Unraveling multiple translatorship through an e-mail correspondence: Who is having a say?

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review

The aim of this study is to shed light on questions of “multiple translatorship”
and particularly on translation collaboration processes. The empirical
material consists of more than three hundred e-mails exchanged between
two co-translators who translated Claudio Magris’s novel Alla cieca (2005)
into Danish. The theoretical framework presents a double perspective
through which the e-mail correspondence is studied: on the one hand, as an
ethnographic “thick description” (focusing on translation as an event), with
the aim of uncovering who the agents involved are, how they interact, and
what their impact is on the final product; and on the other, as a “think-aloud
correspondence” (focusing on translation as a cognitive act), with the aim
of shedding light on the two translators’ strategies of problem solving and
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTextual and Contextual Voices in Translation
EditorsCecilia Alvstad, Annjo Klungervik Greenall, Hanne Jansen, Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov
Number of pages24
Place of PublicationAmsterdam
PublisherJohn Benjamins Publishing Company
Publication date2017
ISBN (Print)9789027258847
Publication statusPublished - 2017
SeriesBenjamins Translation Library

ID: 179562138