Previous roundtables

Spring 2019

February 8, 10:15-11:45; Ulf Hedetoft, Nationalism and the Political Theology of Populism. Discussant: Catharina Raudvere. Venue: 27.0.47

March 15, 10:15-11:45; Lisa Villadsen, 'All we need is emotion’. Identity work and common sense appeals in populist political discourse. Discussant: Tine Damsholt. Venue: 27.0.49
Read abstract.

March 21, 14:15-15:15; Lecture by Thomas M. Wilson, 'Europeanization in the Brexit Borderlands of Northern Ireland'. Venue: 15-2-11. Read more.

April 12, 10:15-11:45; Mogens Pelt, Before the Nation:  Cilicia as a battle ground for competing forms of communality 1908-1922. Discussant: Morten Heiberg. Venue: 27.0.47. Read more.

May 24, 13-15; CANCELLED: Video conference with Prof. Pippa Norris (Harvard), Cultural Backlash. Discussants: Ulf Hedetoft and Marie Sandberg. Venue: 27.0.17

June 7, 10:15-11:45; Nils Holtug, Does Nationhood Promote Egalitarian Justice? Challenging the National Identity Argument. Discussant: Jes Fabricius. Venue: 27.0.17. See abstract.

Autumn 2019

AFLYST 13 September, 10:15-11:45; Xiangming Chen (Trinity College, CT, USA), Is a New Globalization in the Making? The Challenge and Opportunity of China’s Belt & Road Initiative for National Borders, Territoriality, and Governance. Discussant: TBA.
Venue: 21.0.49

20 September, 10:15-11:45; Joana Duyster Borreda (University of Oxford), Vulnerable Nationhood? Catalanism between Transnational and Cultural Identity, 1880-1920. Discussant: Ulf Hedetoft.
Venue: 21.0.49


Talk: max 40 minutes
Discussant: 10-15 minutes
5-minute break
Debate app. 30 minutes