Kamilla Kraft

Kamilla Kraft

Assistant Professor

I obtained my PhD in language sociology at the MultiLing Centre of Excellence, University of Oslo, Norway. Furthermore, I hold Bachelor and Masters degrees in English and Social Welfare Studies from Roskilde University, Denmark.

My research focuses on the social aspects of language and multilingualism. I am interested in the roles of language in local and global processes of structuration, such as socialisation and regulation, often in the labour market. My studies are anchored in locally situated and culturally as well as historically contextualised analyses of written as well as oral interaction and discourse. I have made ethnographic field studies of the Norwegian and the Danish construction industries which have contributed to the empirical expansion of sociolinguistic research and knowledge about language practices and ideologies. Theoretically, these studies have contributed concepts such as language brokers/language brokering and linguistic securitisation, which have been taken up in critical as well as applied sociolinguistics. Together with a network of colleagues, I also work on fostering a fruitful dialogue between critical and applied sociolinguistics in the study of language and work research. I am currently part of two large projects: a research project on ideologies on and attitudes towards English and globalisation in Denmark, and an interdisciplinary collaboration with researchers and practitioners on a joint project on how to combat food waste by studying discourses and behaviour. Previously I worked on the project Transient Multilingual Communities and the Formation of Social and Linguistic Norms.


ID: 185059224