Exploring interconnectedness

Constructions of European and national identities in educational media

Second meeting of the EurEd network.

November 29 (room 27.0.47)

12:00 - 13:00 Registration 

13:00 - 13:30 Opening 

  • Katja Gorbahn (Aarhus University) 
  • Jørn Boisen (University of Copenhagen) 
  • Lasse Rodewald (German Embassy Denmark)

13:30 - 15:30 Europe and the nation

Moderation: Jan Engberg

Exploring 'Europe' by Digital Tools: Europe vs. Nation in German, Swiss, and Austrian New Year's Addresses
Kimmo Elo (University of Turku)

Europe as form and content: A cross-linguistic lexicological overview on a corpus-linguistic and lexicographical basis
Ken Farø (University of Copenhagen)

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break 

16:00 - 18:00 EurEd-insights: Methods, first results and perspectives 

Moderation: Erla Hallsteinsdóttir

Constructions of Europe in textbooks from imperial Germany: Approaches from digital humanities
Nina Kalwa (Technical University Darmstadt), Heike Zinsmeister (Hamburg University), Katja Gorbahn (Aarhus University)

Constructions of European contexts and discursive subject anchorings in text-books
Magda Telus (GEI Braunschweig), Marcus Otto (GEI Braunschweig)

Reading Visual Orders. Films on Europe in an online school environment
Anja Ballis (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich)

“Operation Fregin" – on the mental modelling of nation and Europe among young people using the example of multimodal analysis of YouTube videos relevant to educational media
Stefan Hackl (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich)

November 30 (room 24.4.01 & room 27.0.47)

13:15 - 17:30 National perspectives on Europe

13:15 - 14:45 “Fredagsforelæsning” (“German Friday Lecture”)
Building 24, room 24.4.01

Moderation: Ken Farø 

Talking about Europe from a Swiss German and Corpus Linguistic Perspective
Noah Bubenhofer (ZHAW School of Applied Linguistics) 

14:45 - 15:15 Coffee break 

15:15 - 17:30 Workshop and discussion: Small state – large state? Concepts of Eu-rope in relation to the nation 
Building 27, room 27.0.47

Moderation: Katja Gorbahn

Introduction: Germany, Denmark and Europe
Katja Gorbahn (University of Aarhus)

Markus Furrer (PH Luzern)

Erla Hallsteinsdóttir (University of Aarhus / Næstved Kommune)

Virpi Kivioja (University of Turku)

Beata Mikołajczyk (Adam Mickiewicz University)

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