14. september 2023

Tina Lupton, Johanne Gormsen Schmidt og Ben Davis modtager fornem britisk bogpris

Tina Lupton, Johanne Gormsen Schmidt og Ben Davis har vundet The British Association for Contemporary Literary Studies Monograph Prize for deres bog Reading Novels During the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Prisens paneludvalg skriver bl.a.:  

"Reading Novels During the Covid-19 Pandemic is a fascinating study of contemporary reading practice. Developed from extensive studies of reading experiences during the lockdown periods of the recent Covid-19 pandemic in the UK and Denmark. It creates a dialogue between texts across time that highlights their continuities and disparities and sheds light on our contemporary moment. This work is a result of rigorous qualitative research. Being both relevant to recent events and rooted theoretically, it is of great interest to academic and non-academic audiences."

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