Digital Cultures and Languages (DCL)

Interdisciplinary at its core, DCL brings together linguists, literary scholars, and historians with an interest in the digital reality that we live in. The group deals with the digital as both an object and a mode of inquiry within the humanities and has a particular focus on the relevance of the digital for foreign language studies.

The digital revolution over the past three decades has profoundly integrated digital technology into both professional and personal spheres. This has significant ramifications for research and education in the humanities, particularly foreign language studies. Online communication has given rise to virtual communities, fostering the emergence of new language varieties.

Digital tools now play a crucial role in translation, while digital literature takes various forms. Traditional literature undergoes transformations into diverse digital formats, online interactions shape historical events, and the digital landscape has become a breeding ground for social injustices.

This technological shift not only introduces new research subjects for foreign language studies but also enables the application of digital tools to address age-old questions from innovative perspectives. The interdisciplinary nature of our Digital Humanities (DH) group, DCL, positions the digital as both a subject and a method of scholarly inquiry within the humanities.

Central to our mission is the acquisition, dissemination, and development of digital methods, techniques, and tools. The group emphasizes peer training in relevant tools and methods, essential for its activities.

DCL aims to place EGR prominently on the DH map, contributing high-quality international DH research in language and culture.


  • Cultures, practices and norms in virtual communities
  • Digital and digitized literary and non-literary texts
  • Language varieties and patterns of language use in online spaces
  • Dissemination of information (including misinformation, disinformation, and biases) in online spaces
  • The intersection between the digital and the analog and the impact of the former upon the latter
  • Digital technology, including AI, in translation practices
  • Applicability of digital methods and tools in research in the humanities.
  • Game studies



  • Quantitative and qualitative text- and data-mining of literary and non-literary texts
  • Corpus linguistics and corpus-aided discourse studies
  • Netnography and digital anthropology
  • Digital history
  • Assessment of digital methods and tools
  • Peer training in the use of digital methods, techniques, and tools
  • Media studies
  • Digital storytelling





Name Title Phone E-mail
Jespersen, Anna Bothe Teaching Associate Professor E-mail
Sera-Shriar, Efram Teaching Associate Professor +4535329835 E-mail
Beaufoy, Joanna PhD Fellow E-mail
Kirkeby, Johanne PhD Fellow +4535323917 E-mail
Jensen, Kim Ebensgaard Associate Professor +4535333802 E-mail
Hvelplund, Kristian Tangsgaard Associate Professor +4535328177 E-mail
Flanagan, Marian Associate Professor E-mail
Morollon Marti, Natalia Teaching Associate Professor +4522212578 E-mail
Jäkel, Nils Associate Professor +4535334706 E-mail
Rix, Robert William Professor +4535328170 E-mail
Thorkildsen, Sophie PhD Fellow E-mail