Migrant Emotions: Inclusion and Exclusion in Transnational Spaces

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  • Leese, Peter (Redaktør)
  • Sonia Cancian (Redaktør)
  • Soňa Mikulová (Redaktør)
This cross cultural and comparative collection of essays is an investigative study into the complex emotions that migrants experience as well as the emotions they may prompt in their places of settlement. The collection incorporates a range of case studies in the Asia-Pacific region, parts of Africa, and Europe. As the many research projects in this collection demonstrate, the hybrid emotions of both migrant and surrounding society are a volatile, dynamic mix related to the lives of families, children and neighbours, but also to politics, cultural identity and the law. Our central argument is that emotions are bound socially and culturally to the place and time of their making, and that fully understanding migrant emotions and lives requires meaningful recognition of both cultural origins and place of settlement.
ForlagLiverpool University Press
Antal sider300
StatusUdgivet - 1 sep. 2024
NavnMigrations and Identities

ID: 375670339