Panel session B

B1 ¿Cómo descolonizar las colaboraciones entre LAC y EU en resolución de conflictos, economía solidaria, conservación ambiental?

Chair: Diana González Martín

¿Cómo sería una investigación otra? Las contradicciones del proyecto de investigación

TransMigrARTS, Diana González Martin, Aarhus University.

A través del análisis de la metodología del taller artístico y de las dinámicas de trabajo entre investigadores procedentes de Colombia y de Dinamarca en el proyecto de investigación Transformar la Migración por las Artes (TransMigrARTS), financiado por la Comisión Europea (2022- 2025) en su programa Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE), pretendo abordar las contradicciones tanto teóricas, metodológicas como culturales, políticas y económicas que emergen en proyectos que desean implementar estrategias de descolonización en sus prácticas de investigación, pero cuyos canales y fuentes de financiación reproducen hábitos como la violencia epistémica (Castro-Gómez 2002), la colonialidad del saber (Lander 2000) y la jerarquización de conocimientos y lenguajes (Veronelli 2015). A raíz de tales contradicciones sugiero las siguientes preguntas: ¿cómo podemos contribuir a la descolonización de las mismas universidades en las que trabajamos para emprender proyectos en los que el intercambio de saberes entre investigadoras de América Latina y Europa sea equitativo y mutuamente beneficioso? ¿de qué maneras podemos hacer de nuestras universidades lugares de saber comunitario construido junto con actores sociales sin establecer jerarquías que sitúen los saberes académicos por encima de los otros? ¿cómo sería una investigación otra en los países nórdicos? Referencias: Castro-Gómez, S. (2002) ‘The social sciences, epistemic violence, and the problem of the “Invention of the Other”’. Nepantla. Views from South. 3(2), 269–285. Lander, E. (2000) ‘Ciencias sociales: saberes coloniales y eurocéntrico’. En Lander, E. (ed.) La colonialidad del saber: eurocentrismo y ciencias sociales. Perspectivas latinoamericanas. Buenos Aires:     CLACSO, 4-23. Veronelli, G. A. (2015) ‘Sobre la colonialidad del lenguaje y el decir’. Universitas Humanística 81(81).

Social and Solidarity Economy in Latin America and the Nordics, Multipolar Perspectives Inside Out

Isabel Cristina Lopera Arbeláez, University of Salamanca / University of Copenhagen.

Can we envision a development model intricately linked with peacebuilding, bridging Nordic countries and Latin America? The urgent challenges of inequality, socioeconomic exclusion, climate change, and territorial disputes have heightened local tensions and contributed to armed conflicts. In response, exploring alternative and complementary development models becomes imperative to effectively address these gaps and formulate comprehensive solutions. This exploration, informed by the exchange of experiences between Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) initiatives in Nordic countries and Latin America, holds promise for fostering a more peaceful and equitable future. The SSE, as recently conceptualized, emerges as a transformative approach to achieving and sustaining peace-centric sustainable development. SSE initiatives significantly contribute to various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), fostering resilience, promoting well-being, and reducing inequalities (ILO - International Labour Organization, 2022). SSE plays a crucial role in crisis prevention and recovery, particularly in the aftermath of conflicts and disasters. Despite its potential for significant impact, solidarity models are often overlooked by academics and practitioners (UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy, 2022; Ramnarain, 2023). Moreover, the experiences in Nordic countries (Jerne, 2023) have not been systematically contrasted. Even though these are territories with their own challenges and experiences, the success or failure of grassroots collective organizations in Latin America and the Nordic countries can be compared and mutually learned from when studied from the inside out. This ongoing paper explores the potential of integrating SSE into peacebuilding and development agendas for disadvantaged communities in Latin America and the Nordic region. By analysing existing research and presenting three case studies, I underscore the significance of multisectoral and interdisciplinary approaches in addressing complex challenges. The case studies include Colombia, Guatemala, and Salvador, where SSE played a role in peacebuilding and conflict transformation, contrasting them with Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. This research aims to discuss the interplay between SSE, power relations, and resistance, shedding light on the potential of SSE as a catalyst for inclusive and locally-driven peacebuilding efforts.

El papel de Noruega en los acuerdos de paz de Colombia

Elvira Valenzuela, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana and Maria Ignacia Orozco, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana.

El propósito de la ponencia es analizar los factores que incidieron en rol de Noruega como facilitador y mediador del proceso de paz colombiano 2012-2016. El conflicto armado colombiano comenzó en la década de los cincuenta y a lo largo de su desarrollo se llevaron a cabo varios intentos de procesos de paz sin éxito. El proceso de paz ha sido largo y complejo, una serie de condiciones y variables permitieron que se alcanzaran los Acuerdos de Paz en 2016 y Noruega jugó un papel importante como facilitador y mediador. Los factores que permitieron que Noruega fuese garante del proceso de paz fue su política exterior comprometida en la resolución de conflictos intraestatales distantes. Asimismo, esta política exterior se basa en una noción que incluye democracia, desarrollo a través de la denominada diplomacia de la paz. De este modo, el compromiso por la paz se ha institucionalizado como una política exterior y una estrategia para promover los intereses y la influencia de Noruega en las relaciones internacionales. Noruega ha creado una marca a nivel internacional como un país neutral y comprometido con la paz, que si bien se ha puesto en tela de juicio su rol como mediador este país fue relevante en los diálogos de paz entre la guerrilla y el gobierno. Actualmente, Noruega juega un rol como acompañante en los diálogos de paz con el ELN y otros grupos armados que operan en el país, y en la reintegración de los firmantes del Acuerdo de Paz. En relación a la metodología de investigación, el método es cualitativo – interpretativo y alcance de investigación es descriptivo y explicativo. Se realizó análisis de contenido, entrevistas expertos y revisión de bibliografía. Referencias: Bull, B. (2015). Pensamiento Social Noruego sobre América Latina, Clacso. 89-113. Gobierno de Colombia (2016). Acuerdo Final – FARC-EP para la terminación del Conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera. Colombia: Ediciones desde abajo. Nylander, D., Sandberg, R. & Tvedt, I. (2018). Designing peace: the Colombian peace process, s.l.: Norwegian Centre for Conflict Resolution. Pizarro, E. (2004). Una democracia asediada. Balance y perspectiva del conflicto armado en Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia: Grupo Editorial Norma. Stokke, K. (2012). Peace-building as Small State Foreign Policy: Norway’s Peace Engagement in a Changing International Context. International Studies, 49(3-4), 207-231. Valenzuela, E. (2016). El Conflicto Colombiano, sus actores y propuesta de paz 1990 y 2010. Santiago de Chile: Ril Editores. Valenzuela, E. & Orozco M. (2022). Desplazamiento forzado en Colombia, Venezuela y Siria. Santiago de Chile: Ril Editores: Bravo y Allende Editores.

Political ontology of biodiversity offsetting and alternative conservation approaches in Colombia and Finland

Liisa Varumo, Finnish Environment Institute, Anna Ott, Finnish Environment Institute, Claudia Ituarte-Lima, The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and Carlos Pardo, Universidad de Magdalena.

Biodiversity offsetting (BO) policies have been developed internationally primarily by natural scientists promoting a set of rigorous principals to achieve not net loss of biodiversity. These conservation policies have become mainstreamed through the Global Biodiversity Framework of the CBD and EU Biodiversity Strategies. As BO is adapted to and implemented through national institutions, it often fails to allow room for local socio-ecological sensitivity and ontological plurality, hampering the acceptance of BO as a conservation measure and leading to inequalities and even accumulation by dispossession (Fairhead et al 2012). Simultaneously, the CBD and IPBES stress the importance of traditional knowledge, values and practices in conservation. In this paper we explore local consequences of offsetting to reveal how BO is an example of the ‘modern ontology’ (Blaser 2013) in action and how local communities provide alternative context sensitive approaches of conservation. Within two BO case studies impacting indigenous communities, the planned AngloAmerican owned Sakatti mine in Finland and the Glencore owned Cerrejón mine in Colombia, we analyse the strategies by which BO is legitimised, questioned and resisted by different stakeholders. Our data consists of interviews, field observations and policy and permit documents of the two cases. The juxtaposition of the Finnish and Colombian cases allows us to examine how multinational mining companies operate in diverse contexts upon interpreting and implementing a universal conservation measure. Additionally, by studying alternative locally emerged approaches to biodiversity conservation we illustrate strategies to proactively transform and/or resist hegemonic conservation strategies that obscure the pluriverse of other ontologies. References: Blaser, M. (2013). Ontological Conflicts and the Stories of Peoples in Spite of Europe: Toward a Conversation on Political Ontology. Current Anthropology, 54(5), 547–568. Fairhead, J., Leach, M., & Scoones, I. (2012). Green Grabbing: A new appropriation of nature? The Journal of Peasant Studies, 39(2), 237–261.

B2 Europa y América Latina en la nueva geopolítica. Convergencias y disonancias

Chair: Bert Hoffmann, CEISAL and GIGA (German Institute for Global and Area Studies).

What can Feminist Geopolitics do for human rights and democratization in Latin America?

Maria Clara Lilia Medina, School of Global Studies / University of Gothenburg.

In the last decades, Feminist Geopolitics have introduced new analytical tools and approaches that embody both thought and practice, especially for geopolitical feminist inquiry in the Global South. All gendered geopolitical practices and representations are built, reproduced, and projected on specific everyday contexts and affect racialized and sexualized bodies and imaginaries. This paper aims to assemble and contextualise some ideas and concerns that shape an exploration of how Feminist Geopolitics can highlight how Gender Based Violence (GBV) is shaped in different Latin American geographies with focus on gendered bodies and subjects that are often forgotten in the analysis of geopolitical power relations (Cabezas & Bernà, 2012; Dixon, 2016). It discusses a potential reform of classical geopolitics via the positing of a new canon and conceptual lineage that more accurately captures the key gender dimensions of GVB in the region. This paper departs from the construction of diverse forms of gender base violence(s) during the formation and consolidation of the Latin American nation-states and its consequences for today’s societies; to land on how current social democratization policies, influenced by Western ideas about gender, race, and social class, affect geopolitical gender strategies in transitioning states. Therefore, special attention will be paid to the political and discursive processes that, based on modern biopolitical regimes, aim to tame and to discipline the gendered bodies in concrete spaces as a matter of “security” more than as respect for human rights, and its gendered consequences for the geopolitics of democratization (Corn, 2015; Oberhauser et al, 2018).

The European Union and Latin America: renewing the partnership or losing each other's importance?

Peter Birle, Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Berlin.

After an interruption of several years, the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) met again for the first time in July 2023 for a bi-regional summit in Brussels. The 41-point plan of the summit declaration is seen by many observers as an opportunity for a renewal of the bi-regional partnership in a global environment that has changed massively in recent years. The presentation asks how realistic such hopes are. It analyses factors that facilitate a bi-regional partnership and a partnership for global multilateralism as well as those that impede such a development. The focus is on political and economic aspects of European-Latin American relations, different geopolitical perspectives, and diverging understandings of multilateralism, but also on the positioning of both regions in a global environment characterized by a growing conflict between the USA and China. Recent publications by the author on the topic: "Capacidades y limitaciones de la Unión Europea para contribuir a la defensa del orden mundial liberal y el multilateralismo". In: Eduardo Pastrana Buelvas, Stefan Reith, Eduardo Velosa (eds.): Desorden mundial: ¿Pospandemia y transición? Bogotá: Fundación Konrad Adenauer / Cries 2022, pp. 191-215. Mobility | Diversity | Inequality | Sustainability: cross-cutting issues of cultural, scientific and social relations between the European Union and Latin America / the Caribbean. Hamburg: EU-LAC Foundation 2020 (with Barbara Göbel, Miriam Boyer and Jakob Krusche).

Is CEISAL “European”? And what does that mean in the context of current changes in world politics?

Jussi Pakkasvirta, University of Helsinki.

CEISAL was founded in 1971 in Westphalia as an initiative trying to bring closer relations between Western and Eastern European Latin Americanists. Its main objective was to promote academic freedom and the exchange of thought that would contribute to the development of studies on Latin America in Europe. 24 research and teaching institutions from eight Western European countries participated in its founding, together with research institutes from Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. Later also Russian institutes have become members of CEISAL. CEISAL was formed when Cold War experienced an atmosphere of certain thawing. The current war in Ukraine has created a huge tension also in academic relations, concerning academic freedom, mobility and possibilities of cooperation and research. What is it the role of such research networks as CEISAL, and how different Latin American countries has reacted to “European-Russian” problem?

B3 The Reconfiguration of the European Union Presence in Latin America and the Caribbean I

Chairs: Luis Fernando Beneduzi, Gian Luca Gardini, University of Udine.

Spanish foreign policy towards Latin America: time for redefinition?

Sergio Caballero, University of Deusto.

This paper addresses the evolution and relevance of Spain's foreign policy towards Latin America. A historical overview is provided in order to highlight the main turning points in Spain's foreign policy towards the region since the transition to democracy. At the same time, the chapter emphasises Spain's role in bi-regional relations through Ibero-American Summits and other diplomatic efforts. The context plays an important role to make sense of both the main challenges and the potential synergies. Finally, a reflection on the current scenario highlights both Madrid's role as a bridge between Brussels and Latin America, and the impact of other extra-regional actors on EU-LAC relations.

The Portuguese foreign policy towards Latin America: a yo-yo approach

Carmen Fonseca, NOVA University Lisbon.

This paper asks if the common wisdom that Portugal is a strategic player in and for Latin America stands a reality check. The chapter focuses on Portuguese foreign policy towards Latin America in the 21st century, exploring the connection between discourse, strategy and results. Despite the national narrative of Portugal as a bridge between the two continents, largely present at the EU level too, the author argues that the Portuguese presence and interest in Latin American can be illustrated through the yo-yo metaphor with swinging priorities and agendas. Hence, Lisbon’s capacity to shape the EU-LAC dialogue remains unclear.

Identity and International Relations: Italian Foreign Policy towards Latin America

Luis Fernando Beneduzi, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

This paper takes an historical and political approach to Italy’s relations with LAC. Historically, the most important connection between Italy and LAC was the migration issues and the Italian communities abroad. The human relationship worked as a driving force of economic affairs and bilateral agreements. Only in the 21st century, with the economic and political growth of LAC, Rome developed a proper policy towards the continent. The chapter emphasises the connections between immigration, foreign policy and the international context and discusses the shortcomings of the Italian foreign policy toward Latin America.

Autonomy as a Foreign Policy Objective: Perspectives from Europe and Latin America

Paulina Astroza, University of Concepción.

This paper discusses the concept of autonomy, which has recently returned to the fore in IR academia and policy-making, both in Europe and LAC. In both regions there is a long doctrinal tradition on the idea of autonomy, although the lines of action may differ, and the ways of exercising autonomy depend on how far processes of regional construction have developed. The EU and LAC have common interests in their different agendas, and bi-regional collaboration brings benefits to both parties. In that sense, the idea of autonomy could guide the way in which the different actors fit into the bi-regional relations and more broadly the complex international system.

B4 Social movements, Transformations and Politics

Chair: Lotte Crone Roulund

Being on the Losing side and Commitment to Democratic Principles: Experimental Evidence from New Democracies

Hector Bahamonde, University of Turku.

Citizen’s support for democracy is central for democratic stability, yet recent research has begun to question the depth of this commitment in both new and established democracies. Contrary to most research that concentrates on potential breaches of democratic values by the "winners," we turn our attention to the "losers." In particular, we seek to understand if individuals who sided with the losing candidate are more open to supporting anti-systemic actions against the government, and whether their stance is influenced by their country's regime type. To do this, we carried out a novel survey experiment in Chile, probing into the willingness of these "losers" to tolerate transgressions against democratic principles.

The contributions of political innovation in Mexican indigenous self-governed municipalities to democratic practice

Lotte Crone Roulund, Aalborg University.

The crisis of liberal democracy has long been mourned by its proponents. Instead of primarily mourning, I suggest we learn from certain alternative forms of politics, which intend to respond to problematic experiences with democracy. Mexican indigenous self-government systems at the municipality level are innovative in this sense. They combine local tradition and conventional democratic methods through bottom-up government. Based on collective authority, heterogenous ways that express local political innovation are proposed to respond to experiences of neglect and corruption within the Mexican democracy, resulting in problems such as unsafety and poverty. In my Ph.D.-dissertation, I examine the communal government practices in Cherán, Michoacán, and the mobilization for self-government in the municipalities of Chilón and Sitalá, Chiapas, based on interviews conducted during field trips in 2018-2019. As the groups behind propose collective self-government at the municipality level, these initiatives can legally form part of the national political system. This means that the Mexican political system finds itself in an expansion of political possibilities, in which extra-systemic practices become an integral part of government authority at the local level. Hence, the self-government initiatives offer an opportunity to further study how to work across regional heritages. To grasp these new and combined empirical methods of government, it is necessary to creatively combine theoretical resources. Decolonial thinking, Latin American feminist thought on community-oriented politics, and elements of radical democracy are not usual companions. However, I explore how they are useful, in combination, to think abstractly of processes that contradict or reassess the known ways of governing locally. I argue that the practices that go beyond liberal democracy hold a potential for rethinking democratic practices on more local terms.

Until dignity becomes the norm: The 2019 Chilean uprising’s impact on welfare state problems perceptions

Joaquín Rozas-Bugueño, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain and Toni Rodon, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain.

In October 2019, Chile witnessed its most significant protest cycle in recent history. On Friday, October 18th, the collapse of the subway service and public transport in the capital, Santiago, triggered massive demonstrations and subsequent clashes with the police, spreading rapidly throughout the city. Protests, riots, and police violence quickly engulfed the entire country. In response, the government and major political parties agreed to embark on an unprecedented constituent process to address the political crisis. This study examines the impact of the social uprising on public problem perceptions, taking advantage of survey fieldwork conducted in October 2019 that coincided with the uprising. Utilizing an Unexpected Event During Survey Design, our findings indicate that individuals interviewed right after the social uprising identified the country's main problems as issues associated with the welfare state, particularly pensions, education, and inequality. Our analysis proposes a dual explanation for these findings. Firstly, the social uprising realigned Chileans' perception of problems due to its magnitude: the combination of massiveness, violent and peaceful tactics, and daily protests made it an event difficult to overlook for those exposed. Secondly, the social uprising reshaped attitudes toward the welfare state by framing the struggle against system abuse, initially exemplified by the subway fare increment and later by the indignity associated with the market's central role in providing public services and goods.

Desigualdades, juventudes y participación: acercamientos desde América Latina y el Caribe

Pablo Vommaro, UBA/CONICET – CLACSO.

En América Latina y el Caribe las juventudes fueron uno de los grupos sociales que experimentaron con mayor profundidad los cambios producidos por la pandemia de Covid19, en particular si nos enfocamos en las desigualdades sociales desde una perspectiva multidimensional. Por eso podemos hablar de desigualdades sociales persistentes, que preexistían a la pandemia y de desigualdades emergentes, que se configuraron en y luego del acontecimiento pandémico. Al mismo tiempo, las juventudes continuaron produciendo diversas prácticas de movilización y resistencia, afrontando muchas veces discursos adultocéntricos que los criminalizaban, acusaban y desconocían. Asimismo, en los últimos años crecieron otros modos de participación vinculados a las denominadas nuevas derechas, conformadas por grupos autoritarios, regresivos y anti derechos, que han incrementado sus adhesiones entre las juventudes. En esta presentación haremos foco en las desigualdades sociales multidimensionales persistentes y emergentes abordadas desde un análisis interseccional que incluye las dimensiones generacional y territorial, entramadas con otras como la de género, la laboral y la educativa. Asimismo, la ponencia se propone comprender los modos de participación de las juventudes en relación con el proceso de aumento de las desigualdades, que abarcan tanto formas de resistencias que buscan contrarrestar las dinámicas de producción y reproducción social de las desigualdades, como canalizar los malestares, descontentos e insatisfacciones hacia grupos de derechas en sus diferentes expresiones. La ponencia se basará en una síntesis de las investigaciones recientes del autor y en la revisión de bibliografía actualizada acerca del tema abordado.

Las elecciones presidenciales de 2023 en América Latina y su reflejo en la prensa española

Elena Gómez Sánchez, Universidad Europea de Madrid.

Este trabajo analiza la imagen que un conjunto de cabeceras de la prensa española ofrece de las elecciones (“presidenciales” o “generales”) celebradas en distintos países de América Latina en 2023. Más concretamente, se analizará la imagen que los diarios El País, El Mundo y Abc presentan a sus lectores acerca de las elecciones celebradas en (por orden cronológico) Paraguay, Guatemala, Ecuador y Argentina, comicios en los que a lo largo de 2023 se han elegido nuevos presidentes de estas cuatro repúblicas. A partir de un conjunto de noticias de 2023, publicadas en los diarios mencionados y extraídas mediante la herramienta Factiva® (un servicio de información multilingüe que permite la búsqueda de noticias en más de 7500 diarios y publicaciones periódicas), nuestro trabajo, enfocado desde la perspectiva del análisis del discurso, pondrá de manifiesto cómo aparecen caracterizados -en los diarios seleccionados- estos procesos electorales y los principales actores que intervienen en ellos. Se prestará especial atención a los temas mencionados y a las elecciones lingüísticas adoptadas, particularmente en lo que se refiere a los titulares que encabezan tales informaciones. Referencias: Acosta, M., Lassi, A. y Demirdjian, S. B. (2022) “Las elecciones presidenciales de 2019 en Argentina. Un análisis de la agenda y el proceso de enmarcado de la prensa de referencia”, Obets. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 17/1, pp. 17-30. Arce, N. y Muguerza, M. (2022) “Cobertura de la prensa internacional sobre las elecciones presidenciales del Perú en el 2021”, Correspondencias & Análisis, 15, pp. 127-144. Gutiérrez, L. y Pérez, C. (2023) “Estrategias de posverdad y desinformación en las elecciones presidenciales colombianas 2022”, Revista de comunicación, 22/2, pp. 225-243.

B5 Natural Resources, Political Economy and Extractivism

Chair: Peter Wilson Leys

Navigating Complexity: Unveiling Socio-cultural Dynamics in the Latin American Context of Natural Resources and Development Infrastructure

Xaquín S. Pérez-Sindín, University of Warsaw / University of Copenhagen and Andrea Carolina Cardoso Diaz, Universidad de Santa Marta, Colombia.

This study aims to reveal the dynamic interrelationship between physical, social, political, economic, religious, and cultural dimension of natural resources/development infrastructure in the Latin American context. We conducted one questionnaire in Colombia. In August 2019, we obtained a total 296 completed questionnaires from households in the municipality of Zona Bananera, in the Caribbean Colombia. Zona Bananera is a particular place, there took place the so-called Banana Massacre, a massacre of United Fruit Company workers after a strike that turned into the labor movement ever witnessed in the country until then and so well depicted in a fiction version by the Nobel Laureate Gabriel García Márquez in his One Hundred Years of Solitude. Today, 150 wagons trains speed by at 80 kilometers an hour, with nothing covering the 160,000 tons of coal that pass through this area daily. The so-called “death train” passes every 15 minutes, 20 minutes at most. The doors and windows shake, there are houses that are cracked and many have been killed. We employed a strategic proximity sampling approach to gather responses from residents residing near the railway, as well as those situated at a distance. The questionnaire elicited information such as the length of residence, values, social problems, self-reported health status, public participation, social capital and institutional trust, perception of crime, life satisfaction, environmental values, political ideology, as well as a few relevant socio-demographic variables (self-reported ethnic group, civil status, religious affiliation, income, education, and profession. The results show that proximity to highly environmentally devastated areas does not necessarily align with more critical attitudes toward development, drawing into relief the extend to what environmental values are mediated by power structures and strong political identities. The findings underscore the need to recognize and navigate these complexities for a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic relationship between communities and their surroundings.

Extractivismo Agrario de Aceite de Palma y Acceso al Agua Potable. Valle Medio del Magdalena/Colombia

Angelica Hernandez Goez, Universidad Federal de Goiás, Sávio Emerick Barros Pavani Marinho, Universidad Federal de Rio Grande del Sur and Luz Eugenia Goez Restrepo, Servidora Pública de la Alcaldía de Medellín, Colombia.

La expansión del monocultivo de aceite de palma (Elaeis guineensis) ha generado preocupantes consecuencias ambientales, económicas y sociales como la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero, la pérdida de biodiversidad, la violación de los derechos humanos, la disminución de los humedales y la precarización del acceso a los recursos hídricos de las poblaciones locales. Colombia es el cuarto país en el mundo, y el primero en América Latina, en la producción de este tipo de aceite (USDA 2023) con 37% de sus exportaciones destinadas a la UE (FEDEPALMA 2022). Entonces, a partir de la comprensión del agua como derecho humano, en este trabajo se analiza la precarización del acceso al agua potable de los habitantes de la región del Valle Medio del rio Magdalena (Colombia) relacionada con el avance del extractivismo agrario del aceite de palma (Elaeis guineensis). Para esto, se hace una investigación documental y bibliográfica a través de fuentes secundarias, se hace uso de fuentes primarias y de una serie de indicadores hídricos sobre el acceso al agua potable. Como conclusiones preliminares se sugiere que la expansión del extractivismo agrario de este aceite en esa región precariza el acceso al agua potable de sus habitantes porque disminuye y drena las fuentes de agua. Se aconseja que tanto las empresas compradoras como las inversoras, con origen europea, en especial las nórdicas, cumplan de forma integral el Reglamento (UE) 2023/1115 de 31 de mayo de 2023 y que se incluyan estándares de producción relacionados al acceso y uso de los recursos hídricos en dicho reglamento. Referencias: FEDEPALMA. (2022). Anuario Estadístico, 2022. Principales cifras de la agroindustria de la palma de aceite en Colombia y en el mundo 2017-2021. Bogotá: Fedepalma. USDA. (2023). Palm Oil Explorer [online].

The epistemic pitfalls of quantitative analysis of extractive conflicts in the Peruvian Andes

Peter Leys, Roskilde University.

Do extractive conflicts reflect local resistance to extractivism? Or do they mirror rentier practices of local populations? Recently, quantitative research on extractive conflicts in Peru represent profoundly opposing readings of extractive conflicts. On the one hand, political ecologists and ecological economists argue that conflicts represent resistance to extraction. On the other hand, political economists argue that most people, in fact, mobilize for benefits and compensation. This paper first presents the competing analysis and their theoretical implications. Thereafter, it explores the different data sets used by the two opposing research groups, the conflict registry of the Peruvian Ombudsman institution and the Environmental Justice atlas respectively, and their different epistemic backgrounds. By comparing the different data sets to three detailed case studies of extractive conflicts in Peru, this paper suggests that while quantitative data analysis are important for getting basic overviews, they also contain analytical limitations, as they depend upon data which has implicit theoretical and practical foci. Finally, this paper argues for a different analytical focus. Instead of quarreling about the correct categorization, research on extractive conflicts could seek to comprehend how conflict dynamics change and evolve, encompassing both rentier practices as well as resistance, thereby dampening the dichotomy of conflicts being either one thing or the other.

B6 The Role of Religion in Cultural and Political Transformations in Latin America I

Chair: Jakob Egeris Thorsen, Aarhus University.

Extended Outreach into Civil Society: The Catholic Church, Moral Engagement, and Popular Discontent in Cuba and Venezuela

Petra Kuivala, University of Eastern Finland.

Cuba and Venezuela share close geopolitical, ideological, and economic relations. In recent years, the two countries have also experienced similar setbacks in the economy and social conditions as well as diverging paths of socialist construction and democratic backslide. Additionally, a transition of power has taken place in state leadership in both countries. Such changes have contributed to significant popular discontent expressed through, for example, public discourses, demonstrations, and manifestations. Centering on the idea of popular discontent, the paper provides an analysis of how the global Catholic Church engaged social change and popular discontent in Cuba and Venezuela during this period of change. The paper shows that Catholic institutions, representing moral authority, have occupied a distinct role of intervention and intermediation between the people, their discontent, and state power in both countries, although employing different forms of engagement and platforms. Because of the historical trajectories and bilateral connections of Cuba and Venezuela, it is particularly fruitful to analyze and compare the moral agency and engagement of the Catholic Church from both local and transnational perspectives: as the paper shows, it allows us to note and discuss the polyvocality of the Church and the hybrid forms of engagement it employs in varying political and social conditions. This also makes visible the multiple channels and strategies of Catholic engagement in the international sphere, expanding the strictly religious outreach motivation of the Catholic Church towards socio-religious presence in civil society.

Identidade Negra: on blackness in an Afro-Brazilian religious context

Sigrid Winther Vonsek, Dept. of the Study of Religion, Aarhus University.

Within the science of religion, prominent scholars traditionally posit a nexus between religion, social identities, and community building. Especially within the context of traumatized and diasporic communities, religion is considered a collective survival strategy ensuring the transmission of cultural memory and facilitating a mythical connection to the homeland while being physically detached from it. The Afro-Brazilian religions have long been considered core facilitators of cultural identity within the African diaspora in Brazil – an identidade negra (black identity). Even today, with most Afro-Brazilian religions being racially universal, these are still viewed as intrinsically linked to blackness, exemplified by the fact that religious initiation seems to be a pathway to ‘becoming black’. This has made scholars of the field question the meaning of black identity within the domain of Afro-Brazilian religion. In this paper, I present, analyze, and discuss recently collected ethnographic data on the construction and composition of identidade negra among practitioners of Candomblé and Umbanda in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil. With a mixed methods approach, the study combines various types of data contributing with different perspectives on the cultural model(s) of blackness at play. The data shows a complex identity construct consisting of multiple components beyond biological descent by which one can be considered black, e.g., cultural expressions, political values and actions, historical awareness, spiritual self-recognition, and religious orientation. Furthermore, the majority of the sample even agreed that one could be “black on the inside while white on the outside”. Based on the findings, I emphasize ‘resistance’ as a master narrative of this particular conceptualization of blackness referring to a contemporary resistance to discrimination and historical resistance to slavery. Finally, I discuss the role of Candomblé and Umbanda in the manifestation, development, and maintenance of an African diasporic identity in Brazil.

Falling in Love with Jesus. On the Romantic Turn in Chilean Pentecostalism

Martin Lindhardt, University of Southern Denmark.

Based on research in Chile the paper will shed light on what I call a romantic turn in some Chilean Pentecostal churches. The idea that believers should develop a personal connection to the divine is by no means new in Pentecostalism in Chile or elsewhere, but especially among younger second and third generation Pentecostals, there appears to a growing emphasis on developing a loving, intimate, almost romantic relationship to Jesus. The romantic turn is mostly prevalent in Pentecostal churches that define themselves as modernized (modernizadas) because of their openness to the surrounding society and because they have less hierarchical church structures and place fewer restrictions on the conduct of members than Pentecostal groups that are known (and sometimes define themselves) as “traditional.” The article will explore how both sermons, testimonies and the lyrics of hymns focus on an intimate relationship with Jesus. Furthermore, I will look at how different forms of embodied engagement in worship contribute to the cultivation of this relationship. The paper will draw on Anthony Giddens’ notion of the pure relationship as I explore how especially younger Pentecostals describe their relationship with Jesus as voluntary, partly egalitarian and democratic, and, not least, as a relationship that is mainly nurtured for the sake of emotional fulfillment. I relate the romantic turn, both to new intersections between religions and popular cultural genres, and to wide-spread anti-authoritarian values among youth in post-dictatorial Chile.

B7 Global Perspectives on Contemporary Migration: Identities, Challenges, and Social Impacts I

Chair: Anita Martos Harris

The dynamics of regional mobility: the South American approach to mass migration

Andrea Jiménez Laurence, Centre of Excellence for Global Mobility Law (MOBILE), Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen.

Human mobility is predominantly an intra-regional phenomenon, occurring within regional legal frameworks that determine, to a large extent, how and whether people can cross borders. In the past years, various regions of the world have experienced massive migration phenomena that have certainly presented various challenges to this scenario. In Europe, mobility is primarily regulated at the EU level, that provides significant freedom of movement for European citizens. Conversely, the South American region exhibits a myriad of multilateral and bilateral agreements regulating mobility, being the residence agreement of Mercosur the main catalyst of movement of citizens in the region. The region also presents a progressive human rights system, and an expansive definition of refugee provided by the Cartagena Declaration, widely adopted within domestic jurisdictions. The Venezuelan crisis, serves as a paradigmatic case, representing one of the world’s largest cross-border movements. The temporary suspension of Venezuela as a Mercosur member deregulated the transit and residence of its citizens, placing them outside of the regional framework of mobility. South American countries reacted by adopting country-specific legal responses that have facilitated the entry and flow of Venezuelans, and that largely still rely on the overarching regional legal framework. This presentation will focus on the Brazilian response to the crisis. As a neighbouring country, Brazil has received a significant number of Venezuelans, and has not only granted humanitarian visas, but also has unilaterally enforced the Mercosur Residence agreement, and has recognised Venezuelans as refugees based on the Cartagena declaration. Grounded in contextual and legal analysis, alongside insights from interviews conducted with relevant actors, this presentation delves into how the regional legal infrastructure of mobility has reacted and shaped this mass migratory movement, displaying a dynamic and resilient character.

Handling victims of modern slave labor: comparing policies, laws, and institutions in Brazil and Denmark

Anita Martos Harres, University of Copenhagen.

Although in the past few years significant progress has been made to fight modern slavery, significant gaps in legislation still fail to encompass the realities of the issue. In Denmark, modern slavery is mainly treated as a subset of human trafficking. Trialing and judging perpetrators have been a challenge: from 2018 to 2022, only three cases were given a sentence, despite 391 people being qualified as victims in the same period; none of these sentences regarded forced labor. I will examine the current legislation, directives and jurisprudence that handle forced labor in Denmark and address the main gaps and issues that make it difficult to effectively punish perpetrators of human trafficking. Then, I will present the Brazilian approach to pursue forced labor and the innovations in combatting modern slavery, including operations by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which thus allows federal prosecutors to produce proof, rendering supply chains liable, creating a blacklist of offenders, and integrating the victims, with pecuniary compensation, as well as the possibility to regularize their residence status in the country. through an intersection of the particularities in data, policies, and legislation from the two countries, I will analyze which policies could potentially be borrowed from the Brazilian reality and present selected recommendations on possible new approaches that would make the punishment of forced labor more effective in Denmark.

O direito dos migrantes e refugiados ao aprendizado da língua do país de acolhimento

Jorge Luís Mialhe, São Paulo State University – UNESP.

A presente pesquisa qualitativa, valendo-se de revisão bibliográfica, sobretudo da educação comparada, investiga a relevância do ensino da língua portuguesa dos imigrantes e refugiados. O conhecimento da língua do país de destino do imigrante é determinante para o seu integral acolhimento e eventual assimilação à sua nova pátria. É preciso que se pratique uma pedagogia especialmente voltada às crianças migrantes e refugiadas, no sentido de ofertar uma educação contextualizada às características próprias desse grupo de pessoas, sob pena de se tornarem equiparados aos alunos com déficit de aprendizagem, o que implicará na sua baixa inserção escolar, logrando um grau acadêmico inferior ao seu potencial, deixando de se estabelecer uma conexão potencialmente enriquecedora entre os migrantes e seus colegas brasileiros. A aprendizagem da língua portuguesa constitui condição indispensável para promover a inclusão dos refugiados na sociedade brasileira, pois o domínio do idioma local está estritamente relacionado ao acesso a direitos e serviços públicos, assim como para todos os nacionais, conforme disposto no artigo 5º. da Constituição Federal brasileira de 1988. No âmbito comparado, as políticas públicas recomendadas pelo Nordic Migrant Expert Forum e as experiências do Nortic Welfare Centre focadas na escola como base para a inclusão e integração de migrantes e refugiados nos países nórdicos podem servir como inspiração para o aperfeiçoamento da organização do sistema educacional dos municípios brasileiros, entes federativos responsáveis prioritariamente pelo ensino fundamental e pela educação infantil no país, de acordo com o artigo 211 da Constituição brasileira. Nesse sentido, sugere-se o compartilhamento e intercâmbio com o Brasil das experiências dos países nórdicos no ensino dos seus idiomas aos migrantes e refugiados. Tais políticas e recomendações podem auxiliar e facilitar o exercício dos direitos humanos pelos migrantes e refugiados, estimulando-os a tornarem-se pessoas mais autônomas na busca da própria integração no seu país de acolhimento.

Fostering latinx belonging(s): the influence of Helsinki’s public libraries on the identities of migrant women

Eurídice Hernández Gomes, FGV cidades, Brazil.

The study investigates how Helsinki city libraries serve as "multilingual safe spaces," facilitating the cultivation of national and transnational identities among Latinx American women. These libraries play a pivotal role in the lives of migrant women, serving as platforms for integration into Finnish society while maintaining ties to their national communities and transnational networks, rooted in linguistic and cultural affinities. Employing the theoretical framework proposed by Jochumsen et al. (2012), this paper uses the "four spaces" categorization to explore how migrant women leverage library spaces for learning, inspiration, meetings, and performative activities to foster a sense of "multiple belongings" (Pfaff-Czarnecka, 2013) and shape their transnational identity. Drawing on participant observations conducted at Oodi, Itäkeskus, and Pasila libraries and semi-structured interviews involving 20 migrant Latinx women, this research contends that a higher visibility of the "four spaces" within libraries correlates with increased multilingualism and the organic emergence of multiple belongings. The availability of literature in Portuguese and Spanish, along with initiatives from Iberoamerican NGOs inside the library, provides a platform for migrant women to forge social networks and nurture cultural practices that bridge connections with their country of origin while learning, inside the libraries, how to navigate their place within Finnish society. The study posits that libraries are catalysts for developing a Latin American identity founded on linguistic and cultural parallels distinct from the Finnish context. This underscores libraries' profound role as multifunctional and multilingual spaces to foster connections that transcend national boundaries. References: Jochumsen, H., Hvenegaard Rasmussen, C. and Skot-Hansen, D. (2012). The four spaces – a new model for the public library. New Library World, 113(11/12), pp.586–597. Pfaff-Czarnecka, J. (2013). Multiple belonging and the challenges to biographic navigation. MMG Working Paper, (13-05).

B8 Lecturas distantes: mapeos de autores nórdicos en la literatura latinoamericana del siglo XX (now D6)

B9 De Guaman Poma de Ayala a Ryszard Kapuściński – los cronistas de America Latina

Chair: Urszula Ługowska

La tradición de la crónica peruana y los cronistas polacos de América Latina

Urszula Ługowska, Universidad de Varsovia.

El gran estudioso polaco de la cultura y civilización incaicas y preincaicas, Jan Szemiński, había lanzado la propuesta de analizar la cultura incaica y postincaica de la manera filológica. Por este camino pretendemos seguir, un grupo de investigadores polacos, partiendo del análisis de la obra muy cercana a Jan Szemiński que es la Nueva crónica del Perú y buen gobierno de Guamán Poma de Ayala. Se cree que la escritura de esta obra, basada en el legado histórico-cultural del pueblo quechua, concluyó en 1615. El texto, destinado al rey español, nunca llegó a sus manos y fue encontrado en 1908 en Dinamarca por el dr. Richard Pietschmann. Desde entonces, está en la biblioteca municipal en Copenhague, siendo su máximo orgullo. El auge de los estudios dedicados a la obra empezó a escala internacional en la segunda mitad del siglo XX y continúa hasta hoy. La hipótesis de la ponencia es que las características de la crónica latinoamericana han sido adoptadas también por la tal llamada escuela polaca del reportaje. Se intentará demostrar estas características, para buscarlas, en las demás ponencias del panel, en las crónicas sobre América Latina de los escritores polacos de los siglos posteriores. La subjetividad y el enredo político-ideológico del más famoso de los reporteros polacos, Ryszard Kapuściński, criticados en una de sus biografías por Artur Domosławski, son típicos del reportaje polaco sobre America Latina y a su vez le dan un valor muy particular, lo que diferencia el periodismo “latino” del periodismo “anglosajon”.

Aspectos medicinales en la Nueva crónica del Perú… de Guamán Poma de Ayala

Leszek Ługowski, Academia de la Medicina, independiente.

Las crónicas del Perú abarcan distintos aspectos de la realidad percibida por sus autores, o bien directamente, o bien a través de los mensajes y la tradición orales. El tema que pretendo explorar es la presencia de los aspectos medicinales en la Primer nueva crónica y buen gobierno (1615), elaborada e ilustrada por Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala. El objetivo es examinar, a lo largo de la obra, de los sujetos tales como curanderos, hierbas y otras plantas medicinales como también las divinidades (por ejemplo del agua) y su papel en la salud y las enfermedades como también análisis corporales tales como el dibujo del capítulo “El corregidor y padre tiniente anda rrondando y mirando la güergüenza de las mugeres” en el que Guaman Poma plasma el cuerpo de una mujer indígena con la “güergüenza” (los genitales) descubierta, etc. y evaluar la importancia de estos aspectos en dicha obra como también compararlos con otras crónicas, sobre todo la del Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. El contexto a tomar en cuenta es el papel de la Inquisición y otras restricciones en la percepción y descripción del encuentro entre las dos “medicinas” la europea y la incaica de la época.

Los recursos estilísticos en la crónica De los Tres Elementos de Tomás López Medel (s.XVI)

Paulina Bojarska, University of Warsaw.

Tomás López Medel, oidor de la audiencia de Los Confines, creada en el territorio guatemalteco en la mitad del siglo XVI, fue uno de los cronistas del Nuevo Mundo, predecesores de Guamán Poma de Ayala en el intento de describir y explicar la nueva realidad americana. Su obra De los Tres Elementos. Tratado sobre la Naturaleza y el hombre del Nuevo Mundo, escrita a finales del siglo XVI fue transcrita y editada por Berta Ares Queija a finales del siglo XX. La crónica recogía las informaciones sobre la flora y fauna de las Indias, describía a los indígenas, sus creencias y su organización social. A las observaciones propias de las tierras de Guatemala añadía otras, referentes a México, Honduras, Cuba, Perú. Como otros cronistas, elaboraba su discurso con distintos recursos para dotarlo de la autenticidad y acercar la novedad de América al lector europeo.

Crónica de Anna Kipper: Marsella y el barco “Alsina” - el comienzo de su exilio a la luz de los documentos inéditos de su archivo

Teresa Sońta-Jaroszewicz, Universidad de Varsovia.

Como los primeros viajeros al Nuevo Mundo en sus crónicas, Anna Kipper en su crónica “Pausa exótica” dejó para nosotros descripción de los momentos difíciles y preciosos de su peregrinación a América. Anna Kipper (1908 Varsovia-1989 Bogotá) fue una periodista polaca, francesa y colombiana, de origen judío, trabajó primero en Varsovia y después en París, en Agencia Havas. Casimiro (Kazimierz) Eiger Silberstein (1909 Varsovia – 1987 Bogotá) polaco de origen judío, fue periodista y crítico del arte. A raíz de la Segunda Guerra Mundial ambos tuvieron que huir de Europa. Salieron en “Alsina” - un barco fantasma de exiliados con destino a América del Sur, pero al final de un camino muy largo ni Argentina, ni Uruguay ni Brasil les permitieron desembarcar. A los refugiados aceptó la colonia holandesa de Curazao donde descansaron y esperaron a las visas. Por fin llegaron a Colombia y empezaron su nueva vida en Bogotá. El objetivo de la ponencia es leer, repensar y contar la peregrinación de Anna Kipper y Casimiro Eiger basando en las informaciones que dejó Anna Kipper en su crónica “Pausa exótica. Impresiones de guerra y de destierro” y también Casimiro Eiger en los documentos inéditos del archivo personal que donó a la Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango (fondo MSS 775).

Polish journalists writing on the Nicaragua revolution

August Grabski, Warsaw University (Faculty of History).

Three Polish reporters writing about Nicaragua deserve a particular mention: Wojciech Giełżyński (1930–2015), Krzysztof Mroziewicz (1945– ), and Roman Samsel (1935–2003), all sent there by the communist government. All three wrote books of considerable documentary and literary value, analyzing different aspects and stages of the Sandinista revolution. As Giełżyński wittily remarked in the motto of his book entitled “Rewolucja w imię Augusta Sandino” (Revolution in the Name of August Sandino), “it is an outline of a story that would be a world bestseller if written by Frederick Forsyth or Ryszard Kapuściński.” Polish reporters writing about Nicaragua were not as successful as Kapuściński. And they were jealous of it. However, the phenomenon of Ryszard Kapuściński must be understood as an emanation of a wider group of journalists from communist Poland who explored the so-called Third World according moral and political values promoted by communist governments. I would like to answer in my paper the questions: how the above three journalists informed the Polish public opinion about Nicaraguan events and how it influenced their professional careers in the media after the regime change in 1989?

B10 Impacto de Inteligencia Artificial en la diversidad cultural, racismo y discriminación en la globalización digital

Chairs: Sonia Valle De Frutos, Raquel Paul-Caballero, Gloria Caballero Roca

Impacto de los sesgos algorítmicos en la pluralidad de identidades culturales y en la inclusión

Raquel Paul-Caballero, MCS dataLabs Berlin.

Es indudable que nos encontramos en una etapa de transformación tecnológica liderada por la aplicación de tecnologías de inteligencia artificial. El enorme avance del conjunto de sistemas algorítmicos marca el nacimiento de acontecimientos convergiendo la dimensión técnico-operativa con la dimensión social, lo cual representa tanto oportunidades como desafíos, teniendo en cuenta la realidad multicultural contemporánea. Partiendo de la hipótesis sobre las limitaciones de la ciencia de datos, debido a el reforzamiento de los sesgos existentes en formas de discriminación, prejuicios y estereotipos en el procesamiento de la información, el razonamiento automático, el aprendizaje y la percepción vinculados con la adopción y la toma de decisiones, planteamos cuestionamientos en torno a la matriz de desigualdad, que avanza ante el dataismo y sobre el rol de las Ciencias Sociales. Con el objetivo de examinar, comprender y analizar la interrelación entre la discriminación algorítmica, la vulneración de derechos y la diversidad cultural, y tomando como punto de referencia la recomendación sobre la ética de la Inteligencia Artificial adoptada por la UNESCO, reflexionaremos desde una perspectiva crítica y constructivista sobre el impacto ético de la IA en materia de garantía de derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, en grupos poblacionales históricamente marginados, haciendo énfasis en la discriminación étnico-racial y la cuestión migratoria. Para ello se abordarán aspectos sobre el diseño y las variables que infieren en los modelos de representación de conocimientos y de explotación de datos con el objetivo de arrojar luz en torno la sobrerrepresentación y subrepresentación algorítmica.

Challenges Facing Higher Education amidst a Digital Race: Artificial Intelligence, Privileges, Inclusion in a Necessary Contemporary Dialogue. The case of ChatGPT

Gloria Caballero Roca, Bard Micro College, Massachusetts.

This paper will try to bring forth questions related to the use of AI in higher education and the contemporary debates about its use inside and outside the classrooms. Teachers and Professors in the United States are trying to figure out how to answer the following questions amidst a new digital and technological race: Are students using AI and ChatGPT? What can teachers do about this? To discern how AI relates to our own teaching, the following questions might be helpful (regarding an individual assignment and an entire class): What kind of work do you want students to be doing? What kind of thinking do you want their brains and bodies to experience while doing this work? What skills do you want students to hone through practice? What habits do you want students to develop while engaged in coursework? By the end of the class, what do you want students to be able to do that they cannot do in week 1? This paper will also suggest ways in which we, as academics and researchers, "can also help to contextualize an array of social impacts: for example, the racial implications of automated decision-making, the increasing carbon footprint of ´cloud´ computing, the long histories of technological change, and the dangerous stereotypes that internet data amplifies" (

Globalización cultural digital, discriminación y diversidad cultural

Sonia Valle De Frutos, Associated Professor, URJC, Spain.

Los procesos de globalización cultural, estudiados tradicionalmente desde el punto de vista presencial (Informes KOF, DAHL), requieren de nuevos estudios que impliquen los efectos de la transformación digital, incluyendo la Inteligencia Artificial y abordando dimensiones como la discriminación y el racismo. El artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el racismo algorítmico, cuestionando si la Inteligencia Artificial es racista teniendo en cuenta que ha sido entrenada con prejuicios o discriminación racial y considerando que también puede ser intencional. Para ello se hará un recorrido bibliográfico sobre la relación entre la Inteligencia Artificial y la discriminación racial. Autores como Umoja (2018), Mcllwain (2019), Ruha (2019) y Buolamwini, analizan la intersección entre las tecnologías y la diversidad cultural desde el punto de vista del racismo. Crawford y Dignum (2021) abordan las oportunidades y riesgos de la IA desde un marco ético. Valle-DeFrutos, Caballero-Roca & Paul-Caballero (2023) abordan la Inteligencia artificial reflexionando desde la óptica de la ética, la equidad y la comunicación. Como conclusiones, la IA generativa debe ser entrenada y corregida para evitar la perpetuación de los prejuicios y estereotipos que discriminan a grupos vulnerables, potenciando la diversidad en la historia y representación de éstos. Referencias: Benjamin, Ruha (2019) . Race after technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code. Dignum, V., Penagos, M., Pigmans, K., Vosloo, S. (2021). Policy Guidance on AI for Children, UNICEF. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2022). Bias in Algorithms. Artificial Intelligence and Discrimination. Mcllwain, C. (2019). Black Software: The Internet & Racial Justice, From the AfroNet to Black Lives Matter. Umoja S. (2018). Algorithms of Oppresion: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism. NYU Press. UNESCO (2023). Perspectiva Mundial de la UNESCO contra el Racismo y la Discriminación. Valle-De Frutos, Sonia; Caballero-Roca, Gloria; Paul-Caballero, Raquel. (2023). Inteligencia artificial, ética y equidad: un triángulo desde la comunicación sostenible.

Análisis de modelos y aplicaciones de programación en el patrimonio cultural lingüístico

Yadriel Matos Fuentes, Estudiante de Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

La programación neurolingüística o lingüística computacional basado en Inteligencia artificial, se entiende hoy en día como referente del progreso tecnológico por agilizar la interacción social en áreas, como la medicina, los negocios y, la traducción automática entre otros. Desde el lenguaje artificial se interpreta el lenguaje natural partiendo del reconocimiento y el procesamiento de datos, dando lugar a modelos matemáticos, enfoques y tratamientos que se vuelven significativos. El procesamiento del discurso a través de la ciencia cognitiva se comporta como canal para la comunicación y la participación ciudadana. Abordar las repercusiones de los sistemas de IA, haciendo énfasis en el impacto de las aplicaciones de procesamiento del lenguaje natural (PLN), como la traducción automática en el patrimonio cultural es objetivo de la reflexión, teniendo en cuenta que estas herramientas interactúan con y en diversos contextos culturales. Considerando el Informe sobre el Pacto por la Cultura 2030 y la Declaración de Santiago, del Consejo Regional de IA para ALC, se propone un modelo estadístico que contribuye desde un enfoque sistémico y holístico a reforzar en materia de ética de la innovación la transferencia de mejores prácticas. Desde este margen de ideas se aboga por promover el diálogo y la comprensión entre culturas, haciendo énfasis en el área de América Latina y el Caribe.