French Ecofeminism I: Myriam Bahaffou

Seminar with Myriam Bahaffou, researcher of feminist philosophy in the daytime and an activist at night.

The essay, Des paillettes sur le compost: écoféminismes au quotidien (2022, The Paillettes on the Compost: Ecofeminisms for Daily Life) is Myriam Bahaffou’s revitalization of ecofeminism. “The goal is,” Bahaffou writes, “to reinvest this word, to understand how it is incarnated in a body (in this case, mine) rather than to appreciate its theorization in relation to a political or academic program.” In that way, and concerning ecofeminist practices inspired by thinkers like Sarah Ahmed, Audre Lorde, and bell hooks, the essay stands as an invitation to and enactment of combining feminist philosophy with lived life in a time marked by urgent environmental and climate crises.

The seminar is held in English (and French).

For questions, please contact Amanda Grimsbo Roswall


Myriam Bahaffou is a researcher of feminist philosophy in the daytime and an activist at night. She is especially interested in intersectional battles which stands out clearly in her PhD titled ”Sortir de « l’Animal » par le sensible : une approche écoféministe décoloniale du véganisme” (“To Abandon “the Animal” through Sensitivity: A Decolonial Ecofeminist Approach to Veganism”). Bahaffou is just about to finish a stay at the University of Ottowa.