk Alumneforening byder i aftenens løb på kaffe, the, kage og et lille glas vin. Tilmelding til arrangementet skal ske senest mandag den 4. april 2016 til franskalumne@hotmail.com Arrangementet er gratis for medlemmer og koster 25 kroner for ikke-medlemmer. Mange hilsnerFransk Alumneforening" "PhD defence - Joseph Ballan";"The Faculty of Humanities";"2016-04-01";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter) ";"";"";"Room 23.0.50";"Room 23.0.50. Joseph Ballan defends his PhD dissertation: In der Heimwehkolonie: On the Cosmography of Nelly Sachs. 800x600 Normal 0 21 false false false DA X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:""Tabel - Normal""; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:""Times New Roman"",serif;} ";"In der Heimwehkolonie: On the Cosmography of Nelly Sachs Joseph N. Ballan defends his PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Anna Sandberg, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Mattias Pirholt (Uppsala University) Professor Rochelle Tobias (Johns Hopkins University) Moderator of defence Professor Charles Lock (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the library of Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (ENGEROM), Njalsgade 128, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Foredrag af Dirk van Laak";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-04-01";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 24.4.01";"Lokale 24.4.01. Routinen und Risiken. Infrastrukturen als Medien der Integration und der Entgrenzung";"Routinen und Risiken. Infrastrukturen als Medien der Integration und der Entgrenzung. Af Dirk van Laak, Gießen. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Foredrag af Moritz Schramm";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-03-18";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 24.4.01";"Lokale 24.4.01. Postmigration. Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven am Beispiel von Film und Theater der Gegenwart";"Postmigration. Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven am Beispiel von Film und Theater der Gegenwart. Af Moritz Schramm, Odense. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Journée de la francophonie ";"Engerom/Institut Français";"2016-03-17";"14.30";"";"";"Lokale 22.0.11";"Lokale 22.0.11. Créer en Français. 14h30 Ouverture de la journée. 18h15 Buffet francophone";" Créer en Français Programme 14H30 Ouverture 14H45-15H15 PETER BORUM, post-doc à l’université de Copenhague La notion de « topos » dans la littérature moderne en français Dans l’histoire littéraire, la notion de « topos » ou de « lieu commun » a surtout été reliée à l’Antiquité et au Moyen-Âge : une scène bucolique ou des figures rhétoriques en serait des exemples. À la Section de français de l’Institut d’études germaniques, anglaises et romanes, un projet de recherche essaye de renouveler cette notion en l’étendant à la littérature moderne au sens large. À travers des exemples comme « L’arrivée à Paris » ou « La chute en banlieue », cette présentation montre comment l’histoire culturelle, ici, s’articule dans la littérature, tout comme elle montre comment les lieux communs s’observent aussi bien dans la littérature française que dans les littératures dites francophones. 15H15-16H00 BAPTISTE BORYCZKA, auteur Entretien Né en banlieue parisienne de parents d’origine polonaise et flamande, Baptiste Boryczka a suivi des études de techniques audiovisuelles avant de travailler comme réalisateur radio à Beur FM, BFM et RMC. Grâce à la radio, il est régulièrement confronté au monde littéraire et fait la connaissance d’auteurs tels qu’Umberto Ecco, Yasmina Khadra, Tahar Ben Jelloun ou encore Mohamed Choukri lors des nombreuses émissions littéraires qu’il réalise. En 2003, Baptiste Boryczka décide de tenter l’aventure au Danemark. Korzen est son premier roman. 16H00-16H15 Pause café 16H15-17H15 BERNARD MAGNIER, journaliste et directeur de collection Ecrire en français, venir d’ailleurs Depuis longtemps, des écrivains nés à l’étranger sont venus enrichir leslettres françaises. Certains, nés ailleurs, ont gardé la trace de cette naissance dans leurs oeuvres. D’autres ont choisi le français après avoir écrit dans une autre langue. Aujourd’hui, des écrivains d’origine africaine, maghrébine, du Moyen-Orient, de la Caraïbe ou de l’océan Indien s’expriment à leur tour dans la langue qu’ils ont reçue en héritage de l’Histoire.Cette conférence propose un inventaire de cette présence, d’en suivre les traces dans les oeuvres et d’évoquer la relation pragmatique, amoureuse, conflictuelle, passionnée, de ces écrivains “venus d’ailleurs” avec la langue française. 17H15-18H00 MARGUERITE ABOUET, auteure et réalisatrice Interviewée par Jacob Wendt Jensen, critique de cinémaà Berlingske Marguerite Abouet est l’auteur de Aya de Yopougon, bande dessinée récompensée au Festival d’Angoulême. Yopougon, c’est un quartier populaire d’Abidjan. C’est là que vit Aya, 19 ans, une jeune fille sérieuse qui préfère rester étudier à la maison plutôt que de sortir avec ses copines, Adjoua et Bintou. Aya partage ses journées entre l’école, la famille et ses deux meilleures amies. Les choses se gâtent lorsque qu’Adjoua se retrouve enceinte par mégarde.Un film d’animation est né de cette BD et sera projeté à la cinémathèque les 22 et 27 mars 2016. 18H00 Mot de clôture 18H15 Buffet francophone Ambassade d’Algérie, Ambassade d’Arménie, Ambassade de Belgique, Ambassade du Bénin, Ambassade du Burkina Faso, Ambassade du Canada, Ambassade de Chypre, Ambassade de Côte d’Ivoire, Ambassade d’Egypte, Ambassade de France, Ambassade de Grèce, Ambassade de Hongrie, Ambassade du Luxembourg, Ambassade de Roumanie, Ambassade de Slovénie S'inscrire ici http://www.institutfrancais.dk/fr/blog/2016/02/25/journee-francophonie/ " "Foredrag af Calum Petrie";"Engerom/Sprog i de videregående uddannelser";"2016-03-16";"14.30";"";"16.00";"Lokale 25.3.07";"Lokale 25.3.07. How to get published. Af Calum Petrie (Stockholm) fra forlaget Taylor & Francis";"How to get publishedPublishing in academic journals – tips to help you succeed Calum Petrie fra Taylor & Francis Center for Internationalisering og Parallel Sproglighed Kunne du tænke dig at vide mere om at udgive i internationale tidsskrifter? I så fald er dette foredrag af Calum Petrie, ansvarlig redaktør for Taylor & Francis i Skandinavien ved Routledge, verdens største udgiver af samfundsfaglige artikler, et godt sted at starte. I sit foredrag vil Calum Petrie dække en artikels fulde ’rejse’, samt berøre flere centrale udfordringer i forbindelse med udgivelse i tidsskrifter, inklusiv vigtigheden af at kende sit publikum, peer review processen, hvad man gør hvis ens artikel bliver afvist, tidsskrifters referencesystemer, Open Acess og sociale mediers brugbarhed til at promovere ens artikel, når den er udgivet. Foredraget er gratis, men tilmelding er påkrævet. " "Québec: Poesi, sprog, kultur";"Engerom/Cultures of Topology";"2016-03-15";"10";"";"12";"Lokale 27.0.49";"Lokale 27.0.49. Med Denise Desautels, Jean-Marc Desgent, Jean-Sébastien Larouche og Véronique Cyr (Québec)";"Med besøg af fire digtere: Denise Desautels, Jean-Marc Desgent, Jean-Sébastien Larouche og Véronique Cyr (Québec). Arrangementet vil fortrinsvis foregå på fransk" "Foredrag af Karl Christian Lammers og Per Øhrgaard";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-03-11";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 24.4.01";"Lokale 24.4.01. Den Københavnske germanist Carl Roos og nationalsocialismen";"Den Københavnske germanist Carl Roos og nationalsocialismen. Af Karl Christian Lammers og Per Øhrgaard, København. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Lectures by Madeleine Dobie and Anna-Louise Milne ";"Engerom/Cultures of Topology";"2016-03-04";"1pm";"";"4pm";"Room 14.1.67";"Room 14.1.67. Riots and resistance - contemporary francophone perspectives: Riots and resistance - contemporary francophone perspectives by Madeleine Dobie, Professor, Columbia University and Fences and Filters: How do we Read Social Unrest Today? by Anna-Louise Milne, Senior Lecturer, University of London, Institute in Paris.(The Cultures of Topology Lecture Series)";"RIOTS AND RESISTANCE —CONTEMPORARY FRANCOPHONE PERSPECTIVES Public lectures by Madeleine Dobie (Columbia) and Anna-Louise Milne (ULIP) Riots and resistance - contemporary francophone perspectives In certain historical contexts revolt and resistance appear, not as themes or topoi of literature, but as its defining character and mission. In a famous statement of this ideal, Frantz Fanon proclaimed, in Damnés de la terre, that Algerian literature was cutting its mimetic ties with French culture and becoming a “littérature de combat”. For a time, Algeria stood as a worldwide emblem of Third World revolution, a status fortified by Gillo Pontecorvo’s celebrated film, The Battle of Algiers. But the iconography of resistance and insurrection can be used to legitimize abuses of power, as the post-independence history of Algeria amply illustrates. How, in the wake of such abuses, does literature resist? Is the project of revolution abandoned? And do the objects of resistance simply change or does the very concept have to be rethought, along lines suggested by. among others, Michel Foucault, Eve Sedgwick and Jacqueline Rose? In the case of Algeria, one entry point into this question is provided by the current rehabilitation of Albert Camus, a figure in whom (the French) Resistance and resistance (to revolution, to violence, to Algerian independence) converge. Since 2010 several Algerian writers have returned to Camus, both to re-settle scores with the colonial past and to articulate their rejection of an array of forces in contemporary Algerian society. The politics of this rereading are multilayered, involving debates about national and cultural identity and—since novels such as Hamid Grine’s Camus et le narguilé and, especially, Kamel Daoud’s Meursault contre-enquête have won accolades and sold well in France and beyond—the readership or market for francophone Algerian literature and the politics of ‘world literature.’ In the midst of these questions, literary resistance seems both indispensable and difficult to stabilize. (Madeleine Dobie, Professor, Columbia University) Fences and Filters: How do we Read Social Unrest Today? The French language offers the beautifully but alarmingly efficient notion of a ‘grille de lecture’, an interpretative framework or filter through which to bring some order into the chaos of the real. The echo of those other ‘grilles’ or fences that are an increasing feature of the landscape, blocking access, slowing population movements, is not very far away. What can we ascertain from this tight metaphorical relation, and how can we move beyond it by thinking more about what reading can do and in relation to what sort of writing it offers a form of critical purchase? Taking for context the ‘riots’ or ‘urban violence’ – the question of designation will be important – that have marked the very recent past in France, and particularly the period 2005-2015, this lecture will consider the disruption in literary genre that this unrest has exacerbated. Annie Ernaux’s notion of ‘écriture documentaire’ will offer a focus for an exploration that intends to show that we will fail to read contemporary revolt unless we abandon well-entrenched conceptions of narrativity as our frame for reading literature. (Anna-Louise Milne, Senior Lecturer, University of London, Institute in Paris) The Cultures of Topology Lecture Series" "Foredrag af Miriam Gebauer";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-03-04";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 24.4.01";"Lokale 24.4.01. Rhythmus und Resonanz in Lutz Seilers Roman Kruso. Zur Post-DDR-Literatur vor dem Hintergrund der beschleunigten Spätmoderne";"Rhythmus und Resonanz in Lutz Seilers Roman Kruso. Zur Post-DDR-Literatur vor dem Hintergrund der beschleunigten Spätmoderne. Af Miriam Gebauer, Ålborg. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Åbent hus på Tysk";"Engerom";"2016-03-03";"9.00";"";"16.00";"Københavns Universitet, Søndre Campus, KUA2, Festsalen (11C.0.08)";"Festsalen (lokale 11C.0.08). Besøg Tyskstudiet. Kom og mød de tyskstuderende og underviserne.";"Besøg Tyskstudiet. Kom og mød de tyskstuderende og underviserne." "Foredrag af Jonas Kreienbaum";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-03-02";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 23.2.39";"Lokale 23.2.39. From Windhoek and Pretoria to Auschwitz? Colonial and Nazi Concentration Camps";"From Windhoek and Pretoria to Auschwitz? Colonial and Nazi Concentration Camps. Af Jonas Kreienbaum, Rostock. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Foredrag af Peter Colliander";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-02-26";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 24.4.01";"Lokale 24.4.01. Überlegungen zum Schweigen aus der Sicht der Kontrastiven Pragmatik";"Überlegungen zum Schweigen aus der Sicht der Kontrastiven Pragmatik. Af Peter Colliander, København. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Præsentation af BA-projekter ved Tysk";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-02-19";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 24.4.01";"Lokale 24.4.01. Præsentationer ved Signe Kirk Andersen, Anne-Marie Burlund Jensen, Eva Kurock og Martin Blak Jensen";"Signe Kirk Andersen: Glückliches neues Jahr! Angela Merkels nytårstaler 2005-2015 Anne-Marie Burlund Jensen: Erindringskultur i den tyske samtidslitteratur med eksempel i Anne Webers Ahnen. Ein Zeitreisetagebuch (2015) Eva Kurock: Interferenz bei der Textproduktion dänischer Deutschlerner Martin Blak Jensen: Ostalgie-Museum als Erinnerungsort ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Foredrag af Torben Jelsbak";"Engerom/Forum for Litteraturforskning";"2016-02-17";"11.00";"";"12.00";"Lokale 27.1.49";"Lokale 27.1.49. Populærkultur og finkultur hos Klaus Rifbjerg og Dan Turèll";"Populærkultur og finkultur hos Klaus Rifbjerg og Dan Turèll" "Foredrag af Erla Hallsteinsdóttir og Jörg Kilian";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag";"2016-02-12";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 24.4.01";"Lokale 24.4.01. Typisch {*dän*} - typisch {*tysk*}? Nationale Stereotype in der Sprache";"Typisch {*dän*} - typisch {*tysk*}? Nationale Stereotype in der Sprache. Af Erla Hallsteinsdóttir, Odense og Jörg Kilian, Kiel. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Engerom Urban Studies Seminar";"Engerom";"2016-02-10";"13";"";"16:30";"Lokale 27.0.09";"Lokale 27.0.09. Som led i fakultetsprogrammet Urban Culture Lab, omhandlende bystudier, arrangerer Engerom et seminar der skal give en smagsprøve på instituttets forskning og undervisning i dette felt. Der er tale om et eftermiddagsarrangement hvor alle instituttets sprog og discipliner er repræsenteret.";" Som led i fakultetsprogrammet Urban Culture Lab, omhandlende bystudier, arrangerer Engerom et seminar der skal give en smagsprøve på instituttets forskning og undervisning i dette felt. Der er tale om et eftermiddagsarrangement hvor alle instituttets sprog og discipliner er repræsenteret. Velkomst v. viceinstitutleder Robert Rix 1. session: 13.15 - 14.30 Charles Lock: The Eschatological City: on rural retreats and urban squalorAnita B. Hansen:Det franske sprog og storbyen (Paris og andre frankofone metropoler)Birthe Hoffmann: Byen som myte (Wien) og som erindring (Hamborg)Pia Schwarz Lausten: Den dobbelte by: Byens betydning i italiensk migrationslitteratur som sted for kulturmøde, kollektiv erindring og postkolonial identitet Spørgsmål og diskussion Pause 14.30-15.00 1. Session: 15.00-16.30 Morten Heiberg: Spanske byer i et historisk perspektivSandi M de Oliveira: Identity at the Spanish-Portuguese border: A tale of two townsMichael Høxbro Andersen: Ankomsten til Paris som topos i fransk litteraturJoe Goddard: Imagining the City, Suburb, and Country in the Mid-Twentieth Century U.S.Julio Hans C. Jensen: Den globale urbanitet. Manu Chao som repræsentant for en transkulturel bykultur. Spørgsmål og diskussion Urban Studies Lab Normal 0 21 false false false DA X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:""Tabel - Normal""; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:""Calibri"",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;} table.MsoTableGrid {mso-style-name:""Tabel - Gitter""; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-priority:59; mso-style-unhide:no; border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-border-insideh:.5pt solid windowtext; mso-border-insidev:.5pt solid windowtext; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:""Calibri"",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;} " "Semesterstartsmøde Tysk";"Engerom";"2016-02-01";"10";"";"11";"Lokale 27.1.47";"Lokale 27.1.47. Semesterstartsmøde Tysk";"Semesterstartsmøde Tysk" "Spansk semesterstartsmøde, forår 2016";"Engerom";"2016-02-01";"10";"";"12";"Lokale 27.0.17";"Lokale 27.0.17. Semesterstartsmøde Spansk";"Semesterstartsmøde Spansk" "Fransk semesterstartsmøde 2016";"Engerom";"2016-01-29";"10";"";"12";"Lokale 22.0.49";"Lokale 22.0.49. Semesterstartsmøde for Fransk";"Semesterstartsmøde for Fransk" "PhD defence - Ezequiel Mercau";"The Faculty of Humanities";"2016-01-15";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter) ";"";"";"Room 22.0.11";"Room 22.0.11. Ezequiel Mercau defends his PhD dissertation: Empire Redux. The Falklands and the End of Greater Britain. 800x600 Normal 0 21 false false false DA X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:""Tabel - Normal""; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:""Times New Roman"",serif;} ";"Empire Redux. The Falklands and the End of Greater Britain Ezequiel Mercau defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Professor Morten Heiberg, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Sarah Stockwell (King’s College London) Professor Richard Toye (University of Exeter) Moderator of the defence Professor Peter Harder (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Njalsgade 128. " "Lecture by Bruce Buchan";"Engerom/Centre for Australian Studies";"2015-12-09";"15";"";"17";"CHANGE OF VENUE Room 24.2.62";"CHANGE OF VENUE: Room 24.2.62. Hints', Howls, and Hakas: Hearing Britain's Empire in Australia and the Pacific, c. 1690-1790.";"Hints', Howls, and Hakas: Hearing Britain's Empire in Australia and the Pacific, c. 1690-1790. Abstract On the 4th of June 1788, the infant British colony in Sydney Cove celebrated His majesty’s birthday with a 21-gun salute. As the gunfire reverberated around the harbour, colonists reflected on how differently this mighty noise was heard by European newcomers and by Australia’s Indigenous inhabitants. What they heard is not in dispute, but the disparity in how they heard it encapsulates a deeper anxiety about the audible register of civility in British cross-cultural encounters between ‘Europeans’ and ‘Islanders’ in the Pacific. In this paper, I will explore the audible implications of these anxieties expressed in a selection of British accounts of such encounters from the late seventeenth to the late eighteenth century. I will argue that these anxieties were regularly assuaged not simply by recourse to the modulated civility of polite sound, but to the intrusive and often terrifying recourse to discordant noise. In arguing so, I want to complicate recent interpretations of European soundscapes that prioritise the cohesive force of purposive sound over the disruptive effects of intrusive noise. The audible context of early cross-cultural encounters in the Pacific and Australia demonstrates that mere noise – or what the European newcomers heard – played a significant role in purposive activities (such as the establishment of imperial authority). Moreover, the sounds of early colonial encounters – what the European newcomers listened to – often did not confirm shared meanings but activated deep anxieties about their inability to communicate their civility to the Indigenous inhabitants they encountered. In this way, I want also to question the value of historical analyses that continue to separate normative and purposive ‘sound’ from valueless and random ‘noise’." "Foredrag af Gregers Andersen";"Engerom/Forum for Litteraturforskning";"2015-12-09";"11";"";"12";"Lokale 27.0.49";"Lokale 27.0.49. Klimafiktion - mellem krise og kritik";"Klimafiktion - mellem krise og kritik Af Gregers Andersen (IKK)" "Foredrag af Ekaterina Kozhevnikova";"Engerom/Forum for Litteraturforskning";"2015-11-25";"11.00";"";"12.00";"Lokale 27.0.17";"Lokale 27.0.17. Social signs in Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreisler";"Social signs in Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreisler af Ekaterina Kozhevnikova" "Seminar om grammatikskrivning";"Engerom/Sprog i de videregående uddannelser";"2015-11-20";"13";"";"16";"Lokale 27.1.47";"Lokale 27.1.47. Fra tysk grammatik i bogform til moderne elektronisk grammatik ved Klaus Geyer (SDU), Erla Hallsteinsdóttir, Peter Colliander (KU) og Ken Farø (KU)";"Fra tysk grammatik i bogform til moderne elektronisk grammatik ved Klaus Geyer (SDU), Erla Hallsteinsdóttir, Peter Colliander (KU) og Ken Farø (KU) Program 13.15-13.50: Peter Colliander: Grammatikskrivning inden for tysk på universitetsniveau Mit indlæg vil være centreret om min egen Tysk Basislingvistik, der udkom i en første udgave i 2001 på Handelshøjskolens Forlag. Jeg arbejder på en fjerde udgave, der planlægges at udkomme i 2017 (anden udgave 2002 og tredje udgave 2014). I indlægget går jeg ind på, hvorfor og hvordan jeg overhovedet kom i gang med 1.-udgaven, herunder lidt mere generel historisk baggrund, og jeg vil redegøre for nogle af de mange overvejelser af teoretisk og praktisk art, der lå forud for 1.-udgaven, og for de løsninger, jeg fandt frem til, løsninger, der for nogles vedkommende viste sig at være frugtbare og holdbare, for andres nødvendiggør de overvejelser, jeg for tiden gør mig mhp. 4.-udgaven. Et vigtigt aspekt i mit indlæg bliver spørgsmålet om en fremmedsprogsgrammatiks sigte. 13.50-14.25: Erla Hallsteinsdóttir: Tysk grammatik i praksis: Sprogdidaktiske udfordringer og elektroniske muligheder Et grundlæggende udgangspunkt for indlæring af fremmedsprog er eget modersmål, et bærende element i grammatikskrivningen burde derfor være en kontrastiv tilgang. I mit oplæg vil jeg diskutere muligheder for omsætningen af grammatikteoretiske beskrivelser med fokus på forskelle og ligheder og den sprogdidaktiske modellering af en kontrastiv dansk-tysk grammatik. Desuden vil jeg drøfte forskellige tilgange til undervisningen i tysk grammatik i det danske uddannelsessystem, dvs. det tyske sprogs generelle vilkår, sprogdidaktiske rammebetingelser (især systemgrammatisk vs. tekstgrammatisk tilgang) og (uudnyttede) muligheder, især med hensyn til elektroniske lørnerprogrammer – og her vil jeg trække på erfaringer fra implementeringen af en professionel grammatiksoftware i egen undervisning. LitteraturDigitalpublishing Interaktive Sprachreise: Grammatiktrainer Deutsch (Niveau A1 | A2 | B1 | B2). https://www.digitalpublishing.de/de/produkt/304/76/grammatiktrainer-deutsch Geyer, Klaus/Farø, Ken/Hallsteinsdóttir, Erla. 2014. Form, funktion, kognition, reception, produktion: en ny almen-sammenlignende e-grammatik. In: Ny forsknng i grammatik 21, 69-85. Hallsteinsdóttir, Erla. 2013. Möglichkeiten textbezogener Sprachdidaktik. I: Deutsch als Fremdsprache, 93‐101. 14.25-14.45: Pause 14.45- 15.20: Klaus Geyer: Produktions- vs. receptionsorienteret grammatik og hypertekstuelle strukturer De fleste grammatikkers opbygning med kapitler om ord, fraser, sætninger osv. er formorienteret (semasiologisk), hvilket gør at de bedst kan rådspørges af brugere med behov for oplysninger i en receptionssammenhæng. Det produktive perspektiv ville meget bedre tilgodeses af funktionsorienterede (onomasiologiske) grammatikker, dvs. grammatikker som ved et og samme sted giver oplysninger om fx hvordan man udtrykker possession i et givet sprog (genitiv, pronominer, præpositioner, verber osv.). Denne type grammatikker eksisterer dog næppe udover konceptstadiet (jf fx Geyer / Žeimantienė 2010), selvom den onomasiologiske tilgangs vigtighed blev allrede i sluttet af 1800-tallet opridset af bl.a. Georg von der Gabelentz (jf. v.d. Gabelentz 1901) og siden da blev videreudviklet flere steder, mest indenfor den funktionelle sprogtypologi under betegnelsen almen-sammenlignende grammatik (jf. fx Lehmann 1989). Idealiter tilbyder en grammatik begge tilgange: en semasiologisk og en onomasiologisk. Da der dog bruges samme data for begge tilgange – fx genitiv i morfologikapitlet, i syntakskapitlet, i possessionskapitlet osv. – en hypertekstuell organisation af informationen i grammatikken. I mit oplæg viser jeg med hjælp af eksempler fra tysk og andre sprog, hvordan dette kan konstrueres. LitteraturGabelentz, Georg von der. 1901. Die Sprachwissenschaft: ihre Aufgaben, Methoden und bisherigen Ergebnisse. 2. udg. Leipzig: Tauchnitz. Geyer, Klaus / Žeimantienė, Vaiva. 2010. Zu einer ""Grammatik des Deutschen und des Litauischen im Vergleich"": Bestandsaufnahme, Konzeption und Perspektiven. I: Kalbotyra 62 (3), 22-40. Lehmann, Christian. 1989. Language description and general comparative grammar. I: Graustein, Gottfried / Leitner, Gerhard (eds.). Reference grammars and modern linguistic theory. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 133-162. 15.20-15.55: Ken Farø: Fra trykt grammatik til elektronisk inventariografi. Nem adgang til kontrastiv sprogbeskrivelse for alle I mit oplæg vil jeg diskutere traditionelle og mere innovative måder at tænke opslagsressourcer på, der har den interlingvale relatering af sprogpars centrale elementer som deres genstand. Foredraget tager udgangspunkt i tysk for danskere. 15.55-16.00: Afrunding" "Translation Studies Cross-Over II";"Engerom/Translation: Roles, Processes and Consequences";"2015-11-05";"11";"";"14";"Festsalen, room 11C.0.08";"Festsalen, room 11C.0.08. With Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov (Helsinki, Kristian Hvelplund, Hanne Jansen og Henrik Gottlieb (Engerom)";" With Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov (Helsinki, Kristian Hvelplund, Hanne Jansen og Henrik Gottlieb (Engerom) The seminar 'Translation Studies Cross Over II' focuses on the different approaches to qualitative and quantitative translation research that is carried out at Engerom. The approaches span a variety of different methods such as corpus, protocol and process analysis. Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov, from the University of Helsinki, and the members of the Translation Research Platform at Engerom will present current research and discuss how these different methods may contribute to Translation Studies. ________________________This is an Engerom Focus event organised by the research platform Translation: Roles, Processes and Consequences." "Lecture by Bruce Clunies Ross";"Engerom/Centre for Australian Studies";"2015-11-04";"15";"";"17";"Room 24.2.62";"Room 24.2.62. Bruce Clunies Ross (Copenhagen), Les Murray and the Poetry of Australia. Discussant: Martin Leer, University of Geneva";"Les Murray and the Poetry of Australia Discussant: Martin Leer, University of Geneva Abstract Oddly, considering he was sailing with a consignment of convicts being removed from their country for their country’s good, Captain Watkin Tench of the Marines noted in his diary, as the first fleet sailed from Cape Town about noon on the 12 of November, 1787: “we … soon left behind every scene of civilization and harmonised manners to explore a remote and barbarous land and plant in it those happy arts which alone constitute the pre-eminence and dignity of other countries”. The antipodean environment of that remote and barbarous land presented obstacles to the transplantation of the happy art poetry which persisted into the twentieth century. This is apparent in earlier Australian verse, and it was noticed by a number of poets, up to Les Murray, but in his work the obstacles turn into poems of Australia. In about seventeen collections, from The Ilex Tree in 1965, up to Waiting for the Past, published a few weeks ago, and including the “novel sequence” The Boys Who Stole the Funeral and the verse novel Fredy Neptune, the country is imaginatively mapped in an ongoing succession of sonnets, lyrics, meditations, informal dialogues, poem cycles and narratives. Individually, they are precisely located, but altogether, they cover the country extensively. The focal point is the Jerry-built slab house no longer standing in Bunyah where Murray grew up, but while Murray’s poetry is deeply rooted in Australia, it cannot be sequestered there. In his work, the matter of Australia takes on universal significance, though not quite in the way envisaged by Captain Tench." "Knowing Savagery - From Renaissance to Romanticism";"Engerom/Centre for Australian Studies";"2015-10-30";"9.30";"";"17";"Room 24.2.62";"Room 24.2.62. Workshop with Stuart Ward (Engerom) and Bruce Buchan (Griffith and Engerom)";"Workshop with Stuart Ward (Engerom) and Bruce Buchan (Griffith and Engerom) Confirmed speakers Professor Jacqueline van Gent (University of Western Australia)Professor Paul Turnbull (University of Tasmania)Dr. Claire McLisky (Griffith Centre for Cultural Research, Griffith University)Dr. Dominik Hunniger (Lichtenberg College, Georg-August University of Gottingen)Dr. Hanna Hodacs (University of Warwick)Professor Laszlo Kontler (Central European University)Associate Professor Johan Hoglund (Linnaeus University)Dr. Linda Andersson Burnett (Linnaeus University)Associate Professor Bruce Buchan (Griffith University)" "CIP Symposium 2015";"Engerom/CIP/Sprog i de videregående uddannelser";"2015-10-29";"10";"";"16";"Lokale 22.0.11";"Lokale 22.0.11. Akademiske Færdigheder: Skrivning inden for fagene.";"Formålet med CIPs årlige symposium er at drøfte centrale problemstillinger vedrørende undervisnings- og arbejdssprog. I år sætter vi særligt fokus på, hvordan studerende kan tilegne sig de nødvendige skrivefærdigheder, som er tilknyttet de enkelte fagområder. Symposiet er åbent for alle og deltagelse er gratis. Program, invitation og tilmelding findes via https://cip.ku.dk/arrangementer/kommende/cipsymposium15/" "Perspektiver på litterære steder";"Engerom/Forum for Litteraturforskning";"2015-10-22";"11";"";"12";"Lokale 27.0.47";"Lokale 27.0.47. Ved Anna Sandberg (Tysk), Jan Rosiek (Dansk), Tue Løkkegaard (Fransk).";"Ved Anna Sandberg (Tysk), Jan Rosiek (Dansk), Tue Løkkegaard (Fransk)." "Indigenous Voices in Sydney";"Engerom/Centre for Australian Studies";"2015-10-01";"15";"";"17";"Room 27.1.47";"Room 27.1.74. Hidden in plain view: The Aboriginal people and places of the 19th century Sydney by Paul Irish (Sidney). Uptalk and Aboriginal English in Sydney by Anne Jespersen (Cambridge)";"Hidden in plain view: The Aboriginal people and places of the 19th century Sydney by Paul Irish (Sydney) Uptalk and Aboriginal English in Sydney by Anne Jespersen (Cambridge) Abstracts Paul Irish ‘Hidden in Plain View’ Like in many colonial cities, it has been widely assumed that Aboriginal people were not part of Sydney’s colonial history beyond the earliest decades. In particular, it has often been asserted that Aboriginal people disappeared from Sydney by the mid-nineteenth century (or were pushed aside by urban growth), and that later Aboriginal residents were all from somewhere else, or were no longer ‘authentically’ Aboriginal. This assumption of disappearance has dissuaded most people from looking for evidence. But when we painstakingly piece together fragments of historical information, a fascinating picture emerges of how locally connected Aboriginal people were able to find a place for themselves in the growing city of Sydney. Their story is closely bound up with the city, some of its prominent colonial families, and a number of places around the Sydney landscape. It is a history that has literally been hidden in plain view, and warrants much greater recognition. Anna Jespersen, “Alive and deadly?”: Uptalk in Sydney Aboriginal English Aboriginal Sydneysiders live in a multicultural melting pot. Although this type of linguistic environment is conducive to the development of richly dialectal minority speech communities, previous work on Sydney Aboriginal English describes a fairly assimilated speech community with few or no linguistic features that separates it from standard Australian English. In this talk I will attempt to delve deeper into this issue, using uptalk as a starting point from which to tease out linguistic differences between Sydney Aboriginal English and the standard variety. Uptalk is a rising intonation pattern produced with statements, which is often considered to be emblematic of standard Australian English. My work shows that Sydney Aboriginal English and standard Australian English differ not in the types of rises used but in the frequency with which each rise type is used. Furthermore, these subtle differences are picked up by Aboriginal listeners, who are able to use them to recognise Sydney Aboriginal speakers. In other words, Aboriginal Sydneysiders are using the stereotypically Anglo-Australian English uptalk rises in Aboriginal ways, and as linguistic markers of Aboriginal identities." "Hieronymusdagen";"Engerom/Oversættelse";"2015-09-30";"13:00";"";"22:00";"11C.0.08/11C.0.08A (Festsalen)";"Den internationale oversætterdag fejres med oversættelsesworkshop og paneldebat med fokus på, hvordan oversættelse skaber værdi for samfundet ikke kunne økonomisk, men også kulturelt. Der vil i løbet af dagen – gennem en blanding af workshops, paneldiskussioner, m.m. og med en vifte af engagerede udøvende oversættere, oversættelsesforskere, kulturdebattører o.a. – blive diskuteret forskellige spørgsmål. ";"Den internationale oversætterdag fejres med oversættelsesworkshop og paneldebat med fokus på, hvordan oversættelse skaber værdi for samfundet ikke kunne økonomisk, men også kulturelt. Der vil i løbet af dagen – gennem en blanding af workshops, paneldiskussioner, m.m. og med en vifte af engagerede udøvende oversættere, oversættelsesforskere, kulturdebattører o.a. – blive diskuteret følgende spørgsmål: Hvilken forskel gør oversættelse? Hvad mister vi, hvis der ikke er (god) oversættelse? Hvem bliver ramt, hvis vi ikke har (god) oversættelse? Hvad er det ganske særlige, som oversættere kan? Og hvordan synliggør vi alt dette i den brede offentlighed? Læs mere på http://hieronymusdagen.ku.dk" "Lecture by Diane Larsen-Freeman";"Engerom/Language in higher education";"2015-06-16";"9am";"";"10am";"Room 22.0.49";"Room 22.0.49. Complexity Theory as Metatheory by Professor Diane Larsen-Freeman, Ann Arbor, Michigan.";"Complexity Theory as Metatheory by Professor Diane Larsen-Freeman, Ann Arbor, Michigan." "Translation Studies Cross-Over: Om data og metoder i oversættelsesforskningen";"Engerom/Oversættelse: Roller, processer og konsekvenser";"2015-05-22";"13";"";"16";"Lokale 27.0.17";"Lokale 27.0.17. med oplæg af Lektor Jan Pedersen (Stockholm), adjunkt Kristian Hvelplund, lektor Hanne Jansen og lektor Henrik Gottlieb (Engerom)";" med oplæg af Lektor Jan Pedersen (Stockholm), adjunkt Kristian Hvelplund, lektor Hanne Jansen og lektor Henrik Gottlieb (Engerom) I denne workshop præsenteres og diskuteres de forskellige metodiske tilgange til forskning i oversættelse på Engerom. Disse tilgange omfatter blandt andet korpusanalyse, protokolanalyse, spørgeskemaanalyse og procesanalyse med eyetracking og keylogging, mv. Oversættelsesplatformens medlemmer vil præsentere egen aktuel forskning med særlig henblik på at diskutere hvordan disse metoder kan styrke oversættelsesforskningen. ________________________Dette er et Engerom Fokusarrangement arrangeret af forskningsplatformen Oversættelse: Roller, processer og konsekvenser" "Grammatikskrivning og forskellige syn herpå";"Engerom/Sprog i de videregående uddannelser";"2015-05-21";"13";"";"16";"Lokale 27.1.49";"Lokale 27.1.49. med oplæg af lektor Luca Panieri (Milano), amanuensis Anna Wegener(Engerom/Rom) og lektor Merete Birkelund (Aarhus)";"med oplæg af lektor Luca Panieri (Milano), amanuensis Anna Wegener(Engerom/Rom) og lektor Merete Birkelund (Aarhus) Dette er et Engerom Fokusarrangement arrangeret af forskningsplatformen Sprog i de videregående uddannelser " "Zoë Wicomb in Dialogue with Ann Langwadt";"Engerom/Migration and Memory/TRAMS";"2015-05-13";"3pm";"";"4pm";"The Faculty Library, 1st floor";"The Faculty Library, 1st floor. South African/Scottish novelist Zoë Wicomb";"South African/Scottish novelist Zoë Wicomb" "French Identity and Politics ";"Engerom";"2015-05-13";"1.15pm";"";"4pm";"Room 21.0.54 (Multisalen)";"Room 21.0.54 (Multisalen). Prof. Timothy Hampton (UC Berkeley), “’Lisez gayement le reste’: Gaiety and French Identity in the Early Modern Period”.Prof. Cécile Alduy (Stanford University), “Words, Myths, and Politics: The National Front and The Battle for Ideological Hegemony”";" 13:15 Prof. Timothy Hampton (UC Berkeley), “’Lisez gayement le reste’: Gaiety and French Identity in the Early Modern Period” 14:45 Prof. Cécile Alduy (Stanford University), “Words, Myths, and Politics: The National Front and The Battle for Ideological Hegemony”" "Foredrag af Katarina Le Müller";"Engerom/Tysk Fredag/Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring";"2015-05-08";"13";"";"15";"Lokale 15A.1.13";"Lokale 15A.1.13. Stereotypenwelten im interkulturellen Kosmos der deutsch-dänischen Wirtschaftskommunikation: Untersuchungen und Ergebnisse des SMiK-Projekts.";"Stereotypenwelten im interkulturellen Kosmos der deutsch-dänischen Wirtschaftskommunikation: Untersuchungen und Ergebnisse des SMiK-Projekts. Af Katarina Le Müller, Odense. ____________________Vortragsreihe TYSK FREDAG" "Lecture series Art and Movement";"Engerom/Sense and Sensibility";"2015-05-06";"3pm";"";"5pm";"Faculty of Humanities, Njalsgade 128, KUA1,Room 24.2.07";"Room 24.2.07. Pygmalion with a Kodak: Sculpture and Photography c. 1900 by Professor Michael Hatt (Warwick) and Moving Sculpture in late Victorian Fiction by Associate Professor Lene Østermark-Johansen (Engerom)";"Pygmalion with a Kodak: Sculpture and Photography c. 1900 by Professor Michael Hatt (Warwick) While chronophotography has been much discussed as the paradigmatic example of how photography captures movement, it is not the only way in which photographers at the turn of the twentieth century attempted to represent motion. In this highly speculative paper, I want to explore a challenge to chronophotography, in the work of American pictorialist photographer Fred Holland Day. Day does no less than attempt to reconfigure the relationship between photography and movement by thinking sculpturally rather than cinematically, basing his idea of movement on the Pygmalionesque moment when a body magically shifts from stasis to kinesis. In doing this, Holland Day also offers an alternative model of how photography can represent time, desire, and – to put it, perhaps recklessly, in Proustian terms – a body of experience rather than the body of habit. Moving Sculpture in late Victorian Fiction by Associate Professor Lene Østermark-Johansen (Engerom) In his Laocöon (1766) G.E. Lessing had distinguished between the visual arts and poetry as art forms existing in space and time respectively; for more than a century his text was widely read and accepted in England. I want to explore the ways in which late Victorian writers like Walter Pater and Vernon Lee challenged Lessing’s rigid distinctions in their short fiction and essays, where sculptural figures spring to life, and where the contemplation of sculpture causes kinesthetic experiences in the viewer, and motion and emotion merge. In Lee’s theoretical writings, co-authored with Kit Anstruther-Thomson in the late 1890s, the perceived object and the perceiving subject blend almost imperceptibly, and Pygmalion and Galatea may have changed places, if only momentarily. ____________________________This is an Engerom focus event within the research platform Sense and Sensibility" "Lecture by Birgit Henriksen";"Engerom/Language in higher education";"2015-02-18";"1pm";"";"3pm";"Room 27.0.09";"Room 17.0.09. Teacher cognition research and teaching practices – with a focus on English Medium instruction in tertiary education.";"Teacher cognition research and teaching practices – with a focus on English Medium instruction in tertiary education. Research on teacher cognition in language teaching investigates the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs that underlie the planning and practice of language teaching. Instead of focusing on what goes on in the classroom or the learning effects of particular methods and approaches, teacher cognition research tries to tap into the mental lives of the teachers in order to explore the interplay between teaching experience, theoretical knowledge and actual classroom activities. The focus on the mental processing that guides language teaching calls for a range of different research approaches, both qualitative and quantitative, that can uncover the often implicit knowledge behind the complex process of language teaching. The presentation will give an overview of some of the issues explored and the different methods used in teacher cognition research with some examples from the Danish research context." "The Houses of Windsor: Reveries of Home in Late Colonial Kenya";"Engerom/Embers of Empire";"2014-12-16";"3.30pm";"";"5.30pm";"Room 24.1.47";"!!ATTENTION!! Delayed 30 min. Room 22.1.47. Lecture by Stuart Ward.";" Lecture by Stuart Ward In April 1947, Princess Elizabeth broadcast her 21st birthday speech from South Africa on the BBC; a coming of age ritual that attracted a worldwide audience. She prefaced her message with a solemn proclamation: ‘As I speak to you today from Cape Town, I am six thousand miles from the country where I was born. But I am certainly not six thousand miles from home’. Her words invoked Greater Britain in the nineteenth-century tradition of Dilke and Seeley, a world unbounded by geography or statehood. The image of royalty equally ‘at home’ in each of the Monarchy’s many realms was fundamental to upholding the popular legitimacy of empire in the post-WWII world. Within months of her broadcast, Elizabeth’s message was put to effect in the most literal sense when the Kenyan settler community offered her a home of her own in the foothills of Mt Kenya. Sagana Lodge was undoubtedly one of the more elaborate wedding gifts to Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip in November 1947. Although it is well known that the royal couple was in residence at Sagana at the time of George VIs death in February 1952, historians have shown remarkably little curiosity about the circumstances that made them homeowners in this improbable part of the world. Yet the gift reveals much, not only about the Monarchy as a symbol of the enduring purchase of Greater Britain in the post-war era, but also about the (in)security of tenure of Kenyan settlers during the early onset of decolonization. By the time the royal couple occupied the lodge in 1952, the Mau Mau uprising was on their doorstep (quite literally so, as the forests of the Mt. Kenya foothills were a major hideout for insurgents) and a return visit therefore never materialized. Yet the violation of British notions of ordered domesticity became a potent means of mobilizing empathy in Britain for the embattled settler community of Kenya. This paper examines the intersecting story of Sagana Lodge and the Monarchy as symbolic projections of home at empire’s end, and as an index of the diminishing reach and resonance of Britishness in Africa." "Riots in French Culture";"Engerom/Cultures of Topology Lecture Series";"2014-12-16";"1pm";"";"4pm";"Room 21.0.54 (Multisalen)";"Room 21.0.54 (Multisalen). Open Lectures by Kristin Ross (NYU) and Christopher Prendergast (Cambridge). Cultures of Topology Lecture Series";"Open Lectures by Kristin Ross (NYU) and Christopher Prendergast (Cambridge) 13:15 Christopher Prendergast: ""The Revolutionary journée and the Politics of Memory: July 14, 1789"" 14:45 Kristin Ross: ""Notes on the 'Cellular Regime of Nationality'"" 16:00 Reception " "Lecture by Claude Imbert";"Engerom/Sense and Sensibility";"2014-11-13";"3pm";"";"5pm";"Room 27.0.47";"Room 27.0.47. Foucault on charts, archives and painting: From image to heterotopy by Professor Claude Imbert (Paris)";"Foucault on charts, archives and painting: From image to heterotopy by Professor Claude Imbert (Paris)" "Lectures by Michael Sheringham and Timothy Hampton";"Engerom/French literary history seminar";"2014-11-07";"1pm";"";"4pm";"Room 21.0.54 (Multisalen)";"Room 21.0.54 (Multisalen). Paris: Rioting, gallantry and the everyday by Professor Michael Sheringham (Oxford) and Professor Timothy Hampton (Berkeley)";"Paris: Rioting, gallantry and the everyday by Professor Michael Sheringham (Oxford) and Professor Timothy Hampton (Berkeley) Note! This event has been rescheduled from 22 October." "CALL FOR PAPERS: Comparative Studies in Migration and Memory";"PhD School at the Faculty of Humanities at University of Copenhagen";"2014-11-06";"09:30";"2014-11-07";"17:00";"KUA, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 27.0.09 (Building 27, ground floor, room 09)";"Room 27.0.09. At a time when transnational mobility is both noticeable and controversial it matters greatly that we better understand the human experience of migration: its subjective histories, social processes and imaginative implications. At a time when the movement of peoples is under intense scrutiny the case for comparative investigation and analysis is compelling. It is necessary to explore interaction between cultures, the processes of personal recollection in life-story and oral history, as well as public memory expressed in commemorations, museums and representations.";"At a time when transnational mobility is both noticeable and controversial it matters greatly that we better understand the human experience of migration: its subjective histories, social processes and imaginative implications. At a time when the movement of peoples is under intense scrutiny the case for comparative investigation and analysis is compelling. It is necessary to explore interaction between cultures, the processes of personal recollection in life-story and oral history, as well as public memory expressed in commemorations, museums and representations. To this end we invite PhD researchers to learn more, and to talk with experts in the field, during a course on ‘Comparative Studies in Migration and Memory’. Students with varied disciplinary interests from across the humanities and social sciences are welcome to attend. Our team of expert guest speakers includes scholars from social and cultural history; from studies in culture, language and the arts; and from anthropology and cultural geography. The objective of our course is to work with case studies and comparisons, to find common ground in questions of methodology, to discuss together. If your PhD project is connected to comparative and interdisciplinary work, if you are researching the migration of individuals and groups and have an interest in any of the subjects listed below, you are welcome to attend. We are especially interested in developing historical, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary studies in the following areas: processes of cultural interaction, hybridization and segregation through human movement; psychological and social aspects of migrant and diasporic recollection; expressions of the migrant past in the visual arts, photography, narrative and documentary film as well as written accounts; related questions of language, translation and discourse; connections between micro and macro analysis in migration and memory studies; links and contrasts, for example between Europe, Latin America and Asia; methodological discussions on memory and comparative approaches to migration. Finally, your topic does not need to be directly comparative for you to take part in this course. Rather, the presentations and discussions of the course are the forum where we can develop the idea of comparisons by connecting research themes and approaches. PhD researchers working on both historical and contemporary subjects are equally welcome. Registration deadline: 3rd October. Please register here. Abstract submission deadline: 24 October. Please submit your abstract to phdschool@hum.ku.dk. Enquiries & questions: Dr Peter Leese (leese@hum.uk.dk). ECTS points: 0,8 for participation/ 2,3 for participation with a 15 minute presentation. For more information, including the program for the course, please visit the course website here." "Lecture by Noah Riseman";"Centre for Australian Studies";"2014-11-05";"15.00";"";"17.00";"24.2.62";"Remembering Indigenous Australian War Service Dr Noah Riseman from Australian Catholic University, currently guest lecturer at University of Barcelona will be giving a seminar on 'Remembering Indigenous Australian War Service'.";"Remembering Indigenous Australian War Service Dr Noah Riseman from Australian Catholic University, currently guest lecturer at University of Barcelona will be giving a seminar on 'Remembering Indigenous Australian War Service'." "Language in the new media, norm, variation, language change";"Engerom/Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring";"2014-11-03";"1pm-3pm";"2014-11-04";"9-11am";"Room 27.0.17";"Lokale 27.0.17. PhD seminar with two public lectures. Monday 3 November at 1pm: What changed, what didn't: The real impact of electronically-mediated communication by Professor Naomi S. Baron. Tuesday 4 November at 9am: The new spaces of digital writing: Some remarks from an Italian sociolinguistic perspective by Associate Professor Elena Pistolesi.";"PhD seminar with two public lectures. Monday 3 November at 1pmWhat changed, what didn't: The real impact of electronically-mediated communication by Professor Naomi S. Baron, American University, Washington DC. The first email message was transmitted in 1971. Between then and now, many predictions have been made about the ways in which online communication would reshape traditional spoken and written language. This presentation will review these prognostications and analyze which ones have and have not materialized. We will also consider some of the unanticipated consequences of the ways we use language online. Naomi S. Baron is Professor of Linguistics and Executive Director of the Center for Teaching, Research, and Learning at American University in Washington, DC. A Guggenheim Fellow and Swedish Fulbright Fellow, she is the author of seven books on language. Always On: Language in an Online and Mobile World was the 2008 winner of the English-Speaking Union’s Duke of Edinburgh English Language Book Award. Her new book, Words Onscreen: The Fate of Reading in a Digital World, will be published by Oxford University Press this winter. Tuesday 4 November at 9amThe new spaces of digital writing: Some remarks from an Italian sociolinguistic perspective by Associate Professor Elena Pistolesi, Università degli Studi di Modena et Reggio Emilia." "Menzies Centre for Australian Studies Symposium";"";"2014-10-23";"08.30";"2014-10-23";"18.00";"";"";"Thursday 23 October, 08.30-18.00, King's College London, Council Room (K2.29), King's Building, Strand CampusA one-day symposium bringing together academics from Britain, Europe, America and Australia to debate the future of Australian Studies.Staff from the Copenhagen Centre for Australian Studies will present papers at the symposium" "Lecture Series Art and Movement 1";"Engerom/Sense and Sensibility";"2014-10-22";"3pm";"";"5pm";"Room 24.2.07";"Room 24.2.07. Stillness and movement: Photography, chronophotography and the inception of cinema by Professor Martha Braun (Toronto); Imaging movement and the movement of images by Associate Professor Boris Wiseman (Engerom) This is an Engerom Focus Event organized by the research platform Sense and Sensibility";"Stillness and movement: Photography, chronophotography and the inception of cinema by Professor Martha Braun (Toronto) Imaging movement and the movement of images by Associate Professor Boris Wiseman (Engerom) Lecture Series Art and Movement This is an Engerom Focus Event organized by the research platform Sense and Sensibility" "Gramatikprogrammet Via - Fortid, nutid og fremtid";"Engerom/Sprog i de videregående uddannelser";"2014-10-09";"14";"";"16";"Lokale 27.0.49";"Lokale 27.0.49. Foredrag af direktør Sabine Kirchmeier-Andersen fra Dansk Sprognævn.";"Foredrag af direktør Sabine Kirchmeier-Andersen fra Dansk Sprognævn." "Lecture by Carlo Severi";"Engerom/Sense and Sensibility";"2014-10-07";"3pm";"";"4pm";"Room 24.1.11";"Room 24.1.11. Image and memory: anthropological perspectives for the humanities by Carlo Severi, Director of Research, Chair in ""Anthropology of the memory"" at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Paris and Director of Research at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France. ";"Image and memory: anthropological perspectives for the humanities by Carlo Severi, Director of Research, Chair in ""Anthropology of the memory"" at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Paris and Director of Research at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France." "Hieronymusdagen 2014";"Engerom m.fl.";"2014-09-30";"13";"";"22:00";"Københavns Universitet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Amager, Festsalen 11C.0.08, bygn. 11 og aud. 23.0.50, bygn. 23";"Den Internationale Oversætterdag 2014 Stor paneldiskussion med oversættere, tekstere, forlæggere, forskere, kulturdebattører";"Bæredygtig oversættelse – Kvalitet i oversættelsen 30. september, kl. 13 - 22 på Københavns Universitet Amager Tilmelding finder sted fra start august på www.engerom.ku.dk/hieronymusdagen Oversætternes skytshelgen Hieronymus – ophavsmand til Vulgata, nyoversættelsen af Bibelen til datidens talte latin, der stadig er referencepunkt i den katolske kirkes liturgi – døde den 30. september år 420. Dagen fejres i år med en eftermiddagsworkshop (ca. 13-16.30), en bredt anlagt paneldiskussion (17-20), samt efterfølgende buffet. På Hieronymusdagen 2014 vil vi samle aktører inden for oversættelseslandskabet – litterære oversættere, fagoversættere, tekstere, tolke, forlæggere, forskere, kulturdebattører, politiske beslutningstagere mm. – for at diskutere kvalitet i oversættelse på tværs af faggrænser og funktioner. Kvaliteten i oversættelse udfordres fra forskellige sider: udviklingen inden for maskinoversættelse er ved at ændre arbejdsvilkårene for oversættere i mange dele af oversættelseslandskabet; ændringer inden for bogmarkedet med de frie bogpriser og udbredelsen af e-bøgerne skaber økonomisk pres for både forlag og biblioteksområdet; fremmedsprogenes trange kår på de videregående uddannelser og manglen på egentlige oversætteruddannelser giver problemer i forhold til rekruttering af nye kvalificerede oversættere. Arrangementet finder sted tirsdag d. 30. september, på Københavns Universitet Amager. Program Eftermiddagsworkshop - 13.00-16.30 i Festsalen 11C.0.08, KUA213.00-13.15 Velkomst & kaffe 13.15-14.45 (Moderator Jørgen Christian Wind Nielsen, Forbundet for Kommunikation og Sprog)Om maskinoversættelse og post-editing – og konsekvenser for kvalitet i oversættelse (oplægsholdere: Thomas Gregersen om maskinoversættelse i tekstning; Sidsel Øby fra SDL, højteknologisk oversættelses- og lokaliseringsvirksomhed; Anders Søgaard om maskinoversættelse og litterær oversættelse; Annette Lindegaard fra Oversættelsescentret, KUA, oversætter og forfatter) Eftermiddagsworkshoppen er desværre lukket for tilmelding, da der ikke er flere ledige pladser 14.45-15.00 Kaffepause 15.00-16.30 (Moderator Juliane Wammen, Dansk Oversætterforbund)Om kvalitetssikring i redigeringsfasen og via anmeldelser (oplægsholdere: Aino Roscher, litterær oversætter og tekster; Jo Hermann, tekstredaktør, korrekturlæser og forfatter; Miriam Vestergaard Kobbersmed, ph.d.-stipendiat AU, om oversættelseskritik; Nils Bjervig, Bjervigs Bureau, redaktør) Aftenpaneldebat - 17.00-20.00 i Auditorium 23.0.50 KUA1(Moderator Morten Visby, formand for Dansk Oversætterforbund)Med et panel bestående af forlagsdirektør Claus Clausen, oversætter og redaktør Sara Koch, tekster Amalie Foss, tolk og translatør Carina Graversen, tekstningsforsker Henrik Gottlieb, litteraturanmelder, forsker og oversætter Erik Skyum Nielsen, Bende Bjerring fra oversættelses- og lokaliseringsvirksomheden Lionbridge Denmark A/S og forsker i sprogpolitik Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansensætter vi fokus på bl.a. følgende spørgsmål omkring Bæredygtig oversættelse og kvalitet i oversættelsen: Hvilke krav stiller vi til oversættelsesproduktet, og skal vi evt. arbejde med forskellige kriterier alt efter genre, medie og funktion? Hvordan uddanner vi kompetente og kreative oversættere? Hvordan sikrer vi rimelige arbejdsvilkår for oversætterne, så de er i stand til at levere gode oversættelser? Hvordan styrker vi kommunikationen mellem de forskellige aktører, så vi i fællesskab kan sikre kvaliteten i oversættelse? Der vil være forsyninger af snacks og frugt undervejs. Buffet og ’mingling’ - 20.15-22.15 i Festsalen 11C.0.08, KUA2 Deltagelse er gratis, men tilmelding påkrævet. Deadline 25. september. Vær opmærksom på at der er begrænset antal pladser til eftermiddagsarrangementet. Hvis du har lyst til at kommunikere fra arrangementet i de sociale medier, opfordrer vi dig til at bruge hashtag #hieronymus2014 Hieronymusdagen 2014 er arrangeret i et samarbejde mellem Forum for Billedmedieoversættere, Dansk Oversætterforbund, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk ved KU og Forbundet Kommunikation og Sprog, og støttes af Statens Kunstfond, Autorkontoen, DOF, FBO, Forbundet Kommunikation og Sprog og Subline ." "Har talesproget sin egen grammatik?";"Engerom/Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring";"2014-09-29";"13.15";"";"15.00";"Lokale 27.0.49";"Lokale 27.0.49. Foredraget Dansk samtalesprog har sin egen grammatik af lektor Jakob Steensig (Aarhus) efterfulgt af indlæg af lektor Erling Strudsholm, lektor Anita Berit Hansen og lektor Nieves Hernández-Flores (Engerom). Dette er et Engerom Fokusarrangement arrangeret af forskningsplatformen Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring ";"Foredraget Dansk samtalesprog har sin egen grammatik - erfaringer og overvejelser ud fra arbejdet med samtalegrammatik.dk af lektor Jakob Steensig (Aarhus) efterfulgt af indlæg af lektor Erling Strudsholm, lektor Anita Berit Hansen og lektor Nieves Hernández-Flores (Engerom) Jakob Steensig er lektor i Lingvistik ved Aarhus Universitet Abstract De sidste par år har jeg og en gruppe studerende og andre forskere arbejdet på at opbygge en samlet grammatik for dansk samtalesprog. Det er en proces som kommer til at tage mange år, men det foreløbige resultat kan ses på samtalegrammatik.dk. Ud fra dette arbejde vil jeg forsøge at besvare spørgsmålet om samtalesproget har sin egen grammatik. Svaret bliver et ja, og jeg vil forsøge at begrunde dette på to måder: (1) Der er en række grammatiske fænomener i samtalesproget som er anderledes end skriftsprogets tilsvarende. Jeg vil give eksempler på sådanne forskelle, taget fra vores arbejde med samtalegrammatikken. (2) Betingelserne for produktionen og modtagelsen af grammatiske strukturer er fundamentalt forskellige i samtalesproget og i skriftsproget. Der er det oplagte, at talesproget er knyttet til tid, rum og personer på en anden måde end skriftsproget. Men derudover er andre betingelser også vigtige for forståelsen af hvorfor samtalesprogets grammatik er anderledes end skriftsprogets: Samtalesprogets grammatik skal kunne opbygge taleture og skal kunne forholde sig til den altid aktuelle mulighed at andre kan gribe ind og medforfatte ytringer. Endelig udfører alle ytringer i samtalesproget sociale handlinger, som der kontant afregning på straks, hvilket også er med til at skabe særlige betingelser for grammatikken. Dette er et Engerom Fokusarrangement arrangeret af forskningsplatformen Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring " "Cultural responses to environmental disaster in Australia";"Engerom/Centre for Australian Studies";"2014-09-19";"1pm";"";"5pm";"Room 27.1.47";"Room 27.1.47. Symposium organized by Distinguished Visiting Professor Anne Collett";"Symposium at Centre for Australian Studies organized by Distinguished Visiting Professor Anne Collett Friday 19 September 2014, 1-5 p.m. Room: 27.1.47 Speakers: Anne Collett (Centre for Australia Studies, Copenhagen University / University of Wollongong, Australia): Amateur Knowledge and Activism: The Legacy of Botanical Illustrator, Kathleen McArthur Tom Griffith (Australian National University): Remembering and Forgetting Bushfire Kate Rigby (Monash University, Australia): Remembering Kinglake: Reframing ‘Natural Disaster’ in the Anthropocene’ Sue Thomas (La Trobe University, Australia): Making Landfall: Towards a Critical Tempestology of Cyclones in Colonial Australia, 1850 Lars Jensen (Roskilde University, Denmark): Undermining the Climate? Mining as National Discourse, Climate Change as National Discourse Abstracts Anne Collett Australian Studies Centre, University of Copenhagen & University of Wollongong Amateur Knowledge and Activism: The Legacy of Botanical Illustrator, Kathleen McArthur Not all disaster has sudden and obvious impact; disaster can take slow and silent form that nevertheless can have impact on a large scale and bring about change that has ramifications beyond what we might ken. Kathleen McArthur (1915-2000) was a self-educated “botanical illustrator” whose life was bent on sharing her passion for and knowledge about the wildflowers of Queensland that were threatened by the degradation and in some cases, destruction, of their native environment. McArthur believed this was a disaster that could be averted through the education of the eye, mind and heart. In her introduction to Queensland Wildflowers: A Selection (1959) McArthur, observes that ‘this little work is apparently the first popular book on Queensland wildflowers… The State has been known for its fine botanists whose technical publications serve the specialist, yet little has previously been done to bridge the gap between scientist and the public. It is the general public who, in the end, are responsible for the preservation of our floral heritage, and the delay in serving them could be vital.’ McArthur here makes the point that responsibility for a flourishing world lies with ‘us’, that is, ‘we’ must ensure that love and knowledge are shared. Her claim is that the professional only speaks to the elite few where the amateur can speak to the many. Amateur here does not necessarily mean less knowledgeable; rather it is a question of dissemination – the amateur speaks in a language that the many can understand, the amateur speaks in venues to which the public have ready access, the amateur is not afraid to speak of love. Kathleen McArthur is exemplar of what the dedicated amateur can achieve. Tom Griffiths Australian National University Remembering and forgetting bushfire The Black Saturday 2009 Victorian firestorm made Australians think critically about their relationship with nature and the challenges of living on the fire continent. Drawing on the experience of working as a historian with a community that suffered in that fire, I will explore the cultural and psychological pressures working against the memory of such overwhelming natural events – and thus against adaptation. Kate Rigby (Monash University Australia) Remember Kinglake: Reframing 'Natural Disaster' in the Anthropocene This paper addresses the role of cultural assumptions, values, and narratives in the interpretation of those geo-physical extreme events that have become known in modernity as “natural disasters”. The de-naturalisation of “natural disaster”, I argue, has become imperative in order to better understand and respond to the complex entanglement of human and non-human agencies and processes in the aetiology, unfolding and aftermath of such calamities in the era of the Anthropocene, when human activities are so profoundly transforming Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, soils, and ecosystems on a global scale. Focussing on the framing of weather-borne disasters in Australia, I will consider the way in which certain non- and pre-modern interpretations of geo-physical extremes as indicative of human wrong-doing are being recalled in the medium of contemporary literature to challenge the modern secular paradigm of ‘natural disaster’: specifically, Aboriginal Rainbow Serpent narratives in Alexis Wright’s Carpentaria and biblical narratives in Jordie Albiston’s “Kinglake Undone”. Sue Thomas (La Trobe University) Making Landfall: Towards a Critical Tempestology of Cyclones in Colonial Australia, 1850 The term cyclone was first introduced into meteorological discourse in 1848 by Henry Piddington in The Sailor’s Horn-book for the Law of Storms as a generic name for ‘circular or highly curved winds’. Based in India, he wrote ‘memoirs’ of hurricanes and storms in the Indian Ocean region and drew extensively on written sources to establish authoritative knowledge of hurricanes and typhoons over time, distinguishing them from other kinds of storm activity. The kinds of sources on which Piddington drew have again been brought into the purview of scientists working in the field of paleotempestology: the study of past tropical cyclones, especially before 1851, when instruments began to accurately confirm that a weather event was indeed a cyclone, using ‘geological proxy techniques’ and archival documentary sources. The survey of historical sources by paleotempestologists is designed to elicit information about the incidence, intensity and tracks of cyclones and the material damage they have caused. In this paper I turn to Australian colonial newspapers before 1851 which carried local and overseas reports of hurricane activity; poems, letters, and excerpts of travel narratives which represent hurricanes; and local and overseas commentary on ‘current affairs’ of state. The research questions that animate my critical tempestology are different from those posed by paleotempestologists. How have hurricanes (the general term in use before 1848) entered and shaped the Australian colonial literary and discursive imaginary? What are the genres or narrative arcs of cyclone writing, and how do they project a sense of place and environment? How does the representation of cyclones imaginatively invent the Australian tropics (the Northern Territory, Queensland, northern Western Australia)? What is the metaphorical reach of the hurricane in early colonial public discourse? How might this history help us unpack the metaphorical use of the cyclone in Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey’s recent assessment of Australia’s current economic and social climate as being in emergency need of more ‘Responsible Government’ (National Commission of Audit): ‘We can’t keep heading into a cyclone and expect everything to be OK’. Lars Jensen Roskilde University Undermining the Climate? Mining as National Discourse, Climate Change as National Discourse My presentation grows out of two separate articles written three years apart. The earlier piece looked at the Australian discourse on climate change in the context of whiteness studies in the aftermath of COP15 hosted as most will remember by Copenhagen, and a Danish Prime Minister whose lack of international skills and bad English may have been partly responsible for its failure. Some may also remember that the Australian zoologist, Tim Flannery, author of The Weather Makers (2005), but probably more famous for The Future Eaters (1994), headed the Copenhagen Climate Council. Three years on, no more Rudd, no more support for the replacement of the expired Kyoto agreement with another ambitious treaty. ‘Direct Action’ surprisingly obscure given its agency laden phrasing has replaced what always remained a struggling Australian commitment to do anything that might compromise its relationship with the coal industry. Which brings me to my second article about to be published on mining as national narrative ‘Giving Diggers’ a Rest or Resurrecting Them? (Under)Mining the Australian National Narrative’, where I analyse the SBS documentary series, Dirty Business, which aired in the beginning of 2013. While this doesn’t obviously deal with climate change, arguably mining as national discourse, alongside ‘carstralia’ and the endless sprawl caused by the quarter-acre-block epidemic, represent the three singular biggest obstacles to actual – direct action. If anyone wonders why unsustainable farming practises are not included, it is because, I optimistically predict lack of water will look after this. What I will be addressing in my talk, and what I am interested in as a topic for the general discussion, is how dominant forms of national discourse produce narratives of climate change, and ways in which such discourses are either undermined or supported." "Workshop med Alister Cumming";"Engerom";"2014-09-18";"kl. 14.00";"";"16.30";"Lokale 27.0.47";"Lokale 27.0.47. Workshop om undervisning i skriftlig sprogfærdighed med professor, æresdoktor ved KU, Alister Cumming, University of Toronto.";"Workshop om undervisning i skriftlig sprogfærdighed ved instituttets fag med professor, æresdoktor ved KU, Alister Cumming, University of Toronto. Program: 14.00-14.20: Engelsk (Peter Harder) 14.20-14.40: CIP (Sanne Larsen) 14.40-15.00: Italiensk (Lorens Juul Madsen) 15.00-15.20: Kaffepause 15.20-15.40: Spansk (Nieves Hernández-Flores) 15.40-16.00: Tysk (Ken Farø) 16.00-16.20: Portugisisk (Sandi Michele de Oliveira) 16.20-16.40: Fransk (Jan Lindschouw) 16.40-16.50: Afrunding (Dorte Albrechtsen) " "Seminar with Alister Cumming";"Engerom";"2014-09-17";"kl. 13.00";"";"16.20";"Room 27.0.47.";"Room 27.0.47. Seminar on writing in a foreign language with honorary doctor at UCPH, professor Alister Cumming, OISE University of Toronto. This is an Engerom Focus Event organized by the research platform Language in higher education.";"Seminar on writing in a foreign language with honorary doctor at UCPH, professor Alister Cumming, OISE University of Toronto. Programme 1pm – 2pm Alister Cumming, OISE, University of Toronto – Writing from Sources for Academic Purposes: A Synthesis of Recent Research 2pm – 2:40pm Sanne Larsen, CIP, University of Copenhagen – Perceptions of transfer of learning in L2 writing 2:40pm – 3pm Coffee break 3pm – 3:40pm Jan Lindschouw, EnGeRom, University of Copenhagen – Peer Feedback and Academic Writing in French at the University Level – Focus Points and Opinions 3:40pm – 4:20pm Dorte Albrechtsen, EnGeRom, University of Copenhagen – EFL Learners’ Writing Processes over Time in L1 (Danish) and L2 (English) Abstracts Writing from Sources for Academic Purposes: A Synthesis of Recent Research Alister Cumming, OISE, University of Toronto (With assistance from Hyeyoon Cho and Conttia Lai) A major challenge for students learning to write for academic purposes is developing the ability to integrate source material effectively into written compositions. This presentation reviews research that has investigated writing from sources systematically from a variety of analytic perspectives and in diverse contexts internationally, including students in universities, colleges, and secondary schools. Five general claims emerged across our analyses of 49 empirical studies published in refereed journals in English since 1993. Each claim warrants further research, evaluation, and refinement: (1) students experience difficulties with the complex processes of writing from sources but can overcome these with certain strategies; (2) prior knowledge and experience influence students’ performance in writing from sources; (3) performance in tasks that involve writing from sources varies by task conditions and types of texts; (4) differences may appear between L1 and L2 students in their understanding and uses of sources in writing; and (5) instruction can help students improve their uses of sources in their writing. Perceptions of transfer of learning in L2 writing Sanne Larsen, CIP, University of Copenhagen This presentation reports on an investigation of students’ perceptions of learning to write in an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course and the opportunities for transfer of that learning to academic courses. Data were gathered through observation, collection of student texts and regular text-based interviews over the course of one semester with international students at the University of Copenhagen who concurrently with enrolment in a credit-bearing EAP course were taking other academic courses in which they were required to write in English. The interview data tapped into students’ perceptions of the potential for learning and transfer at the beginning of the semester, over the course of the semester in relation to a number of written assignments and at the end of the semester upon completion of written assignments and papers. The analyses suggests that although all students initially saw the EAP course as important for learning to write in English for their academic courses, they found limited opportunities to transfer learning over the course of the semester. I discuss factors which might have influenced students’ perceptions of (lack of) opportunities for transfer and possible implications for course design. Peer Feedback and Academic Writing in French at the University Level – Focus Points and Opinions Jan Lindschouw, EnGeRom, University of Copenhagen This paper treats the role of peer feedback in a French academic writing course at the University of Copenhagen. The purpose of the study is both to analyse different types of feedback given by the students as well as their subsequent revisions and to discover their opinions about this form of feedback. A qualitative study, consisting of both empirical and introspective data, was conducted in which the feedback, the revisions and the opinions of three groups of students, divided according to their linguistic level in French, were analysed. The results reveal that all three groups of students propose modifications on three different levels (content, textual and grammatical), and generally these proposals lead to revisions of the written product. However, the linguistic level of the students also plays a role on the number of modifications and revisions, since high proficient students propose corrections on all three levels, whereas less proficient students focus primarily on the content and textual level. As for the students’ opinions, this study generally shows a very positive attitude towards peer feedback, even though feedback provided by the teacher is considered essential in order to develop academic writing skills. Again the level of the students plays a role, since proficient students have a much more positive attitude towards this type of feedback than less proficient students, because they often lack confidence in themselves as evaluators. EFL Learners’ Writing Processes over Time in L1 (Danish) and L2 (English) Dorte Albrechtsen, EnGeRom, University of Copenhagen Writing skills are essential for students who aim for university level education. Teachers of Danish and of English as a foreign language address these skills throughout high school to prepare students for the literacy requirements of further education. The claim that expert writing processes are essential for the acquisition of knowledge makes the question of the degree to which students actually develop their writing processes at this educational level worth addressing. The presentation deals with findings from a longitudinal study of the writing processes of pre-university EFL learners, addressing the relationship between their processes in L1 and L2 over time. For the quantitative part of the study, no statistically significant differences were found with regard to the learners’ processes after a period of 18 months. The issue of establishing development will be discussed in relation to in-depth analyses of individual learners. This is an Engerom Focus Event organized by the research platform Language in higher education." "Lecture by Caroline Elkins";"Engerom/Embers of Empire";"2014-05-07";"10:15";"";"11:30";"Room 23.0.50";"Room 23.0.50. Public lecture on Mau Mau on Trial: History, Law, and Memories of Empire. World History Workshop";" Mau Mau on Trial: History, Law, and Memories of Empire Caroline Elkins is Professor of History at Harvard University. She is the editor of Settler Colonialists in the 20th Century (with Susan Pedersen, 2005), and her book, Britain's Gulag: The Brutal End of Empire in Kenya, was awarded the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction. It was also selected as one of the Economist's best history books for 2005, was a New York Times editor's choice, and was a finalist for the Lionel Gelber Award. Professor Elkins is a contributor to The New York Times Books Review, The Atlantic, and The New Republic. She has also appeared on numerous radio and television programs including NPR's All Things Considered, BBC's The World, and PBS's Charlie Rose. Professor Elkins is currently working on a major project about British counter-insurgency operations after the Second World War, with case studies including Palestine, Malaya, Kenya, Cyprus, and Nyasaland. She recently served as an advisor and expert witness for the five Kenyan claimants against the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London's High Court of Justice, which revisited the dark corners of British violence and decolonization in Kenya in the 1950s. All are welcome. Contact: Christian Damm Pedersen Organizer: The Embers of Empire Project, the World History Workshop, and the Institute for English, Germanic & Romance Studies. World History Workshop is an academic forum for the exchange of ideas among students and scholars of the humanities and social sciences with an interest in world history. The seminar is funded by the Velux Foundation and Copenhagen University Foundation." "Lecture by Nancy Cook";"Engerom/American Studies";"2014-04-30";"12.15";"";"2.00";"Room 27.0.09";"CHANGE OF VENUE and TIME CHANGE! Room 27.0.09. Preserving Home and Revising History: Legacies of the King Ranch of Texas by Nancy Cook, Associate Professor, University of Montana";"Preserving Home and Revising History: Legacies of the King Ranch of Texas by Nancy Cook, Associate Professor, University of Montana Founded in 1853, the King Ranch, with 825,000 acres, or 1289 square miles, remains one of the largest ranches in the United States. Dozens of novels, histories, coffee-table photo essays, memoirs, and animal husbandry texts take the King Ranch as their subject, offering complex and conflicting portraits of this exemplary expression of white power through more than 150 years of U.S. and borderlands history. My presentation places the varied discourses about the King Ranch into conversation, as I look and the social, economic, representational, and environmental heritages of this ranch kingdom along with the King Ranch's official histories and discourses. Environmental historians and range scientists have shown us the often-disastrous outcomes of the Homestead Act with the division of western land into small square parcels. Social and economic historians, along with environmental scientists have demonstrated the equally problematic outcomes of land consolidation, corporate ownership, and industrial agriculture. My analysis of the King Ranch and the stories about it reveals the inadequacies of generalizations about such rangeland empires, as it considers the messiness of the intersection of myth, metaphor, and actual land use. The King Ranch has inspired a powerful mythology about the great ranches of the western U.S., from Edna Ferber's Giant, to television's dynastic Cartwright, Barkley, and Ewing families, to the efforts to create a ""Buffalo Commons"" in the northern Plains. While touting their environmentalist bonafides, the ranch publicity machine also highlights their early entry into ""vertically integrated"" enterprises. At one point, the ranch owned 1.2 million acres in South Texas, including a town, its newspaper, its railroad, and its congressional representation, with one family member serving 7 terms in Congress. An exemplar of the corporatization of agriculture (the last family member to manage the ranch was fired by the corporation in 1997), the ranch continues to promote tradition and its place as homeland to both the King Ranch heirs and the descendants of those who served Richard King, the founder. By bringing the tools of cultural geography, environmental, literary, and cultural studies together, along with methods usually outside the purview of the field, such as ranch management and range science, all under the rubric of ""Place Studies,"" I suggest how ""home"" can become a complex and contradictory concept in the contemporary U.S. west. Nancy Cook is Associate Professor at the Department of English at the University of Montana in Missoula - nancy.cook@mso.umt.edu" "Seminar with Matthew Klugman and Claire McLisky";"Engerom/Sense and Sensibility";"2014-04-29";"14";"";"17";"Room 27.1.47";"Room 27.1.47. The research platform Sense and Sensibility organizes a seminar with Matthew Klugman from Victoria University and Claire McLisky, Sapere Aude Postdoc at Engerom. This is an Engerom focus event within the research platform Sense and Sensibility. Afterwards, the Department offers a glass of wine.";"Matthew Klugman: ""I feel like throwing up and I’m having trouble swallowing. And the beauty of it is you want to feel like this every day"": Sport and the pleasures of embodied suffering AbstractOver the last few decades questions of embodiment and body cultures have come to the forefront of a diverse range of scholarly disciplines. Yet while there has been a proliferation of studies examining various embodied aspects of sport, the complex visceral pleasures (and affects more generally) that sport provides remain strangely neglected. Instead when it comes to the affective dimensions of sport, popular non-fiction writers have blazed a trail that scholars have only recently begun to follow. But these works of non-fiction are also interesting in the way they tend to hint at, yet also glide over, and at times even elide, certain difficult embodied passions and the strange pull they can exert for athletes, coaches and spectators (amongst others). This paper focuses on these intense, disconcerting moments by reading against, as well as with, the recent memoirs of the tennis player Andre Agassi, the baseball manager Tony La Russa, and the Australian Rules football spectator Jo Bowers. My concern lies with the insights these accounts provide of the counter-intuitive carnal pleasures and suffering that seem to be at the heart of the cultures of many spectator sports. The aim here is not to provide an exhaustive survey or a prescriptive recipe, but rather to open up a window into the diverse, sensuous, and sometimes disturbing world of embodied sporting passions. BioMatthew Klugman researches and teaches in the history of sport. His research interests include those who love and hate sport, and the intersections of sport, passions, bodies, gender, sexuality, religion, migration and race. Matthew’s latest book is Black and Proud: The Story of an Iconic AFL Photo (NewSouth, co-authored with Gary Osmon). He is currently working on an Australian Research Council funded project looking at the sports mania that emerged in the Anglophone world in the nineteenth century. Claire McLisky: Tears, sighs and 'miserable orthodoxy': the political nature of missionary claims for emotion in early colonial Greenland AbstractWhile Christian theologians have long concerned themselves with the importance of feeling, the role of emotion in Christianity is just beginning to be explored within the discipline of history. In particular, historians of Christian missions are becoming interested in the affective dimensions of encounters between missionaries and non-Christian peoples, and the emotions associated with processes of conversion. These encounters generally took place in intercultural settings, with significant language barriers and within a broader context of European colonization, and were usually not recorded by the converts themselves, but by missionaries or other colonial agents. For this reason, studying the emotional dynamics of these encounters is particularly difficult, complicated as it is by questions of authorship, intercultural comprehension, translation, and multidirectional colonial power differentials. In this paper, I consider the case of early colonial Greenalnd, asking what the available sources can tell us about the role of emotions in Inuit encounters with Christianity. The Greenlandic context was complicated not just by colonial dynamics but also by competition between the two groups of missionaries who worked there (Danish Lutherans and German Moravians). In this context, I consider which emotions these missionaries, and the Greenlanders they worked with, associated with Christianity: which were considered virtuous, which sinful, and which emotions proved particularly hard to translate. Emotion was a potent but unpredictable tool for missionaries and Greenlanders alike, resulting in enrichment and enlargement of culture and faith on both sides, but also in resistance, conflict and refusals. These early emotional encounters, I argue, led not just to emotional and spiritual transformations within individuals (both missionary and Greenlander), but also contributed to cultural change within Greenlandic and Danish societies. All are welcome! This is an Engerom focus event within the research platform Sense and Sensibility. Afterwards, the Department offers a glass of wine." "Seminar with Bill Schwarz and Stephen Howe";"Engerom/Embers of Empire";"2014-04-09";"15.15";"";"17.00";"Room 15A.1.13";"Room 15A.1.13. Seminar on Left and Right of the End of Empire with Bill Schwarz (Queen Mary, UL) and Stephen Howe (Bristol). World History Workshop";"Left and Right of the End of Empire Bill Schwarz will be addressing the transformation of the political right in the United Kingdom at the time of decolonization in the 1960s and 1970s. His discussion will turn on the figure of Enoch Powell, and on the larger populist presence of Powellites, of various different stripes, which moved near to the centre of British political life in the period from 1968-1972. These shifts underwrote a radical recomposition of British political life, and anticipated the creation of the emergent neo-liberal order of our own times. Stephen Howe will address how activists and intellectuals on the British political left engaged with the residues and aftermaths of empire from the mid- 1960s onward. As the relatively straightforward business of arguing for political decolonisation in Britain’s remaining dependencies dwindled in importance, a more diffuse and sometimes divisive range of issues took its place. These included argument over American ‘imperialism’, conflict in the Middle East, dispute over immigration and race relations within Britain, and the unfolding crisis in Northern Ireland (seen by many on the left as a colonial issue). What some called Third Worldism became a major force on the left in Britain, as elsewhere in Europe, during these years. Howe will – complementing Bill Schwarz’s focus on the British political right of the same era – attempt an overview and ’balance-sheet’ of these movements and ideas, assessing their enduring significance. Bio: Bill Schwarz is Professor of English at Queen Mary, University of London. His research focuses on postcolonial history, looking particularly at the end of Britain’s empire. He is presently writing a three-volume history entitled Memories of Empire; the first volume, The White Man’s World, won the Longman-History Today prize for best history book in 2013. He is also working on historiographical questions concerning the conceptual underpinnings of postcolonial history, and on the relations between history and memory. Stephen Howe is Professor of History and Cultures of Colonialism at the University of Bristol. He is currently working on the intellectual consequences of decolonization, anti-colonial intellectuals, and the legacies of imperial violence. He is also the editor of Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. His publications include an edited volume entitled The New Imperial Histories Reader (New York, 2010), Empire: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2002), and Anticolonialism in British Politics: The Left and the End of Empire (Oxford, 1993). All are welcome. Contact: Christian Damm Pedersen Organizer: The Embers of Empire Project, the World History Workshop, and the Institute for English, Germanic & Romance Studies. World History Workshop is an academic forum for the exchange of ideas among students and scholars of the humanities and social sciences with an interest in world history. The seminar is funded by the Velux Foundation and Copenhagen University Foundation. For more information please visit: embersofempire.ku.dk/worldhistoryworkshop" "Lecture by Bridget Bennett";"Engerom/American Studies";"2014-03-31";"14";"";"16";"Room 27.0.47";"Room 27.0.47. Imagining the American home: Affect, crisis and belonging, by professor Bridget Bennett, University of Leeds.";"Imagining the American home: Affect, crisis and belonging by professor Bridget Bennett, University of Leeds." "Seminar with John M. MacKenzie";"Engerom/Embers of Empire";"2014-03-24";"11.15";"";"13.00";"Room 27.0.17";"Room 27.0.17. Seminar on The British Empire: Ramshackle or Rampaging? with John M. MacKenzie (Lancaster). World History Workshop";"The British Empire: Ramshackle or Rampaging? John M. MacKenzie is Professor Emeritus of imperial history at the University of Lancaster. He is the UK’s leading scholar on popular imperialism. Until recently he served as the chief editor of the highly successful Manchester University Press Studies in Imperialism series, now approaching its 110th volume. He now holds honorary professorships of Aberdeen, Stirling and St. Andrews Universities, as well as an honorary fellowship of Edinburgh University. His most recent publications include an edited volume on European empires and the people: popular responses to imperialism in France, Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Italy (Manchester, 2011), Scotland and the British Empire, co-edited with T. M. Devine for the Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series (Oxford, 2011), and Museums and Empire: Natural History, Human Cultures and Colonial Identities (Manchester, 2009). His early book on Propaganda and Empire: The Manipulation of British Public Opinion (Manchester, 1984) still manages to massively influence the discipline. Suggested readings: John M. MacKenzie, ‘Passion or indifference: popular imperialism in Britain, continuities and discontinuities over two centuries’ in MacKenzie (ed.), European empires and the people: popular responses to imperialism in France, Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Italy (Manchester, 2011), pp. 57-89. Stuart Ward, ‘The MacKenziean moment in retrospect (or how one hundred volumes bloomed)’ in Andrew S. Thompson (ed.), Writing imperial histories (Manchester, 2013), pp. 29-48. All are welcome. Contact: Christian Damm Pedersen Organizer: The Embers of Empire Project, the World History Workshop, and the Institute for English, Germanic & Romance Studies. World History Workshop is an academic forum for the exchange of ideas among students and scholars of the humanities and social sciences with an interest in world history. The seminar is funded by the Velux Foundation and Copenhagen University Foundation. For more information please visit: embersofempire.ku.dk/worldhistoryworkshop" "The United Kingdom & the Future of Scotland";"";"2014-03-14";"14:00";"2014-03-14";"15:15";"Lecture Hall 23.0.49, Copenhagen University, Department of English, German and Romance Studies, Njalsgade 129";"Room 23.0.49. In September 2014, Scotland will make a profoundly important choice about its future: whether to remain a part of the United Kingdom or leave to become an independent state. Secretary Carmichael will make the case for why it is in Scotland’s interests to remain in the UK and how the UK delivers for Scotland at an international level.";"Secretary of State for Scotland, the Rt. Hon. Alistair Carmichael, MP In September 2014, Scotland will make a profoundly important choice about its future: whether to remain a part of the United Kingdom or leave to become an independent state. Secretary Carmichael will make the case for why it is in Scotland’s interests to remain in the UK and how the UK delivers for Scotland at an international level. The event will be hosted by the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, which is currently engaged in research looking at post-imperial ideas of Britain. A key project focus is the upcoming Scotland Referendum in September 2014. The Secretary of State for Scotland is the UK Government’s principal minister representing Scotland. He heads the Scotland Office, which represents Scottish interests within the UK Government and the UK Government in Scotland. Mr Carmichael is from Islay, one of the islands off the West Coast of Scotland and represents the Orkney and Shetland constituency at Westminster. He is Deputy Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats. " "Teacher Talk and Teacher Cognition";"Engerom/Language in Higher Education";"2014-03-06";"13";"";"16";"Room 27.1.47";"Room 27.1.47. Seminar with Professor Pierangela Diadori (Università per Stranieri di Siena) and Postdoc Joyce Kling Soren, CIP, who will present the results of her PhD dissertation on Teacher Cognition. This is an Engerom focus event within the research platform Language in Higher Education. Afterwards, the Department offers a glass of wine.";"Gestures and language teaching: multimodal aspects of teacher talk by Pierangela Diadori, Università per Stranieri di Siena Teacher talk in the foreign language class is crucial especially with beginners. Not all teachers are aware of the language they use to talk to their students and even less of the non verbal codes they have at their disposal. Gestures have a special role in foreign language teaching. Their use is relevant when teachers need to make transparent the meaning of their words with learners with low competence in the foreign language. Especially mimetic gestures are used with this purpose, with astonishing similarities with the signs of the deaf community sign language. Gestures are also crucial to enhance attention and comprehension in the students, to foster memorization and to help their scaffolding techniques. The observation of classroom interactions shows that often students react to teachers’ gestures and smile or eye contact by a so called “mirroring effect”: while they repeat the teacher’s words they often repeat also his/her gesture. This has a further consequence: teaching a foreign language needs to be related to the presentation of the gestures typical of the foreign culture, to their register and meaning, in order to avoid misunderstandings and to allow the development of a pragmatic competence which is deeply related with the linguistic and a sociolinguistic ones. Data-driven examples will be illustrated and discussed, also by means of videorecordings taken from a corpus of around 200 video-recorded lessons of Italian as a foreign language, collected in Italy and abroad during the last ten years and transcribed according to Jefferson transcription system (CLODIS database). Voices from Life: English-medium instruction by Joyce Kling Soren, CIP/Engerom I will present the results of a multiple case study in which I investigated how 10 experienced lecturers in the natural sciences at UCPH define their own teacher identity and their perceptions of any effects on their identity when shifting from Danish-medium instruction to English-medium instruction. This study utilized a multi-method approach to delve into the teachers’ cognitions. This approach comprised classroom observation of graduate level lectures, stimulated recall of these teaching events, and individual semi-structured interviews with the lecturers. The analysis drew on input from these interviews of the lecturers’ comments and concerns related specifically to their underlying teacher cognitions about professional expertise, professional authority, and professional identity when teaching outside one's mother tongue in a multicultural, multilingual setting. The results fall into three general categories: 1) reflections on teacher cognition studies; 2) a model of teacher identity for lecturers in the natural sciences, and 3) evidence that experienced NNS lecturers of natural science EMI do not find that the identified challenges of teaching in a foreign language affect their personal sense of teacher identify. The lecturers highlight teaching experience and pedagogic content knowledge as factors that support their teacher identity. While the findings here report that these lecturers express confidence and security in the EMI context, the results also confirm the instructional and linguistic challenges identified in previous EMI research. This suggests that university management need to acknowledge these challenges and develop and implement both linguistic and pedagogic competence training programs to support the needs of less experienced EMI lecturers. All are welcome! This is an Engerom focus event within the research platform Language in Higher Education. Afterwards, the Department offers a glass of wine." "Comparative Studies in Migration and Memory";"Engerom/Migration";"2014-02-26";"14";"";"16";"Room 24.3.62";"Room 24.3.62. The Migration Research Group invites all who are interested to an open meeting. The afternoon will include presentations by members of staff on the theme of 'Comparative Studies in Migration and Memory'. Participants are asked to prepare a short presentation (around ten minutes) on their interests and research ideas connected to this theme. Please note that the subject area is not centred on any particular region or discipline, nor do individual projects do not have to make comparisons. These will develop from our common interests in the personal experience and collective representation of migration. ";"The Migration Research Group invites all who are interested to an open meeting. The afternoon will include presentations by members of staff on the theme of 'Comparative Studies in Migration and Memory'. Participants are asked to prepare a short presentation (around ten minutes) on their interests and research ideas connected to this theme. Please note that the subject area is not centred on any particular region or discipline, nor do individual projects do not have to make comparisons. These will develop from our common interests in the personal experience and collective representation of migration. Write Anne Marie Eidesgaard Jeppesen (ejdesgd@hum.ku.dk) by the 24th if you would like to take part indicating your research interest.""" "Lecture by Andrew S.Thompson";"Engerom/Embers of Empire";"2014-02-26";"10.15";"";"11.00";"Room 23.0.50";"Room 23.0.50. Public lecture on Humanitarianism on Trial: Development and Decolonization with Andrew S. Thompson (Exeter). World History Workshop";"Humanitarianism on Trial: Development and Decolonization Andrew S. Thompson is Professor of Modern History at the University of Exeter. His most recent book is a volume of essays in the Studies of Imperialism series (published by MUP) entitled Writing imperial histories (Manchester, 2013). Other publications include an edited volume on Britain’s Experience of Empire in the Twentieth Century (Oxford, 2012), Empire and Globalisation: Networks of Peoples, Goods, and Capital in the British World, 1850-1915, co-authored with Gary Magee (Cambridge, 2010), and The Empire Strikes Back? The Impact of Imperialism on Britain from the Mid-Nineteenth Century (Harlow, 2005). All are welcome. Contact: Christian Damm Pedersen Organizer: The Embers of Empire Project, the World History Workshop, and the Institute for English, Germanic & Romance Studies. World History Workshop is an academic forum for the exchange of ideas among students and scholars of the humanities and social sciences with an interest in world history. The seminar is funded by the Velux Foundation and Copenhagen University Foundation. For more information please visit: embersofempire.ku.dk/worldhistoryworkshop" "Undoing privilege and power";"Sense and Sensibility";"2013-12-04";"15";"2013-12-04";"17";"Lokale 24.1.57";"Lokale 24.1.57. Undoing privilege and power: anti-sexist men and guilty politics.af Lucy Delap, King's College LondonThis paper discusses the emotional work of the British anti-sexist men’s movement, over the 1970s and 1980s.";" Undoing privilege and power: anti-sexist men and guilty politics.af Lucy Delap, King's College London This paper discusses the emotional work of the British anti-sexist men’s movement, over the 1970s and 1980s. It investigates deliberate attempts to ‘feel differently’ by men who aligned themselves with the Women’s Liberation Movement, and the tensions that resulted. Drawing on psychological and psychoanalytic accounts of the emotions of guilt and shame alongside recent work in the history of emotions, I discuss the male gaze, emotional communities, and the limits of emotions as a political currency." "Lecture by Anne Brewster";"Engerom";"2013-11-25";"15";"";"17";"Room 24.2.62";"Room 24.2.62. Violence and secrecy: the gendered turn in contemporary Aboriginal 'protest' writing";"Professor Anne Brewster (Distinguished Visiting Professor, UNSW) Violence and secrecy: the gendered turn in contemporary Aboriginal 'protest' writing This paper investigates the various discourses and political imperatives which have informed the rhetorics of Aboriginal ‘protest’ poetry. It briefly sketches the politico-aesthetics of a tradition of Aboriginal ‘protest’ poetry from the 1960s onwards and the diversification of styles and thematics to argue that this tradition has taken a gendered turn the last decade and a half, with an upsurge of Indigenous women’s poetry prominently addressing the issue of multiply-inflected forms of violence and the ways in which they have impacted upon Aboriginal women." "Migration and (Il)legality (2) Latinos";"Migration/Latin American Studies";"2013-11-21";"14.00";"";"17.00";"Lokale 24.1.57";"Lokale 24.1.57. New programme! The Centre for Latin American Studies at Engerom, KUA, continues its series of seminars on migration, legality and illegality with focus on the Americas.Arr.: Jan Gustafsson";"Migration and (Il)legality – Migración e (i)legalidad The Centre for Latin American Studies at Engerom, KUA, continues its series of seminars on migration, legality and illegality with focus on the Americas.Arr.: Jan Gustafsson. This seminar will focus on Central American migrants travelling through Mexico, and on undocumented youth immigrants in the US. The seminar will be in English and Spanish. Programme: 14.00-14.05. Opening and introduction 14.05-14.45. Priscilla Solano, University of Lund: (Re)Constructing the Transmigrant Subject, Humanitarian Assistance and Human Rights Defenders Discourse in Mexico 14.45- 15.30. Elisabeth Benedict Christensen, CBS: Undocumented youth in the US. 15.35-16.20. Raúl Marroquín, KU: La prevención de la violencia contra la migración indocumentada Centroamericana en México 16.20-16.30 Conclusions Participation is free and no registration required." "Sprogseminar";"Sprog i de videregående uddannelser";"2013-11-13";"15.00";"";"17.00";"Lokale 24.1.45";"Lokale 24.1.45. Seminar i forskningsplatformen Sprog i de videregående uddannelser";"Longitudinalscreening af studerende i tyskuddannelsen af Ken Farø Inter- og multikulturel kompetence i franskuddannelsen af Jan Lindschouw Opponent: Slobodanka Dimova (CIP)." "Migration and the Uses of Memory";"Peter Leese, AMIS og TRAMS.";"2013-11-08";"09:30";"";"15:00";"Lokale 27.0.09";"Lokale 27.0.09. Læs mere om seminaret på hjemmesiden for Centre for Advanced Migration Studies.";"Læs mere om seminaret på hjemmesiden for Centre for Advanced Migration Studies." "Om dativ-e i tysk og inventariografi";"Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring";"2013-10-30";"15.00";"";"17.00";"Lokale 24.1.45";"Foredraget er desværre aflyst!";"af Ken Farø Kære alle Foredraget om ""Dativ-e i tysk og inventariografi"", som skulle have været afholdt på onsdag, er desværre aflyst. Her er imidlertid de to nyudgivne artikler fra hhv. LexicoNordica 2013 og Ny forskning i grammatik 2013, som ligger til grund. https://curis.ku.dk/admin/files/45844347/Inventariografi_290513_endelig.pdf https://curis.ku.dk/admin/files/61008152/Dativ_e.pdf Evt. spørgsmål og kommentarer til forfatteren er velkomne: kenfaroe@hum.ku.dk""" "Lecture by Jeanine Leane";"Centre for Australian Studies/Engerom";"2013-10-21";"14";"";"16";"22.0.47";"Lokale 22.0.47. Aboriginal women’s poetry in the post-Mabo era";"Lecture by Jeanine Leane (Research fellow at Australian National University) Aboriginal women’s poetry in the post-Mabo era" "Multilingualism at Work";"CIP Symposium 2013.";"2013-10-03";"09:30";"";"16:00";"Lokale 22.0.11";"Multilingualism at Work: Language Interaction at the University.Se CIPs hjemmeside for nærmere oplysninger.";"Multilingualism at Work: Language Interaction at the University.Se CIPs hjemmeside for nærmere oplysninger." "Lecture by Tom Griffiths";"CAS/Engerom";"2013-09-26";"14";"2013-09-26";"16";"Lokale 24.2.62";"";"Lecture by Professor Tom Griffiths (Adjunkt Professor, KU and Australian National University) The Beast of the Forest: A journey into nature and history" "Opfattelser af pariserfransk";"Norm, Variation, Sprogforandring";"2013-09-18";"15.15";"";"17.00";"Lokale 24.1.57";"";"Opfattelser af pariserfransk - hvad fortæller de os om den franske udtalenorms udviklingsretning?af Anita Berit Hansen Fransk fra Paris-området har hidtil haft høj status for den franske udtalenorm. Visse observatører antyder imidlertid, at denne status ikke længere kan tages for givet. I den empiriske undersøgelse, der bliver præsenteret under foredraget, vil vi indledningsvis se på spørgsmålet ”Kan parisisk tale overhovedet identificeres som parisisk?” og dernæst på spørgsmålet ”Hvordan vurderes parisisk tale, har det prestige?”. En del af foredraget vil fokusere på de metodiske problemer, der er involveret i at lave en sprogholdningsundersøgelse af den pågældende art." "Migration and (il)legatity";"Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS), Department of Engerom, University of Copenhagen.";"2013-05-29";"13:15";"";"16:00";"Room 22.1.49";"";"A seminar on problems of migration, legality and illegality US-Latin American perspectives The seminar will explore different aspects of migration with special focus on the Americas and on Latin American immigrants to the US. Questions of legality and illegality, in broad sense of the terms, will be central to the three presentations that all are based on specific research projects and field work. The seminar is open to anyone interested and requires no previous registration. 13.15 – 13.20: Welcome 13.20 – 14.05: Lars Trans (KU): New Sites of Government: The Case of Indigenous Oaxacan Migration to the U.S. 14.05 – 14:50: Robin Elizabeth Herr (CBS): Can the Law Break the Poverty Cycle and Guarantee a Livable Wage? A Case Study of Migrant Farmworkers in Pennsylvania. 14.50 – 15.10: Coffee Break 15.10 – 15.55: Elizabeth Benedict Christensen (CBS): Undocumented Youth in the US – Exclusion, Inclusion and Ongoing Legislation. Contact: Jan Gustafsson, (bjt982@hum.ku.dk)" "Seminar on Empire and the Ambiguities of Love";"ENGEROM's 'Sense and Sensibility' research stream.";"2013-03-22";"14:00";"";"16:00";"room 24.2.07";"";"Dr Linnell Secomb, from the University of Greenwich, will be presenting a seminar paper entitled 'Empire and the Ambiguities of Love' Abstract: Colonialism is not only enforced through violence but facilitated also by economic, religious, and social strategies and inducements. Amongst these love has been exploited as a tool of empire to construct alliances, procure compliance and disguise the conquest of peoples and territories. Love has also, however, been the basis for an ethics and politics that contests imperialism. Friendship, affinity and amorous relations between colonizer and colonized enables a resistance to the ambitions of colonial occupation and rule. In this paper, the work of the London based artist, Yinka Shonibare, is used as a means to examine the operation of love in the colonial context. " "Forskningsarrangementer foråret 2013";"Engerom";"2013-02-13";"15:00";"";"17:00";"room: 27.1.49";"";"2. arrangement med fokus på Migrationsstudier / 2nd research seminar: Migration Studies LA DIMENSIONE AFFETTIVA E SIMBOLICAIN ALCUNI SCRITTORI MIGRANTImed/with Professor Maria Cristina Mauceri (SYDNEY) A small reception will be served hereafter."