Ulla Rahbek

Ulla Rahbek


  1. 2023
  2. Udgivet

    Linda Grant's Dys-Chrony: Interwoven Temporalities in A Stranger City (2019)

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2023, I: C21 Literature: Journal of 21st Century Writings. 10, 2, s. 1-18 10:2.

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  3. 2022
  4. Udgivet

    Refugee Talk: Propositions on Ethics and Aesthetics

    Knudsen, Eva Rask & Rahbek, Ulla, 21 jul. 2022, London: Pluto Press. 228 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Postcolonial Theory

    Knudsen, Eva Rask & Rahbek, Ulla, jul. 2022, I: The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. 30, 1, s. 207-226

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  6. Udgivet

    Postcolonial Literature and the World, 2017–2019: Contemporary Complexities

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2022, Studying English Literature in Context. Poplawski, P. (red.). Cambrigde: Cambridge University Press, s. 525-542

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  7. 2021
  8. Udgivet

    Postcolonial Theory

    Knudsen, Eva Rask & Rahbek, Ulla, 2021, I: The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. 29, 1, s. 118-137 20 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Radical hopefulness in Mohsin Hamid’s map of the world: A reading of Exit West (2017)

    Knudsen, Eva Rask & Rahbek, Ulla, 2021, I: Journal of Postcolonial Writing. 57, 4, s. 442-454

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  10. 2020
  11. Udgivet

    Postcolonial Theory—New Directions?

    Knudsen, Eva Rask & Rahbek, Ulla, sep. 2020, I: The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. 20 s.

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  12. 2019
  13. Udgivet

    British Multicultural Literature and Superdiversity

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2019, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 224 s.

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  14. Udgivet

    The graveyard and the Garden: Reading Connectivities in Rana Dasgupta’s The Changeling

    Bildsøe, H. S. & Rahbek, Ulla, 2019, I: The Journal of Commonwealth Literature. 54, 2, s. 190–206

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  15. 2017
  16. Udgivet

    'An Afropolitan Literary Aesthetics? Afropolitan style and tropes in recent diasporas African fiction'

    Knudsen, Eva Rask & Rahbek, Ulla, 2017, I: European Journal of English Studies. 21, 2, s. 115-128

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