Modes of Literature
Modes of Literature focuses on the rationalities, structures, functions, styles and modes of literature in order to explore how literature relates to and shapes phenomena such as context, space, time and subjectivity. We seek to disclose the cognitive potential and nature of literature from a comparative perspective that puts into practice all of the linguistic areas and traditions represented at our department.

The approach to these phenomena is both theoretical, empirical and methodological.
We meet approximately 3 times per semester to discuss collective or individual research projects relevant to the group. We will invite outside researchers if pertinent and, hopefully, we will be able to organize a workshop and / or symposium on a relevant literary topic in the summer of 2024 or early fall.
The group is also a lab for ideas where we can explore new interdisciplinary approaches to literature that inserts it into a broader historical and cultural context.
An important purpose of our work is to contribute to an inspiring and supporting work environment, and to increase cooperation between literary scholars within the department as well as with literary scholars throughout the Faculty of Humanities at KU.
- Literary theory and methodology
- Literary history and sociology
- Intermediality and interdiscursivity
Name | Title | Phone | |
Andersen, Katrine Helene | Associate Professor | ||
Benne, Christian | Professor | +4535330085 | |
Bone, Martyn Richard | Associate Professor | +4535328596 | |
Gustafsson, Jan | Associate Professor | +4535328449 | |
Hartling, Simon | Teaching Associate Professor | +4535330026 | |
Hoffmann, Birthe | Associate Professor | +4535328176 | |
Jensen, Julio | Associate Professor | +4535328455 | |
Lausten, Pia Schwarz | Associate Professor | +4535328461 | |
Lock, Charles | Professor | +4535328622 | |
Meiner, Carsten | Professor | +4535328633 | |
Roswall, Amanda Grimsbo | PhD Fellow | +4535325818 | |
Sandberg, Anna Lena | Associate Professor - Promotion Programme | +4535328156 | |
Siegumfeldt, Inge Birgitte | Associate Professor | ||
Østermark-Johansen, Lene | Professor | +4535328583 |