Martyn Richard Bone

Martyn Richard Bone


  1. Accepteret/In press

    Jennifer Greeson, Our South: Geographic Fantasy and the Rise of National Literature

    Bone, Martyn, 2012, (Accepteret/In press) I: The Journal of the Civil War Era.

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  2. Udgivet

    Southern Fiction

    Bone, Martyn, 2012, The Cambridge Companion to American Fiction since 1945. Duvall, J. (red.). Cambridge University Press, s. 154-166

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  3. Udgivet

    Intertextual Geographies of Migration and Biracial Identity: Light in August and Nella Larsen's Quicksand

    Bone, Martyn, 2012, Faulkner and formalism : returns of the text: Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 2008. Trefzer, A. & Abadie, A. J. (red.). Jackson, Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi, s. 144-162

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  4. Udgivet

    Review of Thadious M. Davis, Southscapes: Geographies of Race and Region

    Bone, Martyn, 2012, I: African American Review. 45, 2, s. 662-65 4 s.

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