Ulla Rahbek

Ulla Rahbek


  1. Udgivet

    "Projecting Australia to Children: Marion Halligan's The Midwife's Daughters

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2005, I: Australian Studies. 20, 1 & 2, s. 255-264 10 s.

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  2. Udgivet

    'An Afropolitan Literary Aesthetics? Afropolitan style and tropes in recent diasporas African fiction'

    Knudsen, Eva Rask & Rahbek, Ulla, 2017, I: European Journal of English Studies. 21, 2, s. 115-128

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  3. Udgivet

    Confusion hits us everytime: Contemporary Black British Literature

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2001, Identities and Masks: Colonial and Postcolonial Studies. Lothe, Rønning & Young (red.). s. 65-80 16 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    I am 200 Years Old Now, and Getting Older: Blackness in Caryl Phillips's Plays from Strange Fruit to The Shelter

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2001, Dialoguing on Genres. Lie, R. (red.). s. 113-125 13 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    A Short Introduction to the History of the United Kingdom

    Rahbek, Ulla & Mustad, J. E., 2006, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 190 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    A State of Independence: Character, Country, Conflict

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2004, Bridges Across Chasms. Ledent, B. (red.). s. 79-88 10 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    An Afropolitan literary aesthetics? Afropolitan style and tropes in recent diasporic African fiction

    Rahbek, Ulla & Knudsen, Eva Rask , 2017, I: European Journal of English Studies. 21, 2, s. 115-128 14 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    Black British Travel Literature

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2002, I: European English Messenger. Vol. XI/2, Autumn, s. 22-26 5 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    British Multicultural Literature and Superdiversity

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2019, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 224 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Caryl Phillips and the Heroic

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2017, I: A R I E L. 48, 3-4, s. 77-101 25 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    Colonial and Postcolonial Experiences: essays in honour of Peter Young

    Rahbek, Ulla (red.) & Mustad, J. E. (red.), 2011, Oslo: Novus forlag. 136 s.

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportAntologiForskningfagfællebedømt

  12. Udgivet

    Contemporary Multicultural Britain: A Multi-Voiced

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2012, Modern Britain: Developments in Contemporary British Society. Mustad, J. E., Rahbek, U., Sevaldsen, J. & Vadmand, O. (red.). Samfundslitteratur, s. 120-45

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  13. Udgivet

    Controlling Jean Rhys's Story 'On Not Shooting Sitting Birds

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2007, Readings of the Particular : The Postcolonial and the Postnational. Johannessen, R. A. (red.). s. 107-116 10 s.

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  14. Udgivet

    Developing a Connective Feminine Discourse: Drusilla Modjeska on Women’s Lives, Love and Art

    Rahbek, Ulla, mar. 2015, I: Coolabah. 16, March, s. 101-11

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  15. Udgivet

    Disruption and Displacement: Caryl Phillips's The Final Passage

    Rahbek, Ulla, 1998, A Woman's Place: Women, Domesticity and Private Life. Despard, A. (red.). s. 128-137 10 s.

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  16. Udgivet

    Dual Lives? Constructing Individuality in Contemporary British Multicultural Memoirs

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2015, Transculturation and Aesthetics: Ambivalence, Power, and Literature. Kuortti, J. (red.). Leiden/NY: Brill, s. 65-82

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  17. Udgivet

    Global Voices

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2016, København: Gyldendal. 119 s.

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  18. Udgivet

    In Search of the Afropolitan: encounters, conversations, and contemporary diasporic african literature

    Knudsen, Eva Rask & Rahbek, Ulla, jul. 2016, London, New York: Rowman & Littlefield International. 317 s.

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  19. Udgivet

    Kim Torneys Babes in the Bush

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2006, I: Publishers Weekly. 42

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  20. Udgivet

    Linda Grant's Dys-Chrony: Interwoven Temporalities in A Stranger City (2019)

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2023, I: C21 Literature: Journal of 21st Century Writings. 10, 2, s. 1-18 10:2.

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  21. Udgivet

    Modern Britain: Developments in Contemporary British Society

    Mustad, J. E. (red.), Rahbek, Ulla (red.), Sevaldsen, J. (red.) & Vadmand, O. (red.), 2012, Oslo: Cappelen Damm. 152 s.

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  22. Udgivet

    Multicultural Britain Today: Dilemmas and Disputes

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2017, Britain Today: Uncertain Pathways to the Future. McQuaid, S. D. & Thomsen, R. C. (red.). 2. udg. Hans Reitzels Forlag, s. 113-42 30 s.

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  23. Udgivet

    Mythologizing Food: Marion Halligan’s non-fiction

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2011, I: Coolabah. 5, s. 206-214 9 s.

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  24. Udgivet

    New Reflections: Programfaget Samfunnsfaglig Engelsk / Hellevi Haugen ... [et al.]

    Rahbek, Ulla (red.), 2013, Oslo: Aschehoug & Co. 383 s.

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  25. Udgivet

    Postcolonial Literature and the World, 2017–2019: Contemporary Complexities

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2022, Studying English Literature in Context. Poplawski, P. (red.). Cambrigde: Cambridge University Press, s. 525-542

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  26. Udgivet

    Postcolonial Studies in the 21st Century – Where to Now?

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2015, I: AngloFiles, Journal of English Teaching. 176, s. 19-22

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  27. Udgivet

    Postcolonial Theory

    Knudsen, Eva Rask & Rahbek, Ulla, jul. 2022, I: The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. 30, 1, s. 207-226

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  28. Udgivet

    Postcolonial Theory

    Knudsen, Eva Rask & Rahbek, Ulla, 2021, I: The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. 29, 1, s. 118-137 20 s.

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  29. Udgivet

    Postcolonial Theory—New Directions?

    Knudsen, Eva Rask & Rahbek, Ulla, sep. 2020, I: The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. 20 s.

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  30. Udgivet

    På Grensen til det Akseptable: Anka Ryalls Odyssevs i Skjørt

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2005, I: Edda. 2, s. 194-197 4 s.

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  31. Udgivet

    Radical hopefulness in Mohsin Hamid’s map of the world: A reading of Exit West (2017)

    Knudsen, Eva Rask & Rahbek, Ulla, 2021, I: Journal of Postcolonial Writing. 57, 4, s. 442-454

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  32. Udgivet

    Reflections, Programfaget samfunnsfaglig engelsk

    Rahbek, Ulla, Haugen, K. & al., E., 2008, Oslo: Aschehoug (Denmark).

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  33. Udgivet

    Refugee Talk: Propositions on Ethics and Aesthetics

    Knudsen, Eva Rask & Rahbek, Ulla, 21 jul. 2022, London: Pluto Press. 228 s.

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  34. Udgivet

    Revisiting Dot and the Kangaroo: Finding a Way in the Australian Bush

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2007, I: Australian Humanities Review. 41, Feb., s. xx-xx

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  35. Udgivet

    Tales of Love, Lust, Jealousy and Revenge: Intertextuality in Marion Halligan's Spidercup

    Rahbek, Ulla, 1996, I: English Studies in Africa. 77, no. 4, July, s. 367-374 8 s.

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  36. Udgivet

    Texts in time: British cultural narratives from Defoe to Blair

    Despard, A., Rahbek, Ulla & Mustad, J. E., 2005, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 312 s.

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  37. Udgivet

    The Hour and The Man: Harriet Martineau's Revisionist Black Hero

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2006, Postcolonial Dislocations : Travel, History and the Ironies of Narrative. Armstrong & Hestetun (red.). s. 163-172 10 s.

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  38. Udgivet

    The Momentous Moment of the Middle Ground: Chimamanda Nogozie Adichie's Short Story

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2011, Colonial and Postcolonial Experiences: essays in honour of Peter Young. Mustad, R. & Rahbek, U. (red.). Oslo: Novus forlag, s. 94-101

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  39. Udgivet

    The Monstrosity of I'm Dying Laughing

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2003, I: Australian Studies. 18, 2, Winter, s. 23-34 12 s.

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  40. Udgivet

    The graveyard and the Garden: Reading Connectivities in Rana Dasgupta’s The Changeling

    Bildsøe, H. S. & Rahbek, Ulla, 2019, I: The Journal of Commonwealth Literature. 54, 2, s. 190–206

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  41. Udgivet

    Uniquely local?

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2011, I: Transnational Literature. 4, 1 (November), s. 1-9

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  42. Udgivet

    Voice and Noice - a review of Andrea Levy's The Long Song (2010)

    Rahbek, Ulla, 2012, I: Obsidian: Literature in the African Diaspora. 11, 2, s. 146-149

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  43. Udgivet

    When Z lost her reference: language, culture and identity in Xiaolu Guo’s A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers

    Rahbek, Ulla, sep. 2012, I: Otherness: Essays and Studies. 3.1, 12 s.

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  44. Udgivet

    ‘Repping your Ends’: Imagined Borders in Recent British Multicultural Fiction

    Rahbek, Ulla, mar. 2013, I: Literature and Theology. 27, 4,1, s. 426-438

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