Voices and Silences: from Edmond Jabès to Paul Auster/Voix et silences: d’Edmond Jabès à Paul Auster

The event is in French and English.

We are honoured to be able to host one of the most important scholars of Auster’s work, François Hugonnier who is an Associate Professor of American Literature at the University of Angers. He is the author of several pieces on Paul Auster’s poetry and fiction, including a monograph entitled Les interdits de la représentation. Paul Auster, Jerome Rothenberg (ed. Otrante, 2022). In collaboration with I. B. Siegumfeldt, co-edited a collection of essays with and about Paul Auster (New Avenues in Paul Auster’s Twentieth-Century Work, LISA e-journal, 2020). He has also published a book-length study of Don DeLillo’s 9/11 novel Falling Man (Paris-Nanterre U P, 2016).