Face and institutional discourse in gender equality campaigns in Spain

Talk by Nieves Hernández-Flores.


This talk presents a research project about discourse and gender issues in Spain (P.I. Dr Alcaide Lara, University of Sevilla). The goal is to analyze discursive strategies in texts that are part of the institutional campaigns against gender-based violence and for the promotion of gender equality. Furthermore, the analysis focuses on the image that the institution gives of the social groups involved in this issue – women, men, citizens in general, and the institution itself. The hypothesis is that, despite the campaigns’ efforts and good intentions, institutional discourse repeats and perpetuates the social practices that are intended to be eliminated. The theoretical framework is constituted by Critical Discourse Analysis, Argumentation theory and Facework studies. The texts that make up the data are advertisements, online social media, guides to good practices and press releases.

The lecture is open to all.