From Early Childhood to Adulthood: Transitions, Continuity, and Disruptions in Plurilingual Education
The 10th International Conference of the Education and Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Association (EDiLiC) will take place in-person at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, on 28-30 June 2023.
The Association EDiLiC aims to contribute to the dissemination and discussion of knowledge developed in the field of education and linguistic and cultural diversity. We are welcoming scholars and educational practitioners to present their work at the 10th International EDiLiC Conference. Participation is possible through the presentation of papers, workshops, and panel session with three papers on the same topic.
So far, the EDiLiC conferences have been held in France, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland. Copenhagen as the venue for the 10th EDiLiC conference in 2023 opens new opportunities for collaborations between the Nordic countries and the countries that are traditionally represented in EDiLiC.
The 10th International Conference of the Association EDiLiC will be a forum for dialogue between all those engaged in research and practice in plurilingual education, pluricultural education, Content and Language Integrated Learning, and the intersections between these fields, with a particular focus on spaces of transitions, continuity, and disruptions across educational levels and learning contexts.
In relation to vertical transitions, the conference is interested in contributions focusing on progressions and disruptions between preprimary, primary, secondary, and tertiary education, e.g., taking into account epistemological and cognitive, socio-cultural and institutional transitions across educational levels. In relation to horizontal transitions, contributions could, e.g., analyze and discuss the potential and the challenges associated with the transition between plurilingual education in formal and non-formal contexts and the integration of home languages. Furthermore, the intersections between plurilingual education, pluricultural education, and Content and Language Integrated Learning could be discussed. The conference also raises the question of how to build bridges to the labour market.
- Britta Hufeisen & Anne Holmen
- Heike Speitz, Tom Steffensen, Anne Pitkänen-Huhta & Åsta Haukås
- Nathalie Auger & Danièle Moore
- Petra Daryai-Hansen, Natascha Drachmann & Line Krogager Andersen
- Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer & Joana Duarte
- Ulrike Jessner & Elisabeth Allgäuer-Hackl
See the final conference programme, the instruction on how to sign up for parallel sessions at the EDiLiC conference and the book of abstracts.
Please add and find comments concerning the languages used in the parallel sessions in our shared document in Google Docs.
Please find the last updates of the conference programme.
If there are last-minute changes, they will be registered in our Google Docs document.
Information about the EDiLiC association's General Assembly which will take place on Thursday, June 29 at 5:15 pm, in person only:
The following five sub-themes will set the context for the submission of proposals. All sub-themes cover the fields of plurilingual education, pluricultural education, and Content and Language Integrated Learning.
They are structured based on a specific level of investigation, going from the nano, micro, meso, and macro level to the supra level.
- Sub-theme 1 – the individual learner (nano-level)
- Sub-theme 2 – the class, the group, the teaching sequence, and the teacher (micro level)
- Sub-theme 3 – the institutions, e.g., kindergarten, schools, universities (meso level)
- Sub-theme 4 – the educational system, state, region (macro level)
- Sub-theme 5 – international, comparative perspectives (supra level)
Submissions can be proposed as a
- paper presentation based on research (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion);
- workshop based on educational or didactic practices (60 minutes, including presentation and interaction with the participants);
- panel session with three papers on the same topic (90 minutes, including presentations and discussion).
Abstracts for papers, workshops, and panel session must be written in two of the languages of the conference (Danish, English, French, Norwegian, Swedish).
Abstracts for papers and workshops should be between 250 and 350 words. The abstracts (paper presentation and panel session) should provide information about the theoretical underpinnings and research methodology. When submitting your abstract, you will be asked to indicate to which sub-theme you would like to contribute and to include three keywords.
If you would like to propose a panel session, an overall abstract of the panel session should be submitted by the panel organizer and include the title of the three papers. The abstracts for each of the three panel session papers should be submitted separately, making a cross-reference to the panel session title.
All proposals will be blind examined by two anonymous evaluators. Each author can submit no more than three proposals (either solo or as co-author).
See the conference call (pdf).
The languages of the conference are English, French, and the Scandinavian languages.
The languages used in the plenary talks will be announced in the conference program.
Presentation of papers, workshops, and panel sessions can take place in English, French, and the Scandinavian languages. Abstracts must be written in two of the languages of the conference. The languages chosen for the presentations of papers, workshops, and panel sessions will be announced in the final program.
The conference registration fee covers attendance at the conference, lunch, coffee/tea, a certificate of participation and a certificate of attendance (if applicable).
The conference dinner will take place at the restaurant in The Danish Royal Playhouse offering a formidable harbor view and a menu, prepared from seasonal ingredients from local producers, and is not included in the conference registration fees.
Regular registration until 1 February 2023 (Compulsory for those holding a paper presentation/workshop/panel)
- EDiLiC member (conference registration fee): 130 euros. Please sign up for the EDiLiC association membership here.
- Non-EDiLiC member (conference registration fee): 210 euros
Late registration until 1 May 2023
- EDiLiC member (conference registration fee): 150 euros. Please sign up for the EDiLiC association membership here.
- Non-EDiLiC member (conference registration fee): 230 euros
Payment of the EDiLIC Association membership fee must be made at the same time as the payment of the conference registration fee.
Please register, pay the fees, and order the conference dinner here
Internet access
KU Guest (please do not use Safari). Do you need help? Please contact: Support Center, room 13A.1.53 (building 13, first floor), Monday-Friday: 8am - 4pm.
PowerPoint presentations
Please upload your PowerPoint presentation.
Parallel sessions
Please see the document How to sign up for parallel sessions at the EDiLiC conference.
Deadline: June 23.
The conference dinner – How to find it
Do you need help finding The Royal Playhouse in Copenhagen from the University of Copenhagen? Please see the final conference programme, page 6.
Participants who are presenting a paper/conducting a workshop
Please remember to bring your PowerPoint presentation on a USB memory stick.
Bring something sweet
We ask all of you to bring something sweet, e.g. some chocolate, from the country where you live to share with everybody. We will all enjoy the treats in one of the coffee breaks.
The participants will be invited to submit their contribution for publication in a thematic volume in the Nordic Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (NJLTL).
NJLTL is an international open-access journal. Based on the principle that research should be free and accessible, all publications in NJTLT are available free of charge from the journal’s website.
The journal has two sections. The main section contains double-blind, peer-reviewed articles. The forum section features shorter articles of general interest, e.g., contributions from educators and students about hands-on experiences in the classroom.
Articles may be written in Danish, English, French, German, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swedish.
See open call: Nordic Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (NJLTL), Vol. 12 No 1, 2024.
- Anne Holmen
- Anne Pitkänen-Huhta
- Britta Hufeisen
- Christine Erna Elisabeth Möller-Omrani
- Danièle Moore
- Heike Speitz
- Line Krogager Andersen
- Line Møller Daugaard
- Natascha Drachmann
- Nathalie Auger
- Petra Daryai-Hansen (coordinator, contact:
- Solveig Willum (communication, contact:
- Tom Steffensen
- Ulrike Jessner
- Åsta Haukås
See the review committee for the 10th Conference of the EDILIC Association.
Address: University of Copenhagen, South Campus, Emil Holms Kanal 4, 2300 Copenhagen S, building 23
Keynotes / Conférences pléniaires: Auditorium 23.0.50 (building 23, ground floor, room 50 / bâtiment 23, rez-de-chaussé, salle 50)
The easiest way to travel to South Campus by public transport is by metro. Take line M1 to Islands Brygge Station. From the station you have a 5-minute walk to the campus area. Follow Njalsgade all the way up to Emil Holms Kanal. Follow Njalsgade all the way up to Emil Holms Kanal. Follow Emil Holms Kanal until you reach building 23. Auditorium 23.0.50 is in building 23 at the ground floor.
Bus line 33 runs from the town hall square to South Campus.
You can plan your journey around Copenhagen by using the journey planner (in Danish, English, and German).
Registration, coffee breaks and lunch
HUMCantine, building 23, 1st floor, University of Copenhagen, South Campus, Emil Holms Kanal 4, 2300 Copenhagen S
Parallel sessions / Sessions parallèles
See the programme and view map of South Campus.
Please book your accommodation early, to avoid last minute prices.
Hotels close to the conference, ranked by price, starting with the most affordable:
Celebration at the 10th EDiLiC conference of two members of the PE-LAL project’s international advisory board
Plurilingual birthday greetings for Professor Åsta Haukås
The second day of the conference started with a birthday celebration of Professor Åsta Haukås (University of Bergen), a dear Norwegian colleague, expert, and strong Scandinavian and international voice within the field of plurilingual education. Colleagues from near and far had sent birthday greetings for Åsta, and all greetings were collected in the following video which was played at the beginning of the day in the auditorium.
Plurilingual birthday song for Professor Heike Speitz
The start of the third and last day of the conference was also dedicated to birthday celebration. This time, the congratulations went to Professor Heike Speitz (University of South-Eastern Norway), a dear Norwegian colleague and (inter)national expert within the field of plurilingual education and CLIL. First, a full auditorium joined in singing the German birthday song Zum Geburtstag viel Glück. Then, everyone sang the birthday song in another language of own choice in synchronization. It turned out to be a wonderful plurilingual song!
Happy birthday / Joyeux anniversaire / Tillykke med fødselsdag
Page d’accueil en français
Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, project: Plurlingual Education – Minority and Majority Students’ Language Awareness across Educational Levels, reference number: 0132-00208B, the EDiLiC association and the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen.
Education and Linguistic and Cultural Diversity (EDiLiC).
Our dear colleague Evangelia Moussouri, who organized the 9th EDiLiC conference in 2021, passed away. We would like to share this sad and painful news with you and pay tribute to her with a text written by the EDiLiC committee. Our thoughts are with Valia and her family and friends.
Map of South Campus

Main entrance
Karen Blixens Plads 8, DK-2300 Copenhagen S
View larger map
View directions.
View on map of the Faculty of Humanities - South Campus.
View map of South Campus (pdf).