Dorte Lønsmann

Dorte Lønsmann

Lektor - forfremmelsesprogrammet


2019-               Associate Professor at Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen.

2016-2019        Associate Professor at Department of Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School.

2012-2016        Assistant Professor at Department of International Business Communication, Copenhagen Business School.

2011-2012        External lecturer at Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Copenhagen University.

2011                 Research assistant at CALPIU research centre, Department of Culture and Identity, Roskilde University.

2011                PhD from the Department of Culture and Identity, Roskilde University.

2006-2011        PhD Fellow at the Department of Culture and Identity, Roskilde University.

2004-2006        Lead translator at WorldManuals.

2004                Master of Arts in English and Culture & Communication from University of Southern Denmark.

2001                Bachelor of Arts in English from University of Southern Denmark.

Externally funded collaborative research projects

2021-2025 English and Globalisation in Denmark: A Changing Sociolinguistic Landscape (Enida). Principal Investigator. Funded by The Danish Council for Independent Research | Humanities. The project investigates the current role of English in Denmark, including the presence of English in the everyday lives of people, language attitudes and ideologies in relation to English, and the use and symbolic meaning of English among young Danes.

2016-2019        Transient Multilingual Communities and the Formation of Social and Linguistic Norms (TMC). Project member. Project participants from UCPH, CBS, Newcastle University (UK) and Oslo University (Norway). Research grant from The Danish Council for Independent Research | Humanities. Grant holder: Associate Professor Janus Mortensen, University of Copenhagen. The project focused on collaboration in multilingual professional contexts.

2012-2016        Language and Interaction in the Globalized Corporation (LINGCORP). Project member and steering group member. Research grant from The Danish Council for Independent Research | Humanities. Grant holder: Professor MSO Hartmut Haberland, Roskilde University. The project focused on the potentials and barriers associated with linguistic and cultural diversity in the workplace.


ID: 37363646