Day of the Dead – If you celebrate me, I will keep on living

Join us to celebrate the Day of the Dead, where we through dance, mariachi music and stand-up comedy help to keep alive - in memories and in soul - the loved ones that we and others have lost over time and especially that last year and a half.



15:00 Workshop in Mexican altar decoration (Sign-up required!)
Sign-up here
Yurika Kristensen
15:30 Welcome
16:00 Talk: Notions about death in ancient and contemporary Mexico Associate Professor Jesper Nielsen (UCPH)
16:30 Video: Day of the Dead in other countries
17:00 Traditional dance - Andean mortuary ritual - from the Puno region (Peru) Speriences
17:30 Standup comedy (in English) Fabiola Gonzalez
18:00 Modern dance from Japan Tomomi Yamauchi
18:30 The Sky Lanterns and farewell

Note: The event is in Danish except the standup comedy.

Find the event on Facebook or email AILA, if you have any questions.

The event is organized in collaboration with The Faculty of Humanities (University of Copenhagen, UCPH) and The Mexican Embassy, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (UCPH), Department of English, Germanic and Romance Languages (UCPH), the Center for Latin American Studies (UCPH), ThinkChina Student Forum (UCPH), The Portuguese Organization in Denmark, Speriences, Fabiola Gonzáles and Tomomi Yamauchi.