Child Survivors: Important Historical Sources in Documenting the History of the Holocaust and its Aftermath

Lecture by Joanna Michlic (London & Lund).


In this lecture, I examine the three major post-1945 waves of child Holocaust testimonies. I discuss the presence in the early post-war testimonies, of what is known in the study of late post-war testimonies, as secret and communal memories (Christopher Browning).  My main argument is that the three waves of child survivors’ testimonies have to be studied together to understand the full impact of the genocidal past on different stages of young survivors’ lives. Only then could we write the full collective biography of young survivors? This talk is dedicated to the memory of my dear colleague, friend, and mentor Prof. Lawrence L. Langer (1929- 2024).

About Tysk fredag

The Friday lectures are open to everyone. They provide new perspectives on German and German-language society, culture and history and thematize German-transnational topics. Everyone is welcome. Coordinator: Anna Sandberg,