Iberian and Latin American Studies Forum (ILAS Forum) 

ILAS Forum gives continuity to the previous Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) founded in 2010. The new configuration integrates Latin American Studies and Iberian Studies in a strengthened transdisciplinary approach across national and regional boundaries, promoting research, teaching, and debate on these diverse, multicultural and multilingual geopolitical spaces.

The forum creates an epistemological debate along the lines of the transnational multilingual cultural and literary systems of Iberia and Latin American (and beyond) as well as their socio-political contexts. The main goal is to strengthen and innovate the position of Iberian and Latin American areas within the wider humanities in Denmark and the Nordic countries.

The objectives of ILAS Forum are to:

  • Enhance the presence of Iberian and Latin America studies in all their diversity.
  • Promote collaboration through renewed research agendas.
  • Design projects that explore interregional connexions including Nordic countries, the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean, Latin America, and Transatlantic areas.
  • Extend its activity to initial and further education by discussing the function of Iberian and Latin American studies within pedagogical practices.
  • Promote the implementation of research-based teaching as well as involving the student body in the forum.
  • Disseminate research for the broader public and promote the debate in collaboration with civil society, governance, the public sector and diplomacy.
  • Consolidate as a contact to expertise and advice on the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America for media and politics.


In the period 2023-2025, ILAS Forum will be organized in five interrelated thematic strands:

  • Nature and Culture: Ecocriticism/-feminism, Post-Humanism, Utopianism.
  • Politics and Society: Post-Democracy/-Secularism, Conflict/Conviviality.
  • Trans-media, Film and Visual Cultures.
  • Multilingual Spaces: Linguistics, Translation, and Intercultural communication.
  • Bodies, Representations and Experiences (in collaboration with CULTMIND).




Politics and media consulting

The Iberian and Latin American Studies Forum includes specialists, who conduct in-depth research on a variety of regions and topics. They are entirely available to share knowledge with the broader public, especially professionals working in politics, media and business. Furthermore, ILAS Forum is in close contact through professional networks with other research institutions worldwide which allows to find a competent contact person even for special requests. For more information, please contact the coordinator.

Community outreach

The forum maintains a close dialogue with civil society, especially through joint activities with the association Netværk for Latinamerikastudier (NETLA) and with AIIA Academia Intercultural - Det Interkulturelle Akademi.




ILAS Forum offers an open environment for critical thinking and academic debate, and welcomes researchers, postdoctoral fellows and PhD students from all fields of interests. For more information, please contact the coordinator.

Lucas Amaral de Oliveira

Federal University of Bahia (research period: December 2023 to April 2024)

Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Brazil, and Leader of PERIFÉRICAS - Centre for Studies in Social Theories, Modernities, and Colonialities. His current research, supported by the CAPES Foundation Fellowship Programme (CAPES-PRINT: 88887.835431/2023-00), explores how contemporary Black-authored literature critically challenges unresolved colonial legacies in present-day Brazil. The study scrutinizes established discourses of nation-building, including the 'ideology of mestiçagem', the 'myth of racial democracy', and the belief in a 'cordial Brazilian-ness'. The findings from his period as a Guest Researcher at ILAS at the University of Copenhagen will contribute to a forthcoming monograph, provisionally titled "Contested Histories of Nation-Building: Counternarratives in Contemporary Brazilian Literature", to be published in Portuguese by the Federal University of Bahia Press (Edufba).

Angelica Serna Jeri

University of New Mexico (research period: August 2023 to July 2024)

Angelica is a scholar of indigenous languages and cultures in Latin America at the University of New Mexico with a focus on the Andean region and the Quechua language family. Her scholarship and teaching meet at the intersection of indigenous studies, subaltern studies, digital humanities and environmental history in the Americas. In her research on the material aspects of writing she uses transhistorical and ethnographic approaches, reaching from Pre-Columbian times to the present. Her current project examines the role of Quechua speakers in the production of manuscripts and books in the Andes, such as the Huarochiri Manuscript and the Nueva Corónica de Buen Gobierno. It also elaborates on issues of indigenous agency, material culture, patrimony, and Latin American literary traditions.



Name Title Phone E-mail
Ansotegui Martinez, Maria Elena Part-time Lecturer +4535326616 E-mail
Gustafsson, Jan Associate Professor +4535328449 E-mail
Heiberg, Morten Rievers Professor +4535328618 E-mail
Hernández-Flores, Nieves Associate Professor +4535328441 E-mail
Jensen, Julio Associate Professor +4535328455 E-mail
Martos Harres, Anita PhD Student +4535326288 E-mail
Morollon Marti, Natalia Teaching Associate Professor +4522212578 E-mail
Møller, Lars Troels PhD Fellow +4535320592 E-mail
Wink, Georg Walter Associate Professor +4535329115 E-mail

Affiliated researchers

Roselló-Martínez, Sacramento
Vera, Ana