Nordic Exceptionalism: Workshop 2

The NOS-HS-funded project ‘Nordic Exceptionalism – Perspectives from Outside’ will hold the second of three workshops at Lund University.


Wednesday 31 January

Time Activity
12:30 Registration and Lunch
13:15 Opening remarks
13:30 Keynote lecture: Prof. Peter Fjågesund (U. of South-Eastern Norway): ‘Folk Culture and the Pedigree of Nordic Exceptionalism’
14:45 Curated group discussion of Nordic exceptionalism
16:00 Fika
16:15 Jorunn Joiner (Lund) and Mari Komnæs (Lund), ‘Mapping the North as an Exceptional Space with GIS’
17:15 Free time (hotel check-in, drinks, etc.)
18:30 Meet at the main lobby, Grand Hotel, Lund
18:45 Dinner at Grand Hotel, Lund

Thursday 1 February

09:00 Coffee and croissants 
09:30 Robert Rix (Copenhagen) and Cian Duffy (Lund), ‘Reflections on Nordic Exceptionalism’
10:15 Cecilia Wadsö Lecaros (Lund), ‘Adapting British social-reform texts to Swedish minds: Exceptionalism and translation strategies in nineteenth-century Sweden’
10:45 Break
11:00 Group discussion of chapter abstracts, project volume, and other outputs
12:30 Lunch

If you have any queries, please contact Darren.