Authoritarian Regimes in Southern Europe

A transnational approach

Research seminar.


10:30 Opening Tina Lupton, Head of Department (University of Copenhagen)
Ana Vera (University of Copenhagen)
10:45 Session 1
The Metaxas dictatorship in Greece in the context of a changing European order and the Great Depression Mogens Pelt (University of Copenhagen)
Catalanism and the rise of the authoritarian regimes in Europe 1880-1950 Joana Borredà (University of Oxford)
12:15 Lunch
13:30 Session 2
Ending authoritarianism in Spain. US and European responses to General Franco’s dictatorship Morten Heiberg (University of Copenhagen)
The Portuguese “New State” and the diffusion of Authoritarianism models in Europe and Latin America António Costa Pinto (ICS, IULisbon)
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Session 3
Anti-liberal Thought: the fascist and the populist way of representing the people Goffredo Adinolfi (CIES – IULisbon)
Populism: the return of classic authoritarianism or the reinvention of national identity? Ulf Hedetoft (University of Copenhagen)

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