Imagining Africa in Eastern Europe: Transcultural Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis in Cold War Yugoslavia

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This article seeks to write Yugoslavia and Eastern Europe into the history of post-Second World War global psychiatry and to explore the significance of Marxist psychiatry in an international context. It traces Yugoslav psychiatrists' transnational and interdisciplinary engagements as they peaked in the 1960s. Focusing on the distinguished Belgrade psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Vladimir Jakovljevic (1925-68), it looks at Yugoslav psychiatry's clinical and anthropological research in the global South to shed light on its contributions to Western-dominated transcultural psychiatry. Through this lens the article also explores how Eastern Europe's intellectuals engaged with decolonisation and the notions of race, 'primitivism' and modernity. Jakovljevic's involvement in transcultural psychiatry demonstrated the inherent contradiction of Eastern European Marxist psychiatry: its dubiously colonial 'civilising mission' towards the subalterns in its own populations and its progressive, emancipatory agenda. Jakovljevic's writings about Africa ultimately turned into an unprecedented opportunity to shed light on some glaring internal inconsistencies from Yugoslavia's own socio-political context.

TidsskriftContemporary European History
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)234-251
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - maj 2019

ID: 255367517